42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Pbucket

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mar 10 Iul 2012, 1:44 pm

42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii KanalD_logo_footer
42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 5cjzk
42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii HBaEz

Fatmagül (Beren Saat) este o fată frumoasă şi naiva, care locuieşte în Cesme (un loc turistic din vestul Turciei). Dupa moartea părinţilor ei, ea locuieste cu fratele ei. Ea intenţionează să se căsătorească Mustafa (Firat Celik) în vara. Ea îl iubeşte şi vrea să se căsătorească cât mai curând posibil în scopul de a depăşi durerea emoţională dni pricina cumnatei ei invidioase.
O tragedie de neuitat transformă viaţa lui Fatmagul atât de radical încât ea nu va putea să se întoarcă la modul în care ea obisnuiau sa traiasca. Intr-o zi, ea este violată de către patru persoane, Kerim (Engin Akyurek), Vural (Bugra Gulsoy), Erdogan (Kaan Tasaner), şi Selim (Engin Ozturk). În scopul de a ascunde păcatele violatorilor şi de a-i proteja, Fatmagul este forţat să taca şi să se căsătorească cu unul dintre violatori ei. Viata lui Fatmagül se schimbă după această tragedie, dar lucrurile rele nu se sfârşesc. După această tragedie, Mustafa logodnicul ei nu vrea să se mai casatoresca cu ea. Acum, Fatmagul este singura şi nu are de ales, doar să se căsătorească cu Kerim. Ea vrea nimic mai mult decât pentru a uita de trecutul ei şi să trăiască restul vieţii în linişte şi în pace cu lumea. În timp ce ea încearcă să pornească într-o nouă viaţă într-un oraş mare, povestea devine mai complicată atunci când fostu ei logodnic vine dupa ea la Istanbul.

În această poveste, care este adaptarea romanului lui Vedat Turkali, va explora o poveste dramatică a unei fete frumoasa şi inocentă. De asemenea, această poveste încearcă să răspundă la doua intrebari - doi inamici din cauza păcatelor şi greşelile altora - poate invatam sa ne iubim unii pe alţii într-o căsătorie de acord doar pe hârtie. Mustafa o va gasi pe Fatmagul şi va afla adevărul? Va umbri violul sansa lor? Va fi trecutul uitat?

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Aici puteţi vedea topicul anterior ****
Ce vină are Fatmagül ?

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[quote="victorelalove"]From FB EA UF:

THE ENGIN AKYUREK HURRICANE (Written by foz fahad)
#THE ENGIN AKYUREK HURRICANE" is coming, Watch Out! Or Don't Because You Are Defiantly Going to Be Taken by It:

As a remarkably intelligent and capable actor, people all over the world ex...pect to see news, articles and commentaries in newspapers, magazines and daily shows praising Engin Akyurek whose exempted himself from negative criticism with his impressive skills and extraordinary performance . It's noteworthy that Akyurek outstanding charm and devastating physical appeal seem, astonishingly, to be almost incidental.
The hypnotically mild-mannered actor, has recently finished portraying a potent role in FGSN? In which he captured the hearts and eyes of all people worldwide with his ability to disappear into the character of Kerim. Turkish, as well as, overseas audience fell in love with his ability to show a free-flow of emotions and impulses expressed in the body and voice. With a first glance, you may think that part of his appeal is old-fashioned movie star charisma but as you watch him more you realize that it's more than that. He has proven that he can hold a gun, kiss a girl and tell a joke and be iconic in every single scene. Most actors are lucky if they can believably do one of those.
In fact, it's unfair to compare him to other actors because some reasons for the contrast between them are partly based on talent, but success is mostly based in dedication and passion. However, no one is more talented, dedicated and passionate than Engin Akyurek. The man is a phenomenon. People are flying to Turkey just to meet him and express their love and appreciation. Besides, every lucky person has the chance to see him says that he is surprisingly humble and honest, two qualities that are almost nonexistent in celebrities .
So why Turkish Media doesn't appreciate him? Honestly, I don't understand but let me tell you this: No matter how much the media ignored him and overlooked his magnificent performance, Engin Akyurek remains NUMBER ONE to his devoted fans. In fact, his fan base is just growing tremendously day by day to support him. So you can ignore him all you want but one can stop the "Akyurek hurricane".

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 11idc8x

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Mar 10 Iul 2012, 1:51 pm

Multumim pentru noua casa , Denisa . kiss

42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2h7l4qp42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2d177lf
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Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
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Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mar 10 Iul 2012, 1:56 pm

am căutat şi pe la arăboaice , nimic nou nu apare la orizon, e criză de noutăţi s-au topit şi ei de la căldură.

42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 1015r42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 1016r

Ies şi eu , ne citim mai târziu . 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 1710967623 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2095388812


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Mar 10 Iul 2012, 2:01 pm

O zi buna , Denisa !!! kiss
Toata lumea se bronzeaza ...sau doarme . 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 155656

42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 14d268z

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Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mar 10 Iul 2012, 7:45 pm

42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 14mcnc

42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii E7xbfm

42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 33w61if

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Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Mar 10 Iul 2012, 7:50 pm

Multumim , draga Michi !!! kiss
Frumos l-a mai facut mami lui . 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 283516
Si fana ??? Fana in rosu vrea sa fuga cu el acasa ?

42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2bpji8

42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 212i9vd

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mar 10 Iul 2012, 8:36 pm

poza cu maioul negru e noua, e din kas. celelalte doua cu fanele taiate sunt din 2 iunie de la filmari. imi place poza noua. si cei din spate i-au facut poza lui engin.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
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Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:01 pm

michiper68 a scris:poza cu maioul negru e noua, e din kas. celelalte doua cu fanele taiate sunt din 2 iunie de la filmari. imi place poza noua. si cei din spate i-au facut poza lui engin.
Poate o vedem si pe cea cu spatele . kiss
Si mie imi place poza noua . Imi plac si cele de luna trecuta . Olin de viata Engin . 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 283516
Este ras in cea de astazi ... si in spate sunt niste rufe la uscat .

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:07 pm

pai ziceau ca nu sta la hotel ca vipele ci intr-un apartament. ce e in spate pare magazin, ceva metraje, prosoape...

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:09 pm

michiper68 a scris:pai ziceau ca nu sta la hotel ca vipele ci intr-un apartament. ce e in spate pare magazin, ceva metraje, prosoape...

Foarte frumos . kiss
Il "prind" in fiecare zi fanii . Daca au aflat si unde este apartamentul ...sigur il asteapta cand iese sa se plimbe . Barem sa se duca si ei toti odata la fotografiat ... toti fanii . Smile

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:09 pm

nu stiu daca voi ati citit interviul asta vechi dintr-o revista greceasca, dar fana zicea ca ea acum l-a tradus

42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Wcbe3s

42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2hwznls

42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Eprrr7

42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 13zd7yo

Very thin, tall and warm hearted. He has long and thin fingers like an intellectual and a boyish charm opposite to his brutal image from TV. If he lived in Athens, propably he would frequent in the internet cafes near the Technical University, he would have drinks in Thisio and in weekends he would go shopping in bookstores,in the department of essays or he would sneak in music stores looking for collectable albums of Depeche Mode in vinyl. In a few words, he is not a star, "dangerously beautiful" or anything like that. He is just a very beautiful, carefully kind young boy who looks happy with what is happening to him. Or he could be just uncomfortable since he doesn't speak English at all or Greek and my knowledge of Turkish language includes only "aferim" and "tamam" which are useful playing Trivial but not for an interview. So for about 10 minutes we are forced looking at the flowers,the magazines, the tables and the view of Acropolis from the window of his hotel suite, waiting for a translator that never came.
To break the ice, i try to take a statement from him about the triumph of the Greek National team in Eurobasket. Yes, he heard something.No, he didn't watch the game. We won? A, congratulations. The moment that this small interaction in sign language reaches a dead end, Hristos Elmatzioglou came, the clever Greek producer who could foresee a TV success with "Foreign groom" . Fanariotis by origin (from the old Greek neighbourhood Fener in Istanbul) , kind by his nature, he feels sorry for me and offers to take part in "Lost in the translation". That is how first of all, i found out that Engin is only 24 years-old, born and raised in Ankara by upper middle class parents, studied History and Geography but he was always dreaming of becoming an actor and he was playing small roles in student plays. He started from theatre and considers himself a theatre actor and this is his first tv role and his big break.

Does "Kadir" means something in Turkish? He says yes, it is a term with a religious importance and in Ramazan there is a day which is called "the day of Kadir". I comment playfully that Allah mustn't have considered that in casting- what kind of role is this that the boy loses the girl in the end? He laughs. "I never thought it like this. What i liked most when i took the script in my hands was that all the characters,even the bad ones,"are bad with a cause", with depth. They are solid characters." Then i tell him that his role was a chance to learn how to make baklava. Is there a little secret how to make a good baklava? "Of course. The secret is in the crust. It has to be very thin, almost see-through." And now the cook book closes. Outside the set, Engin doesn't cook and judging by his weight, propably he eats very little.
Really, the typical Turkish family is like the one in TV, the one sitting around tables with pilaf and kebabs, the one you watch and you think that you can smell the chopped onion, the spices and the fresh butter? "You won't believe it but yes. A big part of the Turkish society, not so much in the big cities, the more europeans, lives exactly like this.Traditionally. The families live together, have strong bonds, eat together around big tables. For the rest, this is an image that awakens the nostalgy of an era that is gone forever..." But he doesn't have such a big family, neither he lives anymore with his parents. It is been a while now that he lives by himself in Istanbul. At least does he eat well during shootings? "No. Unfortunately, they bring most of the food in the set early in the morning and until we shoot the scenes, they get cold."
That is how i learn that he doesn't like cold food, he doesn't ask his dad if he wants to go out with some girl, but neither she does, and propably he wouldn't ask from his wife to quit her job and stay at home cooking and raising children. But that doesn't mean, he says, that he likes more the "clever", carrer women from the others. "I don't know, i can't predict with what kind of woman i will want to live together in the future. She could be progressive, traditional, smart, caring, short, tall. I don't function with cliche. I believe that reationships have to do with chemistry. But no, i haven't found this woman. If you ask me, i am single now."

Indeed, he doesn't function with cliche. Until now he hasn't told me not even one. At least not those that usually all the foreign people say in similar situations, that he likes moussaka, that Greek women are beautiful, that he wants to visit Mykonos, "kalimera", "gia sou", efharisto". No, he has never been to Greece before but he knows a lot about the country - "if you have studied history, you can't do otherwise." He wants to go to the Parthenon, to Delphi, Olympia, maybe in Dilos too.
He was always thinking of us as a "part of him", Turks and Greeks cut from the same pattern, a little Easterns, a liitle Mediterraneans, wannabe Europeans. "And that explains in my opinion, the success of the show in both countries. Besides the good production e.t.c., i believe that the script tried to see things humane, balanced, that it didn't make injustice for any side. And maybe that is why the Greek saw something of himself in there. Personally, i always believed that our similarities are more than our differences. That is why i don't have in my mind any ethnic stereotype for the Greeks that i might had for, let's say, a British, a French, a German..."
I want to believe that he doesn't say what he says from "fake diplomacy" or from a tendency toward cosmopolitanism. Propably, when you are 24 years old, you listen to Eminem, you watch in the cinema Saura and Soderbergh or with a click you enter the virtual gallery of Louvre museum, the love story "I am a Turk, you are Greek" (paraphrased line from a Greek song) seems a bit funny or too melodramatic. He agrees. "Religion is something very special and very personal for the individual. But in life if two people love each other truly, it wouldn't matter if they are Greeks, Turks, Christians, Muslims or Buddhists. They would find a way to stay together."
So,in the show, will he marry Anna? "Propably not. Kadir will get a letter from Anna that will say that she abandons him, that she walks out of his life....If another love is coming? But doesn't always come?" He is right. At this age, it seems that someone has the wisdom to take life exactly as it: as a big joke. When i say to him that he is a star in Greece, Engin laughs, blushes, he says that it is weird and doesn't understand why this is happening. "But "Nikos" is the jeune premier in the show.." He is happy,though, that Kadir is beloved and of course if he was given a chance to pursue a second Greek career, he would think about it. For now, what does he do with his fame?(not sure how to translate it) "But i am here, am i not? This is enough for me now..."

And when he is "there"(Turkey), what does he do? Is he walking around like a sex symbol? Does he pose to photographers? Is he running to escape from wild fans who want to rip his clothes? Of course not, nothing dramatic like that. He just finished the shootings for a movie, he plays in second season of "Foreign groom", he is looking for a theatre job. He speaks about theatre and his dark eyes "glow"- it is the only time that his natural introvertion "abandons" him. Yes, he loves theatre, he watches theatre plays and movies. He doesn't have a social life style. He stays at home, eats with friends and dreams - i suspect even if he doesn't say it to me - the big roles. Those that will leave him "naked" and breathless on theatre stage. Or those that the heroes wear crookedly the trilby hat, say dramatic lines, kiss the girl in the sunset and in the final scene they dissapear in the blue fog. Too bad, Engin, we didn't went to "Stavlos" (propably it is a cafe) the two of us, we will never have Paris, just a little bit of Acropolis. But this could be the start of a strong friendship...

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:12 pm

kiss kiss Multumim . Michi , cred ca este cel care a mai fost tradus acum ceva timp .
Dar fana care l-a tradus acum are talent . Mie chiar imi place .
Si imi place si cum l-a descris tanti care i-a luat interviul .
Ea nu stia turca ...Engin nu stia engleza sau greaca . Cred ca era o placere sa-l privesti . kiss
Cica nu era frumos Engin ... acum cum i s-o parea ? Smile

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:29 pm

At least does he eat well during shootings? "No. Unfortunately, they bring most of the food in the set early in the morning and until we shoot the scenes, they get cold."
That is how i learn that he doesn't like cold food,

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:29 pm

l-au intrebat de baclava. bine ca nu l-au intrebat alte alea...

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:31 pm

michiper68 a scris:At least does he eat well during shootings? "No. Unfortunately, they bring most of the food in the set early in the morning and until we shoot the scenes, they get cold."
That is how i learn that he doesn't like cold food,

Da . Sa intelegem ca-si gateste singur ? el? acasa ? in bucataria lui mare ? o avea vreo tanti bucatareasa .

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:31 pm

michiper68 a scris:l-au intrebat de baclava. bine ca nu l-au intrebat alte alea...

Da. Pai nu ai vazut ca in Ginere ...juma' se serial au facut baclavale ? Smile Tanti o fi tot salivat cand se uita la serial . A vrut sa afle secrete . Smile

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:32 pm

pe vremea aceea nu avea casa. scrie doar ca dupa cum arata pare ca mananca foarte putin. mancare rece...saracii de ei..

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:33 pm

victorelalove a scris:

Da. Pai nu ai vazut ca in Ginere ...juma' se serial au facut baclavale ? Smile Tanti o fi tot salivat cand se uita la serial . A vrut sa afle secrete . Smile

au si reporterii astia tot felul de curiozitati l-as fi intrebat de baclava pt nimic in lume,nici nu cred ca m-ar tenta vreodata sa fac acasa, sunt bune si cele de cumparat.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:33 pm

michiper68 a scris:pe vremea aceea nu avea casa. scrie doar ca dupa cum arata pare ca mananca foarte putin. mancare rece...saracii de ei..

Pai eu zic acum . Sau acum ii place mancarea rece ? Smile
Da . Inseamna ca pana si baclavaua aia era butaforie .

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:34 pm

michiper68 a scris:

au si reporterii astia tot felul de curiozitati l-as fi intrebat de baclava pt nimic in lume,nici nu cred ca m-ar tenta vreodata sa fac acasa, sunt bune si cele de cumparat.

Eu l-as fi intrebat ce parere are ca i-au schimbat de 3 ori partenera din serial ?
Cred ca cea de care vorbesc ei in interviu este a 2-a ...urmeaza a 3-a .

Ultima editare efectuata de catre victorelalove in Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:37 pm, editata de 1 ori

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:36 pm

filmarea de la cinema. au mai scos fanii de la sertar.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:40 pm

Ce maini frumoase are .
Dar fana( ca vad ca are o geanta ) avea camera sau telefonul ascuns/a . Si totusi la un moment dat Engin se uita exact inspre ea .

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:44 pm

victorelalove a scris:

Eu l-as fi intrebat ce parere are ca i-au schimbat de 3 ori partenera din serial ?
Cred ca cea de care vorbesc ei in interviu este a 2-a ...urmeaza a 3-a .

ca sa nu se plictiseasca. el mereu a avut partenere multe , cu exceptia rolului kerim unde s-a blocat inainte de a baga in seama tot ce misca pe acolo si era in fusta.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:44 pm

victorelalove a scris:Ce maini frumoase are .
Dar fana( ca vad ca are o geanta ) avea camera sau telefonul ascuns/a . Si totusi la un moment dat Engin se uita exact inspre ea .
au mai fost niste secventa de la filmarea asta. dar parca nu era asha lung clipul.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Mar 10 Iul 2012, 9:46 pm

michiper68 a scris:

ca sa nu se plictiseasca. el mereu a avut partenere multe , cu exceptia rolului kerim unde s-a blocat inainte de a baga in seama tot ce misca pe acolo si era in fusta.

Da . Cate 3 pe serial .Apoi cred ca s-a gandit geniala ca prea a avut multe . Smile Si l-a blocat . Ca de ce sa aibe 3 si in FGSN ? Smile

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 42. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

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