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Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Joi 13 Mar 2014, 5:56 pm

Ep: 1 rezumat

Omer este plecat la Van intr-o misiune.El urmareste pe unul care ascunde niste copii(cred ca se ocupa cu trafic de copii)Gaseste copiii.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri I96fQGYNLU1zB

Mai tarziu echipa este premiata pentru reusita obtinuta.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IblAPP5GgVUnw3

Elif se intoarce din Roma, Italia.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Ibz3X0EH1z2BRU

La aeroport este asteptata de sora sa si dusa intr-un club unde ii s-a pregatit o surpriza de ziua ei.Implineste 31 de ani.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IbdpepmLJ7YeTe

Omer isi duce prietena acasa apoi se intoarce la serviciu.
La club toti sunt fericiti.Elif este sarbatorita din plin si petrece ultimile clipe alaturi de tatal ei.Mai tarziu tatal se scuza ca are niste treburi de rezolvat si pleaca.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IoUdkodtczXin

La sectia de politie s-a anunta ca a avut loc o crima.Omer si ceilalti colegi se duc la locul faptei.Intr-o masina doua persoane au fost impuscate, Sibel si talal lui Elif.El o vede pe Sibel si incremeneste pe loc dupa aceea devine foarte furios si nu lasa sa o atinga nici un coleg pe Sibel.Sfasiat de durere se uita la ea si plange.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Ibapmj7ZLebS6j

A doua zi dimineata Elif primeste vestea trista ca tatal ei a murit.Familia trebuie sa identifice cadavru asa ca se duc la morga.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Ibytr5u0vCYhqV

Acolo primul care intra este Omer iar dupa aceea vine si Elif.Amandoi isi intersecteaza drumurile pentru prima data.
Elif este interogata si intrebata daca stie ceva in legatura cu aceasta crima si daca suspecteaza pe cineva.Ea nu stie nimic si da vina pe fata adica pe Sibel.Omer aude si se iau la cearta.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IbkkZu1Bl5pLzy

Urmeaza funeraliile....

La funerarii apare si un mafiot care isi vrea diamantele inapoi.Elif nu stie nimic.El i-a zis sa nu vorbeasca cu nimeni despre ele ( asa am intele eu)
Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Cc11

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Ccc11
I-a zis ca daca o sa le gaseasca ii le va aduce.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IDIOS0icIA1ZC

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IkUpXy8yD1QHS

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Iby6G26syte5os

A mintit-o pe maica sa ca este un prieten AL LUI TAC'SU

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri I8dblVLoDavLd
De la firma Elif afla ca dragul ei tatic a cam lasat-o fara nimic...

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Ibt9f8RDiJ1XDc
Omer e pornit sa afle ce s-a intamplat.
Cauta prin camera lui Sibel si da de un diamant.Fara mandat se duce si cotroleaza masina unde au fost gasiti cei doi morti iar acolo mai da de un diaman.
Elif vine si il gaseste .Il intreaba ce cauta acolo apoi vrea sa sune la politie.Omer spune ca el reprezinta politia si ii arata insigna.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IPpV7KxbaJTkA

Omer nu prea stie sa fie civilizat. Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri 2743637754..Elif i-a zis sa treaca cu bine peste aceasta nenorocire....

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IbrHXqKksY85zh

Fiecare e pe cont propiu  ...ea vrea sa gaseasca diamantele iar el vrea sa descopere de unde au aparut.... Smile
Cica el se grabeste ca are multa treaba.....

El se duce acolo unde a fost gasita masina.Vede niste urme si descopera ca ea a fost tarata in masina iar crima defapt s-a petrecut intr-o baraca.Suna la politie si spune.Cand iese este lovit si ramane inconstient la pamant.Se trezeste si descopera ca cineva a dat foc la baraca asa ca ramane fara indicii...
Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Ivoroc02qXS98

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Ibr6sy5ygyZr8

Toata familia stie ca nu mai au bani iar banca a pus stapanire pe toate propietatiile.Inca nu imi dau seama daca si casa unde locuiesc.  stupid

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IFaoqFYfffqvI
Omer este certat de seful lui pentru ca nu avea aprobarea necesara ca sa controleze masina.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IbmOErTHagZo2c

Omer nu se lasa si cauta in continuare indicii..
Se da drept Husein(fratele si colegul luio de munca) numai ca sa citeasca niste documente cu privire la caz.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IgT83zHcl6JKi
Elif o consoleaza pe sora sa.Fata este tare ingrijorata ca nu va sti ce va face mai departe acum fara bani ..unde se va duce..cum isi va continua studiile....

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IMeSGus36EE45

Elif cere ajutorul lui nenea(nu stiu cine este)
El ii spune ca ii va salva casa iar ea promite ca-i va inapoia toti banii.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IKW13vUuEp53A

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Iep3eoE09o9ki
Elif ii spune sorei sale ca totul se va rezolva si ca nenea acela le va ajuta.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Ibw5PNpODkk4cW
Ele sunt rapide de mafioti.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IbzmLLIU8Vyr6t
Poate va era dor de Aslan... mori de rasCe fata are!!!!Si cand te gandesti ca pe vremea lui Asi el si Tuba erau iubiti.... Smile

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Ilot5JjchrV8L

Eilf este eliberata si ii se spune sa aduca diamantele si cred ca si banii , nu sunt sigura.. confused
Sora ei ramane in continuare sechestrata.

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Ffffff10
Nu pot sa cred ..nenea este marele mafiot si este in spatele la tot ce s-a intamplat si cand te gandesti ca Elif are mare incredere in el!!!! Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri 2743637754

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IYFMNVkymXigV
Elif este urmarita.Ea stie ca nu trebuie sa ia contact cu politia asa ca minte si le spune ca Omer este logodnicul ei  cupidon Mafiotu nu o crede ....
Elif ca sa fie mai credibila il saruta fortat...

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Ib2wnz95vBrjvv

Omer simte ca ceva nu este in regula si intra in jocul ei.Cei doi se saruta din nou... cupidon

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IbsoBGa2gwn2NM

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri IE7K3Q4JGJFZF


Doua pupicuri intr-un episod deja pentru noi e prea mult.... Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri 131747

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Admin_dea05 in Vin 04 Apr 2014, 7:58 am, editata de 1 ori

Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Joi 13 Mar 2014, 5:58 pm

victorelalove a scris:Dea , al doilea diamant il are din camera logodnicei .
L-a gasit lipit sun masa . kiss

They dont understand why the fiancee was with him. They still trying to find out. The gossip says she was his lover many years and Engin's brother who works with him at the police - older guy he ate at his house and his wife think the fiance was his lover. Engin wont accept it. The father is bankrupt. His companies and everything bankrupt so he took money fron the mafia. Thats who those people are and they want the money back.
she needs his help and asked for it but he said no because he is angry at her because at the police he heard her say that his fiancee was only after the money of her father and he attacked her BUT in the last scene he understood she is in trouble but the problem is the mafia will kill her and her sister if she tells anybody. They watched her and asked if he is the police and she said no he is he lover and kissed him but will she tell him? We dont know but he knows she is in danger.

cate ceva ...ce-am mai gasit si eu . kiss

Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Vin 14 Mar 2014, 11:34 pm

michiper68 a scris:

"Kolay gelsin"

"What are you doing here?"

"I have done my work here. Im leaving"

"You can just calmly leave! You will explain to me"

"I am waiting. Otherwise, I will call the police!"

"I think this isn't necessary"

"Necessary or not, we will see. They will explain to you what  a mistake you have made"

"Im a police officer"

"And I'm not naive"

"Here.. my bagde"

"Look..only im working in Van, not here. Ok?"

"I should have known, right?"

"What were you looking for when I came, did you find something?"

"I came to see if they missed something, ok?"

"Even if you have found something, you wouldn't tell me"


"Ok, if you need any help.. I know, we don't know each other, but the things that happened to yours and my family weren't normal things. Suddenly, we are on the two sides of one and tha same pain. I'm sure we both ask ourselves the same questions. My father and your fiance, where do they know each other from? Why were they killed? May be, if we search together, we will find the answers. You are right. Our meeting in the police station didnt go well. Forget it. Let's start anew. My condolescens. If you understand me, im trying to get along with you! "

"I understand"

"Good day, I have lots of work."

"I have the right to know what you found!"

"May be you didnt understand me! I'm a police officer, and I have no obligation to tell you anything!"

"But you don't work here! Now I will call the police and tell them you picked an evidence!"

"Alright. Greet them from me"

"You can't leave without telling me what you found!"

"Wah thappened, you forgot your condolescens!"

"You will tell me what you found!"

"Can you let go of my hand? Have a good day"

"You are..When I see you........Don't cross my path anymore, did you hear me?"

"I heard you"

"Welcome, my son"

"Sit down. Sit, sit."

"Erdal, didn't I tell you to follow Ahmet Denizler and not to part form him even for a minute?"

"I really don't know what happened, sir,...I....see..."

"Di I tell you, or didn't I?"

"You did, Sir"

"Well, didi you follow the man?"

"I did, I did, I don't know what happened, but when we got on the highway I lost him suddenly. I don't know how that happened, boss"

"But you know how to run form me"

"These people are searching you for days on"

"When they killed him, I panicked, I made a mistake. Don't you do one, Boss!"

"Did you do what I told you to?"

"I did, please, don't kill me, Boss!"

"You found the runaway"

"Condolensces, Uncle"

"We will settle it, his report hasn't come out yet"

"What did you do, did you take the girls?"

"I did. Elif was very scared. Crying, but she went"

"But we will see. The other one is on the contrary. Our people can't make her shut up."

"Eh, Nilufer is just a college girl, and more spoiled"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"

"I am a police officer" "If you go to the po;ice, I will understand. I will chop your sister in such a way that you won't ever be able to pick her parts"

"Did something happen?"

"Leave me alone"

"Are you running from someone?"

"What kind of person are you? What is that to you?"

"Wait, I will show you something"

"This is what you were looking for in the car, right?"

"I found the same in Sibel's house as well."


"Who is that guy next to you?"


" Are you f***ing up with me? Didn't I tell you you will be watched?"

"No, you didn't understand"

"Did we tell you not to tell anyone?"

"He is nobody"

"Is he a policeman?"

"Look, don't like, we will cut your sister's throat! Im asking you!"

"Who is the guy next to you?"

"This is my boyfriend"

"You're lying!"

"I m not lying, he is my boyfriend"

"Don't lie, if I understand that you are lying, I will kill your sister! Ok?"

"How are you?" "What is going on?"

"What are you doing?"

"Please, don't ruin it. Please."

E: Spor la treaba!Ce faci aici?
O:Mi-am terminat munca aici.Plec.
E:Nu puteti pleca asa?Imi veti explica.Astept!.In caz contrar voi chema politia.
O:Cred ca acest lucru nu este necesar.
E:Necesară sau nu , vom vedea .Ei iti vor explica ce greseala ati facut.
O:Sunt ofiter de politie.
E:Si eu nu sunt naiva.
O:Uite..insigna mea.Uite!..lucrez in Van, nu aici, bine?
E:Ar fi trebuit să știu , nu? Ce ați căutat când am venit , ati găsit ceva ?
O:Am venit să văd dacă ei au pierdut ceva , ok ?
E:Chiar dacă ați găsit ceva ,ar trebui să nu -mi spui ..
E:Bine,daca ai nevoie de stiu, nu ne cunoastem...dar lucrurile care vi s-au întâmplat dumneavoastră și familiei mele nu au fost lucruri normale . Dintr-o data suntem  doua parti diferite dar impartasim aceiasi durere.Sunt sigura ca ne-am pus aceleasi intrebari...Tatal meu si logodnica dumneavoastra de unde se cunosteau?De ce au fost ucisi?Poate daca vom cauta impreuna vom gasi raspunsurile.Ai dreptate  întâlnirea noastră în secția de poliție nu a mers bine . Las-o baltă!..Să începem din nou . Condoleantele mele!..Dacă m-ai înțeles ,incerc sa aflu împreună cu tine!
Am inteles!
O:O zi buna!Am o multime de treaba.
E:Am dreptul să știu ce ai găsit !
O:Poate nu m-ai înțeles ! Sunt un ofițer de poliție , și nu am nicio obligație să-ți spun ceva !
E:Dar tu nu lucrezi aici ! Acum voi suna la poliție și spune-le ai luat o dovadă !
O:Bine!Saluta-i din partea mea.
E:Nu poți pleca fără să -mi spui ce-ai găsit !
O:Ce s-a intamplat, ai uitat  de condoleantele tale?
E:Tu imi vei spune ce ai găsit !
O:Poti sa-mi dai drumul la mana.Sa ai o zi buna!
e:Tu esti...Cand o sa te mai nu-mi mai iesi in cale niciodata...m-ai auzit ?
O:Te-am auzit.

Bine ai venit , fiul meu.
Stai jos . Stai , stai .
Erdal , nu  ti-am zis sa-l urmaresti pe Ahmet Denizler și sa nu te desparti de le sub nicio forma chiar și pentru un minut ?
Eu chiar nu știu ce sa întâmplat , domnule , ... eu ... vezi .
Ti-am spus sau nu?
Mi-ai spus , domnule.
Bine, l-ai urmarit pe barbat?
Am făcut-o, am făcut-o, eu nu știu ce sa întâmplat , dar când am ajuns pe autostrada l-am pierdut dintr-o dată . Nu știu cum s-a întâmplat , șefu '
Dar stii sa fugi de mine?!
Acesti oameni va cauta de cateva zile.
Când l-au omorât , m-am panicat , am făcut o greșeală . Nu  am sa mai fac una , sefu' !
Ai făcut ce ți-am spus ?
Am făcut-o, te rog , nu mă ucide , Boss !
Ai gasit cum sa fugi!
Condoleantele mele,unchiule!
Vom rezolva aceasta , raportul său nu a ieșit încă ?Ce-ai făcut , ai luat fetele ?
Am făcut-o . Elif a fost foarte speriata . A plans , dar ea a plecat.
Dar vom vedea . Celălalt este impotrivă . Poporul nostru nu poate sa taca.
Eh , Nilufer este doar o fată de la colegiu, și mai rasfatata.

Îmi pare rău , n-am vrut să te sperii !
Eu sunt un ofiter de politie.Daca te duci la politie voi intelege.Iti voi taia sora intr-un asemenea mod incat nu vei fii capabila sa aduni fiecare bucatica.

S-a intamplat ceva?
Lasa-ma in pace!
Fugi de cineva?
Ce fel de persoana esti ? Ce este asta?
Stai!Am sa-ti arat ceva.
Aceasta este ceea ce cautai in masina , corect ? Am gasit la fel în casa lui Sibel , de asemenea.

Bună ziua !Cine este tipul de langa tine?Cine?Te pui cu minee?Nu ti-am zis ca te voi urmarii?
Nu, nu am înțeles.
Ti-am spus să nu spui nimănui ?
El este nimeni .
E un polițist ?Uite , nu -mi place , vom tăia gâtul surorii tale ! Te-am intrebat ..Cine e tipul de lângă tine ?
Acesta este iubitul meu.
Minți !
Eu m nu mint , el este iubitul meu.
Nu minți , dacă am aflat că ma minti , voi ucide pe sora ta ! Ok ?

Ce faci?Ce se intampla?

Te rog , nu -l strica . Te rog .

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Admin_dea05 in Lun 24 Mar 2014, 7:22 am, editata de 1 ori

Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Sam 15 Mar 2014, 10:07 am

Omer: Are you feeling better, mother? If you’re better, the police officer will ask you some questions. He’ll want to you who may have done it. Okay?

Sibel’s mother nodding.

Omer’s brother: Fatma abla, first, please accept my condolences. I’ll ask you a few questions. Omer left her at 10 pm. What time did she go out?

Sibel’s mother: She didn’t go out. About 11 the child said she was going to bed and went to her room. Then we went to bed too. We didn’t hear the door open.

Omer: Are you sure mother? Try to remember, even the smallest detail can be of use.

Sibel’s mother: There’s nothing else, son.

Omer (to Sibel’s younger sister): Do you know anything?

Sibel’s mother: She had a test the following day, so I made her go to bed early. Was it 10.30 pm Hatice?

Sibel’s sister nodding.

Omer: Mother, there was another person in the car, with Sibel. He was killed too. Ahmet Denizer. Did Sibel know this man? Do you know him?

Sibel’s mother: I don’t know him, I’ve never seen him before.

Another police officer appears at the door: She’s here.

Omer’s brother nods: Abi, I’m going to the room next door.

Omer shows Sibel’s mother the picture again.

Sibel’s mother: What was that man doing in the car?

Omer: We don’t know mother. We don’t even know if they knew each other.

Elif in the next room, with Omer’s brother and another policeman.

Elif: He left at midnight. He said he was going to the office. He did it often, so I didn’t ask him anything.

Omer’s brother: Did anyone threaten him?

Elif: No! I mean, I don’t think so. My father was poor once, so he was always trying to help others. ‘Fathers work’ he said. We all loved him so much. Excuse me. I mean… he was devoted to his work and his family. I don’t see who and why would be his enemy.

Omer’s brother: Do you know the woman who was with him in the car? Sibel Annac?

Elif: No.

Omer’s brother: Any thoughts about her identity? Are you aware of your father having any relationships?

Elif: I am not.

Omer’s brother: Think about it. Had he ever mentioned miss Sibel? Did your mother ever say she suspected something? Did he have an affair? Had your father had an affair?

Elif: So, you are sure that my father and this girl were lovers, aren’t you? Look officer, we are talking about a murder; you shouldn’t be trying to find out why they were together but why they were killed.

Omer’s brother: Look miss, if they knew each other, this may be the reason they were killed. Please, think. How could your father and Sibel Annac possibly be related? Is it possible they were lovers?

Elif: I don’t know sir. And I don’t care. My father was strongly attached to his family. If they had an affair, it must have started because of miss Sibel. It must have been because of my father’s money. Did you get that? Are you satisfied with my answer? Are you happy now?

Omer’s brother: Miss, whether I’m happy or not is not important. I’m trying to take your statement.

Omer hears them and turns to Sibel’s mother: Go mother, my colleagues will see you home.

Omer’s brother: Please, miss... Look, I’m asking you for the last time… Omer?!

Omer: Do you listen to what you’re saying? Aren’t you ashamed? You cannot talk like that about my fiancée.

Elif: Calm down, sir. I’m giving a statement…

Omer: You cannot slander people like that.

Elif: Slander? What slander?

Omer: You have no right to say such things about people. Sibel was not like that. I will not let you talk like that.

Elif: And I won’t let people speak ill of my family. What will happen now?

Omer: What do you think will happen? (To his brother): Stop it!!

Elif: Rude man.

Omer: Rude man, eh?

Elif: For heaven’s sake, take this guy out of here, I’ll make a complaint.

Omer: I don’t care if you do, take your words back.

Elif: I’m not asking you what statement I should give.

Omer: You think that because you’re rich, you can slander people.

Elif: Ha, is that how you see it?

Omer to his brother: Wait, I told you. - To Elif: You cannot slander people.

Elif: Take this man out of here, I’m finished talking.

Omer comes in again: Let me tell you something. I’ll prove to you and your family that my fiancée was not your father’s mistress. Did you get that?

Omer walks out.

Elif to his brother: Is he crazy? It’s not like my father killed his fiancée. Actually, I should complain about you. First, you annoyed me and made me talk rubbish. When the girl’s fiancé came you attacked me.

Omer’s brother: Miss…

Elif: Like our grief wasn’t enough, you had to make us stand face to face… I should have come with my lawyer. If you’re done questioning me, I want to go.


Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Mar 18 Mar 2014, 12:07 am

victorelalove a scris:

Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Lun 24 Mar 2014, 7:22 am

michiper68 a scris:

reportaj azi la emisiunea dizi magazin

Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Lun 24 Mar 2014, 7:24 am

michiper68 a scris:ep 2 cu traducere in engleza

Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Mar 25 Mar 2014, 11:27 am

michiper68 a scris:sumar ep 3

Elif’s fear comes true when she sees Omer on the flight to Rome. Now, she has to pass the customs with a bag full of money and evade Omer when she arrives in Rome. Seeing Elif’s behaviors, Omer understands that Elif is in serious trouble. Despite Elif’s resistance, he tries to help her and find the diamonds. While they are tracking the diamonds down in the streets of Rome, Elif is shaken by the realities she faces. At last, Elif learns that her father was in a big money laundering business and he used her while doing this.

Zerrin can’t reach Nilufer. She has a chat with Tayyar and tells him about her concerns and worries without knowing Tayyar is the wrong address. Tayyar skillfully calms her down. Zerrin invites Tayyar whom she regards him as friend to dinner. Tayyar will go to dinner with his lover Pinar. But the dinner will not be easy for Pinar and Zerrin’s son-in-law Taner. Nilufer under very difficult conditions waits for her sister to save her. Omer gets suspicious from Elif’s nervous behaviors and with Elif and Arda’s help he finds out that Elif’s sister was kidnapped. He tries to help Elif but she doesn’t accept his help and doesn’t tell him that her sister was kidnapped. Elif has involuntarily done what Tayyar wanted and therefore thinks that she will get his sister back. But, Tayyar and Metin have new surprises for her.


Lui Elif ii este cu adevarat frică când îl vede pe Omer în zborul spre Roma. Acum , ea trebuie să treacă vama cu un sac plin de bani şi îl evită pe Omer , atunci când ajunge la Roma . Văzând comportamentul lui Elif , Omer înțelege că Elif are probleme serioase . În ciuda împotrivirii lui Elif , el încearcă să o ajute să găsească diamantele . În timp ce ei bat la picior străzile din Roma , Elif este zguduită de realitățile cu care se confruntă . În cele din urmă , Elif află că tatăl ei a fost implicat într- o mare afacere de spălare de bani și că el s-a folosit în acest timp de ea . Zerrin nu poate da de Nilufer . Ea are o discuție cu Tayyar și îi spune despre preocupările și grijile ei, fără să știe că Tayyar nu este tocmai persoana potrivită. Tayyar o calmează . Zerrin îl invită pe Tayyar , pe care ea îl privește ca pe un prieten la cină . Tayyar va merge la cină cu iubita lui Pinar . Dar cina nu va fi ușoară pentru Pinar din cauza ginerelui lui Zerrin , Taner . Nilufer aflată în dificultate așteaptă sora ei să o salveze . Omer devine suspicios din cauza comportamentului nervosa lui Elif și cu ajutorul lui Arda el descoperă că sora lui Elif a fost răpită . El încearcă să o ajute pe Elif , dar ea nu acceptă ajutorul lui și nu-i spune că sora ei a fost răpită . Elif a făcut involuntar, ceea ce a vrut Tayyar și crede că o va primi pe sora ei înapoi . Dar , Tayyar și Metin vor avea noi surprize pentru ea .


Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Empty Re: Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Sam 29 Mar 2014, 11:33 am

Episod 3

Elif: What are you doing on this plane?

Omer: Me? What does a person do on an airplane? I am going on a tourist trip...

Elif: What are you after? Why don't you just leave me alone?

Omer: The plane is about to take off. Sit in your seat. What you are doing is dangerous.

Flight attendant: Miss, please sit in your seat and put on your belt.

Omer: happy trip

Zerrin: I called Nilufer this morning....

Tayyar: How is she?

Zerrin: I was not able to talk to her....They said she was not in the hotel....I thought was she not at the hotel at that particular moment or was she not even there in the first place. I did not understand...Did you even call the hotel?

Tayyar gets his phone and makes a call.....

The kidnapper saw Nilufer sleeping and some skin was showing, he tried to touch it but it wakes Nilufer and she started freaking out....

Nilufer: What are you doing?

The kidnapper: Wake up and eat this. You will die of hunger.

He leaves and she cries....

Tayyar: Nilufer did not go anywhere....they are taking very good care of her in her suite....Besides, she told them last night she will be staying with a friend of hers....They are mature now....We are going to have to trust them.....We have to leave them alone a bit, don't you think?

Zerrin: How is Mert? I did not see him

Tayyar: He is fact, how are you? Tell me.....I admire your strength....if it was another woman in your place....she would have broken down a long time ago....

Zerrin: I will not get used to Ahmet's absence even if a lifetime passes....imagine, I couldn't live without him for long is as if my arms and legs have been cut off....and all my responsibilities exhaust me more than my pain Tayyar....this is related to that girl.....was her name sibel? Who is that girl? Why was she next to Ahmet when he died? What was the relationship between them?

Tayyar: You are a gem of a woman, cheating on you would be considered a big sin....stop thinking about this now....

Zerrin: I was thinking if Sibel is Ahmet's daughter from his previous relationships (she means small affairs he might have had in the past , I guess) Was Ahmet the father of that girl?

Elif: Do not say that your presence on this plane is a coincidence, I will not believe you.

Omer: But you are disturbing the people around us....

Omer: Forgive us

The man: Astaghfirullah

Elif: Please forgive and him need to talk about you want to sit in the first class seat? I mean the seat behind this curtain there.....there are a service there that serves drinks...

The man: here too! Above that, I am an old man

Omer starts laughing....

Elif: There are also fruit juices there....

Omer is still laughing ( The BEST LAUGH EVER!!!!)

Elif: I mean, you will eat there and drink whatever you like.....even time will pass by so will not even feel like it was 2 hours and a half.....besides, seats there are more comfortable and have more can stretch your legs....the armrest is also more comfortable there....

Omer: It is a good offer.....

The man: fine....

He gets up and Elif sits in his place....

Elif: Thank you...have a fun trip

Elif: Tell me....

Omer: if you enter the advertising business you will make a good career for have my opinion, you should think about this....

Elif: I'm listening, why are you going to Rome?

Omer: For the same reason you are going there....the diamonds...and this expression of me the answer that I the way, it is good that you were convinced about the idea to go to do not attract a lot of attention....but you do listen from time to my opinion, that is a good thing....

Elif: It seems that the police station you work at does not give much importance to complaints being made....I am sick of seeing you....

Omer: Let us not open the topic of Ali at all....because I will become sad....and then I will not feel like helping you at all.....

Elif: Do not then! Don't!

Omer: Are you sure?

Elif: Exactly!

Omer: Then I will give you advice.....for example, do you have any idea on how to find the diamonds?

She does not answer.

Omer: That is what I thought too! You do not even have any idea on how to find the diamonds and if you had, you would have found them in Istanbul somehow...but look at me....I found two fake diamonds and you? Zero! Look, it is time for you to accept my cannot find the diamonds by yourself.....those men are cannot solve this problem without me, agreed?

Elif: I do not need your is enough that you stay away from me....when we arrive to Rome, take the first flight back.....agreed?

(here comes the funniest part in the episode. I seriously could not stop laughing. Elif tries to go back to her seat and wake up the old man but he is in deep sleep so she gives up and goes back where Omer is seated.....she does not want to sit next to him....she tries to look for another seat but the only seat available is the one next to Omer. Elif...Elif...Elif....this girl cracks me up! I just adore her! Omer is very endearing. )

Omer: come, the seat here is empty

Elif: Do not even say a word...

Omer: fact, I am a good traveling companion....we would have become friends in a very beautiful way....

Elif: I do not think so at all!!!!

She puts on the headphones and is annoyed when Omer tries to put them on. Did anyone notice that he did not even put them on properly? Hahaha!

Omer's brother: thank you my child...

Omer's brother talking to his mom: what kind of behavior is this? Does someone just leave like that without saying a word? What is this lack of responsibility.....

Omer's mother: Maybe he was going to tell us son....but I was praying...he came to me and his bag was on his back.....

The wife of Omer's brother: son, come eat....come on

Omer's mother: He did not wait for me to say goodbye to him and left....

His brother tries to call him but no one answers....

The wife of Omer's brother: I do not like Omer's state at all

Omer's brother: see, his phone is off...

Omer's mother: maybe there is no service my son

The wife of Omer's brother: My son, come on!!!

He comes and sits at the table and starts eating....

Omer's brother: My son, did your uncle say anything to you? You share the same room, did he tell you that I will go to this place or do this thing?

His son: he did

Omer's brother: why didn't you say something?

His son: you did not ask me father...besides, you tell me not to talk if you don't ask me....

Omer's brother: Okay, stop that...what did he say?

His son: He said he will go to Rome because of work

Omer's brother: What?

His son: He said he will go to Rome because of work

Omer's brother: Rome?

Omer's mother: Where is Rome?

Omer's brother: Let him come back and then I will show him where is Rome.....

He gets up and leaves....

On the plane, Elif is remembering her sister.....

Nilufer: I am very exhausted...

They laugh and start singing (It is stuck in my head....ufff ya....uffff)

Zerrin: Shhhhh!....Elif, Nilufer, what are you doing? You will wake up your father....

Elif: Come on, mom, come on

Zerrin: No

They all sing and dance.....

Elif held her sister's necklace and looked like she was going to cry as she remembered the good times she had with Nilufer.....When Omer noticed this, she acted like there was nothing going on......

I love what Omer did here.....he saw how Elif was and tried to ease the moment just to get her mind off of what was bothering her....if that is not sweet, I do not know what is then.....

So, he starts to sing this song, Elif gets annoyed by it and starts increasing the music she won't hear him....

Tayyar's girlfriend: Are you going Zerrin?

Zerrin: Yes but I told Tayyar....that I will be waiting for you to eat dinner together....

Tayyar: I want a piece of cake too, its taste is still in my throat

Zerrin: I will go to the kitchen do not worry

Pinar: please excuse me headache is getting a little worse

Tayyar: It will go away by tonight

Zerrin: I hope you get better...hopefully it will go away... we will meet tonight....

Tayyar and Zerrin leave the house and he walks her to the car.

Tayyar: My dear of my drivers will accompany you and he is under your orders from now on....

Zerrin: there is no said that your driver quit....without giving a reason (the one he killed!!!) Really, I can't accept it......

Tayyar: I think the last time you drove a car was when you were in university so you are a beginner. I cannot leave you in the streets of Istanbul....please don't mind....

Zerrin: I cannot take on his responsibility.

Tayyar: he is an employee in our one wants anything from you...come on...accept for me...

Zerrin: Thank you tayyar....

Tayyar: From now on Zerrin is entrusted to you.....whatever she says becomes an order, okay?
Zerrin: Thank you for everything Tayyar...we will meet tonight....

Tayyar: goodbye, take care....

Zerrin gets in the car and then he talks with the driver...

Tayyar: listen to me, you will tell me wherever she goes, okay?

Driver: okay sir....

Tayyar: come on, go

Flight attendant: excuse me...there is a friend of yours in the back from university....she told me to tell you

She leaves and a woman tells Elif to meet her in the back.

The woman: Miss Elif, why did you change your seat?

Elif: It is not comfortable...who are you?

The woman: there is a big white suitcase above your seat...your name is written on not forget to take it while you leave the plane....this is what Metin wanted....have a successful trip

Elif sits and nervously puts on the belt. Omer sees this.

Omer: are you okay?

Elif: My stomach is hurting me but I am fine...

Omer: strange, from nothing???

Omer: I don't think you are scared of flying????

Elif to the flight attendant: excuse me....can I please have a glass of water quickly?

Flight attendant: of course!

Tayyar calls Metin: Metin

Metin: yes uncle

Tayyar: when Sibel was killed, no one will be able to solve her relation to us, right?

Metin: No uncle...everything is at ease

Tayyar: good, good, we will see. Did Elif come?

Metin: we are going to meet her

Tayyar: okay, good luck

Elif: I think there is a flight to Istanbul after an hour, in my opinion, do not miss it...

Omer: Why not if we are going back together.....

Metin calls Elif.

Metin: enter from the lane number 3

Elif: What if they stop me? What if they asked me to open the bags? What if they arrest me?

Metin: Do not talk nonsense, be calm and control yourself....

Elif: why didn't you tell me that this is very serious?

Metin: open yours eyes well...and do not let them arrest you....I trust you....

Elif: I have to hang up

Officer: Miss

Elif: Sir, is there a problem?

Officer: you forgot your passport, miss

Elif: thank you

Bahar: finally!

She gets in the car with Zerrin

Officer yelling: stop, stop

Elif thinks it is her but it is another guy they are after.....

Driver: Miss elif, enter the car, I will take care of your bags

Metin: Welcome! Come down, we will talk....let us go on the way....

Omer takes a Taxi....

Driver: where do I turn Mrs. Zerrin?

Zerrin: we were lost in our conversation, sorry......Bahar, will you tell him the address please?

Bahar: sorry, what address?

Zerrin: we are going to Sibel's house

Bahar: I thought you were not sure about this when we talked on the phone

zerrin: no, we are going, let us see what kind of people they are....and we will offer our condolences

Bahar: your pain is still fresh....

Zerrin give her this look (wow, who knew, she made an expression or are my eyes deceiving me?)

Bahar: Mr. Selim, Narkis (?) street, number 3.

Elif: what are we doing now?

Metin: Did you enjoy your trip? I arrived yesterday at midnight, the weather was very cold but today the weather is very warm, this is your luck

Elif: where are we going?

Metin: Where do you want to go? … say work first....okay

He takes papers out

Metin: take this and sign here

Elif: what is this?

Metin: the papers that prove you got the money from us and that you will pay tomorrow....after all, what we do is legal....

She signs and he puts the papers where they were. (I have a very bad feeling about this. )

Metin: we will meet tomorrow....the money will stay with us in the meantime...

Elif: why did you let me take the money if you were coming here?

Metin: who is going to suspect a beautiful girl like you?? if it was me, they would have searched even my pockets.....I said to myself that a spoiled rich girl will not be able to do this but well done! You did an amazing job. You are a good smuggler....I was thinking that the money stays with you but....I cannot trust you....we made a mistake when we trusted your father anyway....we will not make the same mistake all over again, right?

Elif: okay, is my work done? Is that all?

Metin: wait....actually, the excitement will begin now....we will bring the money tomorrow....what was your company's name? Whatever its name will put the money in its account....and you will transfer it to us from there.....and then after that I can tell you that your work with us will be over, unfortunately.....

Elif: When I arrive to Istanbul, Nilufer will be waiting for me at the airport....

Metin: okay, me your skills first and leave the rest to me....and I will show you my skills

Pinar calls Taner but Asli picks up

Asli: hello?

Pinar: is that Taner's phone?

Asli: yes, I am his wife....he is still not there an order for him?

Pinar: sorry, I did not understand

Asli: the number is saved as pinar's fruit basket. Did he make an order?

Pinar: yes, yes, but I think that was a mistake.....

Pinar hangs up.....

Taner: good morning, honey

Asli: good morning

Taner: why did you not wake me up? Weren't we having a very important meeting today?

Asli: my mood is bad today....besides, my mom cancelled the meeting and erased my personality. What will me going do?

Taner: let's go out if you want for breakfast in any place that will fix your mood

Asli: and then we will go to the cinema? Let us do something different....

Taner: did you see my phone, sweetheart? I searched in the bedroom but I did not find it there.

Asli: it is with me, it rang and I answered it

Taner: who called?

Asli: it is a call from a fruit company called pinar, something like that

Taner: what do they want?

Asli: the assistant is very stupid, she couldn't even say two words...

Taner: I will change my clothes....

Metin: Tomorrow morning at 8:30, you will be taken to the bank....please, don't be late....

Elif: you promised me, you will give me my sister tomorrow...

Metin: just like you said, in the what I told you to do and I will give you your sister back with good conscience....

He winks and leaves.

Elif enters her house and cries on her bed. (this scene broke my heart)

Arda and Pelin are talking about a murder case when Omer's brother takes them aside.

Arda: what happened brother?

Omer's brother: which one of you knows that Omer went to Rome?

Arda: did omer go to Rome?

Omer's brother: that means you are the one who knows....

Pelin: You know that he was going to go there with Sibel after his engagement.....he said to not let the tickets go to waste....

Omer's brother: So he goes without telling us?

Pelin: he decided to go there suddenly....he sent me a message before he went on the plane....sir, omer is going through a very difficult would be good if we did not trouble him even though he spends most of the time alone.....

Omer's brother: if he calls any of you, tell him to call my mom and let her hear his voice....

Arda and Pelin: we will...

Arda: this means that omer went to Rome for a vacation, right? He went after that girl, right? The girl is in Rome and of course the diamonds....

Pelin: It is good that omer went because he is right.....that girl called Elif is lying....and keep this in mind, if you were going to say hurtful things to your friend from now on then say it to him in a sweet way....especially if he was a man with a broken heart....excuse me now, I will call Omer

Omer: yes Pelin?

Pelin: omer, all of the girl's addresses are in your email....

Omer: thank you, is there anything new related to Ahmet Denizer?

Pelin: yes, I found. There is a hotel that he goes to constantly.....he rented a suite is close to the girl's is written in the email as well.....

Pelin: thank you, you are amazing....keep me updated, agreed? Okay, we will talk later....

Arda: okay, you got angry at me but why don't you get angry at Omer? He almost broke my nose...

Pelin: if I was in his place, I would have broke your head Arda....he did the least....what did you say about his fiancé that just died?

Arda: you are right....I was foolish....what happened? Tell me...maybe there is something that I can do

Pelin: you regret it?

Arda: yes, I do

Pelin: good Arda, you have started to become a man even if it was happening very slowly....

Arda: now I have become your joke, come on Pelin let's go

Elif: I can't believe you dad, when were you able to do this? The place here is very beautiful.

Ahmet: It was time for you to get out from that student home miss are the owner of a universal company now....

Elif: this is all because of you, dad, thank you so much

Ahmet: my beautiful daughter, you deserve the best of everything...everything that I did until now was for you.....but I wish I was a better father to you....a father that is suitable for a good daughter like you....

Elif: do you know how lucky we are that you are our father? Thank you so much dad, thank you so much

Elif: this place is where the TV will be, it is obvious.....we have to separate the kitchen from the living my opinion, lets put the couch here.....

Elif is crying. (Elif canim, please don't cry!!!)

Elif: what are you doing here? What do you want from me?

Omer: okay, do you have an idea on how to find the diamonds?

Elif: I don't know, I did not think about it

Omer: Okay, did your father have an office here or a house?

Elif: What office and house are you talking about? My dad used to come here in the morning and leave in the night....

Omer: your dad goes to the hotel whenever he comes here....

Elif: Don't talk nonsense.

Omer: he has a special room....he rented it for years and no one knows about it...

Elif: how did you know this?

Omer: you are probably forgetting that I am a police man. Okay, you rest a little... you will go by there later and maybe you will find something, agreed?

Omer leaves and she runs after him.

Elif: what hotel?

Omer: what does this mean? You do not know this for real?

Elif: I told you my dad stayed with me every time he came....

Omer: this means that this did not happen all the time....

Elif: okay, you are a very good policeman, you are amazing, I accept that.... will you just tell me?

Omer: I will but....if we go together...

Elif: I accept....say...what hotel?

He shows her the hotel.....

Elif: let me see

Omer: did you remember? I mean, did your father talk to you about it before?

Elif: this hotel is very close from here...

Zerrin: it was a very long is as if we have arrived in another city....

Bahar: this place is still part of the city

Zerrin: where is the house?

Driver: the one that has the number 3

Zerrin: Bahar, will you come with me if I asked you?

Bahar: of course but what are you expecting to hear inside? I mean, their grief is still very recent....I don't know....maybe they will say something bad.....

Zerrin: we will offer our condolences our society, you can't treat someone badly who comes as a guest to offer their not worry

Zerrin: is this the deceased Sibel's house?

Sibel's sister: yes, welcome, I am her sister

Bahar: Welcome miss...Zerrin is the wife of the deceased Ahmet denizer's...and I work in the public relations section in their company.....we came here to offer our condolences....if you let us....

Sibel's sister: of course, come in, welcome

Zerrin: thank you

Sibel's sister: please sit, there is tea but if you want, I can make coffee

Zerrin: let us not trouble you...if there is tea ready, then we will drink tea

Sibel's sister: okay

Bahar: is your mother and father here?

Sibel's sister: my dad is sick, he is sleeping in the room inside and my mom went to clean up for half of the day and she will be back now......

Zerrin: are you two sisters? I mean, were you just two sisters?

Sibel's sister nods....

Zerrin: do you study?

Sibel's sister: I am in medical school, in the second class

Zerrin: how beautiful....I wanted one of my daughters to be a doctor but that did not happen

Bahar: if the tea is ready, we will drink it

Sibel's sister: of course

Bahar: if we drink the tea fast and leave....

Zerrin: I will not leave before I see her, I will wait....

Omer: for how many years are you living here?

Elif: since I studied in the university, I studied design. I opened a boutique with the help of my dad and I am in my work since then and I wish the best for my competitors.

Omer: it is obvious that you staying out of Turkey is not good because of your understanding of joking...

Omer: I will ask you something, but you will not answer in a bad way through your joking, okay? Since your father used to come here consistently, then he was doing some work....I just cannot understand how does a person who works in construction work here....because there is not a building that can be destroyed and built again...why was your father renting a suite in the hotel in Rome? I mean, what are the jobs that he was managing here?

Elif: he was helping me....My dad's company used to manage my company as well...and my dad used to bring to me the papers that I needed to sign himself so he can see me....He used to go out suddenly some times to eat dinner

Omer: I did not know you were surprised when I told you about the hotel. This means that there are a lot of things that you do not know about your father...

Elif: you are such a crazy man....

Suddenly, omer pulls her, spins her, and pushes her against a wall (or a door?)

Elif: What are you doing?

Omer: shhhhh

Omer: look, this man does not even know are crazy, not me...okay? Do not explain to me why you are afraid. I will not push you....but know one can come after you or harm you while I am beside you. Okay? (I'm melting. Sigh)

He leaves, she is still stuck on the door. Poor girl, Omer being too close was too much for her. Seriously though, the girl is falling for him....and quick!!! But he cares about her.....I think unknowingly.....meaning he is not even aware of it....I mean look at how he looked at her..Damn!

Omer: are we going?

Zerrin: is your mother and father always in istanbul? From when do you live here?

Sibel's sister: they came here long years ago and me and my sister were born here.

Sibel's mother comes in....

Sibel's mom: welcome

Sibel's sister: mom...Zerrin is Ahmet denizer's wife

Sibel's mom: welcome again

Zerrin: thank you

Sibel's sister: she and miss Bahar came to offer their condolences

Sibel's mom: you are a very good woman, Mrs Zerrin, May Allah turn what you touch into gold, May Allah turn your husband's place into a paradise.

Zerrin: Amen! And your daughter ?

Sibel's mother: they got the story all wrong...they are lying about my dear sibel.....let them come and see you now....May Allah be pleased with little girl, she went under the ground by turning her white dress into her coffin....there was no relationship between her and your husband.....she was devoted to omer only...actually, my beautiful angel did not do anything except think about her family.

Zerrin: May Allah give you patience....

Zerrin: there is really nothing worse than a parent losing their child. Hopefully, you will not suffer another pain....

Sibel's mother: Ameen

Zerrin: do you say fate or a bad coincidence? We knew about each other one random night...I loved your daughter a is obvious that she is a good student.....and you are a sacrificing mother....

Zerrin then offers to help Sibel's sister finish her education with the help of her friend.....

Sibel's sister: really, thank you so much

Zerrin: it is time to go....

Sibel's mother: thank you, thank you for coming

Bahar: let me help you

Zerrin: I saw you in that girl for a moment Bahar and your family was poor but thank god you did not embarrass Ahmet (seriously???? What a harsh thing to say? Stupid plastic woman!)

Zerrin: you gave us back far more than what we did for studied and saved yourself and sibel's sister will also hold on to this luck.

Bahar: my family were not this poor in any time at all....

Zerrin: Bahar, I will ask you a your opinion, do you think sibel can be ahmet's daughter from another woman? Meaning with sibel's, what am I saying....there is nothing like that...there isn' is impossible.....

Bahar: these things are not very clear at all....sometimes we don't even know who was with who on the same bed....

Zerrin: you are wrong...they are shy people....if there was something like that then she would not have been able to look me in the eye. It is obvious that they are strong and shy people.....our pain is is not the time to talk about this.....

Bahar got her revenge (love her evil smile, this girl can act!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Empty Re: Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Sam 29 Mar 2014, 11:34 am

a million for the song which Omer was listening to on the plane, I find it very very beautiful....and here are the lyrics in English for everybody to enjoy...


When heartache turnes into storm
It becomes a flood and sweeps me away secretly.
When lovers meet in solitude
Words wound my heart, oh dear...

Words, secretly, words, secretly
Words wound my heart, oh dear...
Words, secretly, words, secretly.

You can't go unless a friendly hand waves for you to come.
You can't take a rose from a garden without its consent.
There a path between two hearts that is unseen.
It leads from one heart to another, oh dear, oh dear...

The path, secretly, the path, secretly
It wounds my heart oh dear oh dear
The path, secretly, the path secretly.

When the nightingale sings at the dawn with sorrow
When your eyelashes hurt me like an arrow
When everyone is asleep in their beds
Letting no one see, oh dear

Come to me secretly
Letting no peasants see, oh dear
Come to me secretly
Before roosters crow, oh dear
Come to me secretly.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

Sus In jos

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Empty Re: Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Sam 29 Mar 2014, 11:36 am

Elif: the hotel is here
Omer: hopefully we will find something
Elif: we don't know if he had a room here or not
Omer: we will see

Elif: good day
Receptionist: how can I help you miss?
Elif: I'm Elif denizer
Omer: I think you should just tell her right away why we are here
Elif: why do you cut me off continuously?
Elif: fine, you talk
Omer: fine Elif denizer, come on, explain
Elif: no no, you explain
Receptionist: I understand you both
Elif: do you know turkish?
Receptionist: my mom is turkish
Omer: then I will talk...her father had a room here.....Ahmet denizer, do you know him?
Receptionist: Ahmet.....I know him.....he was here last month
Elif: really?
Receptionist: of course....we have a yearly contract with him. Suite number 804 is his. We do not give it to anyone else even if the hotel gets full. How can I help you both? Do you want a room?
Elif: we.....want to enter my dad's room. We lost him. I have to take the rest of his stuff.
Receptionist: I'm so sorry.......I'm really sad to hear that....Ahmet was a very kind person
Omer: Elif wants to take the rest of her father's stuff. Can we take the key?
Receptionist: I'm sorry that's not possible.....we have a principle here that we don't give the key to anyone else
Elif: miss.....I lost my father.....he is no longer present with us.....what kind of principle is that?
Omer: do the manager....maybe there is something that he can do
Receptionist: the manager will not come today. You can leave your phone number so I can call you.
Omer: give her your phone number
Elif: can I get a paper and a pen, please?

Elif: I can't curse now. Because you know turkish. You understand, right?
Receptionist: I understand
Elif: we are waiting for a call
Omer: let's sit here for a little bit.
Elif: I have not seen nonsense like this in my life.....I can't enter my father's room. This is done to me on purpose, how can we make Elif lose her mind?
Omer: get up

Elif: where are we going?

Omer: do not talk too much....

They enter the elevator (one of my favorite scenes, Omer had me laughing and it was funny how Elif reacted. :moque: )

Elif: what is this? What are you doing? Are you trying to charm the girl?

Omer: shut talk so much

They get out from the elevator....

(I really loved them in this scene)

Omer: your dad's room is in this floor....

Elif: you are planning to enter the room?

Omer: why did we come here then? Maybe the diamonds are here...come from here

Elif: do you really think that the diamonds are here?

Omer: yes, why does a person rent a room with one girl? Either he is hiding something or he has a lover....

Elif: my dad did not have a lover or anything like that

Omer: that's even better.....this means that he was hiding something

Elif: how are you getting into the room? By climbing?

Omer: with this....

He shows a card which is a key

Elif: how did you get it? You stole it from her in the elevator?

Omer: this card opens all the rooms

Elif: you are a thief (who found this part funny, a cop yet a thief. Double personality :lol: )

Omer: thief? In the academy they taught us that we can get close to someone if we can use it to solve a case....

Elif: so you know philosophy as well? (oh elif, you crack me up, girl.)

Omer: yes and with so much respect to the place that I am in (Rome)

Here comes my favorite line of the whole scene.

Elif: you say you hear classical songs and you love Rome. What kind of east, west blend is this?

Omer: exactly, here (he gives her the card)

Elif: you open the door

he opens the door and they go in

Omer: it is obvious that your father does not let anyone touch anything in the room a lot

Elif: maybe the diamonds are here

Omer: let's see then

Elif: everything here is related to me

She picks up a paper and it reads (do not forget to buy flowers for elif)

Omer: what is that?

Elif: my dad's and my secret place....we would meet in this restaurant two hours after he calls me and tells me that he has come

she sees a watch....

Elif: I bought it for him for his last birthday

Omer: you look here and I will look inside....we have to be quick, the lady may come at any minute

Elif: did you find anything?

Omer: still searching

he finds a small notebook

The lady comes and opens the door to the room and sees Elif...

The lady: who are you? I will call the police now...

Omer puts the notebook in his pocket

The lady: there is a thief...there is a thief

Elif: I am so sorry, we came here by accident....we are not thieves.

Omer: what are you explaining to her? Come with me

he grabs her hand and they run from there....

the lady: there is a thief...a thief

Omer: run...come on

Elif: please stop....I am done

omer: you are very slow....

Elif: what is that? Did you find it in the hotel?

Omer: It has accounts and records....

Elif: you cannot take it without asking me....give it to me....please

Omer: that's possible if we are going to work together....and you do not disappear like you did in the company and in the airport or you will not find me again.....we have to trust each other...I will try and you try too...

Elif: okay....let's go sit somewhere....and let's see together what is inside of it

Omer: okay

Elif: come, let's sit here for a little bit

Elif: what are you drinking, I will order right now?

Omer: tea...that would be great

Elif: they have coffee here....

Omer: it doesn't matter as long as it warms us

Elif: sit and I will come

Elif: two coffees please....

Waiter: of course, I will bring it in a little bit

Elif: thank you

Omer: this is the coliseum, right?

Elif: yes, did you come here before?

Omer: Sibel wanted to come a lot, I know it from her....

Elif: how long have you two known each other?

Omer: two years but of course I spent the most time traveling between van and Istanbul

Elif: I heard you were getting engaged to each other

Omer: yes, after two days

Elif: time does not pass, right?

Omer: it stops, and I am not sure when it will pass again....

Omer: what happened? having tea has become a lie (he is complaining that there is no tea)

Elif to waiter: thank you

Tayyar: come, come....what happened? Were you able to find my son?

The man: Mr. tayyar, he is not in the yacht and he did not go to the university as well....his friend also did not come....maybe he is with him

Tayyar: is he with him or not? Go know something for sure and then come tell me....I call and Mert doesn't answer?

The man: okay Mr. tayyar

Pinar: do not worry Tayyar, he will come

tayyar: do not get involved in things that do not concern you

Mert: how are you Su? I am good, I am in New york....send me Nilufer's address....I will go in the morning to see my sweetheart....yes...that is true....okay...thank you....bye

His dad calls but he doesn't see the phone.....

Omer: there is a list here with numbers....things that he bought....but I do not understand this list....look, there is an address here....according to these accounts right here

Elif: let me see

Omer: this place looks like it could be a field in Istanbul but what kind of work can your father do there?.....look...there is an abbreviation here.....this means that he used to come here continuously.....

Elif: from where did you come up with the idea that my dad used to be there on that date?

Omer: the girl in the hotel said that your father was here last month....look, your dad came here on the 17th of every month...look....he either has someone he works with here or he has an office....he is after a job

Elif: okay....if that place belongs to my dad

Omer: then the diamonds will be there..... (they are a great team :P I love when they work together)

Elif: get up

Omer: wait, I will 10 euro enough?

Elif: we drank tea also, it is double

Omer: the prices are high here

Elif: they are going through tough financial times

Omer: it is a tea of circumstance anyway

they each pay half and leave

Kidnapper: read what is written on the would be good if you cried too!

Nilufer: what are you going to make Elif do?

Kidnapper: read!

Nilufer: you will make Elif do something bad, I will not read

Kidnapper: look at me, if your sister does what we want, we will let you will go to her...or do you prefer to stay here with me? That would be good for me....

Omer: now I know about Rome's beauty is crowded just like it is in other big cities.....

Elif: I have been living for a long time here.....but I have never seen this place before......this is the place

Elif: I think there is no one there....

Omer: is anybody there? (he says in english)

Omer: is there anybody there? (he says in Turkish)

Elif: how many people are inside you? (hahahahahahahahaha, Elif's reaction was unexpected but SO perfect!)

Omer: I will take a look at the back

Elif: you will leave me here alone? ( isn't that what you always wanted???? Elif canim, make up your mind! Ufff ya!)

Omer: What's the matter? You were alone all those years...and now you can't be alone? I have good hearing, I will hear you if you scream....

Elif recieves a video is a video of Nilufer

Elif: canim, my sister...

Nilufer: you will do something tomorrow for not be scared and decide not to go through with it....agreed? If you succeed, they will give me to you....please save me my sister....I am in a very bad condition.....

She then receives a call....

Metin: you have not come back to your house until now. I felt worried.....

Elif: I am looking for the diamonds

Metin: good for turned out you are a very hard not be sad if you do not find it...tomorrow's job is equal in value with the diamonds to me....

Elif: look, there will not be any harm done to know this, right? We have agreed. She will not be harmed

Metin: do not worry....she is in very good care with us....just focus on your not do anything foolish

Omer opens the door from behind her.

Omer: come

Elif: are you stupid? Someone at least makes some noise before they speak

Omer: are you okay? Did something happen?

Elif: how did you get inside?

Omer: the window was broken, come


Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

Sus In jos

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Empty Re: Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Sam 29 Mar 2014, 11:37 am

Elif: I can't believe this

Omer: what happened?

Elif: these are my designs, I mean, the designs that I gave up

Omer: I do not understand...I mean...why you don't have any idea about this?

Elif: they are fake...what I mean is that they have no value at is manufactured.

Omer: is it manufactured here?

Elif: no, my dad said that he has a friend who was in a very bad financial crisis in the closed market. He said we can give him the designs that I do not like and want to get rid of...this way we helped him at least.....

Omer: who can this friend of your father be?

Elif: I don't know...I did not ask him...and he did not tell me

Omer: so he sells and distributes stuff from here....

Elif: but why here? Isn't that weird? Why in a place like this?

Omer: look, it either arrived here through smuggling or it is something else

Elif: the diamonds must be here...I mean..isn't it possible that the diamonds might be here if he has hid these here?

Omer: you will tell me now, right? What are we looking for? I mean, how many carat is it?

Elif: You know about these stuff, carat and stuff like that?

Omer: I understand a little not change the subject and tell me...what are we looking for?

Elif: do not worry, you will understand when we find them

Omer: is it a lot then?

Elif: tell me when you find it and I will take a look

Omer: what color does it have?

Elif: I don't know

Omer: come, I found it

Elif: it must be in this are we going to find the password?

Omer: just start trying....try any number

Elif: there are a million possibilities, you know that, right?

Omer: It could be your father's birthday or your mother's or your sister....just try

Levent: It looks like I won't be able to find work for myself...I did not succeed in any of my interviews that I did...let's be more careful with how we spend our money Bahar....

Bahar: how are we going to do that?

Levent: I don't know....we can sell the car

Bahar: wait...maybe we can sell my house and end its debt and rent a house....maybe we will have a lot of money left over...

Levent: no, I do not accept that you sell your house....because you have worked so hard to earn it...did you work all those years for nothing?

Bahar: look at our condition....elif and her family are living a great and easy life for all these years...they are swimming in money....and here we are, we are struggling to get money.....I am sick of this...

Levent: It is an unfair world....some always live the luxurious life, is born with money...while me and you....they live their whole life working until they reach their are a very beautiful not think that I do not notice this....whenever we go out, all attention is directed towards you...what are you doing with me Bahar? Look at my condition, after a month I won't have any money left to buy you can find a rich husband for yourself and save your life

Bahar: Why haven't you found that rich girl yet? You are very too can find her....

Levent: because I am deeply in love with you

Bahar: I am in love with you too!

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

Sus In jos

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Empty Re: Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Sam 29 Mar 2014, 11:38 am

Elif: I have tried all of our birthdays....

Omer: isn't there a special date to your father? Enter that number

Elif: there is....the date he married my mother....even if everyone says the opposite, my dad loved my mother a lot...

She opens the safe and they find the diamonds

Omer: another box from your father's famous boxes

Elif: they are all fake...this is fake also...we will never be able to find them now....maybe he sent them to a different part of the world....I do not have much time left....I have to find it quickly

Omer: why? Why do you have to find it quickly? Elif....I told you that you can trust me....believe me

Elif: I told you I have no money, why don't you understand? We are bankrupt...they will take our house very soon

Omer: okay, calm not lose hope

Someone comes in while omer holds him from behind.....

The man: Bismillah

Omer: who are you, uncle?

The man: I am yousef, the person on duty here....who are you?

Omer lets him go....

Yousef: I saw you once when you got out from your workshop...even I sent you a mail from your father...but you won't remember

Elif: my dad sends someone from Istanbul to my workshop and I do not know about that

Omer: this means that your father likes to work in secret......what was your work here, brother? Of course you did not come all of this way to just wait here.....

Yousef: No, I used to take the stuff and bring it here and then Ahmet used to tell me where to take it to once again....even the papers are here....look

Elif: what times did my dad come here?

Yousef: he used to come on the 17th of every month....he used to stay for one night and then goes back

Elif: are you still going to look for anything here?

Omer: I have understood what I wanted to understand anyway

Elif: good, I want to leave

Yousef: Miss Elif

Omer: take this, brother

yousef: what is going to happen to me? I have no work here I go back to my city or do I stay here?

Elif: come to istanbul, to the company, find me and we will see

Yousef: thank you

Omer: control yourself, we will find answers to all of this

Elif: there is no “we”, understand? And there will never be (we will see about that Miss elif :moque: )

Elif: have a good day, officer, even have a good trip back

Omer: be serious for 2 minutes and listen to me, understand this, you are in very big trouble

Elif: goodbye, leave me, you keep stopping me every 2 seconds

Omer: then listen to me....

Elif: I am tired of listening to you

Omer: do you want to die?

Elif: what does that have to do with anything?

Omer: you don't see the link? Whoever wants the diamonds is the killer....he could not get it from your father and now he is threatening you....

Elif: no one is threatening me.

Omer: did you know that when you lie, your eyes get bigger....

Elif: I want to go to my house

Omer: okay....let's say you found the diamonds and gave it to them...what is going to happen? Do you think they will leave you alone? They will kill you at that moment....these men do not leave anything that traces back to them...what I don't understand is are the one who wanted my help in the parking lot but what happened after that? Why did you change your mind?.....elif, look, you can trust me, let me help find the diamonds, I find the killer

Elif: I am very tired and I do not have energy left to talk....I want to go to my house

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

Sus In jos

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Empty Re: Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Sam 29 Mar 2014, 11:39 am

Tayyar: what happened?

Pinar: my feet hurt that's why I stopped (she saw Asli and Taner kissing)

Tayyar: come on

Zerrin welcomes Tayyar and Pinar.

Zerrin: let's drink something if you want and after that we can sit at the dinning table

Tayyar: I am not a stranger Zerrin, if the food is ready then I want to start by eating...

Zerrin: of course, come in

Pinar: please excuse me

Tayyar: did you like your new driver?

Zerrin: yes, he is very respectful

Tayyar: sit

Asli: did uncle Tayyar arrive?

Maid: yes they are in the dinning room and his wife is in the bathroom

Taner: Tayyar's wife?

Maid: yes

Asli: what wife???? she is his girlfriend

Taner: Asli, it looks like I forgot my phone upstairs, canim

Asli: no, you took it

Taner: I did not take is not here...I will look upstairs and come back. You go and then I will follow you....

Asli: okay

Taner: Pinar, it is me Pinar …..please open the door

Pinar: are you crazy? What if tayyar and your wife caught you here?

Taner: what are you doing here? Why did you come?

Pinar: your mother in law invited us here

Taner: if you told me at least

Pinar: I called but your wife answered the phone...didn't she tell you that fruit basket called you (seriously, who comes up with these names lol)

Taner: under what name were you expecting me to save your number? If I knew you two were coming, I would have left the house....what are we going to do? Are we going to act like we don't know each other?

Pinar: do you think that I am pleased seeing you kiss your wife?

Taner: she is the one who kissed me..please pinar...look at me, I have told you many marriage with her is on paper only....besides, I do not even touch her....

Taner: you have become very beautiful

Pinar: Tayyar likes me too

Taner: do not do this

They kiss. Poor Asli. She already looks wacko. Can't imagine what she will do when she finds out :moque:

Zerrin: is Pinar still in the restroom?

Maid: I don't know

Tayyar: excuse me, I will take a look

Just then Taner and Pinar come....

Taner: the door was closed and she couldn't open it....and no one heard her

Zerrin: Are you okay?

Pinar: yes, and I do not understand how it happened, I couldn't open the door...Taner help me
Tayyar: come sit next to me

Tayyar: are you okay?

Pinar: yes I am , thank you

Zerrin: let's eat

Elif: I think you are going tomorrow

Omer: I don't know, I haven't decided yet

Elif: you know best

Elif: good night

Omer: you too

Elif saw him still there and goes back to him..

Elif: what are you doing here?

Omer: sittting

Elif: this is too much, there is no diamonds or anything like that here

Omer: I know that

Elif: and there is none upstairs too! You can leave

Omer: I won't leave, I will stay here

Elif: you are attracting attention towards us....can you please just leave?

Omer: are you being followed? I told you many times, you are in trouble

Elif: you will stay for me?

Omer: What do I do if you haven't seen any humanity until this day.....good night

Elif: there is a couch upstairs

Omer: meaning?

Elif: will freeze all night

Omer: you feel sorry for me?

Elif: no, I just know that you are a very stubborn man and I know you will not leave least, let me have a clear conscience...

Elif: the living room is upstairs....please feel comfortable....

Elif: you don't have to take your shoes off....I will come after a little bit

Omer: where is the restroom?

Elif: to the left

Omer: thank you

Omer: your appetite was very good when you were a child, Masha'Allah like my nephew

Elif doesn't answer...

Omer: you are upset about your father, right? I know it is hard. Very hard. Every time we find something, we know something else. And I am scared that I will found out things about Sibel as trust someone a lot and then something happens and you look and nothing in life is as you know it....

Elif: I thought he came here because he missed me when in reality, he comes every month and leaves without seeing me. He used to say he trusted me more than anyone....he hid everything from me....why did my dad rent that storeroom, Omer? What are my designs doing there? Why didn't he tell me anything? Why didn't I know anything about this?

Omer: I am sorry Elif but what I understood from what I saw today in that storeroom is that your father are involved in money laundering and that's not what's worse....that merchandise was bought through your company but not in its actual value but with a lot of money.

Elif: meaning?

Omer: Your father is involved in money laundering through your company....what I don't understand is how can you not know all of this? Your signatures are on all the papers....

Elif: I signed anything my dad gave me without even asking....he is my father's

Omer: I do not want to make you sad Elif but this is very are involved in this unknowingly but you cannot convince anyone that you were not a part of one would believe you

Elif: I did not know, how could I have known? If I knew, would I have gone to the storeroom with you? Would I have turned myself in? Am I stupid?

Omer: okay, I don't want to suspect you but know this money laundering is a very big crime

Elif: it is obvious that someone committed a crime using me but I cannot even understand this...

Omer: Okay then, let's do this....I will explain to you how that can be done in very simple terms from a poilceman's mind....calm down...sit

Omer: listen....we have money....and this money we do not pay its taxed or register it

Elif: meaning it is illegal

Omer: yes that is earned from weapons, prostitution, and gambling

Elif: what relation does my dad have to all of this? My dad was a good business man. Did he do this fearing bankruptcy....

Omer: that makes a person do is obvious that your dad got involved in this so he won't be bankrupt.....I do not want to make you sad Elif but maybe your father have always been involved in these things....I know this is not easy to fact it is hard....and I can't accept a lot of is hard

Elif: explain to me how money laundering is done

Omer: we have money, a lot of money...first we have to take this money out of the country...maybe though a person....through an airplane or maybe through a truck or a yacht. It changes depends on how good the person is....after that, you start a business in the country just like your father's friend....then you register merchandise that is worth 1 lira as if its 5 lira. Then, you find a business outside the country.....or start one yourself....just like your company.......then the company outside of the country buys that illegal merchandise....with what will you buy it? Through the money that we took outside the country....after all, you say goodbye to the money from your account....what happened? The money is completely clean... then you pay taxes for it and register it....and everything becomes clean....

Elif: what is the punishment of such work?

Omer: I will tell it to you like this....if your father was still alive, he would have been punished for organized crime and you as well...

Elif: you can jail me too?

Omer: exactly...because you are also guilty on the papers....okay, you don't have to be so scared....a good attorney can easily solve this problem....if there is proof that you did not get involved in money laundering and of course if there was no interview or recording with your father's friend...meaning if there is proof that you did not get involved in these things and he can prove it...then you will escape from all of this....because you are innocent anyways....right?

Elif: I don't feel too good. I will go take a shower.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

Sus In jos

Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri Empty Re: Kara para ask - rezumate si traduceri

Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Sam 29 Mar 2014, 11:41 am

Tayyar: thank you Zerrin, everything tasted amazing....thank you

Zerrin: you are welcome

Tayyar: How is Elif? Is she doing good?

Zerrin: I did not call, maybe she is busy but of course she is daughter is very strong

Asli: you did not eat anything

Pinar: Yes, I am careful not to gain weight

Asli: Yes, I saw you running in the morning, it is very beneficial for you...I wanted to do the same thing but unfortunately I do not have time at is very hard to be a working woman

Taner: can we go? We have a meeting tomorrow

Asli: My husband is right, let's go, good night

They say good night to each other.

Zerrin: Tayyar, the sweets are ready

Tayyar: really? Thank you so much

Elif's phone rings.

Elif: yes?

Metin: you will come tomorrow morning to the place I told you about, right?

Elif: yes, I understand

Metin: do not be late

Elif: okay

Metin: I do not want laziness

Elif: I said okay. But as you promised me, Nilufer will be there, right?

Metin: your sister misses you a lot

Elif: Nilufer will be there, right?

Metin hangs up the phone and Elif wanted to throw the phone in frustration but saw Omer eavesdropping

Elif: what are you doing here?

Omer: oh

Elif: this is too much, I have not gotten dressed if you don't realize it yet

Omer: I am sorry, I am sorry ….when I heard a voice, I thought you wanted something....I was thinking if you wanted to drink tea or coffee (:moque: this is just so funny!)

Elif: no, no I don't want anything...I'm going to sleep anyway...good night to you

She closes the door.

Omer: what tea? (he is talking to himself, it was an awkward situation. He was nervous and did not know what to say. He is not a good liar thats for sure.)

Tayyar: thank you for everything Zerrin

Zerrin: you did far more than that for us...

Tayyar: I will call you

Zerrin: okay

They tell each other good night and leave.

Elif wakes up and yells “Nilufer!” Omer hears her and rushes to her.....

Elif: Nilufer, Nilufer

Omer: what happened?

Elif: I saw a nightmare

Omer: are you okay!

Elif: I'm okay

He pours a glass of water and gives it to her....

Omer: water

Elif: thank you

She goes back to sleep. He covers her and leaves. (This is the sweetest scene, one of my favorites)

Elif leaves early in the morning and leave a note for Omer.

It reads ( thank you for your support....have a successful trip, it is enough that you open the door and leave)

Omer: successful trip!!!!

Omer calls Pelin.

Pelin: do you want to answer it?

Arda: and if he doesn't talk?

Pelin: just answer...come on asnwer

Arda: Omer, my brother

Omer: Arda

Arda: Pelin told me what you found and I told myself why not help as well...what do you say? Is that possible?

Omer: of course it is possible...listen, look if there is someone that is called Nilufer in elif's life, I remember she is her sister but you search about it as well....but it is urgent, okay?

Arda: I think she was her sister. I have been working on a case for three days and I am sleepy...let me see and make sure then I will let you know, okay? Omer, by the way, I visited your mother this morning, she is doing very good, don't worry

Omer: thank you, brother. Okay, we will talk when I get back

Arda: goodbye

A man: welcome Miss Elif

Elif: come on, let's finish this

Metin is watching Elif from the camera, he is recording her too.

Metin: finally, she came

banker: good morning

Elif: good morning

banker: please sit down

Elif: I want you to transfer the money to the account

banker: you have to sign these papers

Metin: come on, sign it

Metin: well done! You are truly good at this...if your father saw you, he would be teary eyed

Omer: yes brother

Arda: I found some information. Nilufer is Elif's sister. She is the youngest in the family.

Omer: what else?

Arda: her sister is a university student and she studies in New York

Omer: Arda, is the girl here or in New york?

Arda: I do not know but I will find out for you

Omer: send Pelin to the house....let her introduce herself as her friend....then let her gather information....there is something in this but I do not understand what it is

Arda: okay, brother

Omer: okay, bye

Pelin: is it possible for someone at her age to be my friend? Do I look like I am a university student?

Arda: Yeah, you are right, you are passed that

Pelin: ARDA!

Arda: is there a law that says you have to be her age to be her friend?

Pelin: okay then how do we know each other?

Arda: For example, the girl does not get out from the gym.....she is always on the treadmill and you look great for this....Masha'Allah...come on, come on, omer is waiting for the information...let's work quickly

Pelin: how are they going to believe me, looking like this?

Arda: you talk so much Pelin, so much

Pelin: Arda, I bought this bag for 20 lira, okay? And, I am wearing T-shirts. Do I look like I go to the gym that rich people go to? Let alone the idea of me meeting that girl coincidently.....there is no chance that I go with her to the same coffee shop....

Arda: You are right, all you can be is the cleaning lady at that gym....

Pelin hits him.

Pelin: Arda

Arda: okay, I will solve this, Allah Allah

Pelin: Allah Allah

(These two are adorable and funny!)

Metin: well done! You were stronger than I thought

Elif: I did as I promised and now it is your turn...I want Nilufer to wait for me at Istanbul airport

Metin: do not worry

Elif: by the way, do not think I forgot my promise, my dad's debt is my debt....I will find those diamonds somehow and give them to you

Metin: In that case, everything will go smoothly my dear Elif

Metin: take care

Elif: My dear mother

Zerrin: how are you?

Elif: I am fine mom. How are you? Your crazy daughter Nilufer, do you know what she did? She came to me

Zerrin: are you serious? Maybe that is the reason why she was not in Tayyar's hotel

Elif: yes, we were together all night yesterday

Zerrin: Ahhh, I can't understand her actions....she said she was going to university and now she comes to you...anyways, is she next to you? Give her the phone, I want to hear her voice.....I miss her a lot

Elif: actually mom, I am outside the house right now, I mean, when I left the house, Nilufer was still sleeping...we talked yesterday all night will ask her when we come back to Istanbul together.

Zerrin: Will Nilufer come as well? I am very happy to hear that

Elif: we will meet tonight at the house, do not be sad from now on, okay?

Elif sees Omer.....

Elif: my dear mother, I have to hang up now

They say goodbye and Elif hangs up....

Elif: What are you doing here?

Omer: Why did you lie about your sister?

Elif: What do you want me to say? That I spent all night with a guy that I do not know my dear mother?

Elif: My dad sleeps in a hotel that we do not know at all in Rome...he even got involved in money laundering....and he got me involved in it too....really, it is great news that I tell to a woman that just lost her husband recently, right?

Elif: Nilufer is coming from New York and we will meet at the airport. It will look like that we came together...what do I do? I don't know

Omer: Okay, calm down!!! I was just asking

Elif: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, its my nerves....would you care to drink tea?

Omer: okay, we will drink tea but what did you do before coming here? I was worried about you

Pelin: brother, can you give me the black one? (she is buying a bag, purse, whatever you want to call it)

The man: this?

Pelin: No, the one next to it

The man: this?

Pelin: yes

The man: here you go...

Pelin: it is beautiful ….how much is it?

Arda: don't worry about it....I will pay for it. How much do I owe you?

The man: 200

Arda: what? This isn't even the original one.

The man: Brother, do you know how much the original costs? It is worth much more. Besides, you can't take the difference between this and the original one. The company that made it, did not even understand the difference.

Arda: Listen, we are police, okay? Give me this for 50 lira if you will...or I will take over this place in 2 minutes...

The man: why didn't you so say from the beginning? Let it be a gift to the police. I made a mistake, pardon me

Arda: it can't be a gift, take this 50 lira.

They leave the store...

Omer: this means that you gave up searching?

Elif: yes, there is no diamonds here or anything like that...actually, I am thinking of selling the company...I don't want to be involved in these dirty works at all....But I promise...if I am able to know something that relates to Sibel, I will let you know for sure...but from now on....if our paths separate...that will be good...thank you for everything

Omer: okay...whatever you want

They shake hands and Omer was about to leave but he stopped and turned back...

Omer: by the way, the tea was good, thank you

Elif: you are welcome

Pelin: how do I look? Say something

Arda: actually, it is not bad at all...if you can walk in those heels then you will succeed.

Pelin: come on let's go, we are late

Arda: get in

Pelin is cleaning something between her teeth..

Arda: Pelin, if you just stopped behaving like that...let there be femininity inside least, like me

She hits him....

Arda: okay

He then starts teasing her.

At the airport, Elif and Omer meet again....

Omer: Please reserve a seat for me as well

He gives her his passport and she takes it. Smiling.

Zerrin: What friend of Nilufer?

Maid: she did not give me any explanation

Zerrin: Who comes at this hour? She did not even tell us she was coming beforehand, I just don't understand....anyways, is she in the living room?

Maid: Yes

Zerrin: okay

Zerrin: welcome

Pelin: it is as if the yacht is moving from inside the house....the view from our office is the same as this....please don't mind me for not introduction myself...I am sedef...a friend of Nilufer's in the gym (?)

Zerrin: really!

(loved Zerrin's face when she shook pelin's hand. She has such strong hands that her story was very believable :P)

Zerrin: I am very glad to meet you

Pelin: My condolences to you

Zerrin: thank you

Pelin: I am sorry I did not come earlier, I wasn't able to come before and I couldn't be part of the funeral. I was outside the country.

Zerrin: it is not important, welcome, aren't you going to sit?

Pelin: of course

Pelin: how are you? How is Nilufer? I was trying to reach her but her phone was always closed. I got worried so I wanted to come and see her myself

Zerrin: she lost her phone. After her father died, she went to new york

Pelin: really, what day?

Zerrin: I don't remember

Pelin: I understand

Zerrin: I think you are her close not mind me but she does not talk about you a lot....she spends most of her time in new york that I don't know her friends that well

Pelin: of course, you are right. When will she come back? I will not be happy until I see her, that is why

Zerrin: Hopefully she will come tonight...she meet her sister in Rome....they will come together...I will tell her you came

Pelin: thank you so much

Zerrin: please do not mind but I have to go out

Pelin: of course

Omer and Elif on the airplane.

Omer: your necklace is very beautiful

Elif: it is Nilufer's...but I was the one who made it....I will sleep a little.....excuse me

Mert: Nilufer, open this door Nilufer, I know you are there

A girl opens the door.

Girl: Mert?

Mert: move, Nilufer

Girl: What are you doing? Nilufer is not here Mert

Mert: Nilufer

Girl: she called me and told me she will come but she didn't, MERT??? I'm telling you she is not even here, her sister even called me to ask about her. They also think she is here. I'm not lying. Will you listen to me Mert?

Mert: What do you mean her family think she is here?

Girl: I don't know

Mert: where is this girl then?

Elif: yes, the trip is over...take care...I don't think we will meet again at all....

They shake hands..

Elif: have a good night

Omer gets a message (Call immediately)

Arda: hello

Omer: is everybody okay, arda?

Arda: They are good, brother. I just have a piece of information for you...

Omer: tell me, I'm listening...

Arda: brother, Pelin went and asked about Nilufer and everybody thinks she is in new york and the truth is the girl has not been on a plane since her father died meaning she did not go at all to New York neither did she go to Rome

Omer: Alllah Allah

Arda: brother, that's what I wanted to tell you. The family does not have an idea about anything. They even think that they both will come back together to Istanbul.

Omer: When was the ticket to new york?

Arda: Tuesday, last Tuesday

Omer: that's the same day we met in front of the company

Arda: meaning that's the day you two kissed

Omer remembers how Elif was acting and how fearful she was and magically figured out that her sister might be kidnapped.

Omer: okay, hang up. I will call you.

Elif was happy thinking she will see Nilufer but to her surprise, she was not there.

Metin calls Elif.

Elif: where is Nilufer? Where is she? I did what you asked, you promised you will bring her to me here

Metin: taking a girl from us is not easy.....Do I give you the most beautiful woman in the world just because you signed two papers? That is not possible my dear Elif.

Elif: you are not a are not a human

Metin: May god forgive you...I am talking in the name of humanity...just because I am thinking of you will not wait there for nothing.....come on, go to your house and rest a little...I will call you

Elif cries. (ufff ya ufffff, don't cry canim kiss )

Elif: no, no, no

Omer: elif?

As soon as she sees him, she cries on his chest. (lucky girl but I am glad he was there. He comes when she needs someone the most.)

Metin and Tayyar are watching a video recording of Elif while doing what they asked her to do.

Metin: we recorded every second...from now on....she is nothing but a smuggler.....

Tayyar: when your foot gets stuck in mud once, then you are considered a part of it....put this in the archive....maybe there will come a day for when we need it....

Omer: are you better?

Elif nods.

Omer: are you sad for Nilufer?

Elif: because she did not come

Omer: Elif, they kidnapped your sister, I know are looking for the diamonds so you can get her back....they are threatening you with your this a lie? Look at my eyes...

Omer: we will get out from here

driver: okay

Tayyar: good job controlled the situation in a beautiful way...but we have to give Elif credit too, right?

Metin: true....she is intelligent and beautiful....but she has a problem....she is very sentimental (emotional)

Tayyar: she has a beautiful is filled with love.....if you have someone that you love in this world then it means you are weak.....I am glad this was successful....let's go home now

Omer and Elif are in front of the police station...

Omer: this is the police station...we will go inside and you will explain everything...and after that, we will save your sister.

Elif: no

Omer: cannot protect your sister by doing that.....those men are have no choice but to explain to the police

Elif: no

Omer: You will lose your sister

Elif: you are have become very sister is in America...from where did you come up with the idea that she was kidnapped? And above all of that....I am looking for the diamonds so I can pay all of my dad's debt, okay? I have explained this many times

Omer: really?

Elif: really

Omer: okay, then I will go to the police station and explain to them the crazy things in my head and after that I will ask for your let's see if your sister is kidnapped or in America, we'll see.

The end!

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Sam 29 Mar 2014, 7:24 pm

indicii ep 4

Omer tries to make Elif tell him the truth.

O: How do you mean to hide this. Your sister may die.

No kidnapping has a happy ending.

metin wants to know who's Omer, but Omer has a new plan.

O: they think I'm your bf, lets keep it this way

E: Let's say that this pislik believes. How I gonna enter in your life?

Dont get me wrong but nobody will believe me that I could have a bf like you

O: Ooo... I got it.

Everybody has a plan Bahar too.

She gonna introduce Elif to Levent.

E&O start to follow their plan. They have to getting know each other better.

O: ok, what's this, Morse code? :rolleyes: Some memory?

E: You are a great cop, solve it

Metin learns something important about Omer.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
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Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Dum 30 Mar 2014, 8:11 pm

michiper68 a scris:ep 3 cu subtitrare


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Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Lun 31 Mar 2014, 11:01 pm

DENISA a scris:
michiper68 a scris:KARA PARA AŞK 4. Bölüm Özet / Dirty Money Love – Episode 4 - Summary

Traducere Rezumat EP 4

Elif în faţa secţiei de poliţie nu-l poate face pe Ömer să renunţe la decizia lui .
Ömer este hotărât să depună o plângere . Fiecare minut care trece face ca lucrurile să fie mai dificile pentru Elif . Elif știe că, dacă poliția află că sora ei a fost răpită , aceasta va fi ucisă . Prin urmare , ea trebuie să vină cu ceva pentru a îl opri pe Ömer să meargă la poliţie . Chiar dacă ea nu știe cum să-i explice situația mamei ei, Zerrin , care pregătește o cină foarte frumoasă și îşi așteaptă fiicele cu nerăbdare . Elif își dă seama că situaţia se înrăutățește , ea îi spune lui Ömer că sora ei a fost răpită . Ömer vrea să o ajute din nou, dar Elif nu acceptă oferta lui . Ea crede că Metin va afla imediat că Ömer este ofițer de poliție . Ömer fiind ofițer de poliție cu experiență face un plan cu Arda și Pelin . Planul său pare perfect ptr a o convinge pe Elif . Cu disperare încearcă să-i rezolve problemele , Elif îi spune lui Bahar că tatăl ei datora sume mari de bani și , prin urmare, ea trebuie să găsească diamantele . Ea este sigură că Bahar o va ajuta să găsească diamantele . Dar menționând diamantele asta o face pe Bahar mai lacomă și intră în joc , lucru care o va afecta pe cea mai bună prietenă a ei . Când Elif și Omer încep să - şi pună planul lor în practică , Metin vrea ca ea să participe din nou la spălarea bani pentru a plăti datoriile tatălui ei . De data aceasta , Elif spune că nu vrea să o facă și că o vrea pe sora ei înapoi prin plata datoriilor într-un alt mod . Dar , Nilufer nu este singurul lucru pe care Metin și Tayyar îl au . Elif ajunge să aibă mai multe necazuri deşi ea încearcă să stea cât mai departe de acestea .


Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Joi 03 Apr 2014, 4:26 pm

Ep 4

Elif: Omer, what are you doing? Please, don't do this....

Omer: The situation is very serious. The police has to know about it.

Elif: What is it that the police has to know? My sister is in New York, she is in her university. Do you want us to call her?

Omer: Is she going to answer if we call her quickly?

The cop walks in.

Omer: we want to file a report

Elif: Look, this man is crazy. He keeps making stories up....please do not believe what he will say

The cop: The policeman told me that you are from the police

Omer: I am.....

The cop: I do not understand anything....what if you two talk more explicitly

Elif: there is nothing to talk about

Omer: there is

Elif: there isn't

Omer: I will explian it to you like this....this woman and I got to know each other as a result of a very bad incident....Her father and my fiance were victims of a crime that occurred on the 12th of this month....and when I was investigating, our paths crossed....the woman is in trouble and she needs help

Elif runs out, Omer follows her

Elif: did you tell him? Did you tell him everything?

Omer: is over.......there is no place that you can run to cannot deceive me...Elif, tell cannot bear this on your own....tell many armed men did you see in your life? Can you recognize a guilty person from their eyes? Look, what you are going through is not a film and nothing will change when you wake up the next morning.....this is my job...I can really help you...

Elif: This is not possible....they told me to not go to the police...would you just go? Leave me alone....

Omer: I did not say anything in the police station.....I will not say anything to anyone if you involve me in this matter

Elif: This is not possible

Omer: Elif, look at me, trust me, I will not say anything to anyone...look at me...look into my eyes....they are threatening you by using Nilufer....Nilufer is kidnapped....and you saw everything when you were with her...this is true, right?

Elif breaks down and cries.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Joi 03 Apr 2014, 4:29 pm

Elif: We were going to the airport.....everything was fine and after that.....some men entered our car with lights and weapons....

Omer: do you remember if you saw them?

Elif shakes her head no.

Elif: But two of them I will never forget their faces

Omer: That's very good...go on

Elif: after that....they blindfolded us and took us to a place

Omer: stop....close your eyes

Elif: I do not understand

Omer: close your eyes and try to remember everything you saw that day...a person stores a lot of details without will remember if you concentrate....close your eyes...go back to that day are with Nilufer in the car together and you two are blindfolded....try to remember....even a small detail might help us....did you pass by the bridge....more details or any smell to the place that you both went to....try to remember Elif....come on

Elif: I only remember Nilufer....she was so scared...there is only her voice and her screams

Omer: okay...then let's do this...think about the next day....the person you talked you know his name?

Elif: Metin (Oh how I love Metin. :D :P)

Omer: That might also be a there a number that he called you with or a message or anything like that?

Elif: this number

You cannot reach the person you are calling...

Omer: they know their job well....I will tell Arda to follow the number

Elif: you gave me a promise, you said there is no police

Omer: my promise is still my promise....Arda and Pelin are my friends from the academy. We had come to you before if you remember, they will not say anything...

Elif: Don't you realize that I am in a very dangerous position?

Omer: you can trust me Elif, we cannot save your sister without their help...that day, your phones were beside you....we can figure out the place that you two were in from a few stations....also, we can take the security cameras in your house

Elif: That is not mom is suspicious and understands.

Omer: we will not ask your mom....I will ask Arda through the security company....

Elif: Look, I do not like the involvement of the police....Nilufer's life will be in danger

Omer: Elif...If we cannot find your sister, then both of your lives are in danger. This Pelin's...if you were not able to call me then she will be able to reach me...Elif, I have to look at the video...

Elif nods...

Omer: What did they want you to do? I am asking you....what did they want you to do? Do not tell me that you have followed in your father's are not involved in money laundering, right? Elif...if you are, no one will be able to help you, not even me...

Elif: I didn't

Omer: That means they did not ask you to get involved in money laundering, right?

Elif: they asked but I didn' not look at me like that....I didn't...

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Joi 03 Apr 2014, 4:31 pm

Elif: My mom will worry, I have to go

Her phone rings

Elif: It is them

Omer: be calm

Elif: Hello

Metin: why are you not at the house?

Elif: On my way, I am going

Metin: The distance from the airport to your house does not take that long, do not play with me...did I call at a bad time? You are with your lover as I heard...what happened? Did you rest? What happened? Is your tongue tied? Didn't you say that you separated from him, that you left him...does this mean that the big love is not over....

Elif: he followed me

Metin: From where did he come?

Elif: From Italy but he will go...he will go immediately

Metin: Him going back will be good for you

Elif: Where is Nilufer? What will I tell my mother?

Elif: he hang up

Elif: you saw how it is....thank you...but I am scared

Omer: Look, you will not succeed on your own...for this reason you need my help

Elif: with you as well, I will not succeed...Listen, they know you....they will know tomorrow or the day after you are from the police

Omer: They will not know

Elif: be quiet....this is enough...listen, my mom is waiting for Nilufer...I am trying to explain to you here instead of thinking about what I will say there....

Omer: Why didn't you tell your mom that you need support

Elif: because she will get a heart attack, she won't be able to handle it

Omer: If we find the killer, we will find your sister as well

Elif: There is nothing called “we”

Omer: These people think we are lovers, let's continue with this lie

Elif: My dad just died, what love?

Omer: Allah Allah, and my fiancée died...let's be serious....let's play this game on them...

Elif: Look, they will enter the net and do a search and they will find out you are a cop, it is simple to this degree

Omer: It is obvious that you do not know anything related to the security cannot enter the net and find my name and my body...I worked as a local cop and in secret missions and nobody found out about me to this very day

Elif: okay. Let's say they believed will I enter you into my life? I mean....don't be offended but no one will believe that I chose you to be my lover...

Omer: I am supposed to be offended by this very much...tell me, how do you want your lover to be? Why are you laughing?

Elif: its my nerves....

Omer: I am not excited from you....besides, you are the last woman that I favor in this world....tell me, what was the name of your last boyfriend?

Elif: you are very persistent .... Marco Valentino, do you know him?

Omer: Should I know him? Is he a soccer player?

Omer: Marco, Margo, is it written with a g

Elif: Yes with a g...why am I telling you all this?

Omer: Do not get angry but you truly do not understand the way, I will be beside you when you tell these men that you found the diamonds....those men are killers...they killed your father and my fiancée

Elif: No, it is not them...I asked

Omer: And you think you are alert? Who will call themselves a murderer?...Elif...these men met your father and they killed him and when they did not find the diamonds, they turned to you because you know a lot about diamonds and they think you know about money me...I will save your sister...

Elif: Okay, and what will you gain from this?

Omer: I will find out the reason sibel was in that car and I will make the killer pay

Elif: thank you for everything but this cannot one will believe anything especially my mom

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Joi 03 Apr 2014, 4:33 pm

Omer at the grave talking to Sibel

Omer: Do you know? I looked at Rome with your eyes. I saw every place in your imagination. Look. This is from the faucet of day....if it becomes clear why you were in that car...I hope that I will be beside you with the same feelings....

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Joi 03 Apr 2014, 4:34 pm

Metin: good morning my beautiful

Elif: I did as I promised. I did what you said. But you did not do as you promised. Why didn't you bring me my sister?

Metin: do you want some? There is a French bakery that just opened next to your house and the best one is this chocolate one.

Elif: what are you saying? I will go to the police and explain everything.

Metin: how many lira did you launder for me? 25 million. And how much does your father owe me? 120 million. Meaning our work with you is very long.

Elif: I will not do this work again.

Metin: miss Elif has decided.

Elif: from where do you earn that money? Drugs or gambling? No. The thing that suits you the most is porn.

Ouch lol

Metin: you are making me shy

Hahahaha lol :P

Metin: listen canim. I'm being lenient with you because I know you are nervous but I don't like leniency. Do you think the house you live in, your dad won from the lottery. You will walk the same way your dad walked upon. You will earn as well as I.

Elif: look at me, I do not have an idea what my father did but I am not here. I will sell the house. I will sell everything and pay my fathers debts.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de michiper68 Joi 03 Apr 2014, 4:36 pm

Omer: why did you come?

Elif: hello to you too

Omer: what are you doing here?

Elif: you come at my house whenever you feel like it but it is a big deal when I come to yours?

Elif: what are you doing?

Omer pushes her inside and closes the door behind him. He goes outside to inspect if someone had followed her.

Omer: can we go out?
Elif: of course

Omer: if you told me you were coming. They invented the phone you know. There is men following you and you come to my house.

Elif: I called but I couldn't reach you

Elif: okay.

Omer: okay what?

Elif: I accept your offer. I mean your offer to help me

Omer: I know that, tell me something new

Elif: how do you know? I haven't said anything

Omer: you came to my house, we both know very well you didn't miss me

Elif: you really are a man without manners.

Omer: let's go back to our work... I took care of a lot of things since the morning...actually there were a couple more things I wanted to get done before I came to you. My new name is Omer genar. It's an western last name. I bring Italian stones and we work together.

Elif: this is enough. You don't understand stones or anything like that.

Omer: I told you I don't know anything about their design but I know them very well

Elif: from where? From educational channels?

Omer: my dad used to be a cashier. I used to work with him, okay?

Elif: okay

Omer: we met each other in Rome and we have been together for a year

Elif: let it be 6 months not more

Omer: why?

Elif: Bahar is my closest friend and she won't believe this at all. We do not hide anything from each other especially in the subject of love and things like that.

Omer: okay, from six months. We started working together and then we started liking each other. I took you out to dinner. We are not serious yet. I don't know your father and you don't know my family. When my dad died, I left all my work and came to you, okay?

Elif: yes but without that. It's very ugly. Don't put it on.

Omer: everything that my mom makes for me is beautiful.

Elif: good. If you are going to save my sister then to me everything is done.

Omer: I have one condition

Elif: what?

Omer: your first lie will end this deal. We will lie to many people but we will never hide anything from each other. I'm very serious. There is no lies.

Elif: okay, agreed. I said okay.

Mesaje : 12705
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 55
Localizare : bucuresti

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Mesaj Scris de Nicky Mar 08 Apr 2014, 9:18 am

Kara Para Aşk 5.Bölüm Fragman 2

Elif: Omer is my boyfriend mother.
Psycho: I found out who Elif's loved one is.
Omer: You aren't going to come case closed, you are so stubborn.
Elif: I'm coming.
Omer: You are telling me not to interfere but she(probably speaking about Elif) interferes with everything, she thinks she is a detective.
Pelin: She is actually a sweet girl.
Tayyar: Who is this absurd person that Ahmet does't even know, where you able to find out?
Psycho: I have.
Omer: I didn't want you to be irritated from the beginning but the person who kidnapped you...
Elif: Omer do you realize what you are saying?

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Nicky in Mar 08 Apr 2014, 9:27 am, editata de 1 ori

Mesaje : 1983
Data de inscriere : 29/08/2010

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