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Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Mar 10 Noi 2009, 11:00 pm

La umbra teilor Image211
un nou topic pt iubitorii acestui film :heart: :heart: :heart:

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Admin_dea05 in Mar 06 Noi 2012, 2:12 am, editata de 2 ori

Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Mesaj Scris de TheCattallyn Mar 10 Noi 2009, 11:04 pm

oooo Multumim...!

membru incepator
membru incepator

Mesaje : 26
Data de inscriere : 28/10/2009
Varsta : 30
Localizare : IasiPascani

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mar 10 Noi 2009, 11:05 pm

La umbra teilor 11044_164666978978_647178978_265361
La umbra teilor 673372262500
La umbra teilor 2n07vic

Bulent în noul lui serial


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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La umbra teilor Empty Re: La umbra teilor

Mesaj Scris de dea05 Mier 11 Noi 2009, 6:46 am

buna dimineata!!!!
La umbra teilor A1

Ultima editare efectuata de catre dea05 in Joi 12 Noi 2009, 1:19 pm, editata de 1 ori

Mesaje : 2538
Data de inscriere : 13/09/2009

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Mesaj Scris de IRIS Mier 11 Noi 2009, 8:23 am

Buna dimineata, harnicutelor !!! sunny sunny Avem un nou topic ! Felicitari !! cheers cheers bounce bounce Va doresc sa aveti o zi frumoasa, de toamna si v-am pregatit cafeluta si ...presa La umbra teilor 248946 La umbra teilor B032e171bd13fb2095b6a45
membru senior
membru senior

Mesaje : 231
Data de inscriere : 06/10/2009
Varsta : 52
Localizare : MUNTENIA

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Mesaj Scris de IRIS Mier 11 Noi 2009, 8:26 am

DEA, DENISA ... ❤ ❤ multumim . La umbra teilor 00072
membru senior
membru senior

Mesaje : 231
Data de inscriere : 06/10/2009
Varsta : 52
Localizare : MUNTENIA

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La umbra teilor Empty Re: La umbra teilor

Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Mier 11 Noi 2009, 8:43 am

Buna dimineata !!!!!!! cheers

Iris multumim pentru cafea esti harnicuta ca de obicei ... sa ai o zi frumoasa :flower:

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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La umbra teilor Empty Re: La umbra teilor

Mesaj Scris de IRIS Mier 11 Noi 2009, 9:33 am

pissycutz a scris:Buna dimineata !!!!!!! cheers

Iris multumim pentru cafea esti harnicuta ca de obicei ... sa ai o zi frumoasa :flower:
La umbra teilor 00020251...Sa ai si tu o zi minunata !! La umbra teilor Kissoflove
membru senior
membru senior

Mesaje : 231
Data de inscriere : 06/10/2009
Varsta : 52
Localizare : MUNTENIA

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La umbra teilor Empty Re: La umbra teilor

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 11 Noi 2009, 11:20 am

Drăgălaşelor deoarece Luana astăzi lipseşte motivat , am încercat eu să vă fac un rezumat, dacă am omis ceva îmi cer scuze

Rezumatul Ep 81, miercuri 11 .11 . 2009

Omer îi spune lui Feride că o să o aştepte afară, Feride îi spune că nu va dura mult , că trecutul ei se află la omul acela, îl roagă să o înţeleagă, Omer îi spune că îl va suporta pe Nevzat doar ptr ea , că nu are altă soluţie .
Nevzat o strigă ptr prima dată Feride , Feride spune că ea este de compătimit , nu este nici Feride , nici Ozlem, Nevzat îi spune că se vor rezolva toate , că nu a mai sunat-o deoarece aşa i-a cerut ea şi că nu a vrut să o deranjeze. Feride îi spune că a venit să îşi ceară scuze în numele lui Omer, că l-a atacat deşi nu avea dreptul, Nevzat îi spune să o lase baltă că nu are de ce să îşi ceară scuze şi el ar fi acţionat urât dacă ar fi fost în locul lui Omer. Feride îi spune lui Nevzat că este un om înţelegător, Nevzat spune că “ Dragoste cu sila nu se poate , nimeni nu poate iubi forţat pe nimeni”. Feride îi spune că a găsit-o pe d-na Aysel, şi-a amintit că este croitoreasă şi că i-a povestit numai de el , acesta i-a spus că Aysel îi cunoştea foarte bine pe amândoi. Nevzat îi spune că va veni o zi când o să îşi amintească de el şi cum o iubea el şi poate ea va povesti cuiva.

Cemil merge la avocat şi îl întreabă de ce procesul este inutil, avocatul îi spune că în astfel de procese tutela copilului i se acordă de obicei mamei.
Cemil: ce înseamnă asta ? n-o să îl pot lua pe Ahmet ?
Avocatul îi spune că nu are şanse. Cemil se întreabă dacă s-a chinuit degeaba , de ce nu poate să –şi ia copilul , avocatul îi spune că va obţine doar dreptul de a îl vedea dar e imposibil să obţină tutela , Cemil spune că nu se poate aşa ceva , îi dă cât vrea ptr a rezolva problema , avocatul îi spune că în astfel de cazuri banii nu au putere, judecătorul face ce trebuie , Cemil spune că îi dă bani cu carul trebuie să găsească o cale .

In curtea casei lui Yilmaz

Fahriye îi spune mamei sale că s-a gândit bine să mănânce la aer, Cemil îi priveşte din stradă şi îşi spune că “ orice-ar fi , o să te i-au fiule “.
Yilmaz vine şi el acasă, Mualla se plânge că nu o ascultă nora, Yilmaz îi spune că deja a început să se poarte ca o soacră rea , îi spune în glumă lui Asli să o asculte, Asli spune că nu vrea să odihnească. Mualla spune că a spus să meargă la croitor ptr rochia de mireasă dar Asli nu vrea , Asli spune că mai au destul timp, în final Asli acceptă să meargă la Mujgan să vadă câteva modele . Asli îl întreabă pe Yilmaz “ să aşteptăm operaţia ca să facem cununia ? ce să facem ? “Yilmaz îi spune : “ nu ştiu ce să facem “ Yilmaz îi spune zâmbind mamei lui că dacă ar fi după Asli nu ar exista nici o rochie de mireasă , să o ducă cu forţa .

Cem o aduce pe Filiz pe malul mării dar sus pe o stâncă , îi dă haina lui să nu răcească . Filiz îl întreabă de ce au venit acolo , el îi spune că a vrut ca ea să vadă locul acela, acela e refugiul lui din copilărie, venea şi se ascundea într-un loc retras, unde nu îl găsea nimeni , că e ptr prima dată când are pe cineva căruia îi poate spune toate astea ,că stătea şi privea valurile , nu ştia că lumea e îngrozitoare şi mizerabilă. Filiz îl întreabă dacă consideră că s-a murdărit iar el îi spune “ care dintre noi nu ne-am murdărit ? “
Că ea a luminat bezna din viaţa lui, Filiz îi spune că e imposibil să şteargă trecutul şi să uite, dacă a făcut rău cuiva aşa cum nu uita ei nu va ierta nici persoana respectivă, ea crede în dreptatea divină, mai devreme sau mai târziu vor da socoteală ptr tot, se plăteşte preţul, îi spune lui Cem : “ dar tu nu puteai să-i faci rău nici măcar unei furnici, nu ? hai să mergem , s-a făcut răcoare . “

Asli propune să bea ceaiul în casă dar Yilmaz rămâne puţin afară, Fahriye vine lângă el şi îl întreabă :
“ - O iubeşti sau nu pe Asli ? eşti fericit ?
Y: nu pot să uit , Fahriye . Orice aş face , n-are rost .
F: am crezut c-o să poţi s-o uiţi , se pare că m-am înşelat “, îi pune că a vrut să umple golul cu Asli dar e păcat ptr amândouă, dacă tot o iubea atât de mult ar fi trebuit să lupte ptr Filiz, Yilmaz îi spune că Filiz se va căsători şi fiecare va merge pe drumul lui, că îi este milă de ea , nu-l consideră pe Cem demn de ea, o să se întrebe mereu dacă are o viaţă bună , dacă e fericită, Asli vine cu ceaiul şi ameţeşte .

Omer îi spune lui Mujgan că va lucra ca ajutor într-un atelier de critorie , la TV dă o ştire despre un premiu în afacerile cu textile , Handan comentează că va lucra ca ajutor într-un cartier mărginaş , Mujgan îi spune să nu mai răsucească cuţitul în rană , Omer spune că şi bunicul lui şi-a început cariera în acel magazin mic , că a început de la zero şi că acum e rândul lui , acum începe adevărata luptă cu viaţa , trebuie să stea pe picioarele lui , Handan îşi face probleme că se va afla şi ce va spune ea atunci . Omer spune că nu face ceva de care să îi fie jenă, o întreabă dacă fam . Tekiner mai are faimă, numele de familie nu le ţine de foame, ar fi mai bine să uite de standardele acestea înalte .

Cem o aduce acasă pe Filiz iar Omer îi vede , Filiz îi mulţumeşte lui Cem ptr seara minunată
,Cem o întreabă dacă vrea cât mai repede să devină soţia lui , îi spune că el va începe formalităţile iar Filiz e deacord .
Omer îi spune că nu poate tolera că e aproape de Cem, dar e legat de mâini şi de picioare , Filiz îi spune că ar fi bine să se obişnuiască cu prezenţa lui Cem, Filiz îi spune să nu se înfurie , poate cu timpul….. îi arată actul casei , Omer o întreabă dacă merită, Filiz îl întreabă ce vrea de la ea ? ea îi spune că a recuperate amintirile lor , copilăria lor , nici ea nu e fericită că locuieşte în cartierul care îi aminteşte de Yilmaz, vrea să meargă să se ascundă în casa lor , Cem e doar un detaliu.
Omer îi spune că se va da la o parte , el e îngrijorat ptr ea dar nu se va amesteca în relaţia ei dar Cem să nu vorbească cu el .

La spital lui Kerem i se reproşează că nu este atent , acesta vrea să îşi dea demisia dar Nailan îl convinge să rămână.
Dimineaţă Handan se agită să îşi facă bagajele ptr a se întoarce în casa lor , Omer nu acceptă să se întoarcă în vilă, Filiz încearcă să îl convingă dar nu răuşeşte. Handan o întreabă pe Filiz dacă ea a îndrumat-o pe calea asta , dacă a supărat-o ea şi dacă ea e cea care a determinat-o pe Filiz să îl accepte pe Cem.
Handan îi spune că ea s-a schimbat foarte mult , că nu mai e vechea Handan, ea nu vrea decât să îi vadă fericiţi , că nu îi mai pasă de bani şi casă , Filiz îi spune că nu e din cauza ei , că îl urăşte pe Cem , dar va plăti ptr ce a făcut, o să se răzbune pe el .

Asli vine la atelierul lui Mujgan , cu greu acceptă să probeze o rochie de mireasă, la atelier vine şi Filiz să le aducă desenele , lui Filiz nu îi pică bine când o vede pe aceasta în rochie de mireasă, apare în atelier şi Yilmaz , Asli se ascunde ptr ca Yilmaz să nu vadă rochia , Filiz pleacă , Yilmaz pleacă după ea şi merge în urma ei. O întrebă dacă e adevărat că se va căsători cu Cem, Filiz spună că da , Filiz se uită la verigheta lui Yilmaz , îi spune că se pare că în curând amândoi vor face cununie, Yilmaz o întreabă dacă s-a gândit bine deaoarece Cem e un om periculos , Filiz spune că s-a gândit la fel de mult cum s-a gândit el când s-a logodit cu Asli. Yilmaz îi spune că e îngrijorat în privinţa ei, să aibă grijă, Filiz îi spune că trebuie să se întâlnească cu Cem.

Filiz vine acasă şi începe să plângă , adoarme plângând .

Yilmaz vine în biroul lui Cem, îi spune să aibă grijă ce face dacă tot se va căsători cu Filiz, dacă îi face ceva rău va avea de a face cu el , Cem îi spune că ce îl priveşte pe el , că el e doar praful de pe tobă.. Cem îi spune că ei se iubesc , că Filiz îi poartă inelul, Yilmaz îi spune că în curând va număra zilele din spatele gratiilor . Cem îi spune să nu îl ameninţe degeaba , îl întreabă ce ştie despre el .

Mujgan îi vede burtica lui Filiz în timp ce aceasta dormea, Mujgan o întreabă dacă se căsătoreşte cu Cem doar că este nevoită. Filiz întreabă dacă este atât de evidentă burtica , Mujgan îi spune că la început a crezut că s-a îngrăşat, să nu se necăjească că, copilul va pune totul în ordine. Cem o sună pe Filiz şi îi spune că trebuie să înceapă procedurile de cununie . Yilmaz vine la hotel , merge în camera mamei lui Cem, aceasta îi mulţumeşte că a salvat-o , Yilmaz o roagă să îi spună povestea cupei, aceasta îi spune adevărul , că Cem şi-a omorât tatăl cu acea cupă . Cem e foarte încântat că Filiz va deveni soţia lui . Yilmaz o sună pe Filiz dar aceasta îşi închide telefonul , Yilmaz o caută pe Filiz acasă, dar aceasta era cu Cem la o firmă ce organizează nunţi , tipa de acolo îi întreabă unde ar vrea să facă nunta dar Filiz spune că vrea ceva simplu, Yilmaz ajunge la Mujgan acasă , unde era doar Handan, o întreabă de Filiz, aceasta spune că nu ştie unde este, Yilmaz o roagă să o sune pe Filiz după telefonul ei deoarece lui nu îi răspunde, Handan o sună dar îi dă telefonul lui Yilmaz , Filiz răspunde crezând că este mama ei, Yilmaz îi spune că este el la telefon şi îi cere să se întâlnească, aceasta îi spune că nu se poate deoarece e cu Cem , pe Cem îl face să creadă că este Handan la telefon, Yilmaz îi spune că este ceva important şi o roagă să vină la hotel, Filiz acceptă, îi spune lui Cem că trebuie să se întâlnească cu mama ei , Cem suspectează ceva şi insistă să o ducă el , dar Filiz spune că va merge cu taxiul , Cem o urmăreşte , o vede cu Yilmaz în faţa hotelului . Yilmaz îi spune să intre în năuntru , ea refuză deoarece hotelul îi trezeşte prea multe amintiri , Yilmaz îi spune că îi va face cunoştinţă cu cineva care îi va schimba viaţa. Mama lui Cem o recunoaşte pe Filiz, Yilmaz îi spune că trebuie să îşi păstreze sângele rece , să fie pregătită ptr ce va auzi . Cem intră în hotel şi îi vede . Filiz spune că ştie că Cem are şi o latură negativă, Yilmaz o întreabă cum de mai vrea să se căsătorească cu el, omul acela e bolnav şi foarte periculos, poate să îi facă rău şi ei şi copilului ei , Filiz îl întreabă dacă îi pasă de ea şi de copilul ei, Yilmaz spune că normal că îi pasă , a fost cea mai importantă persoană din viaţa lui , că nu e uşor să şteargă trecutul, că nu o lasă să se căsătorească cu Cem. Filiz îi spune că nu are de gând să îl întrebe pe el cu cine să se căsătorească ea , Yilmaz îi spune că poate îşi va schimba părerea după ce o va asculta pe mama lui Cem . Safiye îi povesteşte tot ce ştie lui Filiz, Cem aude tot , Filiz e îngrozită de ce aude . Cem iese din hotel şi începe să bocească că Filiz nu se va căsători cu el acum . Yilmaz îi spune lui Filiz că acum când a aflat tot ar trebui să stea departe de Cem. Cem o sună pe Filiz şi îi cere să se întâlnească cu el , Filiz acceptă.
Feride la croitoreasă îşi aminteşte de Nevzat şi cum îi declara acestuia că îl iubeşte foarte mult . Omer lucrează în atelierul din acel magazin micuţ. Feride vine la Nevzat şi îi
spune că şi-a amintit de el , că îl iubea foarte mult , că era îndrăgostită de el .

Cem a chemat-o pe Filiz tot pe o stâncă pe malul mării, îi spune că el nu a făcut deloc lucruri inocente că ar da orice să îl accepte aşa cum e el , îi va spune tot ce va vrea ea, să nu rămână nici un secret între ei nu vrea să o piardă. Filiz îl întreabă ce vrea să spună , el îi spune :

“ Dac-aş fi fost nevoit şi-aş fi omorât pe cineva, m-ai fi acceptat ?
Filiz de ce te căsătoreşti cu mine ?
F: Cem, , iar te îndoieşti de iubirea mea? Ţi-am spus că nu sunt îndrăgostită de Yilmaz , s-a terminat demult . L-am şters din viaţa mea, nici nu-l mai văd, m-am săturat . nu te mai îndoi de acest lucru.

Cem : Nu-ţi face griji, nu mai am nici o îndoială. Niciuna….

Cem se apropie de Filiz : “ Mi-ai spus că mă iubeşti , totul a fost o minciună, vasăzică, te-ai jucat cu mine . “ rămâne cu mâna suspendată în aer , mai că ar impinge-o .


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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La umbra teilor Empty Re: La umbra teilor

Mesaj Scris de IRIS Mier 11 Noi 2009, 11:44 am

DENISA a scris:Drăgălaşelor deoarece Luana astăzi lipseşte motivat , am încercat eu să vă fac un rezumat, dacă am omis ceva îmi cer scuze
DENISA , esti o scumpa ! Ce ne-am face fara voi ?? ❤ ❤ La umbra teilor 000201f9i
membru senior
membru senior

Mesaje : 231
Data de inscriere : 06/10/2009
Varsta : 52
Localizare : MUNTENIA

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Mier 11 Noi 2009, 12:42 pm

Denisa multumim pentru rezumat :flower:

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 11 Noi 2009, 2:37 pm

La umbra teilor Fotoraf0128f

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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La umbra teilor Empty Re: La umbra teilor

Mesaj Scris de lucyana Mier 11 Noi 2009, 3:58 pm

ooo casa noua
buna fetelor
Denisa esti o scumpa asa stim si noi ce sa intamplat
dea multi La umbra teilor 517793 pt ep
membru senior
membru senior

Mesaje : 247
Data de inscriere : 28/09/2009
Varsta : 43

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La umbra teilor Empty la umbra teilor

Mesaj Scris de vali1cluj Mier 11 Noi 2009, 4:22 pm

Multumesc pentru rezumat.
O seara placuta si calda tuturor.
In Cluj este concert IRIS la Cinema Republica de la ora 19.30 azi. Poate vreti sa-i vedeti. Intrarea gratuita.

Mesaje : 452
Data de inscriere : 29/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de valita Mier 11 Noi 2009, 4:58 pm

Multumesc pentru rezumat si poze.
Stiti cumva unde pot gasi traducerea in engleza la Ezel ?
La umbra teilor Tuba_B_y_k_st_n_1248205461_1

membru incepator
membru incepator

Mesaje : 27
Data de inscriere : 17/09/2009
Varsta : 61

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Mesaj Scris de emine Mier 11 Noi 2009, 8:44 pm

buna seara la toata lumea!!!!!!!!! de duminica nu am mai intrat si vad ca s-a facut un nou topic,cel vechi s-a sters?
membru senior
membru senior

Mesaje : 384
Data de inscriere : 04/10/2009
Varsta : 56
Localizare : cyprus

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Mesaj Scris de emine Mier 11 Noi 2009, 8:53 pm

oricum bine ca avem o casa noua unde putem intramie imi place tot ce nou stupid

La umbra teilor 512ff222cf14f124b51dd96

m-am gandit sa pun niste floricele in noua casa :)
membru senior
membru senior

Mesaje : 384
Data de inscriere : 04/10/2009
Varsta : 56
Localizare : cyprus

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Mesaj Scris de emine Mier 11 Noi 2009, 8:56 pm

offf...cred ca sunt singura pe aici.... 😢 .dar nu este nimic,eu va doresc o seara linistita si calda ,va pup!!!!!!!
membru senior
membru senior

Mesaje : 384
Data de inscriere : 04/10/2009
Varsta : 56
Localizare : cyprus

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Mesaj Scris de emine Mier 11 Noi 2009, 8:58 pm

La umbra teilor 0awoyi3y
membru senior
membru senior

Mesaje : 384
Data de inscriere : 04/10/2009
Varsta : 56
Localizare : cyprus

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 11 Noi 2009, 8:58 pm

valita a scris:Multumesc pentru rezumat si poze.
Stiti cumva unde pot gasi traducerea in engleza la Ezel ?

Ezel EP 1 Part 1


So the Episode starts with 4 people in the car!

Its 2009 in the city (I think) of Kibris....

OMER: I came here from far! There is still far road ahead. (takes the picture out of his pocket..(its a girl and three other men)

Girl: how long is left to get to the hotel?

Man: (with big moustache) there is still left...

Omer: I don't know how this story will end, but I know how it started. This story started with Omer! Omer had a friend who was treating him as his brother. When ever he needed, he would run for his help. His name was Ali, the street knew him well......


Then it shows the men...holding another man on the chair...and the gray jacket one starts to speak....

Man1 (takes his jacket off): are you stupid son? One moment you laugh at my face, and the next you don't know what to do. Come on! Haven’t you ever heard about me?

Man 2 (the one who is sitting) Mr. Ali. (There you go this is Ali) I know you very well. Your manager at the place. (he names some place)

Ali: I didn't ask about my job dear brother. What is my rivalry?

Man2: Mr. Ali I have my....i have blood pressure!! I swear I don't know...(the other man shows something I think they will hurt him)

Ali: tell me my rivalry man!

Man2: kerpatan ali. ( I think thats another person! Sorry guys I maybe writing down the wrong spell)

Ali: (takes the thing out of the box and cuts his finger!!!!)

Man2: no! No don't do it! let me go!!!! (then he cuts it!)


Back to the Car.....

Omer: Omer had a friend who would not separate from each other during childhood. His best friend! His headache Cengiz ! (his other friend name)


Then as soon as it says his name...shows a man drinking and playing cards....

Woman: (comes) Eysan is upstairs, she is asking for you.

Cengiz: tell I will come....(he looks at the cards then wins) today is my lucky day.

He takes the money


Back to the car...OMER (who is kenan)

Omer: also there was a girl who Omer loved like crazy, who was in love and would have given his soul for her. (shows the girl’s picture) Eysan !


Then it shows Eysan! The girl going down from the elevator

Woman: good morning Mrs. Eysan

Eysan: good morning.

Woman: I gave the news to your husband. (so now we know Cengiz’s wife is Eysan! )

Eysan: is he playing his last name and coming?

Woman: yes

Eysan: today is his lucky day I guess.

Woman: how do you do this huh? I still don't understand. you read everyone like reading a book.

Eysan: not everyone Aylin (that’s her name) only the ones who loves me.

Man: good morning Mrs. Eysan

Eysan: good morning. the man who will work with us in the company (I think) Mr. Ezel. Is he here?
Man: no maim. He will come in a little

Eysan: he will be coming to our hotel for the first time. I want you guys to serve him well! Form the hotel and the casino area

Man: I understand Mrs. Eysan.

Eysan: anything private he wanted?

Man: there is. he doesn't want anyone go to his room without his awareness. He asked this mostly.

Eysan: ok

Then she walks away


Back to Omer

omer: who is EZEL!!!!!, ( omer was his past life now his name is EZEL!)

Omer (Ezel): Omer was a good kid. But he had something missing bad. He would trust people too much. Just because he was loving them. He thought he knows them well. If I could return to the past I would have said so. I would have said “ Omer every thing starts with love” ...

Then he gets to the HOTEL!!

Man: (opens the door) welcome sir

He comes down in the car

Omer: (to himself) my name is EZEL! I came here for revenge!

Then they go inside the hotel.....

After its shows the actors/actresses names...


In omer (Ezel’s room)

Girl: Ezel, look there is message therapy here too. Lets get it done, beside we will get comfort from it.

Then he doesn't say anything

The girl and the man leaves

He ends up alone in the room..looks at himself in the mirror....

Ali changes his clothes...

Ali: tell man!

Man: I am telling brother. (opens the file) his name is Ezel. He is 32 years old. Single. As far as we know he does not have any relatives. His birth place is Istanbul. (shows Omer, while the man speaks) ezel comes out of no where starting 4 years ago. Before that no one has ever heard of his name.....he has his names in many big places...he wins a lot and loses a lot! (meaning the money card playing)....

Ali: is he dirty? (like in jail and stuff)

Man: very clean, he has no records of anything...the man is very clean

Ali: umm too much clean. Friend (shows ezel again) he shows up all sudden and all sudden he disappears. He plays a big game and after disappears again. It is not knowing where he is from. Even if he has a job, no one knows it.


Back to Ezel (Omer)

Looking at the picture of Cengiz and Eysan!


Back to ali and the man

Ali: call this number, he is a brother in the police station. You will request information from him. And if he has anything he would give us the info about this Ezel guy.

Man: ok, ok for sure what do we want to learn?

Ali: everything! These mens are big players man! They can make a hotel down or up! In their stories millions dollars are flying away. I want them to fly to our way. (meaning he wants him in his own hotel to make money!)

Continues in part 2


Ezel Part 2

Ali: ...i want them to fly to our way!....


Back to Ezel

He keeps looking at the pictures with the three people who were his friends WHEN HE WAS OMER! (now apparently he is known as Ezel!)


Ali and the man

Ali: look, you will tell me this man’s every moment ok? You understand?

Man: Is there something your suspicious of sir?

Ali: how long is it been you started working here Tefo? (his name I guess)

Tefo: (I am not sure if its the right spell) its been one week.

Ali: one week? (he nodes) ahhh I understand. we have work to do with you. you will get suspicious! Our work is to suspect. I know such man’s. They think of themselves like this, but they cannot be worth of anything. They are all scared. You understand?

Man: your right sir.

Ali: (as they walk) every movement, every moments of his! What he eats? What he drinks? What types of women he is attracted? What kind of sweets he likes? Which hand he uses? What is his side of football? Who is he? Who is this man? Where was her before? To make the long talk short...WHO IS EZEL B.?


Then it shows the washroom by the window

Then he remembers the PAST!

Its 1997 ISTANBUL he is in the train

Father, mother and brother waiting for him

Father: stop son, stop..
Mother: where is he going?
Father: he is going to find his brother.

Ezel (omer, telling the story): 12 years before Omer returned from his army duty. He was going to start a new life.

He goes stands front of his mom (she is blind)

Mother: my son!!

Younger brother: ya mom you see, see you can see him!

Father: what do you think son, she sees better than you!

Mother: I don't need my eyes to see my sons. If you want you can go to the other world but I can still know my son with their smells.

Younger brother: mother!

Omer: how are you daddy?

Father: good (thank god) my son has returned from is duty, I am happy. (his younger brother pulls his arms to look)

Omer: what is it man? I am talking to father

Younger brother: they are here too

Omer: who?

Then he points to the three friends (Eysan, Cengiz, and Ali)

He goes and hugs them

While she is hugging him...she sees a man

Omer: what happen? (she doesn't say anything, then he kisses her)

Eysan: stop yea, everyone will say something!

Omer: I have missed you a lot Eysan! I was going insane!

Ali: yaa stop this, we have left work and came!

Omer: ali brother!

Ali: lets have a little talking! No more brother now. you are a man now man!

Omer: wait Ali brother, let me wait up myself and still call you Ali brother.

Then he looks at Cengiz

Omer: what is wrong with you? did you drink?

Cengiz: I celebrated your back man!

Omer: you drink again?

Cengiz: while you were not here I did it...

Omer: good for you

Cengiz: because you were not here that is why!

Then his younger brother takes their picture together!


Then its Eysan and Omer alone by the river side

Omer: I have missed you very much Eysan.

Eysan: I am here though...

Omer: while I was doing my solider duty, they put us in work again...

Eysan: omer...

Omer: I am fighting, squishing my hand but I cannot open it. because in my head I was holding your hand! It was like if I had opened my hand, you would have run and went away. Then it became funny a little. they were trying to open my hand, but I was holding it more tight.

Eysan: did you open it later then?

Omer: I did of course, there was fight going on, what would I have done?

Eysan: (holds his hand) I am here look? I didn't go anywhere. (then he tries to kiss her) come on we will be late. Or later your mother will say this girl is not good enough for my son and is always late.

Omer: my mother doesn't care about such things. She sees human inside

Eysan: no way...i wonder what she sees in me.

Omer: the girl who her son is in love with.


Dinner time in the evening....

Father: what is it my son? Are you returning form a wedding? (to Cengiz)

Brother: Cengiz has placed restaurants in his head...

Cengiz: no uncle, I am working at this place...

Omer: you know dad how there is a new hotel opened by the beach? They have a casino there. he is working there.

Mother: do you sing there?

Brother: its gambling mother, right? Casino is in English word

Cengiz: good job

Father: sure you know, all of you have grown up. But in God’s way gambling is haram (forbidden)

Cengiz: I just work there uncle. I don't play such things.

Father: in such ways money cannot happen. In this way you will screw your life son.

Cengiz: your saying this uncle, but in there men comes being so rich.

Father: richness is in here (touches his heart)

Brother: (to his mom) he is showing his heart

Father: your heart (feelings) will show you richness. In this world there is no richness. Right Omer?

Omer; yes

Cengiz: brother did Eysan tell you?

Omer: what?

Cengiz: well Eysan started working there too with me....(he gets surprised by that) she didn't tell you? oh no I should have not said that...

Mother: where (what is her job) did you start working there daughter?

Cengiz: (doesn't let her answer the questions) the area where they gamble.

Eysan: it is not gambling area. its the hotel’s receptionist.

Mother; oh really?

Cengiz: Eysan, requested it from me. she asked if there is work or something. So I set it up. My relationship is very good with the ones there.

Omer: what about your school?

Eysan: the work is in the evening, and the money is good too. Also it would be good experience for me since I am studying in receptionist. I have nothing to do in the gambling area.

Father: sure there should not be daughter. you work is not in such areas...

Eysan: I should check on the tea

Father: check and see if its done...

She leaves..omer goes after her....

In the kitchen

Eysan: I am sorry, I was going to tell you but I couldn’t find the right time...

Continues in part 3


Ezel Part 3

Eysan:...i couldn’t find the time..

Omer: yaa

Eysan: your right. You should not have heard it from someone else.

Omer: why didn't you tell me before?

Eysan: I am telling now. I also got scared if you would get mad...

Omer: you got scared? You even started it already

Eysan: or you wouldn’t let me work in the future

Omer: what is this has to do with it?

Eysan: would I stay home and watch children?

Omer: it can be wallahi ( I swear)

Eysan: ok...what ever my man wants will happen

Then Cengiz comes in between them!

Then she leaves....

Cengiz: (to omer) what a girl ya..son you should have see it in the hotel. The France people are all after the girl....

Omer: what are you saying Cengiz?!

Cengiz: nothing, I am just telling you this. Eysan is a pretty girl you will get used to such things. Son, I wouldn’t let anything happen to my sister-in-law (since he considers omer as her brother and she will be his wife one day). Don't worry I am watching her.

Omer: you watch your work. Eysan knows her work anyways.

Cengiz: don't get mad man! I am protecting you son! You listen to me, look you have put this in your brain too much!

Omer: what is the subject?

Cengiz: its this, you will watch a girl very much brother! Ok you two love each other, we understand. but with love its not ending brother. Look now the girl is going out to the world, her mind will change.

Omer: ya stop Cengiz lets go inside

Cengiz: ok stop man! There is two things brother don't forget! Money and surprise. Girls are pleasant with such things! (B*** S*** GO TO HELL MAN!) (DO NOT SPEAK FRO ALL GIRLS!!!! )

Omer: ya son, Eysan is not looking after money!

Cengiz: no one is dear brother. Everyone’s eyes are looking at things that you can get only with MONEY. You will make money and do surprises. You will make money and do surprises....etc...

Omer: your very weirdo cengiz! Really!

Cengiz: did we make up?

Omer: were we upset? I am used to your stupid things.

Then he goes back inside....after Cengiz watches them while they are sitting....



Back to PRESENT TIMES....its 2009

Ezel sitting

Girl: Ezel! Ezel? What happen?

Ezel: my only happiest day was today which is 12 years ago. 12 years before now I was in my happiest day.

Girl: what is going on Ezel?

Ezel: Sebnam (her name) and Kamil brother, I shared that secret with you two only. That secret may stay with you two only!

Sebnam: how though?

Ezel: from now on nothing will be the same.

Kamil: Ezel? What are you saying?

Ezel: I am saying if there was an owing this owing is closed!

Sebnam: what is that mean now?

Ezel: after today, there is another road for me! I have been waiting for this for years! But I am not telling anyone to go with me to this road. If you two come you will be putting your life in danger. If you come you will be stupid!

Then he walks away....

Sebman: (with the guy goes after him) ezel! We are very hungry! Should we go and eat?

So now they are with him!!!


Eysan and Cengiz

Cengiz: (puts on the necklace) not this one too! Its not working! What ever I put on for you, it is not enough for you.

Eysan: (kisses his cheek) thank you

Cengiz: do you like it?

Eysan: its very beautiful. We have to be in dinner in the evening. Lets not get late

Cengiz: what is wrong with you?

Eysan: nothing, come on Cengiz

Cengiz: what is wrong with you? what is it AGAIN?

Eysan: can you let go off my arm?

Cengiz: what else do you want Eysan? What? You owe everything. You got everything you needed.

Eysan: I don't need anything. Leave me alone. Let me breath a little.

Cengiz: do you know what do you want? You want EVERYTHING. But you never give anything to the one cross of you.

Eysan: don't talk like a child. What do you want me to give for God’s sake!?

Cengiz: love. That is it.

Eysan: (she goes closer to him) you don't remember right? What happen today? What happen? 12 years before now what happen today?! I am going to get some air, see you at dinner.


Ezel with the girl and the man

Ezel: talk about the night game a little.

Sebnam: at the back of the hotel they have private rooms. We will be playing there. there is this Rahmy man in the game too, but there is no problem for him, but there is B. (another person’s name) here as well. I know him from before, he is fine. I will tell you about is playing.

They sit

Ezel: and there is Cengiz too

Sebnam: the best player is him!

Ezel: meaning he is better than me?

Sebnam: no dear, no one is better than you Ezel.

Ezel: (sees her playing with her ring) when you lie, you play with your ring.

Sebnam: no, seriously?

Ezel: is Esyan in the game too?

Sebnam: sometimes. If there is a big one, like if she gets into it. then she does.

Ezel: how do I look?

Sebnam: handsome, rich, and smart

Then he goes back in time...1997 when he was OMER

Omer: Ali brother, may I leave today a little early?

Ali: reason?

Omer: I promised Eysan. I am taking her somewhere.

Ali: Cengiz was saying something the other day. I heard it from him. Seems like your serious about her.

Omer: it is serious.

Ali: leave it son. Why at this age? Ok our Eysan is a good girl and pleasant one, but at this age having children and stuff...are you stupid son?

Omer: Ali brother, brother I am in love with that girl.

Ali: you started to be emotional, just don't kiss me!

He washes his hand

Ali: hold It (the water he means). One day I will go from the street and sale here!

A man comes in

Man: may it go easy

Ali: ohh you

Man: what is up teacher?

Man: brother (to omer) you go and change my car’s tires

Ali: man if your hand stops your feet doesn't.

Then omer laughs

Man: what are you laughing at? Is there something funny?

Omer: no, its not that brother

Man: seems like your new, who are you laughing at my face? Huh?

Omer: no, you misunderstood brother

Man: don't talk! Go fix my car! (he leaves, to Ali) teacher, seems like the boy is new...who does he thinks he is coming to Istanbul like this!

Ali: yaa, seems like your car is knew

Man: yaa, yo teacher all the girls are coming after me with this car!

Ali: yaa I see (gets the thing to scratch the car) look here looks very bad

Man: no way, where?

Ali: here (then he starts to scratch it)

Man: what are you doing?! What are you doing?

Ali: (holds him by the car) if you do this again I will show you this,......etc (he threats him) do you understand? if you do shake your head!!

Man: yes (as he leaves) your dad man! Your dad!

Ali: yaa whatever! They know you here and they know me too. I am Ali! You get it?

As he leaves

Omer: sorry brother, I did this to you...

Ali: your still here? Go now take her to a nice place


Evening....Eysan and Omer

Eysan: omer!

Omer: come

Eysan: ya here is very expensive

Continues in part 4


Ezel Part 4

Omer: come!

Then the man calls them inside....
they go inside

Eysan: what are we doing here? (then she sees the view and the place)

Omer: surprise

Then they look down

Omer: look one day we will sit there too

Eysan: really?

Omer: why shouldn’t we? What is missing from us? Beside in a few years I will be a boss like Ali. With such worker do you think you can have dinner here you nonsense? Having one dinner here means our 1 month of working. Do you know this?........(then they end up under the blanket0

Omer: Eysan, why are you with me girl?

Eysan: what kind of talking is this?

Omer: who ever you want to be with, you can. Look at the ones downstairs. Your more pretty than all of them. What are you doing here with me?

Eysan: what are you saying omer?

Omer: Eysan, tell me the truth. Do you really love me?

Eysan:, what is love? Everyone loves something....i don't want to love you, you don't know Omer. You saved me, your the only thing good happened in this life for me. your my soul. If there was no you, there would be no Eysan too.

Omer: so you don't love me?

Eysan: not at all

Omer: me too


Back in Present.....Kibris 2009

Eysan standing...then Cengiz comes

Ceyngiz: sorry, did you forgive me?

Eysan: sure I forgive you. you cengiz, is it possible not to forgive?

Cengiz: like this, right? I have evil in me right?

Eysan: right

Cengiz: actually your very in love with me right? would come to hell with me right?

Eysan: I did that already. It was even more...

Cengiz: are you going to come tonight?

Eysan: I have to sleep early

Cengiz: please come. I will play for you tonight....i love you

Eysan: I love you too


Ezel and Sebnam

Sebanm: (tastes the food) ohh, that’s very good. What is this?

Ezel: (says the name)

Sebnam: nice, what does it mean?

Ezel: they have purred alcohol..but there is also bad part to it..when they kill the animal

Sebnam: oh you, come on you had to say this. I get dressed this nice and you do this....

Then he laughs...then he sees Eysan and Cengiz come inside the restaurant together...

Sebnam: what happen? Ezel? Ezel are you ok?

Then he takes a ring out from his neck...Remembers the past 1997

It shows the his mother gave the ring to him so that he would propose to Eysan...

Omer: my beautiful mother

Mother: come on go, you cant even hold it

As he goes out

Brother: brother? Where are you going?

Omer: I will come in the evening, what happen?

Brother: ya brother what if you don't go? Plus I saw a bad dream

Omer: I am not going anywhere, I will come back by the evening...

Brother: brother!

Then he leaves

Younger brother; (to his mom) brother turned and looked at us, now he is leaving



He goes to ali’s store...Cengiz, ali and another man sitting talking....he hears their conversation

Cengiz: there is no going back now!

Man: Cengiz is telling the truth Ali. Are you in?

Ali: oh cengiz, what kind of man you are?

Cengiz: brother, I don't want to get in this work alone...(he desnt finish his talking, Omer goes inside) you came brother, save me please!

Omer: what happen?

Man: come on, may it go easy on you all

Ali and Cengiz: thnx

Cengiz: those man still bothering

Ali: there is no brain in me, we helped that is it

Cengiz: meaning there is nothing new (he sees Omer laugh) why are you laughing?

Ali: what is it?

Omer: I spoke to my parents. I am going to Eysan. I will ask for marriage!

Ali: ohh you good my brother! I congratulate you

Omer: thank you

Ali: (to Cengiz) our boy has gone crazy...hey you!! hug omer!

Cengiz: my dear brother!!



Ezel Part 5

Omer walking on the street....

Omer: (to himself) I will show you something...(while holding the ring) Eysan, I want to spend my entire life with you...will you marry me? (he is practicing poor man)

Ezel sitting at the place..

Omer: (to himself) god please help me

The ring accidently falls from his pocket then she picks it up

She holds the ring

Eysan: YES!

Meaning she will marry him...


Back to Present time.....2009

The door opens for the room...everyone goes in..Eysan stays cuz the girl calls him

Sebnam: are you ready?

As he gets up...she sees him...(ohh this is SOO SAD)

She goes inside...but he cant


Back in his room...he is drinking

Sebnam: are you ok Ezel? Ezel?

Ezel: sebnam can you ask for the pain killer from the reception?

Sebnam: sure I will, they will bring it now

Ezel: Sebnam can you go get it yourself please?

Sebnam: ok, I will go and get it

She leaves

Ezel: they took everything from me. my family, my friends (looks at the ring) they took all my life. But I still think of her. what is this my God. My God what a big punishment this is! but no more faults, no more faults.....but I cannot forget it brother. I cannot forget.

AGAIN He goes back to past


Eysan and Omer and ali and Cengiz

Omer: brother, do I know this jacket from somewhere?

Cengiz: you left it in the store man, beside its small for you how did you even buy it

Eysan: oh small? I bought it for him as a present

Cengiz: while you were buying it you had me in your head Eysan. Look! How its on in me...

Ali: look this man is left for me now (meaning he is drunk and he has to take care of him)

Omer: we will find one girl for him too

Eysan: ohh maybe in 10 years he will grow up....its not enough for him

Ali: in 10 years who knows who will live or die

Cengiz: what will we be doing in 10 years today? Eysan?

Eysan: I will be home. Our home, I will be waiting for my husband, after the balcony’s door ends up opening the person who is coming toward me is not Omer. My son, our son. He would be asking father hasn’t came still yet

Ali: I am going to tell mine...i am in an open know the boat I was telling you? 22 mm long...very am riding it..

Cengiz: wait man, I am coming too
Ali: no

Cengiz: ya omer tell him!

EZEL (OMER): (to himself) omer never forgot that day. Together becoming rich, having children, together they dreamed of getting older. The things Omer dreamed of that day non came true! But that day was the last day of Omer’s happy life.

Cengiz: ok man, ok. We understand. no one wants me. then I will become something else

Ali: after two days you will come back to me

Cengiz: no way, you think I cannot take care of myself?

Eysan: cengiz!

Ali: he started again

Omer: don't do this son. Why are you doing so

Cengiz: watch your hand. I am a father man! I am a young start. Be respectful man! (he takes the gun out!)

Ali: what the F**

Omer: where did this come from?

Cengiz: there are more from me, if I could just tell

Ali: give me that

Cengiz: stand away! What happen?! Where is that strong and tough ali now huh? I am getting on that boat!

Omer: give me that gun brother, give me

Cengiz: what will I give huh? What? Your going now too, what am I going to do alone? Should I shoot my head now?

Eysan: Cengiz!

Cengiz: or should I shoot her (meaning Eysan) its always her fault you know it. she came between us, you were my brother.

Omer: I am still your brother

Cengiz: no ya, you will give your soul for her.

Omer: son I will give it for you too

Cengiz: you would right? Why brother? Leave me see what I can do...

Omer: cuz I love Cengiz

Cengiz: I don't know brother. Do you love me? or do you love me getting me out from this?

Omer: brother, don't be nonsense, let this go

Cengiz: you don't love me brother! Your using it to show good. Right Ali? Who can be better than this man? Huh?

CONTINUES in part 6

Ezel Part 6

Omer: look now I will take the gun from you Cengiz.

Cengiz: you know this Omer. Its your own bullet.

Cengiz as joke presses it but its fake!


Eysan and Omer

Omer: there is no light, you aunt has went to sleep?

Eysan: no, she is not home. She was going to stay at her friends tonight.

Omer: maybe tomorrow we can come to your house (meaning to go and ask for her hand) . you know for that thing...

Eysan: until tomorrow I will die with inpatient.

Omer: ya think about it, when we get married. We will stay at the same house every day.

Eysan: (hugs him) I love you

Omer: I thought you will not love girl?

Eysan; today I love you. your my hero

Omer: I love you too very much Eysan. My inside is in pain, I love you a lot.

Eysan: Omer, don't go.....

They go inside the house

Omer: Eysan? Eysan look are you sure? Tomorrow....

Eysan: I don't care about tomorrow Omer. Even if we don't see each other another time. I want to be with you tonight........

Omer: I love you eysan

Eysan: I love you too very much omer....(to herself) I will never forget you Omer.


Omer wakes up cant see Eysan in the room

Omer: (as he wears his clothes, he sees the ring he gave it to Eysan)

As he is holding the ring...Police comes in!!!

Police: police! Get down!!

Omer: eysan!!!

The police hits him by the stick

Back to PRESENT TIME!!!! 2009

EZEL (OMER): how long is it been that I went to sleep?

Sebnam: about 30 minutes ago the most.

Ezel: did the game start?

Sebnam: they called a moment ago, they will wait a little more. What are we going to do?


Back to the game room

Cengiz: seems like it our guest will be a little late. On behave of him I am sorry. Lets wait 5 more minutes.

Man and the police man

Police: good morning sir.

Man: good morning, is he inside?

Police: yes...

He goes Omer’s cage

Omer: brother, what is going on? Eysan! Is Eysan ok? Please tell for the love of God. I will explode ya!

Man: she is good. Sit. Get comfort. ....(gets one orange) do you want to eat?

Omer: what happen? Why am I here? There was my friend there, did something wrong happen? What happen?!

Man: its true, but you don't worry about them! Look read the newspaper. Look!

Omer: what newspaper? I got hit by my head a lot! I have been here for houses, no one is coming to tell me anything here! And now I will read newspaper?

Man: (punches him!) READ MAN! READ you F**! Read it out loud!

Omer: (looks at the newspaper and starts to read) last night in the early, in the casino hotel. They have done thefts like in movies, security man...

Man: continue!

Omer: during that theft one security was killed. After two hours, they called and said that the person who did this was cough at home....

(meaning they took money in the casino and now he is in blame plus one man is killed!)

Man: did you feel sorry for this man? You F**** didn't you feel sorry?!

Omer: what? What is going on yeah?

Man: shush! Stand up! Stand! Don't make your voice go out! Now there is two questions for you. answer those two questions. Or else don't even, even open your mouth. Now. question number 1 who did you do this work with? And question number 2, where are the money?

Omer: ya I didn't do anything! (then he punches him with the orange juice bag)

Man; ya sorry, here we don't do normal punching, after while they check you in. We will get in trouble. But look this way there wont be anything showing. Meaning its this way!!! (he beats him up more! ) now say it...WHO DID YOU DO THIS WITH? Stand up! Stand up! I told you to stand up!


Ezel Part 7

Ezel in jail..his mom is and brother as well..

Ali leaves the store...

Man: get up

Omer: why?

Man: its your court time

They take him inside

Younger borther: (to his mom) they are bring him inside
Mother: how is he? Is he ok? What is he doing?

He sits

Man: the two sides are here....

Judge: Omer stand up...

The judge asks hi his name and if it is him..then he says its me...he goes on about the morning how he went to the casino and stole money and killed one guy.......etc you have been guilty for shooting a security guy who was doing his job. Do you accept you doing all of this?

Omer: I didn't do such thing. I am innocent.

Judge: show him this gun....the man was killed with this hug....isn’t this gun yours?

Omer: I don't have gun... I carried gun only once during my soldier time. after that I have never hold a gun

Judge: then why is your finger print on the gun?

Omer: no, I did not do it!

Judge: look you have left a woman with no husband and a girl with no father... do you see them? You have shoot the man’s head during his security hour working.

Omer: no, I didn't do it

Judge: show him the second prove...(then shows his jacket) isn’t that your jacket?

Omer: I...I where did you find this?

Mother: is it the right one?

Father: it is

Judge: you have throwing the gun and the jacket near the casino garbage place. They have found it there

Omer: I did NOT do it!

Judge: look kid, there are proves, and your looking inside of our eyes laying?

Younger brother: my brother doesn't lie! Mom my brother...

Man2: sir there is someone who will tell that he was in another place at the moment this happened

Judge: call

Man: the person is Eysan T.

She comes inside....goes stands up

Judge: Eysan T. Will you swear the you will tell the truth and no lies?

Eysan: I will

Judge: how do you know this man daughter?

Eysan: omer is my boyfriend

Judge: ok, did you see him at the day this happened?

Eysan: yes, I saw him late

Judge: where was he? What was he doing?

Eysan: he proposed to me

Judge: what did you say?

Eysan: I REJECTED! (meaning said NO!)

Omer stands up

Judge: sit down! Continue

Eysan: omer, came to me that night. He gave me a ring, took it from his mother....

Judge: why did you rejected then?

Eysan: lately Omer, after returning home from his duty he became a different man. Like he was different, he was fighting a lot. I was scared of him...

Omer: Eysan!

Judge; sit down!

Eysan: I woke at the hotel, he would as me questions about the casino place. What time they open? Who is by the door...things like that

Omer:Eysan! Eysan don't do this! what are you doing?!

Judge: sit down! Or I will kick you out of the room. Don't be scared daughter. he wont do anything to you. You continue

Eysan: (looks at the man behind) that night he came to me....when I rejected, he got crazy and mad. He said you will see I will be very rick. You will regret it, I would have done it after but now I will do it he said.

Omer: Eysan! Esyan!

Eysan: I am sorry, I am sorry Omer.

Judge: ok daughter, you can go out now

As she walks out...he remembers the night before...about the jacket and the gun....

Then he runs to her

Omer: Eysan! Eysan!

Judge: sit! Take the man!

Omer: who are you? I didn't know you! who are you!?


Ezel Part 8 Last One

she walks out...crying

judge: the decision has been the judge says that he will be in prison for at least 30 years...etc

as they take him away

younger brother: brother stop! Please don't go brother! Don't go!

So they take him to jail

Ezel: (OMER) (to himself) that day Omer end up in jail. He never got out of there again. The murders who blamed Omer planned a great life for themselves. But they have not calculated one thing. (THEN PRESENT TIME 2009, shows EZEL) Revenge is stronger than death. My name is Ezel. Where Omer’s story ended, mine will start.


Down in the casino room

Cengiz: he is not here. Ok then. We will start without him. There is no other chance. What I will win from him, I will win it from you all...give me a good luck kiss dear....(as he sits Ezel comes)

Ezel: I hope you were not going to start without me

Cengiz: Welcome. I am Cengiz. A. I am the owner of the hotel and this man is Ali. K. He is the manger of the hotel for the gambling area.

Ali: how are you sir?

Ezek: once I get out of this room, as again

Cengiz: you are in a safe hands with Mr. Ali. And the wife. Eysan and I am safe in her hands...

Ezel: Ezel. B nice to meet you....this is my helper Sebnam...

Cengiz: welcome

Ezel: good evening gentlemen

Then he touches his hair....Eysan realizes something about him

Eysan: Excuse me, do I know you from somewhere?


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

Sus In jos

La umbra teilor Empty Re: La umbra teilor

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 11 Noi 2009, 9:00 pm

Ezel Episode 2 Part 1

Ezel: I don't think so, if I had known you before I would not have should we start the game?

Some guy comes and tells her something...then she leaves

Eysan: (to herself) have you ever done anything that is scared and unforgiving? I did, I did a worse, I know it. one day this bad one will return to me.

Man: (to the little boy) are you ok

Eysan: my son! Can (John, but in Turkish it means soul)! Son!

Can : mom I am fine

Man: (tells Eysan how the accident happened with the horse)

Eysan: son are you crazy?

Can: mom look, how pretty it is..

Eysan: Can what are you thinking huh?!..come here we will talk about these at home ok? (then to herself) I know, at the end the most person who will get the punishments from what we have done are the ones we love....


Back to the gambolling....

He gives more money then the man passes...

Cengiz goes to Ali

Ali: he has made you tired
Cengiz: the night hasn’t over yet..

Man: (looses the game) come on this much is too have won...where did you find this man Cengiz?

Cengiz: well we did not find him, he found us.

Man: good evening to all of you

Ezel: is this the only one you have left? (to cengiz)

Cengiz: I don't play with this, this is luck for me. (then the man brings him more money)

Ezel: this is a lot of money.

Cengiz: eh, you must always put something in for this so that when you win you will enjoy the winning part. (then he puts in more money) eh this is what I am talking about, I have found the friend of mine who plays with me. where were you all this time?

Ezel: I was waiting for the right time....

Then it shows the actors and actresses names...etc

Back to the show

Cengiz; its only us who is left

Ezel: then its make the money a little more higher....(then they put in more money)


Can and Eysan

Eysan: Can! Your still playing games?
Can: no mom, what game?
Eysan: come on, sleep now..(she sees his injury) Can look next time I wont let you get on the horse!
Can: mom, I like one thing and you don't allow me...
Eysan: look at you! tell me which kid in this world has as much as toes as you? huh?
Can; I don't want toys, it is not toys anyways, it is something else..
Eysan: get on, on yours. What are you doing to this one?
Can: mine is like a girl, doesn't do anything
Eysan: Can! is not, if you get on this one it can thru you here to the ocean.
Can: I know so, mom may I get on it last time tomorrow?
Eysan: sometimes you scare me
Can: why is that?
Eysan: cuz your like me that is why
Can: is that bad?
Eysan: good night
Can: good night

THEN SHE REMEMBERED THE PAST its the Year of 1987 city if DENIZLI

Mother: Eysan! Eysan did you make Bahar fall asleep?
Eysan: I did mother..(to her younger sister) you sleep ok?

Eysan: (to her mother while she hears her sister cough) she is still coughing
Mother: your father will return home soon

Eysan: (TO HERSELF) my dad didn't come home that night..even the night after...after two weeks later my dad returned like he would every time to home.

Shows two weeks later.....the father calling her outside...

Man: Eysan! Eysan!
Eysan: dad is home! (runs out) dad your home!
Man; come here girl, you have turned to be very beautiful, come get in the car I will show you around..(her other sister comes out who is BAHAR) look at her, as she grows she looks more like her mother. Come here girl come. Come don't run girl you don't recognize your father?...she didn't

Woman: Sardar! (the mother)

Sardar: Rayma (her name) how are you?

Rayma: good

Sardar: if you could prepare something for me to eat..sorry I came home in sudden, I forgot to get you something...

Rayma; its ok, your home....


Ezel Episode 2 Part 2 p

the father gives Eysan the the mother

father: me and Eysan will drive around for a little and come back ok? (turns to his wife) don't forget the food ok dear?

Then he leaves with Eysan

Eysan: (to herself, while driving away with her father and watching her mother) I saw my mother after, but the last thing this is how I remember her. while we are driving away, her and Bahar are watching us, because this is how my father murdered my mother. My father killed my mother with giving her hopes, over and over betraying, things he never made it happen, with sweet unfairness stuff, from poor meaing simply my dad killed my mother without even touching her. he killed her just like that....(shows at her mom’s funeral)

Woman: (talks to Eysan) dear, what a pretty necklace you have, this year your first grade school will end right? Your mother used to say always how good girl you are, she used to say “maybe if her (Eysan’s) names ends up in Istanbul, we would have came there” . do you want something like this? you and Bahar come there and be my friend there huh? Just girls huh? What do you think?

Then the father goes toward them

Father: what is going on here Eysan?

Woman: I was telling Eysan, maybe the want to stay with me for a little.

Father: what do you mean?

Woman: you know how you work always? So that they wont get bored at home always, like how their MOTHER end up.

Father: Eysan and her sister will stay here, cuz no where is like their home..right?

Eysan: (to herself while shes her driving with the father) you know, once fathers’ gives their hands to their daughters, their daughters will follow them until HELL!

Father: look, don't cry. From now on everything will be beautiful! It will be just me and you! from now on what our soul wants we will do it look! We will get in the car and we are there! from now on we wont look after anyone! Look those eyes you have! look I am writing it on here, while you have those eyes you can convince (cheat) on everyone!....(then he continues singing)


Eysan at a store with the woman

Eysan: hello, I am Eyse, can you help me? me and my father are going to Izmer, my sister is sick. We are taking to the hospital there. on the way there the car’s tire exploded, my father is old and now its raining. I brought the tire

Woman: oh dear, you carried this big thing alone?

Man: (her father, he is pretending to be someone else) doesn't your father have a brain daughter? who would get out of the house in such rain? How much the mechanic asked for?

Eysan: 50...

Father: uhhhhhhh (NO WAY!) here I will give you 20...(which means he will get the rest from the woman and this is how he teaches her to get money)


Eysan: (talking to herself while convincing people they are poor and gets their money) my father had one thing in life that he knew very well! My father knew how to convince people and use their trust! He knew how to use human’s trust! My father knew very well how to burn one’s feelings! My father knew how to make human quite like animals! (shows her older) and I went down with him this way!

Shows Eysan..Crying...a boy goes to her

Boy: hello, are you ok?...i am Ahmed
Eysan: hello, and I am Pinar (another name)

Eysan: (to herself again while they are eating) I was a present like a small, innocent, and someone who would trust me. human would have trusted me and attached me, and my father was just waiting...when the time would come we would take jewelleries, money...etc from people. Then start a new one...

Shows her with an older man...

Eysan: stop!! (she slaps him)

Man: yo you B***! I will show you! I will show you, you none honoured woman!

Then she hits him with the thing....


She goes to a hotel.....

Father: who is it?

Eysan: dad!

Father: dear, are you ok? Come here! What did you do? Did you take stuff at home? Tell me girl!

Eysan: yes daddy

Father: you, you are the daughter of me! my only one! Its just me and you! tell me what the is the biggest lie in this life?

Eysan: family!

Father: yes, sure family. Tell me what is family? Family is the biggest face to face. Yes......(drinks the alcohol) never show your real face to anyone in life! If they learn who you really are, they will not love you! they will see you as Whore. Love is lie a lie! Tell me what would you do to love? Huh? To love...?

Eysan: I will lie!

The father falls asleep then she takes the money...

Sister: (Bahar) sister!
Eysan: shush
Bahar: will you return then?
Eysan: I don't know where I will go, once I gather up myself I will come and get you.
Bahar: sister take care of yourself...i am fine...

Eysan; (to herself) love is a weakness, my dad would say always. Maybe he was right, if you want to start from the beginning you have to be strong! You have to forget the ones you love.

Then she leaves


Woman (she is her aunt I think, hears the door ring): who is it? (opens the door) Eysan!

Eysan: (at the shopping, talking to herself) have you ever taken the gut to start all over again? Did you ever want to change and be someone else? Believe me, I wanted it....(her stuff falls)

OMER: do you want help?
Eysan: thank you
Omer: hello, I am Omer
Eysan: and I....I am Eysan....


Back to Present time....its 2009!


Ezel Episode 2 Part 3

Back to the gambolling.....Ezel wins

Ezel: unfortunately everything that is good has an end.

Cengiz: bring another box..(meaning money)

Eysan: (to ali) who is he? Did you learn?

Ali: an affected person (fob). I don't love him

Eysan: why?

Ali: he has studies his studies much more. He is reading it like a book to Cengiz.

Eysan: meaning?

Ali: look, there are millions on the table, he is not taking it and going away. He doesn't even look at it. such gamblers are not like that! If he doesn't take my money and yours tomorrow I will make him disappear myself.

Eysan; you just want something to come out right?

Ali: I don't love the man! I want him to drink one of my tea in the garage, for god.

Cengiz: (gets the money) now the changes are done, now we will do real right?
Ezel: I took what I wanted, why should I continue?
Cengiz: why should you? so that you can take it all!
Ezel: let’s give a 10 minutes break. I will do some things and you get some air!
Cengiz: ok

Elze leaves with sebman...

Ali: (t Cengiz)you may end up playing on the hotel’s keys too, so that we will take our jackets and leave.
Cengiz: little left, I know how to get him
Eysan: don't even try it Cengiz
Cengiz: I have 2 million dollars on the table
Eysan: you think this is nothing...look at you!
Cengiz: what is wrong with me?
Eysan: look at your eyes, don't try something that you cant have
Ali; she is righty Cengiz.
Cengiz: so you think I may not win? There is something inside of my kids, I will win tonight!


Sebnam and Ezel

Sebnam: should we go down?
Ezel: wait, let him wait a little more.
Sebnam: uf yea, it was pleasure to watch it. your going to get 2 million more right?
Ezel: do you think his punishment is enough with only 2 million? What do you think human’s weakness point is?
Sebnam: what is it?
Ezel: the most thing they love.
Sebnam: then what is Cengiz’s love?
Ezel: winning. Cengiz loves winning the most in life.
Sebnam: what about Eysan?



Cengiz: partner, please save me! (to Eysan) hello
Omer: Eysan, this is...
Cengiz: the men in the city are after me, if they get me they will hurt me
Omer: son, what did you do again?
Cengiz: it is not what I did, it is to who!
Ali: ( hits him at the back of his head)what is it again?
Cengiz: you scared the hell out of me Ali!
Ali: then why do you watch other people...(to Eysan) hello
Eysan: hello
Omer: Eysan, this is Ali and this is Cengiz. We are friends (brothers) since we were very small
Eysan: omer always talks about you two.
Cengiz: you know this man always talks behind my back...
Ali: cuz he should
Cengiz: you know everyone in the street (like his street where he lives) thinks that I am younger than Omer, but I am 2 years older than him
Ali: that is because Omer doesn't do his own work because of gathering up what you leave behind.
Cengiz: and this is the madness man in the street...
Ali: don't start man, or I will show you...(they all laugh) what? Why are you laughing?


Eveing...Eysan and Omer with his family at dinner

Omer; look, you like this sweet. Do you want more?
Eysan: no, or else I will get big. Thank you its very good
Mother: I hope you enjoyed it
Father: once omer goes to his duty in the Army you still come, his mom will still make you good food.
Eysan: thank you, I don't know how those times will go by
Omer: I will return soon, you don't worry
Father: it will be over, don't worry
Brother: Eysan sister, you have turned your coffee cup upside down, do you want my mother to read it for you?

Eysan laughs

Omer: when she looks it will turn out true

Eysan: ok then...(she goes it to her)

Mother: (takes it)
Omer: (to his brother) you wait, let mom do it
Brother: (describes it to his mother what it looks like)
Mother: what is beside the darkness? Like a tall man?
Brother: something like this
Mother: are you expecting any visitors child? (to Eysan)
Omer: she means in a while
Eysan: no I don't know
Mother: for example do you have any relatives who you haven’t seen for a while?
Eysan: no
Mother: meaning someone who is in your head?
Eysan: (gets mad) NO!....meaning I have an aunt I don't have anyone other than her.
Omer: look you have it from now right mom?


Omer leaving for the Army

Father: go safe and come back safe!
Omer: thank you dad
Father: do your duty
Omer: don't worry dady
Mother: (touches his face) this is enough for me until you return
Omer: (to his brother) watch dad and mom well huh
Brother: let them watch me yea, I am still a child
Omer: (to ali) Ali brother
Ali: what?
Omer: watch this man! While I am not around he will get worse
Cengiz: don't do anything there showing off your a hero huh. Don't do anything wrong
Ali: look in 40 years he spoke once the right way....
Cengiz: your train is leaving

Omer: (to Eysan) omg....what did you do to me...write me girl!

Eysan; I will write you, I will write you like crazy!

Omer; or else I will go nuts during the time there thinking if I was dreaming if there was a real Eysan in my life or it was just a dream?..what happen?

Eysan: I am scared

Omer: why are you scared? Look if you say don't go I wont go. I don't care I swear, if you say don't go I wont.

Eysan: come on go! Go your missing your train!

Omer: ok dear....
As soon as he leaves

Eysan: (to herself) don't go!


Eysan and her aunt

Eysan: what happen? What happen aunt? Say it aunt what happen?


Ezel episode 2 Part 4 (Embedding disabled, limit reached)

her aunt shows her the envelope

Eysan: a letter from omer?
Aunt: (tells her with moving her head yes)

Eysan: (writing a letter for Omer) only Omer, everyone is good, I talk to your parents/brother as well. Thanks to them, they always call me. actually they even called me for dinner. Mart (his brother) even showed me the pictures he took...everything is very nice. Your friends are good. Cengiz is a weird kid, I don't know if he is funny or not. I am good too, I go to school and return. Here is just like how you left. There is no only you.


Then Eysan gets a letter from omer

Omer: (in the letter) here is very cold. Its like time has stopped, once I come back I wonder how I will find you. are you also someone else from yesterday? I am scared to return and not find the same Eysan I left.

Then her aunt comes in

Aunt: Eysan your friend is here

Cengiz: where are you yaa for a few days?

Eysan: ok aunt, we will come down in a little

Aunt: I will be downstairs... (she eaves)

Cengiz: what’s up? Ur not around

Eysan: I am fine, I go to school and come home.

Cengiz: again letter

Eysan: let it go

Cengiz: thats enough ya, do you also cut piece of your hair and send it to him?

Eysan : ufff

Cengiz: give me a piece to keep

Eysan: Cengiz!!

Cengiz: see this way, laugh...see what this kid has done to you. your not doing anything and always upset. Get up we are leaving

Eysan: what leaving? I am not going anywhere

Cengiz: enough yaa your like old people now...aren’t you bored staying at home always,....home...home?

Eysan: no

Cengiz: come on lets go, we are going to go somewhere. We will have good times...


At the casino....he takes her there...


Eysan and Cengiz walking night

Cengiz: (tells her about the money on he table and how everyone is very rich)

Eysan: your weird Cengiz, anyways I am going inside

Cengiz: no way ya...what would omer tell me later if we don't tale care of you....he will eat me ya!

Eysan: so he made you watch me?

Cengiz: he did, he said that you should never go against what I say

Eysan: what did you tell him?

Cengiz: I said no partner, this girl will take me and bring me back! (meaning she wont listen to him)

Eysan: Me? your worse than me I will be just an innocent girl beside you

Cengiz: others believe you about this, but I don't. Beside I learned who you are.

Eysan: who am i?

Cengiz: (laughs then looks at the two streets separating) look, here those two roads (street) are getting separated. One side is light and the other is darkness. (he points at the dark side) now if me and you pick that road, me and you always will choose the darkness road.

Eysan: why? Why are we not picking the other road? There is more light

Cengiz: I don't know, this is our way...

Eysan: cant we change it?

Cengiz: no, we cant change it

Eysan: you do your think Mr. Cengiz, you pick the dark one and I will choose my bed road.

Cengiz: you will get bored, wait and see. You will get tired of the right one who does right things. You will look for the ones who does wrong things always.

Eysan: look then I will come to you for sure, Cengiz your being really nonsense come on good night! By the way here this is yours

Cengiz: let it stay with you

Eysan: no its yours...

She gives it back to him then he takes the dark side of the road


Inside Eysan sees someone’s shoes..

Eysan: aunt! Aunt! Who is here?

Then she sees her sister

Eysan: bahar! Bahar!
Bahar: sister, I miss you a lot....

Then her father comes out

Father: eysan! You wont kiss your father?


Back to PRESENT TIME 2009

Eysan cant find her son in his room

Eysan; (calls ali) ali is Cengiz there?
Ali: they took break he is not here yet what happen?
Eysan: there is no Can (john)
Ali : how he is not there?
Eysan: he is not, I came to his room and he is not here. The window is open I don't know if he left or where he went. I don't know!
Ali: ok I am coming
Eysan: ali, did someone do something to my son?
Ali: nothing will happen, you wait I am coming...


Ezel and Cengiz

Cengiz: don't ever say that you gave up! We just started.

Ezel : (looks at the hotel) you have picked a nice place

Cengiz: right?

Ezel: you have spend a lot of money on it. is the hotel from family?

Cengiz: it is not. My wife wanted it, because Eysan wanted it I got it for her.

Ezel: before?

Cengiz: before? Before some there and there...i am weird, where the sun is I go there, like you sometimes. (meaning where the money is in another word)

Ezel: I see

Cengiz: before Eysan was in my life, I was different. You know how they say in every man’s life when they do good things there is..

Ezel: (he finishes his sentence) a woman! yes

Cengiz: she is my angle luck! Can you believe if before her I didn't had any lucks.

Ezel; after?

Cengiz: what happen after?.....i made a wish! It happened. That is why I have this fall here. One for wishing, (gives him money) you make wish too. Maybe yours will come true too.

Then he walks away

Ezel: (to himself) I wished for it (did it)


Eysan and Ali

Eysan: ali did you tell Cengiz?

Ali: wait are you sure? Where did this crazy kid go? To the barn or?

Eysan: I don't know, maybe...


Can (John) with his horse..

Ezel Episode 2 Part 5

the kid goes to the horse then the man is watching him

man: (called Ezel) Mr. Ezel, there is something
Ezel: tell
Man: you know how you said “watch the kid”? the kid has run from home, he is here with the crazy horse. He wants to get on it. what do you want me to do? Do you want me to give up?
Ezel: no follow him
Man: are you sure? What if something happens to the kid?
Ezel: you do what I said......(hands the phone to sebnam)
Cengiz; is there a problem?
Ezel: there isn’t for me...are we going to play?


Can with the horse

Can: ok, don't be scared. I will come inside now I wont do anything.

So he gets inside


Eysan looking for him with ali

Eysan: Can! Son! ...he has taken the horse
Man; he is out
Eysan: the horse is very crazy Ali....
Ali: did you let the others know?
Eysan: (walks away) if something happens to him too I cannot live!
Ali: we will find him, what is that mean?


Back TO THE PAST!! 1997 Eysan with her sister and father

Eysan: dad!
Father; I have missed you daughter, is that a fault? Bahar missed you a lot too. She cried a lot too right Bahar?
Aunt: Sardar (father’s name) what do you want?
Sardar: here is very nice, you live somewhere nice
Aunt: Sardar!
Sardar: what is this huh!? What kind of place your living?!i have came to see my daughter...ok ok I will go tomorrow
Eysan: your leaving?
Sardar: I had some works here, so I said I should say hi to my sister-in-law. I knew you live here...
Aunt: so your leaving tomorrow?
Sardar: early morning

Eysan: (to herself) that night I didn't dream. Actually for years (always) I never dreamed!


Bahar; sister
Eysan: sleep dear, its early still
Bahar: sister!
Eysna: dear!
Bahar: did dad talked to you?
Eysan: no, what was he going to talk about with me?
Bahar: I don't know what you two will talk about but please don't do what he tells you to do. Please don't do what he tells you to do...

Eysan goes out of the room

Sardar: (her father) Dear! Good morning! I made breakfast do you want it?.....(while eating) when you left, you left your father behind too. Well first I would be laying if I said I didn't get surprised when you left. After I told myself why I even should? She needs to go away and stand for herself

Eysan: father!

Sardar: well I wanted her to do everything herself

Eysan: dad!

Sardar: I came, first I was watching you far! I watched what you were doing...

Eysan: dad can you listen to me?

Sardar: I watched you Eysan! I know your with your man. This Omer he is not around for about 6 months, but when he returns he will not know what he has putted himself into!

Eysan: dad! I love Omer

Sardar: alright girl I know your fine, leave this love things game aside.

Eysan: it is not a game! There is no the Eysna you used to know!

Sardar: what are you saying huh?! I raise you and grew you up! And some guy comes takes you away from my hand?!do I have the eyes to give you up Eysan?!

Eysna: father! Its enough now GO!

Sardar: I will go sure, sure I will go after I put many money in my pocket then I will go! Your going to live here huh? Live like this? like the woman who is inside this room? Your going to live like the Omer guy who lives on the street?

Eysan: I...

Sardar: Eysan dear my pretty daughter me and you want a different road! Our train doesn't stop here!

Eysan: dad please let me go!

Sardar: for the last time Eysan! Look, look at those white hairs, you don't notice but this man has gone OLD! This one is the last one, I tough you everything! I promise I will make you do this for the last time and get away from your life! You wont see my face anymore!

Eysan: I cannot do it! I cannot do it father! I cant do this to those people.

Sardar: really? What are you doing huh? Right now if they learn the truth about you would they take you in their family? Huh? Would they accept you in their family?

Eysan: you wont say it

Sardar: I will say it sure! For your own goodness, since you will start from zero be honest! Let them know everything about you. this stupid man, Omer, let him know the truth about you then decide weather he will love you or not.

Eysan: father if you tell I cannot live, you can be that bad!?

Sardar: but this is for your own goodness, but your saying thank god to the prayer that wont happen! There is no one who understands you Eysan! It is only me who knows you this man who is a mechanic does not know you at all! Only your father! Look if you don't do this, you wont have Omer, me or Bahar! But if you do it then everything will be yours. Money! The decision is yours. As a father I am showing you your road (way). Also I am leaving Bahar for now, you two enjoy together because you may end up never seen her!

Then he leaves

Eysan: (to herself while walking) I could not see my father, but I could feel he was watching me some where. I wasn’t his daughter anymore, I was someone who had to do things for him!...

Then she is writing a letter for Omer

Eysan: my love Omer, my love, I did something bad to you. I lied to you, I, I am not the person you know Omer. Eysan is not the Eysan you know. My family did NOT die in a car accident. My father is living, and I also have a younger sister. Before I came here I used to live with them, actually the Eysan you love a lot is this! I don't know if your family will accept me this way, if you will accept me? I don't know, the only thing I know is who ever was in your position would have done run away from me. the only thing I know is that I wanna have a life with you, the Eysan that you love. The only thing I know is that I will love you no matter what until the end of my life. A word that you would name it “LOVE”....

Then she is about to give the letter...her father comes..

Sardar: Eysan! You have made a decision.
Eysan: I did father, I don't want you in my life anymore.



Ezel Episode 2 Part 6

sardar: really? So you prefer this family over me?
Eysan: I will take Bahar too
Sardar: ok what will happen to me then? What will happen to your daddy?
Eysan: dad! (he gives her a envelope) what is this?
Sardar: read!
Eysan: dad (while reading it)
Sardar: read!
Eysan: Bahar? (its test results for Bahar’s sickness)
Sardar: if this continues like this she will die in 1 or 2 years. I brought this for you because you know I am a liar father! I didn't want to bring it but I wanted to show you
Eysan: did you take her to hospital? Doesn't she need to be hospitalized?
Sardar: of course I did, but they said her recovery cannot happen here, she needs to go to Europe. They need a lot of money!
Eysan; what are we going to do dad?
Sardar: you know better than me
Eysan: we will find money somewhere. I will work, we will get loans.
Sardar: what are you saying Eysan? Where will we find it? are we doctors? Agriculture people? Where will we find all those money? Don't you know what kind of work we do?
Eysan: dad omer?!
Sardar: leave omer for now! your sister is dying daughter I am telling you she is dying! While your sister dying your going to in the arm of a man? While she is dying will you have a family? Huh? Did I raise you like this?
Eysan: dad
Sardar; Eysan you tell me what should I do? Huh what should I do? Look I will leave your sister for tonight until tomorrow you pick. You make the decision......

Shows Omer’s mother then she goes out....

PS: I think she heard some of the talking maybe!


Eysan: (to herself while holding her sister at night time) Have you ever woken up in a morning and given up on all of your dreams? Believe me I gave up....(MORNING!! she is standing by the water) that morning we met with my father. He didn't even asked me what my decision was. He already knew what my decision would have been before he even asked me.

Sardar: here have this...girl you have set everything up. I am just making your eyes open. After you will thank me. the first man you will get in this is Cengiz! He works at the casino, he knows everyone there, he has dreams and sees money! You will get into his blood! Just like before, beside he likes you (he has his eyes on you). we will start walking here. The second man is Ali! Ali will do your hard works! This work is very big for you Eysan! This will hold you all up! Ali is the man who knows what he will do. (while he is telling all of this it shows Ali and Cengiz and they also want money). Now coming to the work, the important is not getting the money it is you not getting caught! Now as coming to this...

Eysan: dad

Sardar: we talked about this Eysan! You have to get this way, the fault someone has to take it. there is no other way for this! you need to use him!

Eysan: I don't want that he is the only one who trust me and doesn't want anything in return! And who just loves me!

Sardar: that is it! he needs to be used for this!

Eysan: please dad I beg you I will speak to him and convince him he can be the fourth person!

Sardar; you cannot convince him. Even if he agrees for now later on he will tell the cops and make us pay for it! such thing cannot happen!

Eysan: he does not deserve this! he only loves me that is it!

Sardar: daughter who cares, you get your punishment by doing this! since your thinking this much why didn't you stay away from him at the beginning?

Eysan: dad!

Sardar: stop telling me dad! You know this is our work! The ones who loves you ends up to be your user! Either this work will happen this way or it wont. Either OMER OR BAHAR. There is no return from this Eysan. He will get in jail and stay there only for 4 or 5 years and after he will come out.

Eysan: dad!

Sardar: we can send him money too! We will be very rich and we will have a lot of money! We will save Bahar too!

Then he leaves

Eysan: (to herself) what ever he said I did! Every day I got more closer to Cengiz! Cengiz was the same one, he wanted to win everything a lot! Most of all he wanted to win me!

Cengiz: (gets her in the bathroom) I cannot stand without you even for five minutes Eysan!

Eysan: Cengiz what are you doing?
Cengiz: what do you think I am doing? I am going nuts!
Eysan: Cengiz stop!
Cengiz: ok I stopped? What are we going to do in the bathroom? Will we stop?
Eysan: what are you saying?
Cengiz: to what, what am I saying?...(gives her a look) no way!
Eysan: guess
Cengiz: are you crazy? They will think we are terrorists.
Eysan: only if they get us. It was always you who wanted it! I thought we were different, I thought we were going to pick the other road. Where you serious of just showing off?
Cengiz: what will happen to Omer?
Eysan: nothing, we will do the work and go away from here. Everyone to their own road (way)
Cengiz: everyone to their road? Or yours will be with mine?
Eysan: so what do you say?
Cengiz: I will do anything for you Eysan!
Eysan: (someone calls Cengiz) go now cengiz
Cengiz; you will be my END!

Then he leaves

Eysan: (to herself while they go to Ali’s house) the last day Cengiz came to out way! Eysan’s omer after that day died! The woman who came to her place I don't know. You always say such thing wont happen. Many years of friendships you will say wont do such things to one another! BUT believe it they do it! the time is the time to make money! Time is to make it fast! And the most people you love you think you know them, but you DO NOT know them....

Sardar with Cengiz

Sardar: can I tell you something young man? Your like my young years!

Continues in part 7


Ezel Episode 2 Part 7

Sardar: your like me. I am old now, someone like you needs to look after Eysan. Someone who has open eyes.

Cengiz; last night you didn't tell me everything

Sardar: why?

Cengiz: the security man will open the door because he knows me?

Sardar: yes just like that.

Cengiz: after? Wouldn’t the man tell that it was me?

Sardar: your right, we will figure out a solution for that one too

Cengiz: there is only one thing for that one. (goes closer to him) I DO NOT KILL MAN!

Sardar: but Ali kills! He has it in his eyes, if you make him to do so he will do it! that is why we let him in between all of this
Cengiz: we are putting all of these on Omer!

Sardar: is that bad?

Cengiz: what are you saying man? I know you for only 2 days! I know omer for years we are best friends like this (shows his hand) your going to put the blame on omer and make me do it?

Sardar: son, your eyes are how much open? Think that he gets in jail for 4 years and gets out later. He will come to your door, and after Eysan opens the door. Do you think she will stay with you? or go with him?

Cengiz: she will stay with me

Sardar: are you sure?


THEN IT SHOWS THE time when Omer returns from army!


Cengiz sees how Eysan hugs Omer and etc...


Present time...2009 in Kibris....Eysan looking for Can

Eysan; (calls Cengiz) Answer the phone cengiz! Answer!

They continue looking for him


Cengiz and Ezel still playing

Cengiz: (looks at his cards) I figured you out. Now I understand why you played.
Ezel: to win
Cengiz: sure, thats different. But for the real one your not playing because of that.
Ezel: then why am I playing?
Cengiz: you have putted your eyes on the wills of the person cross of you (which is Cengiz). You are playing and want to know what he has and how much he has. Is that a lie?
Ezel: do I look that bad?
Cengiz: this one’s name is not “bad”. It is being open. Someone like us wont play for money! They play to be the owner of what ever the other person has. That is why we are very good. (he gives in all the money) all in!


Eysan still looking for Can

Eysan: where are you my son?


Back to Ezel and Cengiz

Cengiz: (sees the phone ring but doesn't answer) there are four billion (or million he said I am not sure) on this table.

Ezel: (looks at the card) in, you win! (he is the one who wins but doesn't say it)

Cengiz: I told you, I said today is my lucky day! (they shake hands) Mr. Ezel it was my pleasure to play with you.

Ezel: wait we are just starting.

Ceniz: wow! Look at the man! Your cold, you will get out of here with nothing though

Ezel: it is not the first time...

Then he leaves

Sebnam: (walking with him) what did you do Ezel?
Ezel; what did I do?
Sebnam: you left everything in there!
Ezel: such thing happens
Sebnam: but you had a higher card
Ezel: the game I am playing is more than this one! (on the phone) tell me the place!


They are still looking for Can


Back in 1997...the night when they were talking

Eysan: (talking to herself) have you ever killed someone with your own hands? We did!

Cengiz: wow we are really doing this? this is not a game?
Ali: we talked about this 50 times! You (to Eysan) hold the kid to yourself all night long. It wont be hard for you.

Cengiz: (goes to Omer) what a weirdo man I am right?
Omer: you think always everything is a game
Cengiz: everything is already a game brother!
Omer: then you find other friends who will play with you
Cengiz: you will miss me though after
Eysan: Cengiz come on lets drop you off at home
Ali: friends you two go I will drop him off at work.
Eysan: are you sure?
Ali: yes

They leaves

Cengiz: (to Ali) I will be rich!
Ali: we will be a murder man! I will be! Omer’s murder! Our omer’s murder! Does Eysan know about this?
Cengiz: she only thinks its for money. She thinks after 3 or 4 years he will come out.
Ali: you know your work Cengiz! You are killing two birds with one stone. You will have the money and take the girl you love from your best friend!
Cengiz: if your not going to do it I will. Give it to me!
Ali: what can you do huh? You wont do it! I will finish it
Cengiz: this is my Ali brother!
Ali: this is not a game! This is for real!


Eysan and omer in her house


Ali and Cengiz

Ali: we have only two hours! Go on!

Cengiz goes to the man

Cengiz: Suleman! Suleman!
Man: wait who is this?
Cengiz; stop man it is me!

CONTINUES in part 8


Ezel Episode 2 Part 8

man: oh its you, what are you doing here at this time?
cengiz: I left my wallet in my locker. There is money in there...
man: you can get it tomorrow Cengiz. You know the rules
cengiz: I know, if you let me in I will tell you thinks about inside..
man: no way
cengiz: I will, well if you don't believe me tell Nerimin (his manager) she knows it
man; what is your work with this Ms. Manager huh? (closes the door) if there is no wallet I will show you!!

he goes inside..ali follows them

inside...Cengiz tells him gossip about inside he opens the door he sees Ali pointing the gun to him

man: what is this!?
ali: (shoots him)

cengiz: oh no!!!

Man: (holds Cengiz) please don't kill me1 I have kids! two!
Cengiz; finish it!
Ali: you will die, you will die so that we live! (then he kills him)


Back to Cengiz and ali...they through everything..


While omer sleeping...eysan crying by his bed side..

She leaves the ring

Eysan: (to omer while he is sleeping) I will NEVER forget you Omer!


Next morning the cops gets omer...


Eysan and her father

Eysan: dad, you lied to me.
Sardar: it needed to be this way. You would not have done it in other ways. I know my daughter
Eysan; I will tell everything now!
Sardar: look, she is not doing good at all! The doctors said expect anything! I brought her so that you will see her.

The man calls her inside...

She goes inside..tells everything but as a lie!...then he ends up in jail the man reads his jail time...

Eysan goes to a hospital....

Nurse: its been about five weeks. Do you want to look?
Eysan: no
Nurse: actually its important if you do so
Eysan: I don't want the baby, I want to get abortion. (she looks at the screen) does the baby has a heart beat?
Nurse: yes
Eysan: can I listen?

She listen to the heart beat...


Back to present time....2009 Can is riding the horse...then the horse goes mad...

Can: (to the horse) calm down! Calm down son! Clam down don't do it!....then he falls

Then ezel comes..

Ezel: dotn move...(makes the horse calm down, to Can) are you ok?
Can: I am fine
Ezel: are you hurt?
Can: no
Ezel: your fine
Can: did it run away? I wont see it anymore?
Ezel: I don't know, maybe you will
Can: my mom told me, she said he is crazy...
Ezel: I know..can you get up?
Can: yes

They walk back...

Ezel: are you ok?
Can: I am fine

He sees his parents

Can: dad!
Cengiz: Can!
Eysan: can!
Cengiz: where were you? until morning you made everyone run after you
Eysan: my son! Where were you!

Ezel: (to the man) look....we found Eysan’s weakness point!

Can: mom look this brother found me...

Shows Ezel



Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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La umbra teilor Empty Re: La umbra teilor

Mesaj Scris de emine Mier 11 Noi 2009, 9:01 pm

buna Denisa,poti sa-mi spui daca mai pot intra pe topicul vechi? si ms mult pt poze si rezumat :flower:
membru senior
membru senior

Mesaje : 384
Data de inscriere : 04/10/2009
Varsta : 56
Localizare : cyprus

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La umbra teilor Empty Re: La umbra teilor

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 11 Noi 2009, 9:04 pm

Ezel Episode 3 Part 1

starts with ali riding the bicycle...he receives a phone call..

Ali: say it hurry

Man: I looked for the places you told me so, about the man. Ezel...

Ali: did you get anything?

Man: no, nothing. But there is something everything he is doing is new, meaning the internet information about him, his credit card information everything about him are new.

Ali: how new?

Man: 4 years! It is like he didn't exist before.

Ali: do you know what Ezel mean?..something that has no beginning, ezel means no beginning.

Man: I am going to continue investigating him, I will let you know about info....(then ali is behind him in the airport)

Ali: tomorrow, tomorrow the store is closed.

Man: sorry, was today a important day?

Ali: don't you see it? (he shows him the sing) Bahar has came to Kibris...

Then Bahar comes who is older now

Bahar: ohh Ali brother, what is up?

Ali: welcome Bahar

Bahar: I didn't make you wait long right?

Ali: no, come on

Man: let me take this

Bahar: hello


Then Ezel wakes up with tears in his eyes....

Ezel: why didn't you wake me up?
Man: because when you wake up, you are in a bad mood all day long. (his gives him an envelope) they thru this under your door.

Then he gets up and opens the door for Sebman

Sebnam: how do you do this? can you tell? Look tell me the truth you don't sit here all night long right? (ezel looks at the invitation card) all night you sleep but when I come here, you come huh?

Ezel: sebman

Sebman: good morning

Ezel: coffee

Sebman: (to the man) what is wrong with him? You woke him up right?

Man: no

Sebnam: ohh, sure he doesn't lose 2 million dollars every night

Ezel: we didn't lose anything, it was nothing. We are going to this night

Sebnam: (reads the note, it says that they are giving out a party for kids who doesn't have money and they have to wear masks, then the person who organized she says it which is Bahar) isn’t this Bahar...

Ezel: Eysan’s sister

Sebnam: before you didn't know she has a sister huh?

Ezel: I didn't know

Sebnam: I wonder why she hided

Ezel: we will learn, Sebnam

Sebnam: yes?

Ezel: coffee


Cengiz and Eysan

Cengiz: the money you make in 2 months I made it in one night.

Eysan: good for you. when will you solve the work?

Cengiz: lets return back to Istanbul then.

Eysan: I want to make right money from now on...

Cengiz: ok, but it is not a subject that could be solved in one day

Eysan: (while Cengiz still looking at her) don't you have any other games?

Cengiz: Eysan why don't you let me know what is crossing your head?

Eysan: if you have known what is in my head, you would not have been here, beside you would have end up finding a new game for yourself

Cengiz: your right.

Then he sees bahar coming

Cengiz: look who is coming....(he is about to call her)

Eysan: wait, let me look at her like this far from here...

Bahar: ohh sister..

Eysan: dear! Let me look at you, you have went even more prettier.

Bahar: if you see me once a year this is what you get

Eysan: I wont leave you alone anymore.

Bahar: how are you cengiz brother?

Cengiz: what huh....i still haven’t made this lady learn what to call me...this is the only bag you got? You don't have anything else?

Bahar: no, that is enough for me, I am not like everyone going for fashion.

Cengiz: I understand, today every words is for me right..

Bahar: is everything for the night party ready? There is no problem?

Eysan: everything is good, don't worry.

Bahar: I am so excited

Cengiz: come on lets go for lunch and see what bahar has to tell us, ali can you check the new alarm...they have came...


Ali waiting by the elevator then when it opens....ezel is there

Ezel: did your day start bad?

Ali: as always, how are you Mr. Ezel?

Ezel: since yesterday I am fine..i said let me go for a walk

Ali: yes, its good thing when human takes care of themselves

Ezel: you don't look bad either

Ali: ehh I am fitted... (sees Ezel’s hand cut) it is cut bad

Ezel: its been a long time, from a different life time.

Ali: I don't know, but for me if I see one face I will never forget it all my life.

Ezel: your career is good

Ali: it saves lives...i will figure you out, figure you out. I am sure I know you very well

Ezel: (goes closer) look closer then, see if you can figure out...

Then the elevator stops...

Ali: the phone has no signal here too.....are you ok?

Ezel: I don't like being stuck....


Omer is in jail, the cop opens the door...

Cop: get up, stand up get out! Get out! (takes him out) you were crying for sun (light) here! This is light!

Ezel(omer): (talks to himself) there is something I want to tell you Eysan! Do you want to know how Omer died?

Police: (talks to him) son, don't be stupid, they are big casino owners they can do anything to you. if you don't tell they will make you nothing and me. where did you hide the money? You tell me and I will tell me, so that both of us will get out of here...

CONTINUES in part 2


Ezel Episode 3 Part 2

man: tell me...
Omer; I didn't do anything
Man: your laying again....

Another police comes

Police: Is this Omer?
Cop: so what if he is?
Police: he has a visitor
Cop: tell he has a headache...wait, wait. Who is the visitor?

Then it shows his visitors are his mom and brother

Mother: is he fine? How does he look? Tell me!
Brother: he is fine mommy, fine...
Omer: mother..
Mother: omer! My dear are you ok?
Omer: I am fine mom.
Mother: look I brought those for you, they said they may not allow it but still you ask.
Omer: no need mother
Mother; look you will get cold. There is a few things in here and wear them.
Omer: mom...ok you give those to Mart..
Mother: my son, my son
Omer: how is my father? Is he fine? Me and Mart should talk man and man before you leave...

Then he talks to his brother alone

Omer: Mart, don't ever bring mother here again
Mart: but brother...
Omer: I said don't bring her, you don't come too
Mart: brother
Omer: look Mart I will tell you something, don't tell anyone else I am dead
Mart: brother why are you saying this?
Omer: look Mart, there is no me anymore, you will grow up and take care of them. There is no me anymore, do you understand? don't come here anymore.
Mart: brother you didn't do it, I know it
Omer: shush!
Mart: I wont let this go, I will find it out
Omer: Mart! There is no more ME!
Mart: but brother! Please don't go!

Then he leaves

Ezel: (talking) he started to die with forgetting his hopes. Omer’s punishment was not a normal one, it was a dark and no chances!


Omer’s parents

Wife: Mr. Mumtaz
Mumtaz: what are you doing here?
Wife: you didn't come for dinner again, so I said I should come
Mumtaz: no, tell Mart to bring something that is enough
Wife: we went and visited Omer he asked where his father is right away...Mr. Mumtaz!
Mumtaz: I heard!
Wife: you wont go see your son?
Mumtaz: I wont go!
Wife: he is your son! He is your Omer!
Mumtaz: go inside
Wife: but he did NOT do it!
Mumtaz: didn't you hear the judge? Our son is a theft! My son is a murder! Didn't you hear all of this?
Wife: I did! BUT HE DID NOT DO IT! if you cant see it then your more blind than me!


Eysan with her father and ali, and Cengiz

Eysan: come on lets start...

Ali: spent it as much as you want..

Serdar: first we have to do how we did the agreement, we wont spend all the money in 1 or 2 months

Cengiz: (looks at Ali and his bicycle) son what did we say? Didn't we say no spending?

Ali: when did I become your son huh?

Cengiz: shut up! I wont get into jail because of you Ali!

Ali: look at you! yesterday’s Cengiz is talking!

Sardar: ali! Cengiz is right we have to use out head! Calm down!

Ali: do you know what I did for this bag? I murdered a man! A man!

Sardar: calm down!

Ali: a man like you nothing! Cant tell me this! your F**** (walks to Cengiz) who ever is looking for me, I am right here! And don't forget to close the door behind when you go.

After ali leaves

Cengiz: (to Eysan and her father) so, what are we going to do? (as Eysan walks away with her father) what? Your going too?

Eysan: I don't know cengiz, we have to take Bahar to the hospital, maybe we will take her to Europe.

Cengiz: ok lets take her, Eysan you promised me! you promised you would stay with me that is why I did this work! I am telling you something...what does that mean now? everything was a game? Come on dear you did feel something for me! Eysan?

Eysan: did you forget Cengiz? Everything is a game!

Cengiz leaves


Eysan and her father

Sardar: your sick again?
Eysan: seems like I got cold
Sardar: your mother was like you too, I would understand she was pregnant (now he knows she is) she would like you hold her mouth and her stomach would have hurt.
Eysan: what are you saying dad?
Sardar: is it from Omer?
Eysan: your being nonsense! I am going to sleep
Sardar: ok when the child grow up and asks who his father is? what would you answer?
Eysan: dad leave me alone! I did what ever you wanted it! leave me alone!
Sardar: how can you talk to me like this huh? I am your father!
Eysna: I don't need your fatherhood! Get out of my life! Get out!
Sardar: come here girl, what ever I have done I have done it for you all!
Eysan: you liar!
Sardar: look I will even take care of that child too...

Continues in part 3


Ezel Episode 3 Part 3

Sardar: look we will take care of that child too, we will take your aunt as well. We are a family!
Eysan; we are not one!
Sardar: we will do what ever is needed for Bahar too! I will watch you all three! Don't cry dear! Don't cry!

Ezel: (talking) when you love someone very much, even if that person upsets you very much you would still want to cry by that person’s side. Even if he/she does a very scary thing to you, you still would want to calm down in that person’s arms. (morning comes, she Is sleeping) when you love one very much, even if that person lies to you 1 million times, still you want to believe in that person the most.

Eysan wakes up...

Aunt: he has gone, he has taken everything and left this only..(gives her a paper)
Eysan: (reads the note, it says that he is gone and that he will be taking care of the money then comes back to them)

Ezel: (talking to himself while showing omer in jail) omer hiding in many things!

Then the cop comes

Police: where are you going? Your going somewhere? Your in hurry? What is this your wearing?
Omer: nothing!
Police: (takes it from him) what is this!
Omer: give it back to me!
Police: who is this belong to huh? Your mother? Your lover?
Omer: give it to me!
Police: (pushes him) if you move I will thought it! aww poor you! you need this back? You tell me where the money is and I will give you this back!
Omer: how many times did I say! I did not do it!
Police: you stupid, ok lets say you convince me! what about the others? You tell me and I will tell them! Everyone will be happy!
Omer: I don't know!
Police: you know better (then he puts it in the bathroom)

Omer: stop! (...omer gets it back)

Ezel: (talking to himself) such things makes human Crazy! This suffer makes human kill inside! But those didn't kill omer! Omer’s love killed him other than his pain and everything else.


Eysan and Bahar

Eysan: dear...

Bahar: are we there?

Eysan: we didn't even more yet...(as she picks up the bags)

Cengiz: let me help you

Eysan: cengiz? What are you doing here?

Cengiz: well for you!

Eysan: (to Bahar) dear, you sit here for 2 minutes and I will come soon ok? Then after we will leave. (to Cengiz) what do you want still cengiz? Don't you understand I don't want to be with you.

Cengiz: no I understand that part, that is ok, but you don't understand me Eysan.

Eysan: the train is leaving, come on lets saying good and that is it.

Cengiz: if you leave I will tell the cops!

Eysan; what?

Cengiz: I will tell the cops

Eysan: are you crazy? You will end up in jail too.

Cengiz; I know

Eysan: you wont do this in a life time

Cengiz: (gets his phone) hello? Yes I wanna tell you something...

Eysan: are you crazy? What are you doing?

Cengiz: I wont lose you! when you leave I will tell everything!

Eysan: cengiz! This is by force! I don't love you

Cengiz: we know you love Omer. He doesn't deserve you, I do! I went to hell for you Eysan! What did he do? I would do anything to win you!

Eysan: even me

Cengiz: even you, when I saw you at first time I told myself that is it! this is my life’s meaning. Where ever she goes I will go, wherever! I burned my best friend, I dont even care Eysan! There is only you. people think love is a good thing, but love is devil’s game. I would even make the devil nothing for you Eysan!

Eysan: I don't....

Cengiz: don't say it again! Please! You will love! I swear you will love me! I will make you love me. just say come that is enough! Say come that is it!.

Eysan: come....


Omer in jail...

Man: what are you looking at man?
Omer: no...(he walks away)
Man2: why are you acting like this? huh? We say hi and no answer..
Omer; no I didn't hear you
Man1: did he swear?
Man2: (stabs him) today is your fate! Either you talk or...
Omer: (holds him) hit me! hit me I wont tell you anything I told you!

As the man is about to hit him, the old man holds him back....

Old man: you were looking for him?

Man2: what do you want?

Man1; what are you doing this is old Ramiz..

Ramiz: your not going to do it huh? You gave up?

Police: Mr. Ramiz! Are you looking for something? You don't get anything here! Here is under my order!

Continues in part 4


Ezel Episode 3 Part 4

police: here is under my control...(then Ramiz’s guys comes behind him) take him in!
Ramiz: the child will stay here!
Police: Mr. Ramiz, we are taking him inside, so that he will get better
Ramiz: I will make him better
Police: (goes to omer, takes the necklace) my job is not done with you...

Ramiz;(to omer) come here, give me your hand...

THEN ITS PRESENT TIME....2009...he is in the elevator with Ali reaching for his hand...

Ali: ok, your ok right? was exciting right?
Ezel: it was a little and a little of waist of time.
Ali: if you want we can go in again
Ezel: no...


Eysan and Bahar

Bahar: don't you get bored here?
Eysan: if I get bored I would run away with my sister. Somewhere no one would know, just you and me.
Bahar: you will get bored there too, for sure you will leave me there too.
Eysan: oh look at you..
Bahar: for sure, for sure...(then she coughs)
Eysna: bahar are you ok?
Bahar: I am fine, its the cocktail, I am not used to it.
Eysan: let me check you
Bahar: I am fine sister, don't worry.
Eysan: I know...will you stay with me in Istanbul?
Bahar: I don't know, there is a little too big for me. maybe I will rent a house or return to England.
Eysan: you just came, I thought you wouldn’t return. Or there is someone there for you huh?
Bahar: no, there isn’t
Eysna: why there isn’t?
Bahar: I don't know, no one took my heart
Eysna: I will find you one
Bahar: ok, maybe someone will come up in the party...


Cengiz waiting for his car...the man brings it for him

Man: here you go sir, your car is very beautiful Mr. Cengiz, very beautiful.
Cengiz: so you liked it? (he goes in the car, then shows him the thing in his hand) look know which hand this thing is in, then the car is yours.
Man: come on sir...
Cengiz: which one?

Elze’s man on the phone with Ezel

Man: Mr. Cengiz is leaving
Ezel: he is leaving now? (knock on the door) one second, (he opens it, its Sebnam)
Sebnam: do I look nice? Look what I got for you for the evening, shall I show you? (then he closes the door on her)

Ezel: (with the man on the phone) I am coming now, if needed talk to him for a little...

Back to Cengiz and the driver

Man: this hand, no, no this one
Cengiz: (opens it) if you do it 1000 times you wont find it....
Man: why?
Cengiz: (tells him to come closer with his finger, takes it out in his pocket) because you don't know how to look for it....

As he leaves the man stops him with the big car....

Ezel: sorry
Cengiz: oh, its for you?
Ezel: sorry, when someone tells him to wait front of the door he wont move..(then he talks about the car with Cengiz)
Cengiz: you know about cars too?
Ezel: not me, a friend used to know about it, I know a little from him...anyways I shouldnt make you wait
Cengiz: your going to the city?
Ezel: yes, to get some air
Cengiz: come here I will drop you off
Ezel: thank you, the car is waiting for me
Cengiz: come on! What is this like an old man sitting at back? In this weather? I wont drive fast I promise..

Then he goes with him...while they are driving

Cengiz: how long more will you stay in my hotel?
Ezel: I don't know, I don't plan
Cengiz: how does it happen then?
Ezel: mornings I wake up and I will know if its time for me to leave
Cengiz: ohh now nice, before I used to say this too. I would say if I had money I would not stay more than 2 days in one place.
Ezel; what happened after?
Cengiz: after? I fall in love
Ezel: look this changes everything
Cengiz: human becomes a total different person right? You end up looking at yours self and do things you always say you will never do!
Ezel: or the opposite, you look and know you did things you thought you wouldn’t do.
Cengiz: sure, there is this one too...
Ezel: what happen?
Cengiz: nothing, but your right there are things that have been done and you never thought I would do...

Ezel: ok if you go back, would you do the same thing again?
Cengiz: I would have done it!
Ezel: I am not as lucky as you are. I would have things to change if I end up going back to times.
Cengiz: we are still young, there are times to change things.
Ezel: yes your right, I am working on that already.


They go back in time....2001 Istanbul! In JAIL!...they are watching TV

Man: I brought him to you grandpa
Man2; he is watching tv
Ramiz: (watching the TV) look at this job its hello day, what day is today?
Man2: its September 11 grandpa
Ramiz: 09/11/2001 remember this day son! The world wont be the same after today or you. come sit...make new tea.....(they drink tea, shows his hand to Omer) do you know why our fates are writing in our hands? Because when needed you can hide it (he closes his hand) do you know why this is? because strength comes from hiding.

Continues in part 5


Ezel Episode 3 Part 5 one will know your real intention. Your fate is your secret. You will not share your fate with anyone. With no one! (gets a book and gives it to him) read this...,(he walks away)

Man: your a lucky man, grandpa doesn't go close to anyone like this. read this....


Ramiz and Omer

Ramiz: come, lets get some air....(outside walking) when I want, I come here alone. Its cold like tonight...up starts....

Omer: its like being free..

Ramiz: this is what I am trying to say, being here freedom is this much that is it.

Omer: why are we here?

Ramiz: we are getting air, we are having conversation, are you complaining?

Omer: no, there is no complaining. Since I have been inside here your the only person who is treating me right, but why? Why me?

Ramiz: you needed help, I gave my hand. I should not have not done it huh?

Omer: so it is a coincidence?

Ramiz: a person when they believe in fate they don't believe in coincidence. And if a man believes in coincidence, they wont hold their fate in their hand. Look at those books over there, take them and read. After return them to me.

Omer: what do you want from me?

Ramiz: to answer your question there is another question before this needs to be asked...actually WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? (then he walks inside)

Ezel: (to himself) after that day, Ramiz uncle became my friend, and a teacher. Live was going by inside and outside. (shows his family) humans gets used to the ones they love who gets older and changes while being inside.


Mart: (writing for omer)brother I did good in school today, I write to you every day, when I grow up I will become a newspaper writer. I will write what the did to you. ....(shows he is older)


Ezel: (talking) human gets used to their lives as well going by...human gets even used to living someone else’s dreams as well. With time human get used to everything. They get used to it...but they wont forget it.

Shows the jail again....

Ramiz and Omer

Ramiz: when you get out of here, what are you going to do Omer?

Omer: I am here for a long time, there is no where to me to go uncle.

Ramiz: lets say you did child, what are you going to do?....(omer laughs) look omer we have conversations for many years

Omer: yes

Ramiz: you told me everything about yourself, they have done things to you. what are you going to do when you get out of here?

Omer: ignore it uncle, ignore those things...

Ramiz: (gets mad) when I ask you a question, answer me! what are you going to do when you go out?

Omer: I would want to know who did this uncle. Ali or Cengiz! Who made Eysan lie. Why she lied? Why? I don't want to die without knowing these uncle.

Ramiz: let’s say you did learn. THEN what are you going to do? What are you thinking to do?

He doesn't answer the questions...shows how he is working and preparing himself...

Omer and the man fighting

Omer: shall I hit?

Ramiz: who do you see in front of yourself? Who is your real intention?

Omer: Ali!

Ramiz: who do you see in front of yourself?

Omer: Cengiz! (he gets on the ground)

Ramiz: without knowing your real tension you cant do it. you will see! Without it, it cant be!


Eysan in her house...gets a phone call

Eysan: Bahar

Bahar: (she is in Londra) Sister, I wanted to hear your voice

Eysan: your voice is very good. I miss you a lot, maybe this month we will come.

Bahar: no dear, it hasn’t been two months yet since you returned.

Eysan: how is it there? you like it?

Bahar: I am fine here sister, here is very nice. The treatment is going well too. I called because of that already, there is anew treatment they are talking about..

Eysan: is it danger? Like surgery?

Bahar: I don't know, it is maybe, but sister think I will get out from this for good!

Eysan: how risky is it?

Bahar: 50/50

Eysan: Ey Bahar!

Bahar: I want it sister, I want to live just like everyone else. I don't want to live like this! I want to run, swim I wanna get tired, enough sister, I want to live like human being too. Or else..

Eysan: don't talk like this bahar, first lets do something, we will research it first. Ok?

Bahar: ok sister, don't get mad at me sister ok? I love you

Eysan; me too dear...


Mart talking...

Mart: I started working at the newspaper place. My father doesn't know, I told my mother. I think about you every day brother. The more I think about you the more I start to work faster. ....your brother who loves you very, very, very much..Mart.


Back in the jail..omer with the others...

Ramiz: what are you doing like this?
Omer: I am trying to memorize the cards.
Ramiz: look at the card once, after raise your head and look around yourself. The real cards are with them. Read the people around yourself, after reading your card is like a child game.

The police comes inside....

Ramiz: you sit...sit...

Police1: (looks at the kid with the glass) your coming with me, they are questioning you...and you all walk away...(the kid looks at Ramiz) don't look at Mr. Ramiz. What can he do? The order is from higher level...(he takes his glass out)

Continues in part 6


Ezel Episode 3 Part 6

police: your glass, where you go you don't need it....dont get mad at me friends. I am under orders.

Ramiz: it is different when you get order, and its different when your enjoying yourself.

Police: this is how it goes here...this rules will change here too..(to omer) don't think I forgot you, how can i? Wait and see! (then he leaves)

Omer: what are you going to do?

Ramiz; I will do what the man said. I will wait for my turn. Continue....

Omer: they take people one by one..the work is getting bigger uncle. (as they walk) things are not good.

Ramiz: this is nothing kid, soon here will not be good at all. You start taking care of yourself too, meaning I may not end up getting in hold of you too (meaning him taking care of Omer)

Omer: what difference would that make uncle? Anyways both of us will die here.

Ramiz: come sit down. (he sits on the bench) look Omer we have been knowing each other for a while, but there is one more thing. We talked to you a lot about that day, we went back to that day, but for real what did happen truly that day? Don't you ask that to yourself?

Omer: I ask this every day uncle, ever minute, every moment.

Ramiz: look nephew to do such perfect job; do you know how many people needed? Four! First person would gather up everyone, and sets things. Of course it is better is that one person is from inside (meaning working for them) so now for your situation, who would that one person be?

Omer: Cengiz.

Ramiz: second, the stealing will happen. Someone strong is needed for this. if needed that person will kill a man! If needed he will kill. Who would that be?

Omer: Ali.

Ramiz: your going nice nephew nice. Now in every thing like this, there is one who will end getting sacrificed. (Meaning she or he will be blamed for it) everyone will put everything on that person; they will blame him/her over it. who would that be?

Omer: Me.

Ramiz: it is your nephew, you. there is one more person left, the fourth one. That person would be the most smartest one who can even plan everything. That person would NOT show their real face to anyone. That person would tell everyone something different, that person would convince everyone. Right?

Omer: ok

Ramiz: they will look inside your eyes, and they trap you!

Omer: enough!

Ramiz: who is that person nephew? Who? The one person who is after all of this is only one! Who is that one?

Omer: don't do this uncle!

Ramiz: open your eyes nephew! Who is that person? Say the name!

Ezel: (talking) that day for many years for the first time he told himself the real the!

Omer: Eysan!

Ezel: (talking in between) that day omer, had a name and a payback person he needed....


Eysan and Cengiz

Eysan: are you going to come too?

Cengiz: you go and I will be here...

Eysan: (walking inside and talking to herself) my God, I know you are mad at me. I did many bad things, give my punishment. Do what ever needed to be done, but today my sister is getting surgery. I beg you, I beg you to protect her from bad. Let nothing happen to her, let her not get punished for my bad things. I know what I have done, doesn't have forgiveness. Don't forgive me, don't forgive me, but protect my sister. I beg you to protect her, she didn't do anything. The last thing I want from you is this. please protect her.....(she gets a phone call) yes? Bahar? Is she ok? Ok...thank you doctor......(hangs up) thank you God! (she is not dead finally after all those nonsense prayers from her...


Omer and Ramiz...they play the game...then he sees the book, its a stranger’s book writing he reads one piece which is about love, how it kills you and etc....

The police comes

Cop: Omer, you have a visitor

Omer: I have been here for many years, you know that I never accept visitors.

Cop: this is what I said too

Omer: then?

Cop: the person said if you tell my name he will come

Omer: who?

Cop: Eysan!


Omer and Eysan

Continues in Part 7


Ezel Episode 3 Part 7

omer and eysan

Eysan: I had to see you. I didn't come for forgiveness. I didn't do anything that can be forgiving. I did a very scary thing. Omer...

Omer: how is your husband? Cengiz?

Eysan: omer...

Omer: I read it in the newspaper. You have a child, what is his name? Can? (John)

Eysan: omer, I...

Omer: shush, don't! Don't think to say one more word. Never say one more lie. Do you know why? Because I will believe it, after all of this stuff, right now if you say one more thing, if you say that you love me, I know it for sure it is NOT true. But still I would believe you. for that reason, if you really love me for one moment, don't even say one more word....

Ramiz: (talking in between)...give your ears to this, who would do this (kill) with one look, or someone who would do it with talking....who is young killing his loves ones, who is old...someone who can kill with nothing in hand, or someone who has golden hands...a pity person would use knife, because the one who dies with knife will get cold quickly.....(omer walking) someone can love...someone who will sale..someone who will get sale..someone who can kill with tears coming down, or someone who doesn't even more one thing ...because everyone can kill the ones they loves, but everyone cannot kill it just because they say so....(Ok all of this are like a poem he says, the words doesn't make sense a lot when its translated into English, sorry everyone, if your confused)


Back to Present time,,,2009 Ezel walking...

Everyone gets ready for the party


Ezel and Sebnam

Sebnam: hello...

Ezel: did you look around?

Sebnam: of course I did, look here (shows ali) there is Ali, he looks very unhappy tonight whatever the reason is...and there is the hotel owner (shows Cengiz)...and there is the other one, who is just the boss, I don't see any guys going after her, because she doesn't give any chance to anyone, so that is why I don't know what is your luck for tonight. I still haven’t found Bahar, my work is still continuing. Is there something you need from me?

He gives her the glass of drink


Cengiz and Eysan

Cengiz: I am sorry my love, your right. I acted without thinking. did you forgive me?

Eysan: we will see..

Cengiz: I love you...(then he leaves)


Eysan and Ezel

Eysan: I didn't get a chance to thank you

Ezel: no need

Eysan: Can loves you a lot, he talks about you.

Ezel: I love him too

Eysan: did you come alone?

Ezel: I came with my helper, you met her already

Eysan: I thought you would come with 2 or 3 models in your arms.

Ezel: I have made you understand me wrong then

Eysan: no, you didn't. I usually know the mens who comes here. But your different

Ezel: it is from the mask then

Eysan: from the mask, but not because of this mask....are you married? Even though there is no ring on your finger.

Ezel: no I am not,...i was going to get married...years before now...

Eysan: what happened then?

Ezel: she left me

Eysan: what did you do to the girl, since she left you?

Ezel: I did something I never did again

Eysan: what is that?

Ezel: I trusted (believed)...excuse me...


Back to past...2005 Istanbul..

Ezel: (talking) after everything happened, a fight started, that day omer run for himself....

Police: all of you go out...(to omer) what did I tell you? didn't I tell you my work is not done with you?

Continues in part 8


Ezel Episode 3 Part 8

man: they are saying the we should take Ramiz grandpa outside from the back door. The administrator said so.

Ramiz: where is Omer?

Man: the police, has went after him. He has said it is his day....

Then ramiz goes...

Man: uncle there is no times..


Omer trying to get away from them....he gets beat up..

Police: what happen? Your not saying anything. Let’s see if this (shows him the knife) will open it.

Omer: (spits on him)

Police: ( huts him with the knife)

Everyone is running for their lives...Ramiz screaming for Omer..


Police: what were you thinking huh? I will cut you like no one will know who you are...that blind of your mother, she wont even know you either...after what I will do to you....(omer shows his hand) wait he is trying to tell something.

Omer: I did it

Police: what did you do?

Omer: I took the money from there. I hided the money too, don't kill me. I will tell you the place, you will be rich. Don't kill me.

Police: ok, tell

Omer: only to you, not to them

Police: oh you Omer! After all of this years...your not two go out.

Omer gets him down...and they fight.....etc

Police: why are you not telling?

Omer: you have something that is belong to me!!

Then Ramiz comes

Ramiz: Omer! Omer! I didn't make it!


Eysan, Bahar and Cengiz

Eysna: good morning

Cengiz and Bahar: good morning

Eysan: I see everyone is awake, last night I went to bed late. (kisses bahar) how nice it is to wake up and see you.

Cengiz: good morning dear (my life)

Eysan: good morning

Bahar: this week school starts

Cengiz: forget about school, if you want start working in our hotel

Eysan: wait don't hurry in this, the hotel is not set yet.

Cengiz: (shows her the paper) but this paper doesn't say that..

Eysan: that’s it? we bought it?...

Cengiz: first tell me you love me

Eysna: give it to me

Cengiz: tell me if you love me

Eysan: I love...

Bahar: (reads the newspaper) do you know, there was a fight again in the jail, many people has died.

Cengiz: oh you, you already brought those poor cats and now you may even get the jail kids too..

Bahar: your a weirdo

Cengiz: they love me more though those cats...

Eysan: (reads the newspaper and see’s omer’s name being one of them who is dead)...NO! No! No!

Bahar: sister?

Cengiz: Eysan? What is it?

Eysan: both of you go!

Cengiz: Eysan...


Ramiz goes to see Omer..he is alive..

Ramiz: hello nephew how are you?...ok stop don't talk, don't talk...i hided this for you..(shows him the ring) calm down...hold your strength to yourself, you will need it heard it right nephew, your time is done inside. The outside one will start...there are 17 people who died. Your one of them, your face was in a position where no one could recognize you. we said this is omer, to one of them who is don't know anything, they are bad, first they kill and second they forgive...your name is Ismail, meaning until you get out of here this is your name. They have beating the kid inside a lot, we did some make-up as well, so with this your ismail now. I organized everything, I even booked the hospital this week you will be going there. your free nephew.

Ramiz: (talking while Omer leaving the hospital) you asked me for the return nephew, this is my last lesson with you. this is what is writing when you return. Who are you?...

Ezel: (talks while they are doing the surgery) Ramiz had prepared everything, after a few days getting out of there, omer found himself to the place he gave the address.

Doctor: hello, is our patient fine?
Nurse; he is fine
Doctor: he will be fine, we will take care of him, we already do but our big ones (Razmi) came in between as well. Now look at yourself, don't worry your voice will change too. You will end up not recognizing yourself too when you wake up.

Ezel: (talking) after you did this to omer, after 6 years he died in jail Eysan. Neither being alone or the knife killed him. Omer killed himself for not being loved. Omer died so that he will get revenge.

Doc: now I will put this in your nose, I will count down to 1 from 10...10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...(his eyes are closed)

Elze: (talking) what do you say Eysan? Is it true? Is love really stronger than dead?

Then shows 1 year after...he is still in the hospital


Ezel Episode 3 Part 9 Last One

nurse: now its the day for you to see your face, congratulations....lets see how handsome you have been..

they open it

nurse: now you can open your eyes, there are purple colors around your face but still..

he looks at himself and gets upset...

nurse: come here, can you tell your name? What is your name?

Ezel: (omer) my name

nurse: are you ok?

Doc: are you ok?

Ezel: (omer) my name...

He gets out of hospital...

Ezel: (talking) once there was a man named Omer, Cengiz and Ali were his closes friends. He loved a girl names Eysan. But they did not treat omer right. They took everything from his hand. His family, his hopes, his life, (then he finds himself in cemetery, he sees his family...then he goes to his grave) omer died loving you Eysan. His last breath had your name, but there is NO omer anymore. From now on its ME. (Ezel) My name is Ezel....

Back to Present time...its 2009 in Kibris

Then bahar comes

Bahar: don't shoot I don't have gun
Ezel: don't worry I don't use gun
Bahar: then I don't have to be scared at you
Ezel: that depends.
Bahar: so what are you going to do? You will kidnap me?
Ezel: first I have to see who I am kidnapping
Bahar: ok, then we will count until 3, you take your mask out and I will do mine
Ezel: no, I don't want you to see who I am
Bahar: you are into this game...(then they take it out) actually I didn't come here in coincidence, I came while knowing
Ezel: why?

Bahar: I checked it, you are the one who made the biggest donation

Ezel: really

Bahar: how weird it is right? The inside looses many money every night and they don't give a little for donation.

Ezel: what can they do? Human are not as good as you think they maybe.

Bahar: then you?

Ezel: I am not good either, but I do know very well who its like to be good.

Bahar: so, are we going to stand here? Shall we dance?


Ezel and bahar dances...

She coughs

Ezel: are you ok?
Bahar: do you see what you did? My head is spinning.
Ezel: if you want lets sit...she faint...omer gets her with Eysan



Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

Sus In jos

La umbra teilor Empty Re: La umbra teilor

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 11 Noi 2009, 9:06 pm

emine a scris:buna Denisa,poti sa-mi spui daca mai pot intra pe topicul vechi? si ms mult pt poze si rezumat :flower:

DA , mai poţi intra , intri la arhiva seriale turceşti

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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La umbra teilor Empty Re: La umbra teilor

Mesaj Scris de emine Mier 11 Noi 2009, 9:10 pm

ms,esti o scumpa ca de obicei :)

La umbra teilor 003b052qqnp
membru senior
membru senior

Mesaje : 384
Data de inscriere : 04/10/2009
Varsta : 56
Localizare : cyprus

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