Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
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Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
Turcia, 2008, film romantic, color
Recomandat acordul părinţilor
regizor: Hilal Saral
scenarist: Melek Gençoglu, Ece Yörenç
compozitor: Toygar Isikli
producător: Kerem Çatay
Beren Saat (Bihter Yöreoglu)
Kivanç Tatlitug (Behlül Haznedar)
Nebahat Çehre (Firdevs Yöreoglu)
Nur Aysan (Peyker Yöreoglu)
Ilker Kizmaz (Nihat Önal)
Serialul "Iubire ascunsă" este o adaptare a unui roman celebru scris de îndrăgitul romancier şi dramaturg turc, Resat Nuri Guntekin, iar scenariul este semnat de acelaşi Melek Gencoglu - regizor al serialului "Poveste de familie".
Alături de actori talentaţi ce vor ţine intriga serialului, îl veţi putea revedea pe îndrăgitul actor Kivanc Tatlitug, protagonistul din "Iubire de argint" şi "Menekşe şi Halil". La vârsta de numai 25 de ani, Kivanc are în palmares numeroase roluri în seriale de succes şi se mândreşte cu noua titulatură acordată de presa turcă: cel mai sexy actor în viaţă din Turcia, în anul 2009.
Povestea serialului începe cu Adnan (Selcuk Yontem) care, după pierderea soţiei sale, s-a retras din viaţa socială, iar singura sa ocupaţie a devenit grija celor doi copii ai săi, Nihal şi Bulent. Ei locuiesc în una dintre cele mai frumoase vile din Istanbul, împreună cu personalul casei - o dădacă pe jumătate franţuzoaică, Deniz, şi un tânăr pe nume Behlul, fiu al unei rude mai îndepărtate de care Adnan a avut mereu grijă.
Printr-o coincidenţă Adnan o revede pe Bihter, fata unei familii importante din Istanbul, şi o dată cu această reîntâlnire sentimente de dragoste care până acum păreau uitate vor ieşi la iveală. Firdevs este o femeie foarte ambiţioasă. Este într-o competiţie continuă cu propriile fiice, Bihter şi Peyker. Este genul de femeie pe care nu a afectat-o nici măcar moartea soţului şi chiar după decesul acestuia a continuat să fie prezentă la toate activităţile vieţii sociale şi să fie una din cele mai atrăgătoare femei.
Bihter o consideră pe mamă vinovată de moartea tatălui ei şi îi este ruşine că este fiica unei astfel de femei. Ea va accepta să strângă mâna plină de încredere întinsă de Adnan şi să-şi continue viaţa împreună. Inocenţa va fi umbrită de trădare. Pasiunea şi dragostea vor fi mai presus decât logica.
Recomandat acordul părinţilor
regizor: Hilal Saral
scenarist: Melek Gençoglu, Ece Yörenç
compozitor: Toygar Isikli
producător: Kerem Çatay
Beren Saat (Bihter Yöreoglu)
Kivanç Tatlitug (Behlül Haznedar)
Nebahat Çehre (Firdevs Yöreoglu)
Nur Aysan (Peyker Yöreoglu)
Ilker Kizmaz (Nihat Önal)
Serialul "Iubire ascunsă" este o adaptare a unui roman celebru scris de îndrăgitul romancier şi dramaturg turc, Resat Nuri Guntekin, iar scenariul este semnat de acelaşi Melek Gencoglu - regizor al serialului "Poveste de familie".
Alături de actori talentaţi ce vor ţine intriga serialului, îl veţi putea revedea pe îndrăgitul actor Kivanc Tatlitug, protagonistul din "Iubire de argint" şi "Menekşe şi Halil". La vârsta de numai 25 de ani, Kivanc are în palmares numeroase roluri în seriale de succes şi se mândreşte cu noua titulatură acordată de presa turcă: cel mai sexy actor în viaţă din Turcia, în anul 2009.
Povestea serialului începe cu Adnan (Selcuk Yontem) care, după pierderea soţiei sale, s-a retras din viaţa socială, iar singura sa ocupaţie a devenit grija celor doi copii ai săi, Nihal şi Bulent. Ei locuiesc în una dintre cele mai frumoase vile din Istanbul, împreună cu personalul casei - o dădacă pe jumătate franţuzoaică, Deniz, şi un tânăr pe nume Behlul, fiu al unei rude mai îndepărtate de care Adnan a avut mereu grijă.
Printr-o coincidenţă Adnan o revede pe Bihter, fata unei familii importante din Istanbul, şi o dată cu această reîntâlnire sentimente de dragoste care până acum păreau uitate vor ieşi la iveală. Firdevs este o femeie foarte ambiţioasă. Este într-o competiţie continuă cu propriile fiice, Bihter şi Peyker. Este genul de femeie pe care nu a afectat-o nici măcar moartea soţului şi chiar după decesul acestuia a continuat să fie prezentă la toate activităţile vieţii sociale şi să fie una din cele mai atrăgătoare femei.
Bihter o consideră pe mamă vinovată de moartea tatălui ei şi îi este ruşine că este fiica unei astfel de femei. Ea va accepta să strângă mâna plină de încredere întinsă de Adnan şi să-şi continue viaţa împreună. Inocenţa va fi umbrită de trădare. Pasiunea şi dragostea vor fi mai presus decât logica.
crem.caramel- membru activ
- Mesaje : 43
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2010
Varsta : 46
Localizare : bosfor-istanbul
crem.caramel- membru activ
- Mesaje : 43
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2010
Varsta : 46
Localizare : bosfor-istanbul
crem.caramel- membru activ
- Mesaje : 43
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2010
Varsta : 46
Localizare : bosfor-istanbul
Re: Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
Se reia cumva la Kd rom ASK -I MEMNU? Un serial f. bun,pe care l-au intrerupt! La Kd tr nu stiu in care zi a saptamanii e programat.
elena50- vip
- Mesaje : 4302
Data de inscriere : 28/09/2009
Re: Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
la turci este joielena50 a scris:Se reia cumva la Kd rom ASK -I MEMNU? Un serial f. bun,pe care l-au intrerupt! La Kd tr nu stiu in care zi a saptamanii e programat.
vivi- vip
- Mesaje : 1381
Data de inscriere : 09/10/2009
Re: Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
Multumesc! O seara buna!vivi a scris:la turci este joielena50 a scris:Se reia cumva la Kd rom ASK -I MEMNU? Un serial f. bun,pe care l-au intrerupt! La Kd tr nu stiu in care zi a saptamanii e programat.
elena50- vip
- Mesaje : 4302
Data de inscriere : 28/09/2009
Re: Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
A inceput ep 56.Cata eleganta, ce toalete au !
elena50- vip
- Mesaje : 4302
Data de inscriere : 28/09/2009
Re: Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
Firdevs,Bihter si Nihal,ele sunt cele carora le-am admirat eleganta toaletelor! Nihal e deja o adevarata domnisoara!
elena50- vip
- Mesaje : 4302
Data de inscriere : 28/09/2009
Re: Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
Eu as avea o intrebare referitoare la Beren Saat...
Stiu ca ,in vara asta,a jucat intr-un film "de cinema"... Am tot vazut,in emisiunile lor gen "magazin",ca actorul cu care a jucat tot zicea ceva de minciunile lui Beren...Despre ce-i vorba??
Stiu ca ,in vara asta,a jucat intr-un film "de cinema"... Am tot vazut,in emisiunile lor gen "magazin",ca actorul cu care a jucat tot zicea ceva de minciunile lui Beren...Despre ce-i vorba??
iulia1965- vip
- Mesaje : 604
Data de inscriere : 01/12/2009
Re: Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
ce o fi cu filmul asta de l-a intrerupt ai nostrii?eu una nu m-am uitat dar acum daca l-ar da m-as uita ca n-am la ce sa ma uit la tv
dea05- vip
- Mesaje : 2538
Data de inscriere : 13/09/2009
Re: Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
Eu am inceput de ceva timp sa-l urmaresc la turci. E deosebit , imi place ca subiect si in mod special imi plac toaletele doamnelor!
elena50- vip
- Mesaje : 4302
Data de inscriere : 28/09/2009
Re: Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
elena50 a scris:Eu am inceput de ceva timp sa-l urmaresc la turci. E deosebit , imi place ca subiect si in mod special imi plac toaletele doamnelor!
aurora212- membru
- Mesaje : 8
Data de inscriere : 20/01/2010
Re: Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
buna aurora! vad ca doresti sa ne ti companie, ai inceput bine decat ca trebuia sa scrii si tu un mesaj dupa mesajul in care ai dat tu quote sau dai clic pe postreplay si scrii acolo un mesaj apoi dai trimite , nu-ti fie frica incearca sa scrii chiar daca vei gresi eu o sa sterg mesajele gresite
mai citeste si aici
mai citeste si aici
Admin_dea05- Admin
- Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009
Re: Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
Ask I Memnu 58 part 1
Nihal: Everyone must hear this! father look! Behlul proposed to me!
Fred: Oh finally! This is am amazing news! Amazing!
Nihal: Sweetie
Adnan: I, I am surprised all sudden, meaning I wasn’t waiting for this...
Fred: I was waiting for this to be honest.
Behlul: I should have asked you first but I wanted to know Nihal’s decision first.
Fred: what did you answer Nihal?
Nihal; I said yes!
Fred: Amazing! Amazing!
Nihal: You didn't say anything sweetie!
Adnan: I am very happy/glad sweetie. Congratulations.... My son! You two decided on a big decision, you made me happy. Congratulations...
Fred: Dear Nihal congratulations
Nihal: thank you.
Lady: I congratulate you too..
Nihal: Metmezal!
Fred: You made a right decision Behlul, congratulations.
Metmezal: Behlul, I am very happy for you two, I congratulate you two...
Behlul: We thank you.
Fred: Nesrin look Behlul and Nihal got engaged
Nesrin: congratulations
Nihal: so Bulent, you wont congratulate us?
Behlul: ohhh
Fred: How happy for you Mr. Adnan.
Behtar: I congratulate you, Behlul surprised all of us. You stayed behind your words and stayed behind your love. I congratulate you.
Fred: So , let me look at the ring. Oh its very elegant, very pretty.
Adnan: Yes, it suited my daughter too...
Behtar: When did you buy this ring?
Behlul: I bought this today...
Behtar: when you returned from the trip? Very pleasant.
Behlul: Staying away from home for a few days made me see more clearly. I understood how much I missed Nihal.
The lady is feeding Biser.... she is making him eat and she says once they take him home she will take care of him even more....
Back to Adnan’s home
Bulent: SO for seriously you two got engaged?
Fred: this wont be just between the family right? You will make the celebration/party?
Adnan: If Nihal wants to then we will...
Nihal: I don't know yet, me and Behlul will talk and make a decision.
Behtar: sure from now on you two will make decisions together..
Fred: Come on we will be late...
Adnan: Yes for sure
Lady: maybe those two young wants to stay alone?
Adnan: The decision is yours
Behlul: What do you say Nihal?
Nihal: I don't know
Behtar: I think tonight must be very special for you two, I think you two go somewhere private/special. What would you do in middle of crowds?
Fred: no, so that they will show their engagement. She can show her ring to everyone and after they can leave where ever they want to.
Behtar: Good, see my mother made the program for you two again
Behlul: Whatever Nihal wants we will do
Nihal: alright, we will stay at the guest place and then we will go somewhere else. But if you have other idea I will support
Behlul: alright, whatever you want
Lady: they are very sweet, how they understand each other...
Adnan: We will get late, come on lets go...
Part 2
So they leave for the party....
Metmezal and Bulent
Metmezal: Shall we watch a movie?
Bulent: Sure
Metmezal: What is wrong with you all sudden?
Bulent: This engagement is weird for me, I cannot see my sister with Behlul as couple. It feels all like a game. It doesn't seem real.
Metmezal: maybe you are jealous of your sister...ayyyy ayyy
Bulent: For sure no, one is Behlul and the other my sister. Why should I be jealous?...
At the party...nihat’s father talks to his wife and he says to her how she is being dresses like young girls and that she is still his wife and she should remember that... she tells him to back off for that night and leave them alone...
The Nihat goes to them and tells him to stop it.. then he says I wont do anything wrong tonight, I just wanted to remind your mother that she is still my wife because seems like she forgot
Nihat: What do you mean?
Mother: Come Nihat, he has drink enough, the more he talks the more he gets disgusting...
In the car
Fred: I don't think they should wait long, they should do the wedding right away. What do you think Mr. Adnan?
Adnan: I am not thinking anything now, everything happened so fast. Let’s wait for now
Lady: If you are saying they should get to know each other, which couple do you think knows each other more than them?
Adnan: This is something they know, they will make the decision.
Fred: I am exiting from now one, the new years wedding.
Lady: you already thought about your dress right?
Fred: for sure...
Then Behtar’s sister calls... and she tells him that Nihat’s father is there and they should get there soon....
Behtar tells them that the man is there and he started the show already...
Nihal and Behlul...
Behlul: You really like it?
Nihal: For sure, I cannot believe I am carrying your ring on my finger. I am looking at it to know if its real.
Behlul: Its a joke...
Nihal: Fred’s game came to this point.
Behlul: nihal this is not a game
Nihal: When did it start first then? Meaning first time when did you notice the feelings toward me?
Behlul: I don't know..
Nihal: I hope you didn't decide right away to marry me..i mean first they will love and they will be sure about it. when did you start thinking of me at first?
Behlul: You always was in my life, I don't know. For sure there is nothing at first time. whenever it started for you, I think it started for me too then...
Then the lady’s daughter calls her and tells her that Nihal and Behlul got engaged....
Part 3
So when she hangs up the phone she doesn't tell her husband or Biser, she says its the food that got burned....
At the party.....
Adnan and his family arrives...everyone welcomes them..then they know about Behlul and Nihal’s engagmed... they all congratulates them...
Fred: the new years wedding will be theirs.. we will start preparing...
The two guys are talking about Adnan’s family
Man1: He got mad at me, he took all his anger out on me (He is talking about Nihat’s father)
Man2: (the one who works for them) You wait, there is more coming out at that house...
Man1: How is the old driver doing? Is he coming back soon?
Man2: he is getting better, the more lately he comes the better. if he doesn't come home that is even better.
Back to the party....
The man takes Adnan and his sister to introduce them to foreign friends.
Then Nihal and her friends goes to her friend’s mother to tell her about the proposal...
Behlul and bihter
Bihter: So you convinced Biser this way. To make him quiet this is what you had to do...i don't know how to thank you. a big step, to protect my marriage this is what you do. it is just something that can be expected from you. a strong action.
Behlul: here is not the time or place. Cut it please!
Bihter: Why? I am telling you how much I owe you, I didn't know you think of me this much. You are making your life nothing because of thinking of me! just me...
episode 58 Part 4
Then the lady and man congratulates her...
Bihter: Don't be upset thinking you are paying something hard back. Think about the things you will have when you come together with Nihal.
Behlul: What are you saying?
Bihter: sure, what am I saying? Sure you have thought about that too. There is more you will have when you become Adnan’s son-in-law. For sure this is what it’s deserved...
Nihal: they are very shocked..
Behlul: Nihal shall we go? I don't like here..
Nihal: Sure, I will tell my father.
She leaves
Bihter: Poor, I am feeling hurt for you.
Behlul: Bihter! Enough!
Bihter: Look at you, your in a poor situation, your very poor. At least I love Adnan. You don't love Nihal. Poor you!
Then he leaves.. on his way out Nihat’s father holds him
Man: Good evening Behlul A. Where are you going? To the cottage home?
Behlul: what are you saying?
Man: for sure, you have a very beautiful home! I learned. (he looks at Bihter) You have invited very beautiful guests there too.
Behlul: A** L****
Adnan: Behlul! Behlul!
Behlul: get up! Get up! Uncle once second!
Adnan: Behlul go out!
Then they go out.. Adnan apologizes to the man...
Nihal: Behlul! Behlul stop! Why did you fight?
Nihat: Calm down! Come on get in the car!
Adnan: Behlul! What did he tell you?
Behlul: He is talking BS
Father: Mr. Adnan! They are convincing you!
Nihat: cut it! get in the car!
Father: Open your eyes and look around yourself! You are coming to a game!
Behlul: Cut it! may God punish you!
Father: I have a lot to tell you! A lot!
Bihter: Let’s go Adnan
Father: It is not just words for nothing! Soon I will come to you with prove/files! I will open your eyes!
Adnan: Get punished! Drunk! It was clear he would was going to do this!
In the car...Nihat and his father
Father: He will for me! he is not aware of it!
Nihat: Go faster! Soon lets get away from here!
Nihat’s mother leaves.. the man is apologizing to her...
Back to Nihat and his father
Nihat: You came only to do this to us huh? To put us down you played iwth Behlul!
Father: He got nuts! When he knew I know what is going on around him he got tight! All of you are sleeping! The man is with his uncle’s wife!
Nihat: what are you saying?
Father: Bihter and Behlul have a relationship!
Nihat: cut it!
Father: they meet by a beach house!
Nihat: cut it! you are being very nonsense! You don't know what to say because of yoru anger 1
Father: I want Adnan’s goodness! Since you are on his side! Open his eyes! Poor, he should get down front of people more!
Nihat: what kind of man are you? just to get your revenge you are putting people’s marriage on the line! Why am I surprised? You have done things to your own son! I am ashamed of you!
Father: for real you be ashamed of them!
Nihat: enough! Stop the car! Stop! (as he gets down) Stay far from us! Hide the dirty things you are thinking! don't through your dirtiness around1
Father: what are you going to do if I prove huh?
Nihal and Behlul
Nihal: does it hurt?
Behlul: no
Nihal: Our night end up horrible! We became shame in front of people! Who knows what they are saying now behind us! (the phone rings) Uff Pelin! Again! Understand ia m not going to answer it!
Behlul: answer and talk! So that she wont call...
Nihal: Hello, I will call you when I get home. I said I will call you alright! I promise you! (hangs it up) It is like I know why you fought and I have to tell her! look what happen to us at this night! What did he tell you to make you this mad? Behlul? Why arent you telling me?
Behlul: Nihal enough! Enough! You don't push me too!
Nihal: alright I am sorry
Behlul: I am very angry! Please.
Nihal: Alright I am quiet.
Nihal: Everyone must hear this! father look! Behlul proposed to me!
Fred: Oh finally! This is am amazing news! Amazing!
Nihal: Sweetie
Adnan: I, I am surprised all sudden, meaning I wasn’t waiting for this...
Fred: I was waiting for this to be honest.
Behlul: I should have asked you first but I wanted to know Nihal’s decision first.
Fred: what did you answer Nihal?
Nihal; I said yes!
Fred: Amazing! Amazing!
Nihal: You didn't say anything sweetie!
Adnan: I am very happy/glad sweetie. Congratulations.... My son! You two decided on a big decision, you made me happy. Congratulations...
Fred: Dear Nihal congratulations
Nihal: thank you.
Lady: I congratulate you too..
Nihal: Metmezal!
Fred: You made a right decision Behlul, congratulations.
Metmezal: Behlul, I am very happy for you two, I congratulate you two...
Behlul: We thank you.
Fred: Nesrin look Behlul and Nihal got engaged
Nesrin: congratulations
Nihal: so Bulent, you wont congratulate us?
Behlul: ohhh
Fred: How happy for you Mr. Adnan.
Behtar: I congratulate you, Behlul surprised all of us. You stayed behind your words and stayed behind your love. I congratulate you.
Fred: So , let me look at the ring. Oh its very elegant, very pretty.
Adnan: Yes, it suited my daughter too...
Behtar: When did you buy this ring?
Behlul: I bought this today...
Behtar: when you returned from the trip? Very pleasant.
Behlul: Staying away from home for a few days made me see more clearly. I understood how much I missed Nihal.
The lady is feeding Biser.... she is making him eat and she says once they take him home she will take care of him even more....
Back to Adnan’s home
Bulent: SO for seriously you two got engaged?
Fred: this wont be just between the family right? You will make the celebration/party?
Adnan: If Nihal wants to then we will...
Nihal: I don't know yet, me and Behlul will talk and make a decision.
Behtar: sure from now on you two will make decisions together..
Fred: Come on we will be late...
Adnan: Yes for sure
Lady: maybe those two young wants to stay alone?
Adnan: The decision is yours
Behlul: What do you say Nihal?
Nihal: I don't know
Behtar: I think tonight must be very special for you two, I think you two go somewhere private/special. What would you do in middle of crowds?
Fred: no, so that they will show their engagement. She can show her ring to everyone and after they can leave where ever they want to.
Behtar: Good, see my mother made the program for you two again
Behlul: Whatever Nihal wants we will do
Nihal: alright, we will stay at the guest place and then we will go somewhere else. But if you have other idea I will support
Behlul: alright, whatever you want
Lady: they are very sweet, how they understand each other...
Adnan: We will get late, come on lets go...
Part 2
So they leave for the party....
Metmezal and Bulent
Metmezal: Shall we watch a movie?
Bulent: Sure
Metmezal: What is wrong with you all sudden?
Bulent: This engagement is weird for me, I cannot see my sister with Behlul as couple. It feels all like a game. It doesn't seem real.
Metmezal: maybe you are jealous of your sister...ayyyy ayyy
Bulent: For sure no, one is Behlul and the other my sister. Why should I be jealous?...
At the party...nihat’s father talks to his wife and he says to her how she is being dresses like young girls and that she is still his wife and she should remember that... she tells him to back off for that night and leave them alone...
The Nihat goes to them and tells him to stop it.. then he says I wont do anything wrong tonight, I just wanted to remind your mother that she is still my wife because seems like she forgot
Nihat: What do you mean?
Mother: Come Nihat, he has drink enough, the more he talks the more he gets disgusting...
In the car
Fred: I don't think they should wait long, they should do the wedding right away. What do you think Mr. Adnan?
Adnan: I am not thinking anything now, everything happened so fast. Let’s wait for now
Lady: If you are saying they should get to know each other, which couple do you think knows each other more than them?
Adnan: This is something they know, they will make the decision.
Fred: I am exiting from now one, the new years wedding.
Lady: you already thought about your dress right?
Fred: for sure...
Then Behtar’s sister calls... and she tells him that Nihat’s father is there and they should get there soon....
Behtar tells them that the man is there and he started the show already...
Nihal and Behlul...
Behlul: You really like it?
Nihal: For sure, I cannot believe I am carrying your ring on my finger. I am looking at it to know if its real.
Behlul: Its a joke...
Nihal: Fred’s game came to this point.
Behlul: nihal this is not a game
Nihal: When did it start first then? Meaning first time when did you notice the feelings toward me?
Behlul: I don't know..
Nihal: I hope you didn't decide right away to marry me..i mean first they will love and they will be sure about it. when did you start thinking of me at first?
Behlul: You always was in my life, I don't know. For sure there is nothing at first time. whenever it started for you, I think it started for me too then...
Then the lady’s daughter calls her and tells her that Nihal and Behlul got engaged....
Part 3
So when she hangs up the phone she doesn't tell her husband or Biser, she says its the food that got burned....
At the party.....
Adnan and his family arrives...everyone welcomes them..then they know about Behlul and Nihal’s engagmed... they all congratulates them...
Fred: the new years wedding will be theirs.. we will start preparing...
The two guys are talking about Adnan’s family
Man1: He got mad at me, he took all his anger out on me (He is talking about Nihat’s father)
Man2: (the one who works for them) You wait, there is more coming out at that house...
Man1: How is the old driver doing? Is he coming back soon?
Man2: he is getting better, the more lately he comes the better. if he doesn't come home that is even better.
Back to the party....
The man takes Adnan and his sister to introduce them to foreign friends.
Then Nihal and her friends goes to her friend’s mother to tell her about the proposal...
Behlul and bihter
Bihter: So you convinced Biser this way. To make him quiet this is what you had to do...i don't know how to thank you. a big step, to protect my marriage this is what you do. it is just something that can be expected from you. a strong action.
Behlul: here is not the time or place. Cut it please!
Bihter: Why? I am telling you how much I owe you, I didn't know you think of me this much. You are making your life nothing because of thinking of me! just me...
episode 58 Part 4
Then the lady and man congratulates her...
Bihter: Don't be upset thinking you are paying something hard back. Think about the things you will have when you come together with Nihal.
Behlul: What are you saying?
Bihter: sure, what am I saying? Sure you have thought about that too. There is more you will have when you become Adnan’s son-in-law. For sure this is what it’s deserved...
Nihal: they are very shocked..
Behlul: Nihal shall we go? I don't like here..
Nihal: Sure, I will tell my father.
She leaves
Bihter: Poor, I am feeling hurt for you.
Behlul: Bihter! Enough!
Bihter: Look at you, your in a poor situation, your very poor. At least I love Adnan. You don't love Nihal. Poor you!
Then he leaves.. on his way out Nihat’s father holds him
Man: Good evening Behlul A. Where are you going? To the cottage home?
Behlul: what are you saying?
Man: for sure, you have a very beautiful home! I learned. (he looks at Bihter) You have invited very beautiful guests there too.
Behlul: A** L****
Adnan: Behlul! Behlul!
Behlul: get up! Get up! Uncle once second!
Adnan: Behlul go out!
Then they go out.. Adnan apologizes to the man...
Nihal: Behlul! Behlul stop! Why did you fight?
Nihat: Calm down! Come on get in the car!
Adnan: Behlul! What did he tell you?
Behlul: He is talking BS
Father: Mr. Adnan! They are convincing you!
Nihat: cut it! get in the car!
Father: Open your eyes and look around yourself! You are coming to a game!
Behlul: Cut it! may God punish you!
Father: I have a lot to tell you! A lot!
Bihter: Let’s go Adnan
Father: It is not just words for nothing! Soon I will come to you with prove/files! I will open your eyes!
Adnan: Get punished! Drunk! It was clear he would was going to do this!
In the car...Nihat and his father
Father: He will for me! he is not aware of it!
Nihat: Go faster! Soon lets get away from here!
Nihat’s mother leaves.. the man is apologizing to her...
Back to Nihat and his father
Nihat: You came only to do this to us huh? To put us down you played iwth Behlul!
Father: He got nuts! When he knew I know what is going on around him he got tight! All of you are sleeping! The man is with his uncle’s wife!
Nihat: what are you saying?
Father: Bihter and Behlul have a relationship!
Nihat: cut it!
Father: they meet by a beach house!
Nihat: cut it! you are being very nonsense! You don't know what to say because of yoru anger 1
Father: I want Adnan’s goodness! Since you are on his side! Open his eyes! Poor, he should get down front of people more!
Nihat: what kind of man are you? just to get your revenge you are putting people’s marriage on the line! Why am I surprised? You have done things to your own son! I am ashamed of you!
Father: for real you be ashamed of them!
Nihat: enough! Stop the car! Stop! (as he gets down) Stay far from us! Hide the dirty things you are thinking! don't through your dirtiness around1
Father: what are you going to do if I prove huh?
Nihal and Behlul
Nihal: does it hurt?
Behlul: no
Nihal: Our night end up horrible! We became shame in front of people! Who knows what they are saying now behind us! (the phone rings) Uff Pelin! Again! Understand ia m not going to answer it!
Behlul: answer and talk! So that she wont call...
Nihal: Hello, I will call you when I get home. I said I will call you alright! I promise you! (hangs it up) It is like I know why you fought and I have to tell her! look what happen to us at this night! What did he tell you to make you this mad? Behlul? Why arent you telling me?
Behlul: Nihal enough! Enough! You don't push me too!
Nihal: alright I am sorry
Behlul: I am very angry! Please.
Nihal: Alright I am quiet.
Re: Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
Buna seara! Azi avem episod din Ask-i Memnu la Kd tr! Vizionare placuta!
elena50- vip
- Mesaje : 4302
Data de inscriere : 28/09/2009
Re: Aşk-ı Memnu*Iubire Ascunsa
Un actor cu un fizic de nota 10+ !
carmenadina- membru activ
- Mesaje : 43
Data de inscriere : 02/02/2010
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