2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 Pbucket

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 Pbucket
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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

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Mesaj Scris de prytymeu Joi 25 Feb 2010, 10:36 am

2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 355639
oare ce iese dupa ce filmul e tradus asa: turca- engleza - romana- bulgareste? Toata magia dintre S si Y (daca ar exista ) este din patea traducatorilor!!! 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 296580[/quote]
2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 136358 Smile Fetele, faceti ce faceti, dar totul iese ok !
cafea pentru toata lumea.
Care magie? Ai vazut tu ceva? Eu nimic Question
de/ cocos murat numai in ASI a transmis magia care ne-a cuprins pe toate alaturi de tuba
membru activ
membru activ

Mesaje : 192
Data de inscriere : 24/10/2009
Varsta : 65

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Joi 25 Feb 2010, 10:57 am

Preluare Hunili
Ma ocup eu de tradus partea asta.

EPISODE 8 PART 8 (LASt PART) ( Berry )

Sister: Uncle downstairs!

Uncle: get in the car hurry!

Man: Aga they are kidnapping the girl!

Mother: Ahmed Aga! Ahmed Aga!


Uncle calls Savas

Uncle: Savas, my child. Cicek’s father has came to take her.

Savas: Reason?

Uncle: He has a picture of Cicek with a young man.

Savas: What? What are you saying uncle?

Uncle: They are following us, I didn't know what to do. I have cicke in the car, where shall we go?

Savas: take her to the company (their business place I guess). I am coming alright.

Cicek: Give me to them uncle, let them kill me. You all will be saved and I will too. (There you go, this is your best solution dear!)


Mother: ah Savas ah!

Sister: Calm down mother. What has made him go this crazy? Why did he knock on our door this way?

Mother: Find me Ismail Nazan, Ismail.


Man: Welcome, what would you like?

Yas: Water

Man: Sure

Yas: thank you


At the work place

Esref: Stay with Mr. Savas


Yas leaves the place


Back to the work place...

Esref: Open the door!

Savas: Are you find Cicke? Come on you go inside. Esref

Father: Savas I will burn it! give me Cicek or else I will burn you all!

Savas: Go let’s not cast blood Ahmed Aga!

Father: I will man! I will! Give me that dishonoured girl of mine!

Savas: Who are you calling dishonour man? She is my wife! My wife!

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Joi 25 Feb 2010, 11:11 am


Sora: Unchiule pe jos!
Un barbat: Dle rǎpesc fata.
Sahnur: Dle Ahmed! Dle Ahmed!

Unchiul îl sunǎ pe Savaş.
Pala: Savaş, fiule, tatǎl lui Çiçek a venit sǎ o ia.
Savas: De ce?
Pala: Are o poza cu ea şi cu un bǎiat.
Savas: Ce? Ce zici acolo unchiule?
Pala: Ne urmǎresc, nu ştiu ce sǎ fac. Am luat-o pe Çiçek cu maşina, unde sǎ mergem?
Savas: Du-o la firmǎ. Vin şi eu.
Cicek: Daţi-mǎ lor, lǎsaţi-i sǎ mǎ omoare. Veţi fi salvaţi cu toţii şî voi fi salvatǎ şi eu.


Sahnur: Ah, Savaş, ah!
Nazan: Linişteşte-te mamǎ. Ce l-a adus în starea asta? De ce a ajuns la uşa noastrǎ în halul ǎsta?
Sahnur: Gǎseşte-l pe Ismail. Nazan … Ismail.

Chelnerul: Bine aţi venit! Ce aţi dori?
Yasemin: Apǎ.
Chenerul: Bineînţeles.
Yasemin: Mulţumesc.

La sediul firmei.
Eşref: Stai cu dl Savaş.

Yasemin pleacǎ.
Înapoi la sediul firmei.

Eşref: Deschide uşa.
Savaş: Eşti bine Çiçek? Vino, du-te înauntru. Eşref!
Ahmed: Savaş dau foc. Dǎ-mi-o pe Çiçek sau vǎ dau foc tuturor.
Savas: Plecaţi, haideţi sǎ nu mai vǎrsǎm sânge dle Ahmed!
Ahmed: Bad a! Bad a! Dǎ-mi fiica aceea neruşinatǎ.
Savas: Cui îi spuneţi neruşinatǎ? Este soţia mea! Soţia mea!

Ultima editare efectuata de catre pissycutz in Joi 25 Feb 2010, 11:17 am, editata de 1 ori

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Joi 25 Feb 2010, 11:16 am


Yas: Impossible! I have tons of work to do.
Savas: When can I see you?
Yas: I don’t know.
Savas: But know it!
Yas: Let the weekend pass, then we’ll talk.
Savas: I’ll call you.
Yas: Ok.
Cicek: What kind of a life is this? What kind?
Nazan: God damn her. Like it wasn’t enough already! What if something happened to you? What would I do?
Baran: Mom, uncle is lying.
Nazan: What?
Baran: Cicek yenge told me not to drive scooter by the pool, or I might fall into it.
Nazan: You uncle wouldn’t say a lie.
Baran: He did. I was nearly drowning, I sunk to the bottom. Cicek yenge got me out.
Nazan: What?
Sahnur: Baran, so Cicek told you not to do, right?
Baran: Yes, but my uncle shouted her saying “how dare you to interfere”
Nazan: My son don’t lie, it’s a sin.
Baran: I don’t. I swallowed too much water, grandma. If Cicek yenge hadn’t got me out..
Nazan: My son, Baran! Shut up!
Sahnur: Go and apologize to Cicek.
Nazan: Me?
Sahnur: Nazan, go and apologize!
Nazan: I’ll go to her, huh? I’d rather hang myself.
Sahnur: Do you want me to disgrace you?
Nazan: How will you do that?
Sahnur: She saved the life of your son! What kind of a person you’ve become!
Nazan: Mom, Cicek better not show such cheap heroism. My son can swim just like a fish!
Baran: I can’t, grandma.
Sahnur: Oh, dear…
Yas: Hello. Anybody asked me?
S: Only Mrs Sevgi. I said you went out and would come back.
Savas calls…
Savas: I told you that I would call.
Yas: You did but it’s been only half an hour.
Savas: It was just like a day for me. What are you doing?
Yas: Nothing. I have so many things piled up. I’ll start working now.
Savas: Ok. Let me now make you busy now. Take it easy.
Yas: You too.
Savas: Take care.
Yas: You too.
Pala comes in…
Pala: Savas, what’s up, son?
Savas: Nothing.
Pala: Shall we talk for a bit?
Savas: Is there something, again?
Pala: No, should we not talk as uncle and nephew?
Savas: Of course, we should.
Pala: You were lost for a while. Did you go to the factory?
Savas: No, I had a thing to do outside.
Pala: Won’t you offer me a coffee?
Savas: Sure! Neslihan, coffee and tea for us.
Pala: I talked to Fidan.
Savas: How is she?
Pala: Good, but she is a bit upset.
Savas: Why?
Pala: People are making gossips over there about Cicek. Still no child. When will our aga…
Savas: Uncle! We said we’ll have a talk. Let’s talk about Van sports team or what’s on the new, and let’s close this subject. Ok?
Pala: Ok. But’ I’ll say one last thing. This subject is not closed just because you say so. People are talking. Keep this in mind. And I’ll say nothing further,
Azra calls Behcet and learns that he will not be working with them.
Cem wants to go out of town for the weekend, he wants to be alone with Nadya; but Nadya says she has lots of things to do. Then she wonders about Savas, wishes he is there with them, and of course Cem gets angry. Anyway, then they cool off etc..Nothing important..
Azra tells Derya about the talk with Behcet. She wants her money back.

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Joi 25 Feb 2010, 11:16 am



Yas comes to her mom’s house in Bodrum..
Endam: If you want anything else, I can do it, agam.
Savas: No, these are good. Don’t call me aga.
Endam: What else shall I call?
Savas: Simply Savas abi.
Endam: No way, you are aga to all of us. How can call you so?
Suna: Would you like some? It’s very warm.
Savas: I don’t. I’ll eat dinner now.
Savas: Is there something?
Sahnur: Nothing! What could be?
Savas: We are hungry, where are the others?
Sahnur: They’ll come in a bit. Nazan?
Nazan: We’re here, mom. Welcome, uncle. Come and sit, son.
Cicek: Who is it?
Endam: Me. Come to the table.
Cicek: I won’t eat.
Endam: Sava aga has come, so uncle Pala. Come on, my dear. Sava saga will ask about you, then Sahnur ana will talk nonsense.. Come, have a couple of bites, then you’ll leave.
Savas: Where is Cicek? Why hasn’t she come yet?
Sahnur: She will in a bit.
Baran: Uncle, do you know I…
Sahnur: Baran, eat you dinner.
Savas: What happened, dear?
Sahnur: Nothing!
Bora: look at this. We are kissing butt so Yas will accept the job.
Sevgi: You were dying of your love for her once. What happened? Did you remember what you told me.
Bora: Sevgi, drop it.
Sevgi: Answer me!
Bora: I thought I was in love, but I wasn’t. Did you get it?
Sevgi: And you always say so. You think you are in love, then you see that it’s over.
Bora: Sevgi. Enough. I am already pissed off.
Sevgi: You couldn’t have Yasemin, that’s why you are pissed off.
Yas: Mom, Is it just me or my son is really very cute?
Leyla: Very cute, God bless him.
Yas: I miss him so much.
Leyla: I still miss you no matter how old you get.
Yas: You have no friends left in Istanbul, right?
Leyla: None. Everyone came and settled here. And they are right to do so. The weather is great, the houses have gardens. There is no voice of the city. Yasemin, why did you say so?
Yas: I thought whether I shall bring you two to Istanbul.
Leyla: But you told me to stay here, you said you would have lots of guests and you didn’t want anyone to learn that you had a baby.
Yas: I was thinking maybe renting another apartment. But never mind.
Leyla: If you want, I’ll move.
Yas: My dear mom. I already turned you life upside down. I can’t take you away from your friends here.
Nazan: Are you done, son?
Cicek: Good night, I am going to my room.
Sahnur: No. Go to salon. You, too, Mustafa.
Sahnur: Baran, come here my kid.
Savas: What’s going on here?
Sahnur: Baran tell us what happened today.
Nazan: Mom, why are you making a big deal out of it?
Sahnur: I can’t stand injustice. There is God above.
Pala: What’s going on in this house?
Sahnur: Baran, do tell us, son.
Baran: I fell into the pool today. I was almost drowning, Cicek yenge saved me.
Savas: What?
Sahnur: What else? What did uncle Mustafa say? Tell us that, too.
Baran: Cicek yenge told me not to drive my scooter there. But uncle Mustafa shouted her and said not to interfere. Then he said he hadn’t say anything like that.
Mustafa: Baran, don’t lie!
Baran: I don’t!
Mustafa: What’s this nonsense!
Savas: Mustafa, stop ! Apologize to your yenge.
Mustafa: I won’t. I am lying.
Savas: So Baran is lying?
Mustafa: Cicek is making him to do. Who know how she tricked him?
Savas slaps Mustafa (finally! )
Savas: You will call her Cicek yenge. She is your elder. Did you get that? Go, kiss her hand and apologize at once. Do it!
Mustafa: I am sorry.
Savas: Louder! We’ll all hear it.
Mustafa: I am sorry. Is this OK now!
Savas: If I ever see you disrespecting Cicek, it’ll not be just a slap. Go to your room, now.
Sahnur: Nazan. You owe this girl a life. Did I bring you up like this? Did I not teach you at all about justice and fairness? Did I not teach you at all about fear of God? (What a hypocrate )
Nazan: Mom, enough. Don’t pressure me.
Sahnur: Why are you looking at me like that. I am the daughter of a righteous man and wife of a righteous man ( yeah, right, you are all righteous from head to toe with your drug transportation ) I will never let any injustice go by.
Pala: This is Sahnur Balday. They don’t call her mrs Aga in vain. Don’t underestimate you mom, son.
Leyla: Nuris, take these home.
Nuris: I already have.
Leyla: But these are organic. Their taste is so different. Yasemin feeds Omer only with organic food.
Nuris: Yasicim, have you already started on fruits?
Yas: No, dear, just juice.
Leyla: Yasemin, the ohone. I couldn’t read it.
Yas: Give it to me..
Leyla: Who is it?
Nuris: Leyla, is there somebody?
Leyla: I don’t know, she didn’t tell anything. But I don’t think so. She says she can’t trust anyone.
Nuris: She is so right..

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Joi 25 Feb 2010, 11:17 am

EPISODE 8 PART 7 (Berry)

Man: You are very tempered Aga

Father: how can I not be? They are doing whatever they want, I am sending them 1kilo, such work cannot be done by one kilo. Such thing needs 500 kilo and that is it!

Man: Savas B. doesn't what this still?

Father: he shall do his thing! Ah isn’t there something for me to hit his head with! So that he wont have a chance.

Man2: Aga

Father: what is it?

Man2: Isn’t this your daughter?

Father: You send you this?

Man2: Sule send it!

Father: Who has send it to him?

Man2: I don't know

Man1: What is this Ahmed Aga? such thing doesn't suit you (you just zipped your mouth! You old man!)

Man3: Who cares to us, Cicek is Sava’s honour. Whatever needs to be done is in their hands.

Father: Not this much, there is no grandchild either. which means we still have rights on Cicek. Tell the kids to get tickets to Istanbul. Hurry up!

Man2: as you wish.

Father: Let’s see what you will do Savas B. Am I big or you are?


Yas: Mom, why is he crying?

Mother: Did you get there good?

Yas: Mom tell me why is he crying?

Mother: He is hungry, hungry. I am preparing his food.

Yas: You still haven’t prepared? It’s been 4 hours. He should have eaten it now.

Mother; Ahh ahh Nuris, Yasemin is questioning me. my daughter we gave him juice one hour before.

Yas: Did he like it?

Mother: he loved it

Yas: Oh my son! My dear son.


Savas: Make sure Miss. Nadia sees this file too.

Woman: alright

Sister: may it go easy

Savas: sister!

Woman: Nazan, what a change. Before you go visit me.

Nazan: Alright

Savas: What is this?

Nazan: Is it bad?

Savas: Am I crazy? What bad. It’s super!

Nazan: are you serious?

Savas: This is how I want to see you from now on. You look very good

Nazan: Thank you

Savas: Sit down, for real you look very pretty.

Nazan: But mother won’t like this

Savas: she will, she will. If not I will speak to her.


Man: Aga here, tickets are ready

Aga: are the cars ready at Istanbul?

Man: It is

Aga: alright come on


Nazan: I have putted myself at home just like that, doing nothing.

Savas: maybe you will get married again. It’s been five years Muzafar brother died.

Nazan: no way, not this one

Savas: Why not sister? you are young, are you going to go on as widow? Maybe again you will love someone.

Nazan: What are you saying? If I say mother I will remarry she will kill me.

Savas: no, no it’s the opposite, she will be pleased. Sure if he is someone she wants. (Bora comes) Well, I won’t been doing much work, but I will come. And you will take me our right?

Savac: Sure, as long as you want to. Come in...

Woman: Mr. Bora is here

Savas: Welcome Mr. Bora,

Bora: I hope I am not disturbing you.

Savas: No, not at all.

Nazan: sorry

Bora; Hello

Savas: Aren’t you going to sit?

Bora: No need, some other time I hope we will sit long. I wanted to let you know Miss. Yasemin has accepted to take over your work.

Savas: So she accepted it?

Bora: she did, it wasn’t easy though. She is a little stubborn. I brought you the agreement file, let’s look into it and if you are agreeing. With out first meeting including Miss. Yasemin we will sing it.


Woman: Azra dear what happen? Azra, dear Arza what happen tell me?

Boy: What is wrong with her?

Zeynap: something didn't work for her, maybe that is why she is crying.


At Savas’s home..

Cicek: It is available this medication, good

Uncle: You found it?

Cicek: In one week or 10 days it will be at aunty’s home.

Uncle: wow, wow, we have been left out behind. How did you know this?

Cicek: It’s writing here.

Baran: It’s written in English

Uncle: Do you know English?

Cicek: Not bad, but I still have to work on it.

Uncle: Hear it Mustafa! Hear it! you cant even count it up to 10 still!

Baran: I know it, can I say it?

Uncle: Say it man

Baran: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Yas gets ready and leaves home


Back to Savas’s home...

Cicek: Look, this is “fox”, this is “frog” this is “rock” and this is “dog”

Baran: thats very nice

Cicek: Right! You smell good!

Uncle: Ya, you look very pretty. Don't listen to your mother. Ah what was that old stuff, like an old lady.

Nazan: Did you hear it mom? Uncle liked it too.

Man: Welcome Aga

Aga: Thank you

Mother: Where is your bracelet? Why did you take them out?

Woman: Hello?

Ahmed: Mrs. Sahnur! Mrs. Sahnur!

Uncle: What is going on

Mother: What’s going on?

Woman: Ahmed Moran is here

Ahmed: Open the door! Open it!

Uncle: Mustafa take Baran upstairs now.

Ahmed: open the door!

Uncle: What is it Ahmed Aga? With no notice?

Ahmed: We have came to clean our honour! Give me Cicek!

Uncle: Cool down

Mother: Come in

Uncle: come inside

Mother: come in, what is going on Ahmed Aga? What happen?

Ahmed: You first give me the reason for this!

Mother: Where did you get this?

Ahmed: Who cares!

Mother: There is nothing in this picture!

Ahmed: how can it not be? Come on you don't think of your honour, don't you think of ours?

Mother: Ahmed Aga

Ahmed; There is no grandchild, and my daughter is hanging out with other man! What is this!

Mother: come sit down here

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Joi 25 Feb 2010, 11:21 am

Ma ocup eu de partea III.
Partea III este in topicul de traduceri. Acum ma ocup de partea IV.

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de teodora_roman Joi 25 Feb 2010, 1:34 pm

Ma ocup eu de partea a 7-a. Cand termin o postez aici si va rog pe voi sa o mutati cand e cazul la traduceri. Pupici

Mesaje : 779
Data de inscriere : 02/02/2010
Localizare : România, Cluj-Napoca

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Mesaj Scris de teodora_roman Joi 25 Feb 2010, 2:31 pm



Barbatul: Esti o fire foarte temperamentala Aga

Tatăl: Cum să nu fiu? Ei fac ce vor, le trimit 1 kg, o astfel de munca nu se face cu 1 kg. Lucrurile astea se fac cu 500 kg!

Barbatul: Savas B. Tot nu vrea sa facă treaba?

Tatăl: o va face! Ah! Nu gasesc ceva cu care sa ii dau in cap! Aşa încât sa nu mai aibă nicio şansă

Barbatul2: Aga

Tatăl: Ce e?

Barbatul 2: Aceasta nu e fiica dvs?

Tatăl: Cine ţi-a trimis-o?

Barbatul 2: Sule!

Tatăl: Lui cine i-a trimis-o?

Barbatul2: Nu ştiu

Barbatul 1: Ce e asta Ahmed Aga? Asta nu te caracterizează !(ai rămas fără grai,(ti-au inchis gura, bătrânule!)

Barbatul 3: Ce ne interesează pe noi, Cicek este/reprezintă onoarea Savas. Tot ce trebuie făcut e în mâinile lor

Tatăl: Nu chiar, nu există niciun nepot, ceea ce înseamnă că încă avem drepturi asupra lui Cicek. Spune-le copiilor să ia bilete spre Istanbul. Repede!
Barbatul 2: Cum doreşti.
Tatăl: Să vedem ce vei face Savas B. Cine-i mai mare?


Yas: Mamă, de ce plânge?

Mama: Ai ajuns cu bine?

Yas: Mamă, spune-mi de ce plânge?

Mama: Îi e foame. Îi pregătesc mâncarea.

Yas: Încă nu i-ai pregătit-o? Au trecut 4 ore. Ar fi trebuit sa o fi mâncat deja.

Mama; Ahh ahh Nuris, Yasemin ma ia la întrebări. Fiica mea, i-am dat suc acum o oră.
Yas: I-a plăcut?

Mother: la nebunie

Yas: Oh fiul meu! Scumpul meu.


Savas: Asigură-te că şi Miss Nadia vede dosarul ăsta.

Femeia: bine

Sora: Să vă meargă bine!
Savas: Soro!

Femeia: Nazan, ce schimbare. Treci pe la mine înainte de a pleca.

Nazan: Bine

Savas: Ce e asta??

Nazan: E rău?

Savas: Ce-s nebun!? Cum rău?! E super!

Nazan: Vorbeşti serios?

Savas: Aşa vreau să te văd de acum înainte. Arăţi foarte bine.

Nazan: Mulţumesc

Savas: Ia loc, vorbesc serios eşti foarte drăguţă.

Nazan: dar mamei nu-i va plăcea.

Savas: Îi va plăcea, îi va plăcea . Dacă nu, voi vorbi eu cu ea.

Bărbatul: Aga uite, biletele sunt gata

Aga: Maşinile sunt pregătite la Istanbul?

Bărbatul: Da

Aga: Bine, hai!


Nazan: Uite aşa m-am închis în casă fără să fac nimic (aş fi zis:”M-am săturat închisă în casă fără să fac nimic)

Savas: Poate te vei recăsători. Au trecut 5 ani de când fratele Muzafer a murit.

Nazan: În niciun caz. Nu aşa ceva.

Savas: De ce nu surioara? Eşti tânără, vei trăi mereu ca o văduvă? Poate te vei îndrăgosti din nou de cineva.

Nazan: Ce vorbeşti? Dacă îi spun mamei ca vreau să mă recăsătoresc ma omoară.

Savas: Nu dimpotrivă, va fi încântată. Bineînţeles, dacă el va fi cineva pe care ea îl vrea. (Vine Borax) Ei, nu voi face mare lucru, dar voi veni. Si mă vei lua ............ (nu am inteles)( And you will take me our right?)

Savac: Bineînţeles, cât vei vrea tu. Intră. ...

Femeia: Mr. Bora e aici

Savas: Bine aţi venit Mr. Bora,

Bora: Sper că nu vă deraqnjez.

Savas: Nu, deloc.

Nazan: Scuze

Bora: Hello

Savas: Nu luaţi loc?

Bora: Nu e nevoie, altă dată sper să stau mai mult. Am vrut să vă spun că Miss Yasemin a acceptat să lucreze la campania dvs. (publicitară)

Savas: Deci a acceptat?

Bora: Da, Deşi nu a fost uşor de convins. E puţin încăpăţânată. Am adus fişierul cu contractul. Haideţi să ne uităm peste el şi dacă sunteţi de acord, la următoarea întâlnire la care va participa şi Miss. Yasemin îl vom semna.


Femeia: Azra dragă ce s-a întâmplat? Azra, dragă Arza ce s-a întâmplat, spune-mi tell me?

Băiatul: Ce-a păţit?

Zeynap: Ceva n-a mers, poate de aceea plânge.


La Savas acasă..

Cicek: Există medicamentul, bun

Unchiul: L-ai găsit?

Cicek: Într-o săptămână sau 10 zile va fi la mătuşa acasă.

Unchiul: wow, wow, am rămas pe dinafară. De unde ai ştiut asta??

Cicek: Scrie aici.

Baran: Scrie în engleză.

Unchiul: Ştii engleză?

Cicek: Nu chiar rău, dar mai am încă de învăţat.

Unchiul: Auzi Mustafa! Auzi! Tu încă nu poţi nici să numeri până la 10!

Baran: Eu ştiu, pot să număr?

Unchiul: numără

Baran: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Yas se îmbracă şi pleacă de acasă


Înapoi acasă la Savas...

Cicek: Uite, aceasta este “vulpe”, aceasta este “broască” aceasta este “stâncă” şi acesta este “câine”

Baran: Ce drăguţ!

Cicek: Da! Miroşi bine!

Unchiul: Da, eşti foarte drăguţă. Nu o lua în seamă pe mama ta. Ah, ce era cu lucrurile alea vechi, ca o doamnă in vârstă.

Nazan: Ai auzit mamă? Şi unchiului i-a plăcut.

Bărbatul: Bine aţi venit Aga

Aga: Mulţumesc

Mama: Unde îţi sunt brăţările? De ce le-ai dat jos?

Femeia: Hello?

Ahmed: Dnă. Sahnur! Dnă. Sahnur!

Unchiul: Ce se întâmplă?

Mama: Ce se întâmplă?

Femeia: Ahmed Moran e aici

Ahmed: Deschideţi uşa! Deschideţi!

Unchiul: Mustafa du-l pe Baran sus, acum!.

Ahmed: Deschideţi uşa!

Unchiul: Ce se întâmplă Ahmed Aga? Fără să anunţi?

Ahmed: Am venit să ne spălăm onoarea! Daţi-mi-o pe Cicek!

Unchiul: Linişteşte-te!

Mama: Intraţi

Unchiu: Haideţi înăuntru

Mama: Intraţi, Ce se petrece Ahmed Aga? Ce s-a întâmplat?

Ahmed: Explicaţi-mi întâi ce e asta!

Mama: De unde ai asta?

Ahmed: Ce contează!

Mama: Nu e nimic în poza asta!

Ahmed: Cum să nu fie? Dacă nu vă gândiţi la onoarea voastră, gândiţi-vă la a noastră

Mama: Ahmed Aga

Ahmed: Nu există nepoţi şi fiica mea se „întinde” cu alt bărbat! Ce e asta!

Mama: Hai, stai aici!

Mesaje : 779
Data de inscriere : 02/02/2010
Localizare : România, Cluj-Napoca

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de teodora_roman Joi 25 Feb 2010, 2:34 pm

Sper ca e ok. E prima data cand postez vreo traducere. De aici incolo va rog sa o preluati voi. Cand mai apare ceva ma mai pot ocupa si eu. Am invatat lectia si anunt aici. Cu conditia sa le transferati voi de pe huni. Eu inca nu am cont acolo. Dar incet, invat si o fac si pe asta.

Mesaje : 779
Data de inscriere : 02/02/2010
Localizare : România, Cluj-Napoca

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de dea05 Joi 25 Feb 2010, 2:51 pm

teodora_roman a scris:Sper ca e ok. E prima data cand postez vreo traducere. De aici incolo va rog sa o preluati voi. Cand mai apare ceva ma mai pot ocupa si eu. Am invatat lectia si anunt aici. Cu conditia sa le transferati voi de pe huni. Eu inca nu am cont acolo. Dar incet, invat si o fac si pe asta.
e bine...multumim....da, trebuie anuntat sa nu se creeze din nou confuzie si sa se munceasca de doua ori la aceiasi parte ....poti sa o pui si tu la traducere dar numai sa astepti sa se puna si celelalte parti sa fie in ordine kiss

de la alina


Mesaje : 2538
Data de inscriere : 13/09/2009

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Joi 25 Feb 2010, 3:07 pm

Acum ca am terminat de tradus zic sa va salut Smile Am fost atat de entuziasmata de traduceri incat am uitat care-mi sunt manierele stupid
Buna ziua fetelor!!! Sa aveti o zi plina de soare si realizari. indragostit

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de teodora_roman Joi 25 Feb 2010, 3:23 pm

Da , am vazut ca s-a intamplat ceva de genul asta de aceea am verificat si anuntat inainte de a ma apuca de treaba. Partile 5 si 6 nu au aparut inca sau nu le-am vazut eu? Nu de alta, dar imi doarme piciul si as mai fi tradus ceva intre timp. Oricum, le multumim si fetelor care traduc din turca in engleza, ca m-ar apuca disperarea sa ma uit ca la filmul mut si sa nu inteleg nimic sad Eu ma 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 244732 sa fie sanatoase si sa aiba timp si pentru noi.

Mesaje : 779
Data de inscriere : 02/02/2010
Localizare : România, Cluj-Napoca

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 25 Feb 2010, 3:31 pm

teodora_roman a scris:Da , am vazut ca s-a intamplat ceva de genul asta de aceea am verificat si anuntat inainte de a ma apuca de treaba. Partile 5 si 6 nu au aparut inca sau nu le-am vazut eu? Nu de alta, dar imi doarme piciul si as mai fi tradus ceva intre timp. Oricum, le multumim si fetelor care traduc din turca in engleza, ca m-ar apuca disperarea sa ma uit ca la filmul mut si sa nu inteleg nimic sad Eu ma 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 244732 sa fie sanatoase si sa aiba timp si pentru noi.

dacă ai nevoie de ajutor ptr a te înregistra pe hunili spune şi îţi dăm noi paşiii.

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Joi 25 Feb 2010, 3:34 pm

EPISODE 8 PART 5 (arzu)


Nurish: The girl is right. She has come across such horrible men.
Yaso: the TV was open..
Savaþ: Are you still working?
Yaso: maybe.
Savas: Aren’t you tired? I will come and pick you up if you want.
Yaso: well actually I am in Bodrum. I came to visit mom.
Savas: Bodrum? You never told me you were going to go?
Yaso: I missed mom so I came.
Savas: when will you be coming back?
Yaso: Monday.
Savas: Yasemin.
Yaso: Yes.
Savas: I could bear your longing more before I found you. Now that I did find you I cannot bear to be away from you.
Yaso: you are exaggerating
Savas: I am not.
Nurish: I wish she could find someone. Someone nice and honest.
Leyla: that would be nice but she doesn’t want anyone.
Nurish: just because she was cheated on… Yasi I am preparing tea do you want some?
Yaso: yes
Leyla: so who was calling?
Yaso: who?
Leyla: who called just now.
Yaso: oh.. just a friend. From work.
Leyla: uh-huh..
Servant: Here. It is hot. So what’s going on.
Man: so is everyone asleep.
Servant: what is it to you.
Man: just asking.
Servant: Sahnur went up to her room. The rest are still up.
Man: come to the garage tonight.
Servant: someone might see me.
Man: no one will see. Come at midnight.
Servant: no. I am going here.
Man: come here. Come on..
Servant: stop.. let go of me.
Man: ok. Look what I am going to show you.
Servant: let me see? Oh. I know I have seen these before. Sahnur could not open her messages so I opened it for her.
Man: ok. But don’t tell anyone. She told me to delete the messages.
Servant: send the pictures to me?
Man: no way. Sahnur will kill me.
Servant: If you won’t send them I will not come to the garage at midnight.
Man:shhh. Ok. Stop. Will you come if I send the pictures.
Servant: maybe..
Çiçek: good night…. Sister this is enough. I am not your enemy. I feel sad for you.
Nazan: who are you to feel sad for me? You are ill mannered. Think before you talk.
Çiçek: why don’t you understand that we are both victims of Tore. We are slaves in this house. Why can’t you see this? I am at least trying to study. I am trying to overcome this problem. You are trying to pull me down. Why don’t you fight to get up from this whole instead. You are still young. You have a long life ahead of you. Don’t bury me with you into this house. Stop giving me hell.. enough….
Çiçek: this was the last time I will be crying. I promise. Whatever they do to me I will not cry. I will be strong.
Savas: shh.. you are already strong. You are astute. You are struggling to study in the University. Even this is enough.
Çiçek: but she really does get on my nerves..
Savas: I thought you said you would not cry.
Çiçek: yes right I am not crying.
Savas: don’t cry. You have school tomorrow. Come on.
Nurish: good night.
Yaso: mom. Sit down.
Leyla: what happened.
Yaso: I just want to say something.
Leyla: oh god..
Yaso: I met Ömer’s dad.
Leyla: what!! How?
Yaso: our paths crossed. He could not forget me. He searched and found me.
Leyla: oh my god! Who is he. What does he do?
Yaso: he owns a holding. He is in the food sector.
Leyla: so he is very rich.
Yaso: Is this so important.
Leyla: Well if he is very rich he will be strong. It will be hard to deal with very rich people.
Ok. Anyway where is he from?
Yaso: from Van. He is the leader of a huge amount of people.
Leyla: oh. Noo Yasemin nooo…
Yaso: please calm down.
Leyla: tell me the truth. Are you two close?
Yaso: not yet.
Leyla: meaning you will be going out with him.
Yaso: well mom I do not know. You know I am scared. I went out with Mehmet for 3 years and he cheated on me. Bora said he was madly in love with me but he wasn’t. how am I supposed to know Savaþ is different?
Leyla: so his name is savaþ?
Yaso: Yes Savaþ Baldar.
Leyla: oh Yasemin… what will we do..
Yaso: I am getting late.
Leyla: Yaso do you think you should try to get to know Ömer’s dad. Maybe he is not so bad.
Yaso: I am really scared mom. I actually want to get to know him. But I am scared.
Leyla: you know the business project you said you would not work in? maybe you should do the Baldar campaign. You can get to know him while working with him.
Yaso: I already thought of that. I am going to accept the project.
Leyla: But I think you should not tell him about Ömer yet. Get to know him first.
Yaso: why?
Leyla: well they are from Van. These kind of people value children a lot. If you do not get along and you separate he will try to take the child away from you god forbid.
Yaso: mom what are you saying?
Leyla: we should think about the consequences yasemin. If you think he really loves you then you will tell him about the baby. Don’t get me wrong but I would of course want Ömer’s real dad’s name to be written on his Id card.

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Joi 25 Feb 2010, 3:35 pm

Ma ocup eu de partea V daca nu s-a apucat nimeni kiss
Astept 5 minute.

Gata m-am apucat cupidon

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de clio 24 Joi 25 Feb 2010, 3:44 pm

Buna ziua fetelor!!! Mai este vreo parte de tradus..Sunt disponibila!!!pot sa traduc si eu acum..
clio 24
clio 24

Mesaje : 997
Data de inscriere : 03/10/2009

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de teodora_roman Joi 25 Feb 2010, 3:49 pm

dacă ai nevoie de ajutor ptr a te înregistra pe hunili spune şi îţi dăm noi paşiii.[/color][/quote]

Multumesc, m-ar ajuta. Ma gandeam sa imi iau inima in dinti si cu rabdare multa sa folosesc google translation sau sa vad ce alt dictionar online mai gasesc. Dar voi va pricepeti deja, asa ca experienta voastra e mai pretioasa si mai de folos. Deci cand are cineva timp sa imi spuna pasii ........ raman vesnic recunoscatoare. Si ma ofer sa fac traduceri si din franceza daca va fi vreodata cazul .... kiss

Mesaje : 779
Data de inscriere : 02/02/2010
Localizare : România, Cluj-Napoca

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 25 Feb 2010, 4:02 pm

Actorul de televiziune al anului

2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 Act12.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 Actq

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 25 Feb 2010, 4:03 pm

teodora_roman a scris:d
Multumesc, m-ar ajuta. Ma gandeam sa imi iau inima in dinti si cu rabdare multa sa folosesc google translation sau sa vad ce alt dictionar online mai gasesc. Dar voi va pricepeti deja, asa ca experienta voastra e mai pretioasa si mai de folos. Deci cand are cineva timp sa imi spuna pasii ........ raman vesnic recunoscatoare. Si ma ofer sa fac traduceri si din franceza daca va fi vreodata cazul .... kiss

te ajut eu acum

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Mesaj Scris de clio 24 Joi 25 Feb 2010, 4:12 pm

[quote="DENISA"]Actorul de televiziune al anului

Se pare ca nu poti vota decat o data sad am incercat, am intrat , am iesit nu mi-a mai aparut butonul de vot 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 2743637754
clio 24
clio 24

Mesaje : 997
Data de inscriere : 03/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de clio 24 Joi 25 Feb 2010, 4:14 pm

Fetelor, harnicutelor !!! Felicitari !!!ati terminat kiss kiss Multumesc frumos pentru traduceri flower floare cheers
clio 24
clio 24

Mesaje : 997
Data de inscriere : 03/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 25 Feb 2010, 4:17 pm

teodora_roman a scris:

Multumesc, m-ar ajuta. kiss

Kullanýcý adý seçin = Choose a user name Alegi numele de utilizator dorit de tine

E-Posta = E-Mail adresa ta de e-mail

Þifrenizi seçin = Choose a password Parola aleasă de tine

Þifreyi tekrarlayýn = Re-type your password Introduci încă odată parola ta

Resim doðrulamasý = Enter the security code in the image Introduci codul de securitate din imagine

At the very end of the registration page, put a click to Kabul Ediyorum = I accept Bifezi Kabul Ediyorum ( că accepţi termenii lor )

Hit the Kayit = Register button! dai Click pe Kayit ptr a te înregistra

2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 Ssszi5




Ultima editare efectuata de catre DENISA in Joi 25 Feb 2010, 4:21 pm, editata de 2 ori

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Joi 25 Feb 2010, 4:19 pm

clio 24 a scris:

Se pare ca nu poti vota decat o data sad am incercat, am intrat , am iesit nu mi-a mai aparut butonul de vot 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 2743637754


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Mesaj Scris de clio 24 Joi 25 Feb 2010, 4:23 pm

DENISA a scris:
clio 24 a scris:

Se pare ca nu poti vota decat o data sad am incercat, am intrat , am iesit nu mi-a mai aparut butonul de vot 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 2743637754


am gresit eu...dupa aia am vazut ca merge...Pe cine ai votat? 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 18 248946
clio 24
clio 24

Mesaje : 997
Data de inscriere : 03/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de Continut sponsorizat

Continut sponsorizat

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