9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
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Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
victorelalove a scris:
Uuuuuuuuuuuuu !! cupidon cupidon cupidon
Sper ca inseamna ceea ce ma gandesc eu ca inseamna .
Multumim , Michi !!
Nu pot sa cred ca Fatmagulii au "batut" un meci de fotbal ?!?!
La noi nu ai sa vezi niciodata asa ceva .
nu stiu cum e cu meciurile de fotbal. la noi mereu si meciurile cu echipe slabe au audiente. si turcii sunt microbisti. probabil conteaza la ei si pe ce canal e transmis meciul. nu toate canalele de la ei sunt trecute la rating. asta de pe locul 2 a fost transmis pe un canal care e monitorizat pt rating. si la noi sunt canale tv care nu apar pe audiente. pt ca nu pot sa cred ca in turcia e preferat un serial tv unui meci.
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
Nu cred ca va fi nicio atingere intre ei . Dar ma multumesc ca ea i-a spus ca il iubeste . Si imi place ca am simtit ca i-a spus asta din tot sufletul . Este pentru prima data cand "o cred" ca ceea ce simte pentru el este iubire . Asa ca pentru un timp raman in suflet cu asta .michiper68 a scris: ... sper ca macar acum sa vad o strangere de mana, ca veselie la el am tot vazut.
Sa vedem cum va continua scena ...dar sigur ea va fi emotionata si rusinoasa , el va fi zambitor ...dar cam atat . Apoi isi vor vedea de treburile zilnice .
Ultima editare efectuata de catre victorelalove in Joi 08 Noi 2012, 5:48 pm, editata de 1 ori
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
victorelalove a scris:
Nu cred ca va fi nicio atingere intre ei . Dar ma multumesc ca ea i-a spus ca il iubeste . Si imi place ca am simtit ca i-a spus asta din tot sufletul . Este pentru prima data cand "o cred" ca ceea ce simte pentru el este iubire . Asa ca pentru un timp raman in suflet cu asta .
Sa vedem cum va continua scena ...dar sigur ea va fi emotionata si rusinoasa , el va fi zambitor ...dar cam atat . Apoi isi vor vedea de treburile zilnice .
sa sti ca am citit un comentariul interesant al unei grecoaice. se intreba daca fatmagul chiar il iubeste pe kerim, pt ce este kerim, sau iubeste felul lui de a o iubi pe ea. interesant punctul de vedere. ea asa a inteles din ce isi aducea fatmagul aminte.
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti
ce vina are fatmagul
isi vor vedea de treburile zilnice ...dar cu un alt tonus....cel putin nu-l mai macina gandurile pe Ker , acum stie si el ca soata lui are sentimente de iubire fata de el
dubaisport- vip
- Mesaje : 11418
Data de inscriere : 18/02/2011
Varsta : 51
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
am si gasit comentariul ei scurt.
,,He loves her more : Fatmagul doesn't love him yet she loves the WAY Kerim loves her . ''
,,He loves her more : Fatmagul doesn't love him yet she loves the WAY Kerim loves her . ''
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
Corect .michiper68 a scris: se intreba daca fatmagul chiar il iubeste pe kerim, pt ce este kerim, sau iubeste felul lui de a o iubi pe ea. interesant punctul de vedere. ea asa a inteles din ce isi aducea fatmagul aminte.
Sa stii ca intr-un final iubesti persoana de langa tine pentru ca te iubeste . Este ca un schimb reciproc de sentimente si trairi ... asa este viata . Ca sa primesti trebuie sa dai . Asta inseamna iubirea . Il iubeste pentru ca este Kerim ... si il iubeste pentru ca o iubeste .
Nu cred ca daca ai fi iubit de cineva pentru care nu ai niciun sentiment ... spui HAI CA TOTUSI IL IUBESC CA MI-A ARATAT IUBIRE !! Nu este uman ...
Asa ca tind sa cred ca iubeste OMUL ... cu tot cu iubirea pe care i-o arata .
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
victorelalove a scris:
Corect .
Sa stii ca intr-un final iubesti persoana de langa tine pentru ca te iubeste . Este ca un schimb reciproc de sentimente si trairi ... asa este viata . Ca sa primesti trebuie sa dai . Asta inseamna iubirea . Il iubeste pentru ca este Kerim ... si il iubeste pentru ca o iubeste .
Nu cred ca daca ai fi iubit de cineva pentru care nu ai niciun sentiment ... spui HAI CA TOTUSI IL IUBESC CA MI-A ARATAT IUBIRE !! Nu este uman ...
Asa ca tind sa cred ca iubeste OMUL ... cu tot cu iubirea pe care i-o arata .
cercetam. oricum gelozia ei este reala. si asta face parte din iubirea ei pt kerim.
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti
ce vina are fatmagul
aseara am mai dezlegat un mister...baiatul care lucreaza la restaurant la fatma nu e omul yasaranilor.....in final cred ca va ramene cu sora lui Kerim
dubaisport- vip
- Mesaje : 11418
Data de inscriere : 18/02/2011
Varsta : 51
Localizare : bucuresti
ce vina are fatmagul
e normal ca ea sa-si aminteasca gesturile lui Ker , nu uitati ca a trecut de la sentimentul de URA la cel de iubire foarteeeeeeeeee greu, inca din scrisori ea-i spunea ca e alaturi de el nu sa-i intoarca gestul ci ptr ca asa simte ea ....ORI ASTA INSEAMAN IUBIRE.
e normal ca ea sa-si aminteasca gesturile lui Ker , nu uitati ca a trecut de la sentimentul de URA la cel de iubire foarteeeeeeeeee greu, inca din scrisori ea-i spunea ca e alaturi de el nu sa-i intoarca gestul ci ptr ca asa simte ea ....ORI ASTA INSEAMAN IUBIRE.
dubaisport- vip
- Mesaje : 11418
Data de inscriere : 18/02/2011
Varsta : 51
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
Da . Ciudat .michiper68 a scris:
cercetam. oricum gelozia ei este reala. si asta face parte din iubirea ei pt kerim.
Cand este vorba de aratat iubirea ...se fofileaza . Dar cand este geloasa nu ascunde nimic . Este mai presus decat ea ...si actioneaza in consecinta . Eu am crezut ca rupe cateva trepte cand a coborat scarile sa se duca la Kerim .
Asa ca daca ar iubi doar "ideea de iubire" ( ca pana la urma la asta s-ar reduce totul) ...nu ar fi asa de suparata de ceea ce face Kerim .
Tin minte si cand el i-a declarat ca o iubeste si ea s-a suparat ( in ep 27 .) dupa aceea i-a parut rau si ii era frica sa nu plece . A auzit un zgomot si s-a uitat pe geam sa nu care cumva sa-si fi facut bagajele Kerim si sa-i spuna pa-pa .
Nu cred ca ar avea asemenea reactii daca l-ar iubi pentru ca o iubeste si doar atat .
Si ti-am mai spus nu este uman ... nu ai cum sa iubesti pe cineva care iti arata iubire si tu sa nu-l iubesti pe el . Sunt doau lucruri care merg impreuna si nu separat .
Daca il iubeste doar pentru ca o iubeste ... ATUNCI NU IL IUBESTE ?!?!!?
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
After the confession of FG , Kerim is flying with happiness. After this moment, it is harder for them to hide this excited feelings in their hearts from the people around them. While the side of FG is having happy days, Kerim's dad realizes then Yasarans are keeping quiet though the court is near, and he gets to know a few things to confirm this( probably the case with Mustafa)
Mustafa being pushed by Munir , starts to act like they want, so he first visits Gul Mutfagi. At the same time, thanks to Kerim's dads help, Kerim and Kadir start to search for some info about Mustafa and Yasarans . Because of this case, Kerim is seeing his dad again, though he doenst want it.
After Nil quit seeing Erdogan, he is hiding behind alcohol and his anger. In his opinion the cause of this is FG and that she went to the court. Now the time has come to face FG, with all the anger Erdogan finally goes to FG's house.
By Beautifulkoreansea
After the confession of FG , Kerim is flying with happiness. After this moment, it is harder for them to hide this excited feelings in their hearts from the people around them. While the side of FG is having happy days, Kerim's dad realizes then Yasarans are keeping quiet though the court is near, and he gets to know a few things to confirm this( probably the case with Mustafa)
Mustafa being pushed by Munir , starts to act like they want, so he first visits Gul Mutfagi. At the same time, thanks to Kerim's dads help, Kerim and Kadir start to search for some info about Mustafa and Yasarans . Because of this case, Kerim is seeing his dad again, though he doenst want it.
After Nil quit seeing Erdogan, he is hiding behind alcohol and his anger. In his opinion the cause of this is FG and that she went to the court. Now the time has come to face FG, with all the anger Erdogan finally goes to FG's house.
By Beautifulkoreansea
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti
ce vina are fatmagul
Michi ,multumim ptr indicii
actiunea devine din ce in ce mai interesanta, avem premise bune pentru inca un episod frumos joia viitoare
actiunea devine din ce in ce mai interesanta, avem premise bune pentru inca un episod frumos joia viitoare
dubaisport- vip
- Mesaje : 11418
Data de inscriere : 18/02/2011
Varsta : 51
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
dubaisport a scris:Michi ,multumim ptr indicii
actiunea devine din ce in ce mai interesanta, avem premise bune pentru inca un episod frumos joia viitoare
e sumarul. rezumatul. asta va fi sigur.
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
Kerim will use each chance to ask FG again and again if she loves him and that he wants to hear it.
FG: Kerim don't do it. I am embarassed.
Kerim: Of me? When I tell you I love you I don't get embarassed. Please just say it one more time.
Kerim: Do you really love me?... You do love me..
Asu will find out Fahrettin is Kerim´s father and this coincidence will help FG and Kerim.
Kadir will see Erdogan's car.
Episode will end with Erdogan coming
Kerim will use each chance to ask FG again and again if she loves him and that he wants to hear it.
FG: Kerim don't do it. I am embarassed.
Kerim: Of me? When I tell you I love you I don't get embarassed. Please just say it one more time.
Kerim: Do you really love me?... You do love me..
Asu will find out Fahrettin is Kerim´s father and this coincidence will help FG and Kerim.
Kadir will see Erdogan's car.
Episode will end with Erdogan coming
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti
ce vina are fatmagul
in pozele de la gratar Fatma e nedumerita,plictisita ...oare de rugamintea lui Ker de a-i mai spune odata ca-l iubeste ?
dubaisport- vip
- Mesaje : 11418
Data de inscriere : 18/02/2011
Varsta : 51
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
ce simpatici sunt fanii!!
sigur, nu cred ca fanul respectiv a vazut ca noi aseara serialul pe kanal d online ca nu s-a putut vedea nimic. dar oare au si paturi masura lui kerim in casa avocatului? de aia nu prea il arata pe el dormind.
sigur, nu cred ca fanul respectiv a vazut ca noi aseara serialul pe kanal d online ca nu s-a putut vedea nimic. dar oare au si paturi masura lui kerim in casa avocatului? de aia nu prea il arata pe el dormind.
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti
ce vina are fatmagul
la cat e de scund avocatul ..nu cred
ptr ker trebuie pat pe comanda
ptr ker trebuie pat pe comanda
dubaisport- vip
- Mesaje : 11418
Data de inscriere : 18/02/2011
Varsta : 51
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
sper sa reglementeze problema pana in noaptea nuntii ca e jale.dubaisport a scris:la cat e de scund avocatul ..nu cred
ptr ker trebuie pat pe comanda
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
Episode 48 Translation
* Part 1
K: We want separated rooms
Man: I don't have another room, there's a room upthere but I stay in it,when I saw the rings I thought you are married. That's why I didn't ask you.
K: we are.. we are married..
Man: Come on then please..
K: brother.. if I stay in that room, I'll pay whatever it costs
Man: No problem, I'll stay at my cousin..
K: I don't want to bother you..
Man: tamam as you want.
K: Fatmagl close the door, ok?
F: Wait , take this blanket.
K: Good night
F: Good night
Man: Welcome, come on please(to the tourists)
I talked to you about them(To K & F)
Man: I gavee it to that brother with his wife
Man to Kerim: Your room is taken brother, we can't leave them in the street
K: ok dear , no problem, we can do nothing about it
Man: You'll get rest here the bed is comfortable, you'll see
F: Tamam Kerim come, we'll find a solution
K: I'll sit near the fire, I don't want to bother you
F: No, I'm not slepy, you sleep on the bed
K: I will sleep on te couch, actually my bed in the prison wasn't better than this, come on , sleep
F: No..I'm not sleepy
K: You know I won't bother you?
F: Kerim it's not because of that, I swear I'm not sleepy
The rain increased..
K: Look even the tourists came back from half way.
F: What are they doing at such time of the night? where r u going?
K: To the WC
Kerim & Fatma in the room
K: You still not sleepy?
F: No(while she was yawning so he smiled)
K: Then let's play a game.
F: What game?
K: Let's get to know each other
F: We don't know each other?
K: No
F: Tamam, how to play that game?
K: We will ask questions to each other, (using the coin to know who will be the 1st ) writing or picture?
F: Picture
K: I won..
F: Then let's see..
K: What are your mom & dad names?
F: But those are 2 questions?
K: say..
F: my mom "Sevim" my dad "Mehmet"
K: I remembered you said it once.
F: And it's written on the marriage book.
K: I didn't look at it since that day. It's your turn.
F: What I'm going to ask? What's the name of your first teacher at the primary school?
K: Gurisar Denish Do..
F: mine "Amine Kokmaz" after my parents died she was like a mother to us. She tried a lot that I don't leave the primary school. But I had to help my brother.
K: Do you look like your mother? How was she?
F: yes.
K: She was beautiful then.
F: She was always weak, had Asthma since childhood, that's why she was getting tired on minimal exertion
She was slim like a stick. My dad was a cheerful person, they loved each other a lot.
K: I wish I could have met them.
F: When did you start working for the 1st time?
K: After the death of Meriam abla's mother they started calling her as a nanny.
F: You told me that..
K: I worked at her, but I got bored for sure. My head was in the sea. Then Meriam abla made me work half the day. I was boiling herbals under the shadow of our home.
F: Sure so you won't go out to the street at that time.
K: she was getting me inside when the weather becomes hotter.
K: Your best friend?
F: my brother..and Oya the daughter of our renter.She was my best friend, then they moved into Mula
And you? I mean when you were a child.
K: Arif, he was an intelligent child. His father is a teacher, then he was assigned and they left.
F: Your fav color
K: Blue, you?
F: Blue..
(They talked about the fav food)
K:When did you meet Mustafa?
F: it's my turn.
K: ok ask.
F: Why you are asking this?
K: Cause I care about you, I want to know.
F: but always problems develop.
K: please.
F: it's my turn.
K: You lost your turn when you asked "Why you ask about this" it's my turn.
F: In the primary school.
K: so he was your close friend.
F: he wasn't my friend. He was always fighting with me, dragging my hair and making me cry.
K: he was dragging your hair then you became lovers?
F: It's my turn..
K: ok ask..
F: No, I give up..Let's stop this game.
K: Ok ask the last question.
F: Do you still want to break up?
K: No..
F: Ok ask the last question, but don't ask about Mustafa
K: tamam I won't ask. Do you love me?
K: tamam don't answer, I pressed on you again. Come on you sleep and I'll stroll around a little bit.
F: I love you..
* Part 1
K: We want separated rooms
Man: I don't have another room, there's a room upthere but I stay in it,when I saw the rings I thought you are married. That's why I didn't ask you.
K: we are.. we are married..
Man: Come on then please..
K: brother.. if I stay in that room, I'll pay whatever it costs
Man: No problem, I'll stay at my cousin..
K: I don't want to bother you..
Man: tamam as you want.
K: Fatmagl close the door, ok?
F: Wait , take this blanket.
K: Good night
F: Good night
Man: Welcome, come on please(to the tourists)
I talked to you about them(To K & F)
Man: I gavee it to that brother with his wife
Man to Kerim: Your room is taken brother, we can't leave them in the street
K: ok dear , no problem, we can do nothing about it
Man: You'll get rest here the bed is comfortable, you'll see
F: Tamam Kerim come, we'll find a solution
K: I'll sit near the fire, I don't want to bother you
F: No, I'm not slepy, you sleep on the bed
K: I will sleep on te couch, actually my bed in the prison wasn't better than this, come on , sleep
F: No..I'm not sleepy
K: You know I won't bother you?
F: Kerim it's not because of that, I swear I'm not sleepy
The rain increased..
K: Look even the tourists came back from half way.
F: What are they doing at such time of the night? where r u going?
K: To the WC
Kerim & Fatma in the room
K: You still not sleepy?
F: No(while she was yawning so he smiled)
K: Then let's play a game.
F: What game?
K: Let's get to know each other
F: We don't know each other?
K: No
F: Tamam, how to play that game?
K: We will ask questions to each other, (using the coin to know who will be the 1st ) writing or picture?
F: Picture
K: I won..
F: Then let's see..
K: What are your mom & dad names?
F: But those are 2 questions?
K: say..
F: my mom "Sevim" my dad "Mehmet"
K: I remembered you said it once.
F: And it's written on the marriage book.
K: I didn't look at it since that day. It's your turn.
F: What I'm going to ask? What's the name of your first teacher at the primary school?
K: Gurisar Denish Do..
F: mine "Amine Kokmaz" after my parents died she was like a mother to us. She tried a lot that I don't leave the primary school. But I had to help my brother.
K: Do you look like your mother? How was she?
F: yes.
K: She was beautiful then.
F: She was always weak, had Asthma since childhood, that's why she was getting tired on minimal exertion
She was slim like a stick. My dad was a cheerful person, they loved each other a lot.
K: I wish I could have met them.
F: When did you start working for the 1st time?
K: After the death of Meriam abla's mother they started calling her as a nanny.
F: You told me that..
K: I worked at her, but I got bored for sure. My head was in the sea. Then Meriam abla made me work half the day. I was boiling herbals under the shadow of our home.
F: Sure so you won't go out to the street at that time.
K: she was getting me inside when the weather becomes hotter.
K: Your best friend?
F: my brother..and Oya the daughter of our renter.She was my best friend, then they moved into Mula
And you? I mean when you were a child.
K: Arif, he was an intelligent child. His father is a teacher, then he was assigned and they left.
F: Your fav color
K: Blue, you?
F: Blue..
(They talked about the fav food)
K:When did you meet Mustafa?
F: it's my turn.
K: ok ask.
F: Why you are asking this?
K: Cause I care about you, I want to know.
F: but always problems develop.
K: please.
F: it's my turn.
K: You lost your turn when you asked "Why you ask about this" it's my turn.
F: In the primary school.
K: so he was your close friend.
F: he wasn't my friend. He was always fighting with me, dragging my hair and making me cry.
K: he was dragging your hair then you became lovers?
F: It's my turn..
K: ok ask..
F: No, I give up..Let's stop this game.
K: Ok ask the last question.
F: Do you still want to break up?
K: No..
F: Ok ask the last question, but don't ask about Mustafa
K: tamam I won't ask. Do you love me?
K: tamam don't answer, I pressed on you again. Come on you sleep and I'll stroll around a little bit.
F: I love you..
Ultima editare efectuata de catre michiper68 in Vin 04 Noi 2011, 7:44 pm, editata de 1 ori
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
You know you want to believe it but something holds you back and somehow you cannot believe it, then suddenly you understand what you have been trying to deny all along.
You know when someone waits for a very long time for something and really wants it to happen, then when you realize your dreams have come true and a smile comes and settles on your face and you cannot stop smiling? THAT IS KERIM
KERÝM: Do you really love me? ( and just imagine Kerim's face when he realizes fgül loves him and he is happy) You do love me..
You know when you confess that important feeling and it feels like butterflies have fluttered up inside you and you feel lighter but at the same time you are shy? THAT IS FATMAGUL
Deniz wants to learn more about her brother.. she is determined to understand what her father and her father's friend MUMTAZ are speaking about.
Mustafa is after ASU, asu realizes fahrettin is kerim's father and it seems she will do one last favor to Kerim and Fatmagül.
Kerim is only after one thing though. to hear the love confesssion from Fatmagül again and again everywhere .he cannot help being overjoyed.
FATMAGÜL : Kerim stop it you are embarrassing me
KERÝM: You cannot be embarrassed from me... I am not embarrassed when I say I love you.. tell me one more time.. please?( will she say it again?)
Hilmiye, tries to help Erdoðan as he is happy. but erdoðan wants to erase his past. and he makes a move that will change the course of events
KADÝR: I saw Erdoðan Yaþaran's car at the top of the road
And maybe Erdoðan is very close by.
And I was about to forget : there is a development concerning the sweater Fatmagül has knitted for Kerim.
You know you want to believe it but something holds you back and somehow you cannot believe it, then suddenly you understand what you have been trying to deny all along.
You know when someone waits for a very long time for something and really wants it to happen, then when you realize your dreams have come true and a smile comes and settles on your face and you cannot stop smiling? THAT IS KERIM
KERÝM: Do you really love me? ( and just imagine Kerim's face when he realizes fgül loves him and he is happy) You do love me..
You know when you confess that important feeling and it feels like butterflies have fluttered up inside you and you feel lighter but at the same time you are shy? THAT IS FATMAGUL
Deniz wants to learn more about her brother.. she is determined to understand what her father and her father's friend MUMTAZ are speaking about.
Mustafa is after ASU, asu realizes fahrettin is kerim's father and it seems she will do one last favor to Kerim and Fatmagül.
Kerim is only after one thing though. to hear the love confesssion from Fatmagül again and again everywhere .he cannot help being overjoyed.
FATMAGÜL : Kerim stop it you are embarrassing me
KERÝM: You cannot be embarrassed from me... I am not embarrassed when I say I love you.. tell me one more time.. please?( will she say it again?)
Hilmiye, tries to help Erdoðan as he is happy. but erdoðan wants to erase his past. and he makes a move that will change the course of events
KADÝR: I saw Erdoðan Yaþaran's car at the top of the road
And maybe Erdoðan is very close by.
And I was about to forget : there is a development concerning the sweater Fatmagül has knitted for Kerim.
michiper68- vip
- Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
fetelor, văd și eu acum episodul... dacă Fatma îi dădea o aspirină lui Kerim, îi trecea răceala imediat
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
DENISA a scris:
Fatmagul: love you.. I love you
Re: 9. Fatmagül'un sucu ne ? ~ General Discussions - Comentarii
Dragalaselor a mai trecut o zi din viata...si a venit mos ene pe la gene.... de noapte buna
lica54- vip
- Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
Varsta : 70
Localizare : Galati
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