2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Pbucket

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Pbucket
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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de Motzişor Mier 03 Mar 2010, 1:34 am

Dragă Denisa, sunteţi nemaipomenite, mulţumesc. Eu când am văzut că pe Hunili a apărut, nu am mai verificat dacă sunteţi şi voi cu ochii pe ele am sărit la treabă. Mulţumesc mult! Acum voi merge la somn şi de mâine dimineaţă mă apuc şi eu de muncă, alături de voi, ca de obicei. O veste bună: de mâine sper să încep încărcarea episoadelor întregi pe net, probabil pe Megaupload şi nu numai pe Megaupload, cu ajutorul unui fan Asi, sperăm că am găsit varianta video care să poată fi vizualizată pe orice computer, dar mai ales pe orice tip de DVD Player. Am reuşit să creem o variantă subtitrată ca toată lumea să beneficieze de copia iniţială a turcului care ne pune episodul la dispoziţie pe net în condiţii excelente. Evident am mai corectat un pic subtitrarea la episodul 1 care va apărea mâine, şi pas cu pas pe voi încărca şi restul episoadelor. Fug la somn, noapte bună! Sleep

Mesaje : 1616
Data de inscriere : 17/01/2010

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Empty ask ve ceza

Mesaj Scris de rodica Mier 03 Mar 2010, 8:11 am

pissycutz a scris:
rodica a scris:Noapte buna. Incepe sa fie interesant! indragostit
Noapte buna? Ai decis armele pana cand ma faci sa astept? Question Tu si Ahmed Moran pui rabdarea la incercare Smile

Buna dimineata ,sa ai o zi minunata ! Nu am depus armele, pe Murat nu-l cedez usor.Cat despre arme ma gandesc sa ne duelam idei Incepe sa-mi placa serialul. Inceputul serialului a fost monoton pentru ca au incercat sa ne introduca in atmosfera din regiune, sa ne arate obiceiurile,traditiile si mentalitatile diferite de la o regiune la alta. Turcii sunt foarte diferit. o simpla parere.

Mesaje : 848
Data de inscriere : 20/01/2010
Varsta : 67

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Mier 03 Mar 2010, 8:42 am



Savas: Come on, Ahmet Moron. Just shoot me. And let’s shed blood again. Cicek is my wife by law. I have her responsibility. Go now!
Ahmet: If she is your wife, then do what needs to be done, Savas Baldar. Clean your honor or..
Savas: I am sure about my honor, Ahmet Moran. You can’t say a word about my honor! And you can’t even touch Cicek! Did you get it?
Ahmet: You ruined the order, gather your mind! You are not bigger than the order that’s been going on for a thousand year.
Savas: Check the calendar, Ahmet Moran. What year are in?
Ahmet: It doesn’t say like that in my calendar. This will not be over.
Savas: We’ll see!
Ahmet: We’re leaving.
Yas coming home and crying…
Nuris: Are they meeting tonight?
Leyla: She said so. She called me before leaving home.
Nuris: Where?
Leyla: At a fancy restaurant.
Nuris: Good, good. Let’s hope the best.
Phone rings..
Leyla: It’s Yasemin.
Nuris: Why?
Leyla: Yasemin?
Yas: Mom, could you please turn on the computer?
Leyla: What happened, daughter? You were going to dinner?
Yas: Mom, please turn on the computer.
Leyla: She is crying!
Nuris: Why?
YAs: Mom?
Leyla: Yasemin, what happened, my dear? Just tell me.
Yas: Mom.
Leyla: My daughter, please say it, or I’ll have a stroke.
Yas: Savas didn’t show up. He didn’t show up at our first date. I sat in that restaurant alone for half an hour.
Leyla: Did he not call to say why he couldn’t come?
Yas: No!
Leyla: Why didn’t you call him, then?
Yas: Why me? Shouldn’t he be the one calling?
Leyla: My dear, maybe he has a reason.
Yas: What reason, mom? What kind of a reason he could have? Savas is also just like the others. He has no difference!
Savas: Cicek! Cicek!
Sahnur: Savas, my son, stop.
Savas: Cicek!
Cicek: Give me back to my father, Savas. Let them kill me and throw my body away. And we all will be saved! You have no peace left because of me.
Savas: What kind of a talk is this? What’s that mean?
Cicek: I am scared that something bad will happen to you, don’t you get it? If something happens to you ecause of me..
Savas: Shushhh. I don’t want to hear these ever again. you are a member of this family. If something happens to you, I’ll never forgive myself. Come on, don’t cry anymore..
Leyla: Don’t cry, Yasemin. Don’t upset yourself.
Yas: Ok, mom. Don’t worry, I am better now.
Leyla: Pull yourself together, it’s not worth crying.
Yas: Ok, I am hanging up now.
Nuris: Leyla, if he is not showing up after all the time he has been after her, something important must have happened. He sure must have an explanation. He will call Yasi tomorrow.
Leyla: I don’t know, Nuris, but I am upset, too.
Nuris: You are right but..
Leyla: When she said he is company owner, I didn’t like that.
Nuris: Why?
Leyla: I don’t know. He is supposedly very rich. But a very rich man wouldn’t give enough value to my daughter. He must have been used to fooling around with women.
Nuris: You get your share from Yasemin’s feeling of insecurity. You are pushing it too hard.
Leyla: I don’t know. Maybe..But I don’t want Yasemin to get hurt over again. I don’t!
Yas: Who is it?
Sevgi: Me, Sevgi.
Yas: Sevgi?
Sevgi: Where have you been You left the agency suddenly, and your phone is off.
Yas: Come in.
Sevgi: Yasemin, what’s up with you?
Yas: Nothing.
Sevgi: Something happened?
Yas: No. (she starts crying) I sat there alone and waited for him for half an hour. But he didn’t come, didn’t come..
Sevgi: Yasemin, who are you talking about? What’s going on?
Yas: I was going to meet with Savas Baldar.

Sahnur: I had Ismail follow her. I told him to take pictures if he saw her with other men. My intention was to see if there was something wrong, Savas should know about it, and do something, so there wouldn’t be any bad words around about us.
Pala: Did you show them to Ssavas?
Sahnur: I did!
Pala: What did he say?
Sahnur: He said “What’s wrong with this? The girl is college student, and the one in the picture is her friend.”
Pala: He must know something. What happened then?
Sahnur: Nothing. I told Ismail to delete those pictures. But he didn’t. God saved us, Pala. What if the blood feud had started again? What if They had killed one of us? What would we do? Where are you going?
Pala: Ismail! Come here? What are you? Enemy of honor!
Ismail: Agam, please, I didn’t do anything.
Pala: You didn’t, huh? Shall I pull the trigger now? Answer me? Why did you do that? Why?
Endam: He will kill him. GO and tell him.
Suna: What’s there to tell?
Pala: Tell me! Shall I pull the trigger now?
Endam: You sent those pics to Van
Suna: What?
Ismail: Please! I didn’t do anything.
Pala: My hands are clean. There is no blood on my hands. I won’t dirty my hands with your blood! Get the hell out of here! Go to Van! But the news that Ismail betrayed us all will go there before you do. They won’t let you live!
Ismail: Agam, please.
Pala: Get the hell out of here.
Ismail: Agam, please, listen.
Pala: Get the hell out of here!

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Mier 03 Mar 2010, 8:43 am


Endam: Ismail! Ismail! Get up! Look at you! You lip!
Ismail: I didn’t do it. Take and look at it yourself.
Suna deletes the messages in her phone.
Pala: I committed so many sins, so many. After all, I am just a human. I’ll answer to all in the hereafter. But thanks God, I didn’t take any lives!
Savas: You did, uncle, you did!
Pala: I didn’t, my son!
Savas: You can’t know how many lives you took with the drugs you sold!
Sahnur: Is this our matter now, Savas! Tonight blood was almost shed! Is this our matter now?
Savas: Yes, it is! Don’t you get it, mom? The matter is the big money coming from the drug business! Tradition is just an excuse! Cicek is just an excuse! The order is ruined now. The money is not flowing anymore. This is Ahmet Moran’s real deal! You covered the whole tribe in drugs from top to toe. Now it’s my turn to clean them all.
Pala: What are you trying to do?
Savas: It won’t go like this, uncle. Arrange a meeting for me. I will talk to Ahmet Moran. If he has any humanity left inside, we’ll have a talk.
Pala: Who will be there?
Savas: Morans, you and me. Keep the security strong. We can’t trust that man.
Pala: I’ll arrange it tomorrow.
Savas: Uncle, don’t fool yourself saying your hands are clean. Be on my side, stand by me, at least you will clean you conscious.
Sahnur: You did nothing, Pala. Pull yourself together!
Pala: Sister, he is right.
Sahnur: Cigarette is also killing man. So if you had sold cigarettes, would you still be a killer?
Savas calls Yasemin, but her phone is off.
Endam: Don’t deny it, Suna. I saw you talking in the garden in the middle of the night.
Suna: It’s a sin to slander someone.
Endam: But Ismail was sending something to you over with his phone.
Suna: Take and look at it yourself. See if something like that is there.
Endam: You already deleted the pics, right? I will tell Sahnur ana.
Suna: What will you tell? They were talking in the middle of the night and Ismail had his phone in his hand? He is the one taking the pics, he is the one sending them. It is so obvious!
Endam: Ismail wouldn’t do such a thing!
Suna: Seems like he already did! Endam, don’t mess with me, or else I’ll harm you. Who do you think you are?
Sevgi: So, tell me the rest. You met in Bodrum. Then?
Yas: We went out for a week. Then I couldn’t trust him and we separated. But he found me again.
Sevgi: Did you sleep together?
Yas: What? I said I didn’t trust him. See I was just right.
Sevgi: Is that all?
Yas: That’s all.
Sevgi: But you are in love with Savas.
Yas: I am not.
Sevgi: Ok, let’s say so. I would give anything to be in your age!
Yas: Oh, please, don’t talk like you are old. You are young woman.
Sevgi: Nothing to with youth. If I were in your age, I wouldn’t do the mistakes I did so far.
Yas: What mistakes?
Sevgi: I loved Bora. What more do you want?
Yas: He upset you so much.
Sevgi: He didn’t just upset me, he stole my whole life.
Yas: So I am not the only victim.
Sevgi: Only one? Any woman you ask will tell you a broken love story.
Nadya: Is it still off?
Savas: Yes, it is. She is not turning it on.
Nadya: Go to her house!
Savas: I don’t know where she lives.
Nadya: Oh, my dear.
Savas: I’ll go crazy. On the one side, there is a situation of life and death, Ahmet Moran’s gone mad; on the other side, Yasemin is sitting waiting for me. She is right, I told her to trust me, I wasn’t like any other, but look where I am.
Nadya: You’ll fix it, Savas, don’t upset yourself this much.
Cem calls..
Nadya: Cem, my dear.
Cem: My love, I missed you. What are you doing?
Nadya: Savas came here, we are just sitting together.
Cem: Savas? Why did he come?
Nadya: He is a little bit upset.
Savas: Tell him to come here. It’s enough working.
Nadya: He tells you to come. Come up, you too come here.
Cem: I can’t. It’s crowded here.
Nadya: We are here, come whenever you want, ok?
Cem: Ok. Say hi.
Yas: Mom, he is laughing.
Leyla: Of course, he is. We’ll eat our food now.
Yas: My son, my only. Thanks God, there is you. You are joy of my life.
Leyla: You are better now, dear, right?
Yas: I am better, mom. Don’t worry.
Savas takes the gun with him.
Cicek: I’ll be late.
Endam: What? Will you go to school?
Cicek: There is nothing more important than my school for me. Of course, I will.
Savas: You will not go to school today, Cicek.
Cicek: Why? But Savas, today..
Savas: I said you won’t go. Sister, you are not leaving home, too. Today, service men from security company will come. To put up more cameras around the home. Our men will also be on duty. Nobody leaves home unless there is a sickness or something.
Sahnur: Nazan may go out. In our tradition nobody will point a gun to woman.
Savas: They did it to Cicek.
Sahnur: That’s something different. That’s a matter of honor.
Savas: Mom, don’t drive me crazy. If I say no going out, then don’t!
Nazan: Ok, Mom, he is right. Why would he put us in danger?
Sahnur: Ok, till when will we be trapped in the house?
Savas: Untill Ahmet Moran thinks straight.
Mustafa: Am I also not going to school?
Savas: No. I don’t think that you will be upset about that, Mustafa. Come on, let’s start eating. Don’t make Baran sense anything, don’t let him get scared.
Nazan: Ok.
Savas: Ahmet Moran is blind with rage. He is meaning either drug business or blood feud. Cicek, excuse me, he is your dad, but… All I want from you is just be carefull until everything settles down.


Esref: This door will not be opened for anybody. Don't listen anyone saying he brought an order, or who comes from hometown.

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Mier 03 Mar 2010, 8:43 am

Buna dimineata kiss

Eu incep partea I

Lucreaza cineva la partea a II a?
Astept 5 minute si daca nu primesc raspuns incep eu. kiss

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de andradamaria Mier 03 Mar 2010, 10:06 am

buna dimineata,

Yasomiei ii lipseste naturaletea, dupa parerea mea ,acea naturalete care ne-a fascinat in jocul actorilor turci, parca si-a pus in fata un ecran de ptotectie, dar nu-i de mirare la cat de fermecator este Murat , pana si pentru noi cele dincoace de ecrane, monitoare etc.. daca se sparge ecranul atunci ce naiba o sa se intimple!?!

Nu-mi place cealalta floare, si nici dragostea ei pentru Savas, parca seamana ,nu stiu...a incest.
Devine insa interesanta relatia Nadia -Savas din perspectiva lui Cem,oare doar el constientizeaza pericolul de-a fi ceva mai mult decat o prietenie?

Ma topesc dupa chipul lui Murat atunci cand este in pezenta copiilor,si abia astept saptamana viitoare,pana atunci multe multumiri tuturor celor care participa la realizarea episoadelor SUBTITRATE ROMANESTE .

Mesaje : 3150
Data de inscriere : 20/01/2010

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Mesaj Scris de Motzişor Mier 03 Mar 2010, 10:08 am

Bună dimineaţa hărnicuţo, ne-a crescut echipa, he-he, la playlist şi pe contul nostru Aşk n-am uitat pe nimeni, iar ţie îţi mulţumesc pentru noul membru care ne ajută la prelucrarea video meseriaşă şi încărcarea episoadelor întregi pe Megaupload. O zi bună! inima

Mesaje : 1616
Data de inscriere : 17/01/2010

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Mier 03 Mar 2010, 10:17 am

Motzişor a scris:Bună dimineaţa hărnicuţo, ne-a crescut echipa, he-he, la playlist şi pe contul nostru Aşk n-am uitat pe nimeni, iar ţie îţi mulţumesc pentru noul membru care ne ajută la prelucrarea video meseriaşă şi încărcarea episoadelor întregi pe Megaupload. O zi bună! inima
Uite o Motata care s-a hotarat sa ne scrie Question
Daca mesajul era pentru mine sa stii ca nu recunosc nimic confused Nu stiu despre vorbesti 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 819220
Am vazut ca azi-noapte nu ai avut somn si te-ai apucat de subtitrari ... BRAVO!!!! O zi buna si tie!

2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 517793 mustaciosi

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Mier 03 Mar 2010, 10:17 am

Gata am inceput partea II

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Mier 03 Mar 2010, 10:26 am

pissycutz a scris:Gata am inceput partea II
Buna dimi...harnicuto ,ce mai faci?????..gata iti dau si o cafea sa mearga traducerea mai bine kiss....
Vaiiiii!!!!!!! ce nemanierata sunt sa va pun la toate ... 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 433230,

Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Mier 03 Mar 2010, 10:31 am

Admin a scris:
pissycutz a scris:Gata am inceput partea II
Buna dimi...harnicuto ,ce mai faci?????..gata iti dau si o cafea sa mearga traducerea mai bine kiss....
Vaiiiii!!!!!!! ce nemanierata sunt sa va pun la toate ... 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 433230,
Mutumesc de cafea Gata m-am trezit! Sunt apta de traduceri 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 37853

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 03 Mar 2010, 10:51 am

bună !! cucuietelor ce faceţi ??????

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 03 Mar 2010, 10:53 am

am intrat hotărâtă să traduc ceva şi când colo nu am găsit pe hunili decât primele părţi care văd că deja le-aţi tradus.

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Mier 03 Mar 2010, 10:55 am

DENISA a scris:bună !! cucuietelor ce faceţi ??????
hi Navigam..... Smile sper sa nu vina furtuna...

Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

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Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 03 Mar 2010, 11:01 am

Admin a scris:
hi Navigam..... Smile sper sa nu vina furtuna...

să înţeleg că deja sunteţi pe yahtul lui Savaş ??? bravo .......fără mine ?????

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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Mesaj Scris de prytymeu Mier 03 Mar 2010, 11:10 am

DENISA a scris:2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Qqqi

buna dimineata, dragutelor! O cafea ? Sa aveti o zi placuta si insorita! have a nice day floare floare
Imi place faza asta! Aici, chiar par 2 tineri f frumosi si apropiati, care fac glume colegial, fara nici un pic de inhibitii!
Pacat ca mai mult de atat, nu am mai vazut nici in alte filmari cu camera ascunsa si nici in alte fotografii. sad Despre altfel de relatii, dupa 2 ani, cat au petrecut impreuna la filmari, macar colegial nu se intalnesc la o cafea? Mi se pare cusut cu ata alba pe negru. confused 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 92073 ce serial ar fi iesit sa joace amandoi :cei mai iubiti in ask ve ceza! va dati seama? 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 3478558767 Smile
membru activ
membru activ

Mesaje : 192
Data de inscriere : 24/10/2009
Varsta : 65

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Mesaj Scris de prytymeu Mier 03 Mar 2010, 11:15 am

Motzişor a scris:Ba da, fetele au tradus promo-ul iar eu l-am tradus la rândul meu, vizionare plăcută - Traducerea clipului promo din 9 martie: Aşk ve Ceza promo episodul 10 - subtitrat româneşte:
Motzi ,te pupam si te iubim! kiss Esti o vrednicuta! O sa fie din ce in ce mai interesant!
membru activ
membru activ

Mesaje : 192
Data de inscriere : 24/10/2009
Varsta : 65

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de prytymeu Mier 03 Mar 2010, 11:28 am

Denisa, te pup! Esti surprinzatoare! Sa ai o zi placuta , sa ne mai aduci multe poze frumoase si noutati. kiss
membru activ
membru activ

Mesaje : 192
Data de inscriere : 24/10/2009
Varsta : 65

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 03 Mar 2010, 11:34 am

prytymeu a scris:Denisa, te pup! Esti surprinzatoare! Sa ai o zi placuta , sa ne mai aduci multe poze frumoase si noutati.[(

mulţumesc ptr aprecieri .
o melodie care mie îmi place foarte mult


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 03 Mar 2010, 12:05 pm


KANAL D: 19.8

ATV: 19

FOX: 10.1


ATV: 22.4


STAR: 10.9

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Mier 03 Mar 2010, 12:06 pm

DENISA a scris:bună !! cucuietelor ce faceţi ??????
Buna cu intarziere kiss

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

Sus In jos

2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 03 Mar 2010, 12:14 pm

pissycutz a scris:
Buna cu intarziere kiss


Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

Sus In jos

2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de Admin_dea05 Mier 03 Mar 2010, 12:22 pm

DENISA a scris:
Admin a scris:
hi Navigam..... Smile sper sa nu vina furtuna...

să înţeleg că deja sunteţi pe yahtul lui Savaş ??? bravo .......fără mine ?????

te luam si pe tine..dar Suspect ...sssssssssssstttttttttt sa nu mai afle nimeni cupidon sa nu fie ingramadeala mare Smile

Mesaje : 30921
Data de inscriere : 12/09/2009

Sus In jos

2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de DENISA Mier 03 Mar 2010, 12:25 pm

Admin a scris:

te luam si pe tine..dar Suspect ...sssssssssssstttttttttt sa nu mai afle nimeni cupidon sa nu fie ingramadeala mare Smile

staţi niţel că mai am o doleanţă aş vrea să fiu singură cu el , nu de alta dar nu vreau să se fâstâcească când încep să-i " laud " soaţa.

Mesaje : 48949
Data de inscriere : 14/09/2009
Localizare : România

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de pissycutz Mier 03 Mar 2010, 12:27 pm

DENISA a scris:


Arzu is right Savas will not know anytime soon in fact they will play in out for sometime Omer will grow a mustache before Savas knows he is a father.

Pana afla Savas si la ritmul in care creste Omer va dura o vesnicie.


He can go and make love to the beloved necklace rather than touch Çiçek!

Smile Smile Smile mi-a placut asta. E trist pentru Cicek dar asta e realitatea, Savas nu arata nici un interes fata de eA. In episodul de aseara cand o consola pe Cicek a ezitat si a continuat prin a spune "esti un membru al acestei familii" asta spune multe despre sentimentele lui.

Mesaje : 2275
Data de inscriere : 05/10/2009

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2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM - Pagina 29 Empty Re: 2.ASK VE CEZA (dragoste si pedeapsa) -serial turcesc difuzat pe ATV cu MURAT YILDIRIM

Mesaj Scris de Continut sponsorizat

Continut sponsorizat

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