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2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum

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Mesaj Scris de lica54 Vin 09 Aug 2013, 9:35 pm

Aseara la ei a fost un ep foarte frumos Sandhya a implinit anii iar Sooraj ia cumparat 22 de cadouri...
Sandhya le-a ascuns sub pat iar in ep de azi ii arata cum au intrat sub pat amandoi si cum el ii da cadourile unul cate unul si ii spune pentru ce este fiecare cadou in parte....

2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 KcSF9rX

2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 AjU7orx

Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
Varsta : 70
Localizare : Galati

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 15 Aug 2013, 1:38 am

2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 Qq5p

Un zâmbet are puterea de a îndrepta totul şi de a umple totul de lumină. Sper să aveţi parte de

cât mai multe zâmbete în viaţă…La Mulţi Ani    Mariilor  !

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Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Mesaj Scris de lica54 Joi 29 Aug 2013, 10:16 pm

De cand au plecat de acasa Sooraj si Sandhya au mai mult timp pentru ei stau mai mult impreuna si sunt asa de fericiti...

Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
Varsta : 70
Localizare : Galati

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Mesaj Scris de lica54 Mier 11 Sept 2013, 9:18 pm

Wov ce bun a fost ep din seara asta de la noi...Sooraj 10 cu felicitari asa da sot...

Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
Varsta : 70
Localizare : Galati

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 12 Sept 2013, 1:04 pm

 La  mulţi ani  tuturor celor ce suntem aici  !!!  

2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 FireworksPompom42.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 __FwkBle2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 016en2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 FireworksPompom42.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 __FwkBle2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 016en

Nu suntem o comunitate mare.   Nu facem concurenţă nimănui. Nu alergăm după un trafic năucitor.   Nu deţinem secrete miraculoase.   Nu încercăm  să  impunem  nimănui  părerile  noastre, acceptăm  şi  opinii  diferite de  ale  noastre. Acum 4 ani, in 12 septembrie 2009 ,  Dea  a deschis acest Forum cu intenţia de a continua aici  să  discutăm  despre eroii  şi serialele noastre  preferate.  

Existenţa  acestui  forum a fost posibilă în primul rând datorită vouă, cei care vizitaţi zilnic adresa noastră , cei  care  aţi  acceptat  să participaţi la  discuţii şi ne-ati ajutat sa devenim din ce in ce mai buni.

 Prin intermediul acestui forum v-am cunoscut şi împreună am format o frumoasă familie virtuală . Ani, plini de armonie şi de respect între forumişti!

" Prietenia valorează mai mult decât toate măreţiile lumii. O prietenie se consolidează în timp şi presupune respect şi dragoste. "

We thank you and other members that you decided to join the others' members of this forum.

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Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Mesaj Scris de dica Vin 13 Sept 2013, 4:25 pm

cu inatarziere vreau sa va spun si eu la multi ani 2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 745790 2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 745790  AUGURI kiss kiss kiss sunteti minunate eu scriu mai rar nu as vrea sa deranjez oricum va doresc numai binepupici 2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 517793 2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 693889 2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 693889 2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 523120 2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 523120 2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 2321791705 2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 2321791705 2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 2321791705 2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 2321791705 2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 2321791705 2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 2321791705 

membru activ
membru activ

Mesaje : 56
Data de inscriere : 08/01/2013
Varsta : 60
Localizare : italia

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 07 Noi 2013, 11:08 pm

Aţi renunţat la Sandhya şi Sooraj ?? v-aţi plictisit de ei ?? apropo ce ce mai fac ca şi cuplu ??

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Mesaj Scris de Andreea_Miha Mar 19 Noi 2013, 5:28 pm

Deepika singh denies romancing co star Anas Rashid in the exotic locales of London
2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 Anas%20rashid%20and%20deepika
Deepika Singh and Anas Rashid share a wonderful chemistry in the numero uno show across GECs, Diya Aur Baati Hum on Star Plus (Shashi Sumeet Productions Pvt Ltd).

As co stars, they indeed spend a lot of time together, which is the need of the profession. And it is also a psychological occurrence that when a boy and a girl spend too much time together, Cupid sneaks in and shoots his arrows. Is this the case with well endowed Deepika and muscular Anas?

May be. For a fan (who chose to be anonymous) all the way from London rang us up the other day and shared, “I am a big fan of both Anas and Deepika. They look wonderful together. They were spotted getting cosy and intimate in London recently. So we were wondering if they are dating in real life as well.”

Aha…spotted…getting cosy…saath samundar par in London…juicy dope, we must say!!!

Armed with this bit of info, we called up Deepika and she said, “I had last been to London only in November 2012, and then I did not have Anas with me. It was a quick trip for an event. I wonder why such false news is sprouting up so late. May be some people who like our on screen chemistry would want the same off screen as well. But Anas is just a good friend.”

She continued: “Right now I don’t want to take the complication of getting into a relationship. You need to keep explaining yourself even when you are in the right place. I want to just focus on my work as of now.”

Though Deepika denies it, one other source also shared that Anas and Deepika did make a quick London trip sometime back. However, we won’t dig deep as the source cannot say anything with confirmation. Hence he shall rest the case.

We sent text messages to Anas, but he chose to keep his lips sealed!!!
[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]

Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de lica54 Lun 25 Noi 2013, 8:56 pm

Frumos ep de azi este ziua Sandhyei iar Sorai i-a cumparat 22 de cadouri si i-a urat un simplu LA MULTI ANI! Nici macar o imbratisare...
Specific indienilor...

Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
Varsta : 70
Localizare : Galati

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Mesaj Scris de Andreea_Miha Vin 29 Noi 2013, 9:19 pm

"After the shoot Deepika goes her way, and I go mine!" - Anas Rashid
Anas Rashid of Diya Aur Baati Hum talks about his Nach Baliye season 6 experience and also about his personal equation with Deepika Singh in a candid chat with Tellybuzz.
2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 298244-csvnclkj
Anas Rashid more famously known as Suraj of Diya Aur Baati Hum on Star Plus will be seen in this weekend's episode of the dance reality show Nach Baliye 6 with his co-star from Diya Aur Baati Hum, Deepika Singh. We talk to him about his dance experience and also get a clear picture of the rumors of his relationship with Deepika.

Talking about his Nach experience, Anas says, "It was a good experience.We got a big welcome on the sets of the show and we have done lot of activities. I sung a song for Sandhya and Shilpa too."

He adds, "It was good to see my favourite jodi Raksha-Vinod Thakur perform their act. Also Kanica Maheshwari and Ankur's dance was good. This is my second visit to Nach Baliye and the only difference I could feel is this year there is lots and lots of romance. In other words there was romance in the air and even I got romantic being there."

Coming to dancing skills, how comfortable was Anas with the dance? "Well, I was very relaxed as I knew that I won't be judged. Even though I forgot few steps everybody enjoyed our performance."

"Talking about my dancing skills, if done properly I know I can do any form of dancing. I'm tall, strong and fit so I don't have any problem in learning any kind of dance. The only thing is that there should be proper choreography," he explains.

We asked Anas whether there are any chances of seeing him with his Baliye in the next season of Nach? "Well hopefully... I want to do Nach but with my busy schedule it's going to be very difficult as it's very hectic. Hats off to Bhabho (Neelu Vaghela) and Meenakshi (Kanica) for this but doing two shows at the same time will be very hard for me," he states.

Talking about his Baliye, recently there were rumors of him and Deepika getting cozy in London to which he quips, "I really don't understand the cozy thing yaar. Did they see us in one blanket? Also we had been to London last year; I really don't know why people are taking about it now. We were roaming on the streets and Deepika must have felt cold, so she would have sat closer to me. If people think that is getting cozy then I can't help."

He further elaborates, "Since the show started, we have always had a very professional rapport. Even today after two years, Deepika is the same person who always respects me and listens to what I say. All I can say is that we have a very strong professional relationship. Personally, it is very difficult as we haven't given it a thought!"

Going down memory lane, the actor recalls, "I remember last year when we were going to London for a function, Deepika's mom called me and told me to take care of her daughter as she was going out of India for the first time. I told Aunty that she need not worry as I was there with her. It's not just me but there were other people too with us, so getting cozy is out of question as everyone knew that we were performing live."

"Sometimes our director also asks that are you guys in love (laughs) but its all about your acting skills. Also it has happened earlier that two lead actors working together in the show do fall in love at the end of the day but I have broken that stand. We are very strong and professional people. After the shoot, she goes her way and I go mine," he concludes.

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Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de lica54 Mar 03 Dec 2013, 9:09 pm

Wov ce episod tare in seara asta...Soraj isi ea soarta in proprile maini si paraseste familia Rathi...

Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
Varsta : 70
Localizare : Galati

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Lun 13 Ian 2014, 11:13 pm

Lica în ce stadiu mai sunt ?? tot colegi de cameră sunt ???

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Mesaj Scris de Andreea_Miha Sam 26 Iul 2014, 1:20 pm

Happy birthday to beautiful Deepika Singh aka Sandhya of Diya Aur Bati Hum!
2.Destine Implinite - Diya Aur Baati Hum - Pagina 30 BtdOJp_CIAAskJt

Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de Andreea_Miha Dum 27 Iul 2014, 12:17 am


Mesaje : 29690
Data de inscriere : 27/01/2010
Varsta : 38
Localizare : Bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de Roxana. Lun 16 Dec 2019, 12:46 pm

imi e dor de acest serial

Mesaje : 460
Data de inscriere : 13/10/2013
Varsta : 29
Localizare : Istanbul

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