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Cu drag de mărţişor, primiţi primavara în sufletul vostru , şi fie ca acest anotimp să vă aducă în viaţa voastră împlinire şi noroc, fericire şi iubire şi nu în ultimul rând căldură sufletescă de la cei dragi. vă doresc o primavară frumoasă!
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In această zi specială de mărţişor, permiteţi-mi să ofer fiecărei membre a acestui forum câte un mărţişor la alegere.
Va doresc o primavara fericita, razele caldute ale soarelui sa va mangaie cu fericire si iubire…
octaviana1989- vip
- Mesaje : 587
Data de inscriere : 28/09/2009
Varsta : 35
Ce poza frumoasa!Daca nu-i cunosti zici ca sunt intradevar o familieDENISA a scris:
Admin_dea05- Admin
- Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009
Article in the Croatian magazine
Murat Yildirim: Suprugu sam zaprosio zbog ljubomore na Asi
Romantičnu prosidbu o kakvoj mašta svaka žena nije doživjela supruga turskog glumca Murata Yildirima koji u sapunici “Asi” ljubi glavnu junakinju. Naime, Murat, u sapunici igra Demira Dogana, priznao je kako je glumicu Burçin Terzioğlu zaprosio u vrlo napetoj situaciji, nakon što je Burçin zbog svoje ljubomore doživjela lakšu prometnu nesreću! Nesvakidašnja ljubavna priča ukratko ide ovako: izjedana ljubomorom na Tubu Büyüküstün, proglašenu najljepšom turskom glumicom, Burçin je odlučila iznenaditi svog dečka na setu u Antakyiji te je na putu doživjela prometnu nesreću. Murat otkriva kako zbog osjećaja krivnje nije više želio gubiti vrijeme i zaprosio je svoju izabranicu.........................
Turska sapunica "Asi" postala je ozbiljan konkurent popularnoj "1001 noći", a njeni glavni glumci, Murat Yıldırım i Tuba Büyüküstün, koji tumače likove Murata i Asi, prozvani su novim Onurom i Šeherezadom zbog strasti pred kamerama, ali i iza njih
Na snimanju serije "Asi" Murat Yıldırım neko je vrijeme ozbiljno zavodio svoju partnericu Tuba Büyüküstün, no kad mu to nije uspjelo, oženio se s Burçin Terzioğlu
U petak se na RTL-u očekuje prikazivanje zadnje epizode "1001 noći", no njen status najgledanije sapunice ozbiljno je ugrozila serija "Asi" koja se prikazuje na Novoj TV. Ljubavne zavrzlame između lijepe veterinarke Asi i naočitog biznismena Demira tako je na Valentinovo pratilo 670 tisuća gledatelja, a tri dana kasnije 724 tisuće.
Kao i kod "1001 noći", kemija između dvoje glavnih protagonista vjerojatno je glavni uzrok zbog kojeg je "Asi" postala toliko omiljena. Tubu Büyüküstün, koja tumači lik Asi, i Murata Yıldırıma u ulozi Demira turski su mediji prozvali "novim Onurom i Šeherezadom", aludirajući na sličnu situaciju između dvoje glavnih glumaca u "1001 noći". Štoviše, tadašnja djevojka Murata Yıldırıma, glumica Burçin Terzioğlu - koja glumi u seriji "Ezel" - bila je iznimo ljubomorna na partnericu svog dečka.
Murat Yıldırım novinarima je ispričao: "Suprugu sam zaprosio u trenutku kad smo se svađali. Pitala me što želim od nje, a ja sam odgovorio da se želim oženiti njome. Tako je završila i prepirka." Ljubomoru Burçin Terzioğlu nešto je lakše shvatiti kad se uzme u obzir da Murat Yıldırım glasi za velikog zavodnika. Prije tri godine u isto je vrijeme snimao seriju "Asi" i film "Güz sancisi" ("Boli jeseni") i paralelno zavodio dvije svoje kolegice sa seta - Tubu Büyüküstün i Beren Saat, koja u seriji "Strasti Orijenta" tumači ulogu Bihter.
Ljubavni život Tube Büyüküstün nešto je manje uzbudljiv. Ova 28-godišnja glumica lani je raskinula zaruke s glumcem Samijem Sandalom, a trenutno je navodno u vezi s glumcem i redateljem Canselom Elcinom. "Preferiram iskrene, romantične, brižne muškarce koji imaju veliku strast za životom", izjavila je crnokosa ljepotica, koja se pojavila na naslovnicama svih važnijih modnih časopisa u Turskoj.
1.The real story is this: (the people who have been to the set or who have friends there have informed us. I have not seen this personally so I cannot say it is 100% true but I personally think it is true.. )
In the beginning Murat came to the set of ASI. He was going out with Burcin at the time. as soon as he saw Tuba he was totally engrossed with her. He liked her a lot. During the shoots he would hold her hand or hug her and when the director said stop and told them things he would continue hugging her or playing with her hair. She would tell him to stop or let go of her hand and he would not and he was flirtatious.
The news of course was sent to Burcin. She heard about Murat and Tuba. she was so upset she called Murat and had an argument over the phone. when Murat returned to Istanbul they had another argument and She then started drinking and had a car accident. She was drunk behind the wheel. Murat went to her and he was upset that he caused this accident and pain and promised to marry her in the summer. They gave each other rings (and their families were invited) This news was also carried to Tuba. Tuba was also upset but she was sort of expecting such a behavior from Murat.
When Murat returned to the set he was told by Tuba that she was going out with Saygýn. I believe they (Tuba and Saygin) are close friends and Tuba used Saygin as a shield to protect herself from Murat and his confusing behavior. Saygin was aware of the situation of course.
Anyway at this point Burcin started visiting the set and Murat could not do anything about it. They eventually got married. Although I do not like Burcin at all, I hope they are happy and wish them happiness.. I do not think that as characters Tuba and Murat are suitable anyway. Their minds work differently.
I think Tuba was clever not to go out with Murat or to get attached to him because she knew she would get hurt in the end or at least the series would fail if she had an on and off relationship with Murat. This would obviously reflect on the success of the series. So I think she was very brave and clever.
2.Thanks a million for this info, at the end, this makes sense much more than anything else. Their unfortunate relationship behind the scenes gave us the most romantic feeling on the screen, though it was hard for them resisting their feelings, MAYBE wishing for more, but they said it all in Asi. They lived & felt their love on the set, no limits or boundaries were there, coz this is their story, & Asi was their world, he is the love of her life, and her husband, & she is his life, & precious soul, so BT cant complaint.
Arzu'cim, this story explains so many things that i wondered about, I dont know why i felt Asi story is Muratuba story but under their own conditions. I used to link so many statements by Demir to his real feelings to Tuba. Sometimes, some of the scripts were so written for them, that you feel its going out of their heart especially him. Remember bolum 20/10 & 21/1 when he was telling her how he knows exactly who will be his wife, then started describing her characteristics. To me it was like a poem, & was written just for Tuba, coz to me Asi is Tuba, & Demir is Murat. Or the bolum when he gave her the horse as a gift, & told her how its hers with all its soul, my God, at that moment, their looks were so sincere, & the way she received his words, gave me goosebumps. If I list more then it will be the whole series.
I think Ali portray Burcin in real life, i know it sounds weird, but if Burcin wasn’t there, and didn’t give Murat hard time RE: Tuba, we would've witnessed their wedding the same time of Halit & Berguzar.
I always felt that Murat, during his interviews, tries to avoid any conversation about Asi series, and Tuba.. maybe he doesn’t want to remember how things ended up the way it is today. Maybe he doesn’t want to open a wound that was treated by a wrong antibiotics, but he’s still surviving. I wish him luck and happiness, but I really feel sorry that they didn’t stand up for their love – if it was TRUE LOVE.
On the other hand, if this story is true, its so stupid from Burcin side to keep a guy out of sympathy & pettiness. This is so wrong, & this is no love, maybe this explains Murat’s nightmares
Anyhow, both of them are matured, and I wish them real love not a mickey mouse one. And maybe as you said Arzu’cim, their characters are different, so they wont survive, so better cut it before it gets painful.
Thank you again my love, coz I was interested to know what the Turkish people know about this relationship.
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If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.
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