13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
asi demir
dana sandulescu
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Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Buna seara. Am inteles.DENISA a scris:bună fetelor !!!
Iuliana eu aici am cartierul general pe celelalte alei sunt în trecere.
Vizionare placuta la AVC.
O seara frumoasa, tuturor.
Iuliana- vip
- Mesaje : 556
Data de inscriere : 17/11/2009
Varsta : 45
Localizare : Tulcea
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Bună seara, conectare bună şi vizionare plăcută pentru toată lumea.
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Bună Iuliana !! bună Lexia !!!
Fetelor diferă reclamele la cele 2 linkuri de vizionare .
Fetelor diferă reclamele la cele 2 linkuri de vizionare .
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
La mine numai CamTurk mergeDENISA a scris: Bună Iuliana !! bună Lexia !!!
Fetelor diferă reclamele la cele 2 linkuri de vizionare .
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
lexia a scris:
La mine numai CamTurk merge
La mine funcţionează ambele .
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Si la mine tot CamTurk se deschide, celalalt se invarte pana ma ia cu ameteala si cand se opreste din invartit stinge lumina si pa!!!
windy_day- vip
- Mesaje : 1221
Data de inscriere : 10/02/2010
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
DENISA a scris:Arzu nu se vede
Poate o avea iar treaba. Dar de regula anunta cand lipseste. Sper ca totul este bine cu ea.
windy_day- vip
- Mesaje : 1221
Data de inscriere : 10/02/2010
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Nu e Denisa, ca nici 15 minute nu are! Am vazut ca au de obicei si 1/2 de ora!
windy_day- vip
- Mesaje : 1221
Data de inscriere : 10/02/2010
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
windy_day a scris:Nu e Denisa, ca nici 15 minute nu are! Am vazut ca au de obicei si 1/2 de ora!
ultimile 2 ep nu au avut Özet-uri.
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Deni, mi se face rau, tipul din rolul lui Yavuz are ungiile la fel de lungi ca ale mele!!!!! ceva oja in culorile pamantului, ca se poarta anul asta, ii lipseste.
windy_day- vip
- Mesaje : 1221
Data de inscriere : 10/02/2010
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
nu am fost atentă la degetele lui , o fi fost criză de unghiere în arest .
1.savas shook hands with yavuz. Nazan got really upset so she ran into her room ansd started breaking stuff there, the mirror, light globe etc etc
savas ran after her and begged her to open the door but she didnt.
Sahnur had a talk with çiçek. I think she was telling her you are a baldar now and she shouldnt bring her brother to the house. (i am not sure though, my understanding of turkish is quite limited)
leila was telling yasemine she wants to go back to bodrum to join her sister nurish.
Or may be she said Nurish will come over i donno
anyways, savas calls at night and asks about ömer and he agrees with yasemine to have breakfast together with ömer
yavuz was sitting at a restaurant looking at people around him then he calls his sister to make sure she is fine after he drops her off at the baldars.
then we see sahnur having a talk with nazan.
1.savas shook hands with yavuz. Nazan got really upset so she ran into her room ansd started breaking stuff there, the mirror, light globe etc etc
savas ran after her and begged her to open the door but she didnt.
Sahnur had a talk with çiçek. I think she was telling her you are a baldar now and she shouldnt bring her brother to the house. (i am not sure though, my understanding of turkish is quite limited)
leila was telling yasemine she wants to go back to bodrum to join her sister nurish.
Or may be she said Nurish will come over i donno
anyways, savas calls at night and asks about ömer and he agrees with yasemine to have breakfast together with ömer
yavuz was sitting at a restaurant looking at people around him then he calls his sister to make sure she is fine after he drops her off at the baldars.
then we see sahnur having a talk with nazan.
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Cicek ti-a spus, eşti mireasa noastră , dar fratele tau este un duşman nu poate veni aici
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
1. Savas si Yavuz isi strang mainile. Nazan se supara foarte rau si fuge in camera ei unde incepe sa sparga lucrurile : oglinda, veioza si altele. Savas fuge dupa ea si incepe sa o roage sa deschida usa dar ea nu o face.
Sahnur discut[ cu çiçek. Se pare ca ii spune ca acum este una dintre Baldari si ca nu ar fi trebuit sa isi aduca fratele in casa Baldarilor (nu sunt foarte sigura, nu am suficiente cunostinte de turca - spune fata care face rezumatul)I
leila i-a spus yasemine ca vrea sa se intoarca in Bodrum pentru a fi alaturi de sora ei (prietena) nurish.
Sau a spus ca Nurish va veni si ea , nu inteleg prea bine (spune cea care afce rezumatul)
Oricum, Savas suna in seara aceea si intreaba despre ömer si se intelege cu Yasemin sa ia micul dejun impreuna (adica ei doi si ömer)
yavuz sta singur la restaurant si priveste oamenii din jurul lui apoi isi suna sora pentru a se asigura ca este bine dupa ce a lasat-o la Baldari.
Apoi o arata pe Sahnur care are o discutie cu Nazan.
2.Dimineata Savas vine la yasemine cu un buchet de flori in mana. Se saruta in fata usii, Savas il aseaza pe Omer in masina pentru a merge sa ia micul dejun la restaurant. Ii povesteste Yaseminei despre incidentul cu Yavuz din seara precedenta.
mehmet intra in restaurant si ii vede pe Savas si Yasemin impreuna cu copilul. Cred ca acum vine sa le spuna pofta buna
Leyla spune ca Nurish i-a dat o cheie a casei ei din Istanbul. Va sta cu Omer peste zi dar va dormi in casa aceea. Moran ii spune lui Yavuz ca trebuie sa fie autoritar, oamenilor din jur trebuie sa le fie frica de el.
Savas ii da de mancare lui omer si spune "Bravo fiule" si Mehmet se apropie si le spune "Pofta buna"
savas pleaca sa plateasca nota iar Mehmet ii trimite SMS Yaseminei in care spune " Familia lui Savas nu stie ca are un fiu nu-i asa?"
(fata care face rezumatul spune ca asa a inteles ea)
sevgi ii povesteste Yaseminei despre Bora, Nazan se intalneste cu Bora la restaurant si cred ca ii spune ca au avut un oaspete ziua precedenta. Ii va povesti despre Yavuz.
yavuz vine la compania lui Savas si ii daruieste ceva, o sabie.
savas intreaba daca asta inseamna ca intre ei razboiul va continua si Yavuz spune ca nu
Mai spune ceva, nu stiu ce anume.
Yavuz a venit la Savas pentru a face pace, spunand ca e timpul sa puna armele jos. (sa lase armele).
Nazan povesteste despre razboiul dintre familii si ca Moranii i-au ucis sotul.
Sahnur discut[ cu çiçek. Se pare ca ii spune ca acum este una dintre Baldari si ca nu ar fi trebuit sa isi aduca fratele in casa Baldarilor (nu sunt foarte sigura, nu am suficiente cunostinte de turca - spune fata care face rezumatul)I
leila i-a spus yasemine ca vrea sa se intoarca in Bodrum pentru a fi alaturi de sora ei (prietena) nurish.
Sau a spus ca Nurish va veni si ea , nu inteleg prea bine (spune cea care afce rezumatul)
Oricum, Savas suna in seara aceea si intreaba despre ömer si se intelege cu Yasemin sa ia micul dejun impreuna (adica ei doi si ömer)
yavuz sta singur la restaurant si priveste oamenii din jurul lui apoi isi suna sora pentru a se asigura ca este bine dupa ce a lasat-o la Baldari.
Apoi o arata pe Sahnur care are o discutie cu Nazan.
2.Dimineata Savas vine la yasemine cu un buchet de flori in mana. Se saruta in fata usii, Savas il aseaza pe Omer in masina pentru a merge sa ia micul dejun la restaurant. Ii povesteste Yaseminei despre incidentul cu Yavuz din seara precedenta.
mehmet intra in restaurant si ii vede pe Savas si Yasemin impreuna cu copilul. Cred ca acum vine sa le spuna pofta buna
Leyla spune ca Nurish i-a dat o cheie a casei ei din Istanbul. Va sta cu Omer peste zi dar va dormi in casa aceea. Moran ii spune lui Yavuz ca trebuie sa fie autoritar, oamenilor din jur trebuie sa le fie frica de el.
Savas ii da de mancare lui omer si spune "Bravo fiule" si Mehmet se apropie si le spune "Pofta buna"
savas pleaca sa plateasca nota iar Mehmet ii trimite SMS Yaseminei in care spune " Familia lui Savas nu stie ca are un fiu nu-i asa?"
(fata care face rezumatul spune ca asa a inteles ea)
sevgi ii povesteste Yaseminei despre Bora, Nazan se intalneste cu Bora la restaurant si cred ca ii spune ca au avut un oaspete ziua precedenta. Ii va povesti despre Yavuz.
yavuz vine la compania lui Savas si ii daruieste ceva, o sabie.
savas intreaba daca asta inseamna ca intre ei razboiul va continua si Yavuz spune ca nu
Mai spune ceva, nu stiu ce anume.
Yavuz a venit la Savas pentru a face pace, spunand ca e timpul sa puna armele jos. (sa lase armele).
Nazan povesteste despre razboiul dintre familii si ca Moranii i-au ucis sotul.
Ultima editare efectuata de catre windy_day in Mar 28 Sept 2010, 9:24 pm, editata de 1 ori
windy_day- vip
- Mesaje : 1221
Data de inscriere : 10/02/2010
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
2.savas comes to yasemine in the morinoing with flower bouquet in hand. they kiss at the front door. he took her with omer in the car. to have breakfast at restaurant he told her about last nights incident with yavuz
mehmet steps in the restaurant and sees them together with the child. i think now he will come to say bon appetit
Leyla says Nurish gave her a key of her house in Ýstanbul. She will be with Omer all day long, but sleep in that house.
Moran says Yavuz he should have authority, the people around should to be afraid of him.
savas was feeding omer and saying bravo my son and mehmet approached and said bon appetit
savas went to pay the bill and mehmet sent sms to yasemine telling her savas's family doesnt know he has a son right?
(i think this is what the lsg says)
sevgi is tellin yasemine about Bora, nazan met bora at restaurant and i think she told him we had a guest yesterday. she will tell him about yavuz
yavuz came to savas's company and gave him a gift, a sword
savas asks does that mean the war between us will continue he sais no
he said other things i didnt understand
Yavuz came to Savas with peace, saying we are putting the guns down.
Nazan tells about the fight between the families and that they killed her husband.
mehmet steps in the restaurant and sees them together with the child. i think now he will come to say bon appetit
Leyla says Nurish gave her a key of her house in Ýstanbul. She will be with Omer all day long, but sleep in that house.
Moran says Yavuz he should have authority, the people around should to be afraid of him.
savas was feeding omer and saying bravo my son and mehmet approached and said bon appetit
savas went to pay the bill and mehmet sent sms to yasemine telling her savas's family doesnt know he has a son right?
(i think this is what the lsg says)
sevgi is tellin yasemine about Bora, nazan met bora at restaurant and i think she told him we had a guest yesterday. she will tell him about yavuz
yavuz came to savas's company and gave him a gift, a sword
savas asks does that mean the war between us will continue he sais no
he said other things i didnt understand
Yavuz came to Savas with peace, saying we are putting the guns down.
Nazan tells about the fight between the families and that they killed her husband.
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
HA, Fulgerica s-a perfectionat, vad ca stie sa ii dea si de mancare aluia mic .
Joaca bine asta din rolul lui Yavuz dar arata cu 10 ani peste aia 38 de ii are.
Joaca bine asta din rolul lui Yavuz dar arata cu 10 ani peste aia 38 de ii are.
windy_day- vip
- Mesaje : 1221
Data de inscriere : 10/02/2010
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
3.SEVGÝ heard from another woman that Bora had accounts abroad but was swindled out of money by the blond banker woman. she told yas she believed Bora most of the time and even took his side against Yasemin.. Yas said now you know your fault just make sure he never comes close to us anymore. Sevgi could not tell Yas about Nazan..
Nazan and Bora have met and he told him Yavuz was out of prison and about the feud. and he said I am going to save you as soon as I have money. she said she would give the money he needed to him. and he said not now.. lets enjoy the moment..
Yavuz brought savas a present. a sword and Savas said does this mean we are still enemies and yavuz said no.
Moran is angry with Yavuz cause he wants him to run his business when he retires but Yavuz has other plans.
Pala asks Shahnur to take from Moran the gun with Haldun's finger sign.
Sevgi tells the truth about Bora.
Moran wants Yavuz to continue his business.
yasemine is in a restaurant with sevgi for lunch. i think savas and pala will join them.
a lady sitting on a table nearby talking on phone and laughing loudly. drew the attention of yasemine.
i think thsi is the lady who will turn out to be savas's friend. Bora takes money from Nazan... the idiot.
savas comes to the same restaurant and apparently the girl that was laughing out loud is one of Cem's friends who remembered Savas. It took him a while to remember..
anyway Yas thinks Savas was lying..about saving his uncle from home.. she goes and says hello.
anyway the girl says she needs savas and savas introduces yas as an advertiser.
and she says I need you too.
and then the little jealousy scene between yas and savas and savas tries to kiss yas.
sahnur calls moran and says she will visit him tomorrow.
Pelin says she will take over the bar. that used to belong to Cem.
Nazan and Bora have met and he told him Yavuz was out of prison and about the feud. and he said I am going to save you as soon as I have money. she said she would give the money he needed to him. and he said not now.. lets enjoy the moment..
Yavuz brought savas a present. a sword and Savas said does this mean we are still enemies and yavuz said no.
Moran is angry with Yavuz cause he wants him to run his business when he retires but Yavuz has other plans.
Pala asks Shahnur to take from Moran the gun with Haldun's finger sign.
Sevgi tells the truth about Bora.
Moran wants Yavuz to continue his business.
yasemine is in a restaurant with sevgi for lunch. i think savas and pala will join them.
a lady sitting on a table nearby talking on phone and laughing loudly. drew the attention of yasemine.
i think thsi is the lady who will turn out to be savas's friend. Bora takes money from Nazan... the idiot.
savas comes to the same restaurant and apparently the girl that was laughing out loud is one of Cem's friends who remembered Savas. It took him a while to remember..
anyway Yas thinks Savas was lying..about saving his uncle from home.. she goes and says hello.
anyway the girl says she needs savas and savas introduces yas as an advertiser.
and she says I need you too.
and then the little jealousy scene between yas and savas and savas tries to kiss yas.
sahnur calls moran and says she will visit him tomorrow.
Pelin says she will take over the bar. that used to belong to Cem.
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
4. savas leaves yas at her home and saya he hates this part of saying to her.
mehmet calls yas on the phone. she is angry she does open the phone.
sahnur asks moran to give the gun back.
moran says when he has a grandchild from savas then he will give back the gun.
Yavuz is buying a company that is about to get bankrupt.
savas is helping yas unpack the files..
to the office.
mehmet calls. and he asks who is mehmet and yas says no one.
savas is suspicious and he says who is he ? answer the phone.
yas starts crying..
and she says it is the man who we met at the cafe the other day. and she says he is my ex fiance.
and savas says how can you not tell me he is your ex fiance and you let me work with him for ages like a fool.
and yas explains mehmet has been threatening her.. he gets even more furious.
mehmet calls again and savas opens the phone and he says HELLO MEHMET, SAVAS BALDAR HERE..
Mehmet is freaked out.. he is trying to run away but takes important data and files with him.
Pala walks in on Mehmet in savas's office.. but mehmet has just finished downloading the files. he rushes out grabs a cab.
he leaves and savas comes to the company.
Mustafa again takes haldun out of school to go to a party..
savas comes to mehmet's office and sees he has gone.. he is furious.
savas calls his "men" and tells them to locate Mehmet..
mehmet calls yas on the phone. she is angry she does open the phone.
sahnur asks moran to give the gun back.
moran says when he has a grandchild from savas then he will give back the gun.
Yavuz is buying a company that is about to get bankrupt.
savas is helping yas unpack the files..
to the office.
mehmet calls. and he asks who is mehmet and yas says no one.
savas is suspicious and he says who is he ? answer the phone.
yas starts crying..
and she says it is the man who we met at the cafe the other day. and she says he is my ex fiance.
and savas says how can you not tell me he is your ex fiance and you let me work with him for ages like a fool.
and yas explains mehmet has been threatening her.. he gets even more furious.
mehmet calls again and savas opens the phone and he says HELLO MEHMET, SAVAS BALDAR HERE..
Mehmet is freaked out.. he is trying to run away but takes important data and files with him.
Pala walks in on Mehmet in savas's office.. but mehmet has just finished downloading the files. he rushes out grabs a cab.
he leaves and savas comes to the company.
Mustafa again takes haldun out of school to go to a party..
savas comes to mehmet's office and sees he has gone.. he is furious.
savas calls his "men" and tells them to locate Mehmet..
Re: 13. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
5.mehmet has seen the invitation to the bar. he is planning something there that night.
savas has told pala about mehmet and him threatening yas.
pala goes home and sahnur tells moran wants a granchild against the gun.
the men at the party have given drugs to mustafa and haldun. haldun has fallen asleep and he does not wake up.
they reckon he is in a coma. but the men won't help mustafa..
sevgi yas and savas are going to Pelin's bar.
Yas hates the patronizing woman Pelin..
she is jealous.
savas arrives at the bar..
and he says you look so beautiful. I am happy I will be watching you all night.
mustafa is hailing a cab to take haldun to a hospital.
savas and yas are standing apart (because of gossip??? they used to be all lovey dovey all the time.. )
yas texts savas and tells him she wants to go..
there is a man who informs reporters that savas and yas are going out the door together and the newsreporters ask them if they are together..
pelin tells sevgi about this.. and sevgi calls yas..
**Fidan is after haldun and they cannot find them. haldun is at the hospital and the doctor asks mustafa what pills they were taking..
Yas tells savas to meet her at her company..
mustafa tells the doctor they took drugs.. and now the police are questioning Mustafa.
the police tells mustafa to open the phone and call his uncle to the station..
savas has told pala about mehmet and him threatening yas.
pala goes home and sahnur tells moran wants a granchild against the gun.
the men at the party have given drugs to mustafa and haldun. haldun has fallen asleep and he does not wake up.
they reckon he is in a coma. but the men won't help mustafa..
sevgi yas and savas are going to Pelin's bar.
Yas hates the patronizing woman Pelin..
she is jealous.
savas arrives at the bar..
and he says you look so beautiful. I am happy I will be watching you all night.
mustafa is hailing a cab to take haldun to a hospital.
savas and yas are standing apart (because of gossip??? they used to be all lovey dovey all the time.. )
yas texts savas and tells him she wants to go..
there is a man who informs reporters that savas and yas are going out the door together and the newsreporters ask them if they are together..
pelin tells sevgi about this.. and sevgi calls yas..
**Fidan is after haldun and they cannot find them. haldun is at the hospital and the doctor asks mustafa what pills they were taking..
Yas tells savas to meet her at her company..
mustafa tells the doctor they took drugs.. and now the police are questioning Mustafa.
the police tells mustafa to open the phone and call his uncle to the station..
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