22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
dana sandulescu
Petre Gabriel Nicoleta
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Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
andradamaria a scris:pai aia sunt "adusi"el sa se faca ca-i aduce!
Sa se faca... sa se faca... Eu ce spun? :)
Asta i-mi aminteste de un film de acum... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmulti ani : SEICUL. Cred ca argentinian... Si cu ochii mei de copil l-am vazut un film foarte bun.
Nu stiu cum mi s-ar parea acum... Poate stii la ce film ma refer...
victorelalove- moderator
- Mesaje : 61885
Data de inscriere : 31/03/2011
Varsta : 41
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Nu sunt sigura ca stiu dar si mie mi-a ramas intiparit in memorie un film ,nu stiu cum se numeste dar era cu Frank Langella ,l-am revazut cand eram mare si mi-a placut la fel de mult...actiunea era in Egipt
andradamaria- vip
- Mesaje : 3150
Data de inscriere : 20/01/2010
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Buna printeselor, va pupic
Subject: In delegatie cu secretara
Un director pleaca cu secretara intr o delegatie. Ajunsi la hotel,
pentru a scuti bani la cazare, cere o camera cu un pat. Se cazeaza
si dupa ce raman singuri in camera, ii spune secretarei:
- Doamna, eu pentru ca sunt barbat voi dormi pe jos, dumneavoastra
veti dormi in pat.
- Vai, domnule director, se poate? Suntem oameni maturi cum se poate sa dormiti pe jos, vom dormi in acelasi pat.
- Bine, dar nu va deranjeaza? zise directorul.
- Nu, zise secretara, dar sa stiti ca eu dorm goala.
In prima seara directorul a nadusit, a doua la fel, a treia la fel,
dar nu a facut nimic abtinandu-se din rasputeri..
Au plecat acasa fara a se intampla nimic intre ei si primul lucru pe
care l-a facut directorul cand a ajuns acasa a fost sa se duca la
- Dl psiholog, uite ce s-a intamplat: am fost........., ii povesteste
tot si cere un tratament pentru a se linisti.
Psihologul, dupa ce l-a ascultat atent i-a spus:
- Va duceti acasa si beti 6 galeti cu apa..
- Are vreun efect dl psiholg, ma vindec?
Subject: In delegatie cu secretara
Un director pleaca cu secretara intr o delegatie. Ajunsi la hotel,
pentru a scuti bani la cazare, cere o camera cu un pat. Se cazeaza
si dupa ce raman singuri in camera, ii spune secretarei:
- Doamna, eu pentru ca sunt barbat voi dormi pe jos, dumneavoastra
veti dormi in pat.
- Vai, domnule director, se poate? Suntem oameni maturi cum se poate sa dormiti pe jos, vom dormi in acelasi pat.
- Bine, dar nu va deranjeaza? zise directorul.
- Nu, zise secretara, dar sa stiti ca eu dorm goala.
In prima seara directorul a nadusit, a doua la fel, a treia la fel,
dar nu a facut nimic abtinandu-se din rasputeri..
Au plecat acasa fara a se intampla nimic intre ei si primul lucru pe
care l-a facut directorul cand a ajuns acasa a fost sa se duca la
- Dl psiholog, uite ce s-a intamplat: am fost........., ii povesteste
tot si cere un tratament pentru a se linisti.
Psihologul, dupa ce l-a ascultat atent i-a spus:
- Va duceti acasa si beti 6 galeti cu apa..
- Are vreun efect dl psiholg, ma vindec?
ninnet- vip
- Mesaje : 2304
Data de inscriere : 22/03/2011
Localizare : Bucuresti
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
.ninnet a scris:
andradamaria- vip
- Mesaje : 3150
Data de inscriere : 20/01/2010
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Dragelor... cocktail pt voi
lavy612- vip
- Mesaje : 927
Data de inscriere : 26/01/2011
Varsta : 33
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Andrada şi mie mi-ar place să-l văd în rolul unui prinţ arab dar ancorat bine în lumea modernă.
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Vizionare placuta la ASK ... Sa vedem ce ii mai asteapta..
lavy612- vip
- Mesaje : 927
Data de inscriere : 26/01/2011
Varsta : 33
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
mă inervează că au Özet-ul kilometric
am crezut şi eu că nenea ăla scoate pistoletul şi face risipă pe acolo de Preţios , mă duceam şi eu repede cu făraşul să adun
Aşk ve Ceza 52 .Bölüm Resimleri
am crezut şi eu că nenea ăla scoate pistoletul şi face risipă pe acolo de Preţios , mă duceam şi eu repede cu făraşul să adun
Aşk ve Ceza 52 .Bölüm Resimleri
Ultima editare efectuata de catre DENISA in Lun 11 Apr 2011, 8:41 pm, editata de 2 ori
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Buna seara. O rugaminte de la fanii Askk, ne ajuti si astazi cu traducerea, te rog frumos....
Multumesc frumossss
Buna seara. O rugaminte de la fanii Askk, ne ajuti si astazi cu traducerea, te rog frumos....
Multumesc frumossss
danuza- membru incepator
- Mesaje : 22
Data de inscriere : 26/01/2011
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Yas sees a man come int to the cafe and she warns Savas..
the man takes out a mobile phone from his pocket and calls someone and speaks.
savas realizes Yas is paranoyac now. he says don't be scared.
yas says you are right we are always scared because of the people around us. she says ok lets get back home.
Yavuz acts like he is the best brother of all who thinks about his sister. he says I have no say anymore. It is so sad for me etc.
Çiçek says this is such a bad destiny.
but it is not your fault.
yavuz says it is not a solution but maybe the only solution not to go back to van and marry your cousin would be to stay married with savas.
yas comes back home.
savas says he is sorry for what happened.
leyla says it is not your fault.
leyla says he will bring ömer over and ömer will cheer both of them up.
savas says you are the strongest woman ever. thank you for being here for me.
yas says I get effected easily I guess.
he says no one would have been as strong as you are.
he says your support is so important for me.
I love you.
yas says I love you too so much.
savas and pala are sitting in the office at their home. pala says I think it is a fault for you to give land to the morans.
he says why would we give them land. we are not scared of them.
savas says If I was scared I would have just got yas and my son and I would have moved to another country.
I am not scared. I am doing it for the good of everyone.. for the future of both clans.
Yas and leyla talk. and yas says she cannot shout at us whenever she wants. don't argue with her all the time but you can tell her what you feel. and you do not have to eat and dine and sit with her.
fidan says dinner is ready.
pala asks if sahnur is in the kitchen and fidan says no but she is obviously upset with Pala she cannot even look him in the eye.
savas comes up and says dinner is ready. leyla says she will not eat dinner.
yas says she does not feel like going down either. and savas says this is my house and you are my wife. I want you to come down to dinner just for me please.
sahnur is sitting in her room thinking.
Hakan is driving and listening to a romantic song.. he stops the car and calls çiçek.
he says: I don't know what to say or why I called actually. BUt I just wanted to hear your voice.
he says I know it is hard for you. but can we meet?
çiçek: says you do not know anything about me. I am not a normal person am I? I cannot do whatever I feel like doing like other people.
then she says sorry I am a bit angry and upset.
he says I will accept your apology if you smile.
he says soon you will be free.
and çiçek says I have to close the phone now.Cemal Yavuz's new friend (he is his friend from prison apparently) comes in saying the trucks are being loaded with drugs tomorrow. Yavuz says see we are earning money while savas is dreaming on..
and he says I will make savas pay for my leg..
sahnur is talking to ABBAS and she is moaning about savas giving away land.
sahnur thinks Yas has given the idea to give away land to savas and she blames yas. she tells this to Fidan.
ceyda looks at the photos of herself and pala. she sends a text message to pala. and she says she has a surprize for pala for tomorrow night. and pala writes back ok.
fidan comes to the room and she says good night and she lies down.
savas asks why yas is not sleeping.
and she says how did you know I was not sleeping.
he says I knew because of your breathing. she says I will have some milk. savas says we will drink SALEP ( drink with milk)
and they go out in the middle of the night to drink it.
It overlooks the bridge..
yas says I had not come before.
savas says I used to bring lots of girlfriends here.
and yas punches him.
he says I allways dreamt of someone like you. yas says shall we go back to our room?
savas says yes but we won't be able to sleep.
and yas says I don't think we can sleep either.
savas wakes up says he has to leave. yas says stay with me for a little while longer. he says then I can never leave you.
Bora leaves home for work. and the woman he is having an affair with comes in front of the house. because bora has stopped calling her.
he says he will explain everything to her. and she gets in the car.
Eþref gives news to savas.. and he thinks it is very important news.
savas learns yavuz is smuggling drugs.
he wants yavuz to get caught red handed.
Yas sees a man come int to the cafe and she warns Savas..
the man takes out a mobile phone from his pocket and calls someone and speaks.
savas realizes Yas is paranoyac now. he says don't be scared.
yas says you are right we are always scared because of the people around us. she says ok lets get back home.
Yavuz acts like he is the best brother of all who thinks about his sister. he says I have no say anymore. It is so sad for me etc.
Çiçek says this is such a bad destiny.
but it is not your fault.
yavuz says it is not a solution but maybe the only solution not to go back to van and marry your cousin would be to stay married with savas.
yas comes back home.
savas says he is sorry for what happened.
leyla says it is not your fault.
leyla says he will bring ömer over and ömer will cheer both of them up.
savas says you are the strongest woman ever. thank you for being here for me.
yas says I get effected easily I guess.
he says no one would have been as strong as you are.
he says your support is so important for me.
I love you.
yas says I love you too so much.
savas and pala are sitting in the office at their home. pala says I think it is a fault for you to give land to the morans.
he says why would we give them land. we are not scared of them.
savas says If I was scared I would have just got yas and my son and I would have moved to another country.
I am not scared. I am doing it for the good of everyone.. for the future of both clans.
Yas and leyla talk. and yas says she cannot shout at us whenever she wants. don't argue with her all the time but you can tell her what you feel. and you do not have to eat and dine and sit with her.
fidan says dinner is ready.
pala asks if sahnur is in the kitchen and fidan says no but she is obviously upset with Pala she cannot even look him in the eye.
savas comes up and says dinner is ready. leyla says she will not eat dinner.
yas says she does not feel like going down either. and savas says this is my house and you are my wife. I want you to come down to dinner just for me please.
sahnur is sitting in her room thinking.
Hakan is driving and listening to a romantic song.. he stops the car and calls çiçek.
he says: I don't know what to say or why I called actually. BUt I just wanted to hear your voice.
he says I know it is hard for you. but can we meet?
çiçek: says you do not know anything about me. I am not a normal person am I? I cannot do whatever I feel like doing like other people.
then she says sorry I am a bit angry and upset.
he says I will accept your apology if you smile.
he says soon you will be free.
and çiçek says I have to close the phone now.Cemal Yavuz's new friend (he is his friend from prison apparently) comes in saying the trucks are being loaded with drugs tomorrow. Yavuz says see we are earning money while savas is dreaming on..
and he says I will make savas pay for my leg..
sahnur is talking to ABBAS and she is moaning about savas giving away land.
sahnur thinks Yas has given the idea to give away land to savas and she blames yas. she tells this to Fidan.
ceyda looks at the photos of herself and pala. she sends a text message to pala. and she says she has a surprize for pala for tomorrow night. and pala writes back ok.
fidan comes to the room and she says good night and she lies down.
savas asks why yas is not sleeping.
and she says how did you know I was not sleeping.
he says I knew because of your breathing. she says I will have some milk. savas says we will drink SALEP ( drink with milk)
and they go out in the middle of the night to drink it.
It overlooks the bridge..
yas says I had not come before.
savas says I used to bring lots of girlfriends here.
and yas punches him.
he says I allways dreamt of someone like you. yas says shall we go back to our room?
savas says yes but we won't be able to sleep.
and yas says I don't think we can sleep either.
savas wakes up says he has to leave. yas says stay with me for a little while longer. he says then I can never leave you.
Bora leaves home for work. and the woman he is having an affair with comes in front of the house. because bora has stopped calling her.
he says he will explain everything to her. and she gets in the car.
Eþref gives news to savas.. and he thinks it is very important news.
savas learns yavuz is smuggling drugs.
he wants yavuz to get caught red handed.
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
savas is scared if yavuz is luring him on. and it is a booby trap.
savas and hakan talk about çiçek too. and savas says she does not understand how her brother is evil. and hakan says she is just a good hearted person she cannot understand evil.
fidan is upset and she throws the slippers pala has bought in the bin. beause yoghurt has spilled on them.
sahnur gives notes to Ismail.. and she says it is important to know your workers and be nice to them.
yas comes down says good morning to sahnur. and sahnur replies with a curt good morning.
bora explains to the woman that savas is threatening to kill him so he cannot see her anymore.
bora says we will separate for a little while. but before we do we can have a couple of days vacation together and she says ok.
ceyda and yas talk and ceyda says you may not need money but I need to earn money to live.
pala calls ceyda.
they plan to meet that evening.
Ismail called yavuz and he says sahnur wants to call and talk to ramazan. and apparently he is a rotten lot.
yavuz is wondering what sahnur will be speaking with ramazan.
sahnur calls ramazan and asks him to ask everyone about what they feel if savas gives away the land.
sahnur talks to çiçek and çiçek says I guess you are right. I realized I must think about myself first and before everyone.
savas comes home. he says where is everyone.
yas says everyone is upstairs.
he pulls yas and says have I kissed you here right on this spot before? and yas says you really are crazy. and he says I know I am..
pala and ceyda are having dinner outside.
they are on first name basis now.
fidan is at home crying alone in her bedroom.
ceyda says I am lonely.
everyone thinks I am a strong woman but I am actually a fragile woman..
I do get tired. I do want someone to trust. to lean on. but I never seem to find anyone.
Pala is fooled by her obviously.
bora and nazan are home. bora says he forgot him phone in the car maybe.
and he goes out. and his phone is at home.
and someone calls for a hotel reservation bora has arranged. with his girlfriend. and nazan thinks it is a surprise for her so she accepts the reservation.
pala and ceyda leave the restaurant.
and she says she feels a bit tipsy. she says can we walk for a while.
and she pretends she is cold. pala gives his jacket to her.
ceyda holds pala's cheeks and KISSES HIM!!
savas says he wants to talk about yavuz to pala.
and Ismail hears this.
bora says he is so busy at work.
and nazan says wish we could go somewhere together for a couple of days.
and bora says he is really busy.
Ismail listens in to the conversation between savas and pala and he hears their plan to get yavuz caught with drugs.
çiçek comes to speak with savas.
savas says he will support her when they have a divorce.
he says you can do whatever you want and I will support you. you can even continue living here.
Ismail tells yavuz that he is going to be busted for drugs.
yavuz calls his men and cancels the shipment with drugs.ceyda calls pala. and pala says I have been thinking of you since last night.
I feel like an 18 year old teenager.
ceyda loves this.
savas tells their conversation with çiçek and that he is upset. he says yavuz must be filling her up with rubbish news.
yas says I cannot believe she forgets all the good things you have done for her. she became a teacher with your support.
Yavuz stops ceyda on the road.
sahnur complains to nazan that savas is giving away land to our enemies.
she says talk to your brother and tell him don't give away the land for your children and my baby.
then sahnur feels bad and she says her head was spinning.
Çiçek calls hakan. and she says she is sorry for talking bad to him.
she says everything is complicated in this house. she says she was living in that house like a prison. (bullshit) she says I feel like I am breathing next to you. thank you..
and nazan hears çiçek speaking on the phone.
yavuz wants to use ceyda and ceyda says I will not work for you. I do not understand things like clans or guns. leave me out of this.
Yavuz says they had signed a commercial deal with Yasemin. and he wants indemnity.
eþref calls savas and says the people on the land won't leave their land. (It is sahnur's doing of course)
resit comes and tells this to Yavuz. that people are not giving the land even savas promised to give land.
savas has called ABBAS over. he says he needs his knowledge as he is the oldest in the clan.
savas says he has to speak to resit. and he says THERE IS NO TURNING BACK. My decision is made.
savas and hakan talk about çiçek too. and savas says she does not understand how her brother is evil. and hakan says she is just a good hearted person she cannot understand evil.
fidan is upset and she throws the slippers pala has bought in the bin. beause yoghurt has spilled on them.
sahnur gives notes to Ismail.. and she says it is important to know your workers and be nice to them.
yas comes down says good morning to sahnur. and sahnur replies with a curt good morning.
bora explains to the woman that savas is threatening to kill him so he cannot see her anymore.
bora says we will separate for a little while. but before we do we can have a couple of days vacation together and she says ok.
ceyda and yas talk and ceyda says you may not need money but I need to earn money to live.
pala calls ceyda.
they plan to meet that evening.
Ismail called yavuz and he says sahnur wants to call and talk to ramazan. and apparently he is a rotten lot.
yavuz is wondering what sahnur will be speaking with ramazan.
sahnur calls ramazan and asks him to ask everyone about what they feel if savas gives away the land.
sahnur talks to çiçek and çiçek says I guess you are right. I realized I must think about myself first and before everyone.
savas comes home. he says where is everyone.
yas says everyone is upstairs.
he pulls yas and says have I kissed you here right on this spot before? and yas says you really are crazy. and he says I know I am..
pala and ceyda are having dinner outside.
they are on first name basis now.
fidan is at home crying alone in her bedroom.
ceyda says I am lonely.
everyone thinks I am a strong woman but I am actually a fragile woman..
I do get tired. I do want someone to trust. to lean on. but I never seem to find anyone.
Pala is fooled by her obviously.
bora and nazan are home. bora says he forgot him phone in the car maybe.
and he goes out. and his phone is at home.
and someone calls for a hotel reservation bora has arranged. with his girlfriend. and nazan thinks it is a surprise for her so she accepts the reservation.
pala and ceyda leave the restaurant.
and she says she feels a bit tipsy. she says can we walk for a while.
and she pretends she is cold. pala gives his jacket to her.
ceyda holds pala's cheeks and KISSES HIM!!
savas says he wants to talk about yavuz to pala.
and Ismail hears this.
bora says he is so busy at work.
and nazan says wish we could go somewhere together for a couple of days.
and bora says he is really busy.
Ismail listens in to the conversation between savas and pala and he hears their plan to get yavuz caught with drugs.
çiçek comes to speak with savas.
savas says he will support her when they have a divorce.
he says you can do whatever you want and I will support you. you can even continue living here.
Ismail tells yavuz that he is going to be busted for drugs.
yavuz calls his men and cancels the shipment with drugs.ceyda calls pala. and pala says I have been thinking of you since last night.
I feel like an 18 year old teenager.
ceyda loves this.
savas tells their conversation with çiçek and that he is upset. he says yavuz must be filling her up with rubbish news.
yas says I cannot believe she forgets all the good things you have done for her. she became a teacher with your support.
Yavuz stops ceyda on the road.
sahnur complains to nazan that savas is giving away land to our enemies.
she says talk to your brother and tell him don't give away the land for your children and my baby.
then sahnur feels bad and she says her head was spinning.
Çiçek calls hakan. and she says she is sorry for talking bad to him.
she says everything is complicated in this house. she says she was living in that house like a prison. (bullshit) she says I feel like I am breathing next to you. thank you..
and nazan hears çiçek speaking on the phone.
yavuz wants to use ceyda and ceyda says I will not work for you. I do not understand things like clans or guns. leave me out of this.
Yavuz says they had signed a commercial deal with Yasemin. and he wants indemnity.
eþref calls savas and says the people on the land won't leave their land. (It is sahnur's doing of course)
resit comes and tells this to Yavuz. that people are not giving the land even savas promised to give land.
savas has called ABBAS over. he says he needs his knowledge as he is the oldest in the clan.
savas says he has to speak to resit. and he says THERE IS NO TURNING BACK. My decision is made.
Ultima editare efectuata de catre DENISA in Lun 11 Apr 2011, 9:38 pm, editata de 1 ori
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Hellppp, ce a semnat acolo Yasemin cu Yavuz? actul ala care i l-a aratat lui Ceyda Yavuz. multumesc
Hellppp, ce a semnat acolo Yasemin cu Yavuz? actul ala care i l-a aratat lui Ceyda Yavuz. multumesc
danuza- membru incepator
- Mesaje : 22
Data de inscriere : 26/01/2011
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
a semnat un acord comercial
Ceyda tells about the indemnity to yas. yas says we will pay it and lets get it over with.
and ceyda says lets just finish the job instead and yas says never never..
Resit is waiting for Savas..
he says you came alone. and savas says we are friends we do not need a crowd.
savas says he has given the decision. the land will be given.
resit says even your men do not listen to you.
savas says that land is yours. I will talk to my men. and they will be persuaded.
resit says we will wait.
savas says of course you have to wait this is not easy business.
savas says you can ask me questions but you cannot patronize me.
he leaves.
nazan and fidan are having tea. and fidan telss nazan that she is suspicious of pala having an affair.
nazan says that is impossible. my uncle would not do anything like that. and fidan says don't tell anyone I told you.
fidan says she does not know what to do? should she argue with him? should she ask for divorce after all this time? what can she do?
pala is wondering why the men did not leave the land. and savas says it is obvious who has provoked the men not to leave the land.
leyla says you break everyone's heart and then expect attention and affection. but someday you will be left all alone in this house.
and sahnur says don't you worry yourself. I will never be alone.
sahnur hears ABBAS is invited. but she did not invite him.
yas is with Pelin.
she tells him about the indemnity and she does not want savas to hear at this time. savas woud freak if he hears about this.
nazan tells his brother about how sahnur wanted to persuade her to talk to savas. savas asks if nazan is happy and nazan says she is.
nazan tells savas she heard çiçek talking to someone on the phone. I think there is someone special in her life.
hakan comes home to the Baldar's to speak to savas.
he sees çiçek. he says I cam to speak to savas. she says he is in the study.
hakan comes nazan leaves the room.
Hakan says he has bad news. the trucks are clean. savas says he must have heard that we were going to call the cops. savas realizes çiçek was outside the door and he thinks çiçek is the snitch.
SAHNUR asks why ABBAS was called.
and pala says because the men are not leaving the land. does this have anything to do with you?
abbas is talking with savas and savas knows it must be his mom that provoked the men. he does not tell sahnur he knows.
savas says he is starting a training course for the young people who will work in the factory. so they will keep busy.
YAVUZ is worried because he could not deliver the goods and the buyers will be very angry.
yas is looking at her accounts. savas comes in.
she says she was working. she asks how it went with Abbas.
and then she gives savas a massage.
he asks if there is a problem at the agency. and yas says there is no problem.
savas is talking to çiçek and he says he does not want problems until the divorce.
çiçek says I am not acting problematic.
savas says I am only thinking of you. please be careful with whom you are dating.. stop seeing him for a couple of days until the divorce. he then says whatever we talk in the house should stay in this house.
and çiçek says do you hear what you are saying??
çiçek rushes out and yas stops her. and çiçek says I thought we were having a divorce but he tells me not to see anyone not to go out with anyone..
yas says you are talking weird.
çiçek says you cannot talk to me like that.
I have not divorced savas yet.
stop pressurizing me both of you.
yas says she wants to stay at pelin's house for a few days. she says you can send over any watchmen or bodyguards you want but I want to be alone for a few days.
she leaves leyla and ömer in the house and she says she is going to pelin's house.
savas carries her bag for her.
leyla says say hello to pelin for me.
and ISMAIL hears this.
yas says she really needs to stay away from this house for a couple of days.
savas says call me when you get there.
Ismail calls Yavuz and says yas went to pelin's house. but there are guards to protect her.
Ismail also says savas is meeting RESIT in an hour.
yas tells what is going on about çiçek to Pelin.
yas is angry because çiçek said savas has me followed more than you.
yas thinks she is upset because all her life she was cornered or miserable. she says miserable people are dangerous usually.
SAVAS comes to meet RESIT.
Yas calls Savas and he does not open his phone.
she is worried about him.
HE DOES REALIZE it is trap. the police walk in and arrest him.
ISMAIL comes to the BALDAR house.
Ceyda tells about the indemnity to yas. yas says we will pay it and lets get it over with.
and ceyda says lets just finish the job instead and yas says never never..
Resit is waiting for Savas..
he says you came alone. and savas says we are friends we do not need a crowd.
savas says he has given the decision. the land will be given.
resit says even your men do not listen to you.
savas says that land is yours. I will talk to my men. and they will be persuaded.
resit says we will wait.
savas says of course you have to wait this is not easy business.
savas says you can ask me questions but you cannot patronize me.
he leaves.
nazan and fidan are having tea. and fidan telss nazan that she is suspicious of pala having an affair.
nazan says that is impossible. my uncle would not do anything like that. and fidan says don't tell anyone I told you.
fidan says she does not know what to do? should she argue with him? should she ask for divorce after all this time? what can she do?
pala is wondering why the men did not leave the land. and savas says it is obvious who has provoked the men not to leave the land.
leyla says you break everyone's heart and then expect attention and affection. but someday you will be left all alone in this house.
and sahnur says don't you worry yourself. I will never be alone.
sahnur hears ABBAS is invited. but she did not invite him.
yas is with Pelin.
she tells him about the indemnity and she does not want savas to hear at this time. savas woud freak if he hears about this.
nazan tells his brother about how sahnur wanted to persuade her to talk to savas. savas asks if nazan is happy and nazan says she is.
nazan tells savas she heard çiçek talking to someone on the phone. I think there is someone special in her life.
hakan comes home to the Baldar's to speak to savas.
he sees çiçek. he says I cam to speak to savas. she says he is in the study.
hakan comes nazan leaves the room.
Hakan says he has bad news. the trucks are clean. savas says he must have heard that we were going to call the cops. savas realizes çiçek was outside the door and he thinks çiçek is the snitch.
SAHNUR asks why ABBAS was called.
and pala says because the men are not leaving the land. does this have anything to do with you?
abbas is talking with savas and savas knows it must be his mom that provoked the men. he does not tell sahnur he knows.
savas says he is starting a training course for the young people who will work in the factory. so they will keep busy.
YAVUZ is worried because he could not deliver the goods and the buyers will be very angry.
yas is looking at her accounts. savas comes in.
she says she was working. she asks how it went with Abbas.
and then she gives savas a massage.
he asks if there is a problem at the agency. and yas says there is no problem.
savas is talking to çiçek and he says he does not want problems until the divorce.
çiçek says I am not acting problematic.
savas says I am only thinking of you. please be careful with whom you are dating.. stop seeing him for a couple of days until the divorce. he then says whatever we talk in the house should stay in this house.
and çiçek says do you hear what you are saying??
çiçek rushes out and yas stops her. and çiçek says I thought we were having a divorce but he tells me not to see anyone not to go out with anyone..
yas says you are talking weird.
çiçek says you cannot talk to me like that.
I have not divorced savas yet.
stop pressurizing me both of you.
yas says she wants to stay at pelin's house for a few days. she says you can send over any watchmen or bodyguards you want but I want to be alone for a few days.
she leaves leyla and ömer in the house and she says she is going to pelin's house.
savas carries her bag for her.
leyla says say hello to pelin for me.
and ISMAIL hears this.
yas says she really needs to stay away from this house for a couple of days.
savas says call me when you get there.
Ismail calls Yavuz and says yas went to pelin's house. but there are guards to protect her.
Ismail also says savas is meeting RESIT in an hour.
yas tells what is going on about çiçek to Pelin.
yas is angry because çiçek said savas has me followed more than you.
yas thinks she is upset because all her life she was cornered or miserable. she says miserable people are dangerous usually.
SAVAS comes to meet RESIT.
Yas calls Savas and he does not open his phone.
she is worried about him.
HE DOES REALIZE it is trap. the police walk in and arrest him.
ISMAIL comes to the BALDAR house.
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Gata îl bagă niţel la răcoare pe Savaş
we see savas being taken out of the coffeshop with handcuffs on.
TRAILER: WE SEE SAVAS behind bars and YAS comes and he kisses her forehead from behind the bars.
p.s. don't forget that the person giving the tips said we do not need to worry about savas
we see savas being taken out of the coffeshop with handcuffs on.
TRAILER: WE SEE SAVAS behind bars and YAS comes and he kisses her forehead from behind the bars.
p.s. don't forget that the person giving the tips said we do not need to worry about savas
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Salut fetelor,
bag de seamă că regizorilor la place să-l bage din când în când pe Murat Y în spatele gratiilor - și în Asi, și aici--
bag de seamă că regizorilor la place să-l bage din când în când pe Murat Y în spatele gratiilor - și în Asi, și aici--
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
la voi merg ???
la voi merg ???
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Mutumesc frumos pt traduceri. Noapte buna
Mutumesc frumos pt traduceri. Noapte buna
danuza- membru incepator
- Mesaje : 22
Data de inscriere : 26/01/2011
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
DENISA a scris:http://www.yildiz.tv/?act=dvr&chan=atv
la voi merg ???
doar yildiz, dar cu semnal slab
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
Deni, la mine Yildiz s-a blocat, acum merge, celălalt nu ştiu.DENISA a scris:http://www.yildiz.tv/?act=dvr&chan=atv ... http://www.camturk.com/en/live.asp?iData=306&iCat=291&iChannel=19&nChannel=Tv la voi merg ???
Ţucat, noapte bună, revin când voi avea ceva veşti noi.
Îmi pare rău, dar sunt încă extrem de ocupată.
Ultima editare efectuata de catre Motzişor in Lun 11 Apr 2011, 10:32 pm, editata de 1 ori
Motzişor- vip
- Mesaje : 1616
Data de inscriere : 17/01/2010
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
ce mă inervează ăştia , era semnalul mai bun pe camturk
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
DENISA a scris:http://www.yildiz.tv/?act=dvr&chan=atv
la voi merg ???
nu merg , decat
https://serialesitelenovelet.forumgratuit.ro/post?p=106736&mode=quote , thanks pt traduceri
lavy612- vip
- Mesaje : 927
Data de inscriere : 26/01/2011
Varsta : 33
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
atv-ul merge doar
lavy612- vip
- Mesaje : 927
Data de inscriere : 26/01/2011
Varsta : 33
Localizare : bucuresti
Re: 22. ASK ve CEZA - Dragoste şi pedeapsă -Love & Punishment - General Discussions - Comentarii
doar acesta... http://www.atvavrupa.tv/webtv/videoizle/atv_avrupa/canli_yayin
lavy612- vip
- Mesaje : 927
Data de inscriere : 26/01/2011
Varsta : 33
Localizare : bucuresti
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