Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Pbucket

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de dea05 Dum 03 Ian 2010, 7:57 pm


Mesaje : 2538
Data de inscriere : 13/09/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de Lun 04 Ian 2010, 2:21 pm - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Sila10241ry0 Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 W1024
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Mesaje : 162
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de crem.caramel Lun 04 Ian 2010, 4:04 pm

in tr. serialul nu prea are succes., n-am vazut atata reclama la un serial., chiar sufocant de mult., mie una mi-a taiat cheful de la ezel cu atata reclama., nu mai are nici un interes., de vreo sapt. ii arata cum se pupacesc., la asi muream de curiozitate sa aflu ce se va intampla cu ei.,
membru activ
membru activ

Mesaje : 43
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2010
Varsta : 46
Localizare : bosfor-istanbul

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de Lun 04 Ian 2010, 4:33 pm

Da,intradevar reclama este cam agresiva,
dar in sondaje stau f.bine ,
chiar si atunci cind este reluat.Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 User115224pic1511101224 Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 W399
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Mesaje : 162
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de crem.caramel Lun 04 Ian 2010, 4:55 pm

care sondaje? de. ex. aici sunt pe 14.,
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membru activ

Mesaje : 43
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2010
Varsta : 46
Localizare : bosfor-istanbul

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de Lun 04 Ian 2010, 7:44 pm

Audienta dupa fiecare ep.

2ARKA SOKAKLARKAND01:2912,38%27,56%
3ARKA SOKAKLAR (TKR)KAND01:327,64%25,59%
4ARKA SOKAKLAR (OZET.)KAND00:317,33%17,46%
6EZEL (OZET)SHOW00:126,67%16,63%
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membru activ

Mesaje : 162
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de iulia1965 Lun 04 Ian 2010, 11:07 pm

crem.caramel a scris:in tr. serialul nu prea are succes., n-am vazut atata reclama la un serial., chiar sufocant de mult., mie una mi-a taiat cheful de la ezel cu atata reclama., nu mai are nici un interes., de vreo sapt. ii arata cum se pupacesc., la asi muream de curiozitate sa aflu ce se va intampla cu ei.,
Dimpotriva,eu am inteles ca "Ezel" e lider de audienta...Are cel mai mare succes dintre toate serialele,indiferent de ora si zi de difuzare...Pana acum !

Mesaje : 604
Data de inscriere : 01/12/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de crem.caramel Mar 05 Ian 2010, 3:03 pm

iulia1965 a scris:
crem.caramel a scris:in tr. serialul nu prea are succes., n-am vazut atata reclama la un serial., chiar sufocant de mult., mie una mi-a taiat cheful de la ezel cu atata reclama., nu mai are nici un interes., de vreo sapt. ii arata cum se pupacesc., la asi muream de curiozitate sa aflu ce se va intampla cu ei.,
Dimpotriva,eu am inteles ca "Ezel" e lider de audienta...Are cel mai mare succes dintre toate serialele,indiferent de ora si zi de difuzare...Pana acum !

depinde DE UNDE se intelege., fanii şi postul tv pot declara asa .,e normal., dar intr-un top neutru altfel stau lucrurile.,
in fine ., fiecare-şi face topul.,
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membru activ

Mesaje : 43
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2010
Varsta : 46
Localizare : bosfor-istanbul

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de Mar 05 Ian 2010, 3:27 pm


2EZEL (OZET)SHOW00:267,96%18,95%
3GENIS AILE (TKR)KAND01:397,63%17,40%
4ARKA SOKAKLAR (TKR)KAND01:366,94%24,29%
9SON DURAK 3 (Y.S)KAND01:225,44%15,31%
membru activ
membru activ

Mesaje : 162
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de crem.caramel Mar 05 Ian 2010, 3:31 pm

ok , ok am inteles ufff.,
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membru activ

Mesaje : 43
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2010
Varsta : 46
Localizare : bosfor-istanbul

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de crem.caramel Mar 05 Ian 2010, 3:36 pm a scris:

2EZEL (OZET)SHOW00:267,96%18,95%
3GENIS AILE (TKR)KAND01:397,63%17,40%
4ARKA SOKAKLAR (TKR)KAND01:366,94%24,29%
9SON DURAK 3 (Y.S)KAND01:225,44%15,31%

topul asta e pe ziua de ieri., cand din toate serialele , filmele etc pe data de 4, luni la ora respectiva ezel a fost cel mai vizionat., ca altceva nu era., ma refer la seriale in general ., pe luna., sezon etc., nu pe zi.,

dar nu mai insist., cand 5 zic ca-i verde şi 1 zice ca-i roşu., pana la urma ala 1 o sa creada ca-i daltonist ; )

o zi buna!
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membru activ

Mesaje : 43
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2010
Varsta : 46
Localizare : bosfor-istanbul

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de Mar 05 Ian 2010, 7:59 pm

Buna crem../ nu te enerva.../
si eu zic ca-i verde,asa ca sunte-m 6,
ideea este ca i-mi place Ezel(filmul).
Alte filme la care ma uit eu nici macar ni-si fac
loc pe grila audientelor totale,si ma refer la :
Kasaba,Samanyolu ,Bu Kalp Seni Unutur Mu?,si altele.
Te sarut,
_PS. Abia astept sa inceapa Ask ve Ceza.
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membru activ

Mesaje : 162
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de crem.caramel Mier 06 Ian 2010, 10:46 am a scris:Buna crem../ nu te enerva.../
si eu zic ca-i verde,asa ca sunte-m 6,
ideea este ca i-mi place Ezel(filmul).
Alte filme la care ma uit eu nici macar ni-si fac
loc pe grila audientelor totale,si ma refer la :
Kasaba,Samanyolu ,Bu Kalp Seni Unutur Mu?,si altele.
Te sarut,
_PS. Abia astept sa inceapa Ask ve Ceza.

: ) nu m-am enervat., eu sunt neutra., doar am vrut sa arat cum se vede de-aici din ist., tot d.p.d.v neutru., am vb. cu cateva turcoaice care mi-au spus ca s-au uitat la ezel doar pt. kenan*baiat in top., şi doar primele ep. le-a impresionat.,
personal putin imi pasa cine şi cum sta.,eu ma uit doar cand am timp., doar sa-l admir pe kenan ; ) kiss

eu am uitat de aşk ve ceza., am sa-l caut pe net.,
membru activ
membru activ

Mesaje : 43
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2010
Varsta : 46
Localizare : bosfor-istanbul

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de iulia1965 Joi 07 Ian 2010, 10:01 pm

Eu am vazut un interviu al lui Mert Firat (Burak din Binbir Gece ),luat dupa premiera filmului in care a jucat- ,si ,vorbind de seriale,el spunea ca,in momentul asta,"Ezel" detine "suprematia"la audiente...

Mesaje : 604
Data de inscriere : 01/12/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de iulia1965 Joi 07 Ian 2010, 10:07 pm

Mie imi place "Ezel"...M-am uitat prima data,ca sa vad cum joaca Cansu l-am remarcat pe Kenen.. cupidon ..
"Ask ve Cexa".. l-am vazut pe Dizi...primul episod
Si am inceput sa ma uit si la "Maskeli Balo"...

Mesaje : 604
Data de inscriere : 01/12/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de florina1989 Joi 07 Ian 2010, 10:11 pm

iulia1965 a scris:
Si am inceput sa ma uit si la "Maskeli Balo"...

imi place de burak hakki e frumos tare si burcu kara e frumoasa

Mesaje : 1350
Data de inscriere : 18/09/2009
Varsta : 34
Localizare : buzau

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de iulia1965 Joi 07 Ian 2010, 10:34 pm

Mie de Burak Haki nu prea imi place...are tot timpul pungi sub are parca are ochii bulbucati..Dar are o culoare a ochilor e inalt!..Si nici ca joc,nu mi se pare prea convingator..(Nici el,si nici Kivanci Tatli...Dintre barbatii-manechin care au intrat in "industria filmului",doar Kenan mi se pare ca isi ia meseria in serios..Burak si Kivanci mi se pare ca se bazeaza prea mult pe reputatia de "baieti frumosi"..Dar incet-incet,tot lipeste cate ceva si de ei...Oricum,fata de primele roluri...calitatea jocului e muuuult mai buna,la amandoi!Dar Kenan deja pare actor de cariera,pe cand ceilalti doi inca au momente in care par amatori! )
Dar Burcu Kara e intr-adevar,FRUMOASA!!

Mesaje : 604
Data de inscriere : 01/12/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty melodii mp3 din ezel

Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Vin 08 Ian 2010, 3:45 pm

Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Ezel-24-b%F6l%FCm-(15)
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Ezel-24-blm-(1)
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Ezel-24-blm-(10)
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Ezel-24-blm-(13)

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Admin_dea05 in Vin 24 Sept 2010, 11:20 am, editata de 1 ori

Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de Sam 09 Ian 2010, 9:43 am

Promo Ezel ep.14
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membru activ

Mesaje : 162
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de Mar 12 Ian 2010, 5:34 pm🇷🇴official%26hs%3DvDjEzel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Cansudere
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membru activ

Mesaje : 162
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 14 Ian 2010, 12:43 pm

Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 16065257
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 28972979_1113785332348_1458370451_30275576_6380099_n
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 36482979_1113769331948_1458370451_30275541_705371_n
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 53522010-01-14_012301
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Ezelbahareyanali141
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 I8fclpzt9obyx2w7gvvm

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 14 Ian 2010, 1:56 pm

Ezel Episode 12 Part 1

Ali sees the tape

Serdar: Come sit and look. There are chips too, we will watch a movie. (He tried to get the tape) This video tape, I have many of them! You know if something happens to me, I can still use it. First think about it Ali, where did I find this tape? Huh? This cassette is been in the hand of someone for many years that you trust. Who didn't tell you about this cassette huh? Who played with you on his finger for many years huh? I know you Ali, you are not a stupid man Ali. Think about it for a sec, who did this to you? I?

Ali: Why did you hide it Cengiz

Serdar: Cengiz, look he is there. He is standing there, but you? You are killing a man! Who will go down the most with this cassette?

Ali: Men I will *** both of you

Serdar: Do it, do it, but first listen.

Ali: Since we are going down, let’s do it ourselves (kill themselves)

Serdar: Stop! Stop, stop. Ali you are right. We are both wrong, me and Cengiz. You can even say you did this to you, but now say it, which one do you want to kill first? Me or Cengiz? Before pressing this, think about it very well! Think about it, which one of us convinced you? which one of us always used you? Now if you shoot me, this cassette will come out! Alright then if you shoot which one of us, then you will be free?


Ezel and Kamil

Kamil, Ezel, are you fine?
Ezel: I am very fine. Why should I be bad? Am I not waiting for this for the last 12 years? Now do I have the right to be bad?
Kamil: You have the right for everything
Ezel: No brother, if I am not enjoying this, why did I do this plan preciously? No more.
Kamil: is it because you feel bad?
Ezel: There are things waiting on the list, there is no such thing to make a man a man. You know this Cengiz, first I will take that wife of his the one he loves so much and sold his friend for. I will take her from his hands slowly, slowly. After you know this hotel? I will take everything on my grave. He will have no one left. He will be left alone.
Kamil: Like you...


Ramiz and the taxi driver

Man: Where do you want to go uncle (when he says uncle here, he means in a way like brother of his father)?
Ramiz: You drive, I will think about it on the road.

He drives

Ramiz: Driving on Istanbul Street at night time is not easy right?
Man: For sure uncle.
Ramiz: At least is the Taxi yours?
Man: Mine uncle.
Ramiz: 25 years at Cehre (I think a city name), there if you don’t request for a forgiveness, it is stupid to forgive right?
Man: Uncle wallahi (I swear) I didn't understand
Ramiz: I am saying, tell if what she wants is my soul, if this work will be over there let her take my soul.
Man: Uncle what are you saying yeah? Who are you speaking to?
Ramiz: If this work will be over by me, let it be over! But let her know to decide!
Man: Uncle I think you have been on the wrong taxi, where is your home tell me so that I will drop you off for God’s sake.
Ramiz: Friend, just a little go you have taken the device out. Look you have placed this there; you are using your right hand right? Look at the picture you have on the mirror. If you haven’t done something wrong, this is not your picture.
Man: Are you ok uncle (now he says it in Ezel’s way, uncle meaning brother of the mother)? It’s fine, fine.
Ramiz: 25 years? Will it be done with me?
Man: No!

He takes the gun and I think ramiz shoots him and gets out of the Taxi

Ramiz: Once upon a time, there were two men. One of them did a very bad thing to the other, at the end both ended up alone. (shows Ezel) From those, one was good and one was bad. (shows Cengiz) One poor, the other rich. (shows Ramiz) One will live, the other will die. who ever’s story it is, it will be this way.


Cengiz and Ali

Cengiz: Ah, and I got scared if I couldn’t find you. Ali the yesterday thing we talked about, let’s delay it, we should decide in hurry.
Ali: Come to the garage
Cengiz: What should I do?
Ali: Come to the garage.

He goes to see Ali

Cengiz: Ali, tell me you didn't do it. Please tell me you didn't do it. Ah, see, Ali come you with me lets go first. You do something like just scare him. Huh? What is this?
Ali: your stuff

He takes the clothes out and sees blood

Cengiz: You did it?! Come on, you did it?
Ali: I did!
Cengiz: Come on! No way!
Ali: I did my last good thing for you.
Cengiz: last?
Ali: At the end I am free from what I am being tighten to. **** Child!
Cengiz: Ali, Ali brother where are you going?
Ali: To rest my head. Let’s see what he will say now.


Ali and Tefo

Tefo: What are we going to do now?
Ali: Now? we are going to send him away! I am leaving! I am getting out of this game!
Tefo: for good?
Ali: Yes, do you know what is nice about being free/single? When they ask what you are doing? So you can say Ezel’s ****


Ezel Episode 12 Part 2

Cengiz and Eysan

Eysan: Cengiz? Who came?
Cengiz: Ali, I gave him things and he brought it back. Eysan
Eysan: Don't do this Cengiz
Cengiz: I am not doing anything.

He pulls her hand and sees a little blood

Eysan: Is this blood?
Cengiz: It’s nothing, I just cut my hand. It will be over
Eysna: Let me see
Cengiz: Leave it alright! Sorry, I’m sorry I didn't mean it this way.
Eysan: Whatever!

His phone rings

Ezel: Good morning partner. I couldn’t hold it, sorry. I said I shall give you the good news now.
Cengiz: Ah! Good thing you exist. Give, please give one good news.
Ezel: To reach our dreams, we will reach it sooner. I got to get the date sooner.
Cengiz: How soon?
Ezel: Tomorrow, now you have been prepared for it. This evening bring 50 million so that we will get it ready for tomorrow. Amazing right?
Cengiz: Amazing.


Eysan and Bahar

Bahar: Sister? Good morning
Eysan: Good morning, I was going out now.
Bahar: Work?
Eysan: Yes
Bahar: Is Ezel going to come?
Eysan: No, there is no Ezel. Meaning my work is with Cengiz.
Bahar: Ya, I was going to request if you could do something for me, like if you talk to him and see how it’s going with me and him?
Eysan: Is it bad?
Bahar: He hasn’t called since yesterday. I told him something, and now I am wondering. You know how you two understands each other maybe you will solve it.
Eysan: I will see
Bahar: Wait, I changed my mind. Now if you say something he may run away. Well if he calls then he will. He will call right sister?
Eysan: he will.
Bahar: Oh my dear sister. Good work


Eysan: Shall we start? How much money is there now?
Lawyer: with a few things its close to 25 millions Mrs. Eysan

Sebnam: How much money do they have?
Ezel: With all the building 4 millions
Sebnam: Oh! That’s a lot. Isn’t? Little?

Eysan: other buildings?

Cengiz allows him to count the houses and apartments they have everywhere

Lawyer: At Levent one apartment. Cengirdi 2

Ezel: Benduzga (I am not sure with the city names) 1 store, at Kbris one apartment, one ranch etc
Sebnam: That’s good. That’s not good too?
Ezel: One has been sold. It is not under Eysan, secretly it’s been sold.

Eysan: Ah Cengiz, I haven’t been to the ranch for a while. This week I will go with Can

Cengiz: No I am repainting there, there are constructions there. It is not done yet right?

Lawyer: Yes, it’s still continuing

Eysan: After gathering everything how much is it now?
Lawyer: 15 million dollars

Sebnam: What have they done with those money then?
Ezel: Enjoying time, nice cars, their loans
Sebnam: If this much money was mine, such big money cant be gone right?
Ezel: If Cengiz spends it, it will go away like this!

Cengiz: Are we done?
Eysan: Can we get some loan too?
Lawyer: As far as I see yes
Cengiz: it suits everything! Ah also can you sing this please? It’s a paper that you can allow me decide on things, so that I don't have to make you tired for everything.
Eysan: Oh this too? Cengiz this time you wont play with my dreams again right?
Cengiz: Trust me a little huh?

Eysan: Our family’s future is there cengiz. May it go easy
Lawyer: Thank you

She leaves

Cengiz: How much are there?
Lawyer: Not even 10, I am calling the banks to see
Cengiz: How many hours do I have?


Sebnam/Ezel and Kamil

Sebnam: Well if they don't have it, in five hours where will they find such money?
Ezel: I will help a little

Then Kamil puts up the volume, they are listening to Ali

Ali: You will change the water here have the keys
Tefo: Alight, I will take care of everything until you come back.
Ali: I am not coming back Tefo, I am giving you the home to you. But if you don't bring someone inside every week then you are not a man!
Tefo: brother why are you giving me home? What did I do?
Ali: Because Tefo, I start loving you. I am saying not because of that, who will I give man? I don't have anyone to give my home to. Will I give it to the one who sold me? Or what? So there are you left. I don't understand/know many things Tefo, but I do understand a little about man and motorcycle. I know a man when he stands up and I know what is inside him.
Tefo: Me?
Ali: Nothing, zero. The first day when they gave me your fine to check, I didn't look. I threw it. I said I don't need to look, because this man has killed a soul. This man is moving his eyes, because he regreted it. I said this man shot someone he loved very much. Am I right?
Tefo: You are
Ali: I said “this man wont betray me, because this man is me”.

Tefo: See you have a mistake there Karpetan Ali. I don't have a heart/soul and I don't have that.
Ali: Is this what you say?
Tefo: Yes, you know also you said being free is the pretty part? Well you are wrong about that too
Ali: Come on
Tefo: It is not nice to be free while pointing it at the head to kill. It is like going away with hands tight Ali brother. This is the different between me and you. I am not going anywhere anymore. But you will go with the heart you have left in you. and go where ever you want to go. Go, come on go we agree. Leave the home to me. you leave this for me too, I will cut people’s fingers. You go. leave Ali brother, leave for me, leave this and go. don't come back anymore too, do what I could not do come on.

Sebnam: wow! If it was me, now I would gone.
Ezel: shush

Ali: You are still young Tefo, you don't know. A man like me and you, either we shoot our own head or someone else’s. I didn't success the first one, if I don't do the second one I am not a man! (shows Ezel’s picture)

Tefo: Ali brother

Ali: what is it again?
Tefo: You have a mistake again! You have taken the wrong picture.

He gives him one and Ali looks at it

Ali: What are you saying man?
Tefo: Don't we have something else to hold other than gun? Cant we take the boat and go from here? Cant we go and take the girl?
Ali: Tefo, here I am the bad man. They will not give me that girl
Tefo: You are Ali, you will get it. You still have a soul you love this girl. One bullet soul, who will you hit it with?
Ali: (looks at the pictures, one is ezel and the other is Bahar) Tefo, man you turn out to be a very stupid man.


Ezel Episode 12 Part 3

Sebnam: Now is he playing a role? Or for real he loves Ali?
Ezel: Both of it
Sebnam: Do you like/love this Tefo Ezel?
Ezel: You?
Sebnam: I am not sure
Kamil: The kid is saving us time, but sooner or later Ali again will come back to you.
Ezel: Alright, this is what we want too.


Ezel and Bahar

Bahar: Ezel
Ezel: Hello, how are you? Are you free? Shall we meet?
Bahar: Alright, where?
Ezel: Where do you want it to be?
Bahar: Um let me see. Let’s meet at one of the places we met first, for example by the beach?
Ezel: alright, I am getting out now
Bahar: alright

Kamil: What are you going to do?
Ezel: Tefo hasn’t talked to Ali the way, mine is not better either. my soul is also left with one bullet. But I am not going to use it for Bahar, I wont use it to love her. That bullet’s address is toward someone else.!

He leaves

Sebnam: Kamil, say something
Kamil: what shall I say?
Sebnam: Tell me there is nothing to be scared of
Kamil: There is


Eysan and her aunt

Eysan: I saw Cengiz with another woman aunt. Cengiz, the man who loved me crazy and could not see someone else other than me. He cheated on me
Aunt: My daughter, what did he say then? Did he confess?
Eysan: He doesn't know I know. After I can’t say get out of this home, how am I going to tell him aunt? If I leave, he won’t leave me alone. Beside there is Can as well. He knows Cengiz as his father, how am I going to separate them? I said I will be strong, I said I can handle it but it touched my pride so much. I did a very bad thing aunt, something that would hurt someone’s soul so much that I love. I can’t even look at her/his face.
Aunt: Alright enough help me get up. Do it I will speak. You are a very successful now; you will be doing a big hotel with others. You made one of your dreams come true. If you don't want to look back, you will hold on to that dream. You will make that hotel the best, you will make Cengiz better, but after thinking about all of this, there is your son too. Even if its once in your live, you should ask yourself “What do I want?” for once do so. Promise? Don’t forget this Eysan, this is my last will, the mother will live so that her child could as well.


Bahar and Ezel

Bahar: Ezel. I thought you wouldn’t call me; I thought you left me and went away. But you don't leave me, you are my hero.
Ezel: Bahar, I didn't come here for this.
Bahar: Why did you come? To tell me I should do treatments?
Ezel: No
Bahar: But you won’t be with me either right?
Ezel: No Bahar, you have chosen a way, a way that the people who love you and cannot handle the choice your doing. I cannot watch you and die Bahar, but I respect your choice.
Bahar: You respect it. That’s super, why did you call me here then? Why didn't you show your respect on the phone?
Ezel: So that I would tell you face to face
Bahar: Do you know what you want? You want to play with human, first your show you’re amazing and after you back off! You are not doing this only once, your doing it continuously. Why?
Ezel: because you want something impossible from me Bahar. I want to do that, but I cannot do it.
Bahar: why did you hold my hand then? Why did you come to me?
Ezel: Bahar, because you don't want us to win this. You cannot handle the end.
Bahar: Why did you tell me I should live for you then? Since you were going to leave, why did you come in my life at first place?
Ezel: Bahar did me promise you anything like this? Did I promise you?
Bahar: Yes you did! You hold my hand and promised me! You promised me that you will be there! You promised me that there is nothing to be scared and you will be there for me, by my side! You did!
Ezel: Bahar
Bahar: No! First you hold hands and after you let humans walk away. I wish I never knew you, I wish I never came cross of you.

Then Ezel walks away

Bahar: Don’t you ever call me do you understand? Don’t make sweet jokes, don't even tell stories. Don't ever return! This is the last time! Ezel!

Ezel gets in the car

Ezel: Let’s go! Why are you looking at me like your seen me for the first time.
Kamil: This is not you Ezel
Ezel: Get used to it Kamil, from now on this is me! when there is revenge, only coldness wont do it, you have to be alone too!
Kamil: meaning there is no Omer too?
Ezel: It cannot be this way Kamil, what Omer loves, what Omer wants, all of these cannot happen together. I didn't come to this road to make good things, I didn't suffer such pain for nothing.
Kamil: You have headed to that road for revenge, but maybe this is not your real intention.
Ezel: What are you saying Kamil?
Kamil: Look at us, we changed Sebnam’s life. Even Tefo and look at me! before you found us, who was I? You saved my life!
Ezel: That was for revenge too!
Kamil: And now it’s Bahar. Look at her! look! Maybe what Omer is after is not for revenge! It is for saving life!
Ezel: Driver! Kamil drive!


Then Ramiz starts to speak again

Ramiz: Once a upon a time, there were two men. Either other’s friend, each other’s enemy. One of them stabbed like a dagger to the other one night. That man one day, with the loneliness inside of him, he swore to find the other and show that loneliness to him as well.


Cengiz with the man

Cengiz: check these files, Wallahi I said which bank shall I do goodness to them? So I thought of you. it is a big project, I will take credit for it. Let’s start the work soon, there wont be any problem right? You wont lose it!

Then shows him one phone with someone else

Cengiz: If I just come, it will be a big money making.

With another man

Cengiz; I cam for a credit (loan). I know we have other things too but if you allow me the info is here. We have a big project going to occur. It’s very big.

Ezel Episode 12 Part 4

Cengiz: aha, I understand your outside of your office.

Then he goes inside another bank

Cengiz and the woman

Cengiz: There is treasure in those files, think about the increase you will make to your place with these.... Anyways I took your time.
Woman: Good day
Cengiz: 503 number come friend!

Ezel sees him come out and his papers fall

Ezel: Wait, wait for that one. I want to see this

Then Ramiz starts to talk

Ramiz: Loneliness is not just being alone! A man who cannot bare himself in the mirror is alone! (shows Ali) A man who runs away without solving his problem is alone! But everyone around doesn't want to be alone, they want someone to burn the other by themselves.


Eysan and Bahar

Ramiz: The person who will think she/he doesn't deserve to be love is alone!

Then Eysan gets a phone call from Ezel..

Eysan: Hello
Ezel: Eysan
Eysan: I was going to call you, about yesterday. Ezel I am sorry for yesterday, it is not something to be repeated again. It won’t be repeated.
Ezel: What happen last night? Ah, that one, I already forgot about it Eysan. You are going thru a lot already, no need to make it big.
Eysan: Alright, as you think.
Ezel: Eysan, I called you for Cengiz. I have been calling Cengiz but there is no answer.
Eysan: Wasn’t he suppose to come to you?
Ezel: There is 2 hours left Eysan, if he will come, he should come now or else...
Eysan: Alright, I will call him now too.
Ezel: Eysan, don't forget when you need me.
Eysan: Alright
Ezel: We are friends?
Eysan: Friends.

Then he hangs up the phone

Sebnam: Do you want anything Ezel?
Ezel: Yes, I want to stay alone.

Then Ramiz talks again

Ramiz: If love is someone’s destiny, it is not being alone, it is staying with the ones they hate at the end.

Then Cengiz comes home

Cengiz: Yeah today I found out about this hotel, it is not like...
Eysan: Shush, you didn't get the loan right? Something happened again?...alright, I understand. Cengiz, do you think I love you?
Cengiz: Sure, you do.
Eysan: Tell me the truth Cengiz; do you think I love you?
Cengiz: No, sure no.
Eysan: Why am I not leaving then? Why I don't leave you?
Cengiz: you are afraid that is why. You are scared if you leave, I would do something to you or Can. Huh?
Eysan: how much shall I be scared of you? While you sleeping, I stab you with a knife...Cengiz, when I was only 12 years old, I used to play with man like you on tip of my finger. How much should I be scared of you?
Cengiz: Then why?
Eysan: Because, you are the only man that cannot get over me. Your the only man who sees my true face and still stays with me.
Cengiz: No dear
Eysan: I am not talking about love Cengiz, love is something like pain. It comes and goes, when it (love) comes you will be shocked and when it’s (love) gone then you will get over it. You cannot do anything else. I am talking about staying with you.
Cengiz: I will stay with you until I die.
Eysan: I know, do you know why I am here then? Because I love to laugh with you. even if its the worse thing, I like how you make me laugh.
Cengiz: But before you used to laugh more.
Eysan: Because before worse things happened more. Do you know why I stayed? Because you gave me things.
Cengiz: Yes, I did. I gave you Eysan.
Eysan: Not you, but I loved how you could not leave. You are not my love, but something. You are bad, but I am bad as well. When I hold you, you are dirty but its ok, my hands are not cleaner than yours. You are my valley, because you don't go, and I am not going.
Cengiz: Eysan, you know you made me the happiest man in this world. Eysan, it is like I am in heaven right now. my love!
Eysan: shush.....that is why, if you don't sing this paper today, I will cut you and throw everything down starts.
Cengiz: Eysan
Eysan: love maybe you always convinced me, but this time it won’t happen. For the last time you will get your stuff and go away from this home.
Cengiz: Eysan
Eysan: shush, you are not a man, but a male kid. That is why, now go! hold your words and come to this home like a man!


Ezel Episode 12 Part 5


Sebnam and Cengiz

Cengiz: what happen? Isn’t his work done?
Sebnam: Mr. Ezel and them wont see you today
Cengiz: How? How will they not see me?
Sebnam: Sorry, when he gets a chance...

Then he runs upstairs

Cengiz goes inside Ezel’s room

Cengiz: I made it partner.
Ezel: Let’s talk tomorroe Cengiz, I am leaving now.
Cengiz: One minute Ezel, wait.
Ezel: it’s over, I putted in rise, I cannot wait longer. I thought you can do this but I was wrong.
Cengiz: I will, wait for two minutes please. Give me 1 week. Only one week!
Ezel: Even if I do what will happen? Will you give the money? Go home Cengiz.
Cengiz: wait a minute! Wait for one minute Ezel!
Ezel: What do you want? What shall I do?
Cengiz: help me. come on help me.
Ezel: You are confusing me with someone else. My work is not to take you out of **** this!
Cengiz: Ezel I beg you! I am begging you!
Ezel: Why? For years I have worked hard and because of you, I am missing it! Why shall I help you?
Cengiz: Ezel! I **** everything! For god’s sake I did **** everything! I did very bad things Ezel, if you just know what I have done.
Ezel: What did you do?
Cengiz: I cheated on Eysan. I did worse things! My God what did I do to Eysan?
Ezel: What is this has to do with Eysan?
Cengiz: she will leave me Ezel. Ezel I beg you find away!
Ezel: for Eysan?
Cengiz: Please
Ezel: Not for money, not for yourself but a big Cengiz Atay begs for Eysan huh?
Cengiz: Please
Ezel: For love?
Cengiz: Yes, I do anything for her Ezel.
Ezel: Cengiz, If your attached in such way to a woman at the end your soul will burn for sure.
Cengiz: I don't care
Ezel: Alright, then don't blame me later on. Partner.


Bahar and Eysan

Eysan: How nice you slept, did you dream?
Bahar: I did, it was very beautiful.
Eysan: Are you crying? What happen? Is it Ezel?
Bahar: It is not working sister
Eysan; Why? What happen?
Bahar: Plus that is enough, I won’t cry for him. Beside I am not alone right? Nothing will happen, beside I am bored that is enough!
Eysan: Wait, tell me what happened?
Bahar: There is nothing to tell, he doesn't love me. He doesn't see me the way I see him. Meaning he sees me like before, I am too.
Eysan: Bahar, you’re saying these because you’re angry. Don't do that, you don't want to separate.
Bahar: I want too.
Eysan: You don't want that! Don’t be like this; this is why you should give another chance
Bahar: I won’t! He won’t come anyways.
Eysan: He will!
Bahar: How do you know?
Eysan: I know, Ezel wants to be with you. I know it well. Trust me.


Ezel and Cengiz

Cengiz: What are we going to do?
Ezel: Tomorrow early morning we will talk to my bank, maybe they will help us.
Cengiz: Really?
Ezel: Now, write down here what you have! Home, buildings etc.
Cengiz: I have cars; it can add up to 5 million. I have another 4.5 millions..... there is Can’s money that are aside. It’s 5 million. No one knows it. (he’s about to write it down)
Ezel: Are you sure?
Cengiz: Eysan....(then he sings up, and then writes something else too)
Ezel: No! This cant be Cengiz!
Cengiz: I said do it!
Ezel: This talking is done here!
Cengiz: I said have this one! Take it!
Ezel: Cengiz as a friend I am warning you, you’re making a mistake.
Cengiz: To want something, sometimes you need to give up the most precious thing in your life. I came to these days like that Ezel.
Ezel: Really? (he reads the note) The Kbris Hotel? If needed you will give this one up too? Then what you need is needed to be given to you.
Cengiz: how did it do it huh? How I did throw the last ball?
Ezel: I hope you have done the right choice.
Cengiz: Son you don't know, when I was young they wanted me as a team too. Look this is what I was dong...
Ezel: At least don't cheat on this Cengiz
Cengiz: There is no cheating; it is in God’s hand. Partner. I shall go and give the good news to Eysan and give them presents. Also today I will finish my relationship with that girl.
Ezel: Why?
Cengiz: because of you. You brought me to a better man huh
Ezle: And you don't make me a bad man.
Cengiz: Ezel, do you know what I learned today? While having so many men around me, you are the best friend I have.
Ezel: Wasn’t Omer your best friend?
Cengiz: Omer was like that yes, he was. Omer tried a lot, but he wasn’t success of making me a man.
Ezel: (stands up) Then I promise, I will do the things he couldn’t do one by one.


Mart and his mother

Mart: I started news today. It’s about kids being lost. It is a tough news.
Mother: Why are you telling me this?
Mart: because I regret it...

Ezel Episode 12 Part 6

Mart: I lied, I didn't think about you. You are right mom; you didn't raise me like this. I am sorry.
Mother: You made me very mad Mart. Did I push you hard?
Mart: Mom, sure you will say what you know mom. You say whatever you want, at the end we return to you or else how will we find the right road? I said us again.
Mother: You did say right so what? Your brother was like that too, he would make me mad and after return. Even if he couldn’t understand his fault, he would still come back. He would wonder for his mom, he could not hold to stay away.
Mart: I am here with you mommy, I am.

Then she calls Ezel

Ezel with Cegniz and the other

Cengiz: thank you partner. You check on your phone, we will talk later. I shall go and celebrate as family. See you later.

He leaves

Kamil: Check on your phone Ezel, speak to your mother.
Ezel: I cannot talk, I cannot talk now.
Kamil: you did what you wanted it. Now speak to your mother
Ezel: This is nothing yet, they will regret it, they will fall apart, they will beg! It will be worse than death, I cannot speak! If I do, I won’t be able to do these. I have to do this! that is why I should not speak to my family but fall apart from them.


Then Ramiz speaks again

Ramiz: Loneliness is not just being apart from each other, it is when there is no goodbye. (shows Bahar) Whatever dream you dream of, do it. In ever story the end stops. This is loneliness. (then shows Cengiz) Sometimes loneliness is not darkness, it is more than that. (shows Ezel walking) loneliness is not just turning your back, it is letting go the things inside.


Then shows his father

Father: Yeah my Omer, another season came son.

Ezel: the street people said you would be here.
Father: I come in the evening time, and I don't tell anyone. Me and my son talk a little.
Ezel: What do you tell him?
Father: I say “ My son, we are in this season, you don't worry”. After I say “ My son, your mother is missing you very much but she is stronger than all of us you don't worry. I know if it is in your hand, you will do anything you can to come see your mother, but it will be fine, it will be fine”.
Ezel: It will be fine right uncle? You? You will take care of her
Father: She is my everything; she is my eyes. Omer knows this as well. Sleep comfortable my son, sleep comfortable from your place. Don't be angry of your brother, he loves you very much. He is mad only because there is no you.
Ezel: You? How are you? Don't you tell him that too?
Father: I? I am not well kid. I am bad. I left you alone son! That day doesn't go away in front of my eyes. While they took you to that car, you turned and looked at me but I didn't tell you. I hided my words in my mouth. I couldn’t tell you, I couldn’t tell you son.
Ezel: Tell me, tell me like you wanted to tell Omer. In front of you is Omer, you tell me uncle. Consider I am him. You tell me... father....
Father: Son! Do whatever you do, I love you more than anything! My only son! My pride!

Then they hug

Father: thank you Ezel, thank you child.
Ezel: I came for this uncle, for a while I would not be able to visit you. I have to be away for work for a while. I came to say .
Father: Stay well son. You are like a son, believe me we will miss you. like a family.
Ezel: I will miss you all too.


Ezel with Kamil and Sebnam

Ezel: Sebnam, call Deliy. Tell her to start the game. Kamil on the table there are history dates. Those are your responsibility. If something happens to me, you gave them to Mart. Kamil did you hear me? Kamil did you hear me!
Kamil: No
Ezel: What did you say?
Kamil: No Ezel, are you aware what your doing?
Ezel: for sure! I am doing what I wanted to do! I am breaking down the bridge!
Kamil: Yes but while you are on the bridge your breaking it down.
Ezel: Kamil, you don't tell me this
Kamil: I never thought I would say this, I wish uncle was here!
Ezle: He is not anymore! No more him! Look around who is left? Huh? Who?
Sebnam: there are us!
Ezel: Then do your work! and let me do my own work.
Kamil: There is no such way
Ezle: You are going against me?
Kamil: Know it well, I am not just going against you. I am going in between you and that enemy of yours.
Ezel: move, or else something may happen
Kamil: What? You will take me out of your life too?

Ezel Episode 12 Part 7

Kamil: To Bahar, your mother, your father! Don't you see what your doing?
Ezel: For God’s sake kamil! Enough! Enough! Enough move on my way!
Kamil: No
Ezel: Kamil! Don't you still see it? that loser you are trying to save is dead! From now on don't mention his name to me! which one of you lived what he lived thru huh! Don't do that anymore to me!
Kamil: No one is making you do this! you are making yourself do this!
Ezel: (moves him in front of himself) Enough! Don't you understand! I cannot do it! Can’t do it! I cannot miss my mom or dad! I cannot hug them! I cannot wonder for my brother! I cannot love them! I cannot love anyone! I need to hate! Leave me alone to hate! To Eysan, Bahar, Cengiz! Leave me to hate them for god’s sake leave me to hate them!
Sebnam: Ezel
Ezel: Go! You two leave here! I said go from here. I don't need your helps. You two need help from me, I took both of you out of the lives you had! And when ever I want, I will send you back there! Come on!
Sebnam: Ezel don't say such thing! You are not like that!
Ezel: I am like that. I am like that from now on! Get out! I don't need anyone! Stand up from my own legs, now I won’t let them do anything! I hate them this much! My hate is enough to the whole world! Get out! Go!
Kamil: What you wanted happened Ezel, now you are alone.


Cengiz and the woman

Cengiz: what were you thinking pretty woman? that we would get married and have kids?
Woman: You are returning to your wife?
Cengiz: ahah! Women! I never left from my wife for me to return to her.
Woman: what I make you feel, does she does the same? Tell me the truth. While you are with you, can you be yourself like you are with me?
Cengiz: How?
Woman: Strong, like you can do anything.
Cengiz: Look you came to a good point, no. I am only weak when being with Eysan. I am like a kid.
Woman: Then you will come to me again
Cengiz: Women! They always think males are/wants to be strong/tough right? When I become strong/tough to Eysan, I will end up leaving her.
Woman: Then who was I to you? a female like a game? If you didn't want to talk or love what did you want from me Cengiz?
Cengiz: How shall I tell you? I wanted to be far from everything. From being a good father, a good husband. I wanted to be far from all of this. while being with you was not being I wanted to be with you, it is because I wanted to stay alone. But loneliness is until to a point dear...

Then she starts to cry


Bahar gets a text message

Bahar:” Can you look at the door?”

Then she looks at the door, finds another note...reads it

Bahar: “If you believe everyone can change, I will be waiting at the restaurant”. Its Ezel...


Omer’s partners

Husband: Were you going to call me? I walked around a little; I did some shopping for you. ah also I saw that kid, Ezel.
Wife: Where? He didn't come here
Husband: He won’t come. He came by to say “goodbye”
Wife: How ‘goodbye”?
Husband: He is going away, for work.... he is a weird son, he made himself loved. What work was he doing? Huh?....


Cengiz and the woman

Cengiz: Ah! Don't cry come on! Look I will be upset. Tefo order drink for the lady from us.... only one drink, after send her home with a taxi, make sure she won’t be drunk.

Tefo: one drink... he has bought Eysan a necklace. It is red! Very expensive.
Woman: Ah! The best stone I love...


Eysan is home alone then the woman calls her

Eysan: yes?
Woman: Mrs. Eysan it is me Neil (the name she used for them I think)
Eysan: sorry I don't recognize you
Neil: Last night you offered me a cocktail drink. At the gambling place, what you said opened me up more. I tried something with what you said, the things you said was not the drinking, it was more inside. If you want to be tasted, you will allow letting them taste you. I said to let you know, ah also Cengiz will come to you now. He will give you a present, eh I don't know if it because of guilt. I hope you will like what we got for you, meaning we looked at it together. Like it is not a bad necklace. A presence deserves it.

Eysan hands up the phone


Bahar goes to the restaurant

Man: Welcome maim
Bahat: Hello, is there any reservation under Bahar’s name?
Man: there is come sit here...

As she turns, she sees ali..

Bahar: Ali brother what is going on?
Ali: You were waiting for someone else right?

He sits

Ali: I guessed, but still I didn't want to write down my name on the note.
Bahar: Why?
Ali: I wanted you to get ready for me like you did for him.


Eysan and Cengiz

Cengiz: It is very beautiful on you. your neck with my taste, we will burn many souls right?

Eysna: what are we celebrating?

Cengiz: To our new hotel. I did my promise, I came to you like a man my love.


Bahar: Ali brother please don't do what I am thinking you will do.
Ali: Bahar....Ah say it
Man: You want wine sir?
Bahar: alright Ali brother, we shouldn’t get wine.
Ali: Why?

Ezel Episode 12 Part 8

Bahar: ...lets not get wine
Ali: Why? You like it. You like red wine, a little cold. You don't like drinking it fast, you like it drinking it slowly. You like it when its from France, you like it while holding the glass...
Man: You sir?
Ali; Same

Bahar: Ali brother how do you know this?
Ali: After, she likes to stay at the table, she likes food. When she gets upset her face gets mad right away. When she is tired, her eyes close. There is no karpetan Ali, today I am Ali. The Ali who saw you for the first time and got attached to you.


Eysan and Cengiz

Eysan: So now, you are a growing up man?
Cengiz: The ones who see, will fear. That is it!
Eysan: Now you are my man?
Cengiz: Ah...

They go to the room

Eysan: From now on your words will be in this home?
Cengiz: From now on, I am the judge of the house!
Eysan: From now on you are on top of everything? Now you are ready for everything?
Cengiz: I am ready! I am ready for everything Eysan.
Eysan: Are you ready for this? Alright, Can is not your son! Alright are you ready for this now? Can is Omer’s son!
Cengiz: Why? Why did you tell me this now?
Eysan: Since you are a man now, like a man accept everything! That is why!
Cengiz: Do you hate me this much Eysan?
Eysan: Yes! If you hurt Can’s blood in anyway, you will spend all your life in jail! What happen? You won’t do anything? Do something Cengiz! You will stand like this? Be a man a little!

Then he leaves


Bahar: Ali brother please don't continue if you are thinking of me.
Ali: Every day, every minute without stopping
Bahar: You are making me shame, I don't know what to say.
Ali: Say “Yes” look at me... you know this man? If you want I/he can be a total different man for you. He will make the world play in its place. If you want, as long as you say yes..
Bahar: Ali brother, I cannot be with you. You are in love, but this is not making you a good person. You do bad things to people, I cannot be with you because, because you are bad.
Ali: I will leave it, I will ask for forgiveness.
Bahar: What about the things you did before? Where ever you go, they will come after you. Do you want them to follow me too? Do you want that?
Ali: I don't want that
Bahar: I cannot be with you Ali brother.
Ali: Who will you be with then?
Bahar: I don't know..
Ali: Server bring the wine! I am calling you man! You want me to come here?...Bahar? Bahar what is wrong with you? Bahar are you ok? Bahar what is going on?


Then Eysan messages Ezel

Eysan: I am very bad please come!


Ali: Bahar! Bahar I am here don’t worry! Open! Open here! Call the doctor.
Bahar: I don't want a doc
Ali: Bahar, what shall I do?
Bahar: Ezel, call Ezel.

Ezel: Hello Ali? Are you calm now?
Ali: Ezel, Bahar
Ezel; What happen to Bahar?
Ali: She is not well, help
Ezel: Where are you? alright...

Then Ramiz starts to talk

Ramiz: Stop, don't make your decision right away, because for yourself staying alone, is to leave the one you love alone. Two friends, there is no solution, they will fight. Two enemies, will reunite together.

Ramiz: there is no solution! One will run away from loneliness. One will run away like betrayal from loneliness.

Cengiz knocking on the door

Cengiz: Open it! Open this door!


Then Ezel gets to the restaurant

Ezel: Bahar
Bahar: Ezel, you came right? I told you, you are my hero.
Ezel: I am not Bahar


Ezel Episode 12 Part 9

Woman: What do you want?
Cengiz: You!


Shows Eysan

Ramiz: there is no solution/hope the person who loves nothing the most will stay alone.

Ali: Karpetan Ali, what can he do? the most beautiful girl on the planet wants the guy who I want to cut.
Tefo: What are we going to do to Ezel?
Ali; If it was not for this, would I ever have sold my friend? Would I have even hurt him? I would never have hurt him in any way.
Tefo: Ezel, what are we going to do to him?
Ali: This girl loves him, while I was looking inside her eyes she asked for him. I cannot touch that **** to hurt Bahar now.
Tefo: You? Ali will give up on Ezel right?
Ali: Didn't het into your head? It is done Tefo!
Tefo: What is done?
Ali: This from Ali!
Tefo: just like that?
Ali: Yes, I did and waved at it. You are lion Ali brother.
Ali: aha! You know how used to hear voices? There are no more voiced anymore. I am comfortable Tefo, now you go I am fine. Tomorrow you go to the store and it is yours
Tefo: May your road be open Ali brother
Ali: Thank you brother.

Then he leaves

Ali: cut it! Cut it! Cut it!

Then he jumps in the water and gets the thing

Tefo writes a message

Tefo: Ali gave up, tomorrow he is going away.


Ali and the man

Man; There is no tefo?
Ali: You leave Tefo alone, I let him rest. Solve this! Fine it! But you don't do it, find a man outside from us so that it wont come back to me.
Man; Alright, but why now brother? Didn't this man go out cleanly?
Ali: He took everything from my hand cleanly. Eh, but there is something else, he should not have touched her, or left her. He took her in front of me from me man. The man is clean, but I am not Selim! Take those too! The point is you getting three of them alone! They are like animals, if they are together they will protect each other. But if its alone, their soul is gone. I notice from my self. Do you want them to die when they get old? Send the men! Go shot, stab! Do something!
Man: You brother?
Ali: there is something in my head I will do...

He calls cengiz

Ali: Hello Cengo, there is something I haven’t told you. I will do better. come so that I can show you.


Doc and ezel

Doc: The injection I gave her, she will get better. but its the same, Mr. Ezel her sickness is getting worse than we thought. If something happens, call me.
Ezel: Thank you


Ezel and Bahar

Bahar: See I am still here..
Ezel: Do you want me to make you something warm?
Bahar: I want you to come near me. I know nothing changed Ezel.
Ezel: Bahar
Bahar: It is soft, I won’t be whim.
Ezel: Bahar, Bahar be quite. What if I hadn’t came? I was about to not to come, what if I didn't come?
Bahar: but you came, you came Ezel. Do you know why?
Ezel: No, I am not Bahar. I am not. You are the one who is my hero.
Bahar: Ezel, but it is too much two hero in one place. Lets make-up with you huh? Please don't cry Ezel, look I will hold my breath,...ohh we am going away! Yes lovely people get ready we am going...
Ezel: where?
Bahar: we are flying...come to me
Ezel: Bahar, I don't sleep much, for years meaning I don't sleep on bed properly.
Bahar: come on, come
Ezel: but I won’t sleep
Bahar: Still, it’s ok

Then ramiz speaks

Ramiz: Two friends, there is no solution. One will die, because loneliness will cut one off...

Cengiz: Son, where/how did you find here? Let’s make a hotel here too, if we can’t effort it we will find away. Huh? Yes show now

Ali: come sit here
Cengiz: Ali, I am not in the mood for playing tell me what you want to say. Here is already freezing.

Then he slaps him

Ali: Timber! (like LOSER!)
Cengiz: what are you doing!
Ali: Sit down!


Ezel Episode 12 Part 10 Last One

Ali: are you a man?
Cengiz: Ali, who every told you what everything is a lie!
Ali: Is this a lie too?

Ramiz: because this monster water only whispers one name in your ears

Ramiz; Ezel!!!

Then he sees men in his home

Shows sebnam

Ramiz: because that monster patiently waits for the water to move.

Then shows Kamil

Ramiz: because loneliness is not just being yourself alone. It is waiting in this water with monster, that is loneliness.

Ali: You ** You were going to sale me too? You were going to send me to Omer too? Wasn’t once enough? Are you going to betray everyone? You loser! Shall I shoot you?
Cengiz: Ali, Ali! Ali... you are you convincing huh? I am Cengiz and you are Ali. You can shoot anyone, but you cannot shoot me.
Ali: Why is that?
Cengiz: Because I am the last thing that is left from Omer.

Ali: True! You are right, you saw me what can I say? I cannot shoot you, but he will shoot you.

Then Serdar comes with the gun

Serdar: Son-in-law


Then Ezel fights with the guy

Then he sees Ramiz

Ramiz: Eh, you are not alone nephew.


Then the man is about to kill Sebnam when Tefo gets there


Then Kamil is about to drink but changes his mind...
He goes to give it to the man

Kamil: here friend you can have it

Then he shoots him


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 14 Ian 2010, 2:02 pm

Ezel Episode 13 Part 1

Then the man shoots him.... Kamil calls Ezel

Ezel: Kamil? Hello Kamil where are you? Hello? Hello Kamil? Kamil?
Then Tefo and Sebnam gets there

Tefo: brother, brother I didn't make it here on time
Ezel: Who did it? Ali? Ali?


Ali, Cengiz and Serdar

Serdar: Son, while you were looking for sweets to get I was sending devils with no shoes to its home!

Cengiz: Ali, brother what ever he has said is not true! This cassette is not mine!

Ali: Why do you think I did this Cengiz? Son I am telling you that I am smart now!

Cengiz: Eh Ali I have to hold it! what can I do? I have to protect myself don't you know me?

Ali: I know you, I know you very well!

Cengiz: Stop! Stop! Stop! Are you a murder Serdar? You twist people but not a murder!

Serdar: good then, first I will kill and then I will do what I do! I will take everything! Everything! My grandchild is mine too already.

Cengiz: Don't you ever huh!

Serdar: Shush....

Cengiz: Stay away from my son!

Serdar: First at home a father figure is needed right Cengiz? A father that lives right? First Bahar will come, (he means he will use her too) then Eysan will see and after do you know how I will eat the things you all have? do you know?

Cengiz: Ali, why are you standing there? do something didn't you hear he will use Bahar too?

Ali: I shall do it! (he hands him the gun)

Serdar: What are you doing Ali? We didn't talk this way!

Ali: Wow the guns looks good on your hands! It makes people get up and leave, but I am curious for the end!


At the hospital

Sebnam: Hold it! you will get better! you will get better Kamil brother. You will get better...

Ezel: You two wait here...

Sebnam: Kamil brother I am here, whatever you need I will be here! He wont die right? Why me? why didn't you go to Kamil Tefo? Why did you choice me?
Tefo; I didn't choose...



Ezel: Not here! We have to take him to a good place
Ramiz: a good place will as questions nephew.
Ezel: I need to answer the questions uncle before dying
Ramiz: You can’t! Your money, your strength is not helping to this part.

Ezel: So I can’t take him from here? I can’t take him to good place, meaning I know the rights but still I cannot do it uncle.

Ramiz: You cannot run from running things Ezel, you can’t. Kamil either will live here or he will die here.


Back to Ali, Cengiz and Serdar

Cengiz: Sure yea, you took Ali to your side so that he would see the tape. That is why you came to the store.

Serdar: you hided the tape, why? Because its useful for you, if one day had came, you would have blamed Ali on everything.

Cengiz: You took it from Can right? Who knows since when you have played with that child’s head!

Serdar: Why did the cassette came out now? Why now?

Ali: Uf you two talked too much! Come on shoot each other!

Cengiz: now you have made a copy too, so that you can use it as well.

Serdar: You and Eysan are not doing well, you will use it against that..

Cengiz: You don't want to external someone! You want to use them first and then do whatever you want to do! You are after a new thing.

Serdar: you would not put your wills out there for nothing Cengiz. You don't become friends with someone for no reason. For real you are the one who is after something Cengiz!

Cengiz: Eh, you are following god knows since when...what do you want Serdar? Name it!

Serdar: Whatever you want! Ezel!

Ali: Oh My lord!

Serdar: Oh my stupid son! You think this was for nothing?

Cengiz: You see? I will talk to you later about this! You think you can just get him like this man? He is too much for you!

Serdar: We will set it, aren’t we enough?

Cengiz: how is that going to happen? The man doesn't have any weakness side!

Serdar: I can investigate; maybe I will see something that you did not see.

Cengiz: I can’t! He is my friend! The man is the only one that I can trust ya!

Serdar: Not your first one Cengiz, he is the second one!

Cengiz: Ali, what do you say if now this Serdar makes this Ezel out in our live?

Ali: I say you two are late! I said you do go do whatever!


Ezel and Ramiz

Ezel: I cannot do it, understand it uncle I can’t do it. There is one Ali who sold me for money. He murdered a man and blamed on me. If you say he threatened me with my family. This man is already a murder. There is one Ali who deserves to die! And there is the other Ali uncle; this man did brotherhood to me. He didn't just touch my soul; he did to my pride as well. There is one Ali uncle, I never told you about that Ali. While trying to protect me he did things to dogs! If you see his arm you will know. He has done this too, but I also remember this too. That scar has not been gone, it is still there. There is one Ali uncle, but there is the other. Both at the same time huh? Is this work like this?

Ramiz: Either you will hate it, or you will love it nephew. If you try to do both at the same time, you will explode everything!

Ezel: I cannot do it, I cannot do it uncle.

Ramiz: You will not do it uncle, you will give order after you will leave. You will not do it, I will do it, I will.


Ezel Episode 13 Part 2

Tefo: I, they are talking about me

Then Ezel leaves...Ramiz calls Tefo

Ramiz: I will tell you the place.
Tefo: Yes uncle
Ramiz: I will tell you the date too.
Tefo: Yes uncle
Ramiz: You will take the blame but I will kill Ali. (Ok I am not sure if he said you get the gun ready and I will kill him or he should take the blame and he will kill him... I will double check on this with NHY)

Tefo: Yes uncle...


Ezel Episode 13 Part 3

Then Morning comes....


Ezel with Kamil

Ezel: Come on say it Kamil, tell me I am doing wrong. Look at me in a wrong way. Come on tell me after this work is done you will return to your son. Tell me “Who ever I touch falls apart”. Tell me that “The revenge in my head is making everyone who I love apart from me” Tell me, wasn’t Ali who shot me? Say something Kamil, say the worse thing you want to say. But never die! live! Live so that I wont become a killer. Kamil brother...

Then he calls Ramiz

Ezel: Uncle, let’s start. What if he gives up? He loved Ali uncle, what if he couldn’t do it at the end?
Ramiz: If he cant do it, then the man will be kicked out of his work.

Then Ramiz calls Tefo....

Tefo goes back in time 2009 Istanbul....

Sebnam: Ya Ezel do you think he will success?
Ezel: Alright, lets make a game
Sebnam: No yea, he cannot convince anyone. Meaning if someone looks inside his eyes they will know it, he cannot fake it. he is a little weird
Kamil: You know what I am thinking. No matter what you do, this man is not the man on our side.
Ezel: Why?
Kmail; there is blood in his hand, like Ali. I have seen man like him a lot, you have memorized everything but if you leave him alone he will not be like you but like Ali.
Ezel: That is why I believe him....Tevik! Tevik are you ready?
Sebnam: Eh what happen to the game? Didn't we win?
Ezel: Do you have any question to ask?
Tefo: No brother, don't worry. I wont disappoint you....


Then shows Tefo sitting with the other mens....while Ali making his decision.

Ali: You, step forward. What is your name?
Tefo: Tevik. Tevik Z.

Ali takes his jacket out and gives it to him

Ali: Follow me!
Tefo: Thank you Mr. Ali. I won’t disappoint you!
Ali: Tefo when you get upset then do it...

Then Back to Present time

Tefo: I am going now, you don't worry uncle.


Sebnam: Ezel where are you going?
Ezel: You stay with Kamil.


Then shows ramiz and speaks

Ramiz: All of us, in separate way run from things we cannot run from. This time we have hope. This time we will save it.

Man with Ali

Man: Ezel, brother we didn't solve it. (like finish them)..Ah there is something else brother. On the street they are saying you know this Ramiz? He is coming... for you!

Then he gets mad

Ali: get out!!

Shows Cengiz and Serdar

Ramiz: This time we didn't pass anything. (then shows Eysan) We didn't get scare of anything. We took every chance. (then shows Ramiz) but always turning and looking behind ourselves we saw the things in front of us very late nephew. All of us, while saying we are not running from the things we run from, we found ourselves in middle of that end.

Ezel Episode 13 Part 4

Ali and Tefo

Ali: Oh Selim if you have came back I will show you... (then he sees its Tefo) Ah it’s you? Come in, come in. I forgot something here, I came to take it. Did you go to the store? Is there any news from anyone?

Tefo: No Ali brother, who for example?

Ali: For example Ezel

Tefo: No.

Ali: For example Ramiz? Is there any news about him?

Tefo: No, there is no news about him too.

Ali: (takes the gun slowly out) The man is not a man, he is stuck somewhere inside. Do you know what needs to be done to deal with him?

Tefo: What are you going to do Ali brother?

Ali: No one betraying you man (points the gun to him)! You will only fight alone! I took it out under the table! The old man has taken you too huh? Huh Tefo?

Tefo: I did not place this there.

Ali: Take your hands out from behind! How many days do I know you huh? Are you my dad’s son huh? I am leaving my home to you, turning my back.

Tefo: You have mistake Ali brother.

Ali: Put your hands up man! Were you laughing behind my back? While you said “go to Bahar”? you were laughing behind my back huh? While me like a stupid man trusting you?

Tefo: Brother no

Ali: For God, my position now is like in a laughing moment. If you are also with them, then I am the most stupidest person man! Shall I shoot you now? I thought your something like me, I thought....but man a human how can they forget about them self Tefo? If that a smart way by trusting me? for that reason if you are now laughing behind me, you are not ***** man! I am the one who is ****! You say it Tefo, you tell me brother now shall I shoot you or myself?

Tefo: I am your man! I am not your only man! For that reason who you will shoot, shoot because now Ramiz’s men are on their way!


Eysan and her aunt

Eysan: Am I a bad person aunt?
Aunt: What is this wording?
Eysan: I am like my father too right? Didn't I love anyone in life?
Aunt: Didn't you? I know you did.
Eysan: Shall I say something aunt? Maybe changing was an excuse, maybe I did this to Omer to kill the goodness inside me..
Aunt: look at me, look inside my eyes. Listen to me, if someone does something bad the goodness inside them doesn't die. That is your father’s voice, enough listening to him
Eysan: But he is not quieting aunt, he is not be quieting!
Aunt: What is this dishonoured man still saying huh? What is he saying?
Eysan: He says “love is a weakness” that is the game’s rules. He says “the ones who loves you are your victims (sacrifice)” he says “You will kill the love”
Aunt: He is wrong; now tell me that “you are not a bad person”
Eysan: What do I tell to who aunt? I cannot tell anything to anyone other than you. I has faults.
Aunt: we never talked with you, but look? The time has came, tell someone, confess! Ask for forgiveness daughter!
Eysan: Shall I go to jail? If I do, I will end up in jail.
Aunt: You are already in jail, your strength keys are with me. when I go.....
Eysan: aunt?
Aunt: When I go (die), to who you will take all this out Eysan? Tell me. get out of the jail now.

Then she cant breath

Eysan: Nurse! Anyone?

Then the nurse comes and she leaves

Ramiz starts to talk

Ramiz: To Love is to go against the inevitable ending at the last minute, But loving with the knowledge of that end...loving like you are closing your eyes for the last time...means being captivated in that love.

Shows Eysan walking to the sitting area and Ezel is there


Eysan and Ezel

Eysan: Ezel? What are you doing here?

Ezel: I visited aunty. You?

Eysan: Its weird a

Ezel: It’s destiny

Eysan: I though you didn't believe in destiny?

Ezel: I didn't believe when human makes destiny happen, but I do believe it when it happens like this...

Eysan: What about the past? Were they destiny too? Or in our hands?

Ezel: No, only the things can’t happen are in our hands.

Eysan: Is that why you don't answer my phone calls? I thought when even I need...anyways I shall leave you alone with your own destiny.

She walks away

Ezel: Don't go!

Eysan: What the hell do you want, Ezel?

Ezel: I want you not to go. Don't go today.

She goes closer to him

Eysan: Are you fine?

Ezel: I am not; I am not fine at all. I decided on a very tough decision Eysan, or maybe I did a very big bad thing. I am not fine, I am not fine because what I have done I cannot tell anyone. But maybe I did a very bad thing...

Eysan: Alright...alright


Ezel Episode 13 Part 5

Ezel: What am I doing?

Eysan: Actually what am I doing huh Ezel? I know you only for a few days, why it’s like I have knowing you always? Why when something happens, I want you to come and make me feel better? Why do I know your hands so well? Why do I want to look at those hands far and hug them? Why? Please tell me the truth, tell me it is not the same for you. Say “it is not”, please say “it’s not”.

Ezel: It’s not, for me... since the first day I saw you, you are more...very much more...

Eysan: First day?

Ezel: Yes Eysan, first day...

Then he leaves

Eysan: Dad, I am not you! I will not be like you! I won’t be you! Do you hear me? I am not a bad person! Take whatever you have putted in me! leave us alone! Leave us alone..

Ezel Episode 13 Part 6

Bahar: Can, Can the door rain a little ago. Who was it? Sister your still here?

Serdar: Ah, my daughter you came out of shower?

Bahar: Dad, drink your tea and go. Don't say you will come again. If my sister hears this...
Serdar: What kind of talking is this Bahar? Look at your daddy, is he the same man who run away? Don't do that please, do you think that is an easy thing for me? after many years coming and begging my daughters.
Bahar: What do you want? Why are you begging?
Serdar: wouldn’t a father regret what he did? All those years I always thought of you two. I ate inside myself, I always wondered who is protecting them now? who loves them now?
Bahar: you don't worry, we are protecting ourselves in a way.
Serdar: alright Eysan has a family, but you? alone?
Bahar: I am not alone, there are people who protects me too.
Serdar: Where is it then? You were always alone... your telling me this now?
Bahar: Yes I was alone, because you left me alone but I am not alone anymore. There is someone who doesn't leave me anymore.
Serdar: You are saying all this so that I leave from here?
Bahar: Exactly, because it’s true! Because I have a lover/boyfriend who is protecting me from everything, meaning he is not like you.
Serdar: he is not?
Bahar: He is not; he is a man like a man! He says lies but he keeps it quiet and doesn't talk. He won’t leave me again.
Serdar: I won’t leave you too Bahar
Bahar: I don't need you!
Serdar: You need him? alright what good he has more than me?
Bahar: everything...(then shows Ezel while she talks) His eyes smiles, its the opposite of yours. He looks like a negative person but he has a clean heart. Do you know what he wants the most in life?
Serdar: What?
Bahar: Family, he wants to have a family. Whatever you are not, he is that! he falls the world upside down for the people he loves. Right now if something happens to me, only if I name it he will do it! he will leave everything, he will forget everything and runs to me.
Serdar: Ya? Alright what is this amazing man’s name?
Bahar: Ezel, his name is Ezel. You know how a girl looks for a male so that their father likes them? I found you the best one. Because he protects me, if needed he will even protects me from you too! Are you happy now? are you a little comfortable now?
Serdar: Bahar, what would happen if you hurt my soul? I am your family, if you for real have found the person you are describing; I will be the most happy person daughter. Believe me.........


Serdar and Cengiz

Serdar: Doesn't this car have a radio or something?
Cengiz: you are taking my time Serdar. You have placed something out there but you done have any in hand.
Serdar: There is son-in-law. We will take whatever he has in his hand. His soul won’t even hear it.
Cengiz: What did you find?
Serdar: My child, I found my victim (sacrifice). Victim, the girl told about the guy in a way...Outside of him is Ezel, inside his is Omer.


Sebnam and Ezel

Sebnam: Ezel I will ask you something but you don't be angry at me. They are nothing for us right? Meaning after a few months we will laugh at them at home right?
Ezel: I don't know
Sebnam: Nothing will happen to anyone of us right? We won’t lose right?
Ezel: Do you want protection or the truth?
Sebnam: Isn’t both the same? Protection then...alright, alright I want the truth.
Ezel: I am waiting for a phone call Sebnam, when it rings I know what news it will give me but I am praying it wont ring.
Sebnam: Why?
Ezel: Because I don't know when this phone rings if we will lose or win.


Man with ramiz

Man: They have left
Ramiz: Together?
Man: It seems so uncle
Ramiz: The one who runs will be kicked out nephew...

Ramiz: A bad destiny is when blind is in love. The more you run the more it will come after you..

Ali: Stop this car. Are we going stay outside of the city until we die? Your connection is good, when you need you always find this uncle... do something about it
Tefo: For what?
Ali: Tefo, your brain is very good but sometimes the blood doesn't reach there... you guess for what?.... before he finds us, you find him.
Tefo: I will find him...
Ali: Eh

Ramiz: The thing you run from is not death, the thing you run from is returning back and looking inside the life you are in...


Eysan and Cengiz

Cengiz to Can

Cengiz: You continue your homework

He goes to the door and takes the bag out

Cengiz: Where are you going?
Eysan: Is there anything left to talk about?

Then he takes her to the kitchen

Cengiz: Of course its left, actually we are starting to talk right now. Last night I cheated on you!
Eysan: Good, I don't want to stay here.
Cengiz; Ah, why am I telling you then? Last night for the first time I cheated on you...
Eysan: For the first time?
Cengiz: First time, I made love to a woman like I do bad things to you.
Eysan; How was it then? Was it worth it?
Cengiz: No, it wasn’t worth it. It didn't cut! Everyday if I cheat on you, it won’t cut it! do you know with who I did it? You know the girl at the gambling place. Do you remember her?
Eysan: Enough!
Cengiz: You know I did it, like I never did it with you. you know when I cannot even touch you, you know when we do this thing like we are crying? You know when I cannot even bare you upset?
Eysan: Enough Cengiz...
Cengiz: But with her, with no limit...
Eysan: Enough Cengiz, you are a disgusting man!
Cengiz: I am not disgusting you stupid! I am in love! Love! With no brain, stupid! I am not disgusting! I have no hope, I did everything. Everything Eysan. Understand it! I did everything I could so that you could look at me like you did to Omer. I even cheated on you for yourself, so that you will get mad, angry and get jealous. Wake up! Wake up so that you see me. Do you want to leave? Here go
Eysan: So you will leave me alone? You will follow me
Cengiz: No, I won’t follow you. Go from here, but you will go alone. Can will stay with me and you will just leave like this.
Eysan: I think you didn't hear what I said, Can is not your son.
Cengiz: I heard, I took it as I didn't hear anything. I know Eysan, I already knew it!
Eysan: Then why?
Cengiz: I don't care Eysan, I don't give a thing! You never became my wife, but Can? Even if he is from Omer, he is my son! Do you understand? he is my son!

Ezel Episode 13 Part 7

Cengiz: Can come here... you thought I wouldn’t do this huh? Here, here come on go. but go like you came in... Take your lies and everything and leave alone.
Can: Mommy? Are you going somewhere?
Can: Yes mommy? Are you going?


Ezel and Sebnam

Sebnam: alright, we should go and so something.
Ezel: Like what?
Sebnam: I don't know, if we go tell something to someone, and something different to someone else. Or something different, something we always did...
Ezel: we did all of this Sebnam, now its more tougher.
Sebnam: Ya, what is that?
Ezel: We opened the poison around them, now their turn is who they will take down.
Sebnam: So what exactly can be done?
Ezel: Waiting Sebnam, just like that waiting.
Sebnam: all day your phone didn't ring, what else are we going to wait for?
Ezel: You are right Sebnam.... uncle I was saying before doing something we should stop.
Ramiz: there is nothing to stop for nephew...
Ezel: uncle, there is something wrong. The other side are very quiet. Cengiz was doing anything for this work, he would call me 50 times a day for this work. something is not going right uncle.
Ramiz: If we had waited for something to go right nephew, we would still have been inside (jail) do you know?
Ezel: No uncle this quietness is not right, after saying we will go after Ali something is going wrong.
Ramiz: Nephew, while you watch behind yourself , once you look, the thing that is running away from you will come sit right in front of you....come on ...

He hangs up and sees Ali coming in

Ali to Tefo

Ali: You wait outside....


Sebnam and Ezel

Sebnam: What are you going to do?
Ezel: I will check on this partner of mine..


Ali and Ramiz

Ali: We have already met, that is why I will come to the point right away. You leave me alone so that I will leave you alone too. We understood, your hands calls everyone, but as soon as I lift my hand, my slap is cold uncle...we understood. You have a lot of men, but if needed I can handle it alone! Ah also you calculate things we understood that too. You plan good games, but if I get stuck I will ruin the game uncle.

Ramiz: The bell!

Ali: I didn't understand if Omer did this to you but if you haven’t had enough of me, I will hold you alone and shoot inside your mouth uncle! You heard me right uncle?

Ramiz: I heard you brother, I don't like speaking while eating. But now I am full, if you want I can open your appetite huh? Now if the subject is about shooting, do you think you have putted me in trick of I have? (he looks around himself)

Ali: No

Ramiz: If the reason is shooting a person, should it be behind or in front brother?

Then he changes his seat

Ramiz: Ahhh, for example if its not enough **** you, I ate my food and I am full but you will pay the bell brother.

Ali: What are you saying uncle? (he looks at the bell)

Ramiz: Turn it, turn it.

Ali: (he turns the paper and sees a writing) (he reads names)...They are you friends?

Ramiz: See if I have written everything, look if its enough. I have their addresses too, but I didn't write it down brother.

Ali: uncle, what are you doing?

Ramiz: If you are running away and going, I am always after you brother. Where ever you go, I am there before you. for example if the reason is killing, killing is easy brother. The truth is every day, slowly, slowly killing but the reason is not killing.

Ali: What is it then? What is the reason?

Ramiz: Am I suppose to tell you everything brother? You think of that part.

As he walks out

Tefo: Uncle...

He doesn't talk to him

Then he goes back to time

Istanbul 2006

Tefo: Uncle how will I pay you this back?
Ramiz: That day will come too nephew, that day when Ezel tells you to shoot, you shoot. If he says die, you will die ok?
Tefo: Let me kiss uncle

Ramiz: Alright, alright... now you take these envelope fill these everyday and write/send me.

Tefo: What will I write uncle?

Ramiz: What will you write? What does Ezel do, what does he think. One by one you will write it down. Write it one by one. Tell me, tell me

Tefo: Uncle now I will go to that man..

Ramiz: Ahhh

Tefo: And if I am eating from him, and do things behind his back? If I a am mistaking I am sorry uncle...

Ramiz: Nephew, now your devotion is not about betraying the person, it is more than that. doing things behind his back! Alright? Come on go, goodbye.

Then back to time


Ali and Tefo

Ali: Where are you looking at like this huh?
Tefo: No where
Ali: What are we going to eat now?
Tefo: I know a place, a safe place. I wondered for you, you got late?
Ali: the man made me pay his bell.

Ramiz: no ends is just ends, every ends is the start of walking together...

PS: Its confusing with what he says at the end, but its more like every end is the beganning....

Ezel episode 13 part 8

Serdar: I have organized everything, you don't worry.

Cengiz: Let’s talk openly about a subject Serdar. You took something from me, and you are doing something using that one thing. Do it now, you have 5 minutes...

Serdar: Look, you are always making the same mistake child. You are taking me and my daughters very lightly.

Cengiz: Look, you are the one who is taking Eysan lightly. If Eysan hears about this first she will cut you then she will cut me! There is no Eysan. You have 4 minutes left Serdar.

Serdar: Who is talking about Eysan? I am talking about the other daughter of mine, my poor sick daughter.

Cengiz: It is a guilt to even listen to you Serdar. Continue...

Serdar: She said “If something happens to me, only if you let him know, he will leave everything and runs to me”. like this, innocent, innocent. It is like its good

Cengiz: Isn’t that a good thing?

Serdar: She is giving the man’s weakness. Do you know why I get into work with my daughters Cengiz?

Cengiz: Because you are a disgusting father Serdar.

Serdar: Females knows, females/women consider themselves as victims/sacrifices. Females right away finds a man’s weakness side. Then they come to you and tell you, so you cut that weakness part of the individual.

Cengiz: The victim is Ezel, the person who uses him is Bahar then what is the other weakness part? How will we find it?

Serdar: You know this man is very secretive? Do you know what is about such man? Either they don't have anything they are hiding or there is something in their life, they are hiding something. Do you think Ezel is acting?

Cengiz: No, he is hiding something

Serdar: Ah, now we will find that secret of his. Then after we will take advantage of it. he will not run away, you know that very well too. This man is our destiny!


Ramiz talks

Ramiz: Whatever happens to you, for sure that thing has happened before to you as well.

Men: Welcome Mr. Ezel, I shall let them know your here?

Ezel: No need!

Man: 02 Mr. Ezel has entered inside

Ramiz: the end if not just going against and running from it.

Cengiz: Yes?...Ezel is here

Ramiz: It is not enough to stop time from the things you want to run. It needs to come back to the beginning.

Then Ezel sees Serdar

Cengiz: Partner I am here...What happen? Or else you came for someone else? Come

Ramiz: If needs to turn to beginning, it is not about opening the door, it is about choosing the ride chapter.

Mother: Mart, You know that letter. You know the one your brother wrote

Father: We talked about that, we said we won’t open this again? Leave him alone.

Mother: Who gave you that?

Father: Don't do that for God’s sake! I am going to the store

He leaves

Mother: Who is he son? What did he say while giving t to you?

Mart: A man named Ramiz, he was a friend of brother in jail. He gave the letter and books. I just started it...

Mother: Who is he?

Mart: He was the manager of a casino/gambling

Mother; He was a gambler?

Mart: I don't know, he doesn't seem like a bad man. He has always protected brother.

Mother: Has he gave him advice?

Mart: What advice?

Mother: Meaning like telling him do this and that...has he went inside his head? He has changed my son?

Mart: Mom the man has protected brother, why would he change him?

Mother: Mart, do you know this man’s place?

Mart: Uf mother! For God’s sake, what would you do with his place?

Mother: I asked if you know... I will get the phone

Mart: Mom, slow down....

Nuket: Sister, it is me Eysan’s aunt

Mother: What is it? It’s been long, but I do get your news. Are you fine?

Nuket: sister I want to request something from you, come to me tomorrow. I am at the hospital

Mother: What happen?

Nuket: I will give you something sister; I will give you a letter.

Mother; what is it? Did something happen?

Nuket: Tomorrow come


Then the nurse calls Serdar

Nurse: She called the lady, and she has written a letter for her. she said it is my wills.
Serdar: What? A will? Girl I miss you! visit me tomorrow. Well its ok, let it be Sunday... it is better when there isn’t a lot of people...


Ezel and Cengiz

Ezel: So Cengiz, there is nothing from you...

Cengiz: I am done partner, look at the past few months. Everything happened so fast and is done fast as well.

Ezel: is that bad? We thought we lived everything but look there are still things we haven’t done.

Cengiz: This is what I am talking about, alright we did say we will do everything but it is like I am going back not towards the future.

Ezel: I don't understand, tell me about this.

Cengiz: meaning while saying new dreams and new cengiz, I am like going back to old Cengiz and old times. It is like everything is coming back to me

Ezel: What is that one thing then? You made wrong decisions before? Say something Cengiz, look you are scaring me too.

Cengiz: what will I say yaa.. I am scared to disappoint you...

Ezel: Why would you? Look if there is something you want to tell me, I will listen.

Cengiz: what would you listen to me, it is just once a while old cengiz confuses the head...

Ezel: Ay this old cengiz shouldn’t come in between us

Cengiz: No, you won’t allow that. In between you will shake me and make me wake up. Right?

Ezel: Let this work be solved, we will do a good celebration huh?

Cengiz: That would be nice, three of us will take drinks and...

Ezel: Three of us?

Cengiz: Meaning I meant two of us.

Ezel: See you later...

Then he calls Ali

Ali: Oh Cengo just leave me alone!

Then he sees something on the floor then kills it

Ali: Good for you Tefo, we got save from Ramiz and this now?

Tefo: No one will find us here

\Ali: No one will look here for us, but I haven’t stopped either...(gets the map) the man has missed one place...

Tefo: There is Turkey too?

Ali: It’s Varna Tefo, my dad’s side is from Varna. What do you say?

Tefo: Whatever you think is right brother,

Ali: Son look I called there, those people don't know who Ramiz is. There is there is one gambling place, whatever money I have in the bank I will take it out tomorrow. You will see, we can open one gambling place for ourselves. Huh? Ali and Tefo’s place? Hahaha what do you say Tefo?

Tefo: Let’s get out of here first brother

Ali: We will get out son, get out!

Ezel Episode 13 Part 9

Ali: It is not like here, don't be cold like you got a death sentence from judge!

Tefo: Isn’t like this brother?

Ali: Then tomorrow we will show them, isn’t enough to stay with their game? Isn’t enough playing, and playing and losing? If it is not enough, open the door and get out!

Tefo: Shall I go?

Ali: Tefo! Either tomorrow we will die like a dog or we will leave here and be free, be rick! We will open a casino man! This is the dream son! Which dream should we dream of? You tell me.

Tefo: brother in this Varna, what do they speak?


Ezel and Ramiz

Ezel: Uncle we’re you sleeping?

Ramiz: There is no sleep tonight for me nephew.

Ezel: shall we rethink about this uncle?

Ramiz: Ezel, there is no rethinking. Beside the order is said, you stay far from it.

Ezel: I visited Cengiz, there was someone there. I couldn’t recognize him well, but there is something going on uncle

Ramiz: it is not enough to say there is something nephew. Something should happen so that you can change the bullet. Is there something like that?

Ezel: When?

Ramiz: It is better if you don't know nephew.

Ezel: When uncle?

Ramiz: morning


Eysan and Ezel

Eysan: I came to you, I wasn’t going to come, on the way I counted 50 reasons for me not to come but while counting the reasons I notice how much I wanted to come. What is going on to me Ezel, I would give my soul to Bahar, what am I doing here? Why do I always find myself in your footstep?

Ezel: Because you belong here.

Eysan: what is that mean? What is that suppose to mean Ezel?

As he opens the door

Eysan: Who are you? What kind of human/person are you? tell me something so that I will hate you.

Ezel: If you hate, do you think it would change?

Eysan: No I don't want too... did we come cross each other in different life? I don't believe in such thing is that why this is happening?

Ezel: Eysan

Eysan: Don't say it, don't say my name. Don't say that name, it is like someone else is calling this name. Who is calling? Who are you?

Ezel: I am no one... I am no one

Eysan: Don't do that, what am I doing? Ezel please I beg you don't do that...

Then she leaves


Then Ezel sees Serdar’s picture

Ezel; who are you? I know/recognize you, who are you?

Then he falls asleep and remembers everything then the next thing he wakes up its 8 am..

Ezel: uncle, uncle stop. Or else you did it?

Ramiz: You say it, did you find something?

Ezel: I found uncle, there was a man. I remembered him. When Omer was played he was there too. I remember it. uncle what they did to Omer, I know...

Ramiz: Ah...ahhh...anyways I have a small work to do now, we will talk later.

Then Ramiz sees Ali comes out

Ramiz: Driver!...


Can: I will check it!!

Ezel: What is up Can?

Can: Ezel brother, come in I will call my aunt

Ezel: No, don't call her. If your mother home?

Can; no, she went out

Ezel: Do you know where she went?


Ali and Tefo

Ali: I am opening the tickets! It is two for the train! Son there you know they have women their legs are like your head! Not it is like mine! don't look at the mirror man! Think of yourself there! Imagine! Imagine!

Then the car comes in front of them

Ali: Go back! Go back! Now look at the mirror! Are they going to kill us! We are going away from here man!!! We are going!


Ezel Episode 13 Part 10

Ezel and Eysan

Eysan: this will end in bad way Ezel

Ezel: Let it

Eysan: everyone’s soul will burn

Ezel: let it burn

Eysan: We say we should never have done this, and we will swear and curse this day

Ezel: Let it do it starting now. I curse this day!

Eysan: It is wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

Ezel: What is more right than this? can it be wrong Eysan?

Eysan: Cant it be?

Ezel: (shacks his head) Eysan

Eysan; No Ezel, please.

Ezel: I love you

Then she walk away


Ali and Tefo running

Tefo: They are coming! They are coming brother!

Ali: Think about the casino! We have all the things! Inside there is everything!

Tefo: Should there be dogs inside too?

Ali; Let it man! Two dogs! Oh no! I forgot the money! The money!

Tefo: No!

Ali: I cannot leave it man! They are my money!

Tefo: We will win it again brother there! you and I will get money!

Ali: We will right? We are going!!! We are going!! Don't look behind man! We are going!

Then they see the men

Tefo: Run behind me!

Ali: How?

Tefo: I will take care of them, you run!

Ali: Come on! How

Tefo: I will get on this train with you! to Varna!

Ali: Varna!

Tefo: Varna! You and I! W will go there! we have wife and kids! we are going there!!

Ali: Tefoooooooooo


Eysan and Ezel

Ezel: Eysan! Eysan!

Eysan: We will burn in hell!

Ezel: Let’s burn!


Then Ali and Tefo

Ali: Tefo! Tefo run! Run! Run!

Inside the train

Ali: uncle! We run away!

The phone rings

Ali: I don't have a phone, I broke it! Who is it? If it’s Cengiz I will break this too.

Tefo gives him the phone

Ali: Who is it?

Ramiz: Brother, I owe you a story right? While you are going I shall tell you. shall I tell you the story?

Ali: tell uncle

Ramiz: Ah, one day when I was inside (jail) I saw a kid there. the kid was upset, like the world has falling down on him. One day I went to him, I said child why are you so upset? He looked at me, said “uncle, uncle they killed me”. and I told myself I should make him feel better, I said “child, in here either everyone is dead or they killed him already. Then he raised his head and looked at me he said the reason is not death uncle. Do you know what was the reason?

Ali; What was it?

Ramiz: the reason was dying ton the most beautiful day, the most day when you set dreams. What is the reason?

Ali: what is it uncle?

Ramiz: the reason is this, it is when you know the person as friend, and dying in the hand of the most man you trust! This is what the child told me! Now do you understand who is that child with you brother? (shows Tefo pointing the gun to Ali) You asked about Omer to me, now do you understand Omer huh?

Ali: I understood uncle, I did!

He hangs up the phone, then Tefo points the gun to his head

Ali: you are not such person Tefo, good thing there is you brother..

Then Tefo goes back to time

Istanbul 2001

Ezel Episode 13 Part 11

Tefo goes inside a house

Woman: Inside, she understood and is waiting for you.

He goes inside

Girl: Brother! I was wondering who would come! Good thing you came brother!

Then he takes the gun out to kill her

Girl: I am not scared brother, you can do it. I don't know why but I am not scared brother. Brother!

Then he kills her

Then he comes back to time

Tefo: I cannot do it, I cannot do it. I am sorry, I cannot do it

Ali; What sorry man

Tefo: Shoot me brother! Either shoot me or what? Give my punishment.

Ali: son, aren’t you aware of it? Me and you success the impossible. You and I today Tefo did everything!

Tefo: You wont shoot me borther?

Ali: I wont do it today.

Tefo: We will go to Varna?

Ali: Varna is gone man! We will return to Istanbul and do our thing!


Ramiz and Ezel

Ramiz: What are you going to do with these?

Ezel: Just like everything, one day I will use it for my revenge.

Ramiz: Did she believe you?

Ezel: She did

Ramiz: Because you told her the truth.

Ezel: It is the most right way to convince someone uncle. (then he sees Tefo) He is here! Did you believe you?

Ramiz: No wonder you are so good, you do things now that makes me back off from you.

Ezel: You are the one who plays with Ali like a mouse and cat uncle. I just changed the end.

Ramiz: Whatever Ramiz lived thru, you wanted him to live the same too. You wanted him to trust Tefo just like that. How ever Omer believed in Ali you wanted him to believe in him too. You wanted him to think he can be free; you wanted him to think he will have a new life. Just like you wanted, the reason is not death, it is understating then dying. You found a better way huh?

Ezel: After seen that man uncle, I saw that man when I was Omer too. At the store, at the court house and now he is here again. What they did then to Omer, I think they want to do it to me now.

Ramiz: And you want them to do so nephew

Ezel: Eh, I want them to do so, they should do so but I want to see every step they take to do this.

Ramiz: So you found a way nephew, tell me the truth, tell the truth. Did Omer feel sorry for Ali or Ezel found a better way? Why did you call me last minute saying don't shoot, don't shoot?

Ezel: Maybe both uncle, but if we have done this to Ali we would not have any man inside there anymore. If they are playing a new game, this time we wont be apart from it because of you.

Ramiz: I was just a worker, I was looking for Tefo at the train, instead saying shoot him, I said don't shoot him. That is all

Ezel: If Tevik stands up straight again, if he doesn't forget who he is betraying in the middle of the game then it will show that he is working for us like crazy. Without him noticing either.

Ramiz: Alright what about you? are you aware who you are betraying and why nephew?

Ezel: You know about the things that cannot be missed right uncle? One day will come and we will see that all of us is betraying someone.


Sebnam and Kamil

Sebnam: Please make Kamil better God, please. I will never speak too much, after I wont be late for work too. As long as he gets better, I will do everything right. I won’t spend a lot of money, I won’t do anything. As long as he gets better, I will be a better person too.

Kamil: Sebnam...

Sebnam: Kamil!

Kamil: quiet a little...please quiet

Sebnam: Kamil, you are living! You are living. I promise I won’t do anything bad anymore. Thank you God.

Kamil: Sebnam

Sebnam: Tell me I am listening Kamil

Kamil: If everyone ok? Nothing happened to anyone right? No one died right?

Sebnam: It was a tough two days Kamil brother, I will tell you later. But at the end, no one died.


Ezel Episode 13 Part 12 Last One

Serdar reads the letter Eysan’s aunt wrote and then he increases her dosage of drugs then he leaves


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 14 Ian 2010, 2:04 pm

Ezel Episode 14 Part 1

So this episode’s name is “First Sin”

Ramiz: My most beautiful day has three men. If I ........One is you, the other is him and the third one is the other. The other two are my enemies....but when it comes to you... (the door knocks a man comes inside)...when it comes to you, you write and I read. Even if you are my enemy, I am still scared. What a disappointment, we have many days together. Yours, mine our beautiful days...when it comes to you, you are sailing those days.

Ezel: I’m sorry for your lost
Cengiz: Thank you Ezel.

Ramiz: my most beautiful day has three men, one is your, the second is the other one and the third is the other one. Both of them are my enemies but when it comes to you (ezel talks as soon as he says this)

Ezel: I miss you very much

Ramiz: We are not even enemies. 20 years, you haven’t changed a lot Mr. Lawyer. The sides you take

Lawyer: The person I work for, wanted me to give you these myself. (ramiz looks at the picture and he talks) that coffee time you went for breakfast, that one is the cinema with friend, ah also she/he have done something there. he/she fought with the friend there. and that one is the sitting room, from now on this is all it can be. And this one is the day you know.

Ramiz: Mr. Lawyer, are you sure you are on the right side?

Lawyer: Ah, also she/he (I think it’s a she) actually wanted me to ask you something. What is the feeling like? The people you love going away from your hands? Everything is knowing Ramiz uncle’s with no remedy? No, not to me, when the time comes you can tell her/him!

Ramiz: When the time comes, I will tell you too!

Lawyer: what is the feeling like uncle not knowing when the time comes?

Then he leaves but Tefo comes in

Ramiz: Don't forget Tefo, the sin that is written on grave, do whatever you do but it’s still sin.


At the cemetery

Cengiz: You were saying, you wont return anymore Ali but death makes us very close right?

Ali: *** Cengiz!

Cengiz: If you just do one work in a right way! That is the only job of yours Ali.

Eysan: Aunt
Mother: Eysan, I am sorry for your lost daughter
Eysan: Thank you aunty
Mother: Eysan, your aunt called yesterday but now it’s not in a hurry. Come on day and we will talk.
Eysan: alright

Then she is about to go to Omer’s grave

Cengiz: You cannot stay far right? Eh he is the father of your child.

She leaves

Cengiz: Ali, we are going to Omer. Aren’t you coming? Oh what is it? or you are scared if he wakes up in his grave and hits your mouth?

Ali: If I stay a little longer, I am scared to do that to your mouth!

Cengiz: don't be scared, it is not something you haven’t done. The real thing you haven’t done is what you haven’t done for Omer.

Then he leaves

Ezel: Aunty!
Mother: Ezel?
Ezel: How are you?
Mother: do you also know that my Omer is sleeping here too? Come on help me we should go to him huh?
Father: Ezel has work to do, I will take you
Mother: No, I am used to go without you anyways.

As they walk toward Omer’s grave

Mother: Do you know how I went thru without Omer? I came here everyday sitting and crying. I did it this way, the child who they said died was still by my side this way.

Ezel: Mother

Mother: for years! Every day I prayed above his head. But he was alive and not dead. It was just that he was away from me.

Ezel: I didn't go away by your side mom, you kicked me out. I didn't leave you.

Mother: before even if I kicked you out you would still come. I call you and you don't come. You have left to worry for me for a long time...

Ezel Episode 14 Part 2

Mother: he didn't return to us
Ezel: mother

Cengiz: Ezel!

Mother: they are calling you?
Ezel: Yes mother...mother...

Then he calls Tefo

Ezel: Tefo, yesterday the man with Cengiz, did you find out who he is?
Tefo: No, not yet
Ezel: Don't worry, it will soon

Ali: Before he comes, shall I dig another grave by Omer for him?

Cengiz: I have not decided on that part yet.

Ali: Weird, why?

Cengiz: Why? Shall I tell you? I don't have anyone left who loves me in this world! Come on come closer you two or else the partner will think we are upset to one another.

Ezel: I hope I am not coming in between you all?

Cengiz: No

Ezel: I know you four (including Omer he says) are very close

Cengiz: It’s ok, not we four of us are very close.


Serdar and the man

Serdar: Oh you came, have some...
Man: I didn't come for such thing.
Serdar: For real, I thought you wouldn’t come. Why did you come?
Man: I came to take revenge.
Serdar: This man? (shows him the picture)
Man: Yes, this man turned my life into darkness.


Back to the cemetery

Ali: is there any news?
Tefo: So far no.
Ali: This uncle, would he leave us alone? I think he wont leave us too Tefo, are you aware of that right? Outside is full of forks ( he is talking about ezel and the others). From now on, your life is in my hand and mind in yours. Is there more? I think there is no too, drive!


Cengiz gets a phone call

Cengiz: I am listening, you have one minute left from last time and I started already.
Serdar: I am in our store
Cengiz: If you don't have important things to say..
Serdar: Ya I was saying when you come here, can you bring me a bag with you?
Cengiz: What bag?
Serdar: Hand bag, don’t get a expensive one, it is not for me. I will give it to someone.
Cengiz: Who are you going to give Serdar?
Serdar: To someone who will tell me about Ezel. He has everything inside
Cengiz: what would he tell us about him that we don't know?
Serdar: When you bring the bag, we will learn

Then he opens the window

Ezel: even at a funeral work?
Cengiz: I wont leave work even at my own funeral.
Ezel: I can guess Cengiz. You are going thru a lot for this Hotel, but you will see the end you will get something very good.
Cengiz: I hope so, I am doing something that I haven’t done to others. I trust you.

Then he leaves

Bahar: Trust me, he has a plan.
Ezel: I guess you haven’t slept well? You look pale a little.
Bahar: I did sleep well for the last two days, but I cant sleep much
Ezel: Why?
Bahar: I am sleeping like someone is hugging me in my dreams. But when I open there is no one. Very sad, and then I think its for real but its not.
Ezel: If you just know what the person is after, trust me you don't want to deal with it
Bahar: but I make the decision. Can you do me a good thing Ezel?
Ezel: tell me

Bahar: can you bring my sister to me?


Ezel and Eysan

Eysan: I want to stand myself, don't misunderstand me I cannot expect more for the yesterday.

Ezel: What do you mean?

Eysan: cengiz cheated on me Ezel, and I wanted to do the same. At that moment there was you that is it. I am really sorry

Ezel: Why aren’t you looking at my face?

Eysan: how?

Ezel: Why aren’t you looking inside my eyes? Why are you trying to go?

Eysan: Ezel leave me alone, at least leave me alone here.

Ezel: If you tell me the truth I will let you go, why are you getting mad at me? why are you running away? Eysan!

Eysan: She died because of us! My aunt died because of us! Because of me, because I betrayed my loved one that is why she died. Do you understand me? I don't want you, because wanting you will kill the ones I love.

Ezel: You are not mad at that, you are running away from something else.

Eysan: What are you saying?

Ezel: When you kissed me did you even care about the world? Huh? Whatever happen to anyone, tell the truth!

Eysan: Sure I cared

Ezel: While Bahar and Can sleeping were you thinking of me or them? And the you got your aunt’s news about her death, did you get upset? Sure you did! But it wasn’t in your hand, that pleasure was not in your hand.

Eysan: No that is not true

Ezel: Yes it is, it is not in your hands. Regret, blaming yourself, everything is a story. The feeling you have, will always bring you here to me.

Eysan: Why? Why Ezel?

Ezel: Because that thing, that thing is stronger than both of us Eysan. That thing is stronger than death!

Eysan: What do you want from me?

Ezel: When I call you, I want you to leave everything and come to me!

Eysan: No

She walks away

Ezel: Yes


At the casino

Ali: We gave everything to uncle, but there is no stopping Tefo. I didn't come back here for nothing, I will win back everything if needed from the beginning. First lets go in between them!

Tefo: What is the plan?

Ali: Plan Tefo? For now is not to die!

Tefo: Good idea

They go inside

Cengiz: Ah, come, come but don't shoot anyone. Too much blood is here now.

Serdar: You found your place

Cengiz: Tefo you go check downstairs (then Ali with her hand holds him) Or stay, but after talking about everything we will end up shooting you.

Tefo goes out

Cengiz: I gave Serdar 5 minutes but he wants 24 hours

Ali: for what?

Serdar: In 24 hours I will find the weakest point/side of Ezel and bring it to you.

Ali: See Cengiz has given you the man’s file, the man doesn't have a weakness or anything.

Serdar: It is not in this file, but what about before?

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 14 Ian 2010, 2:07 pm

Ezel Dizisi Kanal Deðiþtirdi.

Ýzlenme rekorlarý kýran dizi "Ezel" Show TV'den ayrýldý.

Kenan Ýmirzalýoðlu'nun baþrolünü oynadýðý Ezel dizisinin Show TV'den ATV'ye transfer olduðu iddia edildi. Bu sezon sadece Show TV'de deðil tüm kanallar içinde en çok izlenen yapým olan Ezel'in yapýmcýlýðýný Ay Yapým üstleniyor.

Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 85571391Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Ki2vEzel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Ki3
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 59523976

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 6 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

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