45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
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Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Luana a scris:...
Sa mai speram??? Ce zici???
... da, peste 2066 ani
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
ziua buna tuturor,Iuliana multumiri pt. traducere,Axxa m-ai dat gata ,auzi viermisori,alt cuvant n-ai gasit,ai fi putut zice taietei,si suna totusi altcumva,chietroie mai ai sau au crapat toate de ger?Multumesc pt. analiza ep.41,pe mine nu ma supara ca-l criticati pe Murat pt. ca merita .
Ultima editare efectuata de catre florica in Dum 27 Feb 2011, 8:21 pm, editata de 1 ori
florica- vip
- Mesaje : 7684
Data de inscriere : 27/05/2010
Varsta : 69
Localizare : oradea
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Pentru voi:
Tot de-ale armatei...
Sa nu mai prind picior de soldat cu mainile in buzunare !
Dati-mi o bara metalica din lemn.
Ce te uiti asa la mine ca la un bou ? Ce, ori nu-i asa ?
Am sa va tin cu ochii in soare pana la 12 noaptea.
Daca ti se intampla sa cazi de pe transportor ori mori ori ramai prost. Eu am cazut de 3 ori.
Fa-mi o lista cu el.
Cand plecati acasa sa nu uitati vreo bricheta aprinsa in dulapuri.
Sa nu va dati jos din mersul trenurilor.
Va doare mana sa bateti 3 pasi de defilare ?
Impartiti suprafata in 3 jumatati egale.
Lipeste calcaiele pe langa corp.
Jumatate din batalion stia ca este adunare numai tu nu.
"Directorul unui internat îi previne pe băieţi :
- Dacă dă dracu' şi-l prind pe unul din voi în dormitorul fetelor, îl amendez cu 10 Euro, a doua oară îl ard cu 20 de Euro şi a treia oară cu 40 Euro ! Din spate, o voce timidă :
- Dom' director, da' un abonament cât costă ?"
Un preot explica la ora de religie : - Dumnezeu l-a creat pe Adam si cu o coasta din Adam a creat-o pe Eva.
- Parinte, il intrerupe un elev, tata spune ca ne tragem din maimute.
- Asculta, zice preotul plictisit, cazul familiei tale nu ma intereseaza ! Eu vorbesc in general.....
Un grup de cercetători scrie o carte, de 300 de pagini, un compendiu de fizică cuprinzând toate cunoştinţele din domeniu. Se hotărăsc să facă un sondaj ca să afle în cât timp o vor învăţa studenţii. Merg mai întâi la francezi şi ăştia zic că o învaţă în 4 luni ! Apoi merg în Germania şi nemţii spun că o învaţă în 2 luni ! Şi în final ajung în România, într-un cămin studenţesc unde toţi erau beţi morţi ! Îl trezesc pe unul şi îl întreabă : "În cât timp reuşeşti să înveţi toată cartea asta ?" şi studentul nostru : "BUUEEEYYYY, SCULAREA ! MÂINE AVEM EXAMEN !!!!"
Am corectat, desi nu era greseala mea. Asa l-am luat din E-mail. Un grup scrie, nu scriu...
Tot de-ale armatei...
Sa nu mai prind picior de soldat cu mainile in buzunare !
Dati-mi o bara metalica din lemn.
Ce te uiti asa la mine ca la un bou ? Ce, ori nu-i asa ?
Am sa va tin cu ochii in soare pana la 12 noaptea.
Daca ti se intampla sa cazi de pe transportor ori mori ori ramai prost. Eu am cazut de 3 ori.
Fa-mi o lista cu el.
Cand plecati acasa sa nu uitati vreo bricheta aprinsa in dulapuri.
Sa nu va dati jos din mersul trenurilor.
Va doare mana sa bateti 3 pasi de defilare ?
Impartiti suprafata in 3 jumatati egale.
Lipeste calcaiele pe langa corp.
Jumatate din batalion stia ca este adunare numai tu nu.
"Directorul unui internat îi previne pe băieţi :
- Dacă dă dracu' şi-l prind pe unul din voi în dormitorul fetelor, îl amendez cu 10 Euro, a doua oară îl ard cu 20 de Euro şi a treia oară cu 40 Euro ! Din spate, o voce timidă :
- Dom' director, da' un abonament cât costă ?"
Un preot explica la ora de religie : - Dumnezeu l-a creat pe Adam si cu o coasta din Adam a creat-o pe Eva.
- Parinte, il intrerupe un elev, tata spune ca ne tragem din maimute.
- Asculta, zice preotul plictisit, cazul familiei tale nu ma intereseaza ! Eu vorbesc in general.....
Un grup de cercetători scrie o carte, de 300 de pagini, un compendiu de fizică cuprinzând toate cunoştinţele din domeniu. Se hotărăsc să facă un sondaj ca să afle în cât timp o vor învăţa studenţii. Merg mai întâi la francezi şi ăştia zic că o învaţă în 4 luni ! Apoi merg în Germania şi nemţii spun că o învaţă în 2 luni ! Şi în final ajung în România, într-un cămin studenţesc unde toţi erau beţi morţi ! Îl trezesc pe unul şi îl întreabă : "În cât timp reuşeşti să înveţi toată cartea asta ?" şi studentul nostru : "BUUEEEYYYY, SCULAREA ! MÂINE AVEM EXAMEN !!!!"
Am corectat, desi nu era greseala mea. Asa l-am luat din E-mail. Un grup scrie, nu scriu...
Ultima editare efectuata de catre Luana in Dum 27 Feb 2011, 8:16 pm, editata de 1 ori
Luana- vip
- Mesaje : 1301
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 65
Localizare : Romania
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Oh, ce bine!pufy2010 a scris:
... da, peste 2066 ani
Abia astept!
Luana- vip
- Mesaje : 1301
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 65
Localizare : Romania
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
si eu, sa nu fii singura!Luana a scris:
Oh, ce bine!
Abia astept!
Garo- vip
- Mesaje : 1155
Data de inscriere : 13/07/2010
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
si eu, sa nu fii singura! [/quote]
Si eu ,si eu ( de pe lumea cealalta o sa ma distrez uitandu-ma la voi) .Dar propun sa-l inghetzam pe Basescu pana atunci.
si eu, sa nu fii singura! [/quote]
Si eu ,si eu ( de pe lumea cealalta o sa ma distrez uitandu-ma la voi) .Dar propun sa-l inghetzam pe Basescu pana atunci.
Geta- vip
- Mesaje : 407
Data de inscriere : 29/11/2009
Localizare : Constanta
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Si eu ,si eu ( de pe lumea cealalta o sa ma distrez uitandu-ma la voi) .Dar propun sa-l inghetzam pe Basescu pana atunci.
Geta- vip
- Mesaje : 407
Data de inscriere : 29/11/2009
Localizare : Constanta
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
02 Mart Çarşamba · 14:00 - 17:00
Yer :Marmara Üniversitesi Göztepe Kampüsü Büyük Spor Salonu
Fahrettin Kerim Gökay Caddesi 34722 - Göztepe
Kadıkoy, Turkey
Sinema Oyuncusu (Kadın) Tuba Büyüküstün
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Samira Garayeva
Hasret: I was wearing it that night when we danced.
Nakiye: There were only 5 men in our class. Can it be one of them?
Ceren: I think the one who knows you so closely, who has kept your Pink Panther for years should be someone either from your neighborhood, or from you school. Tell me a name and we will search.
Nakiye: Ahmet Kavuk. I hope it is not him.
Ceren: Why?
Nakiye: I don’t like it. Nakiye Kavuk. As if you say Nakiye Tavuk (tavuk means “a hen” ).
Ceren: Look, what she is thinking about… As if everything got completed, you have got acquainted, got along, got married and the only problem left is your surname. Ah...
Nakiye: What happened?
Ceren: we have forgotten to put your photo. Do you have a photo?
Nakiye: I have one in my bag, suitable for a document.
Ceren: No, we need it in the computer.
Nakiye: In the computer? But how?
Ceren: Are you ready?
Nakiye: I am. Let me see. No, it is not good. I have frowned a lot. Take a photo again. One minute. Let me see. No, it is not good again. I have smiled a lot this time.
Ceren: Let me take the photos, and then you will see them all at once.
Nakiye: Is it possible?
Ceren: Yes.
Nakiye: Then you take about 10-15 photos, then we will choose among them. But take it beautifully.
Levent: I’m waiting for news from you. Let us have a meeting in near future. Ok, I’ll call you later.
Murat: You owe an explanation to me.
Levent: I owe nothing to you.
Murat: You cannot take my student’s hand and make her go out of my class. Did you get it?
Levent: Maybe Hasret is your student. But she is my fiancée. And she is my artist at the same time. Did you get it? It concerns only me where she will go and what she will do.
Murat: Maybe you are her fiancé. But you must respect Hasret’s decisions. She can go wherever she wants, and she can do whatever she wants. You have no right to interfere in her decisions in such a way.
Levent: And you have no right to interfere in our life. I know it well what I’m doing.
Murat: The only thing you know is upsetting Hasret.
Levent: Is it you to say that? Come to yourself. Come to yourself. Now, listen to me attentively. I am the only one to make Hasret happy. And I will permit no one to come between us. If someone attempts to do it, I mean if someone tries to come between us, he will have to bear the full consequences.
Murat: Do you love Hasret much?
Levent: Yes, I love her so madly that believe me I can do everything.
Murat: Well, but does Hasret love you?
Levent: Yes, you will understand it in time.
Murat: That is not the answer to my question. Do you know Van Gogh’s story. In one of his letters to his brother Teo he says he has fallen in love with a woman. Her name is Kee. But Kee doesn’t love Van Gogh in response. One day he goes to the woman’s house to see her, but Kee doesn’t come to see him. And he holds his hand over the candle and starts waiting until his hand burns. But the woman insists on not coming. Then he tells about this story to his brother Teo and writes: “I will love her so long time that finally she will also love me”. But Van Gogh was mistaken. Kee never loved him, and never got married with him.
Saime: Ah, my daughter, you do know this man’s temper. If he says don’t go, then don’t go.
Hasret: So do you think he is right?
Saime: No, he is not. His behavior is very unpleasant. But you cannot know it. Maybe he had got angry at something else, and then he came and vented his spleen on you.
Hasret: He was not like the Levent I knew. Another person came out of him.
Saime: Calm down now. It happened anyway. Don’t touch each other for a while. Let some time pass. I think Levent will understand his mistake in time. Then you will have a talk calmly, and then you will say what you want to say to each other.
Hasret: You are right. It is better to talk calmly.
Gulnaz: My back is aching much.
Kadriye: Maybe the twins are heavy.
Gulnaz: And Cobra doesn’t take me to a doctor. What is that? Look, he has climbed on potatoes. Look.
Cobra: Dear neighborhood people, one vote is not enough, please let it be 5-6 votes and let Cobra Ahmet become a headman. And let this neighborhood get good services.
People: Bravo.
Cobra: What happened, my flower? Are you going to buy potatoes?
Kadriye: Come on, climb up.
Balcicek: What is going on? Why are you climbing up here?
Gulnaz: That is enough. All poems, songs, everything is finished.
Cobra: One minute, I have got democratic rights in this country. You can take my microphone, but you can’t mute me.
Gulnaz: See, I can mute you. Now everyone go home. You silly guy, look at your watches, it is already prohibition time for the elections. Come on.
Kadriye: Girl, give me three kilos of potato.
Cobra: Let me give it.
Kadriye: Give me big ones, like this.
Cobra: Is it OK?
Kadriye: No that is small. Give me bigger ones.
Balcicek: And give three kilos, too.
Nakiye: I’m coming. Hah, you know what happened today. I got a parcel today.
Murat: Nakiye, let’s talk later.
Nesrin: What is wrong with him?
Nakiye: I don’t know. But he seems very angry.
Nesrin: I wonder if he has argued with Ceren. Let me see.
Ethem: Wait, let him calm down. You can talk later.
Nesrin: Ok then. Where is Ceren?
Nakiye: Upstairs.
Nesrin: Well then, they will talk and solve it.
Cobra: So, three and two, that means the game is over. As I won the game you will vote for me tomorrow.
Man: Let us wait for tomorrow, I’ll vote for you.
Cobra: Do you promise it?
Man: Yes I do.
Cobra: Now, you can eat and listen to me at the same time, if I become a headman, you will have a dinner for free here once a week.
Jafer: Cobra, it is prohibition time already, you cannot make a speech like this.
Cobra: What prohibition? In the period of my headmanship all the prohibitions will be cancelled. You cannot frustrate me with prohibitions.
People: Bravo.
Boys: Brother Cobra, come here.
Cobra: why are you so late?
Hasan: we just finished it…
Cobra: So, tell me…
Veysi: The final result is – Cobra 103, Gulnaz 105.
Cobra: So we are matching.
Hasan: Yes, just one vote is so valuable.
Cobra: You are right. Here is your money.
Boys: See you.
Cobra: I have to find a way to outscore. Think up some craftiness.
Kadir: Again advertising messages. What are you doing?
Cobra: Come with me, Kadir.
Kadir: Where? What are you going to do?
Ceren: So what about Hasret now?
Murat: She will either live according to Levent’s rules or make a decision.
Ceren: So, will she break up with Levent? I think it is not an easy decision.
Murat: why? Didn’t you say Hasret was in love with me and didn’t love Levent?
Ceren: I did, but it is obvious she still appreciates Levent. And she knows Levent loves her. Though she seems strong, but she is very sentimental. I think she would never like to hurt Levent.
Murat: In other words?
Ceren: In other words, everything depends on Hasret’s decision.
Murat: I did say the same.
Ceren: Ok, don’t get angry, I’m just saying it will be a hard decision.
Levent: I came here to beg your pardon. I acted unpleasantly today, humiliated you before your schoolmates. I can apologize for this every day till the end of my life. You know me, I don’t like shouting and screaming. And I would never like even to lift up my voice, not to say about shouting at you. You are the woman whom I love, whom I love madly. Sometimes something happens and I become not able to control myself. But I promise you. It will happen never again. I want to have a peaceful relationship free of fights. I dream about a nice future together with you.
Hasret: Levent…
Levent: Shhhsst, I haven’t finished yet. You know, I saw a summer house today, somewhere in the south, and I thought maybe we can move there after some time and live there. There are very nice trees - olive, pomegranate, orange. And I thought – why not? Why not? But don’t worry, we will not live there forever, we can go anywhere you want, Rome, Paris, London, wherever you want.
Cobra: We must make use of any kind of technology in these hard times.
Kadir: Let’s start.
Cobra: Ok… One, two, three votes are not enough; let it be four, five or six. Let Cobra Ahmet to become a headman, and let our neighborhood get good services. Tomorrow everyone come to vote and vote for Cobra. Tsssss. Ok, let me see it. It is recorded. Now we will send it to everyone.
Kadir: In no time?
Cobra: In no time.
Levent: We will be so happy, I will love you so much, believe me, and you will become very happy. But you have to be patient a bit. I mean, let us get out of this album issue, and then you can attend any course you want, whatever you want. But I ask you, please, I beg you, concentrate only on your work these days. Is it OK? All these dark clouds will clear away one day.
Hasret: I was wearing it that night when we danced.
Nakiye: There were only 5 men in our class. Can it be one of them?
Ceren: I think the one who knows you so closely, who has kept your Pink Panther for years should be someone either from your neighborhood, or from you school. Tell me a name and we will search.
Nakiye: Ahmet Kavuk. I hope it is not him.
Ceren: Why?
Nakiye: I don’t like it. Nakiye Kavuk. As if you say Nakiye Tavuk (tavuk means “a hen” ).
Ceren: Look, what she is thinking about… As if everything got completed, you have got acquainted, got along, got married and the only problem left is your surname. Ah...
Nakiye: What happened?
Ceren: we have forgotten to put your photo. Do you have a photo?
Nakiye: I have one in my bag, suitable for a document.
Ceren: No, we need it in the computer.
Nakiye: In the computer? But how?
Ceren: Are you ready?
Nakiye: I am. Let me see. No, it is not good. I have frowned a lot. Take a photo again. One minute. Let me see. No, it is not good again. I have smiled a lot this time.
Ceren: Let me take the photos, and then you will see them all at once.
Nakiye: Is it possible?
Ceren: Yes.
Nakiye: Then you take about 10-15 photos, then we will choose among them. But take it beautifully.
Levent: I’m waiting for news from you. Let us have a meeting in near future. Ok, I’ll call you later.
Murat: You owe an explanation to me.
Levent: I owe nothing to you.
Murat: You cannot take my student’s hand and make her go out of my class. Did you get it?
Levent: Maybe Hasret is your student. But she is my fiancée. And she is my artist at the same time. Did you get it? It concerns only me where she will go and what she will do.
Murat: Maybe you are her fiancé. But you must respect Hasret’s decisions. She can go wherever she wants, and she can do whatever she wants. You have no right to interfere in her decisions in such a way.
Levent: And you have no right to interfere in our life. I know it well what I’m doing.
Murat: The only thing you know is upsetting Hasret.
Levent: Is it you to say that? Come to yourself. Come to yourself. Now, listen to me attentively. I am the only one to make Hasret happy. And I will permit no one to come between us. If someone attempts to do it, I mean if someone tries to come between us, he will have to bear the full consequences.
Murat: Do you love Hasret much?
Levent: Yes, I love her so madly that believe me I can do everything.
Murat: Well, but does Hasret love you?
Levent: Yes, you will understand it in time.
Murat: That is not the answer to my question. Do you know Van Gogh’s story. In one of his letters to his brother Teo he says he has fallen in love with a woman. Her name is Kee. But Kee doesn’t love Van Gogh in response. One day he goes to the woman’s house to see her, but Kee doesn’t come to see him. And he holds his hand over the candle and starts waiting until his hand burns. But the woman insists on not coming. Then he tells about this story to his brother Teo and writes: “I will love her so long time that finally she will also love me”. But Van Gogh was mistaken. Kee never loved him, and never got married with him.
Saime: Ah, my daughter, you do know this man’s temper. If he says don’t go, then don’t go.
Hasret: So do you think he is right?
Saime: No, he is not. His behavior is very unpleasant. But you cannot know it. Maybe he had got angry at something else, and then he came and vented his spleen on you.
Hasret: He was not like the Levent I knew. Another person came out of him.
Saime: Calm down now. It happened anyway. Don’t touch each other for a while. Let some time pass. I think Levent will understand his mistake in time. Then you will have a talk calmly, and then you will say what you want to say to each other.
Hasret: You are right. It is better to talk calmly.
Gulnaz: My back is aching much.
Kadriye: Maybe the twins are heavy.
Gulnaz: And Cobra doesn’t take me to a doctor. What is that? Look, he has climbed on potatoes. Look.
Cobra: Dear neighborhood people, one vote is not enough, please let it be 5-6 votes and let Cobra Ahmet become a headman. And let this neighborhood get good services.
People: Bravo.
Cobra: What happened, my flower? Are you going to buy potatoes?
Kadriye: Come on, climb up.
Balcicek: What is going on? Why are you climbing up here?
Gulnaz: That is enough. All poems, songs, everything is finished.
Cobra: One minute, I have got democratic rights in this country. You can take my microphone, but you can’t mute me.
Gulnaz: See, I can mute you. Now everyone go home. You silly guy, look at your watches, it is already prohibition time for the elections. Come on.
Kadriye: Girl, give me three kilos of potato.
Cobra: Let me give it.
Kadriye: Give me big ones, like this.
Cobra: Is it OK?
Kadriye: No that is small. Give me bigger ones.
Balcicek: And give three kilos, too.
Nakiye: I’m coming. Hah, you know what happened today. I got a parcel today.
Murat: Nakiye, let’s talk later.
Nesrin: What is wrong with him?
Nakiye: I don’t know. But he seems very angry.
Nesrin: I wonder if he has argued with Ceren. Let me see.
Ethem: Wait, let him calm down. You can talk later.
Nesrin: Ok then. Where is Ceren?
Nakiye: Upstairs.
Nesrin: Well then, they will talk and solve it.
Cobra: So, three and two, that means the game is over. As I won the game you will vote for me tomorrow.
Man: Let us wait for tomorrow, I’ll vote for you.
Cobra: Do you promise it?
Man: Yes I do.
Cobra: Now, you can eat and listen to me at the same time, if I become a headman, you will have a dinner for free here once a week.
Jafer: Cobra, it is prohibition time already, you cannot make a speech like this.
Cobra: What prohibition? In the period of my headmanship all the prohibitions will be cancelled. You cannot frustrate me with prohibitions.
People: Bravo.
Boys: Brother Cobra, come here.
Cobra: why are you so late?
Hasan: we just finished it…
Cobra: So, tell me…
Veysi: The final result is – Cobra 103, Gulnaz 105.
Cobra: So we are matching.
Hasan: Yes, just one vote is so valuable.
Cobra: You are right. Here is your money.
Boys: See you.
Cobra: I have to find a way to outscore. Think up some craftiness.
Kadir: Again advertising messages. What are you doing?
Cobra: Come with me, Kadir.
Kadir: Where? What are you going to do?
Ceren: So what about Hasret now?
Murat: She will either live according to Levent’s rules or make a decision.
Ceren: So, will she break up with Levent? I think it is not an easy decision.
Murat: why? Didn’t you say Hasret was in love with me and didn’t love Levent?
Ceren: I did, but it is obvious she still appreciates Levent. And she knows Levent loves her. Though she seems strong, but she is very sentimental. I think she would never like to hurt Levent.
Murat: In other words?
Ceren: In other words, everything depends on Hasret’s decision.
Murat: I did say the same.
Ceren: Ok, don’t get angry, I’m just saying it will be a hard decision.
Levent: I came here to beg your pardon. I acted unpleasantly today, humiliated you before your schoolmates. I can apologize for this every day till the end of my life. You know me, I don’t like shouting and screaming. And I would never like even to lift up my voice, not to say about shouting at you. You are the woman whom I love, whom I love madly. Sometimes something happens and I become not able to control myself. But I promise you. It will happen never again. I want to have a peaceful relationship free of fights. I dream about a nice future together with you.
Hasret: Levent…
Levent: Shhhsst, I haven’t finished yet. You know, I saw a summer house today, somewhere in the south, and I thought maybe we can move there after some time and live there. There are very nice trees - olive, pomegranate, orange. And I thought – why not? Why not? But don’t worry, we will not live there forever, we can go anywhere you want, Rome, Paris, London, wherever you want.
Cobra: We must make use of any kind of technology in these hard times.
Kadir: Let’s start.
Cobra: Ok… One, two, three votes are not enough; let it be four, five or six. Let Cobra Ahmet to become a headman, and let our neighborhood get good services. Tomorrow everyone come to vote and vote for Cobra. Tsssss. Ok, let me see it. It is recorded. Now we will send it to everyone.
Kadir: In no time?
Cobra: In no time.
Levent: We will be so happy, I will love you so much, believe me, and you will become very happy. But you have to be patient a bit. I mean, let us get out of this album issue, and then you can attend any course you want, whatever you want. But I ask you, please, I beg you, concentrate only on your work these days. Is it OK? All these dark clouds will clear away one day.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Buna seara incep 3.
iulianagl- moderator
- Mesaje : 39433
Data de inscriere : 02/03/2010
Varsta : 54
Localizare : Romania
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
si eu, sa nu fii singura! [/quote]Geta a scris:
Si eu ,si eu ( de pe lumea cealalta o sa ma distrez uitandu-ma la voi) .Dar propun sa-l inghetzam pe Basescu pana atunci.[/quote]
Vai de mine!
Si atunci sa-l vedem???
Mai bine renunt. Va las pe voi, eu plec pe Marte....
Luana- vip
- Mesaje : 1301
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 65
Localizare : Romania
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Merge ingrozitor netul. M-am chinuit sa vad un ep. din Anatomia lui Grey, dar mai departe s-a blocat serverul. A spus ca e supraincarcat.
Si la voi intru tare greu.
Este teroare duminica seara, parca toata populatia globului sta gramada la PC....
Si la voi intru tare greu.
Este teroare duminica seara, parca toata populatia globului sta gramada la PC....
Luana- vip
- Mesaje : 1301
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Varsta : 65
Localizare : Romania
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
bine v-am gasit,o seara buna i-o fi intrat prajitura Hasretei printre dinti
florica- vip
- Mesaje : 7684
Data de inscriere : 27/05/2010
Varsta : 69
Localizare : oradea
florica- vip
- Mesaje : 7684
Data de inscriere : 27/05/2010
Varsta : 69
Localizare : oradea
florica- vip
- Mesaje : 7684
Data de inscriere : 27/05/2010
Varsta : 69
Localizare : oradea
florica- vip
- Mesaje : 7684
Data de inscriere : 27/05/2010
Varsta : 69
Localizare : oradea
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
buna seara,doamnelor!...frumoase poze ne-ai adus,Flori- in ultima Cancel o suna pe Tuba?...fetelor intru f.greu pe forum...Iuliana- multumesc frumos py.traduceri...stie sa vorbeasca Levent cind isi cere scuze- Hasret nu are voie sa spuna nimic, doar sa asculte- poate sa o duca oriunde in lume numai sa fie departe de Murat...cine stie poate chiar reuseste...
Ultima editare efectuata de catre Garo in Dum 27 Feb 2011, 8:59 pm, editata de 1 ori (Motiv : completare)
Garo- vip
- Mesaje : 1155
Data de inscriere : 13/07/2010
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Dana, saru mana de ezel
e trist, saracu, ca-l amageste scandura aia de eysan
si deh e prima lui iubire, asa ca-l iert
Florico, nici nu mi=am imaginat ca sunt taitei
la mine taietii arata altfel, aia erau ca niste viermisori
e trist, saracu, ca-l amageste scandura aia de eysan
si deh e prima lui iubire, asa ca-l iert
Florico, nici nu mi=am imaginat ca sunt taitei
la mine taietii arata altfel, aia erau ca niste viermisori
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
Iata citeva instructiuni REALE de pe ambalajele unor produse aflate actualmente pe piata.
Pe brosura unui uscator de par Rowenta :
A nu se utiliza in timp ce dormiti.
(La naiba, da’ numa atunci am timp sa ma ocup de parul meu !)
Pe o punga de chipsuri Fritos :
Puteti fi un castigator ! Nu e necesar sa cumparati. Detalii in interior.
(Asta probabil e o invitatie sa ciordesti pachetul)
Pe un sapun Dial :
Mod de folosire – A se utiliza ca un sapun obisnuit.
(Zaaaau? ….. adica cum ?)
Pe unele produse congelate Swanson :
Sugestii de preparare – Decongelati.
(Dar e doar o sugestie)
Pe punga unei casti de par pentru baie, dintr-un hotel de 4 stele :
Se pune pe cap.
(Awwww, shiiiit !)
Pe fundul unei cutiii de Tiramisu marca ItalGelato :
Nu rasturnati cutia.
(Prea tarziu, ati pierdut !)
Pe o budinca semipreparat Dr Oetker :
Acest produs va fi cald o data reincalzit.
(Sunteti sigur ???)
Pe cutia unui fier de calcat Rowenta ( loveste din nou) :
Nu calcati hainele direct pe corp !
(Da, dar as economisi o groaza de timp…)
Pe o sticla de sirop contra tusei pentru copii marca GlaxoWelcome:
Nu conduceti automobilul ! Nu operati masini grele !
(Ar trebui sa le mai interzica copiilor si sa aiba menopauza, si s-a acoperit cam tot)
Pe o sticla de Nytol (somnifer) :
Atentie: Poate produce somnolenta.
(Pe buneeee ?!?)
Pe cutia unui set de beculete de pom chinezesti :
A se utiliza numai in interior sau exterior.
(Deci, sa fie clar, cine le utilizeaza sub apa sau in cosmos pierde garantia !)
Pe manualul unui robot de bucatarie japonez :
A nu se folosi in alte scopuri.
(Hmmmm, asta ma face tare curios…)
Pe o cutie de arahide Sainsbury :
Atentie -contine arahide.
(Poate explodeaza …….)
Pe o punga de arahide de la o cursa aeriana:
Instructiuni: deschideti punga, mancati arahidele.
(Chiar, nu invers ?)
Pe manualul unei drujbe Husqvarna :
Nu incercati sa opriti lantul cu mana sau alte organe.
(Aaaaa, asta o fi fost modelul Lorena Bobbit !)
Pe un costum de Superman pentru copii :
Acest costum nu va permite sa zburati.
(Da’ ce, altele iti permit ?)
Pe o periuta de dinti oferita gratuit la un cabinet stomatologic :
Utilizati partea cu peri de plastic.
(Pe bune !!!)
Pe brosura unui uscator de par Rowenta :
A nu se utiliza in timp ce dormiti.
(La naiba, da’ numa atunci am timp sa ma ocup de parul meu !)
Pe o punga de chipsuri Fritos :
Puteti fi un castigator ! Nu e necesar sa cumparati. Detalii in interior.
(Asta probabil e o invitatie sa ciordesti pachetul)
Pe un sapun Dial :
Mod de folosire – A se utiliza ca un sapun obisnuit.
(Zaaaau? ….. adica cum ?)
Pe unele produse congelate Swanson :
Sugestii de preparare – Decongelati.
(Dar e doar o sugestie)
Pe punga unei casti de par pentru baie, dintr-un hotel de 4 stele :
Se pune pe cap.
(Awwww, shiiiit !)
Pe fundul unei cutiii de Tiramisu marca ItalGelato :
Nu rasturnati cutia.
(Prea tarziu, ati pierdut !)
Pe o budinca semipreparat Dr Oetker :
Acest produs va fi cald o data reincalzit.
(Sunteti sigur ???)
Pe cutia unui fier de calcat Rowenta ( loveste din nou) :
Nu calcati hainele direct pe corp !
(Da, dar as economisi o groaza de timp…)
Pe o sticla de sirop contra tusei pentru copii marca GlaxoWelcome:
Nu conduceti automobilul ! Nu operati masini grele !
(Ar trebui sa le mai interzica copiilor si sa aiba menopauza, si s-a acoperit cam tot)
Pe o sticla de Nytol (somnifer) :
Atentie: Poate produce somnolenta.
(Pe buneeee ?!?)
Pe cutia unui set de beculete de pom chinezesti :
A se utiliza numai in interior sau exterior.
(Deci, sa fie clar, cine le utilizeaza sub apa sau in cosmos pierde garantia !)
Pe manualul unui robot de bucatarie japonez :
A nu se folosi in alte scopuri.
(Hmmmm, asta ma face tare curios…)
Pe o cutie de arahide Sainsbury :
Atentie -contine arahide.
(Poate explodeaza …….)
Pe o punga de arahide de la o cursa aeriana:
Instructiuni: deschideti punga, mancati arahidele.
(Chiar, nu invers ?)
Pe manualul unei drujbe Husqvarna :
Nu incercati sa opriti lantul cu mana sau alte organe.
(Aaaaa, asta o fi fost modelul Lorena Bobbit !)
Pe un costum de Superman pentru copii :
Acest costum nu va permite sa zburati.
(Da’ ce, altele iti permit ?)
Pe o periuta de dinti oferita gratuit la un cabinet stomatologic :
Utilizati partea cu peri de plastic.
(Pe bune !!!)
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
nu stiu ce erau dar eu am zis sa ii fi comparat macar cu taietei nu cum ai zis tuaxxa246 a scris:Dana, saru mana de ezel
e trist, saracu, ca-l amageste scandura aia de eysan
si deh e prima lui iubire, asa ca-l iert
Florico, nici nu mi=am imaginat ca sunt taitei
la mine taietii arata altfel, aia erau ca niste viermisori
florica- vip
- Mesaje : 7684
Data de inscriere : 27/05/2010
Varsta : 69
Localizare : oradea
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
asta eraflorica a scris:
Axxa sper sa-ti placa .
ce e asta?
e de dulce, adica e praji?
am o pofta de praji, mama mama!
as manca un ecler si alta praji cu crema asa....
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
interesante instructiuni!!!!!!!!!!!Puffy
florica- vip
- Mesaje : 7684
Data de inscriere : 27/05/2010
Varsta : 69
Localizare : oradea
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
uite Axxa ecler ai vrut ,ecler ti-am adus ,si cealalta era prajitura cred ca era cu branza
florica- vip
- Mesaje : 7684
Data de inscriere : 27/05/2010
Varsta : 69
Localizare : oradea
Re: 45. Gönülçelen -Inima furata - Heart Stealer - General Discussions - Comentarii
ce bine arata
ce bune or fi!!!!
miam miam!!
ce bine arata
ce bune or fi!!!!
miam miam!!
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