4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Pbucket

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4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Dum 24 Iul 2011, 11:33 pm

4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 205515_106049782812729_106041706146870_59569_7920702_n

4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 22083618

Fatmagul (Beren Saat) este o fată frumoasă şi naiva, care locuieşte în Cesme (un loc turistic din vestul Turciei). Dupa moartea părinţilor ei, ea locuieste cu fratele ei. Ea intenţionează să se căsătorească Mustafa (Firat Celik) în vara. Ea îl iubeşte şi vrea să se căsătorească cât mai curând posibil în scopul de a depăşi durerea emoţională dni pricina cumnatei ei invidioase.
O tragedie de neuitat transformă viaţa lui Fatmagul atât de radical încât ea nu va putea să se întoarcă la modul în care ea obisnuiau sa traiasca. Intr-o zi, ea este violată de către patru persoane, Kerim (Engin Akyurek), Vural (Bugra Gulsoy), Erdogan (Kaan Tasaner), şi Selim (Engin Ozturk). În scopul de a ascunde păcatele violatorilor şi de a-i proteja, Fatmagul este forţat să taca şi să se căsătorească cu unul dintre violatori ei. Viata lui Fatmagul se schimbă după această tragedie, dar lucrurile rele nu se sfârşesc. După această tragedie, Mustafa logodnicul ei nu vrea să se mai casatoresca cu ea. Acum, Fatmagul este singura şi nu are de ales, doar să se căsătorească cu Kerim. Ea vrea nimic mai mult decât pentru a uita de trecutul ei şi să trăiască restul vieţii în linişte şi în pace cu lumea. În timp ce ea încearcă să pornească într-o nouă viaţă într-un oraş mare, povestea devine mai complicată atunci când fostu ei logodnic vine dupa ea la Istanbul.

În această poveste, care este adaptarea romanului lui Vedat Turkali, va explora o poveste dramatică a unei fete frumoasa şi inocentă. De asemenea, această poveste încearcă să răspundă la doua intrebari - doi inamici din cauza păcatelor şi greşelile altora - poate invatam sa ne iubim unii pe alţii într-o căsătorie de acord doar pe hârtie. Mustafa o va gasi pe Fatmagul şi va afla adevărul? Va umbri violul sansa lor? Va fi trecutul uitat?

4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 223152_182104578505686_151960298186781_426618_4967723_n4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 190370217740700682824.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 11269624616911168731310488289dS4LShK8sLOeZ7HU6gVY

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Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne


Erol : Günaydın
Kerim : Günaydın. Fatmagül geldi mi?
Erol : Geldi, içerde.
Kerim : Sabah çıkarken onu göremedim, bakkala gitmiştim de... Bi göreyim dedim
Erol : Sana sormadım ama burda çalışmasının senin için bir sakıncası yoktur herhalde?
Kerim : A yok yok
Erol : Bana haberi var dedi, yani bi sorun olmasın da
Kerim : Açıksası ben memnun oldum
Erol : Hah geldi bak
Kerim : Sabah ben gelmeden çıkmışsın da hayırlı olsun diyim dedim
Fatmagül : Bunun için mi geldin?
Kerim : Evet
Fatmagül : Sağol
Erol : Fatmagül, amma korkutmuşsun Kerim'i gel bir çay iç diyorum girmiyor bi türlü
Kerim : A yok bizim Emre var ya o bekliyor beni, beraber bilgisayar almaya gidicez
Erol : Şaka yaptım sende hemen ciddiye alıyorsun
Kerim : Tamam, size kolay gelsin
Erol : Sağool
Fatmagül : Görüşürüz

Kerim'in İfadesi :

Kerim : Dördümüzde içkiliydik, hap almıştık. İyi değildik yani... Kontrolü falan kaybetmiştik. Eğleniyorduk kendimizce.
Sonra birden o çıktı karşımıza.

Savcı : Kim?

Kerim : Fatmagül, eşim...
Sonra onu ilk ben gördüm, onlara ilk ben gösterdim. İlk dikkatlerini ben çektim.
O, Fatmagül, bizi görünce korktu. Gerisin geriye kaçmaya başladı...

39.bölüm ***Sezon Finali*** Son Sahne

Jandarma: Kerim Ilgaz
Kerim: Günaydın komutanım.
Jandarma: Avukatın dün gece Vural Namlıyla kavga ettiğini beyan etti.
Kerim: Doğrudur.
Ebe Nine: Ama önemli bir şey değil.
Fatmagül: O ona vurmuş, tahrik etmiş.
Jandarma: Durum pek de öyle değil kardeşim.
Kerim: Bunun ne işi var burda
Jandarma: Kerim Ilgaz seni Vural Namlı'yı öldürme şüphesiyle gözaltına alıyorum.
Kerim: Ne? ..'!

39. Bölüm Kerim Fatmagül Sarılma Sahnesi

Kerim: Niye uyumadın, neredeyse sabah olacak.
Fatmagül: Düşünüyorum...

Kerim: Ne düşünüyorsun?

Fatmagül: Kerim bu böyle olmayacak. Biz uğraşamayacağız bunlarla.
Kerim: Öyle bir şey yook.
Fatmagül: Yapamayacağız, ben pes ediyorum.
Kerim: Fatmagül sen nasıl böyle bir şey söylersin?
Fatmagül: Söylerim; çünkü gerçekten öyle. Ben yoruldum...
Kerim: Lütfen dinler misin beni.
Fatmagül: Hayır artık sen beni dinle. Buna devam ettikçe daha da kaybedeceğiz kendimizi. Sen zaten şimdiden başka bir adam oldun.
Kerim: Hayır.
Fatmagül: Giderek daha da çok kaybedeceksin kendini. Biz yenildikçe,onlar bunu uzattıkça daha da gerilecek sinirlerimiz.
Kerim: Sana yemin ediyorum. Bak senin üzerine yemin ediyorum ki bundan sonra başka bir taşkınlık yapmayacağım.. Yemin ederim...
Fatmagül: Kerim bunun sonu iyi değil.
Kerim: Hayır böyle söyleme. Fatmagül sana yalvarıyorum. Sakın vazgeçme! Lütfen... Sakın vazgeçme...
Fatmagül: Gidecek yerimiz kaldı mı? Ben davayı kazanmaktan vazgeçtim. Nefes alabilecek miyiz biz bundan sonra?
Kerim: Evet.. Onlara rağmen bizim umudumuz var Fatmagül...
Fatmagül: Var mı?
Kerim: Var..Var...

Jandarma: Kerim Ilgaz
Kerim: Günaydın komutanım.
Jandarma: Avukatın dün gece Vural Namlıyla kavga ettiğini beyan etti.
Kerim: Doğrudur.
Ebe Nine: Ama önemli bir şey değil.
Fatmagül: O ona vurmuş, tahrik etmiş.
Jandarma: Durum pek de öyle değil kardeşim.

Kerim: Bunun ne işi var burda
Jandarma: Kerim Ilgaz seni Vural Namlı'yı öldürme şüphesiyle gözaltına alıyorum.
Kerim: Ne?

Jandarma: Götürün.
Kerim: Ne'apıyorsunuz? Ben kimseye bi' şey yapmadım. Duuuur!.. Duruuuun.'^
Fatmagül: Kerim öldürmemiştir, o yapmaz.
Kerim: Ben kimseyi öldürmedim, Duuur.
Fatmagül: Keriiim!
Kerim: Duuur.
Ebe Nine: Alo, ne'olur hemen geri dönün Kerim'i götürüyorlar.
Kerim: Ben bir şey yapmadım ki, bıraaak.
Fatmagül: Öldürmemiştir o, Keriiiiim.
Kerim: Ya ben bir şey yapmadıım.
Ebe Nine: falan diyorlar.
Fatmagül: Keriiiim, Keriiiiiim.
Mustafa: Tamam canım, tamam... Ben yanındayım.

Fatmagül: Bıraaak, Kerim.

Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne ? 38.Bölüm

Kerim: Fatmagül benimle evlenir misin? Fatmagül! Fatmagül!
özür dilerim. seni üzmek istemedim. ben düşündüm ki...
Fatmagül: biliyorum. biliyorum. problem bende. sende değil
Kerim: haayır.
Fatmagül: sen madem evliyiz diyorsun. elimi de tuttu. artık dokunuyabiliyor bana.
Kerim: yoo. onun için değil, yeniden bir başlangıç yapmak için.
Fatmagül: o gelinlik her kızın düşündüğünden farklı benim için.
Kerim: biliyorum.
Fatmagül: sen bütün hayatımı koydun önüme. unutmak istediğim herşeyi.
Kerim: Fatmagül...
Fatmagül: o beyaz.. beyaz bana ne kadar kirlendiğimizi hatırlattı.
Kerim: haayır. yüzüme bak lütfen. yeniden bir başlangıç yapalım diyorum. bu da bir anı olsun hafızamızda. tamam şimdi değil ama bir gün mutlaka giy o gelinliği. herşeyi geride bırakabilmek için.
Fatmagül: keşke herşey geride kalabilse.
Kerim: sen istersen kalacak Fatmagül. sen yardım edersen. sen istersen yaramızı kanatan o anıyı birlikte unutacağız.
Fatmagül: istiyorum. çok istiyorum.

Kerim - Fatmagül Telefon Sahnesi

Kerim: noldu?
Fatmagül: açıklandı
Kerim: eeee
Fatmagül: Kaldım
Kerim: Neyse ya bozma morelini
herkez ilk seferde verecek diye bi kural yok vazgeçme yeter
daha çok çalışırsın bidahakine verirsin
Fatmagül: bidahaki sınava artık bir üst sınıfın derslerini vercem
Kerim: Ne?
Fatmagül: hihi nasıl inandın!!
Kerim: yaa bak yaaa varya inanki buz gibi oldum valla
Fatmagül alacağın olsun )
Fatmagül: şimdi açıklandı Meryem abla baktı
geçmişim...bende inanamadım
Kerim: çok sevindim tebrikler, akşama kutlayalımmı?
Fatmagül: Tamam akşam konuşuruz şindi tutmayım seni
Kerim: görüşürüz
Kerim: hadi bakalım herkese benden çay

38.Bölüm Fatmagül - Kerim

Fatmagul: meryem abla gelince sende gidersin isine.
Kerim: Bugünişe gitmicem. Gül mutfagından yevmiye alıcam.
Fatmagül: Yakında ustan koycak seni kapının önüne söylemedi deme.
Kerim: iyi iste benimde isime gelir.

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Dum 24 Iul 2011, 11:34 pm

Multumim , Denisa ! kiss kiss kiss


Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Dum 24 Iul 2011, 11:45 pm

Episode 39 Summary

FGSN ends its season in a breathtaking final! FG, for the first time in months, is strong enough to confront the shadows hanging over her, and ask for justice! Sadly, the sun is still hidden behind those shadows! ESV are allowed to be let out after the first hearing. FG believes that she has lost once again. From now on, she wants to ignore the things that frighten her. However, Kerim refuses to let go, or ignore anything! This defeat brings Kerim and FG closer together. The same night of the hearing, the shock of the outcome still fresh, Kerim disappears. ESV are outside, free. Kerim plans a trap at the scene where FG’s life changed forever, and awaits those “killers” there. Not too long after, Kerim’s plans come to fruition. That night, the only witness to the happenings at “that place” will be Mustafa.

Fatmagülün Suçu Ne 37 Bölüm Fragmaný Translation

K: Mustafa, You can't seperate us Mustafa she is my wife

K: Did he sit here ?

Fg:stop it

K:Here or here ?

Fg:Kerim stop it, enough

KERIM : Fatmagul, I really don't understand what you want.


37. Episode Summary

Kerim secretly follows Fatmagul thinking that she will meet Mustafa. But this chase ends in a way that is very unexpected for Kerim. On the other hand, Mukaddes faces a very difficult decision on the verge of a crossroad when her suspicion about pregnancy gets confirmed.

Kerim’s morning that starts with doubts turns into a happy day after Fatmagul’s admits she now trusts him. However, these happy minutes gets destroyed when Kerim finds out Mustafa has been in the restaurant.

Resat Yasaran faces a big economic crisis due Turaner bey’s war against him. But he is not willing to give up without a revenge. The opportunity of revenge presents itself when he gets his hands on some documents that prove corruption during Turaner bey’s term. The only witness of this secret operation that is taking place behind closed doors is Mustafa.

Selim and Erdogan spend their days in jail contemplating how they will take their revenge when they are free, but Vural wants something completely different.

The identity of Hacer Ovacik, who is presented as a witness by Yasarans, creates a new wave of anger.* This road that was taken to blemish Fatmagul becomes the last straw for Kerim. No matter how much they warn him, even Fatmagul, Kerim follows his own way.

Meanwhile, Kerim needs Meryem Abla’s help when he realizes Fatmagul’s birthday is approaching.

Lawyer Kadir decides it is time to stop Mustafa. This time he faces Mustafa to talk in a very different way. However, when Kerim is unexpectedly included in the situation, things get worse.

Despite all the bad events, Kerim and Fatmagul take a very big step towards a new beginning.

Hacer Ovacik is the real name of Asu. We heard that at the bank when she was sending money to her mother.

fgül: I had told you that I wanted to be able to trust someone again when I said I wanted treatment and to be cured. Now I feel safer...

kerim: thank you.

Fatmagülün Suçu Ne 38.Bölüm Fragmaný (2) Translation

FG: My knees are shaking. My whole body feels so heavy. I was waiting for this day for months. Now it's time to face everything. You did the most violent, the most wrong thing to me. Your dirt hurt my life. You destroyed a person's life you didn't even know. Now look into my eyes and tell your lies.

FG: You laid my whole life in front of me. Everything I wanted to forget you laid in front of me.

Kerim: FG let us start all over again with a new life so we can leave everything behind

FG: I wish everything could be left behind

Kerim: If you want to it can be left behind FG. If you want to and if you help we can heal our wounds together and forget.

FG: I want to. I want to very much.

Kerim. I love you very much.

The summary for 38 episode

The weddingdress, which Kerim bought as a birthday present, will open Fatmagül's wounds again. This present was bought for Fatmagül to forget her past and make a new start. But it will be a review about her past. Kerim didn't have a bad intention but he will think that this was a wrong step. Fatmagül is going to raise Kerim's hopes.
Ebe Nine finds out that Mukaddes is visiting Murat every day. She will meet her by fortune and she will have the chance to talk to her about Fatmagül's situation. Now it's Mukaddes' last chance to give a report for helping Fatmagül.
Meltem goes to Mustafa before she and her family fly to America. She has her own idea, how to take revenge of her past.
The yasarans are going to find out this meeting. The whole think looks fishy for them.
So there will also come the time to face with Mustafa.
Mustafa will remember Fatmagül's birthday. Kerim will be very careful when he is at Fatmagül's work, because he thinks that Mustafa would do something on Fatmagül's birthday.
Fatmagül and Kerim are going to dance for the second time after months and this will be a special moment for both of them.
But Mustafa will be a cloud over them. Kerim won't be able to do something against this.
Erdogan is afraid of Vural because he thinks that Vural would admit everything. Vurals mind is very confused, he feels worse by every day.
Mukaddes is going to find out the truth about Salih and the yasarans, so she will have her own plan to take her revenge.
On the 16 th June Fatmagül will be at the court. She will fight with all her honour against the men, who ruined her life.

Fatmagülün Suçu Ne 36.Bölüm Fragmaný

MustaFool: "Rose Kitchen"... That Rose was going to be mine only. It is a shame, really, (or, sad.) I want to eat of your cooking. I missed it very much.

FG: Alo?

K: I wanted to know how you are doing, (where are you at in your work, is what he means)


M : What happened here? they brought down all the windows.

FG : Maybe the Yasarans maybe Munir.... but definitely not him

KERIM : Your still defending him

VURAL: Let go Let go

VURALS DAD : Tell them to do something about it


M: Rahmi dont Rahmi: You gave me your word...You swore

SELIM: There's another man in her life...


Selim: if you have done it, i will kill you.

Vurals mom : what happened ? What did you say to my son?

Fatmagülün Suçu Ne 34.Bölüm summary

The letter from Australia shocks Kerim and everyone else. Knowing that she is at fault and full blame will be put on her, Mukkades tries involve Ebe nine and FG in the situation by stating that they read the original letter in secret, which not only greatly angers Kerim, but also disappoints and hurts him greatly. The never read, always ripped apart and thrown away letters in the past, changes with this new letter.

Mustafa, who becomes angrier by the day, makes plans to avenge himsels against K and FG, then the Yasarans, then Vural. His first step is to talk with Meltem, who still has a score to settle with the Yasaran's as well.

Since he now has Asu as a character witness, Munir now plans anew to get Mukk. on his side. Kadir, who is still searching for witnesses and evidence for K and Fg, knows that K's ties to the others gives a negative appearance to the situation, finds yet another piece of information. K is now in a difficult situation with FG.

FG and Ebe Nine begin working to open their new store in the near future. While waiting for her new store to open with mounting excitement, FG also continues with her therapy. The entire family is filled with excitement for the upcoming opening of the restaurant.

As FG tries determinedly to start a new life, but finds that Mustafa, once again is after her for revenge.

Meryem: Kerim i cant do it ...

Lawyer: You were supposed to tell me everything Kerim, 6 months ago.....

FG: What is there more you havent told me ?

FG: He tells me i should trust him, i want to believe him, but then I suddenly i get to know something, something he hasnt told me....

Fatmagülün Suçu Ne 34.Bölüm Fragmaný Translation

K -Meryem:What right did you have to keep this letter and read it?

F-Muki: You could not stand it without creating conflict again!

Muki -FG: I did it for you stupid!

R-Muki: Don't yell at my sister. Don´t yell!

M-Kerim: Kerim!

K : Abla get out of my way...

Kadir: Kerim tell me what happened exactly 6 months ago and don´t hide anything from me...

FG-Kerim: What else are you keeping from me?

FG-Meryem: He says trust me and I want to but then I learn that he has hidden something from me again...

Episode 33 Trailer:

Kerim - All we need is time. We will have very beautiful memories and we won't even remember all this. I promise you.

Meltem - I only wanted the truth to come out.

Münir - I am aware of every step you take!

Asu - Who are you.

Selim - Erdoğan let go.

Meryem - Don't do anything to hurt Fatmagül.

episode 33 summary:

The dinner prepared by Kristin is to be both a turning and beginning point for their future. But, unfortunately, this happy night will be ruined (poisoned) due to Kristin (and her actions).

Meltem is now a target for Resat, for giving Selim's ring to FG. Resat starts making his plans, and includes Meltem in his plans (for punishment). On the other hand, as they try to get everything under control prior to the court date, as they try to collect all the details and turn it in another direction, they also continue to collect witnesses against FG.

The several days FG spent with Asu, prior to knowing who she really was, gives the Yasaran's a big opportunity

As prison life becomes more difficult and harsher, Erdo and Selim begin to lose their patience. Erdogan becomes angrier by the day, and he becomes obsessed with getting revenge against FG and K.

The gossip that has been circulating from house to house in the neighborhood has begun to affect everyone, including Ebe nine, who fines that she can't sell her potions and creams anymore, as people refuse to buy them. Realizing that their funds are quickly diminishing, Ebe Nine decides to start her own business and sets up a stand in the market.

Kerim shares FG's excitement in the upcoming high school exams. K takes FG to the exam. At the same time, Salih comes to the stand that Meryem has in the market, and comes across Rahmi, who is helping Meryem. Murat explains who Salih is, and Rahmi and Salih get into an argument. Munir sees the argument and starts to make plans to use Salih and this to his advantage to convince Mukko to lie in her testimony.

Kerim has prepared a big surprise for FG for after her exams, but the real surprise is the letter from Australia.

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Dum 24 Iul 2011, 11:48 pm

4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 165638 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 165638 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 165638 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 165638 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 165638 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 165638
Multumim , Denisa ! kiss kiss kiss
Esti o draguta !!!!! Ca intotdeauna. kiss


Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Dum 24 Iul 2011, 11:58 pm

ep 32 promo-translate

Münir: You have a chance now to take your revenge. If you want to hurt Fatmagül then you have to tell that she is lying in your report. If they will be right, they will be closer than before. They will win. Don't allow this. Don't...

episode 32 summary:

The dangers around Fatmagül and Kerim, especially Mustafa, brings them closer to each other with each step. This intimacy that happens in front of Mustafa will not be erased from his memory. The rage Mustafa who is crushed under the weight of his own doings feels for Fatmagül and Kerim increase in time.

Fatmagül and Kerim, between whom the distance is shortened even more, come back to Ýstanbul, to their house in Göksu that Fatmagül calls her "home" from their hometown. Both are more hopeful for what is to come.

When they come home the new letter from Kerim's father falls into Ebe nine's hands. These letters which have all been torn without being opened for years are on Ebe nine's conscious and she needs to make a choice. Either she will give to Kerim and they won't know what is written or it will be opened and read hidden from Kerim. This situation turns Ebe nine and Fatmagül into partners in crime. Mukaddes goes after the thing hidden from her and finds the letter. After she reads it she has brand new plans.

The fact that Fatmagül preferred Kerim crushes all Mustafa's hopes. For Mustafa who cannot handle this the only thing to do is to get revenge from them.

Meltem wants to take her revenge for being duped for months in her won way and this time faces Fatmagül to help her.

Yaþarans want to get over this court process quietly but what they fear happens and newspapers exaggerate the incident because of congressman Turaner. Reþat Yaþaran will get furious when he realizes he is losing.

The work on the mansion Kerim was working is completed, Kristen organizes a dinner in the garden of the mansion as a thank you to the workers. Everyone is invited with their spouses to this dinner. Kerim suggests his "spouse" to go to this dinner together.

Summary episode 31!

The yasarans are stunned by the fact that erdogan and Selim are kept in custody. They mow are aware that any wrong move will bring the end of the yasarans, and they know that mustafas statement will be extremely crucial to them.
Mustafa will want to turn this into an opportunity and, in order for him to pick the yasarans side, he demands to have back the gun that erdogan has kept from him.
For the necessary questions and findings to happen, even for few days, kerim and f.gul will have to say at the village for a few days. Fatmagul, who once had her own world in her village, now feels like a stranger and everywhere she looks, where she got her injuries from will yet again face them. However, agaisnt everything, this times will bring new hope for their future.
Vurals statement is also vital to both sides. As for erdogan and Selim, when the prisoners find out the reason why they are in jail, life will be made much much harder for them.
Mustafa will find out that kerim and fg are staying in the village, and will start to follow them around.
Mukkaddes is also starting to realise that it will soon be her turn to face justice, and so she trys to make kerim and fg change their mind and take back their report.
After months where they were separated infront of the house that mustafa burned down, fg and mustafa will re meet. Mustafa cannot accept the change in fg, and blames kerim for his own faults. He will take actions that cannot be turned back on. When kerim finds out that mustafa is with fg, kerim has no choice but to face mustafa. When kerim an mustafa are confronting each other, fg will make her own life changing decision herself.

Fgül: I am not scared of you people anymore. Everyone will be punished for what they did!
erdogan: You are a liar!! Slanderer!!
Kerim: Right! Now is the time for getting everything straight!
Meltem: I do not care about any of you. Not you or selim.. get out of my house, now!
fatmagül: from now on no one will be able to shut me up.. do you hear me? no one!!!
erdoðan: you and your lying wife will pay for this!
kerim: don't you dare talk about my wife!!

fgül: have they been arrested?

Münir: these boys will be acquitted and they will be free in 3 days. 3 days at most.. and then you will try to find a hole to hide in..

Episode 30 Summary

The Yaþarans, who unexpectedly face the cops, can't prevent Erdoðan and Selim's being taken to Izmir to give statement. On the other hand, as the official investigation starts Fatmagül and Kerim face the threats and denials. While Fatmagül is trying to struggle with her fears at this challenge which she can’t see through, Kerim’s is being affected by this process increases the concerns every passing minute.

As the hopes decrease, attorney Kadir, who wants to keep his promise, takes his place at Fatmagül and Kerim's side. For the Yaþarans who had to explain the reason of Selim's absence to Meltem's family, there hadn’t been any way to hide the truth. Once again when Meltem hear the truths from Fatmagül, she burns the bridges with Selim. In this process Reþat Yaþaran's biggest trump card is Mr.Turaner who had to consider his political life.

When Meltem witnesses that she is matter of negotiation between Reþat Yaþaran and her father. She decides to whose side she will take. Mustafa, who thinks the facts will never emerge, is at a turning point of his life while reviewing his choices. Selim and Erdoðan reject the charges, Fatmagül also is called to Izmir, she had to leave. No matter what the cost Fatmagül will not return back this time.

ep 29-translate

Polise: Selim Yasaran, Erdogan Yasaran Vural are these names right ?


Polise: Do you want to report them ? You have to report them if you want them to be punished

K:The time came´. There is no return

Fg:Yes i want to report them

K:i don't know what will happen to me from now on.But i will clean this dirty.I will take this shadow from you.

KERÝM: You won't go anywhere without me. Until everyone is in the hole they deserve it will be like this..
FATMAGÜL: Why do I always end up the loser.. What's my sin..
KERÝM: I'm saying for your own good, so that you don't encounter danger.
FATMAGÜL: Again I am in danger, I am under surveillance. Always me me me .. Once it's heard that you went to the police it will get even worse I know. What will you do then? Lock me up in the house?
KERÝM: If necessary I will do that as well.
FATMAGÜL: You did great by confessing, just great, the torture has already started..

Fatmagül: If they are going to be punished in the end I approve it.
Police: Fatmagül Ilgaz has filed a complaint against you.
kerim: Now they cannot deny it or run away from it. They will be punished this time.
Kerim: I am willing to be punished for what I did.


Kerim wants to show Fatmagül his love. That's why he went to the police. This will be the start of a hard time for Fatmagül. Fatmagül has to report them, because otherwise they wouldn’t get punished. Fatmagül will know that this will be a very hard step, which will make her very sad. But she will decide to take this step

Mukaddes will feel anxiously because of the deal she did with the Yaþarans at the beginning. That's why she will be very afraid. Ebe nine will try finding an advocate who will help them. She will call an old friend of Galip in Izmir (Galip is the one who worked with Kerim and died when they came to Istanbul).

The name of the advocate is Kadir. Kadir lost his wife, because she had a bad affliction. He's alone with this pain. Erdoðan and Selim are at the place where the accident happened. Erdoðan wants to find out what exactly happened because he thinks that Vural went to Fatmagül before he had the accident!!

Fatmagül will get stronger after seeing her enemies again. She will understand that she took a right decision. Kadir will listen to her story and he will be next to them. Fatmagül will feel very strong. Reþat is going to feel bad because of Erdoðan. He still thinks that Erdoðan has bad plans. Erdoðan will enjoy the situation between Asu and Mustafa. In a sudden moment, everything will change for the Yaþarans. The police will come and now it's time to admit everything.

Episode 28 summary

Kerim tries to prove his love to Fatmagül

After Kerim’s confession of his love, Fatmagül who feels the excitement of trusting someone again wants to give Kerim and their future life another chance in spite of all the negative things they have lived through, in spite of seeing Kerim with Vural. She thinks that Kerim will give a logical explanation for this meeting.

The household is excited about the planned dinner. At the same time, this will be the first joint decision Kerim and Fatmagül make and their first family meal. This dinner is very important in Fatmagül’s healing process. However those around the table don't know what Fatmagül lived that day. Fatmagül tries to complete the evening in spite of the fire that burns her insides. After they return home Fatmagül and Kerim come face to face. What Fatmagül says lays the foundation of a new decision for Kerim.

On the other hand Mustafa tries to stake his claim to Asu with the guilt of having left Fatmagül. He learns that Asu is held by Bilal’s men. He makes a deal on his life one more time. However, he is not aware that he is walking into Erdoðan’s trap with his own feet.

Vural who cannot deal with his remorse and weighed down by the last event with her mother has already made a decision regarding his life. Before he goes to death he wants to meet Fatmagül one last time. In the meantime, to prove his love to Fatmagül who he disappointed, Kerim makes a decision that will change everyone's life and acts on it.

Episode 27 Summary Translation:

When Kerim tells FG that he loves her, FG is so shocked and angry; it overpowers even her own, still hidden and denied feelings. With FG’s anger and rejection, Kerim loses all hope and is sorry that he confessed his love,for he believes that his confession of love pushed them further apart.

Mukaddes returns home with Rahmi and Ebe Nine, but while knowing that she has no power or authority in the house anymore, she still tries to keep her head up. With Leman's and Münir's affair becoming public, the Yaþarans and their surroundings are under tremendous stress.

Reþat feels shame and embarrassment towards Meltem's parents and is very angry at Münir; Erdoðan wants to use this information for his own benefit.

With everyone worried that Vural is going to go further with his destructive attitude, Erdoðan wants to make sure that Vural is not left alone.

FG's feelings and emotions are in total confusion and turmoil. She knows that she wants to believe K, but the fact that she can't makes her angrier and causes her to take her anger out on K, Despite living in the same house, FG tries not to run into K, and takes a big step towards her healing, by taking Ebe Nine's suggestion to get assistance!

Erdoðan thinks that Vural will be an opportunity for him but it won’t be. However, the last events will be a great obstacle for Kerim and Fatmagül.

Episode 27 - 1st trailer

F: I swear I want to forget, too. But I am not able to, I am not... I want to be a normal person. I want to trust. I want to be able to love someone.
K: I will never leave you... Never!

Episode 26 Summary Translation :

Mukaddes takes Murat away which is a big knock for Rahmi. Fatmagul is left hopeless with her brothers situation, but yet again Kerim gives her a helping hand. As there is now no turning back for Mukaddes, she takes Murat to Salih. Salih's father is a witness of this meeting which opens a door for Mukaddes. Once Rahmi has a fit, Kerim cannot handle it and decides to find Mukaddes. Fatmagul and Kerim act together for Rahmi and go to Salih's work place. They find out that he is married, which brings the situation to a dead end.

The Yasarans hear that Mustafa was stabbed. Munir dives in to find out the truth about the reason for the stabbing. As Erdogan and Resat's tension grows, Resat begins to worry that Erdogan is the cause of the stabbing. Mustafa is beginning to recover, but is calling Fatmagul's name. At the same time, Emin and Halide shockingly find out the story behind Asu! On the other hand, Vural finds out that his mum was cheating on his dad with Munir and goes crazy!

Mukaddes plans go down the drain when she finds out that Kerim and Fatmagul are looking for her and at the same time she will be a victim of Salih's anger. Hope closes all doors for Mukaddes which will mean she will wait for a helping hand in silence... as Fatmagul and Kerim are trying to help Rahmi, they realise that they are becoming closer to each other. As Fatmagul tries to keep her distance, Kerim will no longer hide his feelings. The step he takes towards Fatmagul will make their situation take a different turning point.

Episode 25 trailer.1 Translation:

FG: You have lied to me and my brother. I heard it from you, Murat is not my brother's son!!!!

FG: Abi ?

Mukaddes: If I had not been sure that I will get married, I wouldn't have had a relation with him! Rahmi I didn't deceive you. I took a shelter in you!!

FG: Where are you going ?

Mukaddes: Won't you say anything ?

Rahmi: What can I say ? " ne diyim ki ben , ne diyim "

Episode 25 Summary Translation:

Rahmi hears the whole truth and is wrecked by it. Fatmagül and Kerim are traumatized by the lie that Mukaddes has kept secret for so many years!

Kerim will desperately try to calm Fatmagül down: but neither of them will even realize that they are sharing their problem together. Whilst Mukaddes is trying to explain her own side of her story to Ebe Nine, Fatmagül and Kerim witness this conversation

Fatmagül cannot accept the fact that Murat is not her brothers son, and is very angry with Mukaddes.
Ebe nine and Kerim know that it will be traumatic if Rahmi and Murat hears the truth and in some way they persuade Fatmagül to stay quiet until they find a proper solution as for what to do. At the same time, Mukaddes is playing the 'good wife' at home whilst she is trying to build bridges with Salih on the other hand.
As Kerim and Fatmagül are both not able to stand Mukaddes' fake attitude at home they are both getting steps closer to each other without noticing...

The Yaþarans are having more problems too.
Reþat and Erdoðan’s competition is getting more and more. Reþat is trying to get back the gun that Erdoðan took from him, and also trying to sort out vural’s psychological issues

Mustafa falls into Erdoðan’s trap when he least expects it. This move will evolve much bigger problems. Fatmagül waits to find the perfect time to confront Mukaddes.

But whence truth is out Rahmi will be a witness of it too... Kerim and Fatmagül will not know how they will comfort him. As Mukaddes Is left defenseless against the truth, her decisions will now mean that their lives will change forever.

Fatmagülün Suçu Ne 24.Bölüm 2. Fragmaný (Translation)

Muko: I am coming over...I am....

Ebe Nine: This woman is devising something behind our backs again. She secretly left the house.

Kerim: Oh God...Not again.

Ebe Nine: I will get her this time.....

Asu: You are doing all this because I am not FG. ..........

Resat Yasaran: The gun is missing...


The letter that opens the door to the past

Mukaddes opens her past issues which she had to close years before. The woman standing in front of her first love Salih is no longer the mUkaddes he used to know. This meeting shall be the turning point in Mukaddes's life. On the other hand Kerim and Fatmagül are sure that Mukaddesi is up to something. Mukaddes has a new lie and a way out to each question or event but she can not get over the fact that she has seen Salih and she becomes introverted. This is noted by everyone in the house.
It seems everything is back to normal in the Yasaran family. The company and meltem and selim's marriage gets stronger with the new agreements signed. As Resat Yasaran gets stronger Erdogan gets restless. Erdogan decides to ensure his place in the company and he targets the highest stake against Resat Yasaran. A letter that arrives to the house will open a door to Kerim's past life which he has been ignoring. Fatmagül learns a part of Kerim's dad's story with thi letter. each of them now has a question to answer is it easier to forgive or to wait to be forgiven.
Mukaddes who now imagines a new life does not realize she is being followed when she foes to salih to explain her secret. Ebe nine who thinks mukaddes might be going to make new agreements or bargains with the Yasaran family follows her but is shocked with what she witnesses. This secret shall no longer be kept a secret.

Episode 24 trailer


Kerim - I don't want to read. I don't care what it says. That person doesn't exist for me.

Kerim - How easy it is to ask forgiveness.
Fatmagül - It's easy because everyone knows their point of view. If they knew what the other person lived through maybe they wouldn't even have the courage to ask for forgiveness.
Kerim - Asking for forgiveness should be deserved as well. How can one forgive a person he doesn't believe?

Episode 23 trailer.2 Translation:

Meltem to Mustafa: "Please, I really want to be sure"

Resat to Mustafa: "What the hell are you trying to do? What did you tell her?"

Vural to Erdogan: "Leave her alone!!" (here he meant maybe FG)

Erdogan back at Vural: "That's none of your business!"

FG to Mukaddes: "Yenge!.. Where do you think she went?"

Rahmi to ??: "Hey, who are you?? FG: "Abi, what's happening?" Rahmi: "He sits in the car and stalks us! Idiot." and then FG: "WHO?" (Probably Vural! )

FG to Kerim: "HEY, Get up, hey!

Episode 23 Summary

Kerim would be the first visitor in Fatmagül's new work. Kerim sees her finger, Fatmagül wears the ring and now this ring always will be on her finger.

Meltem learned that yet Mustafa was Fatmagül's engaged and she will try to talk with Mustafa.

Yaþaranlar are aware of that Mustafa is important for them. Balances will change and this case will be a trump card for Mustafa.

Fatmagül studies harder because her exams are approaching and so computer is taken to home but this computer benefit to Mukaddes, before Fatmagül.

About Yaþaranlar, everything seems good but There are some doubts in Vural. Vural and Erdoðan are facing because of Fatmagül.

Vural goes at every opportunity to see Fatmagül because he lives in remorse. After inserting the ring, Kerim's courage increases.

Kerim wants it more than anything to Fatmagül trust him and he evaluates all the opportunities because he wants to be close to Fatmagül.

Finally, Mukaddes reaches, which man changed her life before years! she decided what she want to do.

Episode 22 Summary

Strong steps from Fatmagül

When Fatmagül gets rid of the last memento of her past, Kerim finds the biggest light of hope he has been waiting for for months. Now he is more courageous about sharing his feelings with Fatmagül.

Wanting Fatmagül to live a safe life without fear Ebe Nine challenges Reþat Yaþaran. Yaþarans will forever remain far from her family and Fatmagül. To have this topic completely closed is the only thing Reþat Yaþaran wants as well. When everybody thinks things will calm down, Vural’s fears about Erdoðan prevents breathing easily. Outside the office building, Ebe nine is waiting for Mustafa who cannot get what he wants from Yaþarans. Though he says he left past behind, Mustafa will show the first signs of not taking Fatmagül out of his life easily.

Kerim buys wedding bands with hopes of turning their arranged marriage to a real one one little bit. However this step of Kerim’s will end with Fatmagül’s anger that cuts like a knife. Fatmagül won't wear that ring even as a show to outsiders.

Fatmagül wants to make the decisions about her life and stand up on her own feet so she decides to work. With the job she finds at Erol’s place opening a brand new page in Fatmagül’s life Fatmagül finds the support that will give her power in Kerim.

Episode 21

Fatmagül and Mustafa are face to face

Mustafa and Fatmagül are face to face for the first time after all they have lived through. Those who had said goodbye silently months ago in front of a burning house speak now in front of a house where Fatmagül is married to someone else. Fatmagül faces her past. Mustafa finds an entirely different Fatmagül in front of him. Kerim who left home to go to the police station with the cops goes crazy when he learns from Mukaddes that Mustafa came home. He runs home to protect Fatmagül. Now he risks everything.

On the other hand, Reþat Yaþaran makes new moves to take over the control of the situation again. Now he knows very well that it will not be easy to stop Kerim and Fatmagül. After the showdown he has with Fatmagül Mustafa's anger is sharpened and he decides to take his revenge by gaining power through money. However, he will name his own price. He goes to see Reþat Yaþaran one more time. That day Reþat Yaþaran will have one more unexpected visitor.

Fatmagül whose feelings change with every passing day, feels that she trusts Kerim but she can't confess this even to herself. She is determined not to give any hope to Kerim. But before long Kerim’s wishes come true. The sign he expects from Fatmagül will finally come.

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Lun 25 Iul 2011, 12:03 am


Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Lun 25 Iul 2011, 12:15 am

Fatmagülün Sucu Ne ?32.Bölüm Kerim - Fatmagül - Meryem - Mukaddes Sahnesi

Meryem - Kerim...
Meryem - Efendim??
Kerim - Alo abla....Mukaddes kapýyý dinliyor..
Meryem - Haaa..
Kerim - Kadýnýn Kulagý kapýda...
Fatmagül - Ne oldu...
Meryem - Mukaddes....
Meryem - Mukaddes Haným...
Mukaddes - Ay bisküvi parçalarý dökülmüþte...Ayak altýnda ezildi herhalde..
Meryem - Yarýn toplardýk makineyle

Kerim - Aksam Ne konusuyordunuz...
Ebe Nine - Kiminle..
Kerim - Fatmagüllle..
Kerim - Mukaddes Hanýmýn Bu kadar ilgisini çeken ne konusuyordunuz acaba..
Ebe Nine - Mukaddes hanýmý bilmiyor musuun? Sürekli kulagý kapýnýn dýsýnda..Ýki kiþiyi de Basbasa da görünce..Meraklý ... iþte
Kerim - Of.

Fatmagül: Evlerininnnnn önü Mersin...Ah sular içmem (G)adýným tersin tersin..Ah sular içmem (G)adýným tersin tersin.....Mevlam Senii.... .

Kerim: Bana versin...Al hançerini (G)adýným vur ben öleyim......Ah kapýnýzda bi (D)anem, kul ben olayým....

Mustafa : Evlenmemize bir kaç ay vardý.....Ben çok çalýsýyordum Gece gündüz...Uzun süre dönmüyordum bazen;Dönemiyordum..O sýrada tanýsmýslar...
Birliktelermiþ..Ama o gece ye kadar bir þey olmamýs herhalde..Yani þey olarak...
O geceye kadar öyleymiþ..
Bunlar sýk sýk bulusuyorlarmýs...Herif...Yani Kerim ýlgaz bunun aklýný çelmiþ...Ona Ýstanbulda yasamayý vaad etmiþ..Fatmagül'de saftýr Cahildir;
Kapýldý gitti...

Bunlarýn aralarýnda bir þey oldugunu hissediyordum..Fatmagül çok deðiþmiþti..Burda yasamayalým;Ýstanbulda yasayalým Evlenirsek;Evlenirsek ne demek diyordum...Zaten Niþanlýyýz...

Selim - 8 gün oldu..Ne yapcaz Lan...Niye kimse bir þey yapmýyor??
Erdogan - Ne bileyim Ya..of..Meltemden de ses soluk çýkmadý..
Selim - Asýl benim moralimi bozan o..Bana biraz inansaydý Babasýna istediðini yaptýrýrdý...
Cezalý - Uygun Adým Lan..Uygýn Adým..Çýyanlar..Utanmadan bide Havalandýrma yapýyorsun..
Erdogan - Bakma Bakma...
Selim - Telefonla da konusamadýk..
Erdogan - Heee...Telefon da da konus da bütün konustuklarýnýzý mahkeme de dinleyelim sonra..
Selim - Dinlerler mi??
Erdogan - Manyak mýsýn olum Sen?? Altýna Fon müziði bile döþerler...
Erdogan - Meltemle konusmanýn çok romantik gececeðini de zannetmiyorum zaten...Ters bir þey söylerse s....z
Erdogan - Lan þurdan bir çýkayým..Aklýnýz alcam Lan Sizi....
Erdogan - Yeter Be...Abi yemin ederim bir gün daha burda kalýrsam kafayý yiyecem ya..
Selim - Mahkemeye kadar dayanacaz...Baska yolu yok...

Meryem - Çok beklettik mi???
Kerim - Ehh biraz..
Meryem - Kuaför alýsveriþ derken zamanýn nasýl aktýgýný anlayamadýk..
Kerim - Neyse caným önemli deðil...

Kerim - Saçýn güzel olmus..
Fatmagül - Tesekkür Ederim...
Kerim - Kýyafetinde...
Fatmagül - Meryem abla çok ýsrar etti...Kuaföre de zorla götürdü beni...
Kerim - Çok iyi etmiþ...
Kerim - Doktorda ne oldu??
Kerim - Tamam tamam anlatmak istemiyorsan anlatma Bosver..
Fatmagül - Ýstemiyorum...

Kristen - Evlenmeyi hiç düþünmüyorum demiþtin evlendin...

Kristen - Ona Çok aþýksýn Demek ki??
Kerim - Evet

Fatmagül - Aaa...Babamýn en sevdiði türkü..
Kerim - Biliyor musun?
Fatmagül - Hep söylerdi..
Davetli - Hadi...
Fatmagül - Aaa yok..
Davetli - Aþk olsun ama...

Kerim : bugün keyfimi bozma

Meryem : ne keyfi oðlun sen bugün ölüyodun

Kerim : ben bugün o kurþundan daha önemli brþey yaþadým.

Fatmagül : Murat mý seslendi.

Kerim : Görecektin abla bana güveniyor artýk.

Kristen : Benimle Ýngiltere'ye gel dediðimde yaþadýðým yeri terk edemem demiþtin.
Onun için terk edip Ýstanbul' geri geldin. Evlenmeyi düþünmüyorum demiþtin, evlendin. Ona çok aþýksýn demek ki...

Kerim : Evet

Kristen : Çok þanslý bir kýz...

32 bölüm Mukaddes, Rahmi, Fatmagül ve Ebe nine sahnesi

Mukaddes: ipleri pazara çýktý sonunda
Rahmi: Fatmagülle Kerimden bahs etmemiþler ya Allahtan ona çok seviniyorum ben ona
Mukaddes: bide onu yazsalardý o Beyhan haným kesin kapýya dayanýrdý evimden çýkýn diye...o günlerde gelicek ya....Münir tutuþmuþtur þimdi ne kaynýyordur o yaþaranlarýn orasý
Rahmi: tamam tamam yeter kaldýr artýk kaldýr..sinirim bozuluyor iyice
Meryem: hakkaten Mukaddes haným sende fotokopisini çýkardýn gazetenin ha
Mukaddes: görüyormusun o milletvekilinide aldýlar arkalarýna ama para ettimi hayýr...ah be bu Kerimin arkasýnda kuvvetli biri olucaktý...bak o zaman baþýmýza böyle þeyler geliyormuydu
Meryem: Fatmagül hadi hazýrlan kýzým
Fatmagül: daha erken deðilmi..
Meryem: anca gideriz çok bunaldým ben çýkalým bir an önce
Fatmagül: tamam
Mukaddes: bana bak üstüne þöyle bir çeki düzen ver..davete gitcen akþam
Meryem: ben de giyineyim
Mukaddes: bu Kerim yalnýþ yapýyor bunu böyle gezdiriyor iyice alýþýcak hep istiycek bak gör
Rahmi: istiyerek gitmiyor ki
Mukaddes: numarasý onun be istemem yan cebime

Kerim:Bizim sadce zamana ihtiyacýmýz var.Bütün bunlarý hatýrlamayacaðýmýz,çok güzel anlarýmýz olucak.Sana söz veriyorum...!..
Meltem:Ben sadece gerçekler ortaya çýksýn istiyorum.!
Münir:Attýðýnýz her adýmý çok iyi biliyorum ben!
Avukat Kadir:Mustafa Nalçalý..!
Selim:Erdoðan býrak,býrak!.!
Ebe Nine:Fatmagülü kýrýcak hiçbi þey yapma...!

33.Bölüm Fatmagül & Kerim

Kerim - Eeee burdaki iþimiz de bitti...Biz de yavas yavas gidelim...Hava da sogudu..Daha fazla üþüme..
Fatmagül - Tamam hadi...

Kerim - Mukaddes - Rahmi - Meryem - Fatmagül 33.Bölüm

Mukaddes - Vural ifade vermiþ..
Meryem - Eee Aþk olsun...
Kerim - Eee??
Mukaddes - Söyleyemem Kýzýyor baksana..
Rahmi - Kýzar tabi;Sabah söyleyin diye o kadar tembih etti ya..
Fatmagül - Ýnkar etmiþ deðil mi??
Mukaddes - Yasaranlar býrakýr mý? Nasýl iþlemiþlerdir;Nasýl girmiþlerdir beynine

Kerim - Fatmagül Bak..Kristen ile ilgili bir soru iþareti kafanda kalmasýn..
Fatmagül - Ne gibi...
Kerim - Ne gibi??
Kerim - Yani aramýz da bir þey var diye düþünüyorsan..
Fatmagül - Var yada yok Banane...
Kerim - Dinle...Sana yalan söylecey deðilim..Evet eskiden bir þey oldu..Ama ciddi bir þey deðildi..BittÝ...Senin rahatsýz olacagýn bir þey olmayacak;olamaz da zaten..
Fatmagül - Niye bana acýklama yapýyorsun ki..
Kerim - Çünkü SEN BENÝM KARIMSIN..'Çünkü Ben Seni Seviyorum ve Bu açýklamayý zorunlu hissediyorum kendimi...
Fatmagül - Hissetme..Benim için bir önemi yok gercekten..Huzursuz felan olmadým..Onun için açýklamaya gerek yok..Yatacam Ben þimdi..
Kerim - Ýyi geceler..
Fatmagül - Ýyi geceler

FATMAGÜL: Ben bir þey var mý dedim.
KERÝM: Öyle anlaþýldýðýný biliyorum ama, Kristin öyledir, dokunarak konuþur falan.
FATMAGÜL: Ýyi bana ne.

FATMAGÜL: O bizi kýskanýyor. Bizim aramýzda bir þey var zannediyor.
FATMAGÜL: Kesin böyle.. Aklýnca benim canýmý yakmaya çalýþýyor .. gerçeði bilse yazýk, hiç böyle uðraþmaz..“Benle” uðraþmasýna gerek olmadýðýný anlar.. söyle içi rahatlasýn.

Fatmagül:Ne yapmak isterdin?Bunlar baþýmýza gelmeseydi...Gelecekle ilgili planlarýn neydi?
Kerim:Bilmem.Kasabada kalýrdým herhalde.Ya da...Bilemiyor ki insan.
Fatmagül:Yurt dýþýna gidecektin,Kristen'ýn yanýna mý giderdin?
Kerim:Belki arardým onu ama kimsenin yanýna gitmek gibi bir düþüncem yoktu.Belki de aramazdým.
Fatmagül:Arardýn.Ben de senin hayatýný deðiþtirdim.Eðer karþýlaþmasaydýk...
(Kerim Fatmagül'ün sözünü keser.)
Kerim:Baþka bir þekilde karþýlaþsaydýk...Ben hep bunu düþünüyorum biliyor musun?Keþke baþka bir þekilde karþýlaþsaydýk diye...Seni ilk gördüðümde...Yani ikinci kez gördüðümde merdivenlerde karþýlaþmýþtýk.Sonra bana bir an ürkek bakýp bakýþlarýný yere indirmiþtin.Gözlerin böyle gözlerime deðince bir an sarsýlmýþtým.Dedim ki o bakýþlarýn peþinden gitmeliyim.Ta ki bir sevgilin olduðunu anlayana kadar...
(Bu arada Kerim anlatýrken flashback'ler oluyor.''Peki kimsin,kimlerdensin?Ýn misin cin misin?----M:Fatmagül!!!)
Fatmagül:(Üzgün þekilde):Ben o geceyle ilgili bir þey konuþmak istemiyorum.
Kerim:Haklýsýn,özür dilerim.
Fatmagül:Bizim mutlu hatýrlanacak bir tanýþma hikayemiz yok.Ýki cümle kursak üçüncüde yaramýzýn kabuðu kalkacak.
Kerim:Bizim sadece zamana ihtiyacýmýz var.Bak gör;bütün bunlarý hiç hatýrlamayacaðýmýz çok güzel anýlarýmýz olacak...Sana söz veriyorum.
(Fatmagül Kerim'in gözlerine bakar,hafiften tebessüm eder...)

Kerim & Fatmagül 35.Bölüm

Fatmagül - Çünkü onu tanýyorum. Biþey yapcak olsa þimdiye kadar yapardý.
Kerim - Evet tanýyosun. Onu çok iyi tanýyorsun.
Fatmagül - Sen niye þindi benim canýmý acýtmaya çalýþýyosun ki?

Kerim - O gün de beni seviyosan diye durdurdun beni. Sýrf onu korumak için. Sýrf ona zarar vermiyim diye sarfettin di mi o sözleri? Ben de aptal gibi inandým.
Fatmagül - Sen benim canýmý acýtmak istedin.
Kerim - Sence ben bunu istiyerek yapabilir miyim ha?
Fatmagül - Yapýyorsun ama. En hassas olduðum yerden vuruyosun.

Fatmagül: Ben senin Kristinini dinledim ama
Sevgilinle ingilizce konuþmanýzý dinledim nasýlsa anlamýyorum diye rahat rahat konuþtunuz telefonlarda,beni birlikte kaldýðýnýz otele götürdün biþey demedim
onunla tanýþtýrdýn yüz yüze getirdin sesimi çýkarmadým ayný sofraya otutturdun beni...gözümün önünde seninle flort etmesine izin verdim! Ben bunlara biþey demiyorum ama!

Kerim: Sen beni kýskandýn mý?

Fatmagül: Ne alakasý var þimdi?

Kerim: Kýskanýyorsun!

37.Bölüm Fragman - Kerim&Fatmagül

Kerim: Mustafa! Sen bizi ayýramassýn Mustafa! O benim karým!

Kerim(Çýldýrýr. Restorantý daðýtmaya baþlar): Buraya mý oturdu. Buraya mý oturdu. Buraya mý oturdu ha.
Fatmagül: Yapma! Yapma, yeter!
Kerim: Buraya mý ha, buraya mý?
Fatmagül(Elleriyle yüzünü kapatýr ve aðlar): Yeteeer

Kerim: Fatmagül, gerçekten ben senin ne istediðini bilmiyorum.

FATMAGÜL: Çünkü korktum.. Senin baþýn belaya girecek diye korktum. Seni kýþkýrtmak istiyor.. Onun istediði bu.. Senin için korktum. Sana zarar vermek istiyor. O bizi ayýrmak istiyor.
KERÝM: Bizi ayýramaz.. Ben senden ayrýlmam….
FATMAGÜL: Öldürür seni.

FATMAGÜL: Araba nerde?
KERÝM: Taksiyle geldim..
FATMAGÜL: Doðru ya arabayla dikkat çekerdin..
KERÝM: Açma yine..
FATMAGÜL: Arkamdan taksiye bince ne dedin þoföre? ‘Þu arabayý takip Et mi ? Dedin ;
Filmlerdeki gibi.

Fatmagül: Niye beni konuþturmuyosun ki?
Kerim: Neden bahsediyor? Savcýlýða kaðýdý verdiniz mi diyor? Adisyon kaðýdý ne?
Fatmagül: Bilmem.
Kerim: Yine bana yalan söyleme Fatmagül. Delirtme beni... Cevap ver ne.
Fatmagül: Tamam sölicem ama sende sinirlenmiceksin söz ver.

Kerim: Bu ne? O herif mi yazdý bunu? O herif buraya mý geldi?
Fatmagül: Biþey olmadý ama.
Kerim: Bir de hizmet mi ettin ona?
Fatmagül: Baðýrma lütfen.
Kerim: Fatmagül sen bir de hizmet mi ettin o herife.
Fatmagül: Mecbur kaldým.
Kerim: Sen ne diyorsun ya?

Fatmagül: Müþteriler vardý. Nalan hanýmlar falan vardý.
Kerim: Fatmagül sana inanamýyorum ya inanamýyorum.
Fatmagül: Oturdu gitti.
Kerim: Oturdu mu ha? Buraya mý oturdu. Buraya mý oturdu ha?
Fatmagül: Yapmaa! Kerim yapma yeter.Yeteeer!
Kerim: Demek sana bu kadar yaklaþtý ha? Bunu bana niye sölemiyosun Fatmagül niye?
Fatmagül: Çünkü korktum. Senin baþýný belaya sokacak diye korktum. O seni kýþkýrtmak istiyo. Sana zarar vermesinden korktum Kerim. Onun istediði bu iþte. Bizi ayýrmak istiyor.
Kerim: Bizi ayýramaz. Ben seni býrakmam.

Fatmagül: Öldürür seni.
Kerim:Hiçbir þey yapamaz. Tamam, tamam geçti, geçti.. Aðlama.. Özür dilerim.. Ama sende benden bir þey saklama olur mu ?
Fatmagül: Sende onun karþýsýna çýkma o zaman.
Kerim: Hadi bana her þeyi anlat. Ne zaman geldi dün mü?

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

Sus In jos

4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Lun 25 Iul 2011, 12:34 am

4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 187894

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

Sus In jos

4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Lun 25 Iul 2011, 1:09 am


Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

Sus In jos

4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Lun 25 Iul 2011, 1:24 am

kiss kiss 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 155656 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 155656
Noapte buna si vise placute .
O noapte linistita va doresc .
Pe maine . 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 155656 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 155656 kiss kiss 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 720534 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 720534 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 720534
4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 79551

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

Sus In jos

4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Lun 25 Iul 2011, 9:14 am

Buna dimineta ! kiss kiss kiss

O saptamana linistita va doresc . kiss 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 433230 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 155520 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 371536 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 3008458866

-Iubitule spune-mi ceva care sa ma faca sa visez!
- Du-te la somn.

Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

Din cate am inteles eu ...sezonul 2 va incepe cu o scena in care Fatmagul va sta pe malul apei si va plange gandindu-se la Kerim !!!!!! Offffffffffffffffffffffffffff! sad sad sad sad sad


Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

Sus In jos

4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Lun 25 Iul 2011, 1:44 pm

Tatil bitti Beren işbaşı yapıyor!

Beren Saat iki yıl önce Ayvalık'ın Cunda Adası'nda denize sıfır yazlık bir ev almış ve bu evi gönlünce dayayıp döşemişti. Başrolünü oynadığı 'Fatmagül'ün Suçu Ne?' adlı dizisi tatile girince Beren'de soluğu Cunda'daki yazlık evinde aldı. Ankara'dan gelen ailesiyle birlikte tatilin keyfini doyasıya çıkaran güzel oyuncu gözlerden uzak denize girmiş, güneşlenmiş. Dizi çekimleri için tekrar İstanbul'a dönen Beren Saat, yaz boyunca haftada iki gün Cunda'daki yazlığına gidip gelecekmiş.


4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii A280ceb94.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 5e2879df4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 5d3518044.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 18d0735f4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 9ace90ba4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 04f249ac4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 19da5aa84.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Bc24ca9e4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Scaled.php?server=854&filename=dgn33

Mustafa's testimony

Prosecutor:Are you Mustafa Nalci?
P:What's your relationship to the defendants?
M:I work at their company
P:The defendant is your ex fiance
M:Yes sir

The judges talk amongst each other. they make mustafa
take his oath again
Prosecutor: now, tell us what you know about
the incident

m: i don't know anything about the incident. i retract
what i said in my last statement. i don't believe that Fg
deceived me while she was my fiance
Everyone is shocked
P:tell us what you know
M: i was leaving that morning.
FG was coming to meet me but didn't.I found out
why she didn't come later. i was told kerim Ilgaz
was the culprit. I didn't listen to FG. I turned
my back and left.
kerim told me that Selim yasaran, erdogan yasaran
and Vural namli were involved.
Prosecutor: Tell us exactly what you know
M: i know that FG wouldn't lie. that's all I know
Prosecutor: So your changing your statement
Munir requests a recess and the prosecutor
calls fora 30 minutes recess

Last scene

Jandarma arrives
General:Kerim Ilgaz
Kerim: good morning my general
C: your lawyer stated that last night you
had an altercation with vural Namli
Kerim: that's right
Meryem:But it wasn't wnything important
FG:He beat him, He was provoked.

Pislik's testimony

Prosecutor: Defendant Erdogan Yasaran
Erdo stands
P: You have heard the charges against you. What do you say?
E: Certainly, I don't accept the charges. They have invented them.
The night of the alleged events we were at my cousin's engagement.
I didn't even leave the house.

Selim: The entire night I was busy with guests'
I was exhausted that night. I went to bed immediately and slept.
I was drunk.My family and workers can attest to this.
In the morning kerim came.
Selim looks at FG and starts fake crying
Prosecutor: Calm down
Gullie looks hopeful for a second
Erdogan looks nervous
Prosecutor: why are you crying?
Selim:Because I'm innocent.Nothing like that happened
and Because of this slander my entire life is ruined.
FG: Spit. May God punish you.
Prosecutor: sit
Kadir: sit
Fg:He's lying
Prosecuter: If you're not going to respect the courtroom
go outside
Kadir: sit my child.
K: We apologize your honor, my client's psychological state
is not good.
Prosecutor: you also control your client. Don't forget the rules
of the courtroom.
To Selim: Is there anything you would like to add?
Selim: nothing more your honor
Prosecutor: sit down

prosecutor: Vural Namli
Vural is irresponsive
P: Vural namli

meanwhile outside

Shemsi: they're calling vural
Lehman: oh God help us!
Meryem: These people are amazing!
Lehman: What are you saying man!
Peri: lehman please calm down.
lehman: they keep looking over here
Peri:Don't look that way

inside the court

prosecutor:I asked you, are you going to answer?
Munir: Your honor mt client's health condition....
Prosecutor:It doesn't prevent him from answering.
You have heard the charges against you.Let's see. What do you say?

Vural and FG look at each other. remembering his apology

Vural: your honor... I.....I'm innocent
I have no idea how they created such a story (?)
Kerim: May God punish you
Prosecutor: pull yourself together
Kerim: Your honor, he cried in front of me. he cried in front
of Fg and apologized and now he's talking like this
prosecutor:sit down
If you continue to disrespect the court proceedings
i will close this session. This is my last warning
and you just answer my question, do you accept the charges or no?
Vural: I certainly do not accept the charges
Prosecutor: sit down. Kerim Ilgaz. what do you say?
Kerim:i am guilty of being there and not having done anything
to stop them.

Mustafa and Asu

Asu exits from restroom

Yasar to Asu: Are you alright?
Asu nods.
Musti to Asu: I need to speak with you
Yasar: Mustafa this isn't the place
M:Nothing will happen here, I'm not stupid,
I just want to talk

Resat signals to Yasar to allow him to talk to Asu

M: Yes Hacar, explain to me how
you got involved with the yasarans.

Later Outside

Outside Asu and Musti talk:

A: she said she didn't know anyone else in Istanbul
she came because she had nowhere else to go. She stayed 1 or 2
days after she found out what i did for a living she left running.
then Kerim tracked me down and he came looking for her. I had no choice but
to confess everything to him. that's all.What will happen now that you know?

M:You went behind my back and did this, now....

Yasar interrupts "Miss Asu" they're calling you inside

A: i only helped Fg. I didn't hurt her.
M: But now you will.
A: i will not hurt her anymore than you have.Isn't that the truth?
M: What are you going to say inside. What kind of lies have the Yasarans
made you memorize?

Asu starts walking away and Mustafa blocks her

M: look, If you slander her.I will kill you!
A: It seems you have forgotten whu YOU'RE here.
Your pockets are full. What's the difference between me and you?
Just like me, there's nothing you wouldn't do for money
Yasar: Asu
A: FG accept my condolences. The defendants have a lot of money


K: Why didn't you sleep? It'll be almost morning soon.

FG: I'm thinking.

K: Thinking about what?

FG: Kerim it will not go very well like this, we'll lose against them.

K: There is no reason to think like that.

FG: We can't do this, I surrender.

K: Fatmagul how could you say something like this?

FG: I'm saying this because it's the reality, I'm tired of this.

K: Please listen to me.

FG: No you should listen to me this time. If we continue with this, it'll just get worse and worse. You've already started to change as a person.

K: No.

FG: In the time we will lose ourselves more and more. When we are defeated, when they(Yasaran's) continue with this, it will just make us more depressed.

K: I swear to you, I swear over your name that I will never ever again make any foolish and furor actions against anybody. I swear...

K: No, don't say that. Fatmagul I beg you, don't let it go like that, do not surrender. Please, don't ever surrender.

FG: We don't have any places left to go to. I don't feel like I wan't to win the case anymore. Do you think we'll be able to breath after all this?

K: Yes, unlike them we have faith Fatmagul.

FG: Do you think there is?

K: There is.
General: that's certainly not the case sister
Mustafa arrives
Kerim: what is he doing here?
General: kerim Ilgaz,
you're under arrest for the murder of Vural Namli
Kerim: what?
Kerim is searched and they all look at each other
General: take him!
He is handcuffed
kerim: what are you doing? i didn't do anything
Let Go!
FG: Kerim didn't kill him. He wouldn't
Kerim: I didn't kill anyone
FG: Kerim
Kerim: Let go. Screams as he is being pushed into the car
Meryem Abla on the phone: Please turn around,they're taking Kerim
Kerim: let go
Fg:Kerim you didn't kill him
Kerim: I didn't do anything
Meryem: they're saying something about murder
the car drives away with Fg running after it
FG: Kerim
Kerim looks back and sees Gullie running towards him
and Mustafa behind Gullie
Fg: Kerim!
she tumbles to the ground. Mustafa extends his hand
to help her as Kerim looks back. mustafa picks FG up
Mustafa: It's alright dear. I'm beside you
She pulls her arm away from him
FK: Kerim

Kadir is explaining that the place s quiet.
no ones around. They're looking for Kerim.

Oh hotness. DON"T!

Asu decided not to check out yet

Oh no Kerim. Yapma!

K: You came to the scene of the crime.
Musti's our witness
Vural i will take you to the police and you will explain
Kill me!
If you want to feel better you will do this.
You owe it to her
V: I see her in my dream
V;Kill me. I can't return there

Mustafa: What did you do to FG?

Ka: where were you?
Ke: i got into a fight with Vural
Ka: did you hurt him?
Ke: no, I wanted to take him to the police
K: Think of Fg. You're acting like a kid. return to the hotel with G. they're worried about you.
Kad where is he?
K:At the scene of the crime
Ka: good!

Shemsi to Lehman: Let Vural sleep till the morning

Asu's remembering musti's description of his house.

Halide: What are you doing here?
Tell me the truth, Are you still after Mustafa?
Asu:No, he told me so much about this place, i wanted to see it.
h:Are you still together?

Rahmi remembers Yasar.
Gullie is worried he went to meet the guys and he'll get hurt
He remembers him cause he looked like Musti
He was there when the flowers were delivered

Resat wants to sell the house and live together
Erdo's not having it.

Telling the court he's innocent
FG: you came to me, apologized
it could have been your daughter
V: be quiet, leave!
Fg: i will not leave or be silenced till you speak

They're discussing Muko's dna test.
He can't leave her stranded if the child is his. He understands
FG is upset but it's his kid.
Fg wants separate houses.
Meryem, Gullie and Kerim will move

Asu's looking for Musti, I think
but no one's helping her

Musti's telling his friends he came to visit his parents
He's asking why he's being treated so badly.
The friend tells him that people are talking about the FG situation. How The yasarans did it to FG and he's working for them
He's blaming Kerim

Is that your car ? the friend asks
Lehman and Semsi are saying they want Vural to rest a few days and gather himself.
If he runs it will make hin feel guilty.

FG: Did you see Kerim?
Rahmi: no he left a while ago
M: Kadir did you see Kerim?
K: Yes he had a headache and went for aspirin

Asu's thinking about how Musti promised to
take her to Izmir.

Now Selim knows that Musti's the one.
Peri is Telling Selim not to call Meltem

I know about Mustafa
what? you can't talk huh?
i will make you pay.

Peri: Selim come to your senses

Selim:Don't get involved!
I will certainly take them to account!

Meltem: Did they get out?
I hate you, you disgust me. i hate all of you!
You ruined everything

Yasar is warning Asu not
to do anything stupid. She wants to know where musti's staying

Poor Gullie!

Murat is being his usual pain in the butt
wants to go with his mom

Trouble approaching

FG is saying that Mukaddes will use the baby
to get back in in Rahmi's good graces.
She's so upset about what mukaddes not being there for her

Kerim lied to Kadir that he's going to the pharmacy to get aspirin

Rahmi is asking how he can believe the baby's his.
she says they can do a test and that she came back
because of the baby,

Vural wants to leave. wants his dad to set things up
S: give it a few days. you're out now.
if you don't do anything . I will.

Selim: Have you heard from Meltem?
they don't want to discuss it
you know who's with meltem

Erdogan: my uncle didn't trust me and look
Meltem's the one

Asu wants money from Munir. she will
wait one more day or else.
munir tells yasar to leave Asu free.

Because Mukaddes didn't testify they're letting them off
Erdo is threatening Kerim and Munir threatening Erdogan

Mukaddes.. they kept me from the court. they tricked me
please forgive me

Rahmi: get away from me.
I will divorce.
M: for our kids
Forget it
I'm pregnant. with your child

Erdo: come on my lion. Last time we go there

Munir: where did this maniac comr=e from?
To Mustafa: we will meet!

Erdogan: it's over
Lehman: vural are you ok?
Munir: say something Vural
V: curses
Munir: gecmis olsun. have a safe trip


I don't know anything about the incident
what do you know?
I was leaving that morning
she was supposed to meet me but didn't
Nodody told me why.
Kerim said the 3 were involved.
I know FG wouldn't lie. that's all I know.

half hour recess

to Resat: what is your connection to the defendants?
R: selim is my son and Erdogan my nephew


prose: Are you mustafa?
P: what is your connection to the defendants?
M:I work for them.

outburst from Kadir about him lying
prosecutor threatens to kick him out

P:The plaintiff is your ex fiance
p:I will ask you some questions
Don't forget the penalty for lying
M:I promise to tell the truth.......

Emre: I don't know anything more than what Kerim said.
Just that Asu lied about who she was.

He wasn't much help.

Meltem looks like crap
Ender: my haven't slept. are you ok?
Meltem: I don't know.
she's very angry at herself for not having spoken up.
Why didn't she help FG. Just for her father?
she wants them punished

Meryem explains her relationship with Kerim
How she found FG crying.
She had fainted, wasn't talking.
I called an ambulance and informed the police. I
didn't leave her side till we got to the hospital.

Vural: I'm innocent.
Kerim: he came in front of me and cried. He cried in front of Fg
Prosect: How do you plead?
V: Not guilty.
Prosecutor threatens to kick out kerim

Prosecutor: Kerim Ilgaz, how do you plead?
Kerim: I'm guilty of being involved with these guys.

Mukaddes tells Salih to leave her alone.

Leham: I can't deal with this woman how she looks

Meryem remembers... so my son was
affected by the devil> devils. your sons

Lehman says Vural looked good.

Murat, I thought you liked Musti enishte
Musti to Asu: I need to talk to you. just talk. Tell me how you got mixed up with the yasarans?

Resat to meryem: You won't win this case
Meryem: you're dreaming Resat Yasaran

Rahmi recognizes yasar but can't place him.

Munir: This is all blackmail and a conspiracy

Erdo: I plea not guilty. They're slandering us.
That night we were at my cousins engagement

Asu is explaining how Gullie came to her
didn't know anyone. Now that you now what?
They call her inside

Asu: I didnt hurt her. I helped her
Musti: But now you will
Asu: no more than you did
Musti: If you testify I will kill you
asu: IAre you forgetting were you found me. what's the difference.
We both do things for money

Selim: we had an engagement
I drank. I was home. the next day kerim came...crying
Prosecutor"why are you crying?
Selmo: Because I'm innocent. the're slandering us

A:No I saw him at the trial.
H:Is that why he's here? for FG's trial?
A:I will leave tomorrow, dont tell him I was here,

K: You go don't be late
K I'm not going to work. I'll be here all day.
K Don't ever hide anything from me again....please.
F:You followed me. It means we don't trust each other.
K:You don't talk to me, I don't know what you want
F: We were enemies befor, look now
K: Now what?
Fg: i trust you more now.

They're done filing the complaint
FG: Where's the car?
K we will go by cab
Fg of course you were careful so I wouldn't see the car

M: I'm not drinking
Muko is not going back to rahmi.
S: I'm not a toy that you can use, decide what you want to do.

Salih is telling Munir they're returning to istanbul. Munir says they have to stay longer. Mukaddes is pregnant from her husband. He's getting tired and bored of the situation. +
Salih: What will happen to our plans now?
Fatmagul is going to the courthouse.
FG:Why are you following me?
K:Because I know you're lying to me?
FG: I came to file a complaint against him. I was afraid of his phone calls
K: There's more. You were acting weird. You talk to him on the phone
Fg: I talked to Kadir. Told him not to tell Meryem abla.
Kadir said file a complaint but tell Kerim
K:Why didn't you tell me?
Fg: You over react. She said maybe Kerim will confront him and get hurt. Mustafa is capable of anything.
K: Ok let's go inside
Fg: you will come with me?
K: Yes, Let's go.

Ultima editare efectuata de catre DENISA in Lun 25 Iul 2011, 3:19 pm, editata de 2 ori

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Lun 25 Iul 2011, 2:48 pm

4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 24167510

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
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Localizare : bucuresti

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Lun 25 Iul 2011, 3:03 pm

The guests are singing 'Happy Birthday Fatmagül'

And then they say 'wish something' this is the time when she looks at Kerim and then closes her eyes and makes a wish. After Fatmagül blew the candles out, her family congratulate her.

Murat- Happy Birthday halacim (Hala means something like sis, and halacim means something like 'my dear' sis)

Fg- Thank you my dear

Rahmi- Happy years my sister. Always smile, always

Fg- Thank you my brother

M- (may god let you) Live good and in health

Fg- Amin

K- I hope everything will be great in your life

Fg- Thank you

Kerim- Thankfully that you were born ( a way in turkish to tell the person infront that you are happy about his/her being)

Then they kiss each others cheek ( FINALLY) :D

Fg- Thank you

E- Kerim, everybody gave his present, we didn't see yours

Fg- He already gave his present

M- Come on, cut your cake

Fg- This weddingdress is more special for me than for other girls

K- I know

Fg- You put all my life infront of me, everything i wanted to forget

K- Fatmagül

Fg- That white colour, that colour reminded me of how dirty we got ( Actually this sentence is very important. She is saying 'How dirty WE go' So she sees herself and Kerim as well as innocent and clean, before 'these bad people' came and ruined their life)

K- No, I am saying let's start again. We should have happy moments in our mind. Okay, not now but wear this dress one day. For leave everything behind Fg- I wish we could leave everything behind K- We can, if you want. If you help if you really want we can forget that moment which let our wounds bleed Fg- I want to, I want that so much [Next scene] R-What's that ? K- This is Fatmagül's Fg- My birthday present M- Open please open Fg- Not now M- Open now R- Oh you bought a dress?

M- Oh a weddingdress

R- It's really a weddingdress

Fg- He was looking for that the whole day

[They cut a very nice part, you don't see it in this video but i'll tell you what i mean. Murat said 'But aren't you already married, why did you buy a dress' ? And then Kerim answered 'Yes but she didn't wear a weddingdress when we married. Not now, but one day she will be my bride']
Fg- Kerim will also call Seyfi Usta. Emre is also coming M- I invited Ömer and Kadir is coming for sure. So it will be a great celebration Fg- Is it going to be a great celebration because of Kadir ? M- Get away with you (in a funny way) Fg- Okay i am just joking M- We came R- Fatmagül, your cake came your cake K- Won't you say Kerim came ? What's this 'The cake came the cake came' ? R- Sure, Fatmagül Kerim came Kerim M- We bought a wonderful cake dady with 21 candles

Fg- Oh no, my age M- Yes your age R- Come, let's change your clothes. Make your breakfast and then we can take you to school. Fg- Give it to me (the cake) K- No you can't look Fg- Let me look from the side K- Noooo [Next scene] K- Adil Usta will bring his instrument this night. You can sing for us again Fg- I won't let you joke about this again K- Tell me the chorus so we can practise till the evening Fg- Practise the ' I leave the yoghurt in the fridge' song
The scene where Fg is on the phone she was joking and telling Kerim that she didn't pass her exam, Kerim believed her and tried to motivate her]

K- You can learn more and then pass the next exam

Fg- The next exam is going to be one of the diffucult ones

K- What ?

Fg- He believed me

K- Oh god Fatmagül, i was so shocked, you will see...

Fg- Meryem abla checked it , i coudn't believe as well I passed it

K- I am so happy for you. Congratulations. Let's celebrate this tonight

Fg- Ok, we'll talk later, now you should work

[Next scene]

M- I hope after the trial we will also laugh like this [be happy like this]

[ On 4:00 This is the scene where Fg and Kerim looked at each other. Because both of them know that Kerim will also be punished. So they won't be able to laugh after the trial, although the 'bad' ones go into prison.

Deep inside Fg doesn't want Kerim to stay away from her. That's why they tried to smile at each other although their pain]

K- Did you come you dirty mucker Ka- Kerim what are you doing calm down

K- You will face that silly thing you did Ka- Kerim don't be silly what are you doing ?

K- He shouldn't look like this from there Emre- Abi calm down, not here Ömer- Let's go Kerim

Ka- Take him away he is going crazy again

Ke- Fatmagül ?

M- We're coming

Ke- Fatmagül, now it's your turn, Don't be afraid, be strong. you will win, we will win

Mustafa- Didn't you come here for saying goodbye to me ? he ? [And then he kisses her .. ughhh so ugly.. Sorry doesn't belong to the translation]

Erdogan- What are you doing ? Selim- Ssst Erdogan- For Meltem ? What are you writing ? Are you dressing her ?

Selim- Go Erdogan- I am bored, let's talk a bit Selim- Erdogan piss off Vural- Go, go, Go Man- What's happening Selim- Did you have a nightmare? Man- What did you dream ?

Erdogan- Come on wash your face Man- He was afraid, pity
Erdogan- Go away okay, Go Vural- Okay do you also go Selim- Get up you're so sweaty Erdogan- Come, let's go to the window, to breath some fresh air Vural- Get off me Erdogan- Come on Vural- Get off... Then everybody was laughing Erdogan- Man Vural- You did some nice shit Selim- Piss off, go to your bed Man- That also happened to me one time. I was in a lake in my dream Erdogan- There isn't anything, let's go Vural come on The Men were laughing again

Mukkadesh- It's not important if you know the truth or not. This doesn't make this dirt clean. But i am silly. I believed you. Although you did so many mistakes

Salih- I am so sorry

M- You hurt me so much this time. I ruined my life [my family]for nothing. For nothing

Salih- I can't say anything. I did a mistake, forgive me. Forgive me and go

M- I don't have any place to go. Who wants me now ? Who would forgive me now ?

Salih- Maybe your husband would forgive you if you wouldn't play their (yasarans) game. Go there, I will buy your ticket. Give your report and make them feel ashamed.

M- Can't we have an earlier flight ?Well okay, we take that one. I am at the way. I am coming. Thank you very much.

FG: Kerim..... thanks for everything, you've made so many preperations until now. You must've been tired but it was worth it, it was so beautifully done.

K: Yes. But see, even though I struggled so much I still couldn't think of something good as fireworks(the fireworks that exploded in hearts from Mustafa).

FG: Kerim don't be like that, please.

K: That bastard, he will pay for this.

FG: Kerim please..... we already know why he is doing this, don't do anything. At least listen to me this time.

K: Don't you see how he teases me? So what, should I just take a step back and pretend like nothing have happend?

FG: If you follow your angers will, it will effect the lawsuit badly. Please don't do anything that could hurt you.

K: That's why he does this to us, because he knows that we can't do anything back to him.

FG: He does this because of his desperation. He is lonely and helpless, he knows that he has lost everything. He actually takes revenge of himself, he tries to hurt himself.

K: I'm going to hurt him so badly, he thinks he can do what ever he wants to do. He even tries to paint your eyes in front of me.

FG: Even if he pulls down the stars from the sky, he doesn't exit for me anymore. What could he do by using Yasarans money? Nothing, he is a poor thing. There's no need to be jealous.

K: I'm not jealous at him Fatmagul. I'm afraid. They are filthy bastards, the Yasaran's too. I'm afraid of what they can do. I'm afraid to lose you.

FG: Don't be afraid.

K: I love you so much. FG: Good night!

Rahmi reading to Murat

R: The baby rabbit apologized to his mom with tears in his eyes
Did you fall asleep?
M: Nooo!
R; Ah, good. Them his mother said "my son, lying is a very bad thing.
Children shouldn't lie. No matter what. they shouldn't lie
M: You too are lying right now.I know that there's nothing like that written here.
R: It's written son.
M: I know. Isn't this the story of the little rabbit?
R: Oh that story of the little rabbit. I think this story is better though.
Really nice I think.Children must not lie. Ever.You also don't lie to me, Ok son?
Ok then. let's sleep now.
M: dad. the fireworks were nice, weren't they?
R: they were nice son, really nice. Come on, close your eyes and sleep

Meltem comes home Gaye and Ender are waiting for her

M- Good morning!
E: where were you?
M: I was at my friend's
E: look me in the eye and tell me where you were
M: Enough! Leave me alone. Don't give me such a hard time
Allah, Allah. everyone's coming from everywhere.
G: You went to see him, didn't you?
M: I don't have to answer to anyone
G: you're making a huge mistake Meltem
M: It's not what you think.
G: You will be hurt further
M: How would you know. We're leaving this week anyway.
We'll leave everything behind. Everything

Kerim and Murat coming out of the pastry shop.

M: 17....18...19...20...21. Ok, we have 21 candles.
K: ok, put them in the bag.Give me your hand.
M:brother-in-law? Are you having a wedding tonight?
K: No, I already told you, the wedding's later. Tonight we will celebrate your aunt's birthday
M: I wished my mom were coming tonight also. She will come to the wedding though, right?
Then maybe you will make peace, that's what mom says.
K:What does she say?
M:after that we won't fight anymore.
K:you talk to your mom on the phone?
M: I'll tell you but we won't tell anyone.
K: So, You saw her.
M: yes. She came to school. But it's a secret so don't tell or I won't see her again.
K: ok, ok I won't tell (fat lie). When did she come?
M: yesterday morning.
K; ah! yesterday morning.
M: after that she will come everyday.
K: I see....... I see. good, come on let's see!

At the house...

Mer:I'm here, I've come! Leave that aside (to gullie who's preparing something)
Let go, you won't work on your birthday.
Fg: But I will work all day in the kitchen.
Mer: If you want, take a holiday. By God! Go somewhere with Kerim.
Fg: Oh please don't even put that idea in his head.otherwise he won't stop insisting
Mer: he's waiting for the opportunity. Give him a chance.
Rahmi walks in wet from watering the plants

R: I'm done watering the plants.
M: health to your hands
R: I will change my shirt, If Mukaddes were here she'd tell me to.
Fg:wear the new one if you like.
R: No I will wear it tonight.
M: Look, everyone's getting ready for tonight.
Fg:You're exhausted.
mer:please, for the first time something really nice will happen in this house.We're
so excited.
Fg: Kerim will invite his boss and Emre will come.
Mer: I invited Omer and of course kadir bey is already coming.we'll celebrate
FG We'll celebrate kadir bey coming?
Mer:Shame on you!
FG: (Gullie giggles - so darn cute!) ok, i'm joking!

Murat enters with kerim.... and the cake

M: we're here
Rah: FG, You're cake's here. your cake.
Ker: Not Kerim came....your cake came, your cake.
Rah: oh, Fg, Kerim came. Kerim.
mur: We got a really nice cake dad!and 21 candles!
FG: (to Kerim) Give it to me.
Ker: Nope, No looking!
FG: Just a peak...
Ker: no
Murat: It has flowers on the top aunt. really nice
ker:(to murat) shhhhh

Rahmi takes Murat and Kerim, FG and Meryem stay in the kitchen

K: I wanna say something.
Mer: what happened?
K: Mukaddes went to see Murat at school yesterday.
Mer: Murat told you?
Ker: she said she will go in the morning and not to tell anyone.
Fg: I was expecting that from her.
K: She's his mom. she wants to see the child.

Rahmi enters with Murat
R: we changed our clothes
Fg: come Murat
m: Rahmi, I have to do some shopping. If you'd like i can drop murat at school.
you go with Fg and Kerim
Rah: I'll come with you and help you. Is it possible?
Mer: No,no you go with them, don't leave FG alone. Kerim doesn't know if he has
to work yet.
Rah: ok. murat, Ebe nine will take you to school today, ok?
Mur: yes
M:Ok, you guys go on then.
Fg: The cake was left outside (takes it to the fridge and tries to peak)
K: (scares her) i will take that. No looking.
Fg: You scared me, ok, i didn't see anything.
Mer: giggles.
K: No looking

Must waiting for fireworks. Munir calls Musti

Mus:: Alo!
Mun: Mustafa, where abouts are you?
Mus: I'm out. What happened?
Mun: Nothing. You didn't show up at work today. just wondering.
Mus:I had some stuff to do.
Mun:Don't do anything to Kerim.
Mus:Nothing's happened yet!
Mun: What does that mean?
Must:Nothing, I mean there's nothing.
Mun: Ok then, there are no problems.
Mun:Ok then,see you
Must: see you

At the yasaran house, Munir, Resat, Peri and Hilmiye

R:(about Musti) He's behaving with this courage because he knows we need him.
Damn it, my hands are tied. I can't teach him a lesson.
M:We have to stay calm until this is over.
R: But how dare he? such indecency!(funny how they dare talk of indecency)
H: It's too much Resat. I don't presume that
R: anything is possible with that rascal
P: but not from Meltem. i don't believe Meltem is capable of something like that.
Is there's no other possible reason why she would go there? Why do you always presume
the worst and ugliest.
M: Sister you're so kind hearted.
H: come on, don't do this please. Don't we know Meltem?
R: What are YOU saying Hilmiye? We didn't even know our own children.
(Dead silence) Nothing surprises me anymore. Nothing!
P: If Selim finds out he'll be destroyed.
H: Don't say anything to the kid.
M: Are you crazy? Would we tell him that?

Mustafa's card

At exactly 10 o'clock,
I'm sending you my good wishes
from the sky.....All together.
To many happy years.

Prison scene

selim is writing a letter and Erdogan approaches him and sits down

E: What are you doing?
E:for Meltem? What are you writing? Are you rebuking?
E: I'm bored, let's talk a bit.
S: Leave me alone.

(Vural wakes up from nightmare)

V: Leave,Leave!
Inmate: What's going on?
Selim and Erdogan rush over
E: Vural,you had a dream?
Inmate:Hopefully a good one. What did you see?
E: Come on son, get up wash your face.
I: Ok, What a pity, he got scared. should I bring water?
E:Ok, it's done, just go!
V: Ok, you guys leave as well.
S: come on, get up. Change your top (wet from sweat)
E: Come on, let's go by the window and get some fresh air.
V: Let go!
There's a slight struggle
E: Come on man!
v: Let go.
They pull of the blanket and discover that Vural has well.... we all know
The inmates begin to laugh.
S: what the hell's going on? get lost
E:Ok, anyway it's nothing. Come on change your clothes.
They take Vural out.

Kerim and Fg arrive home after the proposal scene

Mer: It's about time
Rahmi: Where have you been since the morning. We were really worried.
to Fg...and then we worried about you!
Mer: what do you mean worried. We were dying
Fg: We talked a bit.
Ker: I'm sorry (shocker!)
M: You don't tell us where you go....
K: Ok, Enough
M: Are you trying to punish us? I don't get it! that incident in the morning...
FG: I already talked to him. I gave him a hard time.
Kadir: Ok, let's close the subject.
M: You put kadir in a difficult situation.
Kad: Oh no dear. He put himself in a tough spot.
K: Ok. I apologize to each of you individually.
Murat:From me as well
K: From you too.
Mur: did you buy me a toy?
Ker: no, it's not a toy
Mur: What? let me see.
FG: Murat!
Rahmi: What is that?
Ker: Umm! It's FG's.
Fg: It's a birthday present.
Mur: open it! (As he grabs the box)
Fg:No way!
Mur: come on open it.(the box drops to the ground)
rahmi: Oh, is it a dress?
Mur:It's a wedding dress
Rahmi: Really a dress!
Fg:He was running around all day looking for it (to buy)
Mur: You're already married. Why do you need a wedding dress?
Ker: When your aunt and I got married she didn't wear a wedding dress.
Now, when the time is right, she will be my bride.
(Meryem looks at kerim with a huge ("afferin sana"smile on her face).
Mer:(to FG) my dear, I loved it!
They all go inside.

The conversation between FG and Kerim after she saw the wedding dress:

Fatmagul: You laid my whole life in front of me, seeing the white bridal dress reminded me of how impure I am, of course you want a normal marriage. You held my hand, touched me and now .....

Kerim: No, only when you are ready we should make a new start. If you want to, we can.

Fatmagul: I want to, I want to so so much ....

Musti tries to come in the shower with Meltem

M: Don't rush.
T: Can you please get out?
M: You're a single woman now, Nobody will take you to account. You're not obligated to give an explanation to anyone. Nobody.
T:Don't make too much out of last night , Ok?
M: I don't intend to.

Scene with Musti in a robe surfing the net

Meltem comes downstairs.....

Mus: Are you leaving?
T: Yep! But don't stop what you're doing.
M: It's a friend's birthday. I'm looking for a gift.
T:You have a friend? Wow, I'm shocked!
M: Pay attention,You will be even more shocked.
T: I won't be here to long enough to see it.Goodbye!
M: Bye!

Translation for Mustafa and Meltem

They meet at the stairs...

Man whore (Musti): Hi!
Tramp (Meltem):Hi.
M:You surprised me!
T: I came to tell you you were right. You were right about what you told my father
M: I see!......You came here to tell me that?
T: Actually, I wanted to talk to you.
M: Come. (walks up stairs with smug look on his face)
T: I came to see you before I left
M:Where are you going?
T:To America. Look, I want to warn you. This that you have done will start a war with the Yasarans.
M: How long will you be staying (in America)?
T: I don't know.
M:So, you're running away from Selim...You also believe he can be released.
T:That's not the reason.
M:Then... You're running away from me.
T: I'm not running away from anyone.This is what my father wants. We'll stay there for some time.
M: So, I won't see you for a while?
T: (nervous Smile) You know, I'm really worried about what you have done. You're with the Yasarans yet you're going with behind their backs, You're lying to everyone, even to yourself.
The will find out what you have done.
M: I know.
T: they will call you to account for this.
M: I will also call them to account. Trust me.
T:If You knew what you were doing you'd bring it to an end.(begins to walk out, He grabs her by the arm)
M: Didn't you come here to say goodbye?


Murat : Have you bought a toy for me?

Kerim: No, it isn't a toy.

Rahmi: What is this?

Kerim : it's Fatmagül's...

Fg.: It's my birthday present.

Murat . Open it, Please...

Fg : No, not now..

Murat: Open!!!

( and the box is on the ground!.. :) )

Murat: aaa, it is a wedding dress..!

Rahmi: It is really a wedding dress...

Fg: He has taken a stroll all day to find this present..

Murat: you have already been married, haven't you? Why did you buy a wedding dress?

Kerim : ıııı, when we got married, your aunt didn't wear a wedding dress. Now... more precisely, at the right time,... she will be my bride...

This episode had the most joyful scenes and one of the saddest too.

The first scene after the marriage proposal was so good. Fatmagul running away and saying to Kerim that the problem is not him, SHE's the problem. She doesn't feel enough pure to wear white She really wants to forget everything and be with Kerim, but she is not capable of doing it at the moment. He tells her one day she will.
Loved it !

The birthday was great too. The whole cake scene at the fridge. super funny The evening, the way they were looking at each other, and not daring to look long enough. When she cut the cake and everyone congratulated her, she looked at Kerim, waiting for him to do like the others
Of course, I laughed a lot at stupid show-off Mustafa. Those heart shaped fireworks were ridiculous, and the whole idea was ridiculous. Kerim had to ruin the end of the party by shouting on the boatmen. LOL what was that for ?

The kiss attempt ... so sweeeeeeet and her reaction was exactly what I hoped it would be. Of course Kerim was frustrated, he couldn't get his kiss but fatmagul had butterflies in her stomach, and cheeks on fire

Fatmagul succeeded in her exams and ran to the phone to tell Kerim, and made a joke on him hahaha. Loved it too

Mukaddes, nihayeeeeeeeet (finally !!!!!!) Thanks god the salih chapter is over (Hope so at least) I hope she does what she has to do now.

The final scene was so hard extremely well done, but very very sad. I'm sad even thinking about what will happen next week

M:You surprised me
Mel:she's coming to say goodbye. I want to talk to you.
I came to warn you.
How long will you stay? are you running from selim?
Not that.
then why are you running? How long will you stay?
You know what you've done. you're lying to everyone, even yourself.
Did you come to say goodbye? KISS

murat is telling kerim he saw his mom at school but it's a secret and she will come everyday from now on

K is telling them Muko went to the school.
She has a right to see her son....
Meryem will drop Murat at school. I guess she wants to run into Muko.

Geye's covering for Meltem.
Musti is telling Meltem she's single. she doesn't have to give account to anyone.
Meltem said it didn't mean anything. Musti said to him it did

Kerim is saying musti will not waste a chance to ruin her bday.

M: are you leaving?
Melt: yeah
M: It's my friend's bday and I'm trying to decide what to buy.

Mukaddes why are you doing this?
The last time I cleaned up your mess
M: you don't know what I lived
I feel bad for you but think of others
take the opportunity to do something right in your life. It's in your hands
I've said all i have to say, now you think

Musti is arranging for a delivery to Gul's restaurant
Emre will testify for them
Gaye tells Meltem she's making a huge mistake

Salih wants to go to the doctor with muko.
The hormones are making her a pain.
She shouldn't risk going to see Murat

Hilmiye says.. Meltem wouldn't do something like that. Don't you know Meltem?
Res: what are you saying? we didn't even know our own kids

Kerim Mustafa Avukat Kadir Yaşaran big fight

Ka: Good morning Mustafa
M: That fraidy-cat didn't come but sent you here ? ...
Secruity: Who are you looking for ?
K: I was looking for Mustafa nalcali
S:He's not here you have to go that way ...
Mü: Wait wait isn't that Kerims car ?
R: Where is he going?
Mü: To the park, go after him ...
Ka:This is Fatmagül's report. I will take this with me (the note). If you go near to Fg you will be arrested, I am serious
M: I am so afraid Ka: you should be. Let me tell you, you're not a real man. I did never think about you saying bad things about Fg's honour
M: What are you talking about ?
Ka: Hacer ovacik, or Asude Asu, Your girlfriend right ?
Ke: Mustafa The men: Don't go inside
K: Piss off he has to come
M: Did you take my note ?
K: Listen, if you ever come near to my wife again
M: What would you do
K: What i would do ?, i will kill you
Mü: Did you all hear what he just said, he said he will kill him
Ka: Take this away (the phone)
K: If you ever come near to her
Ka: Go into the car
K: You can't separate us Mustafa. I won't play your game
Ka: Go into the car
K: She is my wife. Did you all hear? Did you hear resat yasaran? Did you hear Münir telci? You can't incriminate her. You can't make her dirty with liars and bitches. Your dirt can't make her dirty. She's clean did you hear?
Mü: Come let us go inside

FG and Kerim- Kitchen scene:

K- It’s okay, leave it; I will get it.
Kadir- Hello, Kerim, it is Kadir.
K-Hello, Kadir, how is everything.
Kadir-Everything is fine, I wanted to talk to you before getting on the phone. How is everything?
Kerim-Everything is fine, we are just working.
Kadir- She finally told you everything?
K-Yes, she told me, and we went to the prosecutor together, and filed a report.
Kadir- Then, FG told you everything? She told you about the note?
Kerim- What note? FG, what note?
FG- Please, let me talk to him.
Kerim-Kadir, what note?
Kadir- They are calling us; we have to get on the plane.
K-FG –what note? What is he talking about?
FG- I don’t know.
K- Don’t lie to me. Don’t make me crazy!
K-Tell me the truth. What note? What!
FG- Okay, I will tell you the truth, but promise me, you won’t get angry./Passes him the note/
K- What is this?
K-Did that man write this note? He was here?
FG- Nothing happened, though.
K- You served him?!
FG- Don’t yell!
K- FG, You served that man?!
FG- I had to!
K- What are you saying?
FG- There were customers here, Nalan was here, others! He sat down and then he left!
K- He sat down?! Where? Did he sit here? Here?! Or,here? Where did he sit?! You have totally surprised me, FG. FG- Please, stop, Kerim, enough!
K- He was so close to you, this close to you! Why didn’t you tell me!!!?
FG- Because I was afraid; because he wants to hurt you; because he was threatening you; because he is trying to separate us!
Kerim- Okay, okay, don’t worry; he will never be able to separate us. I will never leave you.
FG- He will kill you!
K- He won’t be able to do anything. It is okay, it is over, it is finished. Don’t cry. I am sorry. But, FG, please, tell me the truth, don’t hide anything from me.
FG- I will, but promise me, you won’t go after him.
Kerim- Tell me everything, from the beginning. When did he come, yesterday?

Translation of the scene before palm kiss...

F: Don't be late to your work I would take care of it.

K: I talked with my boss, I'm here all day. You opened the store late if I don't help you wouldn't be ready for everything.

K: What should I do?

F: Then put the table tablecloths.

K: From now on don't hide anything from me. Please. Don't be upset because I followed you. If you told me the truth I wouldn't be scared.

F: You didn't follow me because you were scared. I'm not the only one who has secure problem. You don't trust

K: I don't know what is going in your mind. You don't tell me if you feel or think anything. Fatmagul I don't know what do you really want. You don't talk with me.

F: I'm not talkative person. I talk with you.

K: You don't say anything about you and me. There is distance between us. I can't shortened that. I can't reach to you Fatmagul.

F: I made a lot of distances. I wouldn't know in the beginning that I would come to this place. Before you were my biggest enemy but now

K: Now?

F: I told you when I wanted to be cured, I want to trust someone. Now I feel more secured.

K: Thank you!


FG : You promised me ... Look into my face

KERIM : I am sorry

FG : Everything we said was for nothing right ? They know that you are not afraid. Do you feel better now ?


FG : What did you do later ? You were outside, Kadir took the car. You didn't come to the restaurant till now, we called you for so many times. I mean Meryem is worried. Where were you Kerim tell me ?

KERIM : I will tell you tomorrow

FG : I am afraid Kerim. Again you did something right ? Tell me please

KERIM : Tomorrow

FG : Tell me now

KERIM : I can't say it now

FG : You are telling me not to have any secrets from you. But you have secrets from me. Tell me Kerim what did you do
KERIM : It's nothing bad

FG : Then tell me


FG : Where do you go ?

KERIM : Wait i'll come

FG : What's that ?

KERIM : Actually it would have been nicer to give you this present tomorrow. On your birthday. Open it !

FG: You were looking for a present for the whole day ?


FG : Really not even this huge white packet can take my anger to you. I am so mad at you

KERIM : Fatmagül, will you marry me ?

Asu went away for 10 days.... changed the locks... her number
Asu... I came to see you, I need you, I've missed you. I have lots to discuss with you. call me. i love you

F: You promised. Look at me
K: I'm sorry
F; do you feel better now?
K: No
F: Everyone's worried about you. Did you do something? you want me to tell you everything and you hide things from me
K: tomorrow
F: No, now.... where are you going?
K: i'm coming
F: what is that?
K: It would have been better tomorrow, on your birthday, open it
F:Such a big white box, i will get angry
K: Fg, will you marry me?

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Lun 25 Iul 2011, 3:19 pm

4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 165638 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 165638 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 165638 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 165638 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 165638 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 165638 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 165638
Multumesc , Denisa !
Multumesc mult de tot . kiss kiss kiss

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Lun 25 Iul 2011, 3:20 pm

ce nu le găsiseşi VIc ????

KIRAÇ - evlerinin önü Mersin

Ești o stea îndepărtată, soţia mea,
Nu pot să merg împotriva curentului,
trebuie să fie a mea!
Ia un pumnal, soţia mea,
înjunghie- mă şi omoară- mă;
sau ia-mă acasă , subjuga -mă...

În prezenţa ta mă simt în viaţă.
viaţa aceasta numai tu o poţi purifica, soţia mea.
Spală-mă cu frumusețea ta ...
Ia un pumnal, draga mea,
înjunghie- mă şi omoară- mă;
sau ia-mă acasă subjugă -mă...

Fg (on the phone): Yes.Okay,i see.

K: Fatmagül ? Don't be afraid

Fg: You scared me

K: I heard a sound so i woke up. What are you doing ?
Fg: Nothing i wanted to drink smth.

K: Who was the person on the phone ?

Fg: I wanted to call my Brother but...

K: So late ?

Fg: Yes, i didn't pay attention to the time. I coudn't sleep so i wanted to hear his voice but then I changed my mind.
K: Don't call him i think he's sleeping. He would be afraid, he would think smth. bad happened. But call him if you want ...

Fg: Yes you're right I will call him tomorrow morning. ( In the morning )
Fg: I spoke to my Brother. They are fine. (Then she looks to Kerim) What happened ?

K: Nothing Fg: I wanted to make breakfast

K: Ok, I am coming now (Next scene)

Fg: Sit down K: Why are you so hurried

Fg: Because you should go to your work

K: I think you want to get shot of me

Fg: No I am thinking what I am going to do alone at the restaurant. If you go to your work now, you can come earlier.

K: My work won't take that long. Two or three hours.

Fg: Ohh great K: What is great ?

Fg: I can stay alone for this hours i mean.

K: Don't you want to eat ?

Fg: I will eat at the restaurant. I am going

K: Don't hurry i will drive you

Fg: No you don't have to I can go on my own.

K: I said i will drive you

Fg: Don't change your way for me you will be late

K: I won't dont worry

Fg: Okay then hurry up

Fg thinks about Mustafa

M-This flower should just be mine, what a pity.Call your husband, this time i am really going to kill him (Well actually he said ''This time i will cut his kitney'' so he means i will kill him in a very animalistic way :D:D ) Call him, you see i know everything.That your husband is at his work,that you are alone here today i know everything.I will always be around you do you know ? You will never have peace.Regards to your husband.We will meet again.

Woman- Are you open my child ? [Next scene]

K- Okay okay enough
Fg- Let me make the Börek warm

K- No it's great like this [Kerim wants to sit down, where Mustafa was sitting before]

Fg- Don't sit down there. Come sit down here. Some students came today, they made everything dirty

K- Ok I can clean it

Fg- It's okay. I will clean it tomorrow. Now i am too tired K- Okay, Okay I can do it K- Something happened to you

Fg- Don't start again and don't look like this i get angry
K- Okay i am sorry [Kerim gives smth. to eat to Fatmagül]

K-How is it ? Fg- hmm great, i did a great job

K- Enjoy your meal, do you want more ? Fg- No thanks that's enough

K- What should we do, it's late we should go home right ?

Fg- Actually i wanted to stay here.There are many things to do. There isn't anyone at home so i can spend my time here.

K- Oh no, you worked the whole day here. Go home,take a shower,we can open the tv, you can relax a bit

Fg- Actually I am not tired

K- I will be at the Baraka. Don't worry. You will watch television alone

Fg- I understand that but there is work to do [next scene]

K- Shall we go to the cinema ? I didn't watch a film for such a long time

Fg-Me too. Long time ago that i went to the cinema [next scene]

Fg- Oh did i sleep ?


M : Congratulations !

F : Why did you come? Mustafa go away!

M : I came to see the cafe, from close.

F: Mustafa go, leave.

M : Gul kitchen that rose was only going to be mine what a pity

M : Are you afraid?

F : What? Why would I be afraid of you? I told you to not to bother me, what do you want

M : Im going to eat!

F : Mustafa don't sit there!get up

M : Ive missed you

F : Get up or else Ill call Kerim

M : Call him, call him! Tell him to come, so then I can really tear him to pieces

F : What do you want from us? Why you still resisting? why you still coming at us?! Didn't you get your answer?

M : No I didn't! The more I think the more I get angry

F : Its finished whats there to get angry!!

M : I know you was seeing him (Kerim) whilst we were engaged! you were cheating on me!

F : Now your making yourself believe in the statement you gave! Fallen for you own story?

M : You was seeing that dirt whilst you was with me

F : ENOUGH Mustafa, enough your making yourself look even more like a fool in my eyes, don't try to cover up for your dishonor!

M : You've got costumers! Go greet them, Ill have your famous 'borek and ayran'


M: Don't be afraid.

Fg: Go away!

M: Don't be afraid. I will never leave you again. I will remove all the obstacles between us.


K: Leave her alone!

M: I'm not going to forgive you this time, aren't I? ( to Kerim )


K: Fatmagül..Fatmagül..

Fg: Kerim, don't die!... Kerim, don't die!...

K- You're tired Fg- What happend at the end i didn't see it K- ohh just the end ?

Ultima editare efectuata de catre DENISA in Lun 25 Iul 2011, 3:27 pm, editata de 1 ori

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Lun 25 Iul 2011, 3:25 pm

Episodul 38 , nu . Si ti-am spus ca imi place mult episodul cu cererea in casatorie. 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 283516

Iti place cum canta ? 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 283516

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Lun 25 Iul 2011, 3:33 pm

dar o fi vocea lor ???

Fatmagul's dream

Part 8 | Fatmagül's Dream |

Mustafa : dont afraid, dont afraid, I’ll not do anything
Fatmagül : go
Mustafa : I will never leave alone you again, I will lift all the barriers among us
Kerim : leave her
Mustafa : this time, I will not forgive you, right?
F : kerim, dont die
On phone
Fa : yes, ok I understood !
Ke : I woke up to sounds,what are u doing?
Fa : nothıng, I just drunk water.
Fa : I wanted to call my brother but..
Ke : in this time !!
Fa : yes, I'm not aware of the clock. I couldnt sleep and I wanted to hear his voice but then I gave up
Ke : he must be slept, dont call, he wonders.. he thinks, there is something wrong.. if you wanna call but..
Fa : yes, you are right.. I can call him tomorrow morning..

She's telling Kerim to stay in Meryem's room.

Sthe prisoner tells Erdogan. leave the kid alone what do you want from him. I think Erdo is worried that Vural sang like a canary. They don't know he's there for his botched escape attemt.
Feel a possible purple tee poem coming on.

Erdo is looking like the caveman you dream of ViVi. Please don't abandon hell for Purgatory.

Munir is a partner. Peri says you're going bankrupt with us. She wants to see how to pay back I think. She's saying contact our partners abroad. She's telling resat has made a mistake by trusting turaner when everything was falling on them.

MUSTAFA : What happened? Are you scared?
FATMAGÜL: What would I be scared of? Why would I be scared of you? I told you not to disturb my peace. What more do you want from me?
MUSTAFA : I will eat from your food.
MUSTAFA : I missed a lot..
FATMAGÜL: Get up and go or I'll call Kerim..
MUSTAFA : Call your husband so he would come, this time I'll really take out his lungs.
FATMAGÜL: I don't understand what you want from us. Why are you still resisting? Why are you coming at us? Didn't you get your answer?

KERÝM: Something is the matter with you..
FATMAGÜL: Are we starting again? Don't keep staring at me. It's getting on my nerves.

KERÝM: Should we go to the movies?

Fatmagul: He is grumpy, he would anything that comes to his mind without thinking. Why would he do something like this? What would he expect if he breaks the window?

Kerim: Us he is going to bother us.

Fatmagul: So we are upset? what will happen?

Kerim: He gave speak about you. He speak with Yasarans in the courtroom. He is crap and cheap!! He is so small. You can expect everything from him!

Fatmagul: Ok Yasarans and Munir finished. But it's not him.

Kerim: I see you finished yourself. But you couldn't finish him. For everything you have him in your mind still.

Fatmagul: Don't be absurd!

Kerim: You still protect him, you don't speak about him.

Fatmagul: What? I'm telling you something.

Kerim: That day you stopped me saying that "if you love me" just to protect him and so i wouldn't harm him that's why you said that. I believe you like stupid.

Car scene..... e postata

Next scene

Fatmagul: Thanks

Kerim: I'm going to tell you something, when Mrs.Mukaddes is not in home the home is so calm!!


KERIM : I am sorry. I wasn't nice to you, i am really sorry. Fatmagül i went crazy yesterday.I don't want him to be near to you, this feeling kills me. I love you, i am jealous at you. That's why i was so mad.

FG : You tried to hurt me

KERIM : Do you really think i could do that if i would want to ?

FG : You do.This was my weak point...

KERIM : We started again

FG : What did we start ?

KERIM : Never mind

FG : You begin a sentence and then you stop in the middle. You can't do this. Finish what you wanted to say.

KERIM : Because you're still sensitive when we talk about Mustafa.You can't stand it when we say something about him.

FG : I said to Mustafas Face that it is over.But i don't have to explain this to you, you can believe whatever you want.I don't care.He was always in my life.Since my childhood.I thought it will always be like this.

FG : Lived with this idea for years. Even if he did something bad at the end, he was always in my life.You can't contest the things you have been through.

KERIM : Enough. I don't want to listen you talking about Mustafa

FG : But i listened to your Kristin. I listened when you talked to your ladylove. You spoke so relaxed on the phone calls because you knew that i don't understand anything.You brought me to the hotel you stayed with her and i didn't say anything

FG : You let us meet face to face and i didn't say anything.You let me sit on the same table with her.I allowed her to flirt with you in front of my eyes, do I complain about this?

KERIM : Are you jealous at me?

FG : There's nothing like this

KERIM : You are jealous

FG : No, you said something and I answered

KERIM : Don't contest. This would make me really happy

FG : I said something to you tor explain myself. Don't think about other things, why should i be jeaulous...

4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 4k747b4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2saayp14.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 14w8twh4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 2vll2eo


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Lun 25 Iul 2011, 3:43 pm

Da , este vocea lor .
Ei au participat acum multi ani la un show organizat pentru descoperirea tinerelor talente . Cantau , dansau , interpretau . kiss kiss kiss Ei de atunci se cunosc ( cred ca era 2004). Desi au concurat unul impotriva altuia s-au imprietenit .
Engin a castigat concursul . Stiu ca in finala au ajuns 3 fete si 3 baieti .

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Lun 25 Iul 2011, 3:44 pm

şi până la urmă sunt sau nu împreună ???

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Lun 25 Iul 2011, 3:48 pm

DENISA a scris:şi până la urmă sunt sau nu împreună ???
Pai scoti ceva de la ei ? Smile
Nu vezi ca este noul lor "SPORT NATIONAL" ??!!? Smile

Probabil ca asteapta sa ramana ea insarcinata !!!!!!!! Smile Smile Smile
Stiu ca l-au intrebat pe Engin daca sunt impreuna acesta a declarat ca lucreaza la acelasi proiect , este normal sa fie impreuna mai mereu . Si plecat a fost !!!! kiss

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Lun 25 Iul 2011, 3:53 pm

a, eu am crezut că a apărut ceva concret prin presă, dar el cu cine era cuplat înainte , de ea ştiu că era cu fosila aia dar el ??

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Lun 25 Iul 2011, 4:00 pm

DENISA a scris:a, eu am crezut că a apărut ceva concret prin presă, dar el cu cine era cuplat înainte , de ea ştiu că era cu fosila aia dar el ??
Pai a aparut in presa cum ca sunt impreuna ...dar ca si in cazul Tubei cu sarcina , nu a spus nimeni nimic.

El a fost cu o tipa simpatica ...dar s-au despartit acum 1 an . Apoi stiu ca la o nunta l-a insotit o tipa ...astia din presa au sarit cu microfoanele pe el , cine este duduia ? El a declarat ca este o prietena care il insoteste si ca nu este nimic intre ei .
Este destul de atent in ceea ce priveste viata lui privata . Nu prea gasesti multe lucruri in legatura cu acest aspect .
Sper sa nu-si ia si el vreo 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 756436 !!!!!!!!!!!! stupid stupid stupid 4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii 363452
Mi-ar place sa fie adevarat ca este cu Beren . El mai retras , o lasa pe ea sa STRALUCEASCA! kiss kiss kiss

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Lun 25 Iul 2011, 4:02 pm

să ştii că ar face un cuplu drăguţ, el pare la locul lui , retras , nu pare ai îi place să fie în prim plan

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

Mesaj Scris de victorelalove Lun 25 Iul 2011, 4:06 pm

DENISA a scris: să ştii că ar face un cuplu drăguţ, el pare la locul lui , retras , nu pare ai îi place să fie în prim plan
Da , ar face un cuplu dragut ... Poate printre putinele cu care "sa ne clatim " si noi ochii . kiss kiss kiss
Cat despre faptul ca lui nu ii place sa fie in prim plan ...ASA ESTE .
Insa este cam greu acum de cand cu FGSN ... a atras atentia multor fani ( in special fane .) kiss

Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti

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4.  Fatmagül'un sucu ne ?  ~ General Discussions - Comentarii Empty Re: 4. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii

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