1.Noutati media
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Re: 1.Noutati media
Andreea_Miha a scris:
sunt convinsa ca nu ar fi fost bine numai cu pers bune etc...dar as fi vrut sa ma pot bucura de nunta lor in pace nu sa imi "sufle" Shyam in ceafa...vorba vine
Pai nunta asta a lor cand se mai inatampla ca mi s-au lungit urechile.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 1.Noutati media
Andreea_Miha a scris:
da dar nu cred ca erau sanse...pt ca povestea in mare parte face referire frate sora.
Nu-mi place povestea asta.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 1.Noutati media
iulianagl a scris:
Pai nunta asta a lor cand se mai inatampla ca mi s-au lungit urechile.
Oricum nu ma asteptam sa faca prea repede,daca a zis ca vor face toate ritualurile si la cum merg lucrurile la iss....
Sper sa faca nunta ca la cum sunt lucrurile am slabe sperante........
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 1.Noutati media
iulianagl a scris:
Nu-mi place povestea asta.
nici mie dar asta e baza acestui serial din pacate...
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 1.Noutati media
It's dual celebration for the Rayzada family in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon!
[Trebuie sa fiti înscris şi conectat pentru a vedea această imagine]
Star Plus’ Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon is presently airing a wonderful track, where on one hand the fans are getting to see the remarriage of the lead while on the other there are some high actions taking place, which are spicing up the drama.
As seen, Arnav (Barun Sobti) is leaving no chance of making Khushi (Sanaya Irani) happy and for this he is seen doing stuffs he always refrained from. Be it following all the rituals, understanding them and even visiting the temple, Arnav has been doing all the unexpected things.
On the other end, Garima is looking out for ways of avoiding her confrontation with Arnav’s dadi (Swati Chitnis) and for the same she has now decided to move out of the city citing husband Shashi’s illness. Though this has left Khushi a bit upset but she will try and get over this for the sake of others’ happiness. Moreover, in the coming episodes you will get to see Rayzada family gearing up for some dual celebration. Along with Anjali’s (Daljeet Bhanot) godh bharai, we will also see Khushi’s mehendi ceremony. Also, Khushi, who is glad over Arnav being so caring towards her, will plan to do something special for him. We wonder what she will come up with now!
Anyway, while celebrations are on full swing, Shyam (Abhaas Mehta) is also busy with his evil plans. Last we saw how Anjali had called him at home during the absence of other members. However, now Shyam is stuck in the house as everyone is back home. It would be interesting to see how Shyam will manage to flee from the place without letting Arnav or anyone else know of his presence!
Hope Arnav gets a clue of him!
Source: TSK
[Trebuie sa fiti înscris şi conectat pentru a vedea această imagine]
Star Plus’ Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon is presently airing a wonderful track, where on one hand the fans are getting to see the remarriage of the lead while on the other there are some high actions taking place, which are spicing up the drama.
As seen, Arnav (Barun Sobti) is leaving no chance of making Khushi (Sanaya Irani) happy and for this he is seen doing stuffs he always refrained from. Be it following all the rituals, understanding them and even visiting the temple, Arnav has been doing all the unexpected things.
On the other end, Garima is looking out for ways of avoiding her confrontation with Arnav’s dadi (Swati Chitnis) and for the same she has now decided to move out of the city citing husband Shashi’s illness. Though this has left Khushi a bit upset but she will try and get over this for the sake of others’ happiness. Moreover, in the coming episodes you will get to see Rayzada family gearing up for some dual celebration. Along with Anjali’s (Daljeet Bhanot) godh bharai, we will also see Khushi’s mehendi ceremony. Also, Khushi, who is glad over Arnav being so caring towards her, will plan to do something special for him. We wonder what she will come up with now!
Anyway, while celebrations are on full swing, Shyam (Abhaas Mehta) is also busy with his evil plans. Last we saw how Anjali had called him at home during the absence of other members. However, now Shyam is stuck in the house as everyone is back home. It would be interesting to see how Shyam will manage to flee from the place without letting Arnav or anyone else know of his presence!
Hope Arnav gets a clue of him!
Source: TSK
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 1.Noutati media
Ce ma enerveaza partea asta oare nu poate fi scoasa.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 1.Noutati media
iulianagl a scris:Ce ma enerveaza partea asta oare nu poate fi scoasa.
Eu ma intreb, daca Khushi si Arnav, o sa il vada pe Shyam. Si sunt curioasa ce reactie o sa aibe toti, cand o sa vada ca Anjali i-a mintit.
Sincer, pe mine ma enerveaza un secret lungit pe atat de multe episoade. Ba Garima, ba Dadi, ba Anjali. Sincer, sper sa vedem ceva frumos luni.
Re: 1.Noutati media
Alexa20 a scris:
Eu ma intreb, daca Khushi si Arnav, o sa il vada pe Shyam. Si sunt curioasa ce reactie o sa aibe toti, cand o sa vada ca Anjali i-a mintit.
Sincer, pe mine ma enerveaza un secret lungit pe atat de multe episoade. Ba Garima, ba Dadi, ba Anjali. Sincer, sper sa vedem ceva frumos luni.
Da, da nu cred asta in afara de ei doi la intalnire nu avem parte de ceva frumos ca acum se axeaza mai mult pe intrarea si razbunarea lui Shyam eu sunt curioasa sa vad reactia lui Dadi cand o sa afle cine e Shyam si ce face ea acum pentru el.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 1.Noutati media
iulianagl a scris:
Da, da nu cred asta in afara de ei doi la intalnire nu avem parte de ceva frumos ca acum se axeaza mai mult pe intrarea si razbunarea lui Shyam eu sunt curioasa sa vad reactia lui Dadi cand o sa afle cine e Shyam si ce face ea acum pentru el.
Aia o sa fie partea cea mai funny. Ma intreb, cate palme o sa primeasca cand toata lumea o sa se lamureasca, de adevarata fata a lui Shyam. Stii, daca era baiat inteligent, atunci cand Khushi a ascund ca a vrut sa se casatoreasca si cu ea, el putea ramane langa regina lui, si sa ii stoarca pe toti de bani, fara sa isi de-a arama pe fata. Dar vezi tu cum este omul calic ? De ce are, daia ar vrea si mai mult.
Re: 1.Noutati media
Alexa20 a scris:
Aia o sa fie partea cea mai funny. Ma intreb, cate palme o sa primeasca cand toata lumea o sa se lamureasca, de adevarata fata a lui Shyam. Stii, daca era baiat inteligent, atunci cand Khushi a ascund ca a vrut sa se casatoreasca si cu ea, el putea ramane langa regina lui, si sa ii stoarca pe toti de bani, fara sa isi de-a arama pe fata. Dar vezi tu cum este omul calic ? De ce are, daia ar vrea si mai mult.
Exact n-a fost multimit cu ce i s-a dat si a vrut mai mult dar pe mine ce m-a mirat aseara a fost faptul ca Dadi nu-l cunostea pe Shyam asa am inteles de la traducere el s-a dus orbeste si a cautat-o deci fii atenta el a jucat cartea vietii lui a gasit-o si ia impuiat capul cum ca tot ce s-a intamplat a fost o neintelegere deci nici un cuvant despre rapirea si schimbarea testamentului si nici ca a vrut s-o omoare de n ori pe Di.DEci noi ce sa intelegem de aici?Ca nu exista dreptate si adevar in lumea asta mai ales a lor.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 1.Noutati media
iulianagl a scris:
Exact n-a fost multimit cu ce i s-a dat si a vrut mai mult dar pe mine ce m-a mirat aseara a fost faptul ca Dadi nu-l cunostea pe Shyam asa am inteles de la traducere el s-a dus orbeste si a cautat-o deci fii atenta el a jucat cartea vietii lui a gasit-o si ia impuiat capul cum ca tot ce s-a intamplat a fost o neintelegere deci nici un cuvant despre rapirea si schimbarea testamentului si nici ca a vrut s-o omoare de n ori pe Di.DEci noi ce sa intelegem de aici?Ca nu exista dreptate si adevar in lumea asta mai ales a lor.
Cred ca asta trebuie sa descoperim. Nu am vazuut episodul cu traducere, dar am inteles o parte din conversatia lor. Acum, sincer nu stiu ce o sa se mai intample. Nu ma mai mira nimic. Eu vreau sa se afle adevarul, sa se dea singur de gol, sau sa existe dovezi care sa il infunde, etc etc. Atunci vreau sa vad, cum toti isi cer iertare de la Khushi. Asta vreau sa vad. Ca din cate inteleg eu acum, Di cam joaca dublu rol. Pe de-o parte ea vorbeste cu Khushi, si este fericita ca se casatoresc cum trebuie etc etc.
Dar pe de alta parte, ea refuza sa creada tot ce a zis Khushi, si se intalneste pe ascuns cu Shyam. Iar acum Dadi o sa le sustina relatia, si o sa reintre Shyam in viata lor.
Re: 1.Noutati media
Alexa20 a scris:
Cred ca asta trebuie sa descoperim. Nu am vazuut episodul cu traducere, dar am inteles o parte din conversatia lor. Acum, sincer nu stiu ce o sa se mai intample. Nu ma mai mira nimic. Eu vreau sa se afle adevarul, sa se dea singur de gol, sau sa existe dovezi care sa il infunde, etc etc. Atunci vreau sa vad, cum toti isi cer iertare de la Khushi. Asta vreau sa vad. Ca din cate inteleg eu acum, Di cam joaca dublu rol. Pe de-o parte ea vorbeste cu Khushi, si este fericita ca se casatoresc cum trebuie etc etc.
Dar pe de alta parte, ea refuza sa creada tot ce a zis Khushi, si se intalneste pe ascuns cu Shyam. Iar acum Dadi o sa le sustina relatia, si o sa reintre Shyam in viata lor.
Alex daca stam si gandim la rece eu asta cred ca vor creativii deci doua posibilitati cum ai zis si tu ori sa se dea singur de gol ca trebuie sa faca el o greseala undeva ori sa descoere ceilalti adevarul de unii singuri si atunci e normal ca ei sa-si ceara scuze fata de Khushi in special fata de ea iar Daadi pentru ce face acum considerand ca din nou face aceeasi greseala care a mai facut-o si inainte asa cum si ea il acuza pe Chote ca face aceeasi greseala ca si tunci cand a facut-o si ea deci istoria se repeta intr-un fel.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 1.Noutati media
iulianagl a scris:
Alex daca stam si gandim la rece eu asta cred ca vor creativii deci doua posibilitati cum ai zis si tu ori sa se dea singur de gol ca trebuie sa faca el o greseala undeva ori sa descoere ceilalti adevarul de unii singuri si atunci e normal ca ei sa-si ceara scuze fata de Khushi in special fata de ea iar Daadi pentru ce face acum considerand ca din nou face aceeasi greseala care a mai facut-o si inainte asa cum si ea il acuza pe Chote ca face aceeasi greseala ca si tunci cand a facut-o si ea deci istoria se repeta intr-un fel.
Corect, oricum acum situatia este foarte tensionata. Sunt cuiroasa ce o sa faca ASR cand o sa il vada iar pe Shyam Deci tu iti dai seama, cum ar fi Shyam - ASR -Khushi sa fie in aceasi casa ? Oh am uitat-o pe Dadi 2 contra 2
Re: 1.Noutati media
Alexa20 a scris:
Corect, oricum acum situatia este foarte tensionata. Sunt cuiroasa ce o sa faca ASR cand o sa il vada iar pe Shyam Deci tu iti dai seama, cum ar fi Shyam - ASR -Khushi sa fie in aceasi casa ? Oh am uitat-o pe Dadi 2 contra 2
Cred ca astia trei Shyam Dadi si Di fac cat toti cei din casa si ar mai fi Mami care s-ar putea sa incline balanta.Cred ca Iss la ora actuala are nevoie de ceva nou ceva care sa ne scoata din starea asta de tensiune ca sincer ma enerveaza la culme cand ma uit la episoadele din urma ma apuca plansul al ce vad acum si ce a fost inainte.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 1.Noutati media
iulianagl a scris:
Cred ca astia trei Shyam Dadi si Di fac cat toti cei din casa si ar mai fi Mami care s-ar putea sa incline balanta.Cred ca Iss la ora actuala are nevoie de ceva nou ceva care sa ne scoata din starea asta de tensiune ca sincer ma enerveaza la culme cand ma uit la episoadele din urma ma apuca plansul al ce vad acum si ce a fost inainte.
Ce episoade frumoase traduc eu acum, si ce episoade stresante traduci tu. Ce diferenta. Bine, nu sunt asa de suparata, pentru ca imi place sa il vad pe ASR indragostit, si imi place sa o vad pe Khushi zambind tot timpul.
Dar totusi, Parca sunt prea multe personaje negative dintr-odata. In fine, sa vedem ce o sa se intample.
Re: 1.Noutati media
Alexa20 a scris:
Ce episoade frumoase traduc eu acum, si ce episoade stresante traduci tu. Ce diferenta. Bine, nu sunt asa de suparata, pentru ca imi place sa il vad pe ASR indragostit, si imi place sa o vad pe Khushi zambind tot timpul.
Dar totusi, Parca sunt prea multe personaje negative dintr-odata. In fine, sa vedem ce o sa se intample.
Exact, cred ca avem nevoie de un pic de fresh air, o noua intrare pozitiva ca sincer m-am saturat de atat negativism.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 1.Noutati media
Iss Pyaar Ko: Arnav, Khushi's true love vs Anjali's blind love
[Trebuie sa fiti înscris şi conectat pentru a vedea această imagine]
There are two types of love stories blooming in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (IPKKND) on Star Plus.
First love story is moving around the lovely couple Arnav (Barun Sobti) and Khushi's (Sanaya Irani) true love.
Another love story moves around Arnav's sister Anjali (Daljeet Bhanot). She is in blind love with her husband Shyam (Abhaas Mehta).
Present track shows the true love of Arnav and Khushi. Arnav is not leaving a chance to make Khushi happy. For this he is doing all the things that he has never done before.
He is following all the rituals, giving his time to understand them and even visiting the temples.
Khushi is glad over Arnav being so caring towards her. She will now plan to do something special for him.
On the other hand, Anjali is deceiving her chhote (Arnav) for Shyam. Anjali is meeting with Shyam secretly without informing anyone in the family.
She is betraying her own brother for her husband who had been a curse for Raizada family.
Arnav believes that his di (sister) Anjali is finally moving towards a good future forgetting her bad past with Shyam.
It will be quite disheartening for Arnav when he will come to know about Anjali's double face.
[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]
[Trebuie sa fiti înscris şi conectat pentru a vedea această imagine]
There are two types of love stories blooming in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (IPKKND) on Star Plus.
First love story is moving around the lovely couple Arnav (Barun Sobti) and Khushi's (Sanaya Irani) true love.
Another love story moves around Arnav's sister Anjali (Daljeet Bhanot). She is in blind love with her husband Shyam (Abhaas Mehta).
Present track shows the true love of Arnav and Khushi. Arnav is not leaving a chance to make Khushi happy. For this he is doing all the things that he has never done before.
He is following all the rituals, giving his time to understand them and even visiting the temples.
Khushi is glad over Arnav being so caring towards her. She will now plan to do something special for him.
On the other hand, Anjali is deceiving her chhote (Arnav) for Shyam. Anjali is meeting with Shyam secretly without informing anyone in the family.
She is betraying her own brother for her husband who had been a curse for Raizada family.
Arnav believes that his di (sister) Anjali is finally moving towards a good future forgetting her bad past with Shyam.
It will be quite disheartening for Arnav when he will come to know about Anjali's double face.
[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 1.Noutati media
Khushi plans a date with Arnav in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon!
[Trebuie sa fiti înscris şi conectat pentru a vedea această imagine]
Love doesn’t need to be proven as it’s a feeling that is meant to be understood solely from heart. However, the love filled acts always tend to make our beloveds feel special and important.
And this is what making Khushi (Sanaya Irani) plan a special date with love of her life Arnav (Barun Sobti) in Star Plus’ Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon. As seen last, Khushi got elated when she came to know of her parents’ trip getting canceled. She was glad that now they would be able to attend her wedding. This filled her with new joy and she headed on with her plans of doing something special for Arnav.
Meanwhile, it was revealed that Dadi (Swati Chitnis) was called to Rayzada house by Shyam (Abhaas Mehta) and he did this in order to make an entry into the house. Shyam is hoping to execute another of his deadly plans and seek Dadi’s support to re-enter the family. While the evil is brewing up with new strategy, our love birds are busy enjoying the bliss.
In the coming episodes you will see Khushi taking Arnav for a date to Purple Orchid. Dressed in a sizzling black outfit, the lovers would complement each other perfectly. Moreover, as Arnav had been trying to do things according to Khushi’s taste and preference, Khushi too will try and go with things as per Arnav’s style.
Now, how can the love story stay aloof from any drama; and to bring in the needed spice here, we will have both Anjali (Daljeet Bhanot) and Shyam. They too will land up at the same place and the situation will go a bit dramatic.
Let’s see how this first ever date of Arnav and Khushi turn out to be!
Source: TSK
[Trebuie sa fiti înscris şi conectat pentru a vedea această imagine]
Love doesn’t need to be proven as it’s a feeling that is meant to be understood solely from heart. However, the love filled acts always tend to make our beloveds feel special and important.
And this is what making Khushi (Sanaya Irani) plan a special date with love of her life Arnav (Barun Sobti) in Star Plus’ Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon. As seen last, Khushi got elated when she came to know of her parents’ trip getting canceled. She was glad that now they would be able to attend her wedding. This filled her with new joy and she headed on with her plans of doing something special for Arnav.
Meanwhile, it was revealed that Dadi (Swati Chitnis) was called to Rayzada house by Shyam (Abhaas Mehta) and he did this in order to make an entry into the house. Shyam is hoping to execute another of his deadly plans and seek Dadi’s support to re-enter the family. While the evil is brewing up with new strategy, our love birds are busy enjoying the bliss.
In the coming episodes you will see Khushi taking Arnav for a date to Purple Orchid. Dressed in a sizzling black outfit, the lovers would complement each other perfectly. Moreover, as Arnav had been trying to do things according to Khushi’s taste and preference, Khushi too will try and go with things as per Arnav’s style.
Now, how can the love story stay aloof from any drama; and to bring in the needed spice here, we will have both Anjali (Daljeet Bhanot) and Shyam. They too will land up at the same place and the situation will go a bit dramatic.
Let’s see how this first ever date of Arnav and Khushi turn out to be!
Source: TSK
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 1.Noutati media
Iss Pyaar Ko (IPKKND): Arnav and Khushi's first romantic date
[Trebuie sa fiti înscris şi conectat pentru a vedea această imagine]
It is being shown that Arnav (Barun Sobti) and Khushi (Sanaya Irani) leaving no chance to make their relationship strong with love in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (IPKKND) on Star Plus.
Arnav who always had his ego and money on top of relationships and emotions. But now, he started to believe in relationship and their value.
The credit goes for the changes in Arnav's behaviour to Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada. Arnav got his smile back which was lost due to his dreadful past.
The Present track of remarriage track of Arnav and Khushi has been showing a different ASR. He does everything as Khushi wants.
Now, He performs all wedding rituals. He gives importance to Khushi's feelings. Khushi is very touched with Arnav's changed behaviour. She also thinks that he is doing all things only for her happiness.
Khushi decided to give a surprise to Arnav in his style.
In the upcoming episode, Arnav and Khushi for the first time will be seen together on a romantic date.
The interesting thing will be that Arnav and Khushi will be looking hot in a sizzling black outfit. Their romantic date will have some light hearted moments with drama.
Arnav and Anjali leave to go to the same place together unknowlingly to meet their love.
Arnav and Khushi may confront with Shyam and Anjali.
The upcoming track will bring more interesting seqence during the first romantic date between Arnav and Khushi.
[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]
[Trebuie sa fiti înscris şi conectat pentru a vedea această imagine]
It is being shown that Arnav (Barun Sobti) and Khushi (Sanaya Irani) leaving no chance to make their relationship strong with love in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon (IPKKND) on Star Plus.
Arnav who always had his ego and money on top of relationships and emotions. But now, he started to believe in relationship and their value.
The credit goes for the changes in Arnav's behaviour to Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada. Arnav got his smile back which was lost due to his dreadful past.
The Present track of remarriage track of Arnav and Khushi has been showing a different ASR. He does everything as Khushi wants.
Now, He performs all wedding rituals. He gives importance to Khushi's feelings. Khushi is very touched with Arnav's changed behaviour. She also thinks that he is doing all things only for her happiness.
Khushi decided to give a surprise to Arnav in his style.
In the upcoming episode, Arnav and Khushi for the first time will be seen together on a romantic date.
The interesting thing will be that Arnav and Khushi will be looking hot in a sizzling black outfit. Their romantic date will have some light hearted moments with drama.
Arnav and Anjali leave to go to the same place together unknowlingly to meet their love.
Arnav and Khushi may confront with Shyam and Anjali.
The upcoming track will bring more interesting seqence during the first romantic date between Arnav and Khushi.
[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 1.Noutati media
O my God!Deci se vad unii pe altii la Orhidee.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 1.Noutati media
iulianagl a scris:O my God!Deci se vad unii pe altii la Orhidee.
eu nu am incredere in articole...eu as crede ca se ascunde Shyam..desi prefer sa ii vada Arnav...
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
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