40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
22 participanți
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Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
parcă e grădina botanică la Levant în birou
ce stetoscop bun are cobra , e de ultimă generaţie
ce stetoscop bun are cobra , e de ultimă generaţie
Ultima editare efectuata de catre DENISA in Vin 14 Ian 2011, 8:45 pm, editata de 1 ori
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
ce nostim..asculta la pahar saraculpufy2010 a scris:[
după fața lui Cobra, DAAAA
Admin_dea05- Admin
- Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
a cumparat toate florile de la florarieDENISA a scris:parcă e grădina botanică la Levant în birou
Admin_dea05- Admin
- Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
DENISA a scris:
ce stetoscop bun are cobra , e de ultimă generaţie
din cristal
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Asculta copiii cu paharul ca prin perete.
Mare caraghios Cobra!
Mare caraghios Cobra!
Luana- vip
- Mesaje : 1301
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 65
Localizare : Romania
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Nu stiu cum va decurge actiunea dar cei 3 joaca perfect: hasret murat levent
Admin_dea05- Admin
- Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
gülnaz o suna pe Hasret şi îi spune ca va avea gemeni.
Hasret spune că va veni im cartier.
Murat este la şcoală ş Bahar soseşte. Ea îi spune că îi pare rău pentru el. ea spune ca si-a pierdut controlul şi ii este ruşine de ea însăşi. Murat spune ca ea are nevoie de tratament.
Bahar vrea să se întoarcă să muncească la scoala , ea ii spune lui Murat ca ea trebuie să lucreze sau ea va inebuni ( va deveni un cuc singuratic ) mai devreme.
el spune ca trebuie sa se duca sa o vada un psihiatru mai întâi dacă doreste să lucreze acolo .
Hasret spune că va veni im cartier.
Murat este la şcoală ş Bahar soseşte. Ea îi spune că îi pare rău pentru el. ea spune ca si-a pierdut controlul şi ii este ruşine de ea însăşi. Murat spune ca ea are nevoie de tratament.
Bahar vrea să se întoarcă să muncească la scoala , ea ii spune lui Murat ca ea trebuie să lucreze sau ea va inebuni ( va deveni un cuc singuratic ) mai devreme.
el spune ca trebuie sa se duca sa o vada un psihiatru mai întâi dacă doreste să lucreze acolo .
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
anuta1971 a scris:
ce te iubesc eu pe tine
bine ai venit
da` io chiar te iubesc!!
saru mana de primire
lacrima lui ovidiu, pardon a lui hogea a fost cam firava, nu stiu cum...
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Era mai fericit Cemal cand a auzit de gemeni, decat Cobra!
Luana- vip
- Mesaje : 1301
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 65
Localizare : Romania
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
hahaha, doau biberoane, doua plânsete in acelasi timp!!Admin_dea05 a scris:am inteles eu bine, gulnaz va avea gemeni?.....
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Luana a scris:Era mai fericit Cemal cand a auzit de gemeni, decat Cobra!
normal, putea să i se întâmple lui
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Hasret vine la birou. Levent a cumparat multe flori.
el vrea să invite pe lumea la cina (gülnaz şi restul). Hasret spune OK.
Cafer vrea să se logodească in aceeasi seara ..
Levent vine la biroul lui Murat de la universitate.
Levent ii spune lui Murat ca Hasret a acceptat cererea în căsătorie. şi el este cel mai fericit om de pe pământ.
Murat idiotul spune ca am crezut ca deja a acceptase propunerea ta. Levent spune ca nu, ea a acceptat abia ieri noapte dintr-o dată. ea nu a acceptat propunerea mea la inceput ..
(Nu pot să cred în tot acest timp el a crezut cca Hasret a acceptat deja propunerea lui Levent.)
Murat apoi spune ca este fericit pentru amandoi .
Levent pleacă.
Gülnaz spune ca nu a înţeles de ce Hasret a acceptat propunerea lui Levent ..
el vrea să invite pe lumea la cina (gülnaz şi restul). Hasret spune OK.
Cafer vrea să se logodească in aceeasi seara ..
Levent vine la biroul lui Murat de la universitate.
Levent ii spune lui Murat ca Hasret a acceptat cererea în căsătorie. şi el este cel mai fericit om de pe pământ.
Murat idiotul spune ca am crezut ca deja a acceptase propunerea ta. Levent spune ca nu, ea a acceptat abia ieri noapte dintr-o dată. ea nu a acceptat propunerea mea la inceput ..
(Nu pot să cred în tot acest timp el a crezut cca Hasret a acceptat deja propunerea lui Levent.)
Murat apoi spune ca este fericit pentru amandoi .
Levent pleacă.
Gülnaz spune ca nu a înţeles de ce Hasret a acceptat propunerea lui Levent ..
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
pufy2010 a scris:
Salut elena,
cred că e puțin greșit genul, mai corect e scumpul....
elena- vip
- Mesaje : 4209
Data de inscriere : 24/03/2010
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
de ce ii ziceti cemal lui cafer??
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
pufy2010 a scris:
normal, putea să i se întâmple lui
Ba eu cred ca i-ar placea sa i se intample. In toate filmele e o fericire generala cand se anunta un pui. Ar vrea si el, sunt sigura!
Luana- vip
- Mesaje : 1301
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 65
Localizare : Romania
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Pentru Burak îmi fac timp, mai rup din timpul de somn o oră două și tot mă uit. Păcat că nu înțeleg dialogul și n-am găsit nimic în engleză despre film.anuta1971 a scris:
am inteles ca e politist... mai ai loc in program pentru inca un serial?
narcisa- vip
- Mesaje : 12398
Data de inscriere : 07/04/2010
Varsta : 46
Localizare : București
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Am gresit, sunt cu ochii la film si scriu. Am ecranul monitorului impartit in doua parti. Una pe atv, una la voi...axxa246 a scris:de ce ii ziceti cemal lui cafer??
Luana- vip
- Mesaje : 1301
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 65
Localizare : Romania
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
gülnaz sees hasret and saime leaving she asks them why they are leaving at that house.. gülnaz is asking if cobra said something?
hasret says no cobra did not say anything.
levent is in his office he has a drink and he is so happy he smiles to himself.. (I think I like Levent :geb :geb :geb I do not want a constipated HOCA anymore.. :ahg :ahg )
murat comes to the neighborhood.. kadir meets him at the door.
murat asks kadir to go in and see if hasret is home.
gülnaz tells murat hasret and saime went back to the other house. to levent's house.
murat asks why.
gülnaz says she does not know why.
hasret washes her face and hands and forgets her ring there.
saime gives back hasret the ring and she asks what happened.
hasret tells her mom she accepted levent's offer. she says she believed in murat and made a huge mistake.
she says she saw murat and bahar hugging each other in a hotel room.
she tells her mom she called murat and he says he was busy.
hasret says she is tired with her relationship with murat. he is nice one day and then doesn't talk to her the next day. he moves to paris without telling her one day... the next day he comes back as if nothing happened etc.
at that moment the doorbell rings and murat is at the door. saime asks hasret if she will open the door or not.
murat keeps ringing the bell.
hasret turns off the living room light.
murat sees the light turning off and he goes back to his car.
saime tells hasret she should talk to murat and hasret says she will talk but when the time comes.
hasret says she is meeting levent and then going to gülnaz.
hasret says she will go to the office to levent and levent is happy. he says shall I pick you up?
murat meets hasret when she is leaving the house. he says what is going on?
and hasret says there is not problem. he says he wants to explain. she says I don't want any explanations.
and then hasret says I saw you in the balcony at the hotel.
murat says she was going to commit suicide.
and I had to prevent it.
he said he could not leave her to die.
and hasret says why didn't you explain everything to me on the phone?
he says it would be hard to explain on the phone.
she says I do not believe you.
he says then I am leaving.. etc.. he says he only went there to prevent a person from dying.
gülnaz has twins.
cobra thinks the two heart beats might be an echo :geb :geb
gülnaz calls hasret and tells her she will have twins.
hasret says she will come to the neighborhood.
murat is at the school sitting in his classroom alone. and bahar the bitch arrives. she says she wants to say sorry to him. she says she had lost control and she is ashamed of herself. murat tells her she needs treatment.
and bahar wants to come back to work instead. she tells murat she needs to work or she will go cuckkooo sooner.
he says you have to go see a psychiatrist first if you want to work here.
(he is accepting her back to work.. unbelievable.. idiot.. :sopa )
hasret comes to the office. levent has bought many flowers.
he wants to take everyone out to dinner (gülnaz and everyone else). hasret says ok.
cafer wants to get engaged the same evening..
levent comes to murat's office in the university.
levent tells murat hasret has accepted his marriage proposal. and he is the happiest man on earth.
the idiot murat says I thought she had already accepted your proposal. levent says no she accepted yesterday night all of a sudden. she had not accepted my first proposal at all..
(I cannot believe all this time he had thought hasret had already accepted levent's proposal in the first place. )
murat then says he is happy for both of them.
levent leaves.
Gülnaz says she did not understand why hasret accepted levent's proposal..
levent calls his mom and even tells his mom he is getting married.. he arranges for his mom and hasret to meet.
hasret calls kadir and asks him if murat hoca is coming to the lesson and at that moment murat arrives for the lesson.
Levent goes to Nesrin's house. he brings flowers to nesrin.
levent invites nesrin to the engagement dinner :ahg :ahg
nesrin is very surprised. and even more surprised when she hears he is getting engaged to hasret.
hasret peaks in to the lesson murat is giving to kadir's group.
she then goes in.
murat is now gving her the cold shoulder. she wants to talk.
hasret tells murat she has something to say to him. murat says he already knows. levent told him and he says congratulations.. he says we are friends with levent after all.
hasret says oh good so if you know we do not need to talk about it.
murat says levent is a good man. I hope you will be very happy with him.
hasret leaves.
Kadir is so angry with hasret about her and levent.
kadir says he knows for sure that murat is in love with hasret. to hasret. hasret says you do not know what is going on. so shut your mouth.
kadir says he is not going to the engagement party.
hasret says no cobra did not say anything.
levent is in his office he has a drink and he is so happy he smiles to himself.. (I think I like Levent :geb :geb :geb I do not want a constipated HOCA anymore.. :ahg :ahg )
murat comes to the neighborhood.. kadir meets him at the door.
murat asks kadir to go in and see if hasret is home.
gülnaz tells murat hasret and saime went back to the other house. to levent's house.
murat asks why.
gülnaz says she does not know why.
hasret washes her face and hands and forgets her ring there.
saime gives back hasret the ring and she asks what happened.
hasret tells her mom she accepted levent's offer. she says she believed in murat and made a huge mistake.
she says she saw murat and bahar hugging each other in a hotel room.
she tells her mom she called murat and he says he was busy.
hasret says she is tired with her relationship with murat. he is nice one day and then doesn't talk to her the next day. he moves to paris without telling her one day... the next day he comes back as if nothing happened etc.
at that moment the doorbell rings and murat is at the door. saime asks hasret if she will open the door or not.
murat keeps ringing the bell.
hasret turns off the living room light.
murat sees the light turning off and he goes back to his car.
saime tells hasret she should talk to murat and hasret says she will talk but when the time comes.
hasret says she is meeting levent and then going to gülnaz.
hasret says she will go to the office to levent and levent is happy. he says shall I pick you up?
murat meets hasret when she is leaving the house. he says what is going on?
and hasret says there is not problem. he says he wants to explain. she says I don't want any explanations.
and then hasret says I saw you in the balcony at the hotel.
murat says she was going to commit suicide.
and I had to prevent it.
he said he could not leave her to die.
and hasret says why didn't you explain everything to me on the phone?
he says it would be hard to explain on the phone.
she says I do not believe you.
he says then I am leaving.. etc.. he says he only went there to prevent a person from dying.
gülnaz has twins.
cobra thinks the two heart beats might be an echo :geb :geb
gülnaz calls hasret and tells her she will have twins.
hasret says she will come to the neighborhood.
murat is at the school sitting in his classroom alone. and bahar the bitch arrives. she says she wants to say sorry to him. she says she had lost control and she is ashamed of herself. murat tells her she needs treatment.
and bahar wants to come back to work instead. she tells murat she needs to work or she will go cuckkooo sooner.
he says you have to go see a psychiatrist first if you want to work here.
(he is accepting her back to work.. unbelievable.. idiot.. :sopa )
hasret comes to the office. levent has bought many flowers.
he wants to take everyone out to dinner (gülnaz and everyone else). hasret says ok.
cafer wants to get engaged the same evening..
levent comes to murat's office in the university.
levent tells murat hasret has accepted his marriage proposal. and he is the happiest man on earth.
the idiot murat says I thought she had already accepted your proposal. levent says no she accepted yesterday night all of a sudden. she had not accepted my first proposal at all..
(I cannot believe all this time he had thought hasret had already accepted levent's proposal in the first place. )
murat then says he is happy for both of them.
levent leaves.
Gülnaz says she did not understand why hasret accepted levent's proposal..
levent calls his mom and even tells his mom he is getting married.. he arranges for his mom and hasret to meet.
hasret calls kadir and asks him if murat hoca is coming to the lesson and at that moment murat arrives for the lesson.
Levent goes to Nesrin's house. he brings flowers to nesrin.
levent invites nesrin to the engagement dinner :ahg :ahg
nesrin is very surprised. and even more surprised when she hears he is getting engaged to hasret.
hasret peaks in to the lesson murat is giving to kadir's group.
she then goes in.
murat is now gving her the cold shoulder. she wants to talk.
hasret tells murat she has something to say to him. murat says he already knows. levent told him and he says congratulations.. he says we are friends with levent after all.
hasret says oh good so if you know we do not need to talk about it.
murat says levent is a good man. I hope you will be very happy with him.
hasret leaves.
Kadir is so angry with hasret about her and levent.
kadir says he knows for sure that murat is in love with hasret. to hasret. hasret says you do not know what is going on. so shut your mouth.
kadir says he is not going to the engagement party.
alitheea- vip
- Mesaje : 6630
Data de inscriere : 13/01/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : TIMISOARA
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Luana a scris:... Ar vrea si el, sunt sigura!
Tot gemeni?
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
mie mi-a placut cum au jucat amandoi acolo ..saracul murat asa ii trebuieaxxa246 a scris:[da` io chiar te iubesc!!
saru mana de primire
lacrima lui ovidiu, pardon a lui hogea a fost cam firava, nu stiu cum...
Admin_dea05- Admin
- Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
lacrima asta nu e ceva tarie... chiar ar fi buna.. parca a adus si Dea ceva... E barbat de asta e firava.. ei sunt mai duriaxxa246 a scris:
da` io chiar te iubesc!!
saru mana de primire
lacrima lui ovidiu, pardon a lui hogea a fost cam firava, nu stiu cum...
anuta1971- vip
- Mesaje : 8721
Data de inscriere : 27/09/2009
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
stai cumintica .. nu cred ac mai ai de unde rupe.. si asa la partea de somn a ramas putin timpnarcisa a scris:
Pentru Burak îmi fac timp, mai rup din timpul de somn o oră două și tot mă uit. Păcat că nu înțeleg dialogul și n-am găsit nimic în engleză despre film.
anuta1971- vip
- Mesaje : 8721
Data de inscriere : 27/09/2009
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Imi cer scuze, dar nu stiu ce inseamna GEB si AHG(parca).Sunt prea noua...(adica tanara, vreau sa spun)...
Multumiri pt. rezumate....
Multumiri pt. rezumate....
Luana- vip
- Mesaje : 1301
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 65
Localizare : Romania
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
aaa, credeam ca am ratat eu ceva...Luana a scris:Am gresit, sunt cu ochii la film si scriu. Am ecranul monitorului impartit in doua parti. Una pe atv, una la voi...
Re: 40. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
haha, au luat-o si pe Kadrie teize la restaurant!!!!
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