27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
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Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Asta este...mai amanam putin petrecerea.DENISA a scris:pe 20 iunie face 3 ani
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Ia uitati-va cum i se lumineaza fata cand sta langa Tuba??Chiar si in afara platoului de filmare?
simi- vip
- Mesaje : 6082
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2011
Varsta : 49
Localizare : ITALIA
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
uitaţi cu ce faţă delicată l-a cucerit
- Spoiler:
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Ce ca s-a impiedicat de ea? Cred ca s-a lipit de el ca superglue... si nu se mai dezlipeste cu nimic. Stie ca fara Murat ar fi o ilustra necunoscuta...simi a scris:Firar mama ei de zi cand a cunoscut-o pe Cum sa impiedecat tocmai de ea?Poate ca e mica si sa strecurat printre picioarele lui!!!
Asa ca profita la maxim de "rolul de sotie " ...
2-3 perdele jumulite de pe la geamuri si hop-top... langa Murat pe la diverse festivaluri.
Au cateodata niste fete... de zici ca i-a obligat cineva sa vina impreuna.
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
DENISA a scris:uitaţi cu ce faţă delicată l-a cucerit
- Spoiler:
Nu mai dormim la noapte... Cu fata asta cred ca l-a cucerit iremediabil!!!!!!!!!
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Nici nu vreau sa-mi imaginez...saracul de el...trei ani de chin...cand vede el frumosul cine doarme langa el seara de seara Si el fiind cu gandul aicivictorelalove a scris:
Saptamana viitoare face 3 ani de convietuire cu Diva...
simi- vip
- Mesaje : 6082
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2011
Varsta : 49
Localizare : ITALIA
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
La mine nu se vede "fata delicata" dar e mai bine sa nu am cosmaruri la noaptevictorelalove a scris:
Nu mai dormim la noapte... Cu fata asta cred ca l-a cucerit iremediabil!!!!!!!!!
simi- vip
- Mesaje : 6082
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2011
Varsta : 49
Localizare : ITALIA
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Denisa tu chiar vrei sa visez urat la noapte??DENISA a scris:dă click pe SPOILER
simi- vip
- Mesaje : 6082
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2011
Varsta : 49
Localizare : ITALIA
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Daca este sa ne luam dupa ei...au fost 3 ani de vis si inca continua sa fie intr-o luna de miere. O familie demna de tot respectul si de invidiat.simi a scris:Nici nu vreau sa-mi imaginez...saracul de el...trei ani de chin...cand vede el frumosul cine doarme langa el seara de seara Si el fiind cu gandul aici
Insa sunt doar 3 ani...prea putin( parerea mea)... Sa mai treaca ceva timp si abia apoi sa spuna ca: ce casnicie reusita au...
Dupa un timp incepi sa vezi cu alti ochi persoana de langa tine. Dragostea nebuna de la inceput se schimba...Atunci realizezi ca daca nu esti alaturi de o persoana asemeni tie...te intrebi ce cauti acolo.
Timpul este cel mai bun sfatuitor...
Murat si sunt doua temperamente total diferite...si la un moment dat lucrul acesta isi va spune cuvantul.
Insa...repet...sunt doar 3 ani. Prea putin pentru a spune CE CASNICIE TRAINICA!
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Eu cred ca e ruginita de mult casnicia...dar o mai spoiesc ei cu vopsea pe dinafara....sa vedem ce bine le este!
simi- vip
- Mesaje : 6082
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2011
Varsta : 49
Localizare : ITALIA
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Si ce bine s-au gandit ei mititeii...sa foloseasca vopsea lavabila.
Si ce bine s-au gandit ei mititeii...sa foloseasca vopsea lavabila.
Ultima editare efectuata de catre victorelalove in Vin 27 Mai 2011, 12:28 am, editata de 1 ori
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Dragilor eu vă spun noapte bună.
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Noapte buna Denisa.
Somn usor.
Pe maine.
Somn usor.
Pe maine.
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
DAAAAAAA,si de cate ori ploua se mai duce din vopsea....si o ramana mititeii fara "acoperire"victorelalove a scris:Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Si ce bine s-au gandit ei mititei...sa foloseasca vopsea lavabila.
simi- vip
- Mesaje : 6082
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2011
Varsta : 49
Localizare : ITALIA
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Noapte buna Denisa!
simi- vip
- Mesaje : 6082
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2011
Varsta : 49
Localizare : ITALIA
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
In momentul in care te casatoresti...faci un pas foarte important.simi a scris:DAAAAAAA,si de cate ori ploua se mai duce din vopsea....si o ramana mititeii fara "acoperire"
Murat este un om de carecter si sigur va face tot posibilul sa ramana in aceasta casatorie. Chiar daca inseamna nefericireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff! Si ce bine ar fi arat cu Tuba!
Fata de Diva... cu fata de Godzilla...
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Spun si eu noapte buna!
Si daca vreti sa adormiti mai usor, ascultati un cantec superb:
Si daca vreti sa adormiti mai usor, ascultati un cantec superb:
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
O avea el caracter,cat cuprinde Dar eu cred ca o sa se sature si nu o sa mai tina cont de caracter....sa stii ca asa sant berbecii daca se simt sufocati nu-i mai intereseaza nimic....lor le place sa conduca...
simi- vip
- Mesaje : 6082
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2011
Varsta : 49
Localizare : ITALIA
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Noapte buna si tie Victorela!Pe maine!
simi- vip
- Mesaje : 6082
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2011
Varsta : 49
Localizare : ITALIA
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Sa speram simi.simi a scris:O avea el caracter,cat cuprinde Dar eu cred ca o sa se sature si nu o sa mai tina cont de caracter....sa stii ca asa sant berbecii daca se simt sufocati nu-i mai intereseaza nimic....lor le place sa conduca...
Ca va intalni pe cineva mai modest si mai cu bun simt. Murat chiar merita o astfel de femeie.
Noapte buna !
pe maine...cand din nou plecam la jumulit...
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Buna dimineata fetelor!Astazi nimeni nu vrea cafea?
simi- vip
- Mesaje : 6082
Data de inscriere : 10/03/2011
Varsta : 49
Localizare : ITALIA
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Buna dimineata!
Rise and shine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inca o zi superba... Prima zi din restul vietii noastre!
Rise and shine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inca o zi superba... Prima zi din restul vietii noastre!
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
In casnicie barbatii sunt mai fericiti decat femeile: si se casatoresc mai tarziu, si mor mai repede!
Chuck Norris s-a trezit în toiul nopţii, şi s-a făcut zi.
Inceputul anului scolar, intr-un liceu din America.
Diriginta prezinta clasei un nou coleg: Sakiro Suzuki, din Japonia.
Incepe ora.
Diriginta: Sa vedem cine stie cel mai mult din istoria Americii. Cine a zis: 'Libertate sau moarte!'?
Tacere de mormant in clasa.
Suzuki ridica mana: Patrick Henry, 1775, Philadelphia.
Diriginta: Bravo Suzuki! Si cine a zis: 'Tara este poporul, de aceea poporul nu poate sa moara!'?
Suzuki: Abraham Lincoln, 1863, Washington .
Diriginta se uita peste clasa: Mi-e rusine pentru voi! Suzuki vine din Japonia si stie mai multe despre America decat voi!
O voce din spate: Pupa-ma-n fund, japonez imputit!
Diriginta: Cine a spus porcaria asta?
Suzuki se ridica si zice: Generalul McArthur, 1942, la Guadalcanal, si Lee Iacocca, 1982, la sedinta actionarilor Chrysler .
Alta voce: Imi vine sa vomit!
Diriginta striga: Cine a fost nemernicul?
Suzuki: George Bush Sr . catre prim-ministrul japonez Tanaka, in timpul unui dineu de lucru, Tokio, 1991 .
Un elev zice: Sa mi-o s……!
Diriginta crizata: De ajuns! Cine a fost impertinentul?
Suzuki: Bill Clinton catre Monica Lewinsky, 1997, Washington, Casa Alba, Biroul Oval.
Alt elev: Suzuki e un rahat mare!
Suzuki: Valentino Rossi, 2002, Brazilia, Superbike GP.
Diriginta lesina.
In clasa - haos total. Se deschide usa si intra furios Directorul, care spune: O adunatura de g...zari mai mari ca voi n-am vazut in viata mea!
Suzuki: Traian Basescu catre Parlamentul Romaniei, dupa suspendarea din functie, 18 aprilie 2007.
Medicul mi-a recomandat insistent sa incetez chefurile.
Care medic ?
Cel de deasupra noastra !
Unui barbat i s-a furat cardul de credit. Nu a depus plangere deoarece hotul cheltuia mai putin decat sotia.
Fisa de protectie - Substante periculoase
Element: Femeie
Simbol: FM
Descoperit de: Adam
Masa atomica: Teoretic 53.6 kg, dar practic variaza intre 40 si 200 kg
Densitate: Canitati importante in toate zonele urbane
Proprietati fizice:
1. Suprafata de obicei acoperita cu un strat de vopsea
2. Fierbe la orice temperatura, ingheata fara vreun motiv cunoscut
3. La tratament special se topeste
4. Folosita incorect devine amara
5. Se gaseste sub diferite forme, de la metal pur, la arama obisnuita
Proprietati chimice:
1. Are o afinitate deosebita pentru aur, argint si o gama de pietre pretioase
2. Absoarbe cantitati importante de substante scumpe
3. Poate exploda instantaneu fara un avertisment prealabil
4. Nu se dizolva in lichide, dar activitatea sa creste simtitor prin saturare cu alcool
5. Cel mai puternic reducator al banilor cunoscut de barbati
Utilizari generale:
1. Foarte ornamentala, mai ales in masini sport
2. Poate fi un ajutor important in relaxare
3. Agent de curatire foarte eficient
1. Tipul pur se inroseste daca este desoperit in stare naturala
2. Devine verde cand e pozitionata in spatele elementului superior
1. Foarte periculoasa cand nu e manuita de catre personal experimentat
2. Este ilegal sa ai mai mult de una, cu toate ca poti jongla cu mai multe in diferite locuri, atat timp cat elementele nu vin in contact direct unul cu altul
Chuck Norris s-a trezit în toiul nopţii, şi s-a făcut zi.
Inceputul anului scolar, intr-un liceu din America.
Diriginta prezinta clasei un nou coleg: Sakiro Suzuki, din Japonia.
Incepe ora.
Diriginta: Sa vedem cine stie cel mai mult din istoria Americii. Cine a zis: 'Libertate sau moarte!'?
Tacere de mormant in clasa.
Suzuki ridica mana: Patrick Henry, 1775, Philadelphia.
Diriginta: Bravo Suzuki! Si cine a zis: 'Tara este poporul, de aceea poporul nu poate sa moara!'?
Suzuki: Abraham Lincoln, 1863, Washington .
Diriginta se uita peste clasa: Mi-e rusine pentru voi! Suzuki vine din Japonia si stie mai multe despre America decat voi!
O voce din spate: Pupa-ma-n fund, japonez imputit!
Diriginta: Cine a spus porcaria asta?
Suzuki se ridica si zice: Generalul McArthur, 1942, la Guadalcanal, si Lee Iacocca, 1982, la sedinta actionarilor Chrysler .
Alta voce: Imi vine sa vomit!
Diriginta striga: Cine a fost nemernicul?
Suzuki: George Bush Sr . catre prim-ministrul japonez Tanaka, in timpul unui dineu de lucru, Tokio, 1991 .
Un elev zice: Sa mi-o s……!
Diriginta crizata: De ajuns! Cine a fost impertinentul?
Suzuki: Bill Clinton catre Monica Lewinsky, 1997, Washington, Casa Alba, Biroul Oval.
Alt elev: Suzuki e un rahat mare!
Suzuki: Valentino Rossi, 2002, Brazilia, Superbike GP.
Diriginta lesina.
In clasa - haos total. Se deschide usa si intra furios Directorul, care spune: O adunatura de g...zari mai mari ca voi n-am vazut in viata mea!
Suzuki: Traian Basescu catre Parlamentul Romaniei, dupa suspendarea din functie, 18 aprilie 2007.
Medicul mi-a recomandat insistent sa incetez chefurile.
Care medic ?
Cel de deasupra noastra !
Unui barbat i s-a furat cardul de credit. Nu a depus plangere deoarece hotul cheltuia mai putin decat sotia.
Fisa de protectie - Substante periculoase
Element: Femeie
Simbol: FM
Descoperit de: Adam
Masa atomica: Teoretic 53.6 kg, dar practic variaza intre 40 si 200 kg
Densitate: Canitati importante in toate zonele urbane
Proprietati fizice:
1. Suprafata de obicei acoperita cu un strat de vopsea
2. Fierbe la orice temperatura, ingheata fara vreun motiv cunoscut
3. La tratament special se topeste
4. Folosita incorect devine amara
5. Se gaseste sub diferite forme, de la metal pur, la arama obisnuita
Proprietati chimice:
1. Are o afinitate deosebita pentru aur, argint si o gama de pietre pretioase
2. Absoarbe cantitati importante de substante scumpe
3. Poate exploda instantaneu fara un avertisment prealabil
4. Nu se dizolva in lichide, dar activitatea sa creste simtitor prin saturare cu alcool
5. Cel mai puternic reducator al banilor cunoscut de barbati
Utilizari generale:
1. Foarte ornamentala, mai ales in masini sport
2. Poate fi un ajutor important in relaxare
3. Agent de curatire foarte eficient
1. Tipul pur se inroseste daca este desoperit in stare naturala
2. Devine verde cand e pozitionata in spatele elementului superior
1. Foarte periculoasa cand nu e manuita de catre personal experimentat
2. Este ilegal sa ai mai mult de una, cu toate ca poti jongla cu mai multe in diferite locuri, atat timp cat elementele nu vin in contact direct unul cu altul
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 27. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Murat YILDIRIM ODTÜ Söyleşisi -1-
The announcer is giving a quick bio on Murat Yildirim, who interrupts the announcer to say "oh he is talking about me its as if I am not even here right?", he then proceeds in a laughing tone to tell the announcer that he can continue. The announcer continues explaining his education & then career move into television and the serials in which Murat Yildirim performed in. As the announcer explains that he married Burcin Terzioglu in 2008, Murat Yildirim interrupts comically and adds "oh my wife & gossip is included in this too", as the announcer continues listing off his accomplishments Murat Yildirim interrupts and says "you are embarrassing me, and tells the announcer that this much is enough, the announcer proceeds to tell him than you can have the floor and continue....applause
Murat Yildirims comments: First I would like to say, first and foremost that I came here for myself, I needed something like this, I did not come here for you, and I am curious to know why there are three gentlemen here....really this has attracted my attention....really its strange to see males....yes friends first I would like to thank you for inviting me here, yes we are taping a serial, we are performing, we are surviving and dealing with life on a day to day basis...at this time I really was feeling bad about now, and being here with you has helped me feel better about myself. I for giving me this feeling I want to thank you. I really have not prepared a specific conversation regarding this gathering, thinking this would create a more comfortable environment, we can continue on a question and answer type conversation or we can just be silent. If there is anyone who would like to ask me some questions please proceed I am listening to you. He asks if there is a podium ready and someone in the background acknowledges that there is, he proceeds.... A female announces that anyone who would like to ask a question please raise you hand. He asks is he going to pick the questioner and chooses one.
Question from the audience: Why did you know work in your chosen profession?
Murat Yildirim: When I was going to Istanbul, I actually was going for the sake of being in Istanbul, because the other options available to me to were for Medical Faculties, Mechanical Engineering, and other types of Engineering and other choices some of which had nothing to do with each other. Of course in Turkey an 18 year old young man still does not know what he wants, and what I really wanted at the time was to be in Istanbul with my friends, and with my mothers final persuasions I wrote in that I wanted the medical field on the forms, however because of the response to 1 of the questions I ended up in Mechanical Engineering, and if I had answered differently I might have been put into a different field. Joking he says that for the first 4 years he never attended Mechanical Engineering, but later I starting attending for theater, I was also interested in music, and in the two years I enjoyed it and it brought me too the stage which was very enjoyable. I then realized that this is what was going to bring me the most joy. So if a person at 18 and afterwards there is a difference in what that person wants then there might be a problem, its very important to know what you want to do. This is something that we discuss with my siblings a lot. When I ask during the taking of the entry test for University the response is not very clear....which to me now seems strange, but with me until I was introduced to theater I felt that I had no goals/desires as well....once I was introduced to theater I thought that I would only be involved in theater, I considered television, serials. After starting in theater some admirers that watched me perform and invited me to different venues and because it was things that I had considered I went to these venues and performed. And to be frankly honest I enjoyed being in front of the camera. But actual desires were theater and cinema, yes are we performing in serials the answer is yes, and we do our best and this is also a form of training however, our real desire in cinema. But if you ask me if I ever considered working as a Mechanical Engineer I would say no I have never thought of doing this. This is because if though I was good in mathematics, and my family really wanted me to be an Engineer or a Doctor, and I assume that this is the case for 50% of the people here, this seems to be a problem with most students here in Turkey.....It is like an intellectual person cannot become a Chef, or become something else that is the general consensus, that if someone is intellectual he/she must choose one of the popular professions. I am one of those people who were to sacrifice my desires to have to make this choice, and maybe I did not have to sacrifice and I was fortunate enough that I extended my years of education and went on to theatrics and I am currently doing a profession that I really love. But like I said based on the answers of my entry exams I might have been doing something else today, but had I finished the educational requirements for Mechanical Engineering on time, I probably would be a Mechanical Engineer right now. I might have been happier there is no way to know, but based on what I know now I am happy....Silence.....Then he asks what happens was my answer not satisfactory.....
He then proceeds to tell everyone that he came there by car...and that he really does not feel well, he thanked them again and mentions that wanted his friend (sorry I didn’t get the name) also to come to this event however, but he had to attend another event regarding a cinema debut, and that he sent is warmest regards.....any other questions
Murat YILDIRIM ODTÜ Söyleşisi -2-
Murat Yildirim ODTU PART 2
Question: Do you feel that you became popular too quickly and what is the secret to your success?
Murat: Actually I was not expecting this for another 4 years (with a chuckle), But being realistic I was not prepared this happened with the result of one serial, and to be considered a person that is much loved in the Middle East, forgetting the fact that I am an Actor, I view it more as being a person, I have to admit that I do not really find this as being too far fetched. Should this have happened because of 1 serial, in my opinion it should not have, if you are referring to it in this respect, yes it happened too soon. You can also say that this has a lot to do with popularity as was mentioned a few moments ago....as being a popular culture issue. But in the profession a person ends up in the popular culture type of situation and with this you work things out in your own way, trying to figure out where in this culture you actually want to be, and also because of this profession trying to shield myself personally is not possible because of being in the spotlight. But in all reality I don't want to question this too much, it does not make me feel good to do this.
It makes me feel bad about myself
Gentlemen asking a question first makes a comment that his girlfriends forced him to be there, in which Murat Yildirim responds forced! and repeats the gentlemen's comments that he was forced to be here by his girlfriends, he points out his girlfriends to Murat Yildirim and mentions them by name, and Murat Yildirim repeats the names and they wave to each other. He tells Murat Yildirim that because he is studying so hard that he really did not know who he was, but this was an opportunity to meet him. Murat Yildirim asks the audience if they can hear the comments being made by this gentlemen, in which the audience responds no, so Murat Yildirim proceeds to tell them that the gentlemen is saying what a good actor you are, and how handsome you are...The he repeats the actually conversation, the gentlemen proceeds to invite him to another school as well, as there are many females at his school as well who would be most happy to see him, in which Murat Yildirim responds "you are only here because of others" with a chuckle, he explains that most people who respond like this also say "can I take a picture for my mom or my sister, he has never had a picture taken just for that person, its always for someone else." "And you all are like that as well for your sister, or mother you are taking these pictures, and you are only here for your friends right?" The gentlemen says something about taking a picture with him so he can be in the newspapers, and he continues to ask if it would be possible for Murat Yildirim to come to his school to make the women of his school very happy as well, in which Murat Yildirim responds depending on his schedule it might be possible for the women of course, repeating as he takes a sip of water, for the women. the gentlemen continues with something regarding taking a picture. Murat Yildirim asks as he looks at his watch what is the date today, and jokes about the end of March, no the middle of April not exactly the middle of April, Maybe June 15th. He then says it might be possible to do in the middle of April, he points to someone and the gentlemen says he will give this person his card, and Murat Yildirim responds most definitely definitely and as this person goes to get the card Murat Yildirim asks for an extra one for himself. The gentlemen then proceeds to say he is going back to his seat, and Murat Yildirim says if you are uncomfortable please let me know, because at this point we are friends, and it was good that we met, we now know how he really feels.
Murat Yildirim starts to discuss how many government buildings he noticed on his way to this University, and that he did not notice a single normal building on his way that they were all government buildings as he mentions the names of the buildings he does so in a comically manner the audience is laughing and he asks which one are they laughing at, also he comments about all the traffic for it being a Saturday that there is not this much traffic in Istanbul on a Saturday, May God help you all
Pagina 4 din 40 • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 22 ... 40
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» 29. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
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» 14. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
» 24. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
» 30. AŞK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
» 21. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
» 14. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
» 24. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
» 30. AŞK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
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