Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Pbucket

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Pbucket
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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de iulia80 Lun 01 Mar 2010, 10:10 pm

buna seara fetelor...
nu urmaresc serialul ezel ..mai vad ceva secevnte in episoadele subtritate in engleza..
ai vazut in promo-ul la ep 2o la 0:22 secunde... Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 756436
cred ca de asta era ea bucuroasa in poze!

Mesaje : 3977
Data de inscriere : 11/10/2009
Varsta : 44
Localizare : iasi

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mar 02 Mar 2010, 12:08 pm

Günün magazin turu


Son dönemin en popüler dizilerinden biri olan "Ezel"in kadrosuna yepyeni bir isim katılıyor.'un haberine göre, güzel ve başarılı oyuncu Burçin Terzioğlu, dizi ekibinin bir parçası olmaya hazırlanıyor.

Eşi Murat Yıldırım'a rakip olacak

Eşi Murat Yıldırım'ın "Suç ve Ceza" dizisiyle ilgi çektiği şu günlerde, güzel oyuncu da Ezel dizisiyle eşine rakip olacak. Dizinin ünlü karakteri Ramiz Dayı'nın yurt dışından gelen kızını canlandıracak olan Burçin Terzioğlu, önümüzdeki günlerde diziye dahil olacak Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 9um1if

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de Mar 02 Mar 2010, 3:29 pm
membru activ
membru activ

Mesaje : 162
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Mier 03 Mar 2010, 12:05 am

il pun ca se vede f bine

Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Lun 08 Mar 2010, 1:36 pm

Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Sd0efr Ezel sezon sonu bitecek mi? Milyonları ekran başına kilitleyen dizi Ezel önce kanal değiştirdi sonra da hakkında öyle bir söylenti çıktı ki izleyenler üzülecek.

Kenan İmirzalıoğlu ve Cansu Dere’nin başrollerini paylaştığı izlenme rekorları kıran Ezel dizisi bu sezon ekranlara veda mı ediyor?

Milyonları ekran başına kitleyen 'Ezel' dizisi geçtiğimiz hafta bir değişikliğe uğrayıp Show Tv'de olan yayınına Atv'de devam etmeye başlamıştı. İzleyici tam buna alışmışken şimdi de Ezel'in bu sezon sonunda biteceği haberleri kulaktan kulağa dolaşıyor. Çıkan dedikodulara göre Ay Yapım'ın üstlendiği dev yapım 'Ezel' bu sezon sonunda dizi senaristleri tarafından bitirilecek eylül başında da film olarak vizyonlarda olacak.
Bu haber 409 kez okundu.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Lun 08 Mar 2010, 3:22 pm

Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 F_8m_43be46c
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 F_11m_7c36734
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 750l0ks2etwzc98uzlxu
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 4e9ee3343d22404e73c54a281f26b655
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 D60c9439a902ed86913410ecd3d36e27
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 1b489c4741a8277ce9d85cb2ef934b9b
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 6aa7aac1bc43b0e207a68bdbc1cb7baa

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Lun 08 Mar 2010, 3:27 pm

michiper68 a scris:[ Ezel sezon sonu bitecek mi?

This is a rumor. It talks about the possibility of ending Ezel at the end of the season and shooting a movie for the fall time. I don't know if it is true or not. It might be an old rumor.

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Lun 08 Mar 2010, 7:33 pm

DENISA a scris:
michiper68 a scris:[ Ezel sezon sonu bitecek mi?

This is a rumor. It talks about the possibility of ending Ezel at the end of the season and shooting a movie for the fall time. I don't know if it is true or not. It might be an old rumor.
multumesc denisa. eu aici l-am gasit, articolul.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de Mar 09 Mar 2010, 3:31 pm

Buna ziua.
In ep.20,actiunea filmului a inceput sa ia o alta turnura,
o parte din actiune se petrece in afara granitei in Rusia,
unde intra in actiune mafia ruseasca,si unde apare si Ezer(burcin Terzioglu).

Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Secilenlerezel18bolum9d
membru activ
membru activ

Mesaje : 162
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mier 10 Mar 2010, 8:12 am

Ezel üzerine yapılmış çarpıcı tespit

Ezel'i yazan Mesut Yar, "Güven üstüne kurulan öyküye bakar mısınız?" diye soruyor

10 Mart 2010 / 07:36:27

Mesut Yar / Posta

Oyun içinde oyun, kamera içinde kamera. Ezel (atv) böyle iç içe geçmiş haliyle gaza bastı önceki akşam. Bir de yeni karakter girdi diziye; Azad...

Önce Dayı’nın erkek çocuğu sandık. Sonra kızı olduğunu öğrendik. O da şimdilik. Dizide kimi kiminle örtüştürsek tam tersi oluyor. Neyse...

Kamera içinde kameraya bir bakalım. Ay yapım Aşk-ı Memnu’nun Beşir’inden sonra ikinci bir kameraman soktu hayatımıza; Tefo. Ve fakat kardeşimiz öyle başarılı ki, saatte on mil hızıyla kovalamaca yaşarken elindeki kamera titremiyor bile...

Böylesi bir yetenekle Oscar’a yürür insan. Hakikaten dakikalarca süren bir kovalamaca sahnesi, Azad’ın hayatının kurtarılması belgeseline dönüşüyor...

Sonra o belgesel bir şekilde Ezel’e seyrettiriliyor ve adamımız Dayı’nın kendisinden sakladığı bir kızı olduğunu öğreniyor. Sorsanız sonsuz güven ilişkisi üzerine kurulmuş bir dizi bu...

Alfabetik sırayla gidelim; ilk önce Ali, Cengiz ve Eyşan, onlara en çok güvenen arkadaşları Ömer’i satıyor. Onları organize eden Serdar da satılanlar sırasına giriyor....

Sonra Ezel çıkıyor ortaya. Cengiz, Ali’yi satıyor. Ali de Cengiz’i. Ve Eyşan sırasıyla Ali, Cengiz ve babası Serdar’ı satıyor...

Sonra Serdar hepsini birden satıyor. Son olarak Ezel Dayı’yı, Dayı da Ezel’i sınıyor. Güven yumağı olmuş herkes peh peh peh...

Böyle düşününce yaşanan her anı kameraya alıp belgelemek lazım. Yok, yok; Tefo doğrusunu yapıyor galiba!

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Mier 10 Mar 2010, 8:14 am

azad o cheama pe burcin in film, dar in articol nu e trecut numele ei , nici nu o baga in seama, nu stiu de ce o critica, poate o scot repede ca a alergat mult si e epuizata.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Sam 13 Mar 2010, 1:52 pm

Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Ezel7

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de teodora_roman Sam 13 Mar 2010, 2:13 pm

Eu sper sa o tina pe Burcin pana la sfarsit in film, si dupa ce se termina sa ii mai gaseasca ceva de facut, eventual demontat decoruri sau ceva si sa o alerge si mai mult. Asta ca sa fie epuizata cand ajunge acasa si sa nu ii vina idei sa ii toarne bebei lui Murat. kiss

Mesaje : 779
Data de inscriere : 02/02/2010
Localizare : România, Cluj-Napoca

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Sam 13 Mar 2010, 2:17 pm

Ezel Episode 16 Part 10 [last part]

Ezel: Who did it? Who did it?

Ezel: Ali?

Ezel: Did I Ali do it?
Tefo: Ali, did it.

Tefo: The police was gonna come. I told him that I gonna take care of the police. "You go" I said. I gonna tell them that he shot himself.

Tefo: That it was a suicide. Ali has his guys, they were gonna take care.

Ezel: How did it happen?
Tefo: Ali send me for the sleeping bag, meanwhile Eren saw the cassette.

Tefo: It happened by accident.

Ezel: Did he die?

Mother: Omer, what happened?

Tefo: I didn't want. God, I didn't want. Help me.

Ramiz: Stop, stop!

Ramiz: It's not over yet. I need you. And this time to save life. Did you understand?!

Ezel: Now I know... to be close never means to be together.

Ezel: The price of wanting the impossible it's not to be able to say goodbye to what you want.

Ezel: Now I know, the price of having a revenge is never again to come back home.

Man: Was it a homicide?

Doc: No, a suicide. The kid was a psychopath.

Doc: His father was murdered and the kid lost his mind. The police was looking for him already. It was expected.

Doc: Are you relatives to Erel K.?

Ezel: Yes, we are his relatives.

Doc: Hit.

Doc: This one is the luckiest tonight.

Doc: That means that you owe me 200 lira.

Doc: You can close.

Doc assist: Is he gonna live?

Doc: After 12 knife strikes? Yes, it looks like he's gonna live.

Ali: Is it true?

Ali: Did that happen?

Ali: Did I do that?

Ali: Ok,enough! Why am I still breathing?! Why I am still alive?! This kid died. Why I am alive?

Ali: Did I do it?

Ezel: It wasn't only you.
Ali: How it's gonna be fixed? How it's gonna be fixed?...

Ali: Isn't there a way?
Ezel: There is. There is a way for everything.

Ezel: You weren't gonna die. You didn't have any fault. You said that I left. Forgive me, Eren.

Ezel: I didn't see it, Eren. It's all of us.. not only they... I went so deep into that thing. It looks like we're all dead. But now I know.... I know what's

my destiny. I thought that I could go back. Stupid Omer! Stupid Ezel! But I understood. I have to stop them! In order to stop them, I need to open my arms.
I need to hug them. After that when we are all laughing together, I have to jump down with them. We are all poisoned. I have to stop us all.Now I understood.

It's not only my revenge. I have to make them pay for you too.

Ezel: There is no longer a return home.

Ezel Episode 17 Part 1

The title of this episode is


Ali: The keys?

Cengiz: Here, boss. You deserve it.

Ali: No, I don't.

Cengiz: You felt bad for the kid.
Ali: No, I didn't.

Cengiz: Don't worry. You'll forget it in a week.
Ali: No, I won't.

Ali: You?
Tefo: Bro, please excuse me for a week.

Tefo: Just one week. Excuse me for a week.

Ali: After that?
Tefo: After that I'll take the gun again.

Ali: Maybe it had to happen. One of the sniffers is gone, but the other is left. The sniffing around uncle.

Tefo: Don't do anything stupid till I come. okay! ok?

Ali: Tefo, it almost happened. Didn't it? With Eren... it was gonna be a different thing.

Tefo: It almost happened.

Tefo: Is it over?
Kamil: No.

Tefo: Because of Eren?

Tefo: Are you staying?
Kamil: For now I am staying.

Tefo: I am asking for a week permission from Ezel. It is necessary.

Kamil: I'll tell him.

Sebnam: Are you gonna come back after that?Be careful. Ok?! Are we gonna start everything from the beginning again?

Kamil: Does it start in any other way?

Sebnam: I don't like this game. What kind of game is that? Everyone loses, no one wins. Everyone is sad.

Sebnam: We are unhappy.
Kamil: Is there any other way of getting a revenge?!

Sebnam: But this is not our revenge. It's his.
Kamil: When he took us we need him a lot.

Ramiz: You, you....Since we last saw each other, you've grown up a lot, my old friend.Since we saw each other I've gotten old, I've gotten small.
While I was inside, sentenced... You, you were sentenced outside...Although, I got inside bad... but inside I understood the people. you were a good kid....

You were a good kid but....You lost your human face.Ok, I hurt you... but now you've become bad from head to toes.I was meaning to say.... I was meaning to

say that now you're strong, young... You can knock me down.Pray for... Pray for this to finish here. Because if it doesn't ... if you don't knock me down
I don't gonna look at the present, at the past. I started this and I am not going to leave it unfinished.

I won't leave unfinished!, I won't leave unfinished!, I won't leave unfinished!

Ramiz: Did you settle it with your friends?
Tefo: Uncle,who cares about me?

Ramiz: Take care of this job and I will, nephew. First Rome. You are going without anything. When you get to the hotel, you are going to take the entrusted

person and the instructions.

Tefo: This job doesn't look either entrusted, or with instructions.

Ramiz: It can't. Both of them can't. Besides them, there has to be a heart also.

Tefo: And this is what I don't have.

Ramiz: You have, nephew. You have a heart of a dead man. This is what we need for this job.

Tefo: Is it enough?
Ramiz: It's not. For this job we need two dead men.

Tefo: Who is the second guy? Do I know him?

Ramiz: A little bit. In fact, you don't know him at all.

Cengiz: Partner..

Ezel: Partner...

Cengiz: Nice place. Should we get an office already? We gonna squeeze the stingy ones

Ezel: To be stingy, first you need to have money. But you gave me all of yours.

Cengiz: I say that the one that is coming doesn't teach the one that's going.Why did you call me here early morning?

Ezel: We came to hire an employee.

Cengiz: What are gonna do? Are we gonna choose dogs for the construction site?

Ezel: The press relations. Look, he is coming.

Cengiz: Are you talking about Mert? Is he gonna work with us?

Ezel: When I was coming in the morning, I offered him. At first, he fought but then he accepted. He is trustworthy, he is practically a family. He knows the press well. And he is a smart kid.

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Sam 13 Mar 2010, 2:29 pm

Ezel Episode 17 part 2

Ezel: He is considered a family. And he knows well the press. Besides, he is a smart kid, ambitious. Once he sets his mind on sth. he doesn't let go. It will be of our interest to keep him close.

Cengiz: Mart, How did you agree? what's gonna happen to the journalism?

Mart: I actually, wasn't going to, but Ezel said that I am going to work closely with you. You are so successful, right?! I thought that...maybe being inside I'll learn too how you became like that and accepted.

Eysan: Everything?.... This house too? The hotel? Everything?! Can's fund? That one one too? Ismal, talk!

Ismal: Yes, Ms.

Eysan: How long is going to continue? 1 year?! 2 years?

Ismal: All along. Little by little... I was going to come to you, but you don't know the way Mr. Cengiz is.

Eysan: I actually know a little bit how he is... But I don't really know very much about you. Where were you from?! Don't look at me like this! Where are
you coming from?

Ismal: From Afyon, Ms.

Eysan: I know it. I've been there with my father.

Eysan: My advise to you is to go back home. No one will hire you in this sector anymore. The banks won't even give you a credit card.For the rest of your life you won't be even able to practice as an accountant! One more thing... You're fired. Don't even try to say anything to my husband. I am going to surprise him.

Sebnam: Did you take him in order to be close to you?

Ezel: Do you mean Mert? Not exactly, but at least for now...If he's gonna do something, at least to do it in front of me.

Sebnam: Ezel, what are we gonna do now?

Ezel: The thing that we first thought of doing. Ali's end is clear. His story started with a fight, and it's going to end with a fight.. One day our roads will meet. One of us will stay, the other will go.

Sebnam: Are you talking about killing?

Ezel: I'm talking about walking off. At the end, Eyshan will let go of everything and will come to me. When she comes, she'll see Omer in front of her.
She'll give up on him.

Sebnam: What about Cengiz?
Ezel:He is next.

Ezel: Before we couldn't do it quietly, but now he is on bad terms with Ali, and with Eyshan.Now we can get rid of him with one shot.

Sebnam: Don't scare me. What kind shot?

Ezel: By stepping on top of their blood footprints. I'll deceive Cengiz setp by step.He'll finally understand what he did to Omer. Because whatever Omer
went through, he'll experience it one thing after another.

Sebnam: But why is it so important?

Ezel: Because this type of story is like that. No one know the whole truth.

Ezel: While they learn, I'll find out about each one. Which one is true, which one is Ali, which one is Cengiz, which one Eysan.

Omer (Ezel): Eysan, are you inside?

Eysan: Just a minute, Omer. I'm dressing up.

Omer: I have a present for you.
Eysan: What kind of?

Omer: Mm...I don't know. I made it myself in the workshop. Did you say something?

Eysan: I said that I'm curious about my present.

Omer: Should I come?

Eysan: Not yet.

Omer: Come on, I missed you.
Eysan: Me too. I missed you a lot too, my love.

Eysan: Your hands were bleeding?!
Omer: It happen while I was making it. Is it nice?

Eysan: Very nice. Thank you. That's the best present I ever got in my life.

Man: The next item is a very valuable museum piece a gorgeous coral emerald anklet. For centuries seen by queens & kings as an item of seduction.

Cengiz: Is this one, isn't it?! Look, this is an item suitable for a queen. This is my anniversary gift. How is it? Did you like it?

Eysan: Isn't it a little bit too expensive?!

Man: I am opening the bid of this exclusive item at 100 thousand. And there is 100 thousand. We have 120 thousand.

Cengiz: Deffinitely!

There is 140.

Cengiz: It won't escape Cengiz Atay.

Ali: Can that guy run away from Ali K. ?
Man: He can't, bro.

Ali: Let's be realistic. He can run. If he runs, when returns can this snake slide by?!

Man: He can... he can't, bro.

Ali: Come on, let's find the daddy.

Man: We have 200 thousand.

Cengiz: You're sure, right? This time will soften.
Ezel: I am sure, but do you have that much money?

Cengiz: Don't talk nonsense. Of course not.

Man: Thank you to the sir in the front, 250 thousand lira. Do we have more than 250? I am selling it for 250. This rare piece is going for 250 thousand.

Man: 300 thousand lira from the Mr. in the back.

Eysan: What are you doing, Cengiz?! Come to your senses.

Cengiz: I'm going to buy it for you.

Man: We 350 thousand in the front.

Ali: The nurse said Serdar T., right?
Man: Look, this is his ID.

Ezel: Should I buy it for you?

Bahar: Cengiz is right, it suits my sister. Besides, I am not about money and stuff... Don't pull out your hand from me, that's enough for me.

Eysan: What are you doing?! I don't want it.

Cengiz: I gonna get it! You want it!

Ezel Episode 17 Part 3

Man: I am selling it! I am selling it

Cengiz: you sold it! Sold it! Partner, you will give me some money right?

Man: 350...the man on the phone

Cengiz: what phone? Which man?

Man: 400...

Ezel: Cengiz its not worth it since you don't have much.

Cengiz: Partner, I will make this ok. Eysan wants this very much. I will get it!

Man: 450.. I am selling it

Cengiz: what am I going to do now?

Ezel: you can’t win now.

Man: sold! Sold!

Ezel: Eysan, would you have came with me?

Eysan: You will never know.

Man: sold! I sold it to the man on the phone for 450...

Ezel: maybe this man needed this more than you.


Ali goes to the room, thinking its Serdar in there...

Man: father? You came?


Ali: we did everything, and he is still alive! Find him son! Find it and press on him! come on go in the car.

Man: when we find him, shall we bring him to the place? If you want you can cut him huh?

Ali: are you still talking to Karpetan Ali son?

Man: No, who are you now brother?

Ali: Eh me son, I am boss Ali!

Serdar: Drive!

Driver; Where brother?

Serdar: you just drive...

Driver: Ok, are you cold brother? Do you want me to open the heater?

Serdar: open it. Open it


Ezel and Cengiz

Cengiz: Partner, I am not sure about you yet.

Ezel: It’s ok, your not done yet Cengiz.

Cengiz: Ya brother she is cold toward me for the last one week. Ezel whatever I do is not working. I said go, its not happening, I say don't go and beg her, it still don't work! It’s like she is getting away in my hands. You know, it’s ok if she yells and screams, but she doesn't do that. It’s very bad. Show me a away come on, show me a way so that she will look at me.

Ezel: You don't worry, it will happen.


Bahar and Eysan

Man; Excuse me, your Eysan Atay?

Eysan: Yes

Man: This is yours.

Bahar: What is this?

She sees the ankle

Eysan: It’s nothing. (reads the text message) “another chance?” (from Ezel)


Then she goes back to time 1995

Eysan: Aunt, we could have returned with the taxi.

Aunt; why shall we return with taxi? I have a car like a tiger thank God. Don't laugh, do you know how many years that car has carried me?

Then they go to the mechanic

Aunt: excuse me....

Eysan: hello

Aunt: Is it fine? I am saying the car, is it fine now?

Omer: Brother she is here!
Ali: Ah the apple girl, the one at the shopping...
Omer: What shall I do brother? Look at me, shall I go home and change?
Ali: ah, I have a suit at the back, go wear it and come... eh you will go and talk to her son! I don't know! Ask her for a coffee place or desert.
Omer: her aunt is with her now, wouldn’t that be a shame? Alright I am going
Ali: So
Omer: I am going...I going

Then Ali takes him...

Ali: Sister, I have made your car like a monster again! A monster! Look at the noise, Omer son go turn it on. Omer, go son, go to the car....listen to it sister, listen to the voice now. eh turn it on!


Ali: Come, come, and come press it! Come here...turn it on again Omer. Press it! ok put it in 2, we will push it! Come sister, you come too. Nothing will happen. Huh it’s working now! Go in the car too! Go! Go! get in! Huh there you go!

Aunt: Come on Ali...

Ali: See it’s like a monster now, I just have to take care of the stop thing...


Eysan and Omer

Omer: Eysan

Eysan: did you say something?

Omer: I was going to say

Eysan: what were you going to say?

Omer: I was going to say if you got used to the street area here.

Eysan: You cant stop the car right?

Omer: Yes, what are we going to do?

Eysan: We can play a game

Omer: What game?

Eysan: like we have been to a place very far from here. Like we have picked all of our stuff and went away!

Omer: how can such thing happen!.. look, look what I just saw a big thing...

Eysan: I saw it! saw it! follow it!


Back in time..2010 Istanbul

Bahar: sister, have you notice the difference in Ezel?
Eysan: No, what is it?

Bahar: I don't know, its like he is more...

Ezel episode 17 Part 4

Bahar: He is more like brighter.

Eysan: how brighter? Like a light bulb?

Bahar: uf sister don't joke! You wont laugh though alright? I am already spoiling. I am going to tell you. its like he is in love.

Eysan: Your right, I have noticed too.

Bahar: you’ve noticed right?


At the casino

Cengiz: Let’s go to a clam place I will tell you something. It’s secret.

Ali: Oh, look who is here. The old boss of this place.

Ezel: the suit suits you Ali.

Ali: It’s Italian! 2010! Not dollar, in Euro!

Cengiz: We will go to the other table a little

Ali; it’s not open, joking! Joking! A little though! Ezel, this week coming up there is a big game, shall I count you in?

Ezel: how big?

Ali: It’s nothing for you, but one of them is very good. He needs to learn something.

Ezel: Isn’t that Cengiz’s job?

Ali: No, Cengiz just continues. You’re good, your cards are good and your words are as well.

Ezel: And I don't run from fighting...

Ali: You don't

Ezel: if you are selling Cengiz, I am cool with that.

Ali: I sold it and it’s gone!

Then Sebnam comes...

Ali: No drink for me?

Sebnam: If I don't, would you shoot me in my mouth?

Ali: You remember it well, I gave you the double. What was missing from me that you went to his side?

Sebnam: He is on the good side.

Ali: Huh, I always thought women like bad man.

Sebnam: women are attracted to the mens they can make them good.

Ali: Eh, look at me, isn’t there any hope from me?


Ezel and Cengiz

Cengiz: I think my wife is cheating on me.

Ezel: With who?

Cengiz: If I knew, would I have been here?

Ezel: How do you know?

Cengiz: I don't know, I know it from there. You don't know Eysan, she cheats on you without even noticing. She will cheat and your soul won’t hear it! (the phone rings)

Eysan: Are we going to meet?

Ezel: Sure, can I get the address? (to Cengiz) Because your soul hasn’t heard it, is that why you think she is cheating on you?

Cengiz: there is something in her right?

Eysan: coffee? No not there

Cengiz: I am being nonsense right?

Eysan: Somewhere closer to home, kids park?

Cengiz: I am eating my own head right? There is no such thing

Ezel: alright, thank you...(hangs up the phone) sure there isn’t!

Cengiz: I cant get a card too!

Ezel: Let’s change the cards, lets see what will happen if we change its’ place.

Goes back to 1995


Eysan, Omer and Cengiz

Omer: here, eat this too. I am not going to eat it.

Eysan: no I don't want it

Omer: no, Wallahi eat it

Eysan: I am full

Omer: Pardon, I am going to get water....(goes to Cengiz) son say something

Cengiz: Pretty woman, why did she accept going out with you man?

Omer: son, say something, I thought you are something! I cannot talk, what will I say?

Cengiz: first calm down yeah! Wait a minute, where is she from?

Omer: this? I will say where is your hometown?

Cengiz: Calm down! Alright! I understand! (sees her play with her hair) Alright, see how she is trying o fix her hair...Ayse! Ayse come here... alright now you go.

Girl: what are you doing?

Cengiz: give this to her, tell her to put this on. Go on. Go.

Ayse: Give back my clip!

Cengiz: Come on Ayse! Bring back the clip if it doesn't help...

Omer: Here, put this on if you want.

Eysan: Very nice, where did you find this?

Omer: Ayse...umm actually I had it. once my hair was very long.

Eysan: Really? Do you have a picture?

Omer: no, but I have a small picture, you want to see it?

Eysan: I want to.

Cengiz; are you going to give money to the girl? Don't do that son!

Cengiz: Son, are you trying to get me or the girl?

Omer: It is working man! Working! I showed her the picture, I said I have to go pick up Mart from school and she asked if she could come with me.

Cengiz: So?

Omer: Ya, now I asked her for here, if she comes with me would that be too much huh?

Cengiz: oh yea sure, say “no” say “let’s meet next month”

Omer: I am being nonsense right? I don't know, what is going on with me?

Cengiz: Say “ I am going to pick up Mart, come with me”

Omer: to the park, shall I take her there?

Cengiz: Not with me, I take girls to the bar.

Omer: then why am I taking her to a park?

Cengiz; son it’s 50/50. If a girl is from a very soft and good family she wants a bad boy, but if she has done things and went thru everything then she wants a good boy from a good family. Its 50/50. Either the park or bar.

Omer: Son, the girl is good! She is like an angle.

Ayse: Cengiz brother give me the clip, my hair is bad.
Cenhiz: Ayse alright!...yes!

Eysan: Excuse me, we didn't eat this, can we get some napkins?

Then she walks out again and leaves the hair clip on Cengiz’s table..

Girl: Cengiz brother give me my clip!

Cengiz: alright ayse! Alright, don't cry for this. we will buy you one! (then he sees it)...Ayse it is not possible for something to happen between us! I have found the woman of my life.

Ezel Episode 17 Part 5

Back to 2010...

Cengiz: (on the phone) She left? (hangs up) sorry Ezel, I got an emergency work to go. Ezel can I request something from you? can you go to this place with me? I am scared to go alone.

Ezel: Take Ali then, seems like more like Ali type

Cengiz: No, you’re not Ali. You are calmer. Beside you are my close friend ya.

Ezel: alright, if it’s ok with Ali I will come.


In the car...Cengiz and Ezel

Cengiz: so you are saying my wife is not cheating on me? partner my feelings are very strong too. I know my wife very well. Why do I feel this way then?

Ezel: Maybe because you want to, that is why.

Cengiz: to cheat on me?

Ezel: cheating...if it was someone else, you would have went and found that person and finished with everything. Then your wife will return to you.

Cengiz: What if there is no one?

Ezel: Then your wife is not going to anyone.

Cengiz: People should be scared of you...(calls) My dear wife, where are you? nothing I missed you! you said where are you?

Eysan: nothing I went to shopping.

Cengiz: shall I come to you? you know dinner?

Eysan: no, I am going to the park.

Cengiz: what are you going to do at the park?

Eysan: Can likes it, his friends are there.

He outs the phone on speaker..

Cengiz: Really? Is Can with you?

Eysan: he is dear.

Cengiz: Can I talk to him?

Eysan: he is eating his sandwich, can we call you later?

Cengiz: Alright dear, kissed for both of you and I love you both. (hangs up) I wish you were right partner, everything looked beautiful. Ah my angle face, devil inside lover.

Ezel: she is leaving, cant we follow her?

Cengiz: Can’t we forget this? Can’t we do like nothing happened?

Ezel: We can, or else we will find that man and burn his soul and finish it.


Ali and Sebnam

Sebnam: But your hands are huge! No space would be left for me!

Ali: Tell the truth, Ezel left you right? To watch me?

Sebnam: how did you know? Sebnam S. She is always on her duity.

Ali: what kind of man is your boss? I mean... tell him he shouldn’t tight you a lot. Don't you ever get any break?

Sebnam: I don't, my boss doesn't allow me.

Ali; I die for all the bosses!

Sebnam: it is easy for you to say. You have successes and became your own boss.

Ali: You be one too, I will make you a partner.

Sebnam: No, I am not smart enough. To all the smart ones!

Ali: shall we make something crazy with you?

Sebnam: how?

Ali: like random stuff...

Sebnam: I always loved it...

Ali: lets do crazy things. One day lets give break to this huh?

Sebnam: I can’t, if my boss hears this he will kill me.

Ali: I understand what if he doesn't hear it? What would he do?


At the park

Ezel: Cengiz, do you think your doing the right thing?

Cengiz: we did something very bad with her Ezel. She is not forgiving me and will never do.

Ezel: the thing you two did, who’s fault was it?

Cengiz: Both of us.

Ezel: Who’s idea was it though?

Cengiz: her, it was all her idea.

Ezel: It’s evening, the man won’t come. Then we shall go to her.

Cengiz: What are you doing?

Ezel: just think I always come to this park, after I see her by coincidence, and think I see her and take out from her mouth what’s going on.

Cengiz: You seriously would do that?

Ezel: (says yes with his head)

Cengiz: what kind of man are you Ezel? Partner after many years I am trusting someone. You have found a good man within me and took it out.

Ezel: then you two have talk and I will come back.

Cengiz: be careful, Eysan is very demon. Very

Ezel: don't take me that easy partner...

Eysan and Ezel

Ezel: If I were in your place, I would take it out. (kisses her) cengiz is here, he is watching us.

Eysan: Why?

Ezel: He thinks you are cheating on him with someone. And I am here to find out. Eh tell me, who are you cheating with?


Sebnam and ali

Sebnam: how do I look?

Ali: I don't know, if I knew about bikinis I would have measured you.

Sebnam: come on, come.

Ali: no, I don't go in there anymore.

Sebnam; Why? Or you don't know how to swim?

Ali: Let’s just say I have bad memories there.

Sebnam: Why? Did a girl break your heart in here? Eh I thought we were going to do something crazy! Aren’t we taking a break? Cant we do it about the past too?

Ali: you are right Sebnam, let’s do something crazy...

Sebnam: to today

Ali: let’s forget everything right? But I need help...(gets the drug)

Sebnam: I don't do such thing! Anymore.

Ali: we are resting girl! We forgot about the past.

Sebnam: Meaning?

Ali: Meaning this doesn't count.


Eysan and Ezel

Ezel: I have a friend, a lady. She has some problems I want your ideas.

Eysan: lately I am not in the position to help others.

Ezel: this woman’s you can help her. this woman has a happy marriage outside, she has a child, she has a husband who loves her, she has home, car, house...

Eysan: what is the woman’s problem?

Ezel: she notices in fresh that she has nothing! Her husband has cheated on her, he has lost everything, and he has lied and ate all the money. Meaning she doesn't have money anymore, she doesn't have anyone.

Eysan: no dear, it’s not that much. I think the man has told you too much.

Ezel: The man didn't tell me, I learned it myself. The woman’s father has left her, her aunt has died. The man she loved the most Omer..

Eysan: enough...

Continues in part 6


Ezel episode 17 Part 6

Ezel: her aunt has died, the man she loved the most Omer...

Eysan: enough now

Ezel: it means you haven’t forgiven me, no the woman is hiding the truth from omer.

Eysan: your being nonsense.

Ezel: ah I forgot, there is a man also in the woman’s life.

Eysan: Is this man free then? Doesn't he have a lover or something?

Ezel: There is.

Eysan: Hasn’t they lately came closer to each other?

Ezel: The man went to the girl’s life to get closer. Now he regret and is trying to back off. He is trying to win a friendship.

Eysan: But this is now how its seen far

Ezel: The man’s soul has only one place for one woman. lately the man is not thinking of anyone but her.

Eysan: Seem like more of a devote

Ezel: It is, the man wants the woman. He says leave everything and come to me.

Eysan: she can’t go, she cant go anywhere Ezel. Whatever the woman loves she has it here. She cannot go anywhere, no matter how much she wants to or not. That’s a dream.

Ezel: He knows it, the man knows it. as soon as he notices this, something comes to the woman’s mind.

Eysan: she shouldn’t do it, whatever she is thinking tell her not to do it!

Ezel: That is why she wants you to know, the woman realizes she doesn't have to go anywhere. She has done a lot, she doesn't need to start everything again from nothing. The only thing is that there is something she doesn't want and doesn't like in life. She want that one thing to go away..

Eysan: Cengiz

Ezel: I don't know, she didn't give me name. But she did say that if her husband back off, and this man comes in place. And that the hotel job was our, if he (Cengiz) backs off everything will be good!

Eysan: I don't want to hear this

Ezel: Eysan, I will be a lover to you, I will be a father to Can, and I will be a friend to Bahar. I will try hard but I will, your density is not Cengiz, it is me. That life of yours is waiting for me anyways. Didn't you notice from the beginning? Think about it Eysan, feel it. This life is waiting for both of us. Cengiz is extra.

Eysan: You are crazy, Cengiz is your friend.

Ezel: Not me Eysan, I don't care. He is so in love, his eyes don’t see anything.

Eysan: Even this woman? (Meaning herself)

Ezel: That’s love.

Goes back in she is wearing bride dress and Cengiz is there..

Cengiz: Eysan

Eysan: You don't like this too? Alright I will try another one.

Cengiz: Eysan stop, don't try any other. I can’t do it. I am sorry but I can’t do this. I won’t get marry, I cant do it...

He leaves then she cries...

Woman: move kids, daughter why are you crying?
Eysan: We were going to get marry tomorrow, he left me! He left me. I gave him all my money for the wedding, what am I going to do now
Woman: you don't cry now, we will find a solution huh..

Then Eysan with Cengiz...

Eysan: We did it! I did it!

Cengiz: What kind of upsetting was this girl? Even I was about to buy it! I said to myself “wait man, where are you going? I shall marry this girl”. But it was a joke, it was a game. What a game that was right?

Eysan: Cengiz, did you want this to be real?

Cengiz: how real? How is that going to happen?

Eysan: just like that, we will do bigger game, we will win more money.

Cengiz: Omer? What will happen to Omer?

Eysan: he won’t be aware of it.

Cengiz: how wouldn’t he? The man will come back in one month. What will he say when he did?

Eysan: He won’t say anything. It will be at a place where he can’t do anything. For example at jail!

Back to present time...

Eysan and Ezel

Eysan: I can’t do this...

Ezel: I shall tell you a story, but the story what the woman will do, she will do it today. No, no, don't tell me. Whatever is crossing your mind, she will tell it at this place tonight. He will be waiting for you. just like that...


Sebnam and Ali

Ali: what about Kamil

Sebnam: I have forgotten how he was..

Ali: Think that you day will be like this everyday.

Sebnam: no way, real life is already not good.

Ali: See Sebo real life is always like this with me. This is how it is at the store too Sebo. At the store there is money, no one asks anything! The home is good!

Sebnam: What about other things?

Ali: We missed it, we will say we made you wear the uniform with pressure.

Sebnam: no, this cant be.

Ali: Sebo! Sebo! Who are you convincing huh? Look around yourself. Look at yourself, is your place here or there?

Sebnam: where do I sing?

Ali: If it was before, I would have showed you were to sing with your finger. But Sebo now its different, when something is very easy and very simple I don't believe it. Thanks to uncle.

Sebnam: You have uncle too?

Ali: there is, there is. Meaning if he was here he would have said “the subject is not doing the signature, the subject is not taking side.”

Sebnam: What is it then?

Ali: it is..

Ezel episode 17 Part 7

Ali: Sebo, when you come bring a gift with you.

Sebnam: What is that? what gift?

Ali: it is a gift, even if you want to you cant return back.


Ezel And Cengiz

Ezel: I have one good news and one bad.

Cengiz: first the good one.

Ezel: there is no one. She has just lied to think. She said she lied to you so that she can think.

Cengiz: bad news?

Ezel: I think this lady, is still in love with you brother!

Cengiz: no way dear!

Ramiz: The life turns back, it changed the loves ones place of love. Because of with no remedy, you will still play the same game over and over again. One time thing, will still continue happening.

Man: I will give you everything for 500 Bin (their money)

Eysan: But everything is more than triple.

Man: I just said what I will give you not how much it makes. Wait a minute, this one is different. It is more than all of it.

Eysan: This one is not for sale, take the others.

Ramiz: Once you run away from everything, with the same steps you will go back and run. As long as you press it, the footstep gets bigger, the pass gets bigger. If you leave it behind, everything will come out.


Eysan and Bahar

Bahar: What are you doing here? Let me see...shall we do a game?

Eysan: you know how I don't tell you the past? Do you know why? Because if you don't love me as much as now.

Bahar: Me? I won’t love you? What sister did you kill someone?

Eysan: If you know, you will get away from me. If you know you won’t stand by me for one more minute.

Bahar: look at me sister; you have went thru a lot to make me better. You did a lot, and now whatever you have done you think I would leave you?

Eysan: But

Bahar: I think you didn't hear me, sister do whatever you do I will never leave you. At least until I die, I will never leave you. I owe you this much.


Cengiz and Ezel

Cengiz: what shall I do? should I go and talk to her?

Ezel: No, I think you should leave it a little behind. You wont leave it would you?

Cengiz: No

Mart: Cengiz brother I was coming to you

Cengiz: Ask Ezel brother, he knows better

Mart: Where is he going? He won’t come again?

Ezel: did you take care of the work? You work for me now.

Mart: Yes, I took care of it

Ezel: Do you like your new office?

Mart: It’s super, ya won’t cengiz brother return?

Ezel: Since you work for us, you have to know us better right? Start this Cengiz Atay’s hotel, when was it done? How was it done? How much money was done in it?

Mart: Thank you, I cannot even tell you how much you’re helping me.


Ali and Sebnam at Ezel’s home..

Ali: Sebnam!!!


Ezel and Kamil

Kamil: Are you fine?

Ezel: look what I am doing, seems like even someone worse than Ezel can come out too.

Kamil: Tell me what shall I do? say something so I will do it.

Ezel: There is nothing can be done, only before I fall down I must take them down with me to the end. I thought there is one hope, but there isn’t Kamil. After Eren I understood there is no return back from this work. None of us, neither then or me. we won’t make anyone else’s life darker

Kamil: what about Bahar? The plan you have now wouldn’t make her life darker?

Ezel: Seems so right? It will even look worse. Don't worry Kamil what you see in the game is not how it will be.


Sebnam and Ali

Ali: come on girl, I have better than this. it is even water bed too. (Ezel calls)

Ezel: Sebnam? Hello

Sebnam: Boss

Ezel: Where are you?

Sebnam: I am at your house, working.

Ezel: I am going to the hotel, I dropped Kamil off. He is coming up.

Sebnam: alright boss, I am waiting.

Ali: If you want to give me a present, it is the right time!

Sebnam: you wont do anything to anyone right?

Ali: why should I do it?


In the car..Sebnam and Ali

Sebnam: it was like a movie! How enjoyable things are with you yeah!

Ali: It is, you will die with enjoyment. Give it to me!

Sebnam: I wonder if I should give it to you?

Ali: ah very funny!

Ezel Episode 17 Part 8

Sebnam: I wonder if I should give it to you.

Ali: ah very funny!

Sebnam: No, I wont give it to you. let’s go to your home first.

Ali: (stops the car) give that to me girl! Don't!

He looks inside the envelope..

Ali: What is this?

Sebnam: Ya my boss is a little donkey! My ex-boss, he always keeps a prove of something for later on.

Ali: look at this!! what did I do! Ezel said he will go to the hotel right?

Sebnam: no, no.

Ali: Which hotel?

Sebnam: But I thought you...

Ali: which hotel!

Sebnam: The Big Istanbul Hotel

Ali: Sebo did you here?

Sebnam: What?

Ali: The ring! It is the school ring! The break is over, you are retuning home! Unlock yourself!


Ali in the car

Ali: You took me easily! I am coming, coming to take you down!


Ezel getting ready

Ramiz: You cannot return to the past following your own footsteps. But if you wait longer, the past will come back to you itself. Even if you don't change the past. (shows Eysan) you can call it to yourself. (shows Ali) if you have lost game once you cannot erase the record.

Cengiz: Eysan? My darling

Ramiz: but if you have paid more than enough, one day you can get what you wanted again.

Cengiz looks around...calls Ezel and Ali

Cengiz: Answer the phone! Answer it!

He sees the phone then redials

Man: Taxi place how can I help you?

Cengiz: good evening I am Cengiz Atay calling.

Man: good evening Mr. Cengiz

Cengiz: My wife has requested a taxi from there

Man: yes, we just did

Cengiz: We were going to meet her for dinner; I forgot the place and no phone answer.

Man: she went to the big Istanbul hotel Mr. Cengiz

Cengiz: Big Istanbul Hotel? Thank you


Ezel and Eysan

Ezel: I thought I would never know if you would come or not?

Eysan: You still don't know why I came.

Ezel: Before you even came, I knew it.

Eysan; why?

Ezel: Because neither your father, or Omer or Cengiz did anything. I, I am completing you in this life.

Eysan: They thought so too.

Ezel: because they thought they know you.

Eysan: You?

Ezel: no one will know the real Eysan.

Eysan; Even me? Why? Why is it that why?

Ezel: Because Eysan is not one person, there are many Eysan in life. None of it is a lie; none of it cheats on you. The Eysan that kisses you is the same one who is very far from you. The Eysan that promises you is the same one who does and walks away. The Eysan who holds your hand and tells you she loves you is the same Eysan who stabs you behind! None of it is a lie! They are all real! All of it is beautiful. All of it is Eysan.

Eysan: Why are you looking at me like this? What do you mean? You are trying to ay something.

Ezel: The ones before me knew only one Eysan, they knew only one. They loved only one Eysan. I (holds her closer) I love all the Eysan! I want it all!

Eysan: What is left for me? If you take it all which one will be left for me?

Ezel: None of it! because you are completely mine!

Then the door knocks... they ignore it... in bed again

Eysan: Don't answer it.


Ezel: I called the room service, maybe if we get hungry later.

Eysan: What did you order?

Ezel answers it... its Ali!

Ali: May God punish you both!

Then it goes back to 1997

Cengiz: When there is warm bed, what are we doing here at this time?

Eysan: Tell me

Cengiz: what will I tell you huh? Stop! There was a saying “don't talk but make love”

Eysan; Yeah tell!

Cengiz: Yeah!

Eysan: Tell!

Cengiz: first I will buy clothes and stuff! No need for that I already wear everything he has.

Eysan: Who? Say the name

Cengiz: Omer’s

Eysan: after?

Cengiz: after we will make him hold a gun

Eyan: You are going well, go on...

Cengiz: After at the night you will make him busy and I will go to the casino take the money etc and then he will be blamed! Come on!

Eyan: who’s? Who will be blamed for it?

Cengiz: you like this right? You’re enjoying it? Omer’s! Omer!

Then a light hits his face...

Ezel Episode 17 Part 9

Cengiz: Who is there! who are you?

Ali: you F** Kid! You animal! Your not worth it!

Cengiz: Ali brother! Ali brother wait we were joking! There is nothing serious! Eysan! Eysan say something or do something! Do you know what he will do now?

Eysan: Now he will go and tell Omer.

Cengiz: You told him. You did this while knowing it, so that Ali will be part of it too. So that I wont have any other chance.

Eysan: You don't have any other chance, run catch him!

Then she goes out....Cengiz comes..

Cengiz: Now come and try to get out of this! you think I don't know Ali? He wouldn’t sell Omer.

Eysan: He won’t?

Cengiz: if you kill him he won’t sell!

Eysan: Then why isn’t he leaving? Why isn’t he still waiting? You did a good job partner! I will take care of the rest.

Back to 2010...

Ezel: From now on Eysan is with me. She is unhappy with Cengiz and I am as well. The hotel will bring a lot of money! Cengiz has no money, he is weak and worthless. We will take him out in this, but you have to help.

Ali: Man I ****

Then the elevator door opens...Sebnam and Kamil comes in

Ali: You! Didn’t you die man? And I throw you from the car! I played with you not you playing with me. Everything is a game? Everything is a game? What do you want?

Ezel: I know a lot of things are happening; you are having hard time understanding everything. I understand, that is why I will make everything easier for you. with your help we will take Cengiz out of our lives! Don't act like you are angry! You don't like him as well.

Ali: It is different from liking and taking him down. Would I do this again? What will I tell Bahar huh? You shameless man! Didn't you ever think of Bahar?

Ezel: I did, you think too! Think about it the Bahar who’s heart will be break and she will be running to Ali brother!

Ali: who are you man? What kind of man would do what your doing?

Ezel: The man that you want the most things happens in life. (The door opens) We are here, why are you waiting? Why aren’t you leaving?


Cengiz comes...

Cengiz: Good evening, is there an Eysan Atay staying at the hotel? No way not this much!

Man; Yes sir, there is. Do you want to call her?

Cengiz: No, I want it to be surprise, what is the room number?

Man: We don't tell out guest room’s number. (he gives him money)

Cengiz: keys...

Kamil: Ezel emergency situation...


Cengiz goes upstairs...he goes inside..

Everyone: surprise!

Ezel: sorry partner, we scared you a little. But you Eysan being in this part... You are very upset brother; we just wanted to play a game with you right Ali? Tell him

Ali: yes, Ezel called and said let’s make the man’s wedding anniversary a surprise.

Cengiz: This was a game?

Ezel: I was going to call you and say ‘I have seen Eysan at this hotel’ but you were faster than us. Shush your not mad right?

Cengiz: Eysan?

Eysan: if I really do something dear husband, would I leave everything all over the place?

Cengiz: I don't know, maybe you are going in a very excitement moment.

Eysan: or I am playing a game with you. But you deserve it. Happy anniversary dear husband!

Cengiz: But I, I didn't buy you anything.

Eysan; don't shake Cengiz, look our friends are here.

Cengiz: ya you are all great! You are all my friends!

Ezel: Wipe your lips Cengiz!

Eysan: come on I shall take you guys out...

Outside the room

Ramiz: It is hard to deal with the past nephew, wherever the past is, it is impossible to deal with it. but just to get up and do everything, not just yours but you will be dealing with your enemies past as well..

Goes back in time..1997

Omer: brother do you know what day is today? It is the one year anniversary for me and Eysan, the day with the car. Ali brother, you introduced us, you are the one to be blamed.

Ali: come on press the ring...

Omer: look I made ring box myself...

Ezel Episode 17 Part 10 Last One

Omer: Look, I made ring box myself; I didn't sleep all night at the store doing this. I am stupid right now because of no sleep.

Ali: don't be stupid and why are you standing here? Why aren’t you leaving here?

Omer: what are you saying Ali brother?

Ali: I am telling you open your eyes man, open your eyes and leave here.

Omer: why brother? What happen?

Eysan: Omer, the keys are under there..

Omer: Were you going to say something brother?

Ali: come on go inside, get the girl and go inside.


Back to present time...2010

Ramiz: This time you will be going to those bloody footsteps in a way that you know everything! You wont be returning back to your own past, it will be theirs for a while.

Ezel: I have to save myself from this Ezel, I have to clean myself.

Kamil: home?

Ezel: Bahar, take me to Bahar.


Eysan and Cengiz

Cengiz: please let’s not separate again.

Eysan: alright this is the last time. (then she notice her ankle) I am coming now...

Cengiz: Alright, I will be waiting..

Ramiz: If you are getting closer to them with their footsteps, you have to be very careful. They wont be knowing you, but they will remember everything and if they see themselves within you, you will make them remember what they have done...

Then Cengiz remembers ....


Omer: Eysan

Eysan: One minute Omer, I am changing.

Omer: I have a present for you.

Eysan: what is it?

Omer: Nothing, I don't know. I made it myself at the store.

Cengiz: you like it? And this is my present. Shush he will come inside...

Eysan: he wont come inside

Cengiz: how do you know?

Eyan: because I know him.

Omer: Did you say something?

Eysan: I said I am curious about my present.

Omer: Can I come in?

Eysan: not yet...Are you going to do it? the thing we talked about

Cengiz: I will do it, I promise.

Omer: Eysan

Eysan: yes

Omer: come on, I miss you

Eysan: Me too, I miss you very much my love... (she goes outside) your hands bleed?

Omer: When I made this, it happened. You like it?

Eysan: Very nice, thank you. it is the most beautiful present I have ever gotten my love.

Back to present time...2010

Ramiz: but the way for revenge the most danger is not learning the truth about your enemies.

Cengiz: Come on! Man! I became Omer! I became Omer! Who? Who? Who? Who then who?

Eysan: which Eysan are you? which Eysan!

Ramiz: the real danger is while trying to hide your own truth is, them not knowing the real and truth about you.

Goes back to 1997 again

Eysan; Thank you again for this. good night

Cengiz; ah if you don't kiss me, I will be upset though...see you tomorrow my love.

Eysan goes inside..

Eysan: what am I doing? What am I doing? Who am I? You don't deserve it! you don't deserve it!

Bahar: Sister, I am awake

Eysan: good for you! You have fever! You have fever again! You’re sick again! You should have died and be saved! Do you understand! I wish! Don't cry! Don't cry! You ruined my life do you understand? Come with me! Go! Don’t come back I said go! Come here!

Bahar: sister please don't leave me

Eysan: I won’t let you go! Do you hear me? I won’t let you go! I don't care about anything.

Back to present again 2010-02-21

Cengiz stops Ezel...


Ezel episode 18 Part 1

Eysan: He saw it! He saw it! No I hide it! But even if it’s only one second he saw it! This is Cengiz!

Cengiz: the man who win the thing on the phone at the place! Find out who he is now!

Cengiz: Ezel, I wasn’t wrong, I was right! I saw it!

Ezel: What did you see?

Cengiz: I saw the ankle! Someone has bought it for her! Wait a minute (on the phone)

Ezel: Who is it?

Cengiz: (on the phone) Sure it would be private! If it wasn’t why would I hire you?

Man: Allow me; I spoke to one of the person here. He has seen the man who bought it. he is an older man, wears suit, chubby and has a moustache (looks at Kamil) If I find something else I will call you.

Cengiz: Ok

Ezel: So what happen?

Cengiz: What would be? I have gone crazy, there is nothing. It’s just jealousy

Ezel: look if there is, tell me. We will look together.

Cengiz: There is nothing else, it’s just my head! Come on you go and I shall go inside be with my beautiful wife. You go to Bahar, what happen? You don't upset my sister-in-law or else I will be upset with you huh!

Ezel: I am trying that, I am trying not to hurt her.



Boy: Ali U. Son?

Man: Yes? Is there a package?

Boy; there is news, from Uncle.


Outside the building

Man1: are you the son of Raz? (I think its Raz not sure with the name)
Man2: what happen?
Man1: has he ever talked about Ramiz Uncle to you?
Man2: What am I suppose to do tell me that.


At the coffee time... the little boy (OMG HE IS SOOO ADORABLE)

Man: allow him, tell me
Little boy: I will tell you in your ear
Man: alright... now its time. Mehmet whatever I owe you tell me so that it wont me left.


Ezel, Ali and Eysan

Ezel: I am waiting; yesterday you two didn't give me complete answer. I am waiting for it. I have putted myself out there.

Eysan: You don't have anything to lose already other than Cengiz’s friendship.

Ali: He doesn't know that even

Eysan: actually it is us that we have a lot to lose.

Ezel: Thanks to Cengiz, you have lost them all Eysan.

Ali: You want us to sell our friend.

Ezel: Yes

Ali: selling him!

Ezel: It can’t be? Is it a step back?

Ali: alright what if I say no? Do you understand? Then I will come after you

Ezel: Weren’t you already after me Ali? Didn't you already try to kill me?

Ali: We will try and try again

Eysan: We are not talking about anyone, this is Cengiz.

Ezel: I know. He is your husband, his brother and my friend. How scary it is when it said like this right? But how real it is, three of us deserve to be happy. There is only Cengiz in between us, but sure can this be done to Cengiz? And do you all deserve to be happy? Until tonight make your decision. I will tell you the place and time.

He goes in the car

Kamil: You are playing with fire.

Ezel: Yes, it’s been 12 years. I hope I have learned things.


Ali and Eysan

Ali: 12 years! Nothing would be changed in 12 years huh? Then I also caught you like this too! With cengiz! Do you remember? What kind of woman are you huh? We said it’s from your father but no its from yourself!

Eysan: Ali you are the last man that I need to give explanation to. I and you know very well how you accepted to kill a man!

Ali: Whatever I have done I did it for myself, I thought you did it for Bahar. Where is Bahar in this? Or this one is for her too?

Eysan: Until now I have done everything for Bahar Ali, and I am doing this for myself alright?

Ali: We don't have this much solution? Are we that poor to repeat the same thing? There is no other way but this one to get what we want?

Eysan: Maybe there is.

Ali: let’s find it! before tonight let’s find it!

Sebnam: there is something in this one’s head! Ali is also planning something for sure.

Kamil: aren’t we putting everything we have with their answer?

Ezel: It is like that a little.

Kamil: If they say “no” wouldn’t your plan go down?

Ezel: I thought your returning home today?

Kamil: tomorrow, tomorrow I will return. Let this be pass.

Ezel: The truth is this if they say “no” everything will be nothing Kamil. That is why we wont allow that.

Sebnam: how are we going to do that?

Ezel: I have been into Eysan’s blood, if I will be around with her I will take care of it. But Ali, he has a casino now. He is more serious than Cengiz; his problem is not winning game. He will get power there. Until this power is in there it’s tough.

Ezel Episode 18 Part 2

Kamil: then Uncle comes in this right?

Ezel: Yes, by calculation it is, but there is a small problem.

Sebnam: What is it?

Ezel: Uncle is not around.


Tefo with the three man

Man1: Selam

Man2: hello

Man3: Welcome.

Tefo: Uncle has “hello” to you all too. I am his plaster (messenger from him) but my words are his words. Uncle loves you all more than his soul. He has raised you in your father’s place. He did a brotherhood to you all, he has saved you from troubles. He never made a words with your loans, but if there is one loan...I here, came here to tell you for rescuing.

Man: Did something happen to my brother Ramiz? Tell me where is uncle?


Then shows they are pulling Ramiz’s car

Kamil: how long is it been in guess?

Man: About 5

Kamil: Can we look?

Man: Sure

Kamil: Ezek, they will allow us for two minutes. There is nothing, I would say it was an accident but

Ezel: It is not an accident Kamil.

Kamil: Are you saying it is Ali’s job?

Ezel: no, Ali is a crazy if this was his job here would be all mixed up. Look at this there isn’t any sings. They are better, they are much better.

Man: Kamil, come look before sending away. He was in the back of the you recognize him?

Man2: Sir, we are taking these for investigation (then he gives it to Ezel then he sees tefo’s pic)



Ali: I don't want anything to be missing, do you understand? Everything will be like flower. Look check everything one by one. I don't want anything to me missing. Tefom!

Tefo: Brother, you are back to your mood.

Ali: What happen man? What is this? did you fall?

Tefo: Nothing, no I got into a new fight. It is not important, uncle made it there.

Ali: Ah this is what I was thinking. The situations has changed Tefo.

Tefo: What did I miss?

Ali: You didn't miss anything Tefo. Right here is already booked for you, we are waiting for you in the evening.

Tefo: Evening?

Ali: There is things going on evening Tefo! It is not that easy to be the owner of a casino (gambling) Everything will be gathered tonight here. They will give us “ok” Karpetan Ali will become boss Ali. Do you know what that means son?

Tefo; I don't know brother, tell me.

Ali: son, I think with your fight your head is not alright. This means from now on we will be playing our fingers. Ramiz uncle will be playing. Tonight Tefo, tonight our destiny will change, not just ours.

Tefo: uncle’s.


Ezel: go faster Kamil.

Kamil: Ezel are we suppose to now run after Uncle or you jackals

Ezel: We don't have lucks Kamil.

Kamil: Fine but for the first time we have to follow/check everything together. Plus at the same moment.

Sebnam: Yes yeah, how are we going to reach all of this Ezel?

Kmail: Cengiz is still suspicious of you, and Ali with Eysan hasn’t accepted your offer yes. Do you think it is a good idea to leave all of this and look for uncle?

Ezel: We need Uncle, but if my feelings are right uncle needs our help more.


Breakfast time...

Eysan: I am leaving dear; I will do shopping for Can.

She leaves...

Cengiz: Eh sister-in-law, we never talked. (he means like talk about problems if there is)

Bahar: talked? you and I? I wonder what kind of talking would that be.

Cengiz: I am not talking about myself, I am saying you. I don't know, lately Ezel is like...

Bahar; What?

Cengiz: his head is mixed, he is a little far from you. look this man is my partner, meaning I know him well. There is something. Haven’t you figured out any change?

Bahar: No, but I am not that close to know. What do you think he has?

Cengiz: Why aren’t you that close? Aren’t you two, you know? (like dating he means)

Bahar: Long story, it has been left aside a little. did he say something to you?

Cengiz: Sure he talks, I thought you two are. If the man looks at someone else I make a talk.

Bahar: He looks at someone else?

Cengiz: no dear, he doesn't tell me anything. What about your sister? does your sister know you two are not lovers?

Bahar: us? Sure dear we do talk. Alright is Ezel right? Do I need to wonder?

Cengiz: No need dear why? This is Ezel he is a straight man. If there is something he would say it.


Ezel episode 18 part 3

Ali and tefo

Ali: From now on we will take care of our backs Tefo. There is no old rules.

Tefo; the gambling place is already nothing, how would rules be changed?

Ali: Son, Cengiz didn't know about such things. (then he goes on about the past what they used to do.) From now on we will give in a little and get what we want. We will give in some of our strength and take Ramiz Uncle.

Tefo: How is that going to happen?

Ali: Bring the car, I will show you.

As tefo goes to the car, Ezel holds him...

Ezel: Don't you dear lie! Where is Ramiz?

Tefo: I am not going to tell!

Ezel: Did you go with Ramiz uncle?

Tefo: I won’t tell you, this is how uncle wants it.

Ezel: Where were you two? Where did you go?

Tefo: I don't know, I don't know uncle knows it.

Ezel: Tevik! You were in the car too! Who did it?

Tefo: I don't know, uncle knows it!

Kamil: Ezel, we have to go.

Ezel: Is he alive? Is uncle alive?

Tefo: He is alive. I don't know where he is, but he is alive. Do whatever you want to do, I wont say anything more than this.

Ezel: Pray this is it! Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 244732 this is what uncle wants!

Man: Where are you man? Ali brother is waiting for you.

Ramiz: no question is innocent in this life. In every question if you don't find the answer for it, you will be scared. (shows tow man running) because every stab takes you to another unanswered question.

Man1: Downstairs!
Man2: No! No! He went this way!
Man1: No! No! Downstairs!

Ramiz: If you are asking yourself how I came to this end, you have to remember the first question you asked. (shows Eysan) Because every question will bring something out from this game.

Tefo: Where did we came Ali brother?

Ali: to use our connection.

Tefo: What are we going to do brother? First we will surrender ourselves?

Ali: We will talk to our new partners.


Cengiz and Mart..

Cengiz: See you didn't get along with Ezel but now you are.

Mart: Seems so, because he is your friend too.

Cengiz: sure, sure he is my friend. But don't look at this; I don't know much about him too.

Mart: Who knows about who now Cengiz brother?

Then he calls Ezel

Cengiz: hello partner, I am at the office where are you? No, no don't hurry. I was just chatting with Mart.

Ezel: Ah really? What were you two talking about?

Cengiz: Nothing, what a good person you are. Aunty fainted in your arms once and you end up not coming out of their house.

Ezel: no dear, I think you are making it too much. Anyways wait I am coming. (hangs up the phone) This Cengiz will be a trouble for us. I can’t leave mart alone with him too, yeah everything is happening at once. You take the other car and follow Eysan and I shall take care of Cengiz.

Ramiz: The solution at the same moment will be attacking you at once.

Ezel: Leave Ali for Tevik, but don't leave it completely, if uncle doesn't com out we will take it out of him (Tefo).

Kamil: I will let you know if I get hold of uncle.

Sebnam: Ezel

Ezel: We will reach it, we will reach for everything all together. We have to, come on.

Ramiz: The answers won’t be it, everything will be gathered up at once around you. if you finish it with no answer, then you have to find an answer so that it answers all of your questions.

Ramiz: there is one more way and you say it is dying....(it is a song)


Man and Eysan

Man: Ah, alright I found it. tonight at 20:30. Only to there

Eysan: yes please

Man: It is two right, a child and adult.

Eysan: Yes

Man: I am getting it, I wish I could run away like this too. There is like heaven in this weather.

Eysan: Three people, let’s buy another ticket.

Man: Sure Mrs.

Eysan: since I am going to heaven, I shall take all of my loved ones.


Tefo and Ali

Ali: Tefo if we just do this job, and no problem with the casino. And taking uncle out from this all. then we are good! Tonight! Tonight everything will be done.

Tefo: how are we going to do uncle huh?

Ali: We don't have to go away too! We will make our dreams here. No agreements with others too, just with ourselves! Huh Tefo! What do you say? Then maybe I will get the main game girl too! By myself!

Tefo: Sure, it is not something that can’t be.

Ali: right? look this man...(says something in his ears) Yeah... what did you think? If you want a casino, this is the man.

Tefo: Can we?

Ali: We will get it man!

Man: Oh! Ali brother welcome. And this is?

Ali: Tefo! Tevik!

Man: Tevik brother I know this man along time ago! Now he is growing up. And he is taking care of places...(he is referring to gambling etc)

Ali: With your permission administrator.

Man: What permission man! What things shall I allow when I don't know?

Ali: We are requesting for that permission administrator.

Man: Look, this Cengiz of yours. He was a smart kid, he didn't open trouble for us. He was a man, he was generous.

Ali: We are like this too.

Man: Ah see talk like that. Tell me a number, number. Don't give me names, tell me number. Look or else I won’t allow. They have left the murders alone and dealing with me. beside here is a police station. That is why how will go I don't care, but when it will happen. This moment is the best one now.


Ali: we will tell the number as a lottery, our work is luck. But I am not that type of person with luck so if you need a new number from me, tell name. The name that I want from you my administrator.

Man: He is a bastard, bastard. But we love him that s different.

Ezel episode 18 Part 4

Man: Ramiz Kara Eski. He has been caught about 2 or 3 hours ago. The people were filing it, so I requested it.

Ali: He is doing this? Big Ramiz

Man: He is not that in secure, also he is not that big anymore too.

Ali: Whatever Cengiz is giving it to you I will give you 20% more!

Man: Look! Look at this bastard, and I allow you to do so Karpetan Ali! Make that 30%. 30 out of 100 is a better number. This man! He is the best of the best, someone like him would come only once.

Ali: I don't care how he came, I care how he will go.

Man: wait, wait! Don't forget where you are. Beside the ones upstairs are already watching us.


Ezel, Cengiz and Mart

Cengiz: Let’s say we know him, but how did you get him?

Ezel: Since you have hold him this much, I said you know something.

Cengiz: How did you take care of the ones at home?

Mart: you should have seen that brother; he spoke to my mother for 1 hour. I thought she won’t accept it but she did. As with my father he is already alright with it, he likes both of your.

Cengiz: Sure he will, look who wouldn’t like this man?

Ezel: come on let’s check this hotel work. Mart you gather up the work for the file I gave you.

Cengiz: I am not in the mood to work partner. I shall go to the street and talk to aunty too. Let me see what has happened while I wasn’t around.

Ezel: Alright, let’s go then.

Cengiz: You? To where?

Ezel: Eh, you have made me like yourself partner. Who would work now. (phone rings) brother one second. Kamil, what happen?

Kamil: Yes

Ezel: I have some work here

Kamil: Cengiz is not leaving you alone right?

Ezel: Just like that. Where is she now?

Kamil: She is with you...

Shows Eysan at the grave...

Eysan: I wanted it. I wanted it very much, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t bear it. I wanted to be the person how you were seen me. Who can be that much good? How did you see that girl while looking at me? No one, but you doesn't see that girl. That girl deserves to be loved. That girl also deserves to be forgiven. That girl, that girl loves you very, very much Omer. She loves you more than anything in this life. But I don't deserve it, I don't deserve loving you. I hided you somewhere, then after I forgot the place where I hided you. After I checked it was gone. And now I am going my love, farewell. (She walks away then walks back). What did you do to my Omer! I don't want you! I want to go! Leave me! Leave me or else take me! Come out of here and take me! Omer, Omer I love you very much! I love you very much! Leave me! Or else take me! Leave me to go!


Ramiz walking,....

Ramiz: As the game comes closer to end, human wouldn’t find them in a darkness of a street. The end of the game, every road is a different end.


Bahar and Eysan

Bahar: Sister

Eysan: I am coming

Bahar: What are you doing?

Ramiz: Now you cannot choose one, you have to be everywhere. You have to know everything.

Ezel: Tevik! You are getting on my temper! Did uncle call?

Tefo: No

Ezel: Ali? Is Ali planning something? Does Ali know something about Uncle?

Tefo: No he doesn't know

Cengiz: Hey partner, aren’t you coming?

Ramiz: Because one mistakes means losing everything!

Ali: Who were you speaking to?

Tefo: Not an important person. So can something happen here?


Eysan and Bahar

Eysan: Bahar I was scared for a long time if something would happen to you. After you got better, I didn't get used to it that you have a life. I always hold you, but now that’s it. Live however your hearts wants. Go do anything, I don't know you wanted to learn how to use plane go use it. Live however you want to live. Whatever you need, is in your hands.

Bahar: for example is there you?

Eysan: Not me, don't look at me like this. Just consider that there is no me. What would you do? Look until now I gave you anything I could, believe me I did. But from now on it’s in you. What are you going to do with your life?

Bahar: I have some plans.

Eysan: Ignore plans, it is not that mixing. Don't plan dreams too, just do it! Go and do it! Are you scared?

Bahar: No, I am not scared anymore.


Ezel at his home..

Ezel: What have you done Mumtaz uncle.

M: No, no need. Right Meliha? How did he reach to us that night right? You know the boy when he came

Cengiz: Which boy?

Mother: Alright Mumtaz, Ezel will get shy

Father: No need, I didn't say something bad. At the end he even helped me with store cengiz son! I thought he would hurt his finger, but no he didn't! It was like he had experience with it.

Cengiz: I believe it uncle; I also learn something new every day about Ezel. I have missed how much you love here partner. You have become the son of the house.

Ezel: This home already has a son Cengiz. I have no eyes on anyone’s place. Mart should come and we will go.

Father: Don't forget about my son, treat him as brother huh

Cengiz: Don't worry, we will. Also you Meliha aunt don't worry.

Mother: I am not worry, while Ezel is there I won’t

Ezel: We shall request for excuse. Partner we should go, Mart is going anyways.

Cengiz: Calm down partner, we will drop him. Here he is

Mart: I am coming! See you later father...

Continues in part 5


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Sam 13 Mar 2010, 2:29 pm

Ezel Episode 18 Part 5

Father: Cengiz, keep an eye on my son! I am taking care of yours!

Cengiz: Mine?

Father: Can, he is coming for lessons. Ezel and Eysan bring him. He is a very well raised child! Look I will be expecting you soon!

Cengiz: Alright uncle, see you later.


Tefo and Ali at the cinema

Tefo: Your joking brother, are we going to watch a movie? We have 1000 works to do.

Ali: Come Tefo, come! This is not the movies you think of.

They go inside...

Tefo: Who is that jerk?

Ali: That jerk is the jerk we came to. Soner Keskin. He is the king of our family! There is this table we are preparing for tonight, right?! He is going to seat on its main seat. It is not just an advisory opinion, Tefo! Watch!

Soner: Seat, you enjoy it too! Do you want some popcorn?

Ali: No. Anyway I made stomach from those...

Soner: Hey go bring some popcorn! I didn't like that stuff. You are not good for a gambler!

Ali: Why is that? How am I different from them?

Soner: No matter what I tell you now, I'll be the bad guy. If I say that you're dumb, is not good. But, what can I do you're stupid! Tell Cengiz to stay where he is, you are not good for a gambler. Come here! Are you still here?! What it was? Ker, ker... pitan Ali

Ali: Ker-peten! Let me come to your mind too!

Soner: Sit down!

Ali: I heard something... You were crazy... about those movies. You were collecting them. And if I didn't hear wrong, your dad always used to bring you to the theatre. What happened to him?

Soner: He was shot on the way out of the movie.

Ali: But I heard that they got the murderers.

Soner: They got them. Because no one can run away. And this is how it was. Ramiz

Ali: Who was the one that said: 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.'? He was smarter then me.

Soner: Caesar.

Ali: This man is my enemy. But he is one size bigger then me. I heard that he was your enemy too.

Soner: He WAS an enemy of mine. But he set the rules, a deal was made, everything was closed.

Ali: For you.... was for you closed?

Soner: I didn't do anything for so many years. Will I do it now because you want?!

Ali: Not because I want because there is an opportunity! This man never had been this weak.

Soner: I heard some things too...

Ali: I didn't only hear I also saw. In the morning they found his car just by itself, what if in the evening they find him dead?!

Soner: Fine, if everything is ready...Why you are not doing it?

Ali: I am stupid. I am not as strong as you are. If I do it, the whole gang will be after me.

old man: Are we breaking the agreement?! What if I can't do it either?!

Ali: If you do it I'll appreciate it by passing on you 2 of my casinos. Along with all of the customers. Of course, the casinos if you're mine.

Soner: He smelled, he ran away. Now he is far.

Ali: Not too far. On the other side of the line. If you want take him down, if you want look, ask around.

Soner: Welcome among us! Ker-pitn Ali.


Ezel and Cengiz

Cengiz: What a sweet family they are right? they love you too very much. Actually my family loves your too very much. Bahar, Can, Eysan. Eysan doesn't love anyone easily.

Ezel: how do you know she loves me?

Cengiz: I don't know, this is how I felt. Eh you get into someone’s blood. I used to call myself such thing, but look your better than me.

Ezel: You’re saying it in a way like I am doing something bad

Cengiz: No dear, I am just saying you are giving trust to a man. Look with one of your word I quitted gambling place. The Hotel, home and everything is like a loan. If something happens tomorrow or if you get upset and leave I will be left out with nothing.

Ezel: No such thing, you have your family and friends.

Cengiz: You are right, I do right?

Ezel: Here, we are here.

Cengiz: maybe you are bored of coming to us, once you invite me too.

Ezel: Sure I will be expecting

Cengiz: Eysan said your home is very pretty.

Ezel: Has she heard from Bahar?

Cengiz: I guess so; I guess she heard it from her. Say “hi” to everyone.

Ezel: If we continue like this, you will be saying “hi” to them for me. You see them more than me

He gets down the car and calls Kamil

Ezel: Kamil, what is Eysan doing?

Kamil: I was going to call you now too. She and Can left home, but there is a suitcase with them. They left the home in hurry. Like...

Ezel: Like what Kamil?

Kamil: like running away

Ezel: Ah! Amazing! What did I do Kamil? Now everyone is separating!

Kamil: Shall I still follow Eysan?

Ezel: I don't know, Tevik is not answering too. Which one will we get to? There is a feeling inside of me Kamil, I have to find uncle. I have a bad feeling.

Kamil: Where would he be? Where didn't we look ezel?

Ezel: Sure yeah, how come I didn't think! Go to Selma’s home. Uncle wouldn’t leave there, go now!


Soner at the movie place...

Soner: Look, everything is left for you. Take everyone and go! Don't just think he is old, he knows a lot. Who ever is at work take them with you.

Man: But if this man doesn't want to be found he won’t, this is what they say.

Soner: We won’t find him! He will come

Man: Selma H.

Soner: Before you go, tell them to put my movie on again.

Man: Alright master

Soner: My name is Nazim, this movie is my story

Continues in part 6


Ezel Episode 18 Part 6

Soner: you sleep, my name is Nazim!


Ali and Tefo

Ali: Now one thing is left

Tefo: What is it?

Ali: The hardest one Tefo. Waiting...

Tefo: Brother, this Serdar haven’t we ignored him way too much?

Ali: his time will come too, but now it is Uncle’s time. Aren’t you taking the smell man? In two hours uncle may not be in our life. Plus without us doing anything, if uncle knows this he would be proud of us. We are his best students.

Tefo: We are right?

Ali: You wait here, I will go and see what the ones are doing upstairs. I will come now.

Ali leaves then he waits and sees tefo on the phone...

Tefo: Uncle where are you?

Ali runs to him....

Tefo: Brother what are you doing?

Ali: What is this man! What is this?

Tefo: Lately my income is not well. I gave some money to a guy, so I told him to bring it to me. you took the phone from me. Brother I just send a nonsense message! Ali brother! Ali brother what are you doing? I am your family! I do not betray you! I rather die than betray you!

Ali: You are not a betrayal Tefo, you are not. You are the opposite; you’re very clean towards your owner. Ramiz uncle will die today, before you remember his good things, so that you wouldn’t do anything if you did. This is for your own goodness, for your own goodness brother. A little for myself too, let me take a break a little and I will come apologize to you later.

Tefo: Ali brother! Ali brother!

Ali: Until I come he shall not come out

Man: What if he did?

Ali: If he did then he is on their side.


Ramiz: You will only notice when you come to the game’s end that you are not counting the rules completely. You will know that it has been gone already.

Ezel: Where are you Tevik!


Man calls a number....

Ramiz: Hello....

Ramiz: “there is one solution left and that is death, tell me...” (that’s a song)


Eysan and Ezel

Eysan: Ezel, do you know how you asked “who I am”? I, I'm guilty. No matter where I go. I'm going with my guilt. After that I was an older sister. I am not anymore. I am a mother. If I have to do anything first, I'll do this first. Maybe I am going to regret it later, but I'll do it. Also... I'm tired of myself and I'll go. You asked me who am I. I know this much. This much I'm carrying with me. Come with me. Come, let's find out together. Who we really are. Let's discover it together.

Ezel: I thought that it's impossible.

Eysan: Yes. I got in love with a man who wants the impossible. If you are asking me to give you that, I'm asking you for the same. Come with me. Come with us.

Ezel: If it doesn't work?

Eysan: If it doesn't it doesn't. I don't want from my you the life. I want you to leave the life and be next to me. Come with me. Seat in the chair next to mine. I'll take care of the rest.

Ezel: The thing we spoke in the morning... Stay here! This time I'm here! Don't run! you don't have to run away anymore from your father. You don't need to run from Cengiz. If you don't want to run anymore, stay! Stay with me!

Eysan: But I'm not running from them. They don't even matter. I, I'm going away from Omer, Ezel. Since the day you kissed me, the others don't matter. I'm cheating to Omer. I did what I had to do. But inside, in my heart I never cheated on Omer. I never gave up loving him. Now I'm giving him up. I'm running away from him. Because I fell in love with you.

Ezel: Isn't it a shame (pity) to him?

Eysan: It's not in my hands. It's not in my hands. In 12 years I remembered for the first time that I have a heart. Bad, with defects... ugly, stiff But you remind me that I have a heart. It's out of my hands. I won't be able to give up on him. With you or without you. With a heart that started working again, I'm going from here.... I'll wait for you till the last minute!!


Cengiz goes home...

Cengiz: Eysan! (finds the note) “you are right, we had a few good years, don't forget those and forgive me for everything”


Ezel gets a phone call..

Ezel: Did you find him? Kamil at least you say something good. How can everything be apart all sudden.

Kamil: I found him! it would be good if you come, there are people upstairs

Ezel: Uncle?

Kmail: No, there are others. There are more downstairs too.

Ezel Episode 18 Part 7

Kamil: There is also car; it would be good if you come here now. Because I didn't see it earlier I noticed later.

Ezel: Uncle?

Kamil: He has come here before me. He is just standing, he is watching. Doesn't seem like he is playing a game, it’s like he is left alone. It would be good if you come.


Ramiz: You have came here before too, if you are swearing that you wont come here again, without stoping to know where and how you made mistake...either with no remedy you will be behind...or you will reach it and get there...

Ezel: Uncle, I guess you forgot to call me

Ramiz: Nephew

Ezel: Who are we fighting to?

Ramiz: Who are we fighting to? to someone who is hurting our loved ones. To get in there alone and come out alone.

Ezel: Or not coming out?

Ramiz: There is that chance too

Ezel: Until you don't think I would leave you here alone just with two nice words of yours.

Ramiz: Look nephew, if I don't go inside that door alone. They will kill someone who I love very much.

Ezel: Uncle

Ramiz: nephew, there is no job for you to do here

Ezel: How there isn’t? Where did I make a mistake uncle? Where did I do fault? I planed everything; I was taking care of everything carefully just like you taught me so. Today, today nothing is happening. Today I am not setting anything.

Ramiz: Maybe today no need for such thing nephew.

Ezel: It needs so Uncle. Eysan is going, leaving! Maybe she is already gone, Cengiz is suspicious of me. And Ali I thought he would accept it now, but he is getting ahead of the gambling place. I didn't reach it; I didn't reach any of it uncle. I didn't even make it to you, look at you and now I will lose you too? No uncle, no uncle.

Ramiz: nephew, nephew do you remember when they had you put in a place. You were cold, you were shaking from cold. Three days, five days and that bastard security weren’t leaving you alone. You were screaming inside says “uncle, uncle I am going crazy!” you remember it right?

Ezel: I remember it

Ramiz: I came and read something for you there do you remember that as well?

Ezel: I remember it

Ramiz: What did I read? Tell me

Ezel: uncle no! I won’t leave you!

Ramiz: Sometimes, nephew, to put the things in their place you are not going to squeeze, you are going to open your palm. From there you are going to throw
it in the air. You are going to wait. You are going to wait to return to you.

Ezel: how will I wait uncle? How will I send you to there?

Ramiz: look nephew, don't think that. You will wait, you will wait so that the world will come back to you. Remember it nephew, remember. Remember well what I read to you.


Ramiz on the phone...

Ramiz: I want a song from you friend, the last song. “There is one more solution, and that is death”. Play it for me for the last time.

Ramiz: No need to get out of your room, just sit like that and listen. Don't even listen but just wait.

Can: Mom, why are you looking at it like that? are you waiting for my father?

Eysan: Come on let’s go

Can: I will go, am I a kid?

Eysan; Alright, it is right here

Can: Alright

Eysan: hurry up

Ramiz: Don't even wait, just stand there still alone.

Cengiz: Hello

Can: Dad

Ramiz: Answer would be the one you left yourself like a water, the world will left itself to you just like that. (Ok I am not sure if this is the right way to translate it, but it’s very confusing with what he says...) There is no other choice to choose

Kamil: What is the plan Ezel? What are we going to do?

Ezel: the hardest one Kamil, what we have been doing since morning. which is nothing!


Ramiz with Soner...

Soner: You are going to die, if you don't want her to die too beg!


Tefo: Is it done?

Ali: It’s done.

Can: Father!

Cengiz: My son!



Ali: Gentlemen, this is my helper, my brother...

Continues in part 8


Ezel Episode 18 Part 8

Ali: Who ever I am, he is as well.


Eysan, Cengiz...

Cengiz: You didn't go? you didn't go.

Eysan: Can can you go buy me a water?

Can: Mom lets go home. Look my father came too. He has worried very much, come on let’s go home.

Eysan: Can!

Then he leaves..

Eysan: We weren’t going to go alone! Three of u were!

Cengiz: Ezel? You were going to go with him?

Eysan: Ezel? What Ezel? Do you think everyone is like you Cengiz? Ezel is your friend not mine! Yours!

Cengiz: But I saw the ankle and after...

Eysan: Not Ezel, he is someone else! But he left, he left. He wanted both of us, he said “lets go from here together” he has to return and he did. Only we are left.

Cengiz: Who? If it’s not Ezel who then?

Eysan: What difference would it make? He is a handsome one, taller than you, his eyes like yours blue, but his laughs a little more open.

Cengiz: Who?

Eysan: What difference would it make? He is someone! He is better than you, straighter than you, more responsible. He wanted to meet with you

Cengiz: who?

Eysan: What difference would it make! He is better than you in bed, better than you!

Cengiz: Who? Who!

Eysan: What difference would it make? It was one night stand! I got everything I needed in that night! What different would it make who I got it from? He said come with me, but look I didn't go! I staid like you! I hurt hearts; I did bad things like you. But I think I have loved you very much to stay here. That means I am yours too, do you still want me? You forgive me and I will forgive you! Are you going to forgive me? Do you want to start all over again now? If you say “let’s start from beginning” now I will accept it. Are you going to forgive me?

Cengiz: I will forgive you, I will forgive you. Let’s start everything from beginning. We are equal, come on let’s return home. Come return home, I am forgiving you

As they walk, he slaps her

Cengiz: Slut! Slut!

Can: Father! Are you ok mom? It is over! Are you ok?

Eysan: Thank you



Ali: Please help yourself, have some of these. It’s special

Man: It’s very good.

Boy: Your guests are here sir.

Ali: Tefo, sometimes bad ones wins too.

Ramiz: Tell, tell brother. Let it not stay inside you.

Ali: What is going n man?

Ramiz: This is what is going on brother; our brother Soner didn't hold his words. What has happened many years we had deals over it. But whatever has happened, he didn't hold his words. See there is no forgiveness for this, no hands should be raised over innocent ones. Eh we had to do something too, we brought his mans. You ask and make your decisions. Our friend Soner did a mistake, someone woke him up. So now you ask and you set it. Once what Soner had, now is ours. It is good brother, no needed for this. it is good..



Man driving...

Man: Where did this man go?

Goes out then back inside the car

Man: They have left the car, it is like they have flied. What shall I do?

Then tefo kills him...

Tefo: There are more of them, this won’t end with him only.

Ramiz: It won’t end nephew, it won’t

Tefo: They are after you uncle. They are 50 times more danger than Ali.

Ramiz: Don't take Ali very easily too nephew, now he may be planning how to make me disappear. He has asked for help from someone inside. Someone inside told me the news...

Ezel Episode 18 Part 9

Tefo: Has he learned anything?

Ramiz: He hasn’t learned anything but he will. Meaning what we want, he will learn that nephew. He will learn how weak I am. He will learn how I am left alone.

Tefo: after he will come after you?

Ramiz: Not he, someone else will. What does this man has in his hand until today?

Tefo: Gambling places.

Ramiz: There is only one man there who can take care of it, he will use that.

Tefo: Uncle, let’s gather up the mens huh? Before they come to shoot us, lets all gather up and go!

Ramiz: We will do the opposite child! We will give them a target to hit it. we wont be strong, we will be weak.

Tefo: Why uncle why?

Ramiz: So that they will find a chance nephew. So that they will come in, so that they will be unfair. We have to win strength nephew. To win strength we have to look weak. Here have this card, gather up the men. I will tell you later what to tell them.

Then it shows 9 HOURS BEFORE

Man1: Eh did something happen to my brother Ramiz? Tell me where is uncle?

Tefo: Uncle today is alone. Today uncle has no one. He is requesting it to be this way. But tonight you all are changing this destiny. If uncle is right, this is my last talk to you guys. Brother, you are uncle’s most loved one. That is why, what he has asked of you is the most!

Man1: He would not have accepted anything else, if you see uncle ask him for forgiveness. Tell me when will we get into action small brother? You tell us that.

Tefo: I don't know

Man2: How will we know then?

Tefo: This way...


Tefo: Uncle where are you?

Ramiz: Nephew it’s time. as soon as the song ends, they should start.

Then he write down the radio station number... which is 90.2

Man: 90.2

Man4: Wait! Don't play with the music...

Soner: This music is fine, let it stay. When everything is done, bring me a big bag of popcorn

Man1: As your order brother


Ramiz: I am requesting for a song brother, the last song. “there is one solution, and that is death” play it for me for the last time.

Ramiz goes inside

Soner: You are going to die anyways, if you don't want her to die too beg!

Ramiz: Be comfortable brother, I promise you I won’t do anything to you.

Then he plays the song...

Man: Now we have the last request and that is from Ramiz Uncle. It is said by Selma “There is one solution (chance) and that is death”

Man: Wait let me check! Ok, ok go on...

Selma: “There is one chance (solution), and do you say that is death? Tell me my darling what do you say? There is another solution...etc”

Police: Who are you man? I am telling you hey!!

Man: Ramiz uncle has Selam (hi) to you! he said “you should not be ashamed, he shall continue what he was doing still”

Soner: hello! Hello!

Ramiz: Hello

Soner: Beg uncle! Beg! Or else Selma will die! Beg now! hurry and beg!

Ramiz: First you!

Soner: Stop! Stop! Stop!

Ramiz: The difference between you and I brother is that you beg for yourself and I do for my loved ones.

Soner: Stop, tell your man to put his gun down. He shall put it down and I will tell mine. they shall put it down too alright? We shouldn’t do anything stupid. Let’s not do anything stupid, they shall put down their gun.

Ramiz: The difference between you and I brother is you teach your men how to kill and I to kill

Continues in part 10


Ezel Episode 18 Part 10 Last One

Ramiz: ...and I is when a man comes to kill if he doesn't kill he will return without dying, but the ones who come and kill (hangs up the phone)

Soner: Stop! Stop!

He kills him and the other two men kill the other man

Ramiz: when there is nothing left to do, to do nothing is the best thing! (kisses Selma) before you do this, if you are going to kill think about what I will do after! Think about....

Ramiz goes out...

Ramiz: Did you see nephew, look you let me and I came back.

Ezel: You came uncle, now it is time for the others.

Then it shows “Now”

Ramiz: Now you all know, now do you all not agree if I sit here? “No”. Now this man who is sitting there, do you all agree that it’s ok if he is there? “No”. As far as I heard, you were going to give Soner brother two gambling places. Since I am sitting here, is this offer still on?

Ali: It is.

Ramiz: I loved you brother, but it is close to me. You still have a lot to learn brother. Right? (everyone leaves)

Then night comes..

Ramiz: If you are asking yourself “where did you make mistake or what was missing” go aside, let them smell it, you are in that game that you have planned.

Then shows Cengiz going inside a room

Cengiz: I tried teacher, I tried. I tried to be a good husband, I said “ I should be a good father”. I tried to follow the laws. I tried to trust my friend, starting everything from beginning. I tried! I tried! God knows I tried to be a different man. I tried to be good. But it’s not working, as long as I tried everything is falling apart, as I try everyone hits worse. I have to accept it. good things doesn't suit me friend, then (turns on the light) remember it, I will solve (take care) of the rest. Just like the old days, how bad was happening?

Shows the bastard still alive!!

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Sam 13 Mar 2010, 2:32 pm

Ezel episode 19 Part 1

Eysan: I should get down here, he must be waiting by the window.

Ezel: Cengiz did this?

Eysan: Don't do that Ezel. This is nothing, he is not doing bad things to us, we are doing it to him.

Ezel: True

Eysan: Don't you get scared? Your result will be like his? Tell me the truth, don't you say “this girl will sale me too one day”?

Ezel: You? you don't say it? “this man will do this to me one day”?

Eysan: Everyday, when will we start?

Ezel: We already started.


Ezel and Ramiz

Ezel: what is going on uncle? Are you going to tell me the truth?

Ramiz: There are a lot of truths Ezel. If I don't tell you all of it, it means I am not telling you the truth.

Ezel: Start it from last week. Where did you go? You took Tevik too, what are you hiding from me uncle? This gambling place, as soon as you reach Ali, Ali came closer to me. You putted yourself and Ms. Selma in danger for me. But is it just to help me? From now on your words are accepted in this family too. Did you just get back to this life because of me? Tell me the truth uncle. If you tell me the truth maybe I will help you.

Ramiz: The thing is this Ezel, when I don't need help, you help me. Look Ezel, you, you are more than my own son. It was like that yesterday and it will be the same tomorrow. However it looks let it be. One day where we find ourselves let it be, this is how it will be. Ezel, I will not put you in any bad things. I won’t.

Ezel: How uncle? You are after something or something is after you. You are not telling, where are we going uncle? If you tell me, are you scared one day you will find me front of yourself?

Ramiz: Ezel, if one day you find me in front of yourself that means I have not told you the complete truth. Know it this way.

Ezel: Truth, Ali and Eysan accepted the game to be played for Cengiz.

Ramiz: Then take out your sword, you know enough! Take it out.

Ezel: First, first I will learn the truth uncle. I will learn the first from Eysan.

Ramiz: Truth, sometimes hiding the truth is giving pity (mercy) for your loved ones.

Ezel: Not to the loves ones uncle, it is giving yourself (himself) pity.

Ramiz: The weather got cold Ezel, if you want come with me huh?


Eysan at home

Eysan: Can, come on son you will be late for school.

Ali and Tefo

Ali: Are you upset with me brother, because I didn't trust you. Don’t make me a big deal in front of your eyes Tefo; I am this much that is it. I say “I should be better (knowledge), I say I will not touch gun” but no, whatever I do, it comes back to me. Do you understand right Tefo? Whatever I (we) do doesn't do anything. Whatever we do those dishonoured will find a way. They are making to kill our loves ones. You understand right? One day will come; they will make us kill each other. No, don't say “no”. I am not that stupid. I can see it, one day we will be pointing those guns towards each other.

Tefo: I did that along time ago Ali brother. They didn't make me take the bullet out.

Ali: Do me a favour my brother when that day comes. Press the trigger before me, before me. Because if you don't, I will.

Tefo: Maybe that day will never come Ali brother.

Ali: Maybe it won’t come. What are those?

Tefo: Photos, memories. When I was inside.

Ali: What is this? No hair! If Uncle has this, he would be using it against you...


Cengiz and Ezel

Cengiz: I slapped Eysan. I was right, she was cheating on me. I will find out who did it, and when I did, I will kill him. So now you know the truth, will you take me inside again?


Tefo and Ali

Ali: Look, you are playing ball here, what is this man

Tefo: I won it! Look I even got this.

Ali: Where is this? doesn't look like jail.

Tefo: It is not, I was at the jail hospital. I wasn’t well before. They send me there.

Ali: ohh

Tefo: Those are my other sentenced to jail friends.

Ali: This is you right? (then drops the pictures) Tefo you!

Tefo: It wasn’t Ramiz uncle who putted me in this job first. I know Omer.

Ezel Episode 19 Part 2

Ali: Why didn't you tell me before? Huh? Why didn’t you say something?

Tefo: I gave my honour words to Omer to kill you.

Ali: To Omer? Not to Uncle? Omer wanted it?

Tefo: Omer did

Ali: But you didn't do it, why didn't you tell me after? Why didn't you tell me you knew Omer?

Tefo: I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t say it at first. (Takes the gun out) I couldn’t do it at the second time too but this time!

Ali: (takes his gun out) You came to my side! Didn't you come to my side man? You came to my side!

Tefo: If I do it this time, to take Omer’s revenge! I killed my own sister because she did something sin brother! I shot poor Eren. And now I like you...No, now I am a dirtier murder than you brother! You think I wouldn’t shoot you? What happen Ali brother; you said it a little while ago. You were going to shoot me first? Why are you stopping? Do you want me to do what you said? Alright (then puts the gun down) That is why you shouldn’t talk for nothing, you cannot press that trigger. I wouldn’t do it too, this job is closed, and it’s done. That is why you shouldn’t lock me in your car; don't look at me like I am doing things behind your back. If we are betrayals, we are both! I don't know why you did it, but I betrayed Omer for you.

Ali: You did, you did right?

Tefo: I did. (Sits down) at first I thought there is a going back, I said since I do bad things I will do that too. This is how they taught me brother. But it is wrong, charity doesn't mean being someone worker brother. Charity is being devotion to yourself. I learned this from you.

Ali: You spoke, and you said everything Tefo. (sits down) Tefo, can you tell me about him. Tell me about Omer

Tefo: I will tell you. I will tell you brother, but first I have a small job to do. I have something that belongs to Omer, I gave to give that back first. Not to you, to Eysan.


Ezel and Cengiz

Cengiz: She said she is cheating on me. With who? Since when? Why should I believe this girl? When has she told the truth in life for me to believe her? I am not mad at Eysan, do you know why?

Ezel: Why?

Cengiz: Because she brought me back to me that is why. She made me wake up in my sleep.

Ezel: what kind of sleep?

Cengiz: Stupid sleeping. Innocent sleeping. You know like you make yourself believe nothing has happened. You know it too; this is the kind of sleeping. How should I tell you? a good person’s sleep.

Ezel: What happens when you wake up then?

Cengiz: When you wake up partner, you a wake again. Who is doing what to you, where is the target, everything you will see like a sharp! You like the gun? Alright you have putted back the bag in its place but the closing thing was on the other side.

Ezel: What are you going to do with that?

Cengiz: You know this Eysan’s. He is a smart man right?

Ezel: Since he has passed you.

Cengiz: he likes games too. Since making love with my wife in front of my eyes, he loves it. he loves danger.

Ezel: Maybe he doesn't love danger, he loves your wife.

Cengiz: I don't think it is just because of Eysan, I think he wants to take something from me too. I think, about me I mean.

Ezel: what kind of person could there be? (another words who is he?)

Cengiz: I am thinking, there is you!

Ezel: I thought you woke up Cengiz, think about other choices.

Cengiz: Why? It is just your type of job. If I tell you, you did it! it is you man! If I point the gun to you, what would you say to save yourself?

Ezel: With two things: First if I want to take Eysan from you, I will take her from you Cengiz! You cannot stop me, if I want Eysan, she will be mine! You are good, you are good for work. But when it comes to woman, you are not my partner there Cengiz! If you will shoot me, shoot me. But don't take me that softly (easily). Second here have this back! If you will shoot someone you need the bullets.

Cengiz: You weren’t the first choice anyways partner

Ezel: where are you going?

Cengiz: To remove the first choice. Are you going to come?

Ezel; I am coming, so that you wont do something nonsense.

Cengiz: Alright may I trust you? Let’s say if I did do something nonsense. Would you still take me in here?

He gives him the keys....

Back to 1997 Istanbul...

Omer: Leave me! Eysan! Where is Eysan? Eysan!

Man: Shut up! Get in the car!

Omer: Where is Eysan? Eysan!

Cengiz: Alright, it’s over now.

Back to present time...2010

Eysan: What is it? is it something about Hotel? Talk Ali, you bought me here in hurry!

Ali: Eysan, what we will talk about Cengiz must not hear about it.

Eysan: I will put it on the list

Ali: You know Tefo, Tevik. His story is long, so now I took Tefo to work for me, but I didn't know then. I have to be a man, now who ever I am he is too. We didn't have anything hidden but there was. So today...

Tefo: I know Omer

Ali: He knows him

Ezel Episode 19 Part 3

Ali: He knows him, not because he wants something. He is on our side.

Eysan: What are you two doing? What are you playing Ali? What are you after?

Tefo: No, it has nothing to do with Ali brother.

Eysan: I never thought you would be that dirty!

Tefo: I have something belong to you from Omer. He wanted me to give it to you.

Eysan: Ali tell him to cut it off! It is not funny!

Tefo: he told me about you

Eysan: I don't believe it!


Ezel: First she won’t believe it!

Tefo: I will show her the fake photos?

Ezel: No.

Tefo: What will I say?

He is going about Eysan

Tefo: You never said you love him.

Eysan: Wrong!

Ezel: Only the last day! The last day! She only said once “she loves me”

Eysan: Who said it? Who?

Tefo: Omer

Eysan: I don't believe it!

Tefo: You have a scare (injury), it is not noticeable.

Ezel: She won’t listen, she will try to open that door and run! Before it was opening, but now it doesn't. Ask her where he is. Ask if she went there before or not.

Tefo: you came here before too

Eysan: I didn't!
Tefo: While trying to run away from Omer, you tried to go thru that door! That is why you got that injury.

Eysan: No!

Ezel: I hold her. She said “leave me, leave me let me go”.

Tefo: he said he will protect you

Ezel: I love you very much; I wouldn’t anything happen to you.

Eysan: You cannot do this; your strength is not enough. I am not that good as you see with your eyes.

Tefo: he said “you are, if you look at it yourself, then you will notice how good you are.”

Omer: I won’t let you! I won’t let leave you for anyone! Who are you scared of? I will protect you from everyone and everything! I love you very much Eysan, I cannot live without you! understand it girl!

Eysan: Enough! You are lying! Lying!

Tefo: Don't say one more word, don't say one more lie.

Eysan: Why?

Tefo: you know why? Because I will believe you. even if it’s a lie. Now you believe Omer’s words.

Eysan: Omer, what did he say? What did he tell you about me?

Tefo: What if she doesn't believe me?

Ezel: She will

Tefo: After? (to Eysan) You have to come with me.

Eysan: Ali?

Tefo: Only two of us. For the last time, don't you want to speak to Omer?


Ezel and cengiz

Ezel: Where did we come?

Cengiz: To get revenge back.

Ezel: With whom?

Cengiz: With him! Mesud he is 34 years old, he is married. He is a business man. How happy they are right? oh my dears.

Ezel: Where do you know this Cengiz? How do you know this is the man?

Cengiz; I am not 100% sure, but I will learn it.

Ezel: How?

Cengiz: There is only one way to learn the truth partner. He will say it himself.

Ramiz: Everyone says they are looking for the truth. Everyone waits for him to save the truth. But it is not the truth that will let you free, it is when you face your loves ones again.

Then Selma sees someone at the door, she gets happy ( maybe that is her son)


Ali, Eysan and Tefo

Ali: Be careful

Tefo: You?

Ali: There is something I need to learn, I am going there.

Ramiz: to learn the truth, which you will leave out or putting someone in fire.

Cengiz: They have beautiful home right?

Ezel: Since when are you following him?

Cengiz: If you want to learn something about someone. You will learn it all in one day. He has 2 years of age dog and a 4 years age of a daughter. Her name is Ruzgar. This man has everything he needs. But he wanted one thing he wouldn’t get, and that is Eysan.

Ramiz: But when you look for it with no remedy is not the truth.

Eysan: Is it right here?

Tefo shows her the seats

Ramiz: You, actually looking for something you have forgotten in a case. (Shows Bahar) You don't want to learn too much friend.

Bahar: How? Alright I am coming now.

Ramiz: You only one to learn one that the person you love to love you too.

Ali: Can we talk? If you have time.

Bahar: Can we talk on the way?

Ramiz: Do whatever you do, it is not the love, it is the person you see on the street and sacrifice the person.

Ezel: (text) It is a emergency, come to the place soon!

Ali: You are scared right?

Bahar: No, why should I be scared?

Ali: to say the same thing again. Don't be scared, such words will come out from me once.

Bahar: What are you going to say then?

Ali: I was going to say, you and I. To continue like that day never happened.

Bahar: How?

Ali: Just consider that I never said those words. Just consider that you don't know, like before. Bahar, let me be your Ali brother again.

Bahar: Why do you want such thing?

Ali: I will change Bahar, the way you want me to be. Like if there will be you in my life like before, it will make me be more motivated. I don't know, so that I will be a good man, do good things. You never know, maybe one day you will see me that way too. In a different way, like you will see me, how I see you.

Bahar: But

Ali: No, not now. You don't think about it what I said, forget about them alright? Say Ali brother, let me be around you. It can’t be?

Bahar: It can’t

Ali: Why?

Bahar: Because you said it once.

Ali: I won’t say it again, I won’t open my mouth.

Bahar: It won’t make a difference. You said it once. You won’t be my Ali brother again.

Ali: Then what will happen to me? I can’t be the other one too. How will I come to you?

Bahar: Like my friend, you can come to my as friend.

Ali: Like your friend? I come?


Cengiz and Ezel

Cengiz: He sits there everyday. He drinks and looks at paper.

Ezel: What do you know Cengiz?

Cengiz: The plane Eysan missed, he was there too.

Ezel: How do you know? They wouldn’t give the list who are on it to anyone

Continues in part 4


Ezel Episode 19 Part 4

Ezel: They wouldn’t give the travels’ list to anyone.

Cengiz: I am not anyone, I am Cengiz Atay. Look

Ezel: Yes, he was on the other side. Is that it? Cengiz you are not thinking right!

Cengiz: And this is the report for other things.

Ezel: So?

Cengiz: It has the phone number for him too. Mesud Sure

Ezel: The man does antique (his part of job) couldn’t that be a coincidence?

Cengiz: This could be, and this one. What about this? do you think all of it can be a coincidence?

Ezel: Is there anyone else that you haven’t followed?

Cengiz: She is not everyone. She is Eysan Atay.


Tefo and Eysan

Tefo gets a text messege from Ezel it says

“Cengiz is chasing (pursuit) Eysan”

Eysan: Was he sitting here?

Tefo: Cross of you. He used to sit cross of you.

Eysan: What was he doing?

Tefo: He would write

Eysan: (gets the box) He left this for me?

Tefo: He wrote it for you. (she takes the paper out) They didn’t give us papers.

Then Tefo reads it

Tefo: “Eysan when did you forget about me? Did you forget it while you were with me?”

Eysan: Alright, don't ready it. I don't want it.

Tefo: “Did you forget everything? Did you give up on me and looking at me?”

Eysan: (reads one) “Do you know what the worse is? The worse one is dreaming of getting out of here.”

Then goes back in time...

Omer: I will get out of here; you will be waiting by the door for me. You are crying I have gotten very old. But you are the same, crying.

Eysan: “I don't want you to cry. I can’t upset you, but at the same time I want you to cry a lot. I am going, you are coming after me.”

Ezel: “Do you know what the worse is? You don't deserve this dream, still I am living it.”

Omer: I will never get out of this door, but in my dream you are waiting by this door for me. And I cannot stop within inside of me stopping to dream.

Eysan: Omer... “That is why you don't deserve this question at all! But I cannot stop without asking.”

Omer: Was everything a lie Eysan? Did you love me even one day? Was everything a game? I know you won’t tell the truth while I am here, but look, there is no me anymore.

Eysan: Omer

Ezel: Now you don't have to convince me Eysan. No one will hear you, that is why tell the truth. “Was everything a game from beginning? Or else there was a possibility? A possibility that you love me always and a happy ending. Was it there for one moment Eysan?

Eysan: There was, there was Omer. Everything wasn’t a game. I swear it wasn’t a game! Look there is no one, there is no you too. That is why believe me please. I swear there was another possibility.

She finds the key there

Omer: “This is the possibility, ask my father”.


Ezel and Cengiz

Ezel: Enough Cengiz, alright. Let’s get up too.

Cengiz: Do you know what I had to do to get Eysan Ezel? What I gave up? What I did? Do you know? I loved her more than anyone.

Ezel: Even more than Omer too?

Cengiz: Especially from Omer. I won Eysan Ezel, I deserve her. Who is he? Where did this man come from? Who is he? How would I let him live?

Ezel: Maybe he hasn’t done it partner, we should learn it all.

Cengiz: He did it! He did! If he is not the one, then there is someone else. He can do anything to Eysan. If he hasn’t done it, then it means that man has won Eysan! I don't know where that man is, but I know this! He must have done it!

Ezel: Are you listening to what you’re saying? Do you think I would let you do something nonsense?

Cengiz: how will you stop me?

Ezel: (holds his hand) If needed, this way!

Cengiz: Why do you think I brought you here?

Ezel: even if you didn't, I would have came Cengiz.

Cengiz: just like that! That is why I brought you here! (he locks him)

Ezel: Cengiz your being nonsense!

Cengiz: Partner means doing things together! That is why you should stay here

Ezel: Cengiz!

Then back to 1997

Omer: So? How is it? You like it? So? Say something! Eysan won’t like it? This is not enough? Say it Cengiz.

Cengiz: How should I tell you this now brother?

Omer: nicely

Cengiz: brother this home; it’s sweet and nice outside but inside is too simple brother. Woman’s need is different; as soon as Eysan gets in here she will give up on marrying you.

Omer: Why? I worked hard on it! It’s not good?

Cengiz: What can I do? Shall I be a friend or stay like a furrow (stone)?

Omer: Stay like a stone

Cengiz: now you told Eysan about this place huh?

Omer: Brother this is what I am trying to say! I didn't tell her!

Cengiz: How? She’s not aware of it?

Omer: It’s a surprise, I will bring her tomorrow.

Cengiz: Look what we will do. While tomorrow morning you all are sleeping, Cengiz brother will come here early. I will buy stuff at the store, things that woman’s soul will like. I will get everything ready, after I will go and leave the key’s at Eysan’s door. Alright? But you don't go there to look, let her see it by herself. What do you think?

Omer: You would do it? Cengiz for real you would do it?

Cengiz: I will do it with no chance. She is our yanga (like a sister-in-law)

Omer: Yes! She said “Yes” to me! We are getting married! I am getting married brother!

Cengiz: Alright, leave some for me. But don't tell her anything

Omer: No brother, if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have done this much too. I know this much

Cengiz: You trust me

Back to present time

Ezel: Excuse me!

Continues in part 5

Ezel Episode 19 Part 5

Ezel: Excuse me

Lady: Yes?

Ezel: May I get water? Also can you hand me this jacket of mine? Please? Thank you. Kamil come inside now, and find a key.


Man: Mr. Cengiz she came out of the hospital alone. I am following her.

Cengiz: Alright, don't do it much I don't think she would be doing anything today.

Tefo: My job here is done brother

Ezel: What did Eysan say? What did she answer? (Hangs up the phone) Mesud Sure! Find anything about him!

Kamil: I cannot fine anything Ezel, there is no time.

Sebnam: For real he will kill that man? Why him?

Ezel: Because at the wrong place wrong time. those are enough reasons for someone like Cengiz.

Kamil: How will you stop it?

Ezel: If needed, I will show Cengiz the right man he is looking for.

Kamil: Then all the plans will be messed up.

Ezel: Let it be, today someone innocent won’t die again because of me Kamil.


Bahar and Ali

Bahar: I have made you leave your work.

Ali: Friends will be for such days, Elif will be fine. Don't worry.

Bahar: It’s not suppose to take that long. How do you know?

Ali: Because your here, wherever you are nothing bad happens. I shall go. Bahar, don't misunderstand me you said you just met this girl, how come your so attached to her?

Bahar: before she went to the surgery, I told her “you will live”. I promised her.

Ali: To give her hope.

Bahar: Yes, for her and myself.


Eysan and Mumtaz

Eysan: Uncle Mumtaz

Mumtaz: Eysan, what’s up?

Eysan: I didn't thank you for being Can’s teacher.

Mumtaz: No need for it daughter. He is a good boy, his hands are strong. His hands are like my son. He is like Omer.

Eysan: He loves you too, he always asks about you.

Mumtaz: You came here for this at this time? (she gives him a key) What is this daughter?

Eysan: Omer’s. He has sent it to me years ago. There is a note too.

Mumtaz: You’re asking me this now? After all those years? You’re asking now?

Eysan: I just received it. I don't know what this key is for. What is this for? Why did Omer sent it to me?

He gets the key

Mumtaz: You missed Omer daughter?

Eysan: Very much

Mumtaz: Me too, I miss him very much too. What do you the most miss about him?

Eysan: Everything. His laughs the most, I miss the laughs he had like there is no bad things in the world.

Mumtaz: I miss his voice the most. When he used to say “dad”. It was like every answer he needed I had. “dad” when he was young, he would put his hand thru my beard. I miss that too. When he would come inside, I could feel it. I missed that as well. My son died

Eysan: Uncle Mumtaz

Mumtaz: I am not angry at you daughter, but I am jealous of you. Go out from here, as soon as you cross the houses, you will see a house alone. Those keys are that house’s keys.

Eysan: Why you’re jealous?

Mumtaz: The Omer I miss is gone. He won’t come back again. The Omer you missed, your Omer is at that house. He is waiting for you, that is why I am jealous.

Eysan: Uncle Mumtaz...

Mumtaz: Come on daughter go, go to Omer. Go, why are you waiting? Go run! What are you waiting for? Go to Omer!

Then Mumtaz gets a heart attack....

Then back to 1997

Omer: Dad? Dad!

Father: Yes?

Omer: Dad, I finished it.

Father: I finished it too

Omer: We finished it father; father and son did it together. Here father

Father: No son that is yours.

Omer: No father, this house is your home too. If something is missing then you will come and solve it.

Father: As you wish.

Omer: Dad, can we sit for two minutes? (they sit) If you allow it too, shall we ask for Eysan’s hand dad? If it’s alright with you too

Father: You don’t remember it when you were young, your mother got blind, and I was on a side of a corner with two eyes of my crying. You came and wiped it with you rlittle hands and run away...

Continues in part 6


Ezel Episode 19 Part 6

Father: You run very fast, like you didn't see it.

Omer: I don't remember it.

Father: I said it that day; I said “Mumtaz can a human being separate their children from each other? Sure not because each one’s place is different. But this Omer, this Omer is the best thing you have done in this world!” That is why God has given me this to see this day.

Omer: Ah father

Father: A father wouldn’t talk like this front of his son, it is only once. And that one time is today. I am proud of you son! May God give you a child just like yourself Omer.


Ramiz: What a fear (scary) thing it is to remember the past. If you cannot change the future...

Bahar: Ali! Thank you! see you later.

Then shows Ezel running to his home

Ramiz: what a scary thing it is to learn the truth thru making lies. It is scare to see the true more bare, more cruel, and most un-sorrow face.

Ezel: Cengiz

Cengiz: Welcome partner

Ramiz: But the most scare thing is not while owing everything not even the truth but running after one moment, one dream.

Ali: Did you give Omer’s thing? Alright lets go somewhere tell me about Omer.

Tefo: I won’t be telling you nice things brother

Ali: That’s ok.

Tefo: He is not the Omer you know.

Ali: I don't want to remember Omer, tell me about him so that it will make me forget about Omer.

Then goes back to 1997

Omer: Alright brother ignore it. It’s not worth it.

Ali: He will make me a killer man!

Omer: Forget it brother, ignore it.

Ali: Wait man, wait. You want here? Is that it? Wait, wait (then he goes back to the man, then comes back)

Omer: Ali brother, let it go if our money is not enough for it.

Ali: I told you son, take me with you! I know how to bargain.

Omer: What did you say? What did you tell?

Ali: I said if you don't give it to the child I will make this house ****

Omer: You were too soft! Stop! Stop! The man is taking the car Ali brother.

Ali: Stop son, he didn't take it.

Omer: No Ali brother, that car is yours.

Ali: No, the man gave me his motor, see it’s like a tiger! Come on, get on it! I will drive you around. (He gets on it) Push it! Jump on it! Do it! Get on it! Ali is coming!

Back to present time 2010

Ezel: What do you think your doing Cengiz?

Cengiz: I am getting revenge! I am questioning him and you’re helping me! Aren’t you my friend?

Ezel: You have eaten your head! Open him!

Cengiz: If you do I will catch him again!

Ezel: Cengiz I will tell the police

Cengiz: you will say you found a man beaten at your own home? There will be a problem

Ezel: son, what if he hasn’t done it? What if someone else has? What if he has no fault? You will kill him for nothing?

Cengiz: I thought about that too, he will confess he did it then I will kill him. I won’t kill him before. I thought about everything, don't worry.

Ezel: You have gone crazy

Man: help me; if you love your god help me.

Cengiz: Ezel move away! Move or else I swear I will shoot you too!

Man: Help me please! Please! He will kill me!

Cengiz: No! I am giving you a chance! Confess and I will let you go. Say “I did it”! No! Confess! Tell the truth and be safe.


Eysan at the house

Then goes back to 1997

Omer: Eysan, I always thought I wouldn’t come back from military.

Eysan: Don't be nonsense.

Omer: I thought I wouldn’t find you, yeah what would I do without you?

Eysan: What would happen? You would have found a better one.

Omer: There is no one else, you are the best one.

Man: Aysel! (I think that’s how the name is spelled)

Omer: Shall we move here with you huh?

Eysan: No, I don't want it.

Man: Aysel, look what you have done to me. Look at me well! Very well! Who is next on the list? Tell me, is it him? Leave me! Leave me!

Eysan: Omer, I will give him some money ok? You wait here, I will do it.

Omer: Look I told you, you are the best one.

Man: You thought I wouldn’t recognize you? Would I forgot what you have done? I don't Aysel!

Eysan: I am not Aysel! Here have this and go!

Man: Is it him? Is he next? You will make him like me? Stop don't go Aysel! I will gather myself up and be rich again! I will give you all! Feel sorry for that man! Do it to me, I love you more.

Continues in part 7


Ezel Episode 19 Part 7

Man: I love you more than him Aysel!

Eysan: My name is not Aysel!

Man: Aysel!

Eysan: It’s not!

Then Omer finds the man crying

Man: Aysel! Aysel don't go Aysel!

Omer: Eysan!

Eysan: Leave me! Let me go Omer!

Omer: Eysan what happen? Did the man do something tell me what happen?

Eysan: Nothing happened, I want to go! Nothing happened.

Omer: Why? I will go nuts!

Eysan: Let go! I want to go!

Omer: Eysan why? Did I do something?

Eysan: Bad things will happen. Bad things will happen.

Omer: Eysan nothing will happen to us. Where are you running to? Tell me? Nothing will happen to us, look I will protect you.

Eysan: Not me, let me go!

Omer: I won’t let you go; I won’t let you go to anyone. Who are you scared of? I will protect you from everyone and everything! I love you so much Eysan, if I let you go I won’t live girl! Understand it!

Eysan: Omer

Omer: Enough! I won’t let you go. I will never leave you, I will always love you. Is that why your scared? I will always protect you!

Eysan: You can’t protect me! They will come, they will find me again.

Omer: Who? Who?

Eysan: Omer please

Omer: No one will come, don't be scared. Look I will make things like this for the windows.

Eysan: It’s not enough.

Omer: I will put flower etc

Eysan: Can we?

Omer: Yes, I promise.

Eysan: I want it to be white too alright?

Eysan: White, we agree. What am I doing? Omer let me go?

Omer: No, let us have a dog. Can’t we? Let him protect the home. What do you want to name him?

Eysan: Hamur! Let it be Hamur

Omer: Let it be Hamur...

Back to present time 2010

Then she sees the note on the pillow it says

“This is Hamur’s no one sits here”

Back to 1997

Eysan: It won’t be real

Omer: Sure it is. we will have it all!

Then back to 2010 then again 1997

Omer: We will have a child, a son. He will protect us. Nothing bad will happen, we will swing him in his small bed.

Eysan: Can we put games on top of it?

Omer: We can...

Back to 2010

Then again 1997

Eysan: We will get tired; we can’t take care of everything

Omer: When we get tired, we will go in front of the TV. Two sits, one for you and one for me. I will tell you “my darling wife, how did you day went?”

Eysan: Good, my day with you today went by very beautifully. Yours? How did was your day?

Then back to 2010


Cengiz: Tell! You brought that ankle! Say it and get safe!

Mesud: But I didn't buy it! I swear I didn't take it! Please do something. Please stop him! I don't know both of you!

Cengiz: Didn't you go?

Mesud: I told you many times, I just went in there and gave price. My job is about antique stuff!

Cengiz: What about this? The plane! Didn't you go to Spain with this plane?

Mesud: I did! But I didn't go with the woman your saying.

Ezel: Cut it! Enough! Calm down!

Cengiz: What about this picture? Is that a fault too?

Ezel: she came to shopping, she bought cups. I don't remember more, I can’t even remember her name. I have a wife! I have a child!

Cengiz: Ah true! You have a family right? That’s true! True!

Ezel: Cengiz!

Cengiz: This is them right? They are your family. Your wife is pretty, your child is a little different, and she’s like you. But the woman is pretty. Do you know what I will do now? Now I will take your phone. Where is your phone? Where is your phone man? Your wife’s name is Sayna right? Now I will message her saying “I am at work, I cannot call. I will be late. A very important customer, that customer is me! Will come home, invite him inside, you will like him. He is a very good man. Send!

Mesud: No! No!

Cengiz: Yes! Yes! You stay here! It is at the street..... your wife will accept me in, and your child is there too. What do you think I will do? No, no I won’t tell you. you don't tell me too! I will do it to your wife! Long! Long!

As soon as he walks away

Mesud: Don’t go! I beg you don't go!

Ezel: Say if that you did it

Mesud: I did it for God’s sake. Let him not go.

Ezel: Gosh! You didn't to it! Because I did it do you understand? Shut up now! Say something

Cengiz: What? What are you two talking?

Mesud: What are you two doing? Huh? Are you playing a game. (as he walks away) alright don't go! I slept with your wife!

Cengiz: Really? How many times?

Mesud: A lot. Don't go.

Cengiz: Thank you, thank you. I heard the truth, you don't know how comfortable you made me.

Ezel: Cengiz!

Cengiz: What difference would it make? I will kill him tomorrow, or the next day! Now I know it! what difference would it make?

Ezel: Do you want to learn the truth or not?

Cengiz: I want to!

Ezel: since you did it, tell how you did it!

Continues in part 8


Ezel episode 19 Part 8

Ezel: If you don't tell, then he will do everything he just said! Tell everything or else I will take him to your house myself! Do you understand? Tell!

Mesud: At the hotel room, I slept with her at the hotel room.

Ezel: How?

Mesud: I took her clothes off first, and then I made her sleep...

Ezel: is there a sing? A sing?

Cengiz: She has a scar, it’s an injury scar.

Ezel: Where is her injury scar?

Mesud: Her back, ridge of her back

Ezel: Do you want to learn the truth or get revenge?

Mesud: No, it wasn’t there. it was towards the other way

Cengiz: Let him go, let him go. If he is not the one then who is it Ezel? If this is not him then who? Who? Who? Who?

Ezel: Cengiz! Cengiz!

He leaves

Mesud: Thank you! Thank you very much!

Ramiz: Can you reach the truth by hiding the truth? (shows Eysan) Can you find the person beneath memories? Can you get attached to a life that you never lived? (shows the mother)

Mother: Mumtaz? Mumtaz are you there? Mumtaz?

Ramiz: Can you believe in the person who is not there but is protecting you?

Mother: Mumtaz? Mumtaz? Mart! Mart run hurry! Mumtaz?

Ramiz: The truth has many faces; can you believe that it can see you?

Cengiz: Alright, I will be there in one hour.


Ezel: Kamil are you downstairs? Alright listen to be carefully


Mesud, Cengiz and Ugly Serdar

Cengiz: Why don't you answer my phone calls?

Mesud: First shopping. Your hand is hard Cengiz brother.

Cengiz: I wanted to seem right (true)

Serdar: As they say “If it doesn't seem true, then it is true.” I was right son-in-law.

Cengiz: You said “feeling sorry” To learn the truth from Ezel is him showing he is this way.

Serdar: It is written on his forehead, let him try as much as he wants but this is him. He is just like Omer.

Cengiz: if he has done it, he wouldn’t want someone else to get punished on his place. Yes you are right, he is like Omer. He didn't do much though too, somehow he said something to him.

Serdar: Come on tell us what he said?

Mesud: First payment. I played very well, and got beat up too.

Cengiz: This is your job Kerim.

Mesud: This has nothing to do with this, I shall take my payment.

He gives him the money

Cengiz: he said it right? what did he say? (Mesud’s phone rings)

He sees his wife calling

Mesud: My darling wife I am at work meeting, I will call you later.

Kamil: This is job meeting too Kerim. I will tell you not to make them notice but you are a good actor. Eh you are number one in class, you would make them notice.

Mesud: Alright dear wife, say it now.

Kamil: Before you say anything, you know what Cengiz said about your family? This time think all of those will happen!

Mesud: Alright dear, I won’t forget it. I will bring it. (hangs up the phone) I don't think there is anything, I said some things but he didn't say anything.

Cengiz: How? I saw it, I saw him saying something.

Mesud: He said if you saw it he will kill you, he didn't say anything else. If you ask me, he didn't do this. good bye.


Kamil: Ezel here is fine. You caught it well!

Ezel: I caught it last minute Kamil. Cengiz is a good player. (Shows back the morning) He has done a shopping in the morning. it was a store, but he hasn’t bought it for himself, he did it for this man! Kamil are you downstairs? Listen carefully now, this man is coming down now, follow him. Don’t leave him. If he gets inside, then we know it. It was a game, last moment.


Cengiz: So he is not Ezel. So now I picked the wrong man? So if it’s not Ezel then who? What is the truth now? What happen? Who is it with Eysan?


Ezel and Eysan

Eysan: Omer?... How did you find me?

Ezel: I never lost you anyways. Omer made here?

Eysan: Yes, for me.

Ezel: Did you see here before?

Eysan: No, no I didn't see it.

Ezel: If you had seen it, would you have stayed with Omer?

Eysan: I would have, I would have stayed here with Omer. He would have protected me, nothing bad would have happened. I would’ve, I would’ve stayed with him.

Ramiz: Everything you dreamed of, one day one possibility can be real. Without that possibility, can you forget that person you love the most?

Mart calls Ezel


Mart and Ezel

Mart: Brother no one is saying anything; they are not showing him too. I didn't know who to call. Doctor says we have to wait, I say how? He says there is nothing can be done. Maybe you will talk to the doctor, if there is something do be done. I will pay you back brother; I will work and pay you back. I will work and pay you back.

Ezel: Nothing will happen to your father, do you understand?

Continues in part 9


Ezel Episode 19 Part 9 Last One

Mart: Ezel brother

Ezel: I promise you Mart, I promise you brother. Be strong now, stay by your mother.

He goes inside
Woman: You cannot go in Mr. Call the doctor.

Ezel with his father

Ezel: Dad? Dad I came. Dad, daddy, it’s me Omer. Dad can you hear me? Dad? Don't you dear tell me you will leave. This time don't let go off my hand. Look don't turn your back, dad! Dad, this time don't say “I will go”. If you go, I won’t forgive you. Dad do you hear me? I won’t forgive you. Dad, daddy, daddy I came, I am here....

The End

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

Sus In jos

Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Vin 19 Mar 2010, 12:56 am

Ezel Episode 20 Part 1

Mumtaz: A Child is an entrust from God to you.

Then the title of the show is

Emanet which means “Entrust”

Man who is the lawyer wakes up

Ramiz: The time has came Mr. Lawyer. You said when the time comes, you will tell. Call now so that I tell your defender what it’s like to have no solution (no remedy).

Lawyer: What would I say for you to give up?

Ramiz: Call lawyer

Lawyer: I will become your man; I will come to your side.

Ramiz: Call your owner. Tell that I am here.

Man talks on the phone

Lawyer: He is here Sir. He came. Yes

Ramiz: Ask him now, either I will kill you now or make you come on my side. Ask him so that he will tell you. Ask, ask let it be what he wishes.

Lawyer: If I go to his side, he won’t kill me Sir. If you accept it, he won’t do anything to me. But how? I think I didn't tell you clearly, how can you say this?

Ramiz: What is my old friend’s answer?

Lawyer: But sir, one minute! One minute! The situation is serious, how can you give up one me like this? I did a lot for you! One minute!

Ramiz: I understand, so he said do it.

Lawyer: You F**** man! I did so much for you! One minute! Stop don't do it! Don’t!

Ramiz: Now you can tell your defender what is it like to have no remedy! From now on you all don't wait for mercy (pity) from me! because a father’s no remedy is the most scary one!

Mumtaz: A father must do everything for his child when he says “father”. One a child says “father” No matter what he must go to his child.

Then Mumtaz goes out....

Cengiz: Uncle Mumtaz!

Mumtaz: Omer!

Mart: Dad

Mumtaz: Where are you son? I heard your voice

Cengiz: No uncle Mumtaz come

Mart: Leave him brother

Mumtaz: Meliha my son was here. I saw him, he was here. Where is he? My son, he said dad don't leave me. he came, he was above my head. He was here! Didn't anyone of you see him come in?

Mart: No one came in dad, only we did!

Mumtaz: Ah, was that a dream? I thought, he didn't return right Meliha? It wasn’t him right?

Ezel: Uncle Mumtaz come let’s go back to your room.

Mumtaz: My son, I thought he came. But no, Omer died right Meliha? He is gone? He won’t come again!

Then Ezel carries him to his room

Mumtaz: A father, will be carried in tough time, because a father and a child is a entrust from God.

Ezel episode 20 Part 2

Ezel: mother, is he?

Mother: go and see...You won’t tell your father right?

Ezel: Not much left mother, let it finish I will tell everyone.

Mother: Why did you tell me then?

Ezel: I shouldn’t have told you?

Mother: You should not have, I wish you didn't.

Ezel: don't say that mother, father will get better.

Mother: Who will make you better? If you go without saying “father” to this man, who will make you get better? For God’s sake open your eyes Omer! Are you going to be like him? You didn't even hug him as his child, are you going to be like him? Huh? Why do you think your father became like this? See it now Omer! The doctors won’t make him get better; would the doctors bring you back?

Ezel: What are you doing?

Mother: Go tell him! Go tell him! Go tell him you didn't go, you didn't die! Or else I will do what your not doing! I swear to you, I will do it!


Mumtaz: a mother gives life to a child when he says “mother”. After child, with his small hands holds his father’s hand. And child gives live to father.


Ezel and Ali

Ezel: Ali, did I wake you up?

Ali: No dear, who would sleep at this time?

Ezel: I will wait for you for one hour

Ali: Cant’s we solve it here?

Ezel: I need you there, I need something from you. If you say “no” and decline it, I won’t allow you do go away.

Ali: Everyday, I swear I love you more each day! But you have hard things sometimes.

Ezel: Sure, it is not easy to sell your friend.


Ali sees the note under the door

Ali: “A small present from uncle”.

He opens it...

Ali: You bastard men!


Ezel and Eysan

Ezel: Eysan, it is time. What do you say?

Eysan: alright, I am coming. But Ezel don't ask me something more than that I cant do.

Ezel: Don’t worry, I wont ask for such ting.


Eysan and Tefo

Eysan: I wanted to thank you. I cannot express how important that was for me.

Tefo: It was important for him too.

Eysan: Tevik, if I call you would you tell me about Omer?

Tefo: Ah Mrs. Eysan, there is something else. The last day, Omer was going to give you the keys himself.

Eysan: Why didn't he do so?

Tefo: Mr. Cengiz, he has said “I will give it to her, trust me”.


Kamil and Ezel

Kamil: When you tell them everything, would they say ‘ok” again?

Ezel: I think they will

Kamil: This is not something small. They have to hate Cengiz a lot!

Ezel: I think they will. Continue checking on my dad’s situation, let me know everything!

Kamil: alright.


Mumtaz: Thank God I am home.

Nurse: If you have a better room, we shall take him there. Here, doesn't have much air.

Mart: He wants to stay here; it is my father’s bed.

Nurse: I will be outside with the ambulance, let me know anything happens. You heard the doctor, he has to get his surgery tomorrow.

Mart: alright

Mumtaz: There was one item not done at work Meliha...

Wife: That can wait, later on Mart will let the customer know.

Mumtaz: Let the child sleep a little, he is tired. My child, he shall take care o himself well, he shall take care of you too.

Wife: What kind of talking is this? What is this? Mumtazm?

Mart; I got your medications daddy. The water is here too.

Father: Thank you child, thank you.

Mart: Come on mom.

They leave

Mumtaz: forgive me God!


Ezel, Eysan and Ali

Ezel: Are you ready to take Cengiz out of this picture?

Ali: how much?

Ezel: I must ask you this to you guys. How far can you two go? what is your limit?

Ali: What is in your head?

Ezel: Let’s say Eysan asks for divorce from Cengiz. Let’s say Cengiz situation will be a story, he will be left out with no money. Let’s say Cengiz wants money.

Eysan; Cengiz won’t give up on Can. And I won’t give up on Can too.

Ezel: Then Ali comes in the picture.

Eysan: Ezel there is something you don't know, we know a lot of things about each other!

Ali; We need something more than threaten!

Ezel: Did I understand it right? You want his hands and legs tighten?

Eysan: Yes

Ezel: Something that he won’t be saved from it easily. So once he is kicked out, he shall stay there for good.

Ali: Or the opposite, as soon as we send him inside (jail) he shall stay there for good!

Ezel: Umm, isn’t this an awful thing?

Ali: not much

Ezel: But you’re saying this is the only way. Right? Eysan you have to say it.

Eysan: Yes, this is the only way to get save from Cengiz.

Ezel: meaning? Say it. the thing you don't’ say, how will we do it?

Eysan: We have to send Cengiz to jail!

Ezel: Ali?

Ali: to send Cengiz to jail, and throw the key in ocean! This is the way!

Ezel: Wallahi friend, he will get saved from you two!
Alright, let it be what you two say.


Eysan and Ezel

Ezel: Eysan, if something you don't want to do it say so.

Eysan: this is the problem Ezel, you don't want something that I don't want to do. You want the opposite.

Ezel: Then?

Eysan: I am not scared of not being able to do, I am scared once I do it, after hating you.

Ezel: hate it, don't worry. ‘hate’ doesn't make us fall apart.

Eysan: how do you know?

Ezel: Something inside tells me so.

Ezel Episode 21 Part 1

So the name of episode 21 is “Ailede Bir Olum” which means “One Death in a Family”

Ramiz: Azad! (I think that’s her name) My child! Azad! My child!

Ramiz: When one dies in your (a) family, it stays outside; you end up going in the grave instead. Everyone who loves knows this. When someone in your family dies, everything you didn't say becomes a bullet. Without stopping, you hit it to yourself. Everyone knows this, who kills the ones they love with their own hands.

Then it shows ONE NIGHT BEFORE

Ramiz walking downstairs...

Ramiz: Where are you child? Where are you?

Azar (or Azat or azad): The place that suits me.

Ramiz: Come to the place I am telling you now

Azar: The first place I hided?

She hangs up the phone

Azar: As you wish...


She gets down from the motorcycle, reads the text

Azar: Cengiz and them are coming, get out from there soon.

Then shows Cengiz with Ezel and ali

Cengiz: Look, what did I tell you? the girl likes me (meaning Cengiz attracts her)

Azar: Hello, Mr. Cengiz?

Cengiz: Ms. Hande?

Azar: You closed me inside the car, what did you get after words?

Cengiz: believe me I can explain. Don't you want to know?

Azar: Alright, say the name of the place....

Then shows she is changing


Cengiz, Ali and the others

Cengiz: Ah! She is here!

Azar: when you say you have a story, she will come.

Cengiz: I guess, my story has run away. For now...

Ali: The man has flied!

Azar: Who?

Cengiz: Wallahi we will say it, but when we do, we have to kill you after.

Azar: give me a pen and a paper, I am in this.

Ezel comes out

Cengiz: Is there anything?

Ali: We missed that dirty man

Cengiz: Don't make a problem Ali; we learned something much more important. Ramiz Kara Eski has became a man.


Tefo goes inside the car

Ramiz; Hasan you go get some air.

Tefo: They left uncle. Ezel saved your daughter.

Then he gives signal for the other cars to leave

Ramiz: Not yet nephew. We havent saved Azat (Ya I am not sure if it ends with “T” OR “D” SORRY ) they have made another dog follow her.

Tefo: very hurry! How did they learn this?

Ramiz: there is only one way a human would learn in such hurry nephew. We have told them! They have learned it from inside.

Tefo: You don't hire betrayal inside uncle. You send them!

Ramiz: The man cross of us, is hitting us on our own way nephew.

Tefo: Who is that man uncle?

Ramiz: this man, is a smart man who wants revenge!

Tefo: what did you do to that man?

Ramiz: I? I did bad things to this man nephew.


Cengiz and Azar

Cengiz: Do you want me to go inside before you? maybe someone is in there or something? Huh?

Azar: if there is someone, then he is your man for sure.

Cengiz: no dear, now I won’t be comfortable. I don't want bad things tonight huh?

Azar: What is this hurry Mr. Cengiz? I guess you understood me wrong! I was with you for your story.

Cengiz: You have mistakes, you haven’t end up together yet. But it is not a mistake that cant be fixed right?

Azar; (holds his hand with the wedding ring) Yes, true.

Then she goes inside.... she makes a voice

Cengiz: hande?

Azar: Go to your home Mr. Cengiz. Return to your wife.

Cengiz: It’s easy to say so....

He leaves

Then it shows Ezel sitting

Ezel: Shush

Ezel Episode 21 part 2

Azar: What is your relationship with Ramiz? Are you his spy or something?

Ezel: It’s possible, why do you say “Ramiz” to your father?

Azar: This man is not my father.

Ezel: But its clear he loves you very much.

Azar: Yes, because we don't know at all what is it to love.

Ezel: Your right we don't know about his love, but he loves you like no one else. Done.

Azar: Would a human love his kid this way? He would go buys toys and stuff, he wouldn’t make his child a murder.

Ezel: But he has saved life.

Azar: what kind of saving is this? Whatever has happened, has happened because of him. this man **** my life yeah! I don't want such father!

Ezel: You two had beautiful days too huh? When you were a kid.

Azar: I don't remember it, I don't remember anything. I never met (saw) my father yet.

Ezel: Now you will.

Azar: let’s go


Ramiz: Even if you want to hold a family always together, when the time comes, no matter how much you want it, you can’t hold it

Nurse: from now on he is with us

Meliha: Mumtaz?

Husband: Meliha?

Wife: Don't you dear leave me, don't leave me.


Cengiz and Serdar

Cengiz: As you understand, what you said worked.

Serdar: You still wait son-in-law. There are more tricks I have. You just listen to your Serdar father. After words everything will be much prettier.

Cengiz: I will take care of everything from now on myself Serdar.

Serdar: Wait, where are you going?

Cengiz: What else do you want Serdar? Do you want me to rope your stuff too?

Serdar: What is this huh? This is it? With two potatoes you will leave me here?

Cengiz: No such thing Serdar, you are considered as family member. My next visit I will bring you much, come on good sleep.

Ramiz: because no matter how tight you tie to life...

Cengiz: Karpetan Ali! How we handled Uncle right? Come to the gambling place and we will talk. I have very beautiful tricks in my head!

Ali: alright you go, I have a small work left to do. I will solve it and come

Ramiz: Without your family being by your side, you are an easy target to your enemy.

Ali reads the note

Ali: “ From Serdar brother the last hint, you watch it yourself``


Ezel and Azar

Ezel: We are here

Azar: Ezel can you go out a little

Ezel: Me

Azar: I want to stay alone for two minutes.

Azar to herself

Azar: How many times you did this talking do you know? How many times you came cross of him like this? I asked questions, and I answered them. Do you know how many things I did while it was your job to do so? I came to thank you. Thank you, it was good you weren’t by my side. I called you a lot, I forgave you a lot. I begged you a lot, you weren’t there then, and I waited for you a lot. Everywhere from the world and from nonsense moments. Saying ``he will come now, he will hug now! now! now!` Good you didn't come, good you didn't come then. (she sees Ramiz) because now I don't feel anything! Because now you are not my family anymore dad!

She gets out inside the car

Azar: You won’t come

Kamil: Where are we goingÉ

Ezel: What am I doing here yeah Kamil? So many lies! So many games! I have a family.

Kamil: Ramiz is considered your family too Ezel.

Ezel: he wasn’t. let`s go to my father Kamil, before its late.


Ali goes to Serdar`s room

Man: Brother, here!

Then he sees him running away

Serdar: Drive!

Man: brother he run again!

Ali: Nope

Serdar: Answer it my daughter! answer it!


Mother: What are they doing inside they wont show anything again?

Mart: they are preparing him mommy, they wont let anyone go in.

Nurse: Your Mumtaz`s family right?

Mart: Yes, we are

Nurse: What about Mrs. Eysan?

Eysan: It`s me

Nurse: come with me

Eysan: Why

Nurse: Mr. Mumtaz wants to see you.


Azar and Ramiz

Azar: Do you know how many times you did this talking (speech) huh? No, I came to thank you. Don’t worry, I called you a lot, I begged you very much! It was good; it was good you didn't come!

Ramiz: I came daughter! I came!

Ezel Episode 21 part 3

Azar: You didn't come

Ramiz: I came daughter, I came. Tell me, tell me daughter

Azar: Don't! don't you dear call me daughter again!

Ramiz: Azar! Azar daughter you can’t go! You cant go!

Azar: I can`t go? I will go and see!

Ramiz: Azar daughter don't go! they will kill you! they will kill you!

Azar: Would you get hurt (upset)?

Ramiz: I will be miserable (sad) daughter! I will get miserable!

Azar: Fine!


Mumtaz: Eysan, Mr. Doctor will tell you something.

Doctor: We will take him to surgery, but since he has a very high blood pressure it is a risk for the surgery. We said to let his family know but

Mumtaz: No, they have more than enough problems now. let`s not add this to it. Eysan daughter is part of the family.

Doctor; we are taking his wishes, it maybe a risk to his life. But because of his age, someone else has to be aware of it too. The patient wants this in his wills.

Eysan: How much risk is there?

Doctor: there is, there is a little risks.

Eysan: Alright daughter, I will get into that surgery. I will come out with good health and go front of my grandchild.

Eysan goes out

Eysan: aunty?

Mother: What did you tell Mumtaz? Why did he call you?

Eysan: I didn't say anything

Mother: What did you tell him at home? What did you say to convince him while we couldn’t?
Eysan: I spoke to him! I said Omer wanted this too!

Mother: Don't speak of lie! Is every word of yours a lie? Don't you have true words? You only brought miserable to this family since you met Omer. We opened our door for you! Now you tell, what did you tell him? What did you say? What did you say!

Eysan: I want everything to be good Meliha aunty; I am trying to make everything better.

Mother: whatever you try to touch, you make it fall down more. I won’t let you do the same thing again! You won’t make Mumtaz better and after take him away from my family! I won’t let the same thing happen! I won’t! `

Eysan: Aunty

Mother: I won’t allow you do good things at first then after bad! I won’t! Now go! Go! And don't come again! Stay away from us! Go!

Eysan: I am trying to do something good.

Ramiz: As life continue, it gets harder to make decisions. Which family? Which family is more important to you?

Ezel: what happen?

Eysan: nothing, everyone is tired, they are scared. They need someone they trust, they need Omer. Go to them Ezel, you know how you give it to me? give them trust (hope) too. For Omer...

Then she leaves

Ezel: Dad, uncle Mumtaz!

Mumtaz: Ezel, your here too?

Ezel: Sure I am here uncle

Then he goes inside the elevator

Man: But you cant come in

Ezel: I know, just two more minutes.

Mumtaz: is your father alive child?

Ezel: He is alive, but we don't see each other for quite sometimes.

Mumtaz: Why?

Ezel: Everyday I say `today, I will go in front of him today, I say I came, your son came dad’ but...

Mumtaz: Why don't you say so?

Ezel: because I am scared, because he loves the son he knows, I am very scared he won’t love me.

Mumtaz: don't leave your father alone son, even if he turns your back on you, you don't do that. Promise Mumtaz uncle, you will run from here and go to him. run to him, you will go in front of him and say ``father`, father, you will tell him how much you love him``. Promise me!

Ezel: I promise! I promise.

As he goes out

Ezel: Father!

Mumtaz: See! Say it, everything will be better then! Go on! Run, for Mumtaz uncle`s sake.

He leaves... the woman says ``Ezel B. You are been waited for from the parking lot``


Cengiz and Azar

Cengiz: You thought you will get away from me that easily? Shall we drink a coffee or something outside? What do you say? One minute, it’s the other line. (Then he sees its Serdar, he doesn't answer it) It’s not important, I mean it is, but its not more than you. Where was I?

Serdar: Oh Cengiz! Oh! Drive man! Press the gas!

Man: uncle you say so, but do you have money with this cloth your wearing?

Serdar: Child I don't, but my daughter has a lot! I will give it to you then! Turn right! (sees Ali) Oh no! Return back!

Man: give me the money uncle!

Serdar: You man!

Ali: go after him! and bring him! Where are you running to man?

Eysan: Dad?


Ezel and Ramiz

Ezel: You forgot my number uncle?

Ramiz; Get in the car. Ezel come in. Azad

Boy: Yes uncle

Ramiz: you go get a coffee drink and air

Boy: alright

Ezel: is there something you want to tell me uncle?

Ramiz: There is, but it`s not about us. My daughter, my daughter is in danger. They will find her this time.

Ezel: No they won’t find her, you are Ramiz Kara Eski. You are ahead of everyone.

Ramiz; That is the reason nephew, this man, this man thinks like me and calculates things like me as well.

Ezel: Then thinking like him would be much easier.


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

Sus In jos

Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Vin 19 Mar 2010, 12:59 am

Ezel Episode 21 part 4

Ramiz: True, when I have a problem with someone do you know what I would do?

Ezel: You would find the thing he loves the most

Ramiz: True, alright how would I find that out?

Ezel: You will place someone inside.

Ramiz: true, this is what they have done too. (then shows a man) This always is like that. always a phone ring kills a man first. The other person on the line is always a betrayal for you.

Man; Hello, Azar Kara Eski was here.

Ramiz: always, news can be heard from one ear to the other.

Man: Hasan give this to Emer

Ramiz: never one target is not right, everyone steps closer to one sacrifice

Ezel: If it was you, if you get news from inside who would get the revenge?

Ramiz: like everyone, someone like everyone. (Shows a view) If it was me, I would find someone who gets mixed within a crowd. (then shows a man giving Azar`s pic) I would find someone so that he mixed in between all the crowds, no one will notice the difference in him.


Cengiz and Azar

Cengiz: Good that you came, I said to myself you wouldn’t come.

Azar: To be real with you, I don't know much people here. And the ones that I know, I don't like them

Cengiz: look then I am writing it here, you would love much a lot before even getting to know. What would you like to drink?

Azar: Coffee


Ramiz and Ezel

Ramiz; now you say it, what would you do if you were in my place?

Ezel: I don't want to be in your place uncle, but someone like you against you. Your own gun is yourself. You won’t trust anyone until you find that man who is inside. You will protect your daughter only by yourself.

Ramiz: alone, or with the ones I trust. Azar trusts you; she is running away from me. She won’t run away from you, she trusts you.

Ezel: And I will convince her and bring her to you right

Ramiz: It is better than death right?

Ezel: Sometimes its not. Sometimes it’s never!

He gets out of the car

Ezel: I trusted you too!

Ramiz: Not now nephew, let this job be done then after huh?

Ezel: there is after? I trusted you on my death, death! I trusted you as much as if you said give me your soul! How can you lie to me uncle! How can you play games! Say something! Since morning I am waiting for you to say something! Say it!

Ramiz: No, you continue.

Ezel: Yeah leave it! They convinced (betrayed me)! They took everything that belongs to me! You? I told you! You know everything! How can you do this uncle? How can you do it? Say something!

Ramiz: There is nothing, you continue, there is more in you!

Ezel: There is of course, do you know why? If I asked you, if you said ``you did it`` then what would I do then huh? What would I do then? Sure I have putted everything inside, without knowing the truth!

Ramiz: No, you keep on going

Ezel: am I like your sons too? You used me too? Tell me! Say something! Say that is a lie! Say it’s not true! Say something!

Ramiz: Your ungrateful (unappreciative)!

Ezel: What?

Ramiz: You are ungrateful!

Ezel: I am ungrateful?

Ramiz: You, you! Did I make you up to this with lies nephew? Did I teach you the things I know from lies? Huh? Did I save you from them by laying to you? Did I run after you for lies? Did I do things for lies? Everything is a lie huh? Look at yourself thru the mirror, Ezel I made you something, look yourself thru mirror, or else your a lie too huh?

Ezel: I don't know uncle, I don't know, maybe I am.

Ramiz: Ezel stop! If I was right or lied the truth is this Azat needs you!

Ezel: You? What do you need from me?

Ramiz: Ezel! Ezel stop!

Ramiz: Why are you getting angry uncle, if I don't get her, you will convince her yourself and get her.


Eysan and Serdar

Eysan: Here

Serdar: Thank you daughter.

Eysan: Give me your hand...alright its fine

Serdar: I am telling you he will kill me, you don't listen to me.

Eysan: I don't want to listen to you, don't tell. You did something to someone, what you did to someone I don't want to learn it.

Serdar: It is not like that Eysan; you don't listen to your daddy

Eysan: I said I don't want to listen!

Serdar: but Eysan

Eysan: be careful dad what you say to whom! Be careful! But if I learn what you did to them

Serdar: no

Eysan: If I hear you did something bad to them, which I will right? We both know you have done something, then don't get scared of them, but get scared of me! do you understand father?

Serdar: I understand daughter, I understand.

Eysan: Now I am listening, who did what?

Ezel episode 21 part 5

Serdar: You are right daughter; no one does anything to anyone. I did it to myself

Eysan; Dad! What did they do to you?

Serdar: You will kick your dear father out again? You will say “daddy go away from here”?

Ramiz: What did I teach you about family? First your family, never leave the alone! Let them do whatever they will do to you, (shows Azar) After believe (trust) your family not to other. When the time comes, stand by them. You are strong, they need you. don't ever forget what I am telling you. also don't ever forget, death is God’s order. Love but don't get attach this much...


Cengiz and Azar

Azar: So he has a child?

Cengiz: This one is different from the others; this child is his weakness side. when you catch such thing in a man, you wouldn’t let it go.

Azar: Why weak side?

Cengiz: You know this child? Is taking Ramiz’s brain! This man has a brain and knows things. When you take his brain, it’s easy to know what he thinks.

Azar: Why his weak side this one? This man doesn't love anyone; do you think he loves his child?

Cengiz: You know this man better than me, what do you say?

Azar: What is your problem toward Ramiz? What did he do to you?

Cengiz: nothing, there is nothing. I just want to know. One minutes I have to make a phone call

On the phone with Ali

Cengiz: Son where are you? cut it now and listen! I am with this girl now, Hande...

Ali: wow! Alright

Cengiz: Don't talk nonsense, we are doing work here. Brother there is something with her, she is hiding something from us. I am saying if you follow her

Ali: Get on the line (list)

Cengiz: What line son! There is someone who knows about Omer, no such thing for lining up.

Ali; True, but I have a family thing to take care. I will solve it and come. I didn't forget about Ramiz, don't worry about him

Ezel Episode 21 Part 6

Ezel: Yes? Alright, alright. Hande? I cannot come now, I will call you.

Mother: Are you going somewhere?

Ezel: No, I am not going, I am here

Mother: You’re going to that women again?

Ezel: No mother

Mother: Do you have to do something

Ezel: No, I have to be here, by my dad’s side.

Mother: Your voice is not right; did someone do something to you?

Ezel: No mother, no one did anything.

Mother: My Omer, you are my son, you are my first child, your may everything. I am scared if something will happen to you. Tell me; tell your mother what’s wrong with you? Tell me.

Ezel: I am trying to do the right thing mother, but it is not like before. When I was with you, I knew what was right and wrong very well but now, but now I don’t know mother. Everything is stuck together. Who I will love, who will I hate, I don’t know anymore. I want to do the right thing, but what is the right thing? I don’t see it like you taught me mother, no I don’t see it

Then Mart comes

Mart: Here mother

Mother: Sure you know it, because you are Omer.

Mart: What happen?

Ezel: I have to do something.


Cengiz and Azar

Man: Sorry your card is not going thru

Azar: How come it’s not going thru?

Cengiz: Alright I will pay it

Azar: How come? Show me! (to Cengiz) where you coming?

Cengiz: So that you won’t go alone

Azar: Sit back where you were sitting.

She goes inside

Azar: Where is it?

Man: Upstairs

Azar: Here?

Man: Yes

She goes up…

Azar: There is no room here!

Man: The other side, it’s the manager’s room

Azar: Excuse me, can you let me know….where the manager’s room is…


Mother: What is going on Mart? Tell me the truth!

Mart: There is nothing mother. It’s another patient.


Back to Azar

Azar: Excuse me! Can you check here! Hey friend I am asking you!

Man: Did you say something?

She walks away from him thinking he is the one who will kill her

Man2: Who are you?

Azar: I am looking for the manager’s room.

Man2: Come here, it’s here..

Man: What are you doing!?

He shoots him and Azar runs away

Cengiz: Partner, the girl wants to pay the bill

Ezel: Where did she go?

Cengiz: she went inside

Ezel: I will come now

Cengiz: Tell her, she should be spoiled this much, beside I am in hurry. I don’t have much time, I have to reach Can’s school.

She runs away

Ezel: Is the door locked?

Boy: It was open a little while go

Ezel: Is there any other way out?

Boy: at the back, the other side

Ezel: thank you

Azar: Anyone there!? Open the door! HELP! HELP!

Ezel: Alright! Alright! Clam down! Clam down! (the man2 comes out) You go, I will find you.


Ezel and Cengiz

Cengiz: Partner, where are you yeah? You left, did you kidnap the girl? Tell me the truth!

Ezel: No, she has run away from you

Cengiz: what do you say? She is sweet girl right?

Ezel: Yes, yes what did she tell you? Did she tell you anything about Ramiz?

Cengiz: No, she is not giving cold things about him or secrets. It’s like she is scared from something, but what?

Ezel: I don’t know, maybe she is protecting something Cengiz. I have to hang up.

Kamil: It’s not much, there are three bullets. He has hit two far and the last one while he was on the floor.

Ezel: He knows his work

Kamil: There is more, those three bullets

Ezel: not his first time?

Kamil: Not first or the last one. They are protectors, they are ghosts.

Ezel: I saw the man’s eyes, he won’t give up on this.

Kamil: Such man doesn’t give up, they finish it and continue with others.

Ezel: Calm down uncle, calm down.

Ramiz: she is my last child Ezel, she is my own blood, and how would I calm down? How?

Ezel: This is why they are doing this uncle, until you are like this, they know you can’t do anything.

Ramiz: she is my last child Ezel, I cannot give up (leave) on her.

Ezel: You are right, no matter what a human wouldn’t make plans on his child right?

Ramiz: I cannot give up on her Ezel, I won’t let her in the hands of the dogs.

Ezel: We won’t

Ezel Episode 21Part 7

Azar calls her mother (OMG THE MAN IS BEHIND HER!!)

Azar: Mom! Mommy!


Eysan, Bahar and Serdar

Serdar: Eysan, if Cengiz doesn't want me at his house and send me away

Eysan: Let him try it, he can’t do anything

Serdar: These mens, if they have seen it, and if there is security camera then they will let the police know about it.

Eysan: A good lie is needed. Bahar listen o me carefully when the police comes whatever I tell you to say, follow it alright? Did you hear me Bahar?

Bahar: I wish I didn't hear it! What kind of human are you two? What kind you tow turn when you get together!

Eysan: Don't be nonsense Bahar!

Bahar: No wonder he choice you, he doesn't leave you but he did leave me. Because you are his daughter! Because when you two get together your just like him! “I will lie to him, I will destroy this!” what are you doing to yourself sister? are you gone crazy!

Serdar: Bahar what kind of talking is this, your sister did a lot...

Bahar: You don't talk! What did you do huh to bring this girl in the position! Whenever you two get together you get bad! What kind of family are you yeah!

Eysan: Bahar

Bahar: I don't want it sister! I don't want a family like this! I don't want a father like this! I don't want to be left out again! I don't want bad things! I want him gone (away) from this home! Right now! either he will go or I will leave!


Azat and Selma (her mother)

Selma: Azat, let’s go to your father my child.

Azat: what is he going to do? is he going to put me in a closet?

Selma: There will be a safe place for us to go, I will come too. Your father knows it.

Azat: Mother, wake up now! those men are after your daughter because of that man (Ramiz)

Selma: It is not time to talk about these now, beside you don't know everything Azat.

Azat: Actually you don't know everything, I am not mad at you. I know you like that man, but you don't see his bad side. how beautiful that is, its very beautiful for you!

Selma: I, I know very well Ramiz Kara Eski’s bad side Azat. While not understating things, don't get to the point like this.

Azat: I understand, I am leaving

Selma: Azat wait, sit for two more minutes.

Azat: where are you looking at mother? (then she sees Ramiz) mother!

Selma: Azat, please listen to me. Listen to me.

She goes out

Ramiz: Azat! Azat!

Ezel: Azat!

Azat: Don't do it, don't do it for him!

Ezel: I don't do it for him, I am doing it for you.


Back to Serdar/Eysan and Bahar

Serdar: Don't listen to her Eysan, she is a child still. She is doing this because she’s jealous of you!

Bahar: sister make a decision, either he will go or I.

Serdar: wait, Bahar listen to me child. Child, I am your father. Would any father make a difference between his children? I didn't leave you, I love you both. When you got sick, did I Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 244732 a little for yout o get well? I always thought of you!

Bahar: Sister I am leaving

Serdar: Wait, don't do this child. Listen, look again three of us will become a family again. Right Eysan? Look at your father like this....don’t do it Eysan!

She makes a phone call to the tai place

Eysan: Can we get a taxi here?


Doctor: Stay here! Hold for a little more!


Azat. Ezel and Ramiz

Azat; What is this place?

Ramiz: Here, here is a place no one knows it apart from me. We will wait here

Azat: What will we wait for? How long will we wait?

Ezel: Until returning will be safe.

Azat: I remember this place

Ramiz: That is true, you loved here very much

Inside the house

Ramiz: How years have gone (passed) right? she has growing.

Ezel: Tonight we may not go out, you’re aware of that right?

Ramiz: the two most people I love are with me, and I have my bad on the wall. If we go, lets go like this nephew. There is no problem for me, is there for you?

Ezel: If we don't help her, she will go mad again. Then it may me a little problem.

Ramiz: What shall I say or do?

Ezel: You will do it slowly, once you teach her, she wont go apart of you.

Ramiz: Nephew look

Ezel: Nope, uncle to her

Ramiz goes to her

Ramiz: look child, this is like me and you. it needs to get air (breath) right?

Azat: I am doing it alright!

Ramiz: Look if you do it close together, then they will get attached. But if they are far from each other, then it will be left alone. It’s fire will go off. Look now, like this...

Ezel Episode 21 Part 8

Azat: what is this place?

Ramiz: Here is the place you got raised before I went inside (jail). You would have slept here, and you had a cat. You would have read poems, do you remember? Sure you won’t remember it because the most place you loved was over there. you would always go there and hide there too. After you would have screamed saying “father, father”.

Azat: Would you have came?

Ramiz: Sure I would have, I would have run to my darling daughter.

She leaves then Ramiz doesn't let Ezel follow her....

Ramiz: When someone from the family gets apart from you, even if you forget the face of them with time, their voice stays with you always...

Then it shows Ali and Serdar

Ramiz: ...It still continues talking with you

Ali remembers it when Eren dies (PS: this part is soo sad, it made me cry and still is. I cant never take it out of my head how this child was killed and how he lived before that.)

Ali: Eren! Eren! Eren! Ambulance! Call the ambulance! Eren!

Tefo: he was going to shoot

Eren: I am coming, I am coming...

Tefo: He was going to shoot

Ali: alright Eren there is nothing wrong! It will be okay! Eren! Eren!


Doctor: he won’t hold it! we will do it with hand.

Ramiz: When someone from the family leaves you, or when you leave them and go. You (meaning the individual and the other person) will still call each other in darkness.

Azar: I remember it. (she remembers it) I remember it, look I just remember it father (as she turns she sees the man)

Ramiz: look, look Ezel you will see she will remember it. you will see.

Azat: Father!!!!

Ramiz: look she remember it!

Ezel: Uncle!

Doctor: give me this! He won’t die! This man won’t die tonight!

Ali: You should not have done that. You should not have take Eren from me.

Serdar: I didn't take Eren from you, you took Eren from yourself away friend. I didn't betray Omer.

Ali: cut it!

Serdar: You sold Omer alone, by yourself.

Ali: You planned everything, you placed the rocks.

Serdar: Sure I did, look at me what kind of person I am. I am a theft, I am everything! I am the king of it. But I am not a killer. I didn't make you press the trigger by force; you did it on your wish. At least now confess, Omer died, the security man died, Eren died, who knows who else had died. Because you are a killer.

Ali: Yes, I am like that


Ramiz running

Ramiz: Azat! Azat! My child! Azat! My child!

He goes inside

Ramiz: One will die from your family today, there is no solution (no remedy). There is only one proble left behind, who?

Ali: until today always you (all) have made the first step, the mens I have killed, always it was you and Cengiz behind it. it always had your fingers in it! aside from one, I don't know about the others but this one is from me!

Serdar: What would I say you won’t do it huh? What should I give it to you so that you won’t do it? look think well, I will give you anything you want.

Ali: today, nothing will take you away from me Serdar.

Bahar: Dad come on, come. I came to take you home.


Azat is dead (so sad!)

Man: where is uncle? Is he fine?

Ezel: At the back

Then he remembers the talking with Ramiz

Ramiz: I won’t give up on her Ezel, I won’t give her up to the dogs.

Ezel: We won’t do it, since you are in this condition, I will make the plan in your place.

Ramiz: tell

Ezel: We have two problems. One is until Azat dies....

Ezel Episode 21 Part 9

PS: Attention! Something is wrong with the youtube, so this part starts with Ali and Serdar’s talk when he is about to kill him!************************

Serdar: What would I say you won’t do it huh? What should I give it to you so that you won’t do it? look think well, I will give you anything you want.

Ali: today, nothing will take you away from me Serdar.

Bahar: Dad come on, come. I came to take you home.


Azat is dead (so sad!)

Man: where is uncle? Is he fine?

Ezel: At the back

Then he remembers the talking with Ramiz

Ramiz: I won’t give up on her Ezel, I won’t give her up to the dogs.

Ezel: We won’t do it, since you are in this condition, I will make the plan in your place.

Ramiz: tell

Ezel: We have two problems. One is until Azat is alive those men won’t leave us alone.

Ramiz: Two? The betrayal inside.

Ezel: Then we will solve two problems at once.

Then it shows that he is helping her...

Azat: What will happen if the man shoots my head?

Ezel: he won’t do it

Azat: How do you know?

Ezel: He does only three times, that is his talent. Two while standing and the third when on the ground.

Azat: how would you know the disloyalty is the driver?

Ezel: if they come, then it means it’s him. No one else knows our place but him. wait...

Now back to normal... (this is soo confusing sometimes, going back and forth but I like it lool)

Ramiz: My daughter, my daughter...

Azat: I didn't die, I came again father.

Ramiz: father, after 20 years you said “father” once again daughter.

Ezel: The ambulance is on the way

Azat: I am fine

Ramiz: We had to destroy this dog!

Ezel: You said it uncle, if we had someone else would have placed him. or another one..

Ramiz: what about the unfaithful one?

Ezel: what was said is done. Now they will learn that Azat is alive but we will save some time with this.

Ramiz: maybe, maybe with that time we will win the fight.



The phone rings

Serdar: Hello? Oh son-in-law! Where are you been?

Cengiz: Serdar what are you doing there?

Serdar: what kind of wording is this? here is also considered as my home too.

Cengiz: where is Eysan?

Serdar: Eysan? Eysan went to shopping. To get clothes for her daddy for the evening. I was going to ask you to come too, but it’s true you don't come to this home. We can do it this way then, whatever is left over I will send them to you too.

Then he hangs up and sings with his horrible voice...


Mumtaz: Ezel I didn't go to the other side?

Ezel: You didn't go Mumtaz uncle

Wife: Are you fine Mumtaz? Do you have pain?

Mart: My father is like tiger! Tiger!

Mumtaz: I caused you all suffer, give us some time huh?

Mart: Daddy your fine right?


At the parking lot

Kamil: How are your family?

Ezel: they are fine, very fine. But they are Omer’s family. They are not my family.

He leaves then Eysan comes

Eysan: come son...


Ezel, Ramiz and Tefo

Ramiz: I was saying now, this man, this man yesterday saved me from a big trouble. I wouldn’t have done it myself.

Ezel: alright? Is Azat ok?

Ramiz: fine, fine. She is alive which is good right?

Ezel: you would do anything for her right? so she is not piece of the game? For real, she is yours?

Ezel Episode 21 Part 10

PS: AGAIN something is wrong with this youtube, so I am using another channel for PART TEN, which starts from Ezel putting the safety thing on her***********

Then it shows that he is helping her...

Azat: What will happen if the man shoots my head?

Ezel: he won’t do it

Azat: How do you know?

Ezel: He does only three times, that is his talent. Two while standing and the third when on the ground.

Azat: how would you know the disloyalty is the driver?

Ezel: if they come, then it means it’s him. No one else knows our place but him. wait...

Now back to normal... (this is soo confusing sometimes, going back and forth but I like it lool)

Ramiz: My daughter, my daughter...

Azat: I didn't die, I came again father.

Ramiz: father, after 20 years you said “father” once again daughter.

Ezel: The ambulance is on the way

Azat: I am fine

Ramiz: We had to destroy this dog!

Ezel: You said it uncle, if we had someone else would have placed him. or another one..

Ramiz: what about the unfaithful one?

Ezel: what was said is done. Now they will learn that Azat is alive but we will save some time with this.

Ramiz: maybe, maybe with that time we will win the fight.


The phone rings

Serdar: Hello? Oh son-in-law! Where are you been?

Cengiz: Serdar what are you doing there?

Serdar: what kind of wording is this? here is also considered as my home too.

Cengiz: where is Eysan?

Serdar: Eysan? Eysan went to shopping. To get clothes for her daddy for the evening. I was going to ask you to come too, but it’s true you don't come to this home. We can do it this way then, whatever is left over I will send them to you too.

Then he hangs up and sings with his horrible voice...


Mumtaz: Ezel I didn't go to the other side?

Ezel: You didn't go Mumtaz uncle

Wife: Are you fine Mumtaz? Do you have pain?

Mart: My father is like tiger! Tiger!

Mumtaz: I caused you all suffer, give us some time huh?

Mart: Daddy your fine right?


At the parking lot

Kamil: How are your family?

Ezel: they are fine, very fine. But they are Omer’s family. They are not my family.

He leaves then Eysan comes

Eysan: come son...


Ezel, Ramiz and Tefo

Ramiz: I was saying now, this man, this man yesterday saved me from a big trouble. I wouldn’t have done it myself.

Ezel: alright? Is Azat ok?

Ramiz: fine, fine. She is alive which is good right?

Ezel: you would do anything for her right? So she is not piece of the game? For real, she is yours? I wish I was like that too, but I am not uncle. We are both not like that; if we were you would have said so. You would have told the truth, but you wouldn’t tell. Because me and Azat are not the same. I wish it was, I wish you could have said something. I am going uncle, I wish you could stop and told me. “
You havent killed your children, that I don't know you well, that I didn't plan things over you” come on even if you did, you say that “you gave up on them”. You say “I don't lie to you”. No, you won’t say so. I am going uncle, I wish you would not have allowed me to do so, because I know you will allow me because we are not like this. Because we are not like you and Azat, because we are not family uncle.

He leaves

Tefo: Why don't you tell him?

Ramiz: I can’t tell him

Tefo: Why don't you tell him the things I know?

Ramiz: I cannot tell him, because you are the man who works for me and he is my son! If I tell him, he will stay with me. And if he stays with me, he will die with me. He is not my blood; he is my soul (heart). He is my last son, last son. I won’t sacrifice my last son to the same man. I won’t.


Ezel Episode 21 Part 11 last One

Ramiz: without stop, you are guilty. Without stopping you are guilty and now there is no strength to pay back yourself. If you are just like the people walking with, wearing the same cloth, having the same face, if you scream (yell) a little...

Ramiz; Ezel! Ezel my son! My son!

Ramiz: like a fire, without stopping you are alone, without stopping you are alone...


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Vin 19 Mar 2010, 11:16 am


Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Lun 29 Mar 2010, 12:55 pm

Ezel'i sabırsızlıkla bekleyenlere kötü haber

Ezel dizisinin yeni bölümü bu akşam ekranda olmayacak.
Kaçıranlar ve yeniden izlemek isteyenler için Ezel dizisinin son üç bölümünün en heyecanlı sahnelerinden oluşan kolaj bölümü ekrana gelecek.


Ezel'de büyük sırların açığa çıkma zamanı. Beklenmedik bir teklif, Ezel, Ali ve Cengiz'i yeni bir üçlü olarak karşımıza çıkarır. Üçü birlikte Ramiz'in peşine düşerler. Ezel'in ikili oynadığı bu ittifak, zamanla başka bir şeye dönüşür. Ezel, Ramiz hakkında o güne kadar hiç bilmediği şeyler öğrenir.

Üç oğlunu kaybeden Ramiz, kızı Azad'ı ölümden kurtarabilecek mi? Azad'ı korumaya çalışan Ramiz'e yardım edecek tek kişi vardır; o da Ezel!

Bir yanda hastanede torunu için yaşamaya karar veren Mümtaz, diğer yanda babası yerine koyduğu Ramiz. Bu sefer oyunu kuran Ramiz değil Ezel olacaktır.

Mert bu kez bulduklarının peşini bırakmamaya kararlıdır. Ezel onu durdurmaya çalıştıkça, Mert gerçeklere bir adım daha yaklaşır. Ve öyle bir yere gelir ki, Ezel ya onu kurtaracaktır ya da bazı planlarından vazgeçecektir. Ezel bir kez daha Bahar'a yaklaşarak ona yardım etmeyi dener. Ancak olaylar beklediğinden farklı gelişir. Çünkü bu oyunda masumları korumak, masumiyetini korumaktan daha zordur.... ATV 20.00

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 31 Mar 2010, 4:25 pm

Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 15KENAN_CANSU

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 07 Apr 2010, 7:37 pm

Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 K2hf76

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 14 Apr 2010, 11:43 pm


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 15 Apr 2010, 11:55 pm

Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 3643
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Picture
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Picture
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Picture
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Picture
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 76ynytva8g
Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Bfjm6b

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe  ATV  TR - Pagina 9 Empty Re: Ezel - serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV TR

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