31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
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31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
Fatmagül (Beren Saat) este o fată frumoasă şi naiva, care locuieşte în Cesme (un loc turistic din vestul Turciei). Dupa moartea părinţilor ei, ea locuieste cu fratele ei. Ea intenţionează să se căsătorească Mustafa (Firat Celik) în vara. Ea îl iubeşte şi vrea să se căsătorească cât mai curând posibil în scopul de a depăşi durerea emoţională dni pricina cumnatei ei invidioase.
O tragedie de neuitat transformă viaţa lui Fatmagul atât de radical încât ea nu va putea să se întoarcă la modul în care ea obisnuiau sa traiasca. Intr-o zi, ea este violată de către patru persoane, Kerim (Engin Akyurek), Vural (Bugra Gulsoy), Erdogan (Kaan Tasaner), şi Selim (Engin Ozturk). În scopul de a ascunde păcatele violatorilor şi de a-i proteja, Fatmagul este forţat să taca şi să se căsătorească cu unul dintre violatori ei. Viata lui Fatmagül se schimbă după această tragedie, dar lucrurile rele nu se sfârşesc. După această tragedie, Mustafa logodnicul ei nu vrea să se mai casatoresca cu ea. Acum, Fatmagul este singura şi nu are de ales, doar să se căsătorească cu Kerim. Ea vrea nimic mai mult decât pentru a uita de trecutul ei şi să trăiască restul vieţii în linişte şi în pace cu lumea. În timp ce ea încearcă să pornească într-o nouă viaţă într-un oraş mare, povestea devine mai complicată atunci când fostu ei logodnic vine dupa ea la Istanbul.
În această poveste, care este adaptarea romanului lui Vedat Turkali, va explora o poveste dramatică a unei fete frumoasa şi inocentă. De asemenea, această poveste încearcă să răspundă la doua intrebari - doi inamici din cauza păcatelor şi greşelile altora - poate invatam sa ne iubim unii pe alţii într-o căsătorie de acord doar pe hârtie. Mustafa o va gasi pe Fatmagul şi va afla adevărul? Va umbri violul sansa lor? Va fi trecutul uitat?
Aici puteţi vedea topicul anterior **** Ce vină are Fatmagül ?
michiper68 a scris:FG says I didn' read your letters, I threw them away, Musti says please do not hang up on me, no one can love me like I love you
Mustafa says I want Kerim ilgaz to die... to the man, sort it out for me.
Kerim asks why are you crying? Fg is saying I am so restless with this letters issue e.t.c and says you blame me as if I am doing it all, Kerim says i am so sorry and let's close the topic.
Deniz and Jenny bought presents for all
Mukaddes goes off at Deniz for asking FG if they are going to live completely -alone-
Fatmagul tells Mustafa to leave her alone. It's over and he should get it through his head. he tells her he loves her and not to marry kerim. No one will love her like him. Fg asks Musti to stop writing and calling. *hands Mustafa a tissue* Meryem tells FG that Mustafa needs to be silenced and he calls Kadir. Kadir is giving them electronics as wedding gifts. Meryem tells kadir that Mustafa called and how Fg handled it. Kemir wants to know who called and he asks Meryem if mustafa called. Kerim is worried that Mustafa is out. He talks to Fg and asks her what she talked with mustafa. FG tells him Musti asked her not to marry him. Meryem asks Kerim to take it easy on her. they barely talked. Kadir wants to report it to the c.ops. Kadir tells Kerim to leave it to him, he will handle it.
In prison, Musti gives the cell mate money for the phone. the cell mate understands that it most have been bad news. He tells Mustafa that they have people outside who can take care of anything he needs. Mustafa tells him there is a man he wants dead. kerim Ilgaz.
Omer placed a complaint. Kerim starts huffing and makes FG upset. then goes to try to make it up to her. he apologizes. She aks why he blames her. he says he doesn't. Fg says she's happy. She can' t control what Mustafa does. they will close the topic and will not let anyone ruin their mood.
At kadir's everyone is gathering and giving their gifts to each other. Kerim got a new jacket. Everyone is so happy. Rahmi put on too much perfume and is making everyone dizzy. Mukaddes as usual the party pooper. She has a headache. Fg says she won't be going on the honeymoon because of exams and Jenny suggests they visit them. they discuss the opening of the new shop. fahrettin and jenny are staying at a hotel and Deniz will stay with them. Mukaddes asks Jenny if she likes Istanbul. She says yes. mukaddes says she hasn't seen anything yet. mukaddes asks FG if her and Kerim will be the only partners in the house. Mukaddes interferes and makes a big deal and makes Deniz and Fg both feels bad. Deniz apologizes and FG says she shouldn't worry. She later complains to Rahmi. she's s upset and tells Rahmi why he doesn' t say anything. Why he' s so scared. She's fed up and can't take it anymore. Rahmi asks what FG is doing that is so wrong and Mukaddes tells him he doesnt see. I think she tells him FG is changing because of the money. Meryem and Kadir go to bed and Deniz says he will sleep as well as she needs energy. Rahmi catches them kissing and mukaddes tells him not to worry, it's halal :bounce2: There is a call and Fg is hesitant it may be mustafa but its kerim. he says they will be alone together soon. She will be his bride. They tell each other seni seviyorums and good nights. Mukaddes is jealous of their love.
At guls kitchen. mehmet sees Fg. He greets Deniz and flirts. She has a gift for him. They are cute. :bounce2: Deniz meets the flea bag, Lodos. Mehmet likes his gift. Rahmi and Kerim bring the last of the essential to the house. meat neighbors alert. :annoyed: . Emre is there as well. Asks where everyone is. He wants to meet everyone. The house looks lovely. Mehmet can't focus on his job. He gives Deniz a gift as well. A cd of Turkish songs. His favorite. she says then she will love it. Fg and meryem make jokes about them. deniz wonders what they are talking about so she can join in the laugh.
Ayce says she had no idea that they were fugitives. She separated from her boyfriend. she took a few days away as she feared that he would try to find her. She says she knows none of them. the police talk about how Erdogan was apprehended in Malta and she was there. She says she would not have helped them had she known what kind of people they were,. She never saw them before that.
Selim calls Yasaran holding to find out the company has been lost. Muge is gone as well. No one is there. It has changed hands. Erdogan looks at bars and sees himself as a child playing with Selim as his parents watch. He talks to his father. smells him. wakes up. (Must say that was a pretty cool scene) Hilmi wants to see him but is not allowed. Munir tells her she shouldn't. she just wants 5 minutes. She can't see him until the court date. Hilmi is devastated and munir fake consoles her.
Resat gets bad news, Peri couldn't care less :bounce2: . He calls Munir who's dealing with Hilmi. He has some outstanding balance. He's very angry with Munir. He's wonering how they will pay for it. It's too late as he signed for it. He has no money to pay for it. Munir is on his way to rescue him again. Resat is rock and roll ya!.
Mukaddes is up to her old tricks again. she goes in Fg's room to check out the dress, will she try it on? No chance, Kadir walks in. She puts is back. kadir busts her coming out of Fg's room. She shifts the focus off herself. Kadir asks what she knows about the letters. she asks which letters. She asks him not to tell. She still makes it seem like FG hid them. Kadir tells her he doesn't think FG did it. Mukaddes feels attacked and gets all upset and talks about how everything falls on her and how they will go on their own and no one will have to worry about them.
At the new hose. blabber mouth loves the house. FG aks if all the furniture has arrives. Fg wants to give Deniz a tour and Kerim asks her to pay the toll. Everyone loves the way the house is turning out. She tells Deniz how much work Kerim has done in the hiuse. Emre spots her and introduces himself. Deniz is driving the boys crazy. She likes Emre and his smile. Mehmet :hmm2: . Kerim hears them talking and wonders what about. They make all the preparations for the special occasion. Lots of bonding. OOH la lah. lingerie for FG. :siffle: Deniz shows her one and she remembers the one Meltem was wearing at her engagement and turns it down.
therapy session. she tells them they look very good. she discusses how great the idea to change the photos was. Fg says everything is going well but she's a bit afraid, not from getting married. that her hope will be spoiled. They share the same fears. Curky asks what the reason could be. She wants to fly form one side but be cautious from the other. She realizes she shouldn't be afraid. they will move into their own house and live their lives. Fg can now express her feelings out loud. The fear will subside. Kerim offers to leave so FG can talk alone but she asks him to stay. She says when kerim touches her she doesn't feel like she did before. She feels happy. Naziye tells her she is very glad to hear her say that.
Mustafa's cell mate has made arrangements. Everything is set. There is a line up for search. There has been a complaint about mustafa. mustafa tells the guy no matter what everything must go on as planned.
Kerim says FG surprises her more and more everyday. She is so strong. He's not afraid anymore. He's the happiest man alive, They love each other, they will be a family.
Mustafa is asked who he called and where he got the phone from. He denies having or having used a phone. The guard tell everyone in the cell that they will be punished communally if they don't speak up.
Family reunion. fahrettin asks Meryem to make it helal and she does. Fahrettin thanks her for raising Kerim and doing such a great job. They will do their best as a family to make them happy. He asks Rahmi if Fg and Kerim love each other. He asks Rahmi for FG's hand formally. Rahmi is very moved and says Fg is not only his sister. she's everything. If she suffers he suffers even more. She suffered so much he's happy his prayers were answered. He says he knows they love each other and they always will InshaAllah. he wishes them happiness. Kerim asks if thats a yes and Rahmi says it is. They are assembling the small gifts for the wedding guests.
Musti's in solitary. Counting down the days to the wedding I guess.
Sami and Asu. something about a 100,000 debt and May 5th. Sami says she shouldn't pay. Hacer is tired. She will pay. Hacer wants to go alone and Sami tells her he will go with her. She says she feels ugly. Sami tells her she's beautiful and always has been.
FG is buying wedding shows. she is trying really high heels on but then decides on some lower ones. Deniz suggests they will buy both. One to wear, one for photos. Kerim and Fahrettin have finalized the shop. Kerim says he doesn't know how to thank him. Fahrettin says he thanked him a 1000 times. How many times more does he need to?
mustafa gets a visit from handsome Omer. He has come to warned him about bothering FG. It will be worse for him. Mustafa asks if its true they are getting married. Omer asks why he wants to know. He sasy he knows FG hasn' t been with Kerim. He needs to know if she is really marrying Kerim so he can move on. He needs the truth. Omer confirms and again warns him to stay away. Mustafa says hes done. No more letters.
Hacer and Sami meet the man they are to give money too. Hacer wants to know why Demir owes him money. the guy refuses to answer. He gives them a deadline for the payment. Hacer wants Sami to follow him. She wants to know who he is.
Musti crossing off more days in his cell. More shopping and happiness at the house. Fahrettin looks very summery and handsome
Mukaddes is about to explode from jealousy. Hennah night. Fatmagul in red :wub: Rahmi thanks God. Fg :sad-191: .They give her gold and put her hennah. meryem calls Kerim over. He almost knocks Jenny over :bounce2: They do his hennah as well. Party's in full swing. everyone is having fun except sour puss Mukaddes. The boys are having fun in the other room. Mehmet is jealous of Emre. Mukaddes is sweating jealousy. She does what she does best Get drunk and shake her assets.
At the Yasarans. Peri brings Hilmi tea and meds. Munir and Resat discuss the situation when Ayce shows to talk to Peri. She brings news of Selim. Selim is in Greece, eating out of trash bins. Thats what you get for backstabbing me, pislik! :annoyed:
Still partying like its 1999 at Kadirs.
Ayce tells the Yasarans that they have taken her statement etc, Munir asks Ayce what if someone had followed her. She says she can help Selim get to the US but it will cost. Resat "money, money ,money. everything is money"
More partying :yawn: Getting tired from all this dancing. The hitman is scoping out the place. huh? Same guy that was with Hacer and Sami? More Mustafa. 3 days left. now 2. Fg is singing when Murat comes in with a secret message from Esma. Congratulating her on the upcoming wedding. Meryem asks if she's done with her work.
Explanation of Therapy scene by Ender Alagoz (EAUFC)
They told the therapist that they were slowly finishing up all of the shopping for the wedding and that they were very happy. FG said that while she was happy, she was afraid; a part of her felt like flying, but another part was advising to take things slowly, to be careful. Kerim said the same thing, he was afraid of losing their happiness, and waking up one day, and realizing that all of it is gone, or their current happiness and excitement lessening.
The therapist told them that she was happy there were renewing everything and even the change in the wedding license was important.
The therapist congrulated them, but said that it was natural for FG to think of this-she said that FG had suffered through this once before, when happiness was within her grasp for every thing to turn into a nightmare, and that her sub-conscious was trying to warn her once again.
Then she said we shoudl talk about your wedding night, and Kerim wanted to leave; but, FG said no, we are going to be alone anyway that night.
FG said what she suffered in the past was traumatic, vicious and cruel, but she knew that was not what would happen. She wanted remind her self and Kerim that their love was different, it was love.
FG- In the past, when you touched me, kissed me, I was uncomfortable, but not anymore. Now, when you touch me, hold me, kiss me, I am happy, I am excited.
Kerim- Every day, FG surprises me, she is so strong, and she is able to support me O.O, as well. I know we are going to be very happy, we are going to have children together, form a happy family, I am looking forward to that, and spending my life with FG
michiper68 a scris:FG- In the past, when you touched me, kissed me, I was uncomfortable, but not anymore. Now, when you touch me, hold me, kiss me, I am happy, I am excited.
DENISA a scris:
FG- In trecut, atunci când mă atingea, mă săruta, mă simţeam penibil/ stânjenită , dar acum nu . Acum, când mă atinge, mă ţine, mă sărută , eu sunt fericită, eu sunt încântată.
Ultima editare efectuata de catre DENISA in Lun 14 Mai 2012, 11:33 pm, editata de 1 ori
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
Deci Kerim va dansa la nunta .
Sigur este o melodie de jale .
Sigur este o melodie de jale .
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
deci până la urmă Kerim a ajuns în anexă
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
hai ridicaţi-vă de jos !! ce faceţi?? aţi muţit??
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
Meryem goes to talk to FG. She asks if FG has any questions for them. about the deed. She tells them she talked with the therapist. She will live this experience for the first time, like any other married couple.
Sami left a table spread for Hacer with a note reading that she must finish everything. While she is eating and reading the paper she sees the news of FG and Kerim. Emre is messing with Deniz. They are preparing the garden for the wedding. Deniz and Emre ^_^ Hacer realizes the connection to May 5th and realizes why Mustafa, not Demir as I previously stated, needed the money. She calls Kadir and asks if they are really getting married. She tells Kadir that he will try to stop the wedding and do something bad to FG and Kerim. Mustaf returns to general population. Final touches to the garden. FG is nervous, last night at Kadir's. She may not be able to sleep. Mukaddes tells Jenny that Emre and Deniz are getting along very well. Deniz asks Emre to come early the next they. They have a lot of work. Meryem tells Fg she will go and get her hair done. the guests will start filling the garden. They will enjoy themselves. Pone call from Kerim. What is she doing? Kerim says tomorrow he will see her in white. She will be his bride and he loves her. She loves him too. Next morning everything is set. Make up, hair, etc. Guests start arriving, bride and groom getting dressed. Flower arrangements on the table. Fahrettin in a white tux that brings out his hair. New bodyguard :sad-191: Where is Mihat? He will keep an eye out. Fahrettin comes in to have a look at his son. He was afraid he would miss this day. He thanks him for accepting him as a part of his life. Kerim says if he weren't there he would have felt incomplete. Kerim thanks him for the letters and for not giving up on him. He's happy to have him. Fahrettin tells him to be very happy. Not to ever leave the woman he loves, To be fair to her and never turn his back on her.
The hitman shows up amidst the reporters.
Everyone is ready. Kerim is pacing when FG walks out in her gown looking amazingly beautiful, like an angel. She goes to Rahmi and hugs him. He thanks God for allowing him to see this day. He tells her she is a bride and inshaAllah she will always smile like this. Mukaddes tells her she will ruin her makeup. Kerim is anxiously waiting downstairs. Her dress is amazing! :wub: She peaks from the corner. Kerim is speechless. He tells her she looks very beautiful. Kadir says they should not keep the guests waiting. kerim says he can't believe how beautiful she looks. He always imagined her beautiful as a bride but in reality she's even more beautiful. Mustafa in jail. The bride and groom walk out together hand in hand. Mustafa waits...Kerims hair is ultra bouncy today. Like wings flapping :bounce2: (sorry, had to comment) Must be the happiness. Guests applaud. Mustafa waits....His eyes
Sami left a table spread for Hacer with a note reading that she must finish everything. While she is eating and reading the paper she sees the news of FG and Kerim. Emre is messing with Deniz. They are preparing the garden for the wedding. Deniz and Emre ^_^ Hacer realizes the connection to May 5th and realizes why Mustafa, not Demir as I previously stated, needed the money. She calls Kadir and asks if they are really getting married. She tells Kadir that he will try to stop the wedding and do something bad to FG and Kerim. Mustaf returns to general population. Final touches to the garden. FG is nervous, last night at Kadir's. She may not be able to sleep. Mukaddes tells Jenny that Emre and Deniz are getting along very well. Deniz asks Emre to come early the next they. They have a lot of work. Meryem tells Fg she will go and get her hair done. the guests will start filling the garden. They will enjoy themselves. Pone call from Kerim. What is she doing? Kerim says tomorrow he will see her in white. She will be his bride and he loves her. She loves him too. Next morning everything is set. Make up, hair, etc. Guests start arriving, bride and groom getting dressed. Flower arrangements on the table. Fahrettin in a white tux that brings out his hair. New bodyguard :sad-191: Where is Mihat? He will keep an eye out. Fahrettin comes in to have a look at his son. He was afraid he would miss this day. He thanks him for accepting him as a part of his life. Kerim says if he weren't there he would have felt incomplete. Kerim thanks him for the letters and for not giving up on him. He's happy to have him. Fahrettin tells him to be very happy. Not to ever leave the woman he loves, To be fair to her and never turn his back on her.
The hitman shows up amidst the reporters.
Everyone is ready. Kerim is pacing when FG walks out in her gown looking amazingly beautiful, like an angel. She goes to Rahmi and hugs him. He thanks God for allowing him to see this day. He tells her she is a bride and inshaAllah she will always smile like this. Mukaddes tells her she will ruin her makeup. Kerim is anxiously waiting downstairs. Her dress is amazing! :wub: She peaks from the corner. Kerim is speechless. He tells her she looks very beautiful. Kadir says they should not keep the guests waiting. kerim says he can't believe how beautiful she looks. He always imagined her beautiful as a bride but in reality she's even more beautiful. Mustafa in jail. The bride and groom walk out together hand in hand. Mustafa waits...Kerims hair is ultra bouncy today. Like wings flapping :bounce2: (sorry, had to comment) Must be the happiness. Guests applaud. Mustafa waits....His eyes
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 56
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
DENISA a scris:deci până la urmă Kerim a ajuns în anexă
Pentru ca asa trebuia . Sa nu doarma in aceeasi casa in noaptea de dinaintea nuntii .
Frumossssssssssssssssssss episod .
Frumos Kerim .
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
DENISA a scris:hai ridicaţi-vă de jos !! ce faceţi?? aţi muţit??
Eu una sunt indragostita iremediabil . Zici ca eu ma marit cu Kerim .
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
doamne cat am mai plans ,emotionanta secv cu baba si Ker , apoi cu Gulii si rahmi
dubaisport- vip
- Mesaje : 11418
Data de inscriere : 18/02/2011
Varsta : 51
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
dubaisport a scris:doamne cat am mai plans ,emotionanta secv cu baba si Ker , apoi cu Gulii si rahmi
foarte frumos tot. ne mai lasa in suspance pana saptamana viitoare dar nu se mai poate intampla nimic. saptamana viitoare vor dansa.
Ultima editare efectuata de catre michiper68 in Joi 03 Mai 2012, 11:13 pm, editata de 1 ori
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 56
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadubaisport a scris:doamne cat am mai plans ,emotionanta secv cu baba si Ker , apoi cu Gulii si rahmi
Am si ras am si plans .
Intens episodul . Frumos si plin de momente interesante .
Mi-a placut si mie scena cu tata si Kerim .
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
michiper68 a scris:
foarte frumos tot. ne mai lasa in suspance pana saptamana viitoare dar nu se mai poate intampla nimic. saptamana viitoare vor dansa.
Dar o fi si noaptea nuntii ? Am si eu un fix ... ma blocai .
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
asa este ...sapt viit vom fi in extaz,omul lui must nu poate face nmkmichiper68 a scris:
foarte frumos tot. ne mai lasa in suspance pana saptamana viitoare dar nu se mai poate intampla nimic. saptamana viitoare vor dansa.
dubaisport- vip
- Mesaje : 11418
Data de inscriere : 18/02/2011
Varsta : 51
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
victorelalove a scris:
Dar o fi si noaptea nuntii ? Am si eu un fix ... ma blocai .
va fiiiiiiiii !!!!! mai ales dupa ce vorbira cu terapeuta
dubaisport- vip
- Mesaje : 11418
Data de inscriere : 18/02/2011
Varsta : 51
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
dubaisport a scris:
va fiiiiiiiii !!!!! mai ales dupa ce vorbira cu terapeuta
Si Gulllia spuse ca este cok normal . Dar ce parere are Kerim ?
El este cu flashurile .
Iar o sa aiba unul ...
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
victorelalove a scris:
Si Gulllia spuse ca este cok normal . Dar ce parere are Kerim ?
El este cu flashurile .
Iar o sa aiba unul ...
tu esti pesimismul in persoana
nu mai are flashuri ....i le-a sters terapeuta
dubaisport- vip
- Mesaje : 11418
Data de inscriere : 18/02/2011
Varsta : 51
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
dubaisport a scris:
tu esti pesimismul in persoana
nu mai are flashuri ....i le-a sters terapeuta
Euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ?
Turcii !!!!!!!11 Ei m-au facut asa . Cand imi este lumea mai draga ... ma trezesc la realitate .
Bine ... daca le-a sters . Patul ala cu bare aurii arata bine , bine .
El isi lua o pijama ( cred ) ... una mai grosuta .
Gullia nu stiu ce si-a luat ... dar el bine a facut ca si-a luat ceva mai sa-i acopere tot corpul , ca parca-l ved ca doarme in living .
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
a primit din australia cele mai oribile rochii de baba. trebuie neaparat sa faca ceva cu carpele alea .
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 56
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
da unde vazusi tu ca-si lua pijama groasa ?victorelalove a scris:
Euuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ?
Turcii !!!!!!!11 Ei m-au facut asa . Cand imi este lumea mai draga ... ma trezesc la realitate .
Bine ... daca le-a sters . Patul ala cu bare aurii arata bine , bine .
El isi lua o pijama ( cred ) ... una mai grosuta .
Gullia nu stiu ce si-a luat ... dar el bine a facut ca si-a luat ceva mai sa-i acopere tot corpul , ca parca-l ved ca doarme in living .
se uita la niste tricouri ....nu stii ca turcii nu poarta pijamale ?
dubaisport- vip
- Mesaje : 11418
Data de inscriere : 18/02/2011
Varsta : 51
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
gata? si petalele de trandafir din poza?
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 56
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
Da . Sa doarma macar pe prispa .DENISA a scris: doarme în curte la aer curat
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
michiper68 a scris:a primit din australia cele mai oribile rochii de baba. trebuie neaparat sa faca ceva cu carpele alea .
Mukk era visinie la fatza de invidie precum rochia de pe ea
dubaisport- vip
- Mesaje : 11418
Data de inscriere : 18/02/2011
Varsta : 51
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
dubaisport a scris:
da unde vazusi tu ca-si lua pijama groasa ?
se uita la niste tricouri ....nu stii ca turcii nu poarta pijamale ?
Pai eu parca asa vazut cand nu vroia Gullia sa-i vada lenjeriile pe care le cumpara . Era o pijama mai groasa impachetata .
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
eu v-am tot intrebat ieri ce-i cu pata rosie de pe Gulli ...sper s anu fie vreun glontmichiper68 a scris:gata? si petalele de trandafir din poza?
dubaisport- vip
- Mesaje : 11418
Data de inscriere : 18/02/2011
Varsta : 51
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 31.Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
dubaisport a scris:
Mukk era visinie la fatza de invidie precum rochia de pe ea
parca era un balon. o avantajeaza rochiile de genul asta , arata ca o sfera.
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 56
Localizare : bucuresti
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