3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
8 participanți
Serialesitelenovelet :: Arhiva :: Arhiva Geet - Hui Sabse Parayi\ Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon\Madhubala
Pagina 2 din 40
Pagina 2 din 40 • 1, 2, 3 ... 21 ... 40
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
iulianagl a scris:
Mai dar am fost ironica acum. Nici mie nu-mi place doar linia ei Hello.Hi.Bye bye si cand stalceste cuvintele in engleza.Inca nu ma cunosti?
eee...eu credeam ca iti place...
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
Skumpyk86 a scris:
De data aceasta cred ca nu se mai lasa Khushi sa fie data afara...dar niciodata nu stii le schimba astia..
Eu cred ca o s-o dea afara iar si din cauza asta n-o sa se lase de afaceri iar apoi ea se imbolnaveste tot alergand si dormand sub cerul liber si mai cred ca ea n-o sa-si paraseasca afacerea unu pentru ca daca Chote o da afara asa are o scuza, doi asa sta cat mai departe de Shyam si trei chiar vrea sa fie independenta ca doar nu e casatorita cu acte, nu?Si m-am mai gandit la ceva daca el ii interzice sa faca afaceri si o mai da si afara din camera e posibil sa plece de la el la parintii ei si acolo sa continue ce a inceput asa sta si departe de Shy si casstiga si banii ei proprii.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
Skumpyk86 a scris:
eee...eu credeam ca iti place...
Nu-mi place stii cum o vad ca pe o taranca proasta( si nu jicnesc pe nimeni zicand asta ca si eu vin de la tara) care a venit de unde a venit si s-a trezit unde s-a trezit si acum se crede cea mai tare nu vezi ca e ahtiata dupa aur dupa sa arate cel mai bine si o da in bara mereu bine ia spus Khushi ca arata ca un curcubeu fara nori cand iese in societate. Adica vreau sa spun ca-i lipseste modestia ca din cate am inteles a fost un nimeni si la prostit pe Unchiul sa se insoare cu ea.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
iulianagl a scris:
Eu cred ca o s-o dea afara iar si din cauza asta n-o sa se lase de afaceri iar apoi ea se imbolnaveste tot alergand si dormand sub cerul liber si mai cred ca ea n-o sa-si paraseasca afacerea unu pentru ca daca Chote o da afara asa are o scuza, doi asa sta cat mai departe de Shyam si trei chiar vrea sa fie independenta ca doar nu e casatorita cu acte, nu?Si m-am mai gandit la ceva daca el ii interzice sa faca afaceri si o mai da si afara din camera e posibil sa plece de la el la parintii ei si acolo sa continue ce a inceput asa sta si departe de Shy si casstiga si banii ei proprii.
Fetelor ma inebuniti cu scenariile voastre....si pana maine viseaz numai K&A. Iar maine 20 min. sunt egale cu 20 sec. .... si tot asa... vreau mai mult. Un ep. la Asi tine 90 min. iar actorii au facut protest pt diminuarea timpului la un ep.
Eu fac protest pt marirea timpului la un ep. E cineva pt?
tiberici- vip
- Mesaje : 2882
Data de inscriere : 17/02/2010
Varsta : 55
Localizare : Constanta
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
tiberici a scris:
Fetelor ma inebuniti cu scenariile voastre....si pana maine viseaz numai K&A. Iar maine 20 min. sunt egale cu 20 sec. .... si tot asa... vreau mai mult. Un ep. la Asi tine 90 min. iar actorii au facut protest pt diminuarea timpului la un ep.
Eu fac protest pt marirea timpului la un ep. E cineva pt?
Si eu sunt cu tine.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
iulianagl a scris:
Eu cred ca o s-o dea afara iar si din cauza asta n-o sa se lase de afaceri iar apoi ea se imbolnaveste tot alergand si dormand sub cerul liber si mai cred ca ea n-o sa-si paraseasca afacerea unu pentru ca daca Chote o da afara asa are o scuza, doi asa sta cat mai departe de Shyam si trei chiar vrea sa fie independenta ca doar nu e casatorita cu acte, nu?Si m-am mai gandit la ceva daca el ii interzice sa faca afaceri si o mai da si afara din camera e posibil sa plece de la el la parintii ei si acolo sa continue ce a inceput asa sta si departe de Shy si casstiga si banii ei proprii.
Chestia cu acte noi inca nu stiam...poate mai tarziu apare o amintire si arata ca a semnat ceva...asa cum a facut cu contractul de 15 zile..o sa vedem.
Si chestia cu plecatul cred ca va fii mai greu...o sa vedem...dar din ce stiu si e cam cofirmat ca Arnav nu o va da afara din casa pe Khushi nici inainte de cele 6 luni nici dupa...iar Khsuhi nu isi lasa sotul.Trebuie sa se intample ceva grav ca Khushi sa paraseasca casa (de exemplu sa o acuze ca a vrut sa il fure pe Shyam)...
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
Skumpyk86 a scris:
Chestia cu acte noi inca nu stiam...poate mai tarziu apare o amintire si arata ca a semnat ceva...asa cum a facut cu contractul de 15 zile..o sa vedem.
Si chestia cu plecatul cred ca va fii mai greu...o sa vedem...dar din ce stiu si e cam cofirmat ca Arnav nu o va da afara din casa pe Khushi nici inainte de cele 6 luni nici dupa...iar Khsuhi nu isi lasa sotul.Trebuie sa se intample ceva grav ca Khushi sa paraseasca casa (de exemplu sa o acuze ca a vrut sa il fure pe Shyam)...
Sa-l fure pe Shyam?Dar unde naiba sa-l duca sa-l inece in Gange? Si Shy ce are de furat doar pe Anjali ca e si el sarac lipit daca n-ar fi Chote nu si-ar mai cumpara el ceasuri de mii de Rs.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
Skumpyk86 a scris:
Chestia cu acte noi inca nu stiam...poate mai tarziu apare o amintire si arata ca a semnat ceva...asa cum a facut cu contractul de 15 zile..o sa vedem.
Si chestia cu plecatul cred ca va fii mai greu...o sa vedem...dar din ce stiu si e cam cofirmat ca Arnav nu o va da afara din casa pe Khushi nici inainte de cele 6 luni nici dupa...iar Khsuhi nu isi lasa sotul.Trebuie sa se intample ceva grav ca Khushi sa paraseasca casa (de exemplu sa o acuze ca a vrut sa il fure pe Shyam)...
Ce sa fure de la el......ca Arnav nu m-ai alimenteaza contul lui.....
tiberici- vip
- Mesaje : 2882
Data de inscriere : 17/02/2010
Varsta : 55
Localizare : Constanta
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
tiberici a scris:
Fetelor ma inebuniti cu scenariile voastre....si pana maine viseaz numai K&A. Iar maine 20 min. sunt egale cu 20 sec. .... si tot asa... vreau mai mult. Un ep. la Asi tine 90 min. iar actorii au facut protest pt diminuarea timpului la un ep.
Eu fac protest pt marirea timpului la un ep. E cineva pt?
si pe mine inebunsec scenarile presupunerile...ca la urma realizezi ca oricum in mare parte nu iese cum spunem noi...
Inainte eram inebunita citeam zeci de scenari presupuneri iar acum am hotarat sa nu mai fac asta si citesc si am increderea doau in doua persoane care pana acum s-a dovedit adevarat tot ce a spus...cum a fost si ca Shyam nu va mai primi bani de la Arnav..sau ca Khushi nu ii duce mancarea lui Arnav ci va lucra la cantina etc...
Nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc ce va fii in viitor...vom vedea...ne va surprinde ca de fiecare data serialul...
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
Skumpyk86 a scris:
si pe mine inebunsec scenarile presupunerile...ca la urma realizezi ca oricum in mare parte nu iese cum spunem noi...
Inainte eram inebunita citeam zeci de scenari presupuneri iar acum am hotarat sa nu mai fac asta si citesc si am increderea doau in doua persoane care pana acum s-a dovedit adevarat tot ce a spus...cum a fost si ca Shyam nu va mai primi bani de la Arnav..sau ca Khushi nu ii duce mancarea lui Arnav ci va lucra la cantina etc...
Nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc ce va fii in viitor...vom vedea...ne va surprinde ca de fiecare data serialul...
Corect oricum ne surprinde de fiecare data cu cate ceva.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
tiberici a scris:
Ce sa fure de la el......ca Arnav nu m-ai alimenteaza contul lui.....
sa fure pe Shyam...ma referam sa afle toata familia ca a vrut sa il fure pe Shyam lu Anjali adica sa ii ia sotul....
Nu se stie cum se va intampla...
Intr-un interviu au spus clar atat Barun cat si directori ca nu se stie ce se va intampla mai departe...ca nu au serialul deja scris etc...se face ep in functie de cum evolueaza scenele priza la public..
Inca ceva ei inca lucreaza si "se gandesc" cun va fii demascarea lui Shyam...nu stie cum s faca.Cum sa se afle adevarul despre el.
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
iulianagl a scris:
Sa-l fure pe Shyam?Dar unde naiba sa-l duca sa-l inece in Gange? Si Shy ce are de furat doar pe Anjali ca e si el sarac lipit daca n-ar fi Chote nu si-ar mai cumpara el ceasuri de mii de Rs.
ma referam sa ii fure sotul...asa ar fii o posibiliate ca familia lui arnav sa o dea afara din casa.
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
Abia astept demascarea ..dusmanului...Skumpyk86 a scris:
sa fure pe Shyam...ma referam sa afle toata familia ca a vrut sa il fure pe Shyam lu Anjali adica sa ii ia sotul....
Nu se stie cum se va intampla...
Intr-un interviu au spus clar atat Barun cat si directori ca nu se stie ce se va intampla mai departe...ca nu au serialul deja scris etc...se face ep in functie de cum evolueaza scenele priza la public..
Inca ceva ei inca lucreaza si "se gandesc" cun va fii demascarea lui Shyam...nu stie cum s faca.Cum sa se afle adevarul despre el.
Ce nu-mi place acum e ca nu mai e nici o scena frumoasa cu ei..nici macar nu-si mai amintesc nimic din ce a fost..
Apropo,pana la urma si-au amintit amandoi ce si-au spus de Holi ? sau doar el ?
petronela- vip
- Mesaje : 7009
Data de inscriere : 18/07/2010
Varsta : 56
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
petronela a scris:
Abia astept demascarea ..dusmanului...
Ce nu-mi place acum e ca nu mai e nici o scena frumoasa cu ei..nici macar nu-si mai amintesc nimic din ce a fost..
Apropo,pana la urma si-au amintit amandoi ce si-au spus de Holi ? sau doar el ?
Cred ca el doar.Apropo unde o fi Narcisa sa deschida un nou topic cu Iss.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
petronela a scris:
Abia astept demascarea ..dusmanului...
Ce nu-mi place acum e ca nu mai e nici o scena frumoasa cu ei..nici macar nu-si mai amintesc nimic din ce a fost..
Apropo,pana la urma si-au amintit amandoi ce si-au spus de Holi ? sau doar el ?
Si eu..dar cand am vb cu fata care lucreaza acolo acum vro luna a spus ca nici macar nu au ide inca cum va fi,aveau mai mute optiuni dar inca se mai lucreaza...cum a luat si premiu o sa il avem mai mult timp in serial...
De ce isi amintesc nu a aratat nimic de ea..de el doar un pic..dar nu e sigur daca isi aminteste tot..vom vedea.
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
petronela a scris:
Abia astept demascarea ..dusmanului...
Ce nu-mi place acum e ca nu mai e nici o scena frumoasa cu ei..nici macar nu-si mai amintesc nimic din ce a fost..
Apropo,pana la urma si-au amintit amandoi ce si-au spus de Holi ? sau doar el ?
Si eu astept demascarea dusmanului....
Dar scene frumusele sunt.... Cea in care ea era in mijlocul patului in piciore, pe lenjeria ei roz intinsa pe juma de pat.... si el ce dragastos o privea...Si gurita ii turuia ca e sotie de om de afaceri si fata de cofetar....
Abia astept maine.... cred ca el a facut curat in camera ca ea era ocupata avea de negociat prin telefon afaceri ...
tiberici- vip
- Mesaje : 2882
Data de inscriere : 17/02/2010
Varsta : 55
Localizare : Constanta
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
From serious to slapstick, suddenly
While Hindi TV serials are usually predictable, sometimes they can spring surprises, or rather, shocks. Just last week, I had blithely stated that Star Plus’s Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon was one of the channel’s most watchable shows. But starting this Monday, the serial, which is an intense love
story, has suddenly turned into a comedy show. (I’m still recovering).
The real USP of Iss Pyaar… was that it dared to have a leading man who was not your regular hero. Instead, we got an unapologetically dark anti-hero, more ruthless heartbreaker than charming lover. (And actor Barun Sobti managed the difficult feat of making the character sexy, sympathetic yet hateful, all at the same time). But tragically, he seems to have now been transformed into a typical TV lead — rather bland and ineffectual. (Even the heroine — goofy but generally warm and likeable — has turned into a bit of an annoying brat).
So frankly, I’m a bit flummoxed. Can TV shows undergo life-transforming metamorphoses and become something completely different to what they set out to be/were/are? If a love story can turn into a comedy, a suspense story can (theoretically) turn into a family saga. I hope not, but I can’t help but wonder what fate will befall Colors’ new show, Chhal Sheh Aur Maat.
This serial is that rare thing on Indian telly — a thriller. A young bride comes to spend her honeymoon at a hill station and wakes up to discover that her husband has disappeared and there’s a stranger in the room claiming to be her real pati. The story sounds intriguing, though I do wish the treatment was a bit classier. (There’s a strange man whose face we never see who keeps following the heroine in a menacing manner; we completely get the fact that he’s highly mysterious, but does he have to wear a big black overcoat, hat and gloves?)
The other show that has been consistently decent is the Life OK mythological Devon Ke Dev Mahadev (I hope it suddenly doesn’t change into a horror show) and that’s because the makers have given it an interesting spin. It has been shot as Shiva and Sati’s love story rather than just Shiva’s story. The two lead actors are competent, and the serial has a nice feel. The colours are soft and the whole look is non-tinselly. Fingers crossed for the future.
And finally. Shekhar Suman has returned to Sab with his one-time hit show, Movers & Shakers. The routine is the same: stand-up jokes followed by a celebrity guest in the studio, with a band in attendance. Shekhar is a great mimic and a seasoned hand at comedy, so he keeps things going smoothly (even if all the jokes aren’t that funny). But what is interesting is seeing some of the new faces of stand-up comedy on TV — such as actor Sumeet Raghavan, who has started The Late Night Show on Colors. (I’m not even going to bother with the whole thing of where these shows are coming from or what their ‘inspiration’ is; everybody knows).
I found Sumeet pretty funny and quite irreverent too (which is what the genre demands). Of course, one doesn’t laugh at all the jokes, some are pretty lame; but let’s cut the guys some slack. So here’s to more laughter (and to the earnest hope that the comedy doesn’t overnight transform into something else). Who knows?
While Hindi TV serials are usually predictable, sometimes they can spring surprises, or rather, shocks. Just last week, I had blithely stated that Star Plus’s Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon was one of the channel’s most watchable shows. But starting this Monday, the serial, which is an intense love
story, has suddenly turned into a comedy show. (I’m still recovering).
The real USP of Iss Pyaar… was that it dared to have a leading man who was not your regular hero. Instead, we got an unapologetically dark anti-hero, more ruthless heartbreaker than charming lover. (And actor Barun Sobti managed the difficult feat of making the character sexy, sympathetic yet hateful, all at the same time). But tragically, he seems to have now been transformed into a typical TV lead — rather bland and ineffectual. (Even the heroine — goofy but generally warm and likeable — has turned into a bit of an annoying brat).
So frankly, I’m a bit flummoxed. Can TV shows undergo life-transforming metamorphoses and become something completely different to what they set out to be/were/are? If a love story can turn into a comedy, a suspense story can (theoretically) turn into a family saga. I hope not, but I can’t help but wonder what fate will befall Colors’ new show, Chhal Sheh Aur Maat.
This serial is that rare thing on Indian telly — a thriller. A young bride comes to spend her honeymoon at a hill station and wakes up to discover that her husband has disappeared and there’s a stranger in the room claiming to be her real pati. The story sounds intriguing, though I do wish the treatment was a bit classier. (There’s a strange man whose face we never see who keeps following the heroine in a menacing manner; we completely get the fact that he’s highly mysterious, but does he have to wear a big black overcoat, hat and gloves?)
The other show that has been consistently decent is the Life OK mythological Devon Ke Dev Mahadev (I hope it suddenly doesn’t change into a horror show) and that’s because the makers have given it an interesting spin. It has been shot as Shiva and Sati’s love story rather than just Shiva’s story. The two lead actors are competent, and the serial has a nice feel. The colours are soft and the whole look is non-tinselly. Fingers crossed for the future.
And finally. Shekhar Suman has returned to Sab with his one-time hit show, Movers & Shakers. The routine is the same: stand-up jokes followed by a celebrity guest in the studio, with a band in attendance. Shekhar is a great mimic and a seasoned hand at comedy, so he keeps things going smoothly (even if all the jokes aren’t that funny). But what is interesting is seeing some of the new faces of stand-up comedy on TV — such as actor Sumeet Raghavan, who has started The Late Night Show on Colors. (I’m not even going to bother with the whole thing of where these shows are coming from or what their ‘inspiration’ is; everybody knows).
I found Sumeet pretty funny and quite irreverent too (which is what the genre demands). Of course, one doesn’t laugh at all the jokes, some are pretty lame; but let’s cut the guys some slack. So here’s to more laughter (and to the earnest hope that the comedy doesn’t overnight transform into something else). Who knows?
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
Sunt prea putine si parca nu mai au intesitatea de inainte...tiberici a scris:
Si eu astept demascarea dusmanului....
Dar scene frumusele sunt.... Cea in care ea era in mijlocul patului in piciore, pe lenjeria ei roz intinsa pe juma de pat.... si el ce dragastos o privea...Si gurita ii turuia ca e sotie de om de afaceri si fata de cofetar....
Abia astept maine.... cred ca el a facut curat in camera ca ea era ocupata avea de negociat prin telefon afaceri ...
petronela- vip
- Mesaje : 7009
Data de inscriere : 18/07/2010
Varsta : 56
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
Noapte buna dragalaselor
si un inceput de saptamana usor asa cum vil doriti pe maine
si un inceput de saptamana usor asa cum vil doriti pe maine
lica54- vip
- Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
Varsta : 70
Localizare : Galati
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
Gata ies si eu..noapte buna...va pup.Skumpyk86 a scris:Daca vreti sa vedeti cu traducere in engleza...
SPA covorul rosu..
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
Skumpyk86 a scris:From serious to slapstick, suddenly
While Hindi TV serials are usually predictable, sometimes they can spring surprises, or rather, shocks. Just last week, I had blithely stated that Star Plus’s Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon was one of the channel’s most watchable shows. But starting this Monday, the serial, which is an intense love
story, has suddenly turned into a comedy show. (I’m still recovering).
The real USP of Iss Pyaar… was that it dared to have a leading man who was not your regular hero. Instead, we got an unapologetically dark anti-hero, more ruthless heartbreaker than charming lover. (And actor Barun Sobti managed the difficult feat of making the character sexy, sympathetic yet hateful, all at the same time). But tragically, he seems to have now been transformed into a typical TV lead — rather bland and ineffectual. (Even the heroine — goofy but generally warm and likeable — has turned into a bit of an annoying brat).
So frankly, I’m a bit flummoxed. Can TV shows undergo life-transforming metamorphoses and become something completely different to what they set out to be/were/are? If a love story can turn into a comedy, a suspense story can (theoretically) turn into a family saga. I hope not, but I can’t help but wonder what fate will befall Colors’ new show, Chhal Sheh Aur Maat.
This serial is that rare thing on Indian telly — a thriller. A young bride comes to spend her honeymoon at a hill station and wakes up to discover that her husband has disappeared and there’s a stranger in the room claiming to be her real pati. The story sounds intriguing, though I do wish the treatment was a bit classier. (There’s a strange man whose face we never see who keeps following the heroine in a menacing manner; we completely get the fact that he’s highly mysterious, but does he have to wear a big black overcoat, hat and gloves?)
The other show that has been consistently decent is the Life OK mythological Devon Ke Dev Mahadev (I hope it suddenly doesn’t change into a horror show) and that’s because the makers have given it an interesting spin. It has been shot as Shiva and Sati’s love story rather than just Shiva’s story. The two lead actors are competent, and the serial has a nice feel. The colours are soft and the whole look is non-tinselly. Fingers crossed for the future.
And finally. Shekhar Suman has returned to Sab with his one-time hit show, Movers & Shakers. The routine is the same: stand-up jokes followed by a celebrity guest in the studio, with a band in attendance. Shekhar is a great mimic and a seasoned hand at comedy, so he keeps things going smoothly (even if all the jokes aren’t that funny). But what is interesting is seeing some of the new faces of stand-up comedy on TV — such as actor Sumeet Raghavan, who has started The Late Night Show on Colors. (I’m not even going to bother with the whole thing of where these shows are coming from or what their ‘inspiration’ is; everybody knows).
I found Sumeet pretty funny and quite irreverent too (which is what the genre demands). Of course, one doesn’t laugh at all the jokes, some are pretty lame; but let’s cut the guys some slack. So here’s to more laughter (and to the earnest hope that the comedy doesn’t overnight transform into something else). Who knows?
Ce spun astia altceva n-au de facut?
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
Skumpyk86 a scris:
Gata ies si eu..noapte buna...va pup.
Noaptee buna. Ies si eu in curand.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 3.Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon ( Ce nume să-i dăm acestei iubiri?)
iulianagl a scris:
Ce spun astia altceva n-au de facut?
se pare ca nu..sper sa nu strice...vom vedea..nb.
Andreea_Miha- vip
- Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti
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