13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Pbucket

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Pbucket
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13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Vin 16 Dec 2011, 12:05 am

13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Snowflkesfllng13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Snowflkesfllng13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Snowflkesfllng13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Snowflkesfllng13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Snowflkesfllng13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Snowflkesfllng13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Snowflkesfllng13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Snowflkesfllng13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Snowflkesfllng

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii HBaEz

Fatmagül (Beren Saat) este o fată frumoasă şi naiva, care locuieşte în Cesme (un loc turistic din vestul Turciei). Dupa moartea părinţilor ei, ea locuieste cu fratele ei. Ea intenţionează să se căsătorească Mustafa (Firat Celik) în vara. Ea îl iubeşte şi vrea să se căsătorească cât mai curând posibil în scopul de a depăşi durerea emoţională dni pricina cumnatei ei invidioase.
O tragedie de neuitat transformă viaţa lui Fatmagul atât de radical încât ea nu va putea să se întoarcă la modul în care ea obisnuiau sa traiasca. Intr-o zi, ea este violată de către patru persoane, Kerim (Engin Akyurek), Vural (Bugra Gulsoy), Erdogan (Kaan Tasaner), şi Selim (Engin Ozturk). În scopul de a ascunde păcatele violatorilor şi de a-i proteja, Fatmagul este forţat să taca şi să se căsătorească cu unul dintre violatori ei. Viata lui Fatmagül se schimbă după această tragedie, dar lucrurile rele nu se sfârşesc. După această tragedie, Mustafa logodnicul ei nu vrea să se mai casatoresca cu ea. Acum, Fatmagul este singura şi nu are de ales, doar să se căsătorească cu Kerim. Ea vrea nimic mai mult decât pentru a uita de trecutul ei şi să trăiască restul vieţii în linişte şi în pace cu lumea. În timp ce ea încearcă să pornească într-o nouă viaţă într-un oraş mare, povestea devine mai complicată atunci când fostu ei logodnic vine dupa ea la Istanbul.

În această poveste, care este adaptarea romanului lui Vedat Turkali, va explora o poveste dramatică a unei fete frumoasa şi inocentă. De asemenea, această poveste încearcă să răspundă la doua intrebari - doi inamici din cauza păcatelor şi greşelile altora - poate invatam sa ne iubim unii pe alţii într-o căsătorie de acord doar pe hârtie. Mustafa o va gasi pe Fatmagul şi va afla adevărul? Va umbri violul sansa lor? Va fi trecutul uitat?

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Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne


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trag şi eu cortina 13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 155656 13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 155656

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Vin 16 Dec 2011, 12:08 am

Casa noua !! kiss kiss kiss Multumim Denisa !! Toata ziua trebaluiesti . kiss

Noapte buna si somnic roz . 13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 155656 13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 523120 13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 720534 13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 720534 13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 720534

13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2ezidrm

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Vin 16 Dec 2011, 12:13 am

13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 101231728812675870701323980286k5DtQuSh96V9Ae1gqdtr13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 866016569774580661323980293ePdOE6DRZUOaJ7RR5x4C13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 8360973564553060041323980300se5GlYKXEDiZc2DrDQTg13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 1521745570763291201323979924OqV51ouSm16GJjDun9GF

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Vin 16 Dec 2011, 7:52 am

buna dimineata. deja sunt multe pagini pe blog si cum am cautat traducerile pt port le postez si aici.

Fatmagul told the therapist about the time she spent alone with Kerim. She felt good
She told her about her fear or disgust of alcohol. Because the night she was raped, the boys smelled alcohol and it was poured all over her body, so this smell scares her. (That's why she locked herself in her room when she saw Kerim drinking beer)
Then when Fatmagul started closing up on herself, the therapist changed the subject and asked her about Elif (the new born). She said it feels great etc.. and it would probably feel even greater if she was her own daughter. One day she hopes to have her own daughter.
So the therapist said "then it would be Kerim's baby"
Fatmagul said "yes, Kerim's baby. One day I want to have a baby with Kerim"

Resat told Mustafa that everyone's life was ruined because of Erdogan, he started everything.
He lost his brother, his dignity, his reputation, his work, Turaner, Vural ...
He told Mustafa that they are both in a similar situation, with one difference : Mustafa is guilty of something, but he is not.


Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de lica54 Vin 16 Dec 2011, 8:45 am

Buna dimineata dragalaselor!!Cafeaua e servita...

13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 8xvz7fsl13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 8xvz7fsl
13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Scm10roi13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Yez53puw

Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
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Localizare : Galati

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Vin 16 Dec 2011, 4:00 pm

Tips for ep 55 :

Rahmi is the one that saves FG. How? He hits Erdogan over the head with something. Our hero is Rahmi. But, Erdogan is in the hospital, and Rahmi is in jail. Rahmi is going to have a difficult time in jail. They are going to make fun of him. I worry about Rahmi, and am sad for him. Because Rahmi is in jail, Mukkades takes her anger out on FG. As it is, FG suffers quite a bit from Mukkades because of this situation. Erdogan tells FG that if she gives up the case, he won't prosecute Rahmi. Fatmagul is in a difficult situation. But, don't forget; another person is going to leave the show...they will commit suicide. As it is, the show is full of suicides

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Vin 16 Dec 2011, 4:39 pm

Buna seara dragi copii !!

Multumim Lica !! kiss
Multumim Michi !! kiss Ce prostie ... eu credeam ca Fg va sti cum sa-si poarte de grija si cand colo apare frate'su . Uffffffffff deja Muka se comporta rau cu ea ... ce poate sa-i faca mai mult ? Sa tipe 30 de minute ? Aiurea ... 13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2743637754 13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2743637754 13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2743637754 Asta face de la inceputul serialului .
Nu o mai suport deloc pe femeia asta . Nu este deloc o actrita buna ... mi se parea la inceput ca ar fi asa . Dar acum mi se pare penibila . Altceva in afara de tipat nu stie . stupid
Si cred ca Fg va renunta la proces ca sa-l scape pe Rahmi . De el imi pare rau .
Dar cred ca va fi un episod slab rau ... stupid

13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii W7mys1

13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Allme0

13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Vlcsnap2011010716h20m46

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Vin 16 Dec 2011, 5:28 pm


FG: At first the house was good for me, there, I was thinking It can protect me from all my fears, because I was far away from everything. In a strange way I was comfortable. And Kerim... being with me was comforting.

Therapist: But you said the night he drank frightened you.

FG: Yes I was afraid. I was thinking that Kerim may be ill-tempered again. I am… the night at Ildir, The smell of alcohol reminds me of it. Thinking of it turns my stomach. next day I regretted it locking the door that night, because Kerim understood that I locked it.

Therapist: Was that the reason you tried to get close to him the next day, you tried to talk about your first feelings for him, you allowed him to get close to you as much as to kiss you. was it all because you felt guilty for this.

FG: I love Kerim, and I want us to be a normal couple with him. I tell my self let me not think of anything, look this is Kerim in front of me, the person I love, bout them… the others (meaning Erdogan and Selim) saying we are always here and we will alway be in your life, they crowd my brain. Even in my happy night they got into my dream, as if they say both of you will not be rescued from us.

Therapist: Kerim was also in the dream.

FG: yes.

Therapist: Alright, lets talk a little about the baby. it caused a big activity in the house, didn 't it?

FG: yes, actually, since I heard the news about the baby I can't think of anything els. As if the house was brightened up. we became something els. how can a tiny thing bring great happiness to all. it brings joy. I am not angry from my "yenge" anymore, since it came to the house, I am easy with her reluctance, I don't mind it. Carrying it (the baby) and smelling it made everything tender, inside me and out side, everywhere. I want it to continue like this. could loving a baby bring this much goodness to a person.

Therapist: who knows; how much you will be happy, if it happened to you.

FG: who knows; how much I will be happy, if it happened to me. Actually I raised Murat, but I was also young then, now Elif will grow with me. Of course a person's own child is something els. I am curious about motherhood. how are these feelings and emotions. it is quit beautiful to have a baby. of course I want to have one for me one day.

Therapist: but that baby will also be Kerim's baby.

FG: Yes, one day… I want to have a child with Kerim.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Vin 16 Dec 2011, 5:38 pm

michiper68 a scris:

Therapist: but that baby will also be Kerim's baby.

FG: Yes, one day… I want to have a child with Kerim.

Multumim Michi !! kiss kiss kiss

Bine ca ne asigura ca vrea un copil cu Kerim stim ca va veni si un episod in care vor face mai mult decat sa se tina de mana si sa-si atinga parul . Smile

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Vin 16 Dec 2011, 5:44 pm

victorelalove a scris:

Multumim Michi !! kiss kiss kiss

Bine ca ne asigura ca vrea un copil cu Kerim stim ca va veni si un episod in care vor face mai mult decat sa se tina de mana si sa-si atinga parul . Smile

a aparut si sumarul dar e netradus.

si de pe hunili

Resat wants Mustafa to convince FG to say only Erdogan raped her so that Selim will be let free ..

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Vin 16 Dec 2011, 5:50 pm

michiper68 a scris:

Resat wants Mustafa to convince FG to say only Erdogan raped her so that Selim will be let free ..
confused confused confused confused Astia sunt mai cretini unul ca altul . Cum vor ei sa-si scape pielea ... cred ca in final se vor distruge unul pe altul .
Dar spunea o fana ca ea crede ca oricum Rahmi nu va putea fi acuzat de ceva ... pentru ca el are niste probleme psihice ca a aparat-o pe sora lui care era in pericol . Deci nu cred ca-si va retrage acuzatia Gullia .

Si cum sa o convinga Mustafa ? Sa se apropie iar de ea sa turbeze Kerim !! stupid stupid stupid

13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2z8p376

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Vin 16 Dec 2011, 7:33 pm

I think that she dreamed of it because of the kiss. After the kiss she thought about the physical contact. She liked it, in fact, (when she went to bed, she was happy remembering, she even touched her lips remembering), but she linked the kiss with sex, and so, she linked it with the rape. Sex-wedding-rape. In rape: Erdogan, Selim, and kerim too, he didn't rape her, but neither helped her...


Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Vin 16 Dec 2011, 7:45 pm


13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii S5l3du

13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2s5xlxu

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Vin 16 Dec 2011, 7:56 pm

55 Summary

FG In a moment sees the face of Erdogan and tried to escape in fear
Erdogan doesn't intend to give up before talking
Rahmi who does'nt want FG to return home alone after his work completed tries to catch up FG coming out from the doctor, he sees his sister a difficult situation and events get out of control.
the news about Erdogan facing Fatmagül fall as the bomb on the agenda of the two families.
Fatmagül facade/front are quiet and begins a desperate waiting.
Yaşaranlar facade In fear and amazement, replace as soon as possible and leave the new plans.
After the incident,Fatmagül is the target of Mukadess' anger and accusations.
during this period, Kerim could not do anything but support Fatmagül.
Erdogan took a false step is to scare Fatmagül but Münir & Resat's efforts turn it into a golden opportunity and Fatmagül for the first time since so long will remain helpless.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Vin 16 Dec 2011, 7:58 pm

Fatmagül, Erdogan, Yasar, Rahmi, and one more
who is this one, and I wonder what's the objective?
Rahmi Puts everything at risk to save his sister
Because of this event, Fatmagül and others in the cases who's fair and who's unfair falls situation.

in this episode we'll lose one more person ... he/ she'll die
Erdogan, perhaps for the first time you'll see him such vulnerable, but Erdogan you know always falls on his four feet
Muakadess will blame FG for everything
Karim blames himself once more for what happened, "Why didn't i interfere"
And Rahmi, waiting for a decision concerning him in prison.
Fatmagül, Rahmi,Kerim and others make most important hard decision about the case.
but what more can I say, Fatmagül and Karim in this process benefit from being close

I know not listed in the summary could not have written more.
This episode revolves around this event because ...
Only what's more I can write you dialogue

"Now I am noticing new beginnings, I miss a new life. "


Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Vin 16 Dec 2011, 8:07 pm

si un articol interesant ca opinie. e in toata presa.

Actually ,FG is story finished long time ago.I wish that final was end this year. Instead extended to june. At this time lokk like real story is finished. This story getting far away from real main message of the real story I feel like watching something different.Some of scenes I feel like watching Kurtlar Vadisi show. Thank god senariste, players, and director it good thats why we are watching. In ohter way of saying like doctor doing massage to heart and saving life of dying patient. Specially, when I saw Engin Akyurek reading poems I was worried. " My goodness!" they trying to fill up time, they having difficult time this proves it.Thank god Beren Saat became sleepy went to sleep...

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Vin 16 Dec 2011, 8:08 pm

Multumim Michi !!
Tragedia si supararea este la ea acasa in TURCIA !! Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
Doamne daca ii inteleg pe turci daca ma inteleg pe mine . Exclamation

Mukka nu stie sa faca altceva decat sa tipe ca din gura de sarpe ... o sa fie de toata jena joia viitoare nu inteleg de ce sunt toti asa de pampalai in casa aia . In loc sa o puna la punct sa-o dea si 2-3 scatoalce ...stau si o asculta .
Nu ii inteleg nici pe regizori si nici pe scenaristi . Strica multe momente cu istericalele Mukkai . Nu o mai suport deloc . Mi se pare o actrita asa de slaba si de prost pregatita ... pana acum ceva timp credeam ca o urasc pentru ca-si joaca bine rolul ...dar acum m-am convins ca ea nu stie alt mod de a juca . Sa ma scuteasca . 13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2743637754
Si acum daca se va descarca pe Gullie si va spune ca totul este din vina ei ... sa vezi plansete . Bine ca cica Kerim va fi langa ea ... dar cu ce ne ajuta asta ????????

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Vin 16 Dec 2011, 8:13 pm

michiper68 a scris:si un articol interesant ca opinie. e in toata presa.

Tu nu vezi ca nu-i intereseaza Michi ????? Ei nu au de-a face cu "lumea reala" ... scenaristele si producatoarea sunt penibile ... cred ca totul este grozav si ca sunt rautati din partea unora si altora . Dar are si tot ce faci o logica ... ele au tras totul de par nici par nu a mai ramas . In loc sa faca totul cursiv si frumos ... s-au mirat cum sa puna piedici relatiei Kerim -Gullia . Sa nu-si fi pus lor piedici .
Eu nu inteleg de ce nu termina serialul ? Asa avem si noi sansa sa-l vedem pe Enginu' intr-un nou proiect nu cred ca duce lipsa de oferte .

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Vin 16 Dec 2011, 8:15 pm

bună seara!! 13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 1823638ljj8furqul

13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii On9alnwg13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Lu4mnul213.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Nsmevqb513.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Ar2ononn13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Ov26cr5k13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Ue4g2htr13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 131598843819998988251324028017H84rPTvdT9PpE5r8hNCe13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 38790068410726250251324028660X8dddGtHwMuHmqEK5Skd

I stopped watching FGSN weeks ago, nothing interesting in this show for me. FG and Kerim love is ridiculized and the rest is pure fill in the episodes. Berengin are still great as usual, but the poor quality of the script is affecting them very badly, talent wise. I decided to move on and watch other shows.

15 Aralık Perşembe 2011 Reyting Sonuçları

1 fatmagul'un sucu ne kand 1:36:12 14,71% 38,73%
2 fatmagul'un sucu ne (ozet) kand 0:50:43 8,61% 23,85%

1 fatmagul'un sucu ne kand 1:36:12 14,57% 36,77%

3 fatmagul'un sucu ne (ozet) kand 0:50:43 8,07% 20,35%

I totally understand the whole rape victim broken record and all that bla bla of Kerim and FG transitions from one level to another level , I have no problem with that at ALL, my problem is a matter of creativity and so my criticism is from that perspective. I have never been convinced with the therapy sessions in FGSN and yes, I do know that therapist dont provide answers ...But, there are also more than one method used in therapies, not only one

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Vin 16 Dec 2011, 8:16 pm

eu nu mai recunosc nimic din fatmagul sezonul 1. ei se invart in jurul cozii. pt mine e ezel 2 unde au umplut cimitirul cu personajele serialului. sezonul 2 e o vajaiala de personaje noi care vin si pleaca. inca nu-mi vine sa cred ca tatal lui kerim a venit si nu a facut nimic cateva ep si a plecat .

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Vin 16 Dec 2011, 8:17 pm

Buna seara Denisa !! kiss

Mai dar ce contracte or avea Beren si Engin ? Nu or putea sa paraseasca serialul ?

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Vin 16 Dec 2011, 8:17 pm

people have to wait for FG to go to therapy so she can get her issues off her chest ...You are right here. My favorite American show is In Treatment and its about therapies and it rocks , since the 2 therapists are doing an amazing job, 2 charismatic actors, super acting and believable and well-written lines. I have a better reference when it comes to therapies, and I guess its the reason why I fee nothing watching the red haired therapist jaja

I think now we understand each other jajaja Ece and Melek gave up totally on this show so I personally don't think they will do better. They just dont take it seriously, no passion at all in the creative process ...I think next episode ratings will drop another 1 % the summary mentions nothing about Kerim, now people have to put up with Rahmi in jail and another suicide (I think someone is really bored with the dizi jajaja) and more silliness

Vic probabil au clauze serioase

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Vin 16 Dec 2011, 8:19 pm

victorelalove a scris:
Tu nu vezi ca nu-i intereseaza Michi ????? Ei nu au de-a face cu "lumea reala" ... scenaristele si producatoarea sunt penibile ... cred ca totul este grozav si ca sunt rautati din partea unora si altora . Dar are si tot ce faci o logica ... ele au tras totul de par nici par nu a mai ramas . In loc sa faca totul cursiv si frumos ... s-au mirat cum sa puna piedici relatiei Kerim -Gullia . Sa nu-si fi pus lor piedici .
Eu nu inteleg de ce nu termina serialul ? Asa avem si noi sansa sa-l vedem pe Enginu' intr-un nou proiect nu cred ca duce lipsa de oferte .

din punct de vedere ay yapim sti ce a fost cel mai important ep trecut? panoul imensss plantat in mijlocul plajei la sfarsitul discutiei mustafa-resat. de acolo ies banii lui kerem catay. in rest...mai mananca niste cozonac scenaristele si figurantii . sper sa iasa din acest proiect cu mintea intreaga engin ca e jale.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Vin 16 Dec 2011, 8:21 pm

DENISA a scris:

Vic probabil au clauze serioase
Mie mi se pare bataie de joc . Serios . Mi se pare ca-si bat joc de ei .
Cateodata mi se pare ca Engin ii spune Berenei ... HAI BERENO CA AVEM SI ASTAZI UN SCENARIU ...DE ADORMIM !! stupid stupid stupid
Eu cred ca-i termina serialul asta nu duce nicaieri . Ma supara pe mine si ma seaca . Dar sa mai si joci ?

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Vin 16 Dec 2011, 8:22 pm

la cata publicitate mascata am vazut pe kanal d turcia si in serialele ay yapim noi ii amenda cna-ul fara sa clipeasca. toate panourile publicitare sunt in serialele lor.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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13.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 13. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

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Continut sponsorizat

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