20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
asi demir
dana sandulescu
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Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
[quote="dana4699"]multumim frumos lica
vai da mis dragi de numi pot dezlipi ochi de la ei
vai da mis dragi de numi pot dezlipi ochi de la ei
lica54- vip
- Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
Varsta : 70
Localizare : Galati
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
emana romantism si tensiune nu-i asa ? dar daca a fost ceva Murat nu a aratat niciodata,imi amintesc ca are niste momente memorabile si in Ask,unde tot asa
e plin de iubire si tensiune si cel mai mult mi-a placut si m-a emotionat cand
yas i-a spus ca ai lui spun de fiul lor ca este un bastard si el plange atunci.......superb
emana romantism si tensiune nu-i asa ? dar daca a fost ceva Murat nu a aratat niciodata,imi amintesc ca are niste momente memorabile si in Ask,unde tot asa
e plin de iubire si tensiune si cel mai mult mi-a placut si m-a emotionat cand
yas i-a spus ca ai lui spun de fiul lor ca este un bastard si el plange atunci.......superb
ninnet- vip
- Mesaje : 2304
Data de inscriere : 22/03/2011
Localizare : Bucuresti
ninnet- vip
- Mesaje : 2304
Data de inscriere : 22/03/2011
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
ce ziceti de stirea asta ? noul partener al Tubei esteTatlitug?
ninnet- vip
- Mesaje : 2304
Data de inscriere : 22/03/2011
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
noapte buna va doresc..............
ninnet- vip
- Mesaje : 2304
Data de inscriere : 22/03/2011
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
prima parte din serialul ask mie mi s-a parut remarcabila , dragostea dintre ei mai intensa , parca traiau cu mai multa ardoare clipele de revedere:) .. noapte buna fetelor
lavy612- vip
- Mesaje : 927
Data de inscriere : 26/01/2011
Varsta : 33
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Buna dimineata zi linistita tuturor si
rodica- vip
- Mesaje : 848
Data de inscriere : 20/01/2010
Varsta : 68
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Dragalaselor buna dimineata poftiti la cafeluta sa aveti parte de o zi frumoasa de primavara
lica54- vip
- Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
Varsta : 70
Localizare : Galati
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
poftiti la micul dejunpofta buna
lica54- vip
- Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
Varsta : 70
Localizare : Galati
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
O zi frumoasa sa aveti!! Si...sa lasam primavara sa intre in casele si in inimile noastre.
lica54- vip
- Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
Varsta : 70
Localizare : Galati
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Dragă Lica eşti nemaipomenită! Mulţumesc din tot sufletul pentru pagina asta însorită şi aşa de minunat pregătită de tine!lica54 a scris:... ...
Tuturor vă doresc o zi superbăăă!
Motzişor- vip
- Mesaje : 1616
Data de inscriere : 17/01/2010
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
si ei doi sa ne faca ziua mai frumoasa[/quote]
lica54- vip
- Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
Varsta : 70
Localizare : Galati
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
buna dinimeata tuturor
si cate unul pentru fiecare[img][/img]
si cate unul pentru fiecare[img][/img]
dana4699- vip
- Mesaje : 1367
Data de inscriere : 11/01/2011
Varsta : 46
Localizare : piatra neamt
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
sa ne bucuram si de o zi cu [img][/img]
dana4699- vip
- Mesaje : 1367
Data de inscriere : 11/01/2011
Varsta : 46
Localizare : piatra neamt
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
serviti va rog
o zi frumoasa tuturor
o zi frumoasa tuturor
dana4699- vip
- Mesaje : 1367
Data de inscriere : 11/01/2011
Varsta : 46
Localizare : piatra neamt
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
buna dimineata printeselor, o zi superba sa aveti,va ofer si eu o cafeluta
ninnet- vip
- Mesaje : 2304
Data de inscriere : 22/03/2011
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
buna dimineata Ninnet. o zi frumoasa si tie
dana4699- vip
- Mesaje : 1367
Data de inscriere : 11/01/2011
Varsta : 46
Localizare : piatra neamt
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
dana4699 a scris:buna dimineata Ninnet. o zi frumoasa si tie
sa ai o zi ca vreme de afara...........superba, te pupic!
ninnet- vip
- Mesaje : 2304
Data de inscriere : 22/03/2011
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
te pupic si eu
da sa avem o zi la fel de frumoasa cu cea de-afara .
da sa avem o zi la fel de frumoasa cu cea de-afara .
dana4699- vip
- Mesaje : 1367
Data de inscriere : 11/01/2011
Varsta : 46
Localizare : piatra neamt
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
sa mai punem ceva frumos[[/quote]pentru toate dragalasele mele vi le daruesc din
lica54- vip
- Mesaje : 14345
Data de inscriere : 11/03/2010
Varsta : 70
Localizare : Galati
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
va aduc si eu melodia mea de suflet,ador cum canta baiatul asta si-l ador
si pe el
si pe el
ninnet- vip
- Mesaje : 2304
Data de inscriere : 22/03/2011
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
buna fetelor, .. ninnet chiar ai gusturi , bravo, e superb cantecelul si interpretul l fel
lavy612- vip
- Mesaje : 927
Data de inscriere : 26/01/2011
Varsta : 33
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
A apărut traducerea în en pe turkweb, o pun aici pentru că nu am acum timp să mă ocup de traducerea ei in ro. Poate mai târziu…….dacă nu o ia nimeni
AŞK VE CEZA Episodul 50 EN
- Savas: Nothing like that will happen, you can be sure of that.
- Yasemin: I did expect such a thing, it would be a lie if I told you I didn´t. Everyone can get married as they wish, whether it be a legal marriage, a imam marriage or both, I don´t mind at all, but if I do this it would mean my acceptance of being a second wife. I won´t accept this Savas
- Savas: That´s why I said nothing like this would happen. Let me handle this, my mother won´t speak about this issue again.
- Yasemin: Maybe, but she will always think about it. I know I came here for everybodys safety, but I´m getting scared, what´s gonna happen know? How long are we gonna stay here? Are we two ever gonna get a life together?
- Savas: Of course.
- Yasemin: I don´t know anymore.
sahnur and Fidan small talk. Sahnur then asks Fidan the name of the imam, she tells her to invite him so he can marry Savas and Yasemin. Fidan is a bit worried that Yasemin will misunderstand the situation as if they´re getting Savas a second wife, but Sahnur insures her that she won´t and says that she even spoke to Yasemin about this.
Leyla enters. Sahnur tells her about her idea as well. Sahnur gets happy at first thinking she is talking about a civil marriage, but quickly figures out that it aint. She then expresses her disagreement and the convesation ends with a brawl.
Yavuz tell his men that this has to be kept secret (he doesn´t tell what it is) and if he should talk, there will be a punishment.
- Savas: Trust me my dear
- Yasemin: I of course trust you, but...I trust you.
- Savas: Everything is gonna change
Leyla enters complaining, but she wasn´t aware of Savas still being there. She apoligizes. Savas says he is leaving anyway and tells her to step inside.
Savas tells Sahnur that he would have prefered her to talk to him instead of Yasemin about the marriage issue. Sahnur says that she only saw some things being neglected which is why she felt stepping in. But Savas insures her that nothing is being neglected, that he knows better and has some issues to solve first. Sahnur wants to know what these issues are, but Savas asks her to be patient and not meddle in their relationship
Leyla tells Yasemin about her concern, but Yasemin insures her there is nothing to be worry about.Leyla still goes on and Yasemin explodes.Leyla then asks whether she knows when she is gonna leave this house and if she even can.
Hakan and Lara small talk.
Fidan wants Haldun to start school,Pala agrees. Fidan is happy that Haldun is feeling better, Pala says its all thanks to Ceyda. Fidan gets angry and says she tried hard as well and starts crying.
Hakan surprises Pelin
- Yasemin: Savas
- Savas: Yes dear
- Yasemin: What´re we gonna do?
- Savas: What is this, is it a trick question? What happened?
- Yasemin: I feel uneased
- Savas: Don´t, then the baby will feel the same. Is Leyla fine? She didn´t come down for dinner as well.
- Yasemin: She isn´t fine, neither am I. My own mother acts as If I´m gonna accept being a second wife. If I event can´t convince her...
- Savas: My dear we talked about this, there won´t be these kind of conversation anymore. Please don´t be sad anymore.
- Yasemin: I know, but who knows what other things she will propose, as long as we live in this house.
- Savas: Yasemin, this is a difficult time for us all, but I try very hard to make it comfortable for everyone as possible, but believe me it is difficult for us all.
- Yasemin: I know, I just...
- Savas: I can´t put you or my son in jeopardy, if it wasn´t a life threatened situation I would never bring you here. I know I ask a lot of patience from you, but I have to asks for bit more
- Yasemin: I understand. I only wanna know one thing. When are we gonnna leave this house?
- Savas: Soon I will be able to answer your question more precise, trust me. Do you trust me?
Hakan tells Pelin that they should take their relationship a bit slow (he sort of breaks up with her)
Sahnur is having a festive tonight, in honor of her grandchildren. she then tells Savas that Cicek needs to come home, since she is still Savas´s "wife".
Nazan and Bora express their love towards eachother
Cicek tells Yavuz that she is going (back) to work. Yavuz tells her to be careful.
Once again is Leyla and Sahnur having a discussion on how to feed ömer. Leyla talks about rules for kids and Sahnur replies that children should be let to themselves a bit. Yasemin enters and gets frustrated. She tells Sahnur to keep doing things like she (Yasemin/Leyla) used to do it and tells her mom to calm down this once. Leyla gets angry and leaves.
Pala, Ceyda an Savas are talking business. Ceyda wants to start the campain they´re gonna have, but Savas tells her to wait a little more, maybe something extra is going to be added. Ceyda wants to know what the "extra" is, but Savas doesn´t tell her yet. He then calls and tells Hakan to come and see him.
The household is preparing for tonight. Sahnur then asks Fidan whether she is ok. Fidan tells her how annoyed she is about this Ceyda and that father and son aren´t talking about anything else.
Nazan enters.
Ceyda and Pala small talk. She then asks Pala when his birthday is, he replies tomorrow.
Yasemin apoligizes for earlier. Leyla tells Yasemin that she wants to go home, that she can´t take Sahnur anymore.
Savas tells Hakan that they´re gonna have a general meeting. He also mentions that he and Cicek signed the divorce papers. Hakan replies that Cicek mentioned it and that she was happy about it. Savas tells him that Cicek is trusting him a lot. He also says that it´s gonna be a difficult time and that people in Van is gonna "protest" which is why he has planned some ideas.
Pelin tells Yasemin about Hakan´s decision. Yasemin tries to calm her down.
Aici e posibil să lipsească ceva, apărea comentariu eliminat
Savas tells Hakan that the household now knows about the second baby as well.He then invites him and Pelin to the festive tonight.Hakan tells his situation with Pelin.
Sahnur orders Cicek to come home tomorrow
Nazan helps Fidan to try some close on, sort of giving her a little make over
Cicek learns about Yasemin´s pregnancy
Nazan and Fidan small talk.Fidan asks her when she is gonna tell everyone about the pregnancy.Nazan is a bit hesitating, but Fidan encourages her
Leyla gets ready to leave, but Yasemin pleads her to stay
Yavuz meets up with a former prison made. He tells him about his plan how to destroy Savas. He says he will act as if he is supporting the divorce, but people in Van will of course trash talk and that will evetually make Yavuz "explode" and "force" him to make a move.
Nazan tells about her pregnancy, Sahnur is thrilled. She then asks what her husband think of this. Nazan tells how he is very kind and very protective of her. Sahnur replies that she didn´t support the marriage, but since they´re becoming a family now there is nothing to say.
The friend asks Yavuz whether he knows Savas´s plan. Because they both know that Savas is aware of the difficult time there is ahead. Yavuz tells him that he has a insider
Yasemin thanks her mother for staying. She says she will always support. She then replies that she isn´t coming down for dinner.
The preparation is continuing
Savas asks Yasemin whether he should try ask Leyla to join them at dinner, but Yasemin says they shouldn´t push her. She then says that she gets sad about it, but at the same time gives her right. Yasemin: " I can´t tell her that she is wrong, that Sahnur isn´t seeing me as the second wife".
Savas shows her the divorce papers, he says he wanted to wait until it was final, but could bare watching her get sad any longer.
Savas: " No one can look at you as the second wife".
Yasemin is afraid that things are gonna get very messy, Savas replies that he has plans and tells them (it isn´t explained here).
Rest of the household gets the news about Nazan and they all congratulate her.
Nazan leaves
- Yasemin: Nazan was very happy tonight
- Savas: I am too. I´m becoming father and uncle.
- Yasemin: I wanna tell you something. You know about the plan you told me
- Savas: Yes
- Yasemin: If you don´t ask for my help, just because I´m pregnant I will get upset. It´s our fight together. Whenever and wherever you need me you gonna let me know, ok?
- Savas: Ok. We have a lot to do, you won´t be sidding around anyway.
- Yasemin: Of course I will be using my birth permits, but that´s different. Let´s see whether it is a girl or a boy I will be holding in my arms by then
- Savas. I think both you and by sister is getting girls.
- Yasemin: Do you want a girl?
- Savas: Yes. Imagine to girls playing around and when ömer grow up he will take care of them, he will give them a ride.
- Yasemin: I see you already gave ömer a job
- Savas: Of course he is gonna protect them. We will be old at that time, we won´t be able to catch up.
Bora tells Nazan that he is getting late for work and leaves
The Baldar´s are having breakfast. Sahnur asks whether something important happened since they´re gonna have a general meeting, Savas replies that he will tell her everything tonight after the meeting.
Cicek tell Yavuz that she has to leave for home. Yavuz asks whether someone is annoyed by her staying with him. Cicek says Sahnur wanted so and she obeys because she doesn´t wants any troubles while the divorce is going on.
Pala asks why they´re gonna having a general meeting. Savas tells him that they have signed the divorce papers and that´s gonna make Yavuz "explode" which is why he is having this meeting, to provale something worse to happen.
Sahnur asks Yasemin whether she knows what Savas plans are. She replies yes, but doesn´t find it right to tell and that Savas will do it himself when he arrives.Sahnur gets mad at Yasemin for not telling. Fidan calms her down by remembering her about her grandchild. Sahnur then tells Fidan that it is time to invite Bora over for coffee.
Yavuz talks to his insider. He tells him about a general meeting Savas is having
Cicek arrives.
Bora gets a phone call from Nazan telling him that Sahnur has invited them for coffee. He lies about being at a meeting
Cicek congratulates Yasemin. She also mentiones her brother being supportive of the divorce. Yasemin gets suspicious
Cicek gets a phone call from her mother.
At the general meeting Savas is telling everyone that they are gonna have middle east biggest integrated meat plant in Van.
Cicek gets frustated. Her mother has ordered her to come back to Van and stay with her if she gets a divorce. She can forget about teaching. Yasemin tries to calm her down.
Savas tells his employees that their target are the youngens. Some of them say that they should considerate a bit, but Savas says his intentions isn´t money but rather getting 1700 people jobs.
Nazan and Bora arrive
Pala gets a phone call from Ceyda, she insist on meeting to check on some work.
Bora thanks Sahnur for forgiving them. Sahnur says it is the sake of the baby. She further says that he from now on is gonna act as a good son in law and a father figure and if he should make Nazan upset then he will get punished.
Yasemin surprises Savas. He asks whether something is wrong, she replies she wanted to talk.
Ceyda surprises Pala with a cake and a gift, since it is his birthday. Pala is flattered
Cicek call her brother to tell about her mother, but Yavuz says he s behind her and that nothing will happen.
Yasemin tells Savas what Ciceks mother told her. Savas says they were expecting things like this, he says he will talk to Cicek and see what he can do. Yasemin also mentiones that Cicek told about her brother being supportive of the divorce, she is afraid that he is up to something. Savas is surprised.
Cicek gets a phone call from Lara reminding her about the school theater. Cicek has forgotten, but says she will be there. Lara gets happy and says they will go to dinner afterwards.
Yasemin asks how the meeting went. Savas replies they have taken the big step, now its time for the little ones. Yasemin says she will always stand by him.
Savas tries to get in touch with Pala
Pala thanks once again. Ceyda acts as if she twisted her food to get closer to Pala while the pictures are taken.
He then calls Savas. Savas tells him about Yavuz supporting the divorce
Savas has figured Yavuz plan out. Pala is afraid things will get out of hand. Savas suggest to invite and talk to the counciller of the Moran tribe. Pala likes the idea, he also asks whether he has told his mother about the divorce. Savas will tell her now
Cicek, Lara and Hakan are spending some time together. Hakan tells Cicek that Lara is looking up to her
Sahnur is shocked by the divorce news. She doesn´t think that a business in Van will solve anything.
Savas: "What will solve it then? If we all die"?
Sahnur says she has never seen a good act provaling the blood feud. Savas says that it´s not only about a good act, but rather changing these young mens life, choosing work towards war. He says they needed a plan that worked for all or else this blood feud will kill ´em all.
Sahnur is worried that they are using all their savings for this idea.Pala says a change is needed. Savas says he can´t take it anymore, he won´t live with fear of dying. Sahnur: " So you are putting a 1000 year old tribe tradition in jeopardy for an idea".
Savas says he will divorce Cicek and protect all Cicek´s (meaning all the girls that are suppressed in this tribe tradition) that is his understanding of what an Aga/Leader is suppose to do.Savas: " And when the day comes where different tribe members will work side by side, its the day I will marry Yasemin".
Yasemin just wanted to give Savas a hug
Yavuz learns about Savas´s plan through the insider, which is Ismail.
Savas and Yasemin get to work. Savas gets a phone call
- Savas: " When did this happen"?
- Sahnur: " Savas what happened"?
AŞK VE CEZA Episodul 50 EN
- Savas: Nothing like that will happen, you can be sure of that.
- Yasemin: I did expect such a thing, it would be a lie if I told you I didn´t. Everyone can get married as they wish, whether it be a legal marriage, a imam marriage or both, I don´t mind at all, but if I do this it would mean my acceptance of being a second wife. I won´t accept this Savas
- Savas: That´s why I said nothing like this would happen. Let me handle this, my mother won´t speak about this issue again.
- Yasemin: Maybe, but she will always think about it. I know I came here for everybodys safety, but I´m getting scared, what´s gonna happen know? How long are we gonna stay here? Are we two ever gonna get a life together?
- Savas: Of course.
- Yasemin: I don´t know anymore.
sahnur and Fidan small talk. Sahnur then asks Fidan the name of the imam, she tells her to invite him so he can marry Savas and Yasemin. Fidan is a bit worried that Yasemin will misunderstand the situation as if they´re getting Savas a second wife, but Sahnur insures her that she won´t and says that she even spoke to Yasemin about this.
Leyla enters. Sahnur tells her about her idea as well. Sahnur gets happy at first thinking she is talking about a civil marriage, but quickly figures out that it aint. She then expresses her disagreement and the convesation ends with a brawl.
Yavuz tell his men that this has to be kept secret (he doesn´t tell what it is) and if he should talk, there will be a punishment.
- Savas: Trust me my dear
- Yasemin: I of course trust you, but...I trust you.
- Savas: Everything is gonna change
Leyla enters complaining, but she wasn´t aware of Savas still being there. She apoligizes. Savas says he is leaving anyway and tells her to step inside.
Savas tells Sahnur that he would have prefered her to talk to him instead of Yasemin about the marriage issue. Sahnur says that she only saw some things being neglected which is why she felt stepping in. But Savas insures her that nothing is being neglected, that he knows better and has some issues to solve first. Sahnur wants to know what these issues are, but Savas asks her to be patient and not meddle in their relationship
Leyla tells Yasemin about her concern, but Yasemin insures her there is nothing to be worry about.Leyla still goes on and Yasemin explodes.Leyla then asks whether she knows when she is gonna leave this house and if she even can.
Hakan and Lara small talk.
Fidan wants Haldun to start school,Pala agrees. Fidan is happy that Haldun is feeling better, Pala says its all thanks to Ceyda. Fidan gets angry and says she tried hard as well and starts crying.
Hakan surprises Pelin
- Yasemin: Savas
- Savas: Yes dear
- Yasemin: What´re we gonna do?
- Savas: What is this, is it a trick question? What happened?
- Yasemin: I feel uneased
- Savas: Don´t, then the baby will feel the same. Is Leyla fine? She didn´t come down for dinner as well.
- Yasemin: She isn´t fine, neither am I. My own mother acts as If I´m gonna accept being a second wife. If I event can´t convince her...
- Savas: My dear we talked about this, there won´t be these kind of conversation anymore. Please don´t be sad anymore.
- Yasemin: I know, but who knows what other things she will propose, as long as we live in this house.
- Savas: Yasemin, this is a difficult time for us all, but I try very hard to make it comfortable for everyone as possible, but believe me it is difficult for us all.
- Yasemin: I know, I just...
- Savas: I can´t put you or my son in jeopardy, if it wasn´t a life threatened situation I would never bring you here. I know I ask a lot of patience from you, but I have to asks for bit more
- Yasemin: I understand. I only wanna know one thing. When are we gonnna leave this house?
- Savas: Soon I will be able to answer your question more precise, trust me. Do you trust me?
Hakan tells Pelin that they should take their relationship a bit slow (he sort of breaks up with her)
Sahnur is having a festive tonight, in honor of her grandchildren. she then tells Savas that Cicek needs to come home, since she is still Savas´s "wife".
Nazan and Bora express their love towards eachother
Cicek tells Yavuz that she is going (back) to work. Yavuz tells her to be careful.
Once again is Leyla and Sahnur having a discussion on how to feed ömer. Leyla talks about rules for kids and Sahnur replies that children should be let to themselves a bit. Yasemin enters and gets frustrated. She tells Sahnur to keep doing things like she (Yasemin/Leyla) used to do it and tells her mom to calm down this once. Leyla gets angry and leaves.
Pala, Ceyda an Savas are talking business. Ceyda wants to start the campain they´re gonna have, but Savas tells her to wait a little more, maybe something extra is going to be added. Ceyda wants to know what the "extra" is, but Savas doesn´t tell her yet. He then calls and tells Hakan to come and see him.
The household is preparing for tonight. Sahnur then asks Fidan whether she is ok. Fidan tells her how annoyed she is about this Ceyda and that father and son aren´t talking about anything else.
Nazan enters.
Ceyda and Pala small talk. She then asks Pala when his birthday is, he replies tomorrow.
Yasemin apoligizes for earlier. Leyla tells Yasemin that she wants to go home, that she can´t take Sahnur anymore.
Savas tells Hakan that they´re gonna have a general meeting. He also mentions that he and Cicek signed the divorce papers. Hakan replies that Cicek mentioned it and that she was happy about it. Savas tells him that Cicek is trusting him a lot. He also says that it´s gonna be a difficult time and that people in Van is gonna "protest" which is why he has planned some ideas.
Pelin tells Yasemin about Hakan´s decision. Yasemin tries to calm her down.
Aici e posibil să lipsească ceva, apărea comentariu eliminat
Savas tells Hakan that the household now knows about the second baby as well.He then invites him and Pelin to the festive tonight.Hakan tells his situation with Pelin.
Sahnur orders Cicek to come home tomorrow
Nazan helps Fidan to try some close on, sort of giving her a little make over
Cicek learns about Yasemin´s pregnancy
Nazan and Fidan small talk.Fidan asks her when she is gonna tell everyone about the pregnancy.Nazan is a bit hesitating, but Fidan encourages her
Leyla gets ready to leave, but Yasemin pleads her to stay
Yavuz meets up with a former prison made. He tells him about his plan how to destroy Savas. He says he will act as if he is supporting the divorce, but people in Van will of course trash talk and that will evetually make Yavuz "explode" and "force" him to make a move.
Nazan tells about her pregnancy, Sahnur is thrilled. She then asks what her husband think of this. Nazan tells how he is very kind and very protective of her. Sahnur replies that she didn´t support the marriage, but since they´re becoming a family now there is nothing to say.
The friend asks Yavuz whether he knows Savas´s plan. Because they both know that Savas is aware of the difficult time there is ahead. Yavuz tells him that he has a insider
Yasemin thanks her mother for staying. She says she will always support. She then replies that she isn´t coming down for dinner.
The preparation is continuing
Savas asks Yasemin whether he should try ask Leyla to join them at dinner, but Yasemin says they shouldn´t push her. She then says that she gets sad about it, but at the same time gives her right. Yasemin: " I can´t tell her that she is wrong, that Sahnur isn´t seeing me as the second wife".
Savas shows her the divorce papers, he says he wanted to wait until it was final, but could bare watching her get sad any longer.
Savas: " No one can look at you as the second wife".
Yasemin is afraid that things are gonna get very messy, Savas replies that he has plans and tells them (it isn´t explained here).
Rest of the household gets the news about Nazan and they all congratulate her.
Nazan leaves
- Yasemin: Nazan was very happy tonight
- Savas: I am too. I´m becoming father and uncle.
- Yasemin: I wanna tell you something. You know about the plan you told me
- Savas: Yes
- Yasemin: If you don´t ask for my help, just because I´m pregnant I will get upset. It´s our fight together. Whenever and wherever you need me you gonna let me know, ok?
- Savas: Ok. We have a lot to do, you won´t be sidding around anyway.
- Yasemin: Of course I will be using my birth permits, but that´s different. Let´s see whether it is a girl or a boy I will be holding in my arms by then
- Savas. I think both you and by sister is getting girls.
- Yasemin: Do you want a girl?
- Savas: Yes. Imagine to girls playing around and when ömer grow up he will take care of them, he will give them a ride.
- Yasemin: I see you already gave ömer a job
- Savas: Of course he is gonna protect them. We will be old at that time, we won´t be able to catch up.
Bora tells Nazan that he is getting late for work and leaves
The Baldar´s are having breakfast. Sahnur asks whether something important happened since they´re gonna have a general meeting, Savas replies that he will tell her everything tonight after the meeting.
Cicek tell Yavuz that she has to leave for home. Yavuz asks whether someone is annoyed by her staying with him. Cicek says Sahnur wanted so and she obeys because she doesn´t wants any troubles while the divorce is going on.
Pala asks why they´re gonna having a general meeting. Savas tells him that they have signed the divorce papers and that´s gonna make Yavuz "explode" which is why he is having this meeting, to provale something worse to happen.
Sahnur asks Yasemin whether she knows what Savas plans are. She replies yes, but doesn´t find it right to tell and that Savas will do it himself when he arrives.Sahnur gets mad at Yasemin for not telling. Fidan calms her down by remembering her about her grandchild. Sahnur then tells Fidan that it is time to invite Bora over for coffee.
Yavuz talks to his insider. He tells him about a general meeting Savas is having
Cicek arrives.
Bora gets a phone call from Nazan telling him that Sahnur has invited them for coffee. He lies about being at a meeting
Cicek congratulates Yasemin. She also mentiones her brother being supportive of the divorce. Yasemin gets suspicious
Cicek gets a phone call from her mother.
At the general meeting Savas is telling everyone that they are gonna have middle east biggest integrated meat plant in Van.
Cicek gets frustated. Her mother has ordered her to come back to Van and stay with her if she gets a divorce. She can forget about teaching. Yasemin tries to calm her down.
Savas tells his employees that their target are the youngens. Some of them say that they should considerate a bit, but Savas says his intentions isn´t money but rather getting 1700 people jobs.
Nazan and Bora arrive
Pala gets a phone call from Ceyda, she insist on meeting to check on some work.
Bora thanks Sahnur for forgiving them. Sahnur says it is the sake of the baby. She further says that he from now on is gonna act as a good son in law and a father figure and if he should make Nazan upset then he will get punished.
Yasemin surprises Savas. He asks whether something is wrong, she replies she wanted to talk.
Ceyda surprises Pala with a cake and a gift, since it is his birthday. Pala is flattered
Cicek call her brother to tell about her mother, but Yavuz says he s behind her and that nothing will happen.
Yasemin tells Savas what Ciceks mother told her. Savas says they were expecting things like this, he says he will talk to Cicek and see what he can do. Yasemin also mentiones that Cicek told about her brother being supportive of the divorce, she is afraid that he is up to something. Savas is surprised.
Cicek gets a phone call from Lara reminding her about the school theater. Cicek has forgotten, but says she will be there. Lara gets happy and says they will go to dinner afterwards.
Yasemin asks how the meeting went. Savas replies they have taken the big step, now its time for the little ones. Yasemin says she will always stand by him.
Savas tries to get in touch with Pala
Pala thanks once again. Ceyda acts as if she twisted her food to get closer to Pala while the pictures are taken.
He then calls Savas. Savas tells him about Yavuz supporting the divorce
Savas has figured Yavuz plan out. Pala is afraid things will get out of hand. Savas suggest to invite and talk to the counciller of the Moran tribe. Pala likes the idea, he also asks whether he has told his mother about the divorce. Savas will tell her now
Cicek, Lara and Hakan are spending some time together. Hakan tells Cicek that Lara is looking up to her
Sahnur is shocked by the divorce news. She doesn´t think that a business in Van will solve anything.
Savas: "What will solve it then? If we all die"?
Sahnur says she has never seen a good act provaling the blood feud. Savas says that it´s not only about a good act, but rather changing these young mens life, choosing work towards war. He says they needed a plan that worked for all or else this blood feud will kill ´em all.
Sahnur is worried that they are using all their savings for this idea.Pala says a change is needed. Savas says he can´t take it anymore, he won´t live with fear of dying. Sahnur: " So you are putting a 1000 year old tribe tradition in jeopardy for an idea".
Savas says he will divorce Cicek and protect all Cicek´s (meaning all the girls that are suppressed in this tribe tradition) that is his understanding of what an Aga/Leader is suppose to do.Savas: " And when the day comes where different tribe members will work side by side, its the day I will marry Yasemin".
Yasemin just wanted to give Savas a hug
Yavuz learns about Savas´s plan through the insider, which is Ismail.
Savas and Yasemin get to work. Savas gets a phone call
- Savas: " When did this happen"?
- Sahnur: " Savas what happened"?
teodora_roman- vip
- Mesaje : 779
Data de inscriere : 02/02/2010
Localizare : România, Cluj-Napoca
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
buna tuturor
dana4699- vip
- Mesaje : 1367
Data de inscriere : 11/01/2011
Varsta : 46
Localizare : piatra neamt
Re: 20. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Bună seara dragilor !!!!
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